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Multiple Settings Advent of Eternity CS


One Winged Angel
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Quests
  3. Nation Building
This can be used as a reference.




Biography: (You can keep this brief)

Special Abilities: (Anything worth mentioning)
The Hero of the Wutai War

SOLDIER, warrior, Hero— Sephiroth has been named all these things. Originally a product of Professor Hojo's Project S, Sephiroth was born and bred to be the best of the best that SHINRA had to offer. Although initially conceived with the hopes that he would lead SHINRA to the Promised Land, a place infinitely rich in the mako energy they used to power their society, he did not prove able. Instead, Sephiroth was trained as a SOLDIER, the elite members that made up SHINRA's SOLDIER program.

When dispatched on his first mission to the Rhadoran peninsula at fourteen, Sephiroth quickly proved himself to be the pinnacle of Hojo's genius as the first and only type S SOLDIER. It was also there that he experienced the world and it's harshness for the first time.

Sephiroth would go on to be SHINRA's most effective weapon against the rebellious nation of Wutai. Seeing an opportunity to raise support for the war effort and increase enlistments, Sephiroth's exploits were quickly spread and propagandized, turning him into the face of the SOLDIER program and a hero in the eyes of Midgar.

Then, unexpectedly, on a mission to Nibleheim, Sephiroth vanished...

Unable to remember how he got to Zendria, he was quickly recruited by Professor Reeves, the head of The Eldest's Arcane Science Division, to help him uncover the culprit behind the planets suffering...

Those who have met Sephiroth have described him as Intense, Aloof and Awkward. Having been raised almost solely by Professor Hojo, Sephiroth had very little real world experience until the mission to Rhadore. When he finally learned to work with his team, he became much more open.

He seemed to be warmer, even through the Wutai war and beyond, and is not afraid to tease or even poke fun with his comrades, although at times it still comes across as clumsy and awkward.

Sephiroth has been noted to be abnormally strong, even for a SOLDIER First Class. He can leap great distances, cover large swaths of ground in seconds, and even sense enemies from a great distance away. He is also incredibly proficient with his sword, Masamune, able to wield the heavy weapon one handed and swing it with no effort at all. Decades of combat experience and the JENOVA cells in his body have made him a formidable foe that few can match, and even then not for very long.
Daisuke Ito
Daisuke is an easy-going hunter with a workaholic streak, always working to help his hometown of Kamura Village. Even if it's a simple "Gather these five herbs for me" he will do it without much complaint. He is dramatic, though, often exaggerating small problems out of proportion, yet minimizing bigger more serious problems in an effort to beat the odds through sheer determination to succeed.
Daisuke grew up being raised by his village when his parents, a human hunter named Katsuo and a wyverian field researcher named Emiko, left the village for a hunt and never returned, presumed dead. With the legacy of his parents fresh in his mind, he began hunter training at the age of 10 to carry on their memory.
He failed his first real hunt, losing his left eye to a Great Izuchi. But even still, he bounced back after healing, determined to continue hunting. He then went on to become the Flame of Kamura after defeating Magnamalo and the two Elder Dragons responsible for the Rampage that once nearly wiped out kamura 50 years ago.
After that, it was requested that he travel to Elgado to help with displaced monsters after the 3 Monster Lords suddenly went berserk. He had just discovered the existence of strange leech like flying monsters, when he was taken from his world and thrust into this one.

Special Abilities: super durability/ resilience/physical strength/enhanced healing (compared to an irl human)
Vile Villainess, Author of your Nightmares, Dread of your Big Fat Hero

Name: Jinx

Alignment: Chaotic Good / Hero

Jinx is incredibly mentally unstable and has become unpredictable and remorseless as a teen, showing no mercy towards her opponents or anything she perceives as a threat. She is brilliant, both in her combat and her weapon-making abilities, taking great enjoyment in showing off her creativity, ingenuity and artistic side seemingly unable not to make a show of things. Jinx holds a complex mix of chaotic joy, destructive tendencies, and a desperate yearning for connection, while still maintaining a signature erratic and unpredictable behaviour. She is more focused on finding a sense of belonging and grappling with the consequences of her actions, sometimes even showing glimpses of vulnerability amidst her destructive chaos. Despite all this she holds a keen self-awareness of her own destructive patterns and their impacts, even showing remorse later, attempting to keep such in check.

0d64a1c7022700a10352f6887a91fb5f.jpg Biography:
An orphaned girl with strong ties to her found families for good or ill, Jinx grew up wanting to help deep in the polluted slums of Zaun. Tragedy after tragedy, she would cement her identity as Jinx under her adoptive father Silco, working as an enforcer for his ambitions which would lead to her becoming known as both the infamous criminal topside for her wanton destruction, but also a symbol of rebellion to the people of Zaun. Clashes with Piltover, The Machine cult, Noxians and even her own sister would eventually lead to choosing to end the destructive cycle she had found herself in by walking away from her home, letting those she left behind to belive she had perished in the final battle for the freedom of her home.

