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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"awfully similar indeed, what ever is said here doesn't leave, so come on, I won't tell anyone, secrets are money and why would I wastefully spend it, so please let's talk properly about it." Maggie seeing the how Liz wasn't wanting to go into detail, the music becoming louder to mask the talking between Liz and Maggie.

@Crystal Cali
Liz wasn't really amused by Maggie's begging. "Geez, yer nosy. Look, we've known each other fer a long time. We've had some fun in the past, but now we're more serious. Ain't exactly an exciting story to tell, poppet."

"I know I'm nosy, knowledge is both power and a currency to me and what you say is true but what do you think of him? You're serious yeah but what do you think of him? I could guess that you two were serious, that's the reason that I said about the multiplication jest." Maggie sighs slightly, "poppet, I'm going to say this once so I can forget as fast as I can, entropy is the death of all thing, I just hope there's exceptions 'cause seeing the same things happen, hoping for something different, it is literally insanity." Maggie claps her hand trying to get rid of the poor atmosphere around here, Doesn't matter anyway. I'll leave you to your fun." with that Maggie goes into the crowd to enjoy herself.

@Crystal Cali

Liz shrugs, and as Maggie walks off, she says "Well, we ain't exactly the same people we were then, so it ain't like we'll get the same result."

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Will woke in the middle of the night and snuck out of the bed. He clothed himself

And stood oj the balcony of the treehouse and looked over the treetops. It was a beautiful sight and he smiled
Raina slowly wakes up as she senses that Will was no longer next to her. She gets up, and puts some clothes on before walking out to the balcony and standing beside Will, wrapping her arm around his and laying her head on his shoulder. "It is a beautiful night," she says softly, looking out over the trees. Her gaze follows the forest to the shore, being able to see quite far due to the bright moonlight. After a moment of looking, Raina straightens up with a curious look on her face. Reflecting in the moonlight, over the water, was the for that was always out there, but it seemed much closer to shore than usual. "Oh? That is odd. I have never seen the mist so close to the shore before."



May sits up and smiles. "It is not too much of a problem. To be honest, when something like this occurs, all I really do is direct people in the right direction, then sit and wait until I hear news of how things are going. So really, the only thing that I need to do at the moment is to stay close to the house."



Liz was a bit bothered by Maggie's words, and though she tried not to worry too much about it, she wondered if she and Davorin were fated to end up the same way they had last time. But last time, she had not cared, so wouldn't that make this time significantly different? The only thing that was really the same between this time and last time was the amount of time the two spent in the bedroom. Other than that, Liz had changed. That means it will work out, right? Frustrated, Liz jumps up from her seat and storms out of the building, needing some fresh air. No sooner than she had gotten onto the street did one of her crew come rushing up to her, rambling about the fog making a quick approach to the beach.

Though skeptical, Liz told the man to lead her back to the beach, and they ran off together. Once Liz reached the shore, she saw that what she was told was true. The fog was close enough that one could swim to it. Never before had Liz seen it this close. It had looked like it was getting thicker, but now it was moving towards the isle at an alarming rate. Liz rushes back to Montblanca and runs through the halls in search of Davorin and Maggie.

"Love? Poppet? Oi, if we're gonna clear the mist, we might wanna act now! It's closin' in on us!"

@SinningSloth @SirGrey
"Liz? What's the matter? What's happening with the fog?" Seeing the panic on Liz, Maggie would have an illusion check out the beach, seeing how the area was with the fog encroaching upon the land, Liz would see Maggie's facial expression change from worry to anger mixed with dread. Maggie would look to Liz, "what's happening is bad, and you aren't equipped to deal with this, right now." she pauses, now moving out of Montblanca, the 'staff' inside gone, "Poppet, if you're gonna help, i'm gonna open the floodgates for you but that means your catch is going to be a lot stronger, good thing is I can close them after so you go back to what you are like now, deal?" Maggie says as she moves to the beach.

@Crystal Cali
Liz follows close behind Maggie. "Well, bloody hell. What's the catch gonna be now? Ain't like I got much time to worry about it, but still. And what's goin' on with the fog? Ye got any ideas?"

"Same catch, just stronger, so you might feel feelings, just try and ignore them. The fog, it just feels wrong and when a demon says it feels wrong, there is something wrong going on." As Maggie spoke, illusions would form in front of everyone that she thought could help appearing in front of Raider and May, Will and Raina as well as Davorin, hell even Kal'Thazaan where ever he vanished off to, all with the same message, "Something bad is happening, on my scale of bad, get to the beach with everything you got to fight with and get to the beach as fast as you can." As Maggie and Liz walked Liz would see Maggie in a way that she has never been, concerned, fully concerned about the situation they were in.

@Crystal Cali @MrEvilMexican @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
Liz nods as she kept pace with Maggie's running. "Well, if it'll save my hide, then do it. Ain't like I got all day to think about it." Liz notices the concern on Maggie's face, and frowns. "Ain't like ye to be lookin' like that, now. Just how much trouble are we in?"



Raina nods to the illusion Maggie sent. "Uma. I see it as well. I will be there soon," she says, darting back into the tree house and putting on her armor. "Come, Melamin! Our home needs defending," Raina calls as she swings on a vine past Will's head. As she was swinging, she pulls out her pan pipes and plays a tune that summons all manner of hunting creatures, with Raina's beloved pet panther, Ash, leading the charge as they made their way to the beach.



