It's Time for a Payday [Inactive]


Mother fucker! I was just about to get that vault open. Tyler forced himself up wiped his eyes and got out of bed. With an angry fist he slammed his alarm clock shutting it off. He got dressed in his lucky suit and walked down the hall knocking on the doors to wake up the rest of the crew.
Scott snored quietly to himself, his hands in front of his face on the cushion.

His eyelids sprang open from his dreamless night and he stood himself up and stretched, yawning while doing so.

After getting a drink of water, he got his suit on with his kevlar vest underneath the suit and picked up his suitcase and carried it over his shoulder with the strap.

He walked out slightly dreary eyed and in need of some breakfast like cereal, so he went towards the kitchen.
Lola opened one eye when there was a knock on the door. She turned around and snuggled into her pillow. "What time is it?" She mumbled and took a look at the black alarm clock that was on the nightstand. "Jesus Christ." She groaned. "What idiot decide to wake us up at half past seven?! If we wake at eight we have more then enough time." She got up from her bed and lazily stomped out of her room. "I'm going to kill the bastard that decided to wake me up at this time of the day." Lola grumbled as she headed towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

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Marcus awoke at the sound of the knock, and rolled completely off his bed. He lay still on the ground for a minute or so before pushing himself to his feet and rushing the the nearest bathroom. He spent the next fifteen minutes or so throwing up, then rinsed the taste out of his mouth before heading to the kitchen, making an effort to look as normal as possible. It was a pretty convincing act after he put on his sunglasses.
Lola stood behind the stove scrambling some eggs when Marcus came walking in. Sunglasses in the morning and inside the house, that's just ridiculous. She turned the stove down a little, grabbed a glass of water and some painkillers from a cupboard and handed them to Marcus. She ruffled his hair and turned back towards the stove, where she finished her eggs and placed them on three plates together with bacon and some toast.

"Eat up, guys." Lola said as she gave Marcus and Scott their plates, a bowl of cereal was not enough for an Englishman, she knew that much… And no man ever said no to bacon... Pouring a cup of coffee for herself, she took a seat at the table and took a bit from a piece of her toast.
"Well aren't you just the best? Like, the little sister I never had who cleans up after me and spoon feeds me Gatorade." Marcus replied, smiling at Lola. He downed the painkillers with a sip of water, then chugged the rest of the glass. As soon as she put food in front of him, he shoveled it into his mouth like he hadn't eaten for days. It wasn't the most polite display, but he couldn't have been bothered to appear completely sensible after last night. It was party time, and that meant one last drink. Rather, five or six, in a single wonderful Highball glass.
"Of course I'm the best, and yes, I am a little sister as a matter of fact." Lola smiled back. "Somebody has to take care of you boys or you would be eating McDonalds for breakfast, grabbing every girl you can find and drink until you're so drunk you can't stand. You guys would be dead or have each others necks by the end of the week if there isn't some female control." She stuck her tongue out and watched him inhale his food. "You'll get hiccups if you each too fast. You'll be in the headlines tomorrow. "Hiccuping bank robber caught." Wouldn't that be nice?" She joked. "Your nickname could be like the Hiccuping Drunk."
"I'm offended, dear. I doubt myself or the Crown Prince here would ever stoop down to McDonald's breakfasts. Perhaps Taco Bell, but never would we bow to the Clown." Marcus said, tipping his shades down and expressing mock pain. "And that second part just hurts my sensitive man feelings, Lola. I'm a responsible, caring romantic once you wipe away all the alcohol, irresponsibility, and manipulation."
"Prove it." Lola smirked and took the sunglasses off of his face, placing them over her own eyes. She took a bite of her bacon and gave him her plate since Marcus seemed hungrier then her. "Responsible, I'd believe in a heartbeat, but caring romantic? I'm not so sure." She placed her head in her hand and shot him a challenging look. This was something she could call entertainment.
"I don't know about a heart, but you sure know a way to a mans stomach."

Scott said as he saw the bacon. It looked mighty good and he couldn't wait. So he didn't.

Scott was eating his food contently while the two had their banter. He didn't feel like butting into it, seeing it a waste of time.
"Hey, this is me being caring right here. Eat your food, no sense in heisting on an empty stomach." Marcus said, nudging the plate back towards her. "And, well, you'll just have to see about the romantic part when I find someone who can handle.." He paused for dramatic flair. "All this." He finished, gesturing to himself. "And, y'know, the lifestyle isn't exactly conducive to long term relationships. So the women of the world might have to wait a while before they can get at me."
Lola snorted a laugh. "Wow, that's the best you've got?" She smiled. "A girl who can handle all of you? That's funny." She laughed. "No offense, pretty boy." Then Lola turned towards Scott. "Are you listening to this?" She pointed at the guy on the opposite side of her. "Please tell me you have a better pick up line the that. Oh and Marcus, by the way, everybody eats my food. I don't know a single guy who doesn't like my cooking."
"I'm not homosexual, so I couldn't possibly comment on his level of attractiveness as a man. And you are right, your cooking is pretty good."

He continued munching on the food. It was almost typical schoolkid banter being thrown around here, but didn't say anything like that.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Robert awoke with a start and pulled the trigger on his shotgun, which luckily had the safety on. Sonofabitch. That was a hell of a fight, I hope the real deal doesn't go that poorly. Robert made his way to the restroom and took a brief, military-style shower before returning to his room to suit up.

