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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Hearing the thunk Thannor would imediately roll to the side allowing time for Will to grab his blade and stand up. Although he had not been harmed he now needed to focus on all those around him and not just Wills attacks @crystal cali\[uSER\=50538\]@Otakubeats[/uSER]
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May sighs, and pauses to think for a moment. "I have no doubt that Raina has joined in this fight, and yes, it does seem to be a personal matter. Typically, if there is no threat to the city, I would wait for Raina to send for help. It would be best to inform the guard to make the gate more secure and to not allow civilians to leave the town until the fight is settled. Unless you also know of a way to contain the damage that might come about from this fight, it would be best that you stay here."



Liz chuckles, and calls over her shoulder as Maggie's illusion vanishes "Aye, aye. Don't have to ask me twice," then turns her head back around and continues to the tavern, strolling up to the bar and ordering some rum. She looks around, wondering if those kids she saw the other day ever made it over here. The seemed to have maybe run off or something, since she didn't see them the last couple times she had been here.... Then again, she was.... distracted. She also wonders about Killua. Obviously his father had left, and she assumed Killua was still around, but she had been so busy, she hadn't seen him recently.

@Shammy the Shamrock @IkutoForever2222


Raina hisses in frustration as her arrow is avoided, but she stays where she is, hoping that now that Thannor has been disarmed, the fight can be brought to a swift end.

@Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
ThatOneLunatic said:
Hearing the thunk Thannor would imediately roll to the side allowing time for Will to grab his blade and stand up. Although he had not been harmed he now needed to focus on all those around him and not just Wills @crystal cali\[uSER\=50538\]@Otakubeats[/uSER]
Ty stepped out growling. When he spoke his voice was different. "You are dead. Accept that and move on. Don't drag others down with you."
Will weilding his blade and picking up the one torn from his hand previously smiled "Brother. I dont want to....I dont want to hurt you...."

Thannor looked at him in terror and pleaded "Deldhinor please...dont...I'm sorry....I'm your brother...please..." He begged

Will couldn't do it, he couldn't kill his brother and fell easily into the trap set by him. Will set the blades down and stepped forward to grab his brothers hand

Thannor smiled and took his hand but unseen by Will was Thannor had grabbed one of the blades Will had placed down and as he stood he thrust it towards Will

Will only noticing it too late was shocked as the blade entered his thigh and he was forced to the ground as Thannor laughed maniacally "Foolish little brother! You are weak for listening to those Royals and siding with the Invaders! For that I will give you the punishment you deserve!" He boasted as he pulled the blade from out of Wills thigh preparing to drive it into his gut @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats
Heading to Will via the shadows Maggie would get there around the time Ty opened fire on Will and the other elf, looking at the scene in front of her, she'd see the elf from before aiming a shot at him the arrow flies towards the elf, shattering before impact, spreading the shrapnel in his direction, somehow missing Will. All this being shown on the desk in Montblanca thanks to the illusion Maggie left there. as she fired a copy of herself appeared at a different angle to herself, firing an arrow at the ground once again creating the crystalline liquid that moved towards the elf. All while the area that they were in began to shift as an illusionary barrier began to envelop the area.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats
Avery had been sleeping, leaning against one wall. They had been there for quite some time since it was there only shelter. The little vampires teeth showed as her head was pulled back.

Ezekiel had curled up on Avery. Sleeping like a dog on top if his master. His breathing was visible and it was clear he was having a nightmare.

@Crystal Cali


Liz chuckles, and calls over her shoulder as Maggie's illusion vanishes "Aye, aye. Don't have to ask me twice," then turns her head back around and continues to the tavern, strolling up to the bar and ordering some rum. She looks around, wondering if those kids she saw the other day ever made it over here. The seemed to have maybe run off or something, since she didn't see them the last couple times she had been here.... Then again, she was.... distracted. She also wonders about Killua. Obviously his father had left, and she assumed Killua was still around, but she had been so busy, she hadn't seen him recently.

@Shammy the Shamrock @IkutoForever2222


Raina hisses in frustration as her arrow is avoided, but she stays where she is, hoping that now that Thannor has been disarmed, the fight can be brought to a swift end.

@Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
Raider nodded and would inform the guards to do as she said. He would stand guard at the gate.

(Brb. Vacation stuff.)
Raina cringes as Will fell for his brother's trick, but she couldn't just sit there. She leaps up, rushes over to position herself between Will and Thannor. She begins to hum, and starts emitting a green aura, which flows out of her, and into the ground she touches, leaving glowing footprints behind her. The ground around the footprints shifts towards Raina, as if it were trying to follow her, until Raina is positioned in between the two brothers. She waves her hand, and the ground she had touched on her way over is pulled up like clay, and moves to create a wall between Raina and Thannor, which should block his attack for now.

@ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth @Otakubeats


Liz spots the two kids sleeping in the corner, and walks over to them, noticing the boy's twitching. She lays a hand on his shoulder and gently tries to shake him awake. "Oi, kid. Hey, wake up," she says in a voice barely louder than a whisper.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Before thrusting it into Will he sighed vines erupting to block the shrapnel turning to see the liquid as he tried to evade it. "Cant you leave this to the Family?" he chuckled as he looked to see the area around him shifting and he laughed louder

