It's Time for a Payday [Inactive]

"You know, there are men out there that are more than just targets." Robert consoled her. "You just have to get to know them beyond how much money you can leech from their bank accounts. Maybe I won't be that man for you. But hey, there's always a chance. I'm hesitant to even get attached to you, although you certainly are making it a challenge not to, seeing as once I start caring about someone it means seeing them die in a gunfight is that much harder."

Robert pulled up in front of the repair shop.

"As far as how they're getting along, Marcus seems like a no-nonsense guy. He'll have a plan."

Robert got out of the car and opened Lola's door for her again.

"Here, take them the pizza. I'll be right down with my ammo and your equipment."
"Well, I'll guess we'll just see what happens after the the heist, won't we?" Lola smirked and took the pizzas. "I'm only a bitch to those who deserve it… I'm not sure about you or the others yet." She said before walking towards the shop. "Don't drop my suitcase, or I will kill you. I spent years working on that!" She shouted over her shoulder and opened the door. "Hey guys!" She called as she walked down the stairs. "We're back and brought some food with us. How's it going over here?"
"Just fabulously. We actually decided to rob the bank without you guys, and we're currently swimming in a pool made of cash and hookers! How about you guys?" Marcus yelled in response, still looking over the images and blueprints they had acquired. By now, he had made almost a dozen notes with a red pen. Included were likely guard positions, room labels, and stars on each doorway.

"We even kidnapped the President while we were at it. Maybe we'll let you see him if the pizza is good enough." He added, still shouting.
A loud crash came from the doorway and the three bags of ammo rolled down the stairs. Robert came walking down after them with his saw bag and Lola's duffle in one hand and her two suitcases in the other.

"I heard you kidnapped the Democrat. I've got a bone to pick with him about his military policy." Robert said as he set down Lola's suitcases next to her chair.
Lola smiled and placed the Pizzas on a spare chair since the table was covered with maps. "So, what did we miss?" She asked. "Came up with anything yet?" She grabbed a pizza box and placed in on her lap, before taking out a slice and taking a bit out of it. "Thanks for being careful with my suitcase, Robert." She nodded her head in thanks before turning towards the maps. "You guys sure know your art." She huffed.
"If there was a degree for spoiling maps with our vandalism, we would get top PhD's for sure. Well in any case we seem to have gotten ourselves a process sorted. Marcus being the one who is keeping this together can fully inform you, but in essence its take control of cameras, take cards, steal everything, lock people up and have them nowhere near panic buttons and if we pull that off with stealth go into the second vault. Enforcers stay in the van only come out when we have camera control to keep down civilians and threaten them with big guns. That's....about it for the summary."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Aha…" Lola mumbled and shot a quick glance at Marcus, who seemed to be very deep in thought. She leaned over and carefully poked him in the head. "If you don't speak up Mr. Mastermind then I don't know where we stand." She cocked a brow. "What's the plan, genius?"
"Maybe after I have some goddamn pizza. Organizing a plan for you ruffians is rough work." Marcus said, smirking. "Anyway, plan's basically all settled. Now we just need to put it into action, smoothly."

The plan was written out in marker on a large whiteboard. At the moment, it read as follows.

1. Twisted, from a safe location, disables the bank cameras. Minuteman will keep attention off of her.

2. Emerald waits outside security door. When Twisted runs interference, he should exit the room. Neutralize target when door opens.

3. Twisted reaches security room, takes over cameras. Tell us what she sees. Emerald deals with anyone who tries to enter room.

4. Minuteman persuades the manager to hand over the key.

5. Minuteman waits in middle of front hall.

6. Lance enters bank, reaches teller desk.

7. Civilian takedown. Minuteman takes front, Lance controls tellers, Emerald + Lola control second floor office. Reaper runs overwatch, tells us if we missed anyone.

8. Skully waits. <3

9. Acquire second keycard. Get loot out.

10. Locate secondary vault. Loot it.
"Do we have mikes and earpieces for this op so I know if I need to come out shooting or should I just assume that you need me out there at the first sound of gunfire?" Robert said after examining the plan. "Also, if we make it in sneakily, do you want me to take off my heavy gear and come haul bags to our escape van?"
"We've got a set of single-frequency radios. Should be able to fit it in a pocket and run the wire for the mic and earpiece up the inside of your clothes. " Marcus replied, nodding once. "Bain's also patched in. He'll be our eye in the sky on anything we need to know about coming our way."
"Well then this should be a piece of cake." Lola smiled. "If Bain's helping us then we should have no problem at all. I'm still worried how we are going to get everything out, though."
"Well I have no issues with this plan. So with all the ammo obtained and a pizza in our stomach, I'd be happy to be underway with this. I recently cleaned my sniper too so I don't think there'll be any issues on that front. Using the radio I can relay any info as well that I see through my scope or binoculars."

He thought for a moment.

