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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Will continued his songs as more and more things would join the wall to make it stronger, battlements to walk along would form along the wooden and vine walls and will would move to them to look over the wall, still about 5 feet of the top of the wall covering so if needed he could duck behind the wall @Crystal Cali
Kal'Thazaan finished sharpening his scythe-chain and turned to the illusion.

And how is this of any of my concern? I have nothing to do with the voidborn, nor do I owe you a single penny. Give me a good reason to help you at all? I have my own problems.

He told the demon, grabbing his lantern off the wall and preparing to leave.

If you want me to fight, then you'd better convince me quick. I have things to be doing.

Seeing the massive shadow, Maggie would look up to it's form, she would chuckle for a moment before striking the devil's chord (flattened fifth chord), a disjunction from the normal harmony she was playing, the sound was unnerving to hear, as she continues to play, more illusions form, each playing music, the music from them all continues that pattern of the unnerving feel, soon enough the music began to get louder and louder as more and more illusion began to play in unison with Maggie.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic

"You should care because if whatever the things behind the fog is gets to the isle, it's likely to kill everything, and I know you want to do that but if everything is killed at once, how would you be able to see their torment." The illusion spoke to Kal'Thazaan

SinningSloth said:
Seeing the massive shadow, Maggie would look up to it's form, she would chuckle for a moment before striking the devil's chord (flattened fifth chord), a disjunction from the normal harmony she was playing, the sound was unnerving to hear, as she continues to play, more illusions form, each playing music, the music from them all continues that pattern of the unnerving feel, soon enough the music began to get louder and louder as more and more illusion began to play in unison with Maggie.
@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic

"You should care because if whatever the things behind the fog is gets to the isle, it's likely to kill everything, and I know you want to do that but if everything is killed at once, how would you be able to see their torment." The illusion spoke to Kal'Thazaan

Raider would finally head towards the others and would join them in the fight. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but he had to do something.

(Hue timezone. Sleep. Hue.)
Ty had felt something off, and headed to the shore where he saw the mist gathered and a shadow formed. He ran up to stand near Will and Raina, looking at it confusedly. He'd never seen the mist so close before, nor any creature within it. (Sorry I sometimes vanish.)
Liz's orange aura seemed to pulse out farther from her in time with Maggie's playing, pulsing every time she hit the devil's cord. As the aura spread, more and more of the mist vanished, but it still was not enough to fully see the monster hidden within. The form of the monster was becoming more distinct. At its center was a large, pointed, cone-like shape, and numerous tentacles surrounded it. The creature groans again and again at the noise Maggie and her illusions were making.


Raina watches what was going on carefully, then as she realized what Liz's aura must be doing, she turns to Ty. "Can you make your fire magic do something similar to what Elizabeth's aura is doing? If we can clear the mist away, we can better fight the monster."

As Raina was speaking, tentacles lashed up violently near the group, swinging at Liz and Maggie as they seemed to try to swipe the two women away. Liz quickly avoids the slashes with a speed she had never had before.


May rushes to the beach after gathering what she could to set up a medical area near the caves, and watches the fight unfold.

@SinningSloth @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
He nodded, and stood next to liz. As he focused, a red aura formed lightly around him. Holding his palms open, flames sprung from them, twisting and curling, dissipating parts of the mist as they went. The trails moved in rhythm with Liz's aura pulses. The fire began to absorb the mist, sparks jumping around as the mist got lighter.
As the tendril swatted at Maggie, she strikes another chord, creating a barrier covered in sharp barb, which the tendril that swatted at Maggie drags across it as it protected Maggie from the attack, pulling away the tendril would have sections of it peal off, it reals in pain, letting out a horrid shriek. As it shrieked Maggie would begin to create jinn to protect everyone, using their own bodies as protection for the others.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
SinningSloth said:
As the tendril swatted at Maggie, she strikes another chord, creating a barrier covered in sharp barb, which the tendril that swatted at Maggie drags across it as it protected Maggie from the attack, pulling away the tendril would have sections of it peal off, it reals in pain, letting out a horrid shriek. As it shrieked Maggie would begin to create jinn to protect everyone, using their own bodies as protection for the others.
@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
Raider would then decide that it was best to actually unleash power for this situation was severe. It had been awhile, but he was going to do so. The amount of power he had spiked incredibly unleashing a mixture of black and white. An angel wing was on his right side while a devil wing was on his left. From there he would use both his incredibly powerful sides to clear the mist.
Will aura grew brighter and vines would shoot out of the forest latching onto the tentacles trying to pull them away or at least slow down the attacks on Liz and Maggie "You wretched beast! You have tormented my home for too long!" He would yell loudly and strange figures would rise from the ground behind them, Elf-like figures and he took a few gems from his pocket tossing them to the figures and 3 Elves would join him on the wall all familiar, it was Thannor, his mother, and his father. But this time they gave off a similar aura to him and he smiled "I'm glad you could join us brother...mother.....father...." they all smiled back and Thannor spoke "Glad to be here brother." and Thannor looked to raina and said "Been a while" @Crystal Cali (was gonna do a rp thing on how he would get them to do this shit but yall decided to do the big finale so brought them back and changed the way he did it, basically when he went to the caves he fought the spirit that had possessed and controlled his families souls and embedded their souls in the gems he was searching for but since we sped forward the finale to today well had to cut out bits and pieces because i had only acquired the gems when you decided to do this so I changed what i had originally planned to him fighting the Spirit in the caves while he was searching for the gems. Sorry guys)
Once the mist was cleared away, the creature became visible. It shouts in pain as one of it's tentacles is peeled apart, and lashes at Maggie with another tentacle. The creature was out in the open now, and it knew it. The other tentacles became more violent, swatting at those who was in the water, and thrashing around to create large waves. The creature shouts loud enough for the sound waves to cause the earth to vibrate as it desperately tried to either swat or grab one of the people in front of it.


