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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Fool, extinguish my flames and I will... Actually, how the fuck did that even...

Hexxarus stopped dead in his tracks as he peeked into the contents of the lantern. The souls of the following were trapped inside:

-An elf

-A horse

-A few hundred innocent villagers

-A Murlock?!

-A demon from... Somewhere.

Anyways, who said extinguishing my calmed will kill me? Demon, I can curse your land to an eternity of unrest and nobody can do a thing about it.

By that time, Faust had already made a roast chicken and a lot of tea, sitting on a tree. Both beings have equal amounts of power one way or the other and he wouldn't want to miss how this will end.

"Would you two stop for a moment" Davorin shouts at Maggie and Hexxarus. "And don't either of give any of your high and might posturing, I don't care if Santa clause never visited you because you were such a hard nut, if any of that is true that how come neither of you can stop him" Davorin order while looking at both them in a disapproving almost furious anger. He knew of the link between the lantern and its owner. Kal'Thazaan lived. He would come after the vampire. Davorin tried not to think on it. "Hexxarus if owe Raider a debt, help is track down an stop him, Maggie if this is your domain, stop announcing that it is an protect it". @MrEvilMexican @YoungX @SinningSloth
"who said trying to kill?" saying that she then looked to Davorin, who now would feel the wires grinding inside, nearly tearing new wounds upon the old. "I know I am to protect my domain, do you know what I am doing right now, I've been searching the entire isle with my illusions but it rather difficult with insubordinate spirits acting as they please." She pauses creating an illusion, its visage warped and unstable, "Even if I could focus entirely in protecting my land, I would still be drawn to the idiots that encroach." glaring at Hexxarus as she said that before returning her gaze at Davorin.

@MrEvilMexican @SirGrey @YoungX
Hexxarus turned around and began to 'walk' away.

I have no part in protecting a demon's territory. But as for the duel, my only advice would be to take every opportunity without hesitation.

He said, before breaking into a gallop, Kal'Thazaan's lantern flailing in the wind.

@SinningSloth @YoungX

"I didn't exactly say the word kill di-Gahh!" Davorin said before the wires on his wounds began to grind. He had thought of that before now. The power the demon had over him. The pain was enough that Davorin had trouble standing. "Fine perhaps you are helping, but in, insubordinate spirits acting as they please well that just the way they are" Davorin says as he gets used to the pain. "Well I'm glad he is gone at least, never did have the patience for creatures like him" the vampires says in a dark tone. "As for that duel, sod the duel, just stab the bastard in the back"Davorin says in a light tone. "I know its all honour, but that brother of Wills, he has no honour an deserves none back" @YoungX @SinningSloth @MrEvilMexican
SirGrey said:
"I didn't exactly say the word kill di-Gahh!" Davorin said before the wires on his wounds began to grind. He had thought of that before now. The power the demon had over him. The pain was enough that Davorin had trouble standing. "Fine perhaps you are helping, but in, insubordinate spirits acting as they please well that just the way they are" Davorin says as he gets used to the pain. "Well I'm glad he is gone at least, never did have the patience for creatures like him" the vampires says in a dark tone. "As for that duel, sod the duel, just stab the bastard in the back"Davorin says in a light tone. "I know its all honour, but that brother of Wills, he has no honour an deserves none back" @YoungX @SinningSloth @MrEvilMexican
Raider looks to Davorin with an understanding look. "Well that may be so but... Will will most likely still will unable to strike his brother. Family ties are strong even if they become enemies. The best we can do is hope that Will prevails."

@SirGrey @SinningSloth
Seeing Davorin stumble, nearly falling, Maggie would realise why as the wires suddenly loosen and stop grinding, "Oh Pumpkin, I'm so sorry, didn't mean for that to happen, they're, um... stuck to you, both physically and spiritually, that's the one reason I haven't gotten rid of them." looking to Raider, "A family spat is all well and good but when it begins to involve more than family, it isn't really a simple family spat anymore, so this can go south rather quickly."