"I suspect we carry it ourselves. This is where manpower like Rob can help out."
"Get it out to the van Rob will be waiting in, and we're set to ride out of their like a bat out of hell." Marcus said, nodding a bit. "I suspect we'll be making multiple trips if we want it all. Might have to leave some shit behind."
"Or we just fix another van." Lola thought out loud. "I can guess that all of us have driver license, except for maybe the English guy, who drives on the wrong side of the road." She joked. "If we have different outfits and pretend to be some of the victims, we can also just carry it out, not a whole lot, but still some. The big money could go with the van."
"Sounds like a plan, only one problem. Lets say Mrs. Oleary calls the bank and wants to talk to her accountant about her 401k, who do we put on the phone and what the hell do we tell her to keep our cover?"
"If its possible I suggest that we find ourselves a mobile phone jammer. The police and certain buildings use them to block any signal, so for people calling in or out on their phone will just assume their phone signal ain't working. As long as we don't take too long on the op, no one would find it suspicious."

He was reminded of an assignment in France he did once where he blocked the signals to approach without the man being warned by phone of him and to avoid the death of the man he killed being leaked until he could get away to a safe area.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Well, I can get my hands on a phone jammer." Lola said as she scratched her cheek. "There's this guy I know and he owe's we a favor, but I don't know if I can fix that before the morning." She pouted. "I can pick up the phone calls if there are some." She suggested. "If somebody want to put away 401k then we can put the money in a invisible account and delete it. Making the money disappear of go back to it's owner. They just won't notice it and it's almost impossible to trace. Of course there's always the option of not answering the phone and playing that stupid 'there are three people before you, please wait' tape, but I don't think it would be necessary if we're quick enough. How many minutes do we have in total?"
"It probably depends." Robert said in between bites of pizza. "If we control the crowd well, probably enough time to break open both vaults, however long that will take you and Laurence."

Robert finished his last slice and stood up.

"We've planned enough, I think. I'm going to get some shut-eye before tomorrow so I can shoot straight if it comes down to that."
Scott stood up and stretched from having been sat down for an extended duration.

"I concur his statement, and my marksmanship needs to be good. No good having a sniper who can't shoot straight because of sleep deprivation."

He also had just finished his pizza.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Well, then it all depends on how fast we can get into the second vault." Lola said and looked at Laurence. "If we have the two key cards for the first vault then it would take about three to four minutes to hack the code and get in. How long would it take for you to drill through the second vault?" She asked the technician. "I guess if you add all the numbers together with getting in, hacking, drilling, blowing up and packing everything. I'd say around fifteen minutes. That is if everything goes as planned and there isn't anyone who decides to fuck with the plan. If the police arrives and gets in, then it's a different story, but let's just say that that doesn't happen, then we're in and out on the road within twenty minutes... Okay, goodnight, guys." Lola smiled. "I should be going too I guess." She said. "I don't think I can handle a third night without sleep."
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"Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes for the drill to break through, so your guess of fifteen minutes is accurate I'd say." Laurence paused for a yawn. "I guess I'll see you all in the AM. Goodnight."
"See? Twenty minutes tops." Lola smiled and stood up from her seat. She grabbed both her suitcases and dragged the biggest one loudly up the stairs, since her room was on the second floor. Once on the second floor, she chose a random door and entered it. The bedroom wasn't very big, but it didn't have to be. There was a simple single bed with white sheets, a small nightstand, a desk with chair and a closet for her clothes. She placed the small suitcase under her bed and placed the big silver colored one on her bed before opening to see in everything as still intact. As she opened it, wires and lights popped out.

Inside the suitcase she had built there was a whole computer system, adjusted to her likings of course. A CPU Duron 1.8GHz on a Soyo Flex ATX mobo with 4 GB of DDR3 1600, a homemade wireless adapter, a magic mouse and a wireless keyboard. She had also attacked a 750 GB Maxtor OneTouch Plus drive, DVD drive and speakers, just for fun. She turned it on and smiled as the apple screen lit up, at least that was still working.

Shutting it off again she hid it under her bed and decided to take a quick shower before going to sleep.

She could still smell the alcohol and smoke on her skin of two nights back. Fishing a towel out of her duffle bag together with her pajama shorts, top, soap and tooth brush, she headed towards the bathroom.
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Scott walked with his suitcase with strap slung over his shoulder and went into his room with the 'REAPER' sign on it.

He placed the suitcase on the desk and checked his guns with the guns unloaded and the magazines stacked at the lid of the suitcase.

He first checked the chamber of his sniper, a large beast of one. It appeared to be clean, so no issue there. The suppressor for it was inside the case too.

He then looked at the MP7 and checked the chamber. Appeared to be no issue there.

He looked over to the magazines. The ammo seemed to be encased in them fine with no faults. The supressor for the MP7 was there too and his T-UGS inside the suitcase, to detect for nearby foes that may catch him off guard while sniping. His binoculars were there too.

Feeling satisfied, he closed the lid, placed it under his pillow, which made it look rather odd considering how large the suitcase was, and fell asleep after getting partially undressed.
Robert dropped off the bag with the saw in his room. He checked to make sure his LMG was undisturbed and still loaded, which it was. He took off his shirt and put it on the nightstand next to his bed and was off to sleep in a matter of minutes holding his compact shotgun.
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Marcus waited for the others to leave, then exited the building. He had a longstanding habit of getting drunk off his ass before a big heist, and he was not one to break tradition. He walked around outside for awhile before finally settling on a bar that fit his tastes; cheap and full of eye candy. It was almost 3 AM before he returned to the safe house, and he found it cold and dark. He stumbled down to his room, set an alarm for 8, then fell asleep.

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