May hops up off the couch, looking back at Raider. "I am not trained to fight, but if a fight is in our future than I will do my best to support those who do fight. Take the guard to the beach, and see what is wrong. I will be there shortly with supplies to tend to whomever may end up injured."

"i don't what it is, that's the reason for my concern, that and it just feels wrong." Maggie slows down to a stop with Liz, turning to her, Maggie would look calmer, Liz could feel the pulsing from herself, Maggie and the powers that be, all in harmony of one another, the area would seem to fade as the pulsing became stronger, soon enough as if in another plane, Liz would see what could be described as a flood gate holding the powers that be back, as they crashed into it trying to break free. Walking in front of Liz Maggie would open her arms welcoming it like welcoming back an old friend dearly missed. A moment after the flood gates seem to buckle, cracks forming, rupturing the power now flooding over the two, crashing into Maggie and what looked like dragging a part of her with the waves that would envelop Liz, she would feel the near overwhelming power course through every fibre of her being, as that happened everything began to darken until nothing was visible, she would open her eyes to see Maggie offering a hand to her, seeing that she fell during whatever Maggie did. "You okay poppet?"

@Crystal Cali
after opening the floodgates for Liz, Maggie would head to the beach to find Will and Raina already there, "how much has the fog moved since you've got here?" Saying the Maggie would look about to see if there was anyone else here, seeing that there wasn't as many as she hoped she would let out a slight sigh. extending her arm to the side her guitar would materialise in her hand, eye open, frantically looking about. Plucking one of the strings to see what would happen to the fog, seeing it fog warp and shudder but still encroach, Maggie would look to the others as if waiting for them to say something.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Just as before, Liz could feel the pulse as the floodgates were opened. She felt herself getting stronger, as well as a heat rising within her. Once it felt like she could take no more, Liz joined the others, running to the beach at an unbelievable speed. She stared into the fog, her eyes now glowing a faint orange color. "Well, this feels different," she comments as she looks around. Her vision has been tinted slightly orange, and she felt as if she could almost see through the thick fog.


Raina looks over to Maggie as she gets to the beach. "None, but it has never been this close to the shore," she says, watching the mist swirl, reacting to the song, but not being weakened by it.


The mist approached slowly, and when Maggie's music caused it to swirl, a fain groan could be heard from within. It sounded far away, but it definitely had to be reacting to Maggie's music. The mist began to speed up its approach after Maggie's playing had stopped, and as it made its way to the shore, the air around the group would become thicker, making it more difficult to breathe.

@SinningSloth @ThatOneLunatic
"how are you feeling poppet?" Maggie directing this to Liz who joined them, seeing the tint in Liz's eyes, a sly smile would appear on Maggie before seeing that the mist began to speed up after she stopped playing, Maggie would begin playing her music again, the music was calm, relaxing, like a lullaby to help a child to sleep. As she played she would start floating just above the ground moving towards the fog, not knowing what will happen 'but hey, what's the worse that could happen' Maggie thought to herself, a slight chuckle could be heard from her as she walked.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Will who was close to the water continued to look into the fog as his body began to glow Green and his aura grew as his Blade was covered in the aura aswell. Pieces of sand began to float around him aswell as the cloak that was over his armor began to lift up. It was as if he was summoning power to himself and Raina would hear in her head in Wills voice You think whatever created this mist is finally coming to finish us off? he seemed to chuckle afterwards I hope it knows I wont go down without a fight. @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth
Maggie's softer song caused the mist to stand still. There seemed to be a low rumbling noise coming from far away, echoing through the mist.


Liz grins. "Like I've got a fire runnin' through my blood. It burns, yet, it's exhilarating." Liz walks into the mist, and the mist would begin to steam up and evaporate in the small area around her. "Well, this could be useful. Just give me a minute to figure out how to work it right." Liz stands about ankle deep in the water.


Raina has a more serious look on her face as she nods in response to Will's thoughts. She brought out her own green aura, and drew her daggers, scanning the area as she looks for any movement in the moonlit mist.

@SinningSloth @ThatOneLunatic
Will smiled and in Rainas head he spoke again That noise....it....have we...heard it before....? began to sing in elvish and as he did so Vines and wood and even the water would begin to rise from the sea and ground in what seemed to be a triple layered wall Water in the front Wood behind and Vines behind that, the wall was not extremely large, maybe 20 feet in width but it would be enough to use as cover from projectiles


@Crystal Cali @SinningSloth

(throwback to the festival xD )
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Seeing the fog stopped, Maggie would go to the edge of the fog about to enter before hearing Will sing, Maggie would try to harmonise his song with her playing the guitar, still trying to keep to the calm relaxing song she was playing before. After harmonising with Will, she would begin to go into the fog. It was thick, smothering, if Maggie needed to breath she would be having trouble, it was like breathing liquid but even tho she didn't need to breath the fog felt odd as she moved towards the noise the came from further in the fog.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Raina ducks behind the wall Will made, and squints as she listens carefully to the rumble. It does seem familiar, she responds to him. Knowing the song Will was playing, Raina takes out her pan pipes and plays along. As she does, the animals that had followed her line up along the edge of the water, with Ash close by Raina's side, all ready to pounce on whatever may come.


Liz focuses, not paying a bit of attention to those around her as she gets a feel for the fire coursing through her. As she focused her energy, the orange glow around her began to spread, and more of the mist began to evaporate. The water at Liz's feet began to boil, and create more steam, making it harder for Liz to see, but the area of evaporating fog grew wider and wider. The fog around Maggie would begin to get thinner, revealing the shadow of something massive.


With another grumble, the shadow moved.

@ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth

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