He walked into the kitchen wearing the majority of his armor. "There any food left for me?"
"And you thought you had enough with just your bowl of cereal." Lola joked and stuck her tongue out. "I'm not asking if you're homosexual, but you're English, so you're forgiven." She took a sip from her coffee and leaned back in her chair. Robert came walking in and she automatically pointed towards the stove before he even asked where the food was. "You'll have you pour your own coffee though and make your own toast." She fixed Marcus's sunglasses on her eyes and looked around. "These are really dark." She mumbled. "Why do you even wear these? I like your eyes."
"I like your cooking. Never said I didn't. Fact is, you're gonna need some energy today and we won't be eating again for a couple hours. Take what you can get." Marcus said, shrugging at her. "And they make everything darker. That's the point, when you're a hungover mess. Also does wonders when you're trying not to be identified by anyone who may have seen you before."
"Then I'll think I'll just keep them for myself." Lola smirked and lowered the glasses so she could look over the rim. "I'm not a big eater in the morning, I like my coffee, at night it's a different story though." She winked at him and leaned back in her chair again. "Robert, could you bring me a piece of toast please, apparently I have to eat something."
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Just a notice, between some point tomorrow till Sunday I will be in Germany with no internet. Vudu you are free to GM me going to places and sniping.
"Quick thing you're about to learn here, Lola." Marcus said, rolling his now-visible eyes at her. "Marcus Concord always comes prepared."

He reached into one pocket and with a flick of the wrist, withdrew an identical pair of sunglasses and put them on. "I keep two, in case one falls and breaks."
"Wow." Lola laughed and put the sunglasses on top of her hair. "I had not seen that one coming. Nice. You got me." She mockingly clapped her hands before taking another sip of her coffee. "Is there anything else you have two of incase the other falls and breaks?" She asked and snatched the last piece of bacon from Scott's plate.
"The list is.. long." He answered, shrugging a bit. He stood up and took the empty plate from the table and left it in the sink, figuring he could deal with it later if no one else did. "I'm gonna go get my sh** ready. See you gents in a few." He said, then waved at the others before going back to his room.

He left the door barely open behind him, then did a quick gear check. After strapping the revolver to his hip and collapsing the stock of his AK, he folded it into a suitcase. He was never one to wear real body armor, as he preferred complete range of movement and mobility. He did, however, put on a pair of elbow pads, knee pads, and shin guards beneath his suit. They were mostly designed to reduce shock if he fell to the ground, and make diving a bit more comfortable.

With his equipment ready, he grabbed the long suitcase off his bed and returned to the kitchen area. Anyone outside of the room would take him for another college grad heading to a job interview, which would keep suspicion off him.
Scott leaned back with a satisfied stomach into the chair and let out an exaggerated breath.

He then stood up, straightened his suit down with his hands and then looked around. Scott had his suitcase strapped around him, looking like someone going to work with a rather large suitcase. His mask was inside his suit pocket for when to be used.

"Don't forget your masks, wouldn't want your face on TV accidentally and have them find you out in no time."
"I guess they could recognize me in a heartbeat if I don't change out of my PJ's." Lola said and pulled her top to make a point. "I guess I should get ready too then." She stood up and headed out of the kitchen. "Last one to eat gets to clean up." She announced over her shoulder and walked into her bedroom. Shutting the door behind her, she quickly stripped out of her PJ's and into a pair of clean tight dark blue jeans, a simple plain white t-shit and a dark brown leather jacket, to finish it off she added knee high sneakers together with her two xD -45 handguns, that she pulled out of the smaller black suitcase, and placed them on one side of her hip. She quickly fixed her hair into a ponytail, placed Marcus's sunglasses on her head, and applied some simple make up. She grabbed her laptop bag and stuffed the transmitters and wires that she needed in the bag. She also grabbed a thin pink summer dress and put it in one of the side pockets.

In case the escape went wrong, she could always pull it out and change within a second, if she pulled it on and let down her hair, they wouldn't recognize her quickly.

Lola swung the laptop bag over her shoulder and grabbed her mask as she checked for her phone in her pocket. She headed out of her bedroom and placed her bag next to the kitchen entrance. "When do we leave?" She asked as she leaned against the wall. "The other guys should hurry up too, they'll miss breakfast, and I don't want to sit in a van with a bunch of whiny guys."
Laurence was not a morning person. Someone came by and knocked on his door and said to get up. Laurence let out a sigh as he sat upright rubbing his eyes. He slowly got up and headed towards the shower where he took his sweet time. Laurence loves to take showers, it's the only thing that seems to wake him up, so he took like a twenty minute shower. When he got out, he threw on his suit and gathered his things, making sure all guns are loaded and all the drill parts present. He lumbered into the kitchen and was surprised to smell delicious bacon, he quickly searched for the yummy strips meat. He was sad when he saw that he was late and only leftovers were left. He sighed and stuffed some slightly cold bacon into his mouth. Once he was full he let out a satisfied noise and then stuffed the remaining into his pocket, I'll save those for later. He then sat and waited for everyone else to gather and prepared and innocence speech for when he was questioned why there was no more bacon.
After quickly eating a variety of breakfast foods, Robert returned to his room and donned the rest of his armor. He pulled his L.M.G. out from under his bed and gave it a quick once-over to make sure it was in working order and slung it across his back. Robert grabbed the bag that contained his saw and carried it to the van before making another few trips to bring all of the ammo bags as well. He then climbed into the back where it would be hardest to see him and sat down.

"I'm ready when you all are."

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