It's Time for a Payday [Inactive]

Scott followed Robert into the van with his suitcase that contained the weapons.

He was near the front, as he would be one of the first out to get to a vantage point to observe and snipe from.

((I'll be on the plane and have no internet as aforementioned in about 3 hours time from posting))
"Gentlemen, the bank heist is a go!" Marcus said, catching the attention of all the others who hadn't yet come to the van. He shook his suitcase at them a few times, then trotted off to the van and squeezed into the back, making space for the others.
Lola grabbed her laptop bag and hurried after Marcus. "You know what?" Lola asked as she got into the van. "Next time we should really get a bigger car." She tripped and almost landed in Marcus's lap before quickly moving her weight and dropping next to him. "Sorry." She smiled. "Okay, so do I take out the camera's from in here or do I have to order a cup of coffee from the shop on the opposite side of the road?"
Laurence was taking his traditional pre-heist dump when he heard Marcus and Lola leave for the van. He quickly finished up, washed his hands, and readjusted his armor. On his way out he grabbed his bags which included his guns, the drill, and some explosives. He walked out to the van and took the open seat, "looks like we're all ready. Let's do this!"
Tyler was sitting in his chair spaced out thinking about sandwiches when he noticed that everyone was already in the van. Oh shit, guess I better join them. He grabbed his gear and joined the rest of the crew. "Sorry I'm late, I already have lunch on my mind."
"Alright boys lets rock and f****** roll, right?" Marcus called out, slapping Tyler's back as he came into the van. As soon as the door was shut, the van zipped off towards the bank.

"Alright, lady and gentlemen, here's your ear pieces." He added, handing them out to all the others. "Lets not f*** this up and die, alright? I think we'd all like to see the sunrise a couple more times. Watch each other's backs. Our lives are worth more than a bag of cash, so drop it and run if shit gets too heavy."

"And remember, main vault comes first. Second vault is if we get lucky and are feeling ballsy. Now, lets get this done so we can go out for drinks afterwards." He finished, smirking at the others.

"And don't forget the damn plan." The van rolled to a stop, and the doors swung open. Marcus crawled over the others, stretched his legs out, and entered the bank.
"You don't get carried away." Lola mumbled and placed the earpiece in her ear. "Don't do anything stupid before I disable the cameras." She said and grabbed her laptop out of her bag.

She started up her own hacking program and typed in some codes before different camera angles popped up on her screen. "I would have expected a bigger firewall for the hall cameras." She mumbled, but still continued typing codes. Once there was a good still standing image, she recorded it for about five seconds and made it play over and over, making it look like nothing was wrong and people were waiting from every point of view. "Mission is a go, boys." She smiled as she spoke into the earpiece. "Take out the security guard when you're ready and I can get to the security room. I got the front hall, side hall and teller desks covered. I can take care of the rest once I'm in the security room, I should be able to spot the vaults from in there."
((I'm back for now as I'm waiting for my flight back and they have WiFi at the airport))

"I'll go to the designated vantage point.

Scott took the earpiece and his suitcase and was already underway.

He made a bizarre route so as to not look suspicious and made his way up a building through an elevator. Looking like a normal business man, nothing seemed off about him. From the top floor he went a back route up to the roof.

When he reached the roof he clicked open his suitcase. Scott first activated the T-UGS near the only entrance, which he synced on the same frequency SD the earpiece so to be notified if anyone came.

With that Scott pulled out guns. He kept his MP7 to hand in case of emergency with a silencer attached. He then brought out the sniper, screwed on the silencer, bipodded it to position, then loaded it with a magazine which he took from the suitcase next to him.

"Gimme a moment and Reaper will be ready. Give the signal for masks on whenever."
Tyler entered the bank, went over to a table and pretended to look at a flyer about a 401k while he examined the room. Two bank tellers, both of which are preoccupied with customers. Three other civilians but they look so bored and spaced out I could steal the clothes off of their back and they wouldn't even notice. He continued his examination until he found the security room. "Found the room, its on the far side of the tellers." he whispered into his earpiece. "Moving now while no civies can see it." He casually strolled over and once out of sight he put his mask on and entered the security room. The guard was facing away from the entrance in a chair looking at the monitors. This is almost too easy. He walked up slowly behind the unsuspecting guard and put him in a choke hold and suffocated him and slowly laid the body down.

