It's Time for a Payday [Inactive]

"Surely we have a driver and vans to sort transport? But yes Robert your main aim would be guarding once the cameras are taken control of. Can't have you spotted like...that. I guess you would make good intimidation too.

Besides, we have plenty of ammo here for use too surely. I do have my own ammo, but this place I bet is loaded with it for us to use. Am I right Marcus?"

The look Marcus gave said otherwise. Looks they will need some more cash before dreams like that came true.

He was happy, the plan was forming and there were no clashes within the team, which meant they were working cohesively and that this heist would be much easier than a group of people who's goal differed.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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"Think of a way to get those keycards" Lola said again and head up the stairs behind Robert, but turned around before completely disappearing. "I can get some extra sniper rounds for you, Scott, if you need them. I know people and besides, you can never have enough ammo." She winked and headed back up the stairs. Once out of the building, she stepped into his truck and strapped on her belt. "Just drive and I'll point out the directions as we go." She smiled. "Maybe we should buy some food for the others when we head back. They won'y be able to do much thinking with an empty stomach. What do you think?"
Robert climbed into the drivers seat and started the truck.

"There's a decent pizza place a couple blocks down from my house, we could stop there after I pick up my ammo. I'm sure nobody would mind us showing up with food. We can stop by and get your equipment first and then fill up whatever space is left in the back with guns and ammo."

He put the truck in drive and started off down the road.
After pointing out directions for twenty minutes, they finally arrived Lola's apartment building. The apartment building had thirty floors with the doorman standing by the door and the red carper leading towards the entrance. To say that the apartment building was a cheap joke was an misunderstanding. Even though Lola was a hacker, thief and criminal didn't mean that she didn't have any taste.

Lola clicked off her belt with a smile and stepped out of the car. "Wanna come up or are you going to drive to pick up your stuff first and get me later?" She asked as she leaned against the open window.
"I might as well come up." Robert said, getting out of the car and pocketing the keys. "Besides, I need to know how much stuff you've got so I don't fill up completely on ammo, so lead on."
Lola nodded her head and headed towards the building. She greeted the doorman and headed towards the elevator. They waited for a minute or so until the elevator arrived and got in. "I hope you're not on the most wanted list." She smirked and pointed at the camera in the corner as she pushed the right floor. "You might as well say cheese." She leaned against the wall and waited for the elevator to stop at the 25th floor.
Robert smirked. "That's one list I haven't made yet. I just hope none of those catch us tomorrow." he said, gesturing to the camera before stepping out on the 25th floor. "That's why we're getting this gear I suppose. I just hope you don't get bored if we pull this off stealthily and start leaking pictures of us robbing a bank to the internet." He said, jokingly.
"Well, to those who remained, here are the images we have gotten from the inside of the bank (refer to maps)." Marcus said, gesturing to a pile of photos he had just arranged on the table. "We couldn't get anything of the second floor, but it's a fairly regular cubicle office space. Manager's got his own office up there. I'm guessing he's got a keycard on him, and one of the tellers would have the other. We'll have to get our hands on those, obviously. We couldn't get any information on the location of panic buttons in the building, but it's safe to assume there's one by each teller, one in the manager's office, and a few in the office space, as well as a couple more scattered around the building. That means we have to keep people away from any fixed surface, okay? Don't leave them near walls. Don't leave them near desks. Find a closet to shut them in and leave them there after taking the phones." He explained to the others, nodding a bit.

"Scott, what's your take? Post you inside the building on the second floor, or try to get you on a nearby roof top to cover from a different angle?"
Lola just smirked. "Don't look." She said and quickly fished her keys out of her dress top before opening the door. "Make yourself at home." She said and pointed at the couch. "There's beer in the fridge is you want one. I'm gonna change real quickly and pack some stuff. Give me fifteen minutes, 'kay?" With that she quickly took of her shoes and headed towards her bedroom.