Special Abilities:
Shimmer Enhanced Physicality: Due to an experimental surgery to save her life, Jinx developed an escalating superhuman strength, durability, senses, reflexes and speed beyond regular humans at the cost of her mental stability. This allows her to both easily wield incredibly heavy weaponry one-handed and perform enhanced acrobatics. These abilities during prolonged use along with her emotions or adrenaline further saturate her body with the shimmer they produce. In addition, the procedure has made her body somewhat toxic because of the shimmer saturation.
Marksman: Shown to be incredibly accurate with weapons despite their unpredictability, easily able to account for the recoil and otherwise inaccurate firearms without sights both stationary and during high movement. The most common of these being a variety of pistols, explosives and heavy weaponry such as her Gatling Gun and Rocket Launcher. She has shown capable of accurately hitting a target with her rocket launcher from the other side of the city.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While falling short of her own sister's natural skill, Jinx is still highly adept at hand-to-hand fighting pushed on by ferocity instead, displaying a fast-paced rush down incorporating unpredictable movements and acrobatics. She displays a preference for kicks to take advantage of the increased reach and striking speed, as well as using the inertia of her heavy weaponry to further aid her movements.
Genius Inventor: Show to be highly capable and creative in the development of a wide range of customer weaponry, traps, explosives, toys, vehicles and more. Her creativity and ingenuity allows her to both make advanced technology from what would otherwise be junk scrap, as well as reverse engineer other technology she has time to study. This also extends to a good grasp of chemistry as well as engineering, as well as even Arcane sigils and magics in order to develop her own Hex-Tech devices. Beyond the tangible, they have also shown talents in both creating music and clothing, though her artistic style of crude drawings if stylized, still leaves a lot to be desired.

Name: Dante, Son of Sparda

Alignment: Chaotic Good—aligned with villains by mistake

Dante is, for lack of better terms, a lovable asshole at first glance. He initially comes off as cocky, eccentric, and frustratingly carefree. He enjoys throwing out quips and taunts, even when fighting a dangerous foe. He is also highly sedentary when not on a mission and infamous for eating inordinate amounts of pizza and being slow to pay off his debts.

However, he is a lot sharper than he lets on, catching subtle clues that something isn't right and sometimes playing along just to let his quarry slip up or gravely underestimate him. He loves the world and finds those who abuse their power to subjugate others revolting. Guts and honor are qualities he admires, and he hates seeing families torn apart. To him, tears are a uniquely human thing, and seeing beings like Trish and Lucia cry signals they've become more than what their creators intended them to be.

Sparda was a legendary demon knight who led a revolt against his master, the dark emperor Mundus. He defeated Mundus, sealing him in a marble vault, and placed a great deal of his power into three swords while sealing the gate to the Underworld. Humans revered him over the centuries, some even worshipping him as a god. He lived among the humans, governing Fortuna for some time, and eventually married a human woman named Eva.

Eva gave birth to twin sons—Dante and Vergil. Sparda entrusted Dante with the longsword Rebellion and Vergil with the katana Yamato, then vanished and died under unknown circumstances. Mundus awakened from his slumber shortly after and sent minions to end Sparda's bloodline. They killed Eva and caused the 8-year-old twins to be separated; Dante assumed Vergil had died in the attack. He bounced around, living an unstable life as demons still hunted him.

Dante grew up to be a mercenary and investigator who took on "special jobs"—unique cases involving the paranormal. Over the years, he has foiled multiple plots to conquer the human world and built up a roster of colorful allies, such as Lady, a bazooka-toting devil hunter; Trish and Lucia, she-devils who defied their respective creators; and Nero, the only son of Vergil.

Recently, Dante was whisked away to a land just beyond the multiverse. By the looks of it, the one who summoned him sensed his demonic power and made some bold assumptions about his character. He chose to play along with these shady figures for now, but he senses something is very wrong here.

Special Abilities:
  • Half-demon physicality - Dante is uncannily fast, strong, and durable. He has shrugged off being impaled on several occasions, healing rapidly from his wounds.
  • Dante has mastered four fighting styles—Gunslinger, Swordmaster, Trickster, and Royal Guard. He can swap among them fluidly in combat.
  • Magic bullets - He has a rudimentary grasp on magic. He can perceive magical auras and conjure seemingly infinite ammo when wielding his guns.
  • Devil Trigger - For a short time, Dante can unleash his full demonic power, gaining lightning speed, greater strength, and flight.
  • Rebellion - A longsword carrying a fragment of the power of Sparda. While Yamato can cleave aspects of a being into separate entities, Rebellion can unite them. Dante awakened the dormant sword and activated his Devil Trigger for the first time after Vergil impaled him with it.
  • Cerberus - A sanhokon containing the essence and icy power of its namesake. Its chains can extend to grapple objects or foes.
  • Ebony & Ivory - Reinforced custom handguns made by Nell Goldstein. Ebony is customized for long-range accuracy, while Ivory is optimized for speed. Dante can't use regular guns because his magic and inhumanly fast trigger fingers break them.
  • Coyote-A - A custom shotgun, known for its close-range destructive power. Dante wields it one-handed, a feat most humans can't manage.
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Name: Marius Titus/Damocles