"Security room is now under our control, ready for the next step" He saw that he just interrupted the guards lunch as their was a sandwich on the desk. Hmmmm, whole wheat bread, honey smoked ham, fresh cut lettuce, and its toasted. This poor S.O.B has some good tastes, I almost feel bad now, almost. He then slipped part of the sandwich under his mask and ate it.
"Is.. Is someone eating?" Lola frowned in confusion when she heard scrunching noises through the earpiece. There was only one person that hadn't eaten breakfast. "Jesus Christ, Tyler." She rolled her eyes. "Will you please just focus on the job?" She snarled. She shut her laptop and placed it in her bag again before patting Robert on the knee. "Don't do anything stupid, big guy." Lola said and got out of the van, strapping her bag around her shoulder.

"Alright, Minuteman. Keep their eyes off of me, Twisted heading in." She said and walked towards the bank entrance.
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Marcus shoved his hands into his pockets and stepped into the middle of the teller room, where all attention would be on him. He looked around quickly, making sure no one was watching him, then emptied a water bottle onto the floor. Before anyone could see what had happened, he was lying on the floor, writhing in fake pain and clutching his knee.

A person nearby, hearing Marcus' well-faked groans, quickly turned toward him. "Are you hurt sir?" She asked, taking a few quick strides over to him.

"I'm going to sue the s*** out of this place, you hear me? I will sue for their ENTIRE VAULT." Marcus yelled, attracting the attention of everyone else in the room. In a matter of seconds, he had a small circle of people gathered around him, grumbling about the lack of a "wet floor sign" and how they could see Marcus' spine was out of alignment.

Even the tellers had abandoned their desk, each of them heading up to the office area to get the manager.
Lola walked into the bank with her head low and quickly passed the group of people, she did manage to get a look at him and winked. She speed walked up to the security office and shut the door when she was in. She looked at the dead or unconscious, she didn't know which nor did she care, security guard on the floor. Her head snapped from the guard towards Tyler, who was munching on a sandwich.

"I'm going to kill you when we're done here." Lola snarled at the dark guy and took a seat on the office chair after scooting the guard away a bit. grabbing her laptop, she turned of the program that was influencing the cameras and looked at the screens in front of her.

Everything was back to normal.

"And the Golden Globes go to Minuteman." She spoked. "Thank you, Minuteman, you just scored a 10/10." Lola searched the screens and smiled. "Manager is on his way, Minuteman. Lance, I located the second vault. It's hidden on the -2 floor, under the basement. Besides the key locks there is also a fingerprint scanner before you can reach the vault… Besides the Director, the manager is the only that can enter the vault. We need that man's co-operation or his thumb. How old were those maps?" She frowned. "I didn't see anything about the door, so I guess it must have been installed recently."
Marcus continued to groan and frown at all those around him, mostly in an attempt to hide his grin. Finally, the manager showed up, apologizing profusely for the accident. As soon as Marcus managed to stand, with some help from the manager and a teller, the rest of the crowd dissipated and went back to business.

"Mr.." Marcus glanced at the name tag on the manager's suit. "Mr. Jameson. I would like to speak to you about this in private." He said, shakily leaning against a nearby wall. "Yes, yes, of course! Come up to my office."

Slowly but surely, Marcus and the manager made their way up the stairs to his office. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Marcus drew his revolver, bashed the handle against the back of the manager's head, then caught him before he hit the floor. A minute or so later, the manager was tied down with a strip of tape over his mouth, and had been firmly stuffed under his own desk. Marcus had retrieved the keycard from his pocket and placed it in his own.