She pulled of her dress and opened her closet, pulling out a pair of black tight jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket. Changing at the speed of light, she quickly grabbed a duffle bag from under her bed and packed some extra clothes. She packed her make-up incase she really ended up on the internet, she wanted to look good incase things turned messy.
Robert grabbed a beer and started to drink it as he took stock of the apartment. It was a pretty large place indicating that Lola must have been pretty well off from whatever she decided to do before she got tasked to the group. Something illegal, he was sure. Off to the right of the entrance he could see the corner of a fairly large bed in the room Lola had dashed into. There was a large TV hanging on the wall opposite the couch and a pile of cell phones sitting on the coffee table nearby.

Robert stood up and walked over to the windows and cracked the blinds. The apartment even had a pretty good view.

"Pretty nice place you've got here." He called into the other room.
"You really think so?" Lola asked from the other room and stepped out, dropping her bag next to the couch. She grabbed her laptop bag and placed her computer and adapter in it. "You'll have to thank the Mayor for being oh so kind to give me 60% of his salary for a month." She grabbed his beer, took a swig of it herself before giving it back to Robert and walked over towards the storage room. She walked in and pulled on the light, before removing one of the ceiling panels and pulled out a silver suitcase and a smaller black one. She placed them next to her bag before checking if she had everything in her head. "I think we got the rest over at the safe house… Okay, I'm ready to go."
"Now why did I have a feeling that your income was given a bit of a boost?" Robert said, laughing and downing the rest of the beer. He walked over to her and picked up the duffle bag. "This isn't as much as I imagined," he said. "I guess I'll have room to bring most of my arsenal."

*Jump-Cut back to the truck*

"Alright, my place is just around the corner." *Short Drive* "It's not as impressive as yours, seeing as I've spent the majority of my 'income' on more firepower, but it's home." Robert said, turning off the car and pocketing the keys again. Robert opened the door and let Lola inside.

"I'm fresh outta beer, sadly." he told her, before pushing aside a rug and descending into the hidden basement.
Lola stood quietly in the house and looked around. It was… Nice. Not as nice as hers, but still nice. You could tell that it was a guy's home. There wasn't much posh or anything. There was a simple couch with a small tv in the corner. She didn't dare to go up the stairs but she'd bet that that's where the bedroom was. Of course there were empty mags and beer cans standing around and some old clothes laying here and there. There was a small kitchen with a pretty big fridge, but she didn't want to know what was in there!

"Hey Robert, mind if I clean up a little?" She asked and started to pick up the empty cans. "You at least could have thrown away the trash." She mumbled to herself, wondering how some men could just leave their things lying around.
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"Best for me is a good angle outside. If things go bad I have a good shot through the front hall from that glass hall and there will be guards and cameras outside to deal with. However if we manage to stealth in and get the cameras, it would seem a good idea to then move into the building and onto the second floor as suggested."
"Sounds good. Laurence will wait outside, and enter the lobby if needed. Tyler and I can enter the front lobby and make our way through the building. I'll position myself somewhere central, where I can control the crowd when needed. Lola will enter when needed, and Robert will be sitting in the van outside, ready to come out in a hail of gunfire. If we manage to keep the crowd under control, and the cops aren't alerted, everyone except Robert will enter the bank and assist in crowd control. He'll wait in reserve until called. Nothing to shock the first responders like an LMG opening up on their flank." Marcus said, pointing out locations around the building that needed to be covered.
"Go right ahead Lola," Robert shouted up. "Sorry about the mess, I don't usually get visitors."

Robert started filling up duffle bags with ammunition for the various weapons the group had with them; LMG belts, 9mm clips for the pistols, some .44 rounds for Marcus's revolver.

"Incoming," he yelled up to Lola before tossing a couple of bags up from the basement.
"If you toss then any harder then you're going to create holes in the floor." Lola called from the kitchen, where she dumped the cans in the trash. Walking back towards the living room, she noticed a picture of a couple of soldiers standing next to each other with smiles on their faces. "You're friends from the army?" She asked before taking a look at the bags. She clicked her tongue. "How much are you exactly going to bring?" Lola asked. "You know Bain also has a guy who can fix us this stuff right? You don't have to bring your whole basement." She joked.
"Yeah," Robert called up, "that was my squad in Afghanistan."

He picked up a power saw and gave the trigger a quick squeeze to make sure it worked before putting it into a fourth bag with some extra blades.