Alignment: Hero even though he might be mistaken as Neutral (sometimes)

Personality: Reckless, sometimes rash but Fearless. Marius tends to take on things himself only a one-man-army possibly could do, but he can get a bit overconfident. Damocles is his alter-ego but still more brutal and rash then Marius is in his regular form.

Biography: (You can keep this brief)

Marius had a pretty good regular life as a child growing up to the famous Leontitus, Praetor and a senator of Rome and a regular Roman mother named Septima.

Marius grew up as a soldier and wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps in becoming a Legionnaire. His mother however didn’t see the good in the options and worried but Marius went to the 2nd Legion and came back alive to see his family. He had good news and he was to be posted to Alexandria after military training. His father was overjoyed at the news as he and Marius did some sword training and a brief fight.
The peace didn’t last long as Marius and his father heard screams of his mother and younger sister, who were murdered by the Britons. (Barbarians) in Marius’s terms.

Marius and his father run to fight off the Britons to a full fight after the other parts of his family are murdered. Leontitus fought to the death against the enemy and he too fell to the threat.

Marius was now considered an orphan and the 14th Legion’s commander found Marius and offered a position in the ranks since Vatallion knew his father from when they fought together in a previous war.

Marius took it and worked his way up the ranks to a hardened Centurion, which is compared to a General in Roman times.

Marius and Vatallion often are close enough to be a father and son kind of bro thing going on. But Vatallion often steers Marius in the right direction when Marius’s rants are often on taking vengeance on those who wronged him. Often enough, the two seem to fight together in the 14th Legion taking on a lot of things when things get rough.

Marius and Vatallion live in a AU version of Rome where King Oswald and his daughter Bodica’s Britain rebellion was quelled causing a totally different history to take place. For example Marius had fought in the battle of York, the Battle of Britain and many more different wars that made him a great leader over time.

He took on many battles, Vatallion would have taken on himself but Marius still had a streak to him that caused him to disobey orders indirectly to do it himself.

He’s one to do things by himself without help if possible as he finds out in battle, he can’t do it by himself without his father figure, Vatallion by himself.

In this Rome, Rome is still falling apart but Marius is able to defeat an angry Bodica and King Oswald after falling to death in York but being revived as an alter ego by a Goddess named Summer. She believes Damocles (which is a form of Marius) can save Rome even after pulling his strings as if he was in a game instead. Summer is a goddess who believed Marius was her champion and could save Rome instead of defeating it. Winter was another god that believed in tribes and took Nero as his champion.

Nero was given orders by the god Winter to actually kill Marius’s family and Marius had no idea he was being betrayed by the gods after all this time. His anger was taken out on Nero and his kids instead. Not only did Nero send the orders to have his family killed, Nero stabbed him, and his kids killed his Legion.

Special Abilities: (Anything worth mentioning)
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Speed, Weapon Mastery (Is a master swordsman and shield user, also skilled in using pilums and ballistae), Battle Precognition, Statistics Amplification (Via Focus Mode), Resistance to Poison (Managed to overcome Commodus's hallucinogenic poison)

Attack Potency: Small Building level+ (Can trade blows with those capable of harming him and damaging his armor. Can easily knock people back several meters with a single kick)

Speed: Superhuman (Can blitz enemy soldiers and keep up with arrows) with Supersonic+ combat speed, short-burst movement speed and reactions (Can deflect arrows at close range and even roll away from them), higher with Focus Mode (Starts viewing all of his surroundings in slow motion while also increasing his own base speed)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can easily move around heavy carriages and effortlessly lift people above his head with just one arm)

Striking Strength: Small Building level+

Small Building level+ (Can easily withstand catapulted rocks slamming into him)

Stamina: Very high (Fought in multiple battles spanning several hours with little rest, as seen in his battles in both Britain and Rome for a full decade. Also came out on top in Commodus's staged gladiator matches and killed the latter despite being poisoned. Managed to survive multiple stab wounds from both Nero and his elite Praetorian guard and still managed to ruthlessly murder them all in return, dying only after throwing himself and Nero off of the palace floor to their mutual deaths, and Marius hours prior had already fought against a full-scale incursion of Rome by the Barbarians without any fatigue whatsoever)

Range: Standard melee range. Extended Melee range with his sword and shield; 20 meters with a pilum. Several hundreds of meters with ballistae (Most ballistae in accurate hands can hit targets up to 460 meters away)

Standard Equipment: A gladius, 7 pilums, his shield and armor, the Dagger of Damocles

Intelligence: Combat and tactical genius

Name: Noah Ebalon
And Clamor

Alignment: Hero...?