Liz ducked and weaved through the tentacles, feeling the heat rising in her blood. She moves closer to the beast, focusing her power towards it, and unleashing a blast of boiling hot aura, that almost looked like fire. "Boil ye nasty squid!" she shouted as waves of aura began to hit the creature in the face. The creature would groan as it was hit, and would have a hard time fighting Will's vines as it's vision was now being blocked by Liz's aura, and the steam the heat was creating around it.


Raina smiles slightly at Thannor. "Uma, quite a while." she says, then seeing Liz was making progress, she turns and watches.

(@ThatOneLunatic Sorry we rushed it. Your idea is pretty cool, and adds an interesting dynamic in this last fight.)

@SinningSloth @YoungX @Otakubeats
As the tendrils began to swat violently, one of the tendrils would hit the barrier that was protecting Maggie with that much force, a section of the tendril whipped round the barrier hitting Maggie, causing her to fly back, hitting the beach with a thud. The guitar and the illusion that were playing still going just with Maggie picking herself up, tho she was a demon, she was nowhere near as durable as some of the other types. Now clutching her chest with one arm, Maggie would gesture to the beast, a full battalion of longbows formed behind her, the arrows thick as a strongman's arm and as the last one formed, they began to barrage the beast with the arrows. Screaming the top of her lungs, "this is my territory and you're not welcome here." Saying that the beast was barraged by more and more arrows. A moment after, Maggie would conjure her own bow, drawing an arrow back it looked like the arrow head was hollow, letting go of the arrows she would only say this, "so die."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Will un-slung his bow along with his family and they began to fire Volleys of arrows glowing In their Auras Wills green, Thannors Red, His father Yellow His mother purple and they fired volley after volley
@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] Sorry we rushed it. Your idea is pretty cool, and adds an interesting dynamic in this last fight.)

@SinningSloth @YoungX @Otakubeats
Raider would unleash his full power now. The Isle shook violently at this power, and Raider would have two halves. An angel like white on the right and a demon black on the left. "No creature will hurt the Isle as long as I'm here," he said as he took Septentrion and formed it into a sword of black and white. The monster would be slashes continuously with extreme speed. It would take collosal damage for how evil it is.
Ethereal walls sprang up around and over Maggie's barrier. Kal'Thazaan appeared in a wave of Black Mist. His cloak was torn, he was missing a left arm and his jaw was completely gone.

Nasty pest. I'll retrieve my arm when this animal is gone. And can I have it's soul when you're done with it?


@Crystal Cali

The creature groans, and thrashes. Unable to escape Will's vines, and taking damage from Ty's fire, Liz's aura, the immense amount of arrows, and Raider's sword all at once. The heat caused by the fire and the aura caused the creature's insides to boil, and eventually it exploded. The explosion wasn't powerful enough to hurt anyone, it just sent the creature's guts flying off in all different directions.


Liz had tried to run backwards when she saw the monster was about to explode, but couldn't get enough traction on the water to be able to avoid getting hit by the flying guts. A chunk of the monster slams into her back, and Liz falls face-first into the water, though soon popping up again and complaining. "Okay, that is just disgusting! Bloody hell, I'm going to be covered in this slime for weeks!"


Raina ducks behind the wall Will had made, and avoids getting hit by anything. Once it seemed that the guts had all landed, she looks up again and an incredible sight was there before her eyes. Floating in the sky were hundreds, possibly thousands of souls scattered all around them. The souls looked straight forward, at no one in particular, and all said in unison

"We are the souls who have been claimed by the sea. We are the ones who were lost in the mist. We were consumed by the creature you have just slain, our life was its sustenance. It his within the mist, claiming victim after victim, until finally no one else dared to come. Seeing that it was going to starve, it approached the isle, looking to devour the souls of those who reside here. You have claimed victory over the beast which hid within the mist, and as our congratulations to you, we will eliminate the thing which bound you here. The mist will be no more. Strangers are free to return home. Natives are free to reclaim their home with no regret."


Raina, Liz, and May stood in their respective places on the beach, looking to the spirits in the sky in complete and utter shock.

@YoungX @Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will smiled and looked to everyone and then his face went to sadness as he realized many of the friends he had made would probably leave "Are you leaving.....?" He asked Raider almost afraid of his answer. Raider was one of Wills first non elven friends on the Isle and he didnt want to see him go @YoungX @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth @MrEvilMexican @Otakubeats
Raider took a moment and thought about it. It's true that he had been transported, but it's not like he had a home to begin with. "As the head guard of colonists, I shall guard them so long as I am one. That's my answer." There was a nice smile on his face as he said it. "If the colonists stay then I'll stay."

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