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Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

By the way, I had the thought that we may want to do some book keeping for events in here. Let's say, one person amongst a group in story - upon finishing up their RPing for the day or whatever, writes up a brief summary here. And then perhaps @Crystal Cali compiles these brief summaries into the Overview every now and then? I'm just thinking in terms of making it easier for both new players to join (and not create plotholes in doing so) and for /us/ to keep track of what the heck is happening and avoid major plotholes.

I don't know, we can all discuss it together but even though this is just Casual, I figure some light organization would make things much easier for everyone. :)

EDIT: I may even do this myself either way to be honest, as it would just make things easier for me, personally.
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look you kinda make it like a god ok. heres what i mean. lets say i do something, but then you block that action. i do another thing you block it again and it repeats, it would be fine to block it sometimes but not all the time. and ps my character couldn't find her so kinda need to read that post again
you cut through my tenticals freeing your self you hit me with the saxe and I passed out I blocked an arrow @FrostRaven
like the arrow catch thats fine but please try to make it so not every action is working toward your advantage. see, the stab then the catch is a good example. you took a hit then blocked. what I'm trying to say is at least have a different pattern of when you have something bad/ good happen to your character
ok I set up a conversation go to that so we can talk this out real quick rules are rules @FrostRaven
2. No OOC drama.

Don't be starting fights in OOC chat. If you have an issue with someone, take care of it privately.
He's bleeding a lot I kinda wanted to wait tell my friend was on but yea he's gonna pass out pretty quickly so don't worry I'm not trying to make him op @FrostRaven
"Arrows are really unconventional... They don't have the speed or power of a gun" Etna hissed through the fourth wall once more. "It only makes sense creatures that depend on our physical abilities such as me and mr. Tentacle freak can catch the arrows" @FrostRaven
I did some clarifying edits. Time for you to do some edits of your own, @Trust

There is positively no kinky stuff going on. And so help me Poseidon if I have to play around with your sick revisionist Succubus games.
Remmy said:
I did some clarifying edits. Time for you to do some edits of your own, @Trust
There is positively no kinky stuff going on. And so help me Poseidon if I have to play around with your sick revisionist Succubus games.
Deleted the post entirely, my bad, sorry >~< I'm a bit bored
Oh no, it's fine. There was a lot of text there and, honestly, I used some cryptic language that probably doesn't belong in Casual. So I'm at fault for being unclear with what's going on. Thanks

Remmy said:
Oh no, it's fine. There was a lot of text there and, honestly, I used some cryptic language that probably doesn't belong in Casual. So I'm at fault for being unclear with what's going on. Thanks
Tbh i have no idea where anyone is xD

Are you just asleep in some place or something? And it's all a dream?
Trust said:
Tbh i have no idea where anyone is xD
Are you just asleep in some place or something? And it's all a dream?
So, okay. Backstory of my character is that she was a slave and equipped with an otherwise standard slave collar that's enchanted so it would activate and like, produce a burst of electricity to incapacitate the wearer if they disobey, think of disobeying, etc. their owner.

But because she is a mermaid of the eel clan, it doesn't affect her, and it just coats her in electricity. Anyway, earlier, LionPride's character did some spooky creepy shit with his tentacles on her. She wasn't born with the pride and joy of her clan, their vaulted lightning abilities. But it was drawn out of her temporarily when Monty was doing his spooky tentacle monster stuff and she surged with electric power. It warped her collar physically, and, she just found out by experimenting, it warped the enchantment too. So the collar can only be activated by thinking of Monty being his horrifically creepy self like before, when her powers activated.
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Remmy said:
So, okay. Backstory of my character is that she was a slave and equipped with an otherwise standard slave collar that's enchanted so it would activate and like, produce a burst of electricity to incapacitate the wearer if they disobey, think of disobeying, etc. their owner.
But because she is a mermaid of the eel clan, it doesn't affect her, and it just coats her in electricity. Anyway, earlier, LionPride's character did some spooky creepy shit with his tentacles on her. She wasn't born with the pride and joy of her clan, their vaulted lightning abilities. But it was drawn out of her temporarily when Monty was doing his spooky tentacle monster stuff and she surged with electric power. It warped her collar physically, and, she just found out by experimenting, it warped the enchantment too. So the collar can only be activated by thinking of Monty being his horrifically creepy self like before, when her powers activated.
Oh, so basically the perverted tentacle monster "released your powers" by being a pervert
Trust said:
Oh, so basically the perverted tentacle monster "released your powers" by being a pervert
Yes. But then they went dormant again. So she's back to only being able to use the enchanted slave collar. But its enchantment was changed earlier due to the massive influx of magic going through it from Tentacle Face touching her up with his awful feelers.

So now, instead of the collar activating from disobedient thoughts of her former owner/de facto adoptive father, it can only activate by thinking of Monty being creepy as fuck.
Lol, talk a out originality though, it's very interesting but maybe you shouldn't write like three paragraphs on a tentacle monster for it xD

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