"And yes, I know Bain can hook us up with some of this, but experience says that the time you don't bring enough ammo is the time you're going to need that ammo. I'm pretty sure this is it though," he said climbing back up the ladder with the fourth bag. "Unless you want a bigger gun, that is."
"I got my own guns, thank you very much." Lola said and walked to the front door. "I might be a hacker, but I know how to shoot." She grabbed the lightest bag and shifted it on her shoulder. "If I need a bigger gun, I'll just take yours." She smirked and walked towards the truck. "Let's get some food and head back before a man's perverted mind starts to work."

She dropped the bag in the trunk and sat down passenger's seat, waiting for Robert.
Robert grinned and followed her out the door with the other three bags, locking it behind him.

"You know, there's a king size bed in there, if you're interested," he said, playing along while he dropped the bags in the trunk.

"You said you were good at manipulating men but even knowing that, I'm having a pretty hard time not falling for you myself."

Robert put the car in gear and drove off toward the pizza restaurant.
Lola laughed a bit and smirk. "Well... If your up for it then so am I, but just so you know, a night with me will rob you blind." She warned. "It's easy to manipulate a man since their brains are small and usually thinks of one thing, that's also why most men end up poor or dead on the street. A man's most feared weapon isn't a gun and a bullet, but a woman. They know that they're weak, which makes it easier for me to get what I want. And I always get what I want." She explained. "If you're having a hard time now, you don't want to have me around once I get going. It's usually the tough guys that think they can have everything that make the easiest target. They think that they are oh so good and that can have everything that this good world has to offer them. It's those kind of people that need to be put back in place, and that's what I do. There's noting more fun then a great night, a few million dollars and a crying man when he finds out that his money is gone and has to live on the streets." A sadistic smiled spread on her face. "I'm just toughing you boys up, and after we robbed that bank we'll see if you still want me to check your king sized bed."
Robert considered that for a moment. "Well, as long as we don't stop after one bank then I don't think there's anything you could take from me that I can't replace, unless you plan on carting a couple hundred weapons out of my basement." He stopped and thought for a bit.

"Well, I suppose you could turn me into the cops, but then who'd cover you while you robbed that bank?"

"As far as toughening me up, there's nothing you can do that war hasn't already. The guys in that picture are all dead, I'm the only one who came home from that operation. I only live for the thrill of combat now."

Robert parked the car for the third time that night and got out.

"So I just might take you up on that offer seeing as you can't hurt a man very badly if he doesn't have much to lose."
"I can always take your life." Lola half considered and got out of the car. "I'm sure Bain would be able to find a replacement for you, but I love a challenge." She smirked and walked into the pizza restaurant. "You can choose what we should order…" She was quiet before asking; "We're you close with your squad? How long did you guys fight together? It's okay if you don't want to tell me, after all, you have the right to remain silent, right?"
"I'll take two cheese and two pepperoni pizzas," Robert told he cashier. He paid with cash and took the pizzas back to the car. He opened Lola's door for her, put the pizzas in the back and then got in himself.

"I served with them for most of my four year tour. " Robert started. "The one interesting thing that happened out there also killed the few friends I had. We were on routine patrol when our convoy got hit by RPG fire. Most of the guys were dead on the spot, the gunner to my jeep bled out in my arms. I'm sure Bain could replace me, but how many army sergeants are crazy enough to rob a bank? You can tell me after tomorrow if I'm the type of guy worth killing, but it's no disservice to me if you do, because you'll be sending me to my squad."
"You really miss them, don't you?" Lola asked. "It's nice to have people you're close to… Me and my brothers we were very close. We always got ourselves into trouble and scolded my my dad. They used to be really protective of me when I was a kid. I remember my oldest brother, Keith, he broke a boy's arm ones because he tried to pull my hair. I really miss them though, sometimes I think of going home, seeing my dad and brothers again or send them a postcard, but since my dad is a police officer, that might not be the best idea. I don't think he'll forgive me for hacking into the Pentagon without a couple of years in prison… I wonder how the guys are doing." She pouted at the thought and looked at her watch. "We've been gone for quite a while."

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