"Minuteman to Crew. Manager is.. occupied. He told me I could borrow the keycard for awhile before he fell asleep though."
"That's good." Lola said and leaned back in her chair. "Now we just need the second card. I suggest we put on the masks and start this thing for real, now that everybody is away from the teller, it should be easy to keep everybody together and in one place." She looked at the camera that showed the teller desks. "One of the women behind the teller desk should have the second key, you boy's wouldn't mind getting that one, would you?"
Scott closed the bolt on his rifle to load the round and was ready. He put on his mask and looked out towards the bank with his binoculars, while his sniper rested on his shoulder ready to use when necessary.

"Fine show if I say so myself. I'll keep watch. Be aware of outsiders looking in and any guards who are wandering around. I can see one guy on the roof looking around. Not sure if he's important at all though."
Lola frowned as she started at the man on the roof through the screen. "I don't think he is, but keep an eye on him, just in case." She said. "You can never be too careful." She glared at the screen again before adding, "Shoot him if he does anything… Unusual, Reaper. The less people see us the better."
"Copy that."

He followed the order to a T and made sure to keep an eye on him as he scanned the area with his binoculars for any threats.

Patience was the key to this heist, regardless of anything else. Therefore shooting people willy-nilly would solve no problems and only cause a ruckus, even if his sniper was suppressed.
Jamie fixed the brim of his cap as he strode down a hallway of the bank. He was aware of his orders, and it would be of no effort to execute. He came up behind his target. The security uniform he'd stolen would keep him disguised--the owner wouldn't be missed.

The current mark slipped a sandwich underneath his mask. A cocky move that would prove to be his last. Jamie pulled his Baretta from behind him, loadex and safety off. As he pointed the gun at the man, he allowed himself a small grin.

"Obselete." he said flatly, pulling the trigger. He caught the body before it fell ad dragged it to a nearby closet, shoving it in with ease. Taking the earpiece, he equipped it and made a broadcast. "Minuteman, Kiddie reporting in. Upstairs wanted a replacement for your Ghost position." he said, taking his own mask out and unbuttoning the shirt he wore.

It was time to get to work.
"Kiddie? The fuck? Could have given me a fucking call first bro." Marcus replied, hoping his voice was muffled by the door between himself and the office outside. "Jesus dude. Alright, alright. Ladies and gentlemen aboard the S.S. Change of Plans, Kiddie has made a swap, consider him one of our own."

Motherf*****. Alright, alright, on with the plan, on with the plan.

"Minuteman, moving for teller desk. Crashing in three minutes."
"Holy shit! What the fuck?!" Lola shouted and pulled out her earpiece for a second before putting it back in. "Jesus Christ, Minute." She hissed. "Thanks you for the fucking warning!" Her eyes snapped towards the new guy on his screen. He wasn't bad looking, at all if she could say so, but she was fucking pissed with his sudden appearance. "Change of plans, my ass!" She snapped. "You better have a fucking explanation for this when this is over Minuteman, because I don't like surprises and I don't like people that just pop out of nowhere mess with the plan!"

Why does everything always have to change at the last minute, and a new crew member at that?!
"Yo, d***heads. Minuteman is ready to neutralize the tellers. Need somebody upstairs to handle the office, and some help with the front lobby. Whoever's on that last part, remember to flip the door sign to closed and get everyone the hell away from the windows." Marcus said softly, trying not to be heard by the people nearby. The worst thing that could happen now was for someone to hear them discussing the plan, so he made a point of turning away from the people around him.
"I need a visual of who is currently in the office." Jamie said, stripping his shirt to reveal his undershirt. He stalked up the stairway, with no sound of his own footfalls. This is what he was trained for. Carefully evading two wandering guards, he climbed his way up into the rafters and shimmied his was into a good vantage point, where he could take further instruction without being noticed.
Still in the van, Robert had taken stock of all his weapons. He checked to make sure that the saw was in working order and ready to go should he have to dash out of the van at a moment's notice. He maintained radio silence despite his minor surprise at the rather abrupt change in the group. Now bored, Robert drifted to sleep, unaware that he had left his microphone on. A loud snoring could be heard on the comms.

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