Will stood holding his thy as he yelled loudly to everyone "If any of you touch my brother. I will kill you!" He was serious as he eyed everyone. His emotions were shown to them all through the Aura that engulfed the area. This was personal to him and he truly meant it. Anyone who interfered with this unless directly involved he would never forgive. This was his brother, he felt it was his duty to stop him and he looked to Thannor "Brother!" he took his Gauntlet from his hand and threw it to the ground. He then looked to Raina and a quick glimpse of sorrow was seen and felt through his aura. The Gauntlet was ancient tradition. If Thannor picked it up it would mean he accepted the duel and he would face him in single combat. Thannor continued to dance around dogeing and weaving as if battle were childs play. Before looking tot he Gauntlet and nodding with a smirk. @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth @Otakubeats
ThatOneLunatic said:
Before thrusting it into Will he sighed vines erupting to block the shrapnel turning to see the liquid as he tried to evade it. "Cant you leave this to the Family?" he chuckled as he looked to see the area around him shifting and he laughed louder
Will stood holding his thy as he yelled loudly to everyone "If any of you touch my brother. I will kill you!" He was serious as he eyed everyone. His emotions were shown to them all through the Aura that engulfed the area. This was personal to him and he truly meant it. Anyone who interfered with this unless directly involved he would never forgive. This was his brother, he felt it was his duty to stop him and he looked to Thannor "Brother!" he took his Gauntlet from his hand and threw it to the ground. He then looked to Raina and a quick glimpse of sorrow was seen and felt through his aura. The Gauntlet was ancient tradition. If Thannor picked it up it would mean he accepted the duel and he would face him in single combat. Thannor continued to dance around dogeing and weaving as if battle were childs play. Before looking tot he Gauntlet and nodding with a smirk. @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth @Otakubeats
Ty growled. There was no way he'd been friends with this moron. The idiot let his emotions lead his action. Muttering under his breath he steped back to watch. "Idiot."
Raina gives Will a sad, and pained look before sighing. "At least let me bandage that for you first," she says, motioning towards his thigh. Though Raina did not like the idea, this seemed to be a battle of honor in Will's mind, so she would bandage his wound if he let her, then step back and watch.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats @SinningSloth
Ezekiel woke up with a jolt, he was breathing heavily. "H-hello again miss," he whispered, trying not to wake up Avery. The fear was in his eyes and beads of sweat were on his forehead.

@Crystal Cali
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Mages were always fools, playing at the machinery behind reality. Summoning rituals never went quite as planned. Sometimes, it can go drstically wrong.

Faust thought to himself as he found his way into the bar and collapsed on a chair. Back from Germany and things have already gotten bad. He'd just seen something nobody should have.


He thought to himself.

(open for interaction)
As Maggie saw this, the barrier around the area, shifted, slightly lifting off the ground as everyone that was in there felt the lack of earth of foliage, once the area finished shifting it resembled that off a fighting pit with seats around the area that Will and the other male elf were in. "If yous two are gonna fight, yous are doing it on equal footings, I don't care if you don't like it, this is how it is." with that Maggie would sit down, since neither elf had any intelligence about the, muttering under her breathe, "Poppet wasn't kidding about this idiot." her expression now of aggravation @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
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Thannor had picked up the gauntlet and unexpectedly threw it back at Will "I've already bested you brother. Come back when you have learned." He chuckled before disappearing in a black smoke explosion. Will picked up the gauntlet in anger. To have his duel denied was the utmost disrespect and he looked back to Raina chuckling as if it meant nothing to him "Guess I"m not good enough....huh...at least you don't have to worry" He stood up like nothing had happened. As if his brother was never there. But the truth was he was in denial. How could his brother come back with blood-lust for the Royal family? How? He couldn't understand it. No he didnt want to understand it. He wished none pof this had happened and he looked to Maggie and chuckled as if he knew what she had said before he sighed and said "Put everyone down.....I will have to fight him another time.....seems I'm not good enough yet." He chuckled again although the whole situation hurt him he played it off as if it was nothing and soon enough he was gone in a flash of green light. ((Was gonna do the fight but remembered i wanted to do something witht he two and i have work in 4 hours xD sorry guys but im off)) @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth @Otakubeats
Maggie gave the pair of elves a bitter cold glare before the illusion started to fade, returning them to the scenery of the forest they were in, with the illusion gone Maggie would take her leave, the people if any would just hear a continuous stream of profanities directed at those two elves. Returning to the town she would send a illusion to Liz, "Montblanca, drinks, now" the tone was of someone pissed off, not at Liz but at those two idiot getting ready to tear the whole isle apart. Arriving back at Montblanca any customers that were still inside were asked to leave, only giving permission to specific people for entry at the moment.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
SinningSloth said:
Maggie gave the pair of elves a bitter cold glare before the illusion started to fade, returning them to the scenery of the forest they were in, with the illusion gone Maggie would take her leave, the people if any would just hear a continuous stream of profanities directed at those two elves. Returning to the town she would send a illusion to Liz, "Montblanca, drinks, now" the tone was of someone pissed off, not at Liz but at those two idiot getting ready to tear the whole isle apart. Arriving back at Montblanca any customers that were still inside were asked to leave, only giving permission to specific people for entry at the moment.
@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Ty growled, muttering curses under his breath. He turned and walked off, not paying any mind to Raina and Will.
MrEvilMexican said:
Mages were always fools, playing at the machinery behind reality. Summoning rituals never went quite as planned. Sometimes, it can go drstically wrong.
Faust thought to himself as he found his way into the bar and collapsed on a chair. Back from Germany and things have already gotten bad. He'd just seen something nobody should have.


He thought to himself.

(open for interaction)
If you get Faust closer to the lake, I can RP with you~ ^^))
Acey said:
If you get Faust closer to the lake, I can RP with you~ ^^))
(Yo can I grab dat offer?)

Ty walked through the woods. HE really didn't care where he was going at the moment. Just away.
First come, first serve (◕◡◕✿) ))

Shafer was now back in his lake. He was just happy to be back in a familiar place. He walked around the bottom of the lake absentmindedly as his subtly webbed fingers worked at the base of a feather. He hummed as he moved, the sound ethereal in the dead silence of the lake. His voice even carried up above the surface of the water.


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