@SirGrey @YoungX
SinningSloth said:
Seeing Davorin stumble, nearly falling, Maggie would realise why as the wires suddenly loosen and stop grinding, "Oh Pumpkin, I'm so sorry, didn't mean for that to happen, they're, um... stuck to you, both physically and spiritually, that's the one reason I haven't gotten rid of them." looking to Raider, "A family spat is all well and good but when it begins to involve more than family, it isn't really a simple family spat anymore, so this can go south rather quickly."
@SirGrey @YoungX
Raider nods in agreement. "It can go south rather quickly especially since I'm sure his brother will most likely fight using all sorts of tricks. Of course... compared to what we just went through earlier I'm sure we can handle him, but I don't wish to ruin Will's honor. As it is now Will has been through... an interesting dilemma to say the least."

@SirGrey @SinningSloth
"Yes well lets just hope you can get him trained up enough in time, and that Will won't be too much of a pain in the arse with you" Davorin says with a smile. "Also Maggie remind me next time to check before I let you stitch me up, still you are correct, Will's brother needs to be stopped" the vampire mulled before think of a plan. "Raider I know you are training him, but what if me and Maggie paid Will's sibling a visit" @YoungX @SinningSloth
SirGrey said:
"Yes well lets just hope you can get him trained up enough in time, and that Will won't be too much of a pain in the arse with you" Davorin says with a smile. "Also Maggie remind me next time to check before I let you stitch me up, still you are correct, Will's brother needs to be stopped" the vampire mulled before think of a plan. "Raider I know you are training him, but what if me and Maggie paid Will's sibling a visit" @YoungX @SinningSloth
Raider looked to the two. "Well I can't really stop you from doing so. For all we know Will's brother is most likely up to something. He accepted this duel so easily. There has to be more behind it."

@SirGrey @SinningSloth
"Pumpkin, it was that or being dead, there is always a catch with demons, even if I didn't want one." Now looking to Raider, "I honestly don't think Will's brother will be honourable, in death, people lose a part of them, coming back exemplifies this, for all we know he's going to go to any lengths to be victorious."

@SirGrey @YoungX
SinningSloth said:
"Pumpkin, it was that or being dead, there is always a catch with demons, even if I didn't want one." Now looking to Raider, "I honestly don't think Will's brother will be honourable, in death, people lose a part of them, coming back exemplifies this, for all we know he's going to go to any lengths to be victorious."
@SirGrey @YoungX
Raider thinks carefully. "Does Will's brother bear grudges? If I remember he hates himans, but was that all?"

@SinningSloth @SirGrey
"Like I said me and Maggie should pay him a visit, she what his weakness are maybe put the threat down if need be, plus as you said before, I cannot imagine just lying down and waiting for this duel" Davorin mussed. @SinningSloth @YoungX
SirGrey said:
"Like I said me and Maggie should pay him a visit, she what his weakness are maybe put the threat down if need be, plus as you said before, I cannot imagine just lying down and waiting for this duel" Davorin mussed. @SinningSloth @YoungX
Raider nodded. "It's perhaps best we finish this quickly then. Who knows how much chaos Will's brother is planning. He should be in the forest?"

@SirGrey @SinningSloth
"Most likely. I'll have my illusions search the area, he died so he might be hiding out around his family grave, do elves have family grave? If not, he'll be in an area of death, so that he doesn't draw much attention from his presence." She looks to Davorin, "Oh, there is one good thing about the wires still being there, If there are any more injuries they can quickly stitch you back together." saying this purposely avoiding telling him that it would also stay in the areas that he's been wounded.

@SirGrey @YoungX
"True he may be near his 'rest place' also he may be testing summoning some of those vine creatures or perhaps even trying a new spells for the duel" Davorin speculates. "Well at least if, or more likely when I get the crapped kicked out of me, I'll be able to pop straight back up, though much more of that wire and I'll be a puppet" Davorin said with a smile. Still he didn't know how much of a 'joke' this would be. @SinningSloth
Liz stays inside the cave, able to catch parts of the conversation outside due to the hole in the wall. She slumps down on a chair, and sighs, taking a long swig of the drink she still held in her hand. The gates of hell have opened, and Liz felt more and more powerless as new enemies appeared.

@SirGrey @YoungX @SinningSloth


Raina just smiles up at Will, chuckling a little before she looks back down and nuzzles closer to him.

"And that is why I suggest you don't rely on them patching you up." Sighing she would look to Liz, "come here poppet, I want to talk to you, better yet, come wit me to Montblanca, I'd rather talk in private, please." saying that she would begin to walk to Montblanca. staying behind with Davorin and Raider would be an illusion so they could continue their conversation.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Liz gets up and walks out, still holding the bottle of ale she had been drinking, which was over half empty. She stumbles a little as she walks through the forest towards Montblanka. Once they had made it to Maggy's office, Liz plopped down on a chair and just silently gave Maggie a questioning look. @SinningSloth
Davorin sighed as Liz walked away. He really shouldn't of let her drink that much, but then again that is like trying to stop a bird from flying. He didn't know why Maggie wanted to talk with her, and he presumed that asking wouldn't get him very far. He simply gave her a question and a also defiant look as she walked off with pirate. @Crystal Cali
the illusion, more stable in form than those during her little spat with the spirits, looks to Davorin, "do not worry, I'm gonna be giving her a helping hand, she's likely feeling like dead weight right now, she hasn't been able to do much with what we've been facing. I'm gonna help in that aspect." The illusion spoke sincerely, Maggie wasn't lying to him.


"poppet, you've been feeling like shit since you've been unable to help in the fights, haven't you? Well, I want to help in that matter, 'member when you were playing the guitar and you felt the pulse of the world, there is power behind that..." she pauses slightly hesitant since finding that even when she made no catch, helping Davorin a catch was created. "I can help you tap into that, it will help you fight alongside with Davorin, even in the most dangerous situations but, there will be a catch, with making deals of this nature there always is, I'll try my best to mitigate the catch but it still will be there. So, what do you say?"

@Crystal Cali
Davorin wanted to yell at Maggie about how Liz wasn't dead weight, that she matter so much. The vampire stopped himself however, because Maggie said that was how Liz felt. Davorin wasn't so blinded by his emotions that he couldn't see this, after all Liz was only human, an exceptional human, but still just human. Davorin spoke in a low tone. "If that is what she wants then so be it, and you do seem to be honest demon, but still just a friendly warning not to try anything". Davorin showed his fangs and his eyes glowed momentarily. "Also perhaps you should sober her up before you ask her something like that" @SinningSloth
Liz definitely looked intrigued. "What do I have to do, and what's the catch?" Even being as drunk as she was, Liz knew never to just agree with something without knowing the details.

"You. wouldn't need to do anything, rather you'd need to just stay near me while I open the gate, the gate isn't a physical object, it is the thing that, holds the powers that be back, What you would receive varies from person to person but always has it been extremely helpful." she sighs, "The catch would likely be a bond between you and I, don't worry, it would simply be a spiritual link, the reason for it would be, I'm the one that is opening the gate, so it would form this bond through the powers that you receive but the strength of the link will be weak at most, so there will be no adverse affects. The powers will not be like my own, that I am certain of, all account of when ever this happens, even if the person was a clone of the one opening, they would still have distinct powers from one and other." She looks to the slightly drunk Liz. "Those are the details of this deal, do you accept or do you have more questions before deciding?"

@Crystal Cali

The illusion looks to Davorin, "don't worry, I am giving her the option and telling her the downside, all I can say is I'm making a deal with her, now before you shout at me, I've already told her about the catch and that I'm going to try mitigating it, so please, let's get back to the matter at hand." At this time the illusions that have been scouring the forest in search for Tharron.

Davorin sighs, his worry lower but not gone. "Okay just please, make sure she is safe, I er no just please" Davorin says his voice showing his vulnerability for once. Still with another sigh he gets back to the objective at hand. "Should we got to that grave sight first, I don't know were it is but I suspect you do" Davorin says before going back into his home and closing the hidden entrance. He also checks his experiment, taking it off the boil. He leaves it on the side, sealed for when he gets back. walking back he asks Maggie "Could you make an illusion for the hole in my home, underground lairs aren't really as hidden with them" before walking out of the cavern. Outside in the forest the vampire waits for the demon. @SinningSloth

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