Personality: Noah was once a calm and collected young man, but now...Not so much. Noah is absolutely lost to his delusions, becoming a mess that doesn't quite listen to what people have to say. He's frequently lost to his daydreams or actually sleeping, as his dreams are the place that he feels happiest. Generally, he's pretty easy to manage as long as he doesn't consider you an "enemy".

Clamor talks a lot because being a sickle isn't exactly the most entertaining profession out there. He's calm, caring, and comes off as rather brotherly, which is probably what got him into this fucking mess to begin with.

Biography: The "Failure" of his family, Noah is the second son to a family of Moon and Darkness magic masters. His older brother, Harque, was the only one to show him any compassion. I don't know this part of his history too well so MOVING ON.

On the night of his older brother's ascension to Elrianode's next Moon Master, Noah watched someone imitating his brother's appearance murder Harque and take his place as the newest Moon Master. Noah subsequently had his memories erased so he can't remember that this Harque isn't actually his brother, it's an impostor wearing his face. Which is kind of creepy, ngl.

This impostor proceeded to start subtly experimenting on Noah by giving him "Medicine" that was like, actually condensed magic or something. This caused changes in Noah's body, such as his hair darkening and making him so sick he was bedridden. A few years later, Noah is 16 and he was injected with the power of the ☆Sun☆ and it nearly killed him, but a nice member of the organization impersonating his brother healed him before she fucked off to die. He remembers his brother's murder due to the sun magic injection.

She left him in a temple and he woke up there like 500 years later. He failed to actually equip a weapon and then promptly died, transporting himm back in time to the point that he woke up. This time he sees a sickle on the ground and remembers to equip his weapons and makes it out to meet Yuria, a magician that he'd seen die in his previous timeloop. She helped him unseal a seal on his weapon. The weapon promptly started talking to him. Surprise, the sickle is a half-elf man named Clamor who was murdered and his soul was stuffed into a sickle. He wants his body back but don't be fooled, that won't be happening because he's been dead for 1000 years.

And that started repeated timeloops of him trying to make sure neither him nor Yuria die. His magic gets fucked up by Yuria's sister, the bitch trying to kill them, and over several timeloops Clamor started teaching Noah about this magic. But due to Noah's magic having already been fucked with like twice before this, it starts taking a toll on Noah- But unlike Moon Magic, which would've started crystalizing his body is painful to use, this new Blood Moon Magic and materialization magic fucks up his mind. Noah started to become delusional and have constant nightmares.

Until he visits Clamor's memories of the past. In there, he can finally touch and see Clamor, who interacts with him without trying to kill him. The more times Noah dies and comes back, the worse his memories become, until he can no longer remember that Harque was his brother. Clamor's face becomes his brother's in his memories, even coming to think that part of the abuse in his household came from him only being Clamor's half brother. Noah's dreams become better, as he thinks that if he just gets revenge on the organization that fucked his life up to begin with, he can find a way to get Clamor's body back.

Clamor, having seen Noah's degrading mental state but not what happened when Noah entered his memories, played along with being Noah's brother, though he tried to get him to stop his quest for revenge. As long as Noah was happier, it had to be better than continuing to watch him suffer. Noah's revenge quest doesn't stop.
Special Abilities:
-Functionally immortal, due to a brooch he wears. Disregarding the time travel stuff in his history, he'll simply be dead in the roleplay for a while before he comes back to life. Can be negated by simply...Removing the brooch from his body.

-His magic primarily takes the form of being able to materialize furniture. Summoning chairs over somebody's head, for example. They don't last long and disappear.

-Shadow magic.

-His "Phantasy", a world where his daydreams can become a reality. It's not really elaborated on how this works apart from it being his dream world, but he can drag other people into it. I probably won't be using it in combat because that's too confusing for my pea brain.

-Clamor. His sickle. Who talks. The black, purple, and red circle on his weapon? That's Clamor's eye. Clamor can levitate on his own, but only really fast enough to keep up with a 5'3" twink when he's walking.
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Name: Rachel Roth (Raven)

Alignment: Neutral Good


Raven is introverted, intelligent, and highly empathetic. She often comes across as calm and collected, but this hides her deep internal struggle with her emotions and demonic heritage. Despite her reserved nature, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them.


Rachel Roth, better known as Raven, is the daughter of the demon Trigon and a human woman, Arella. Raised in the mystical dimension of Azarath, she was taught to suppress her emotions to keep her demonic powers in check. Seeking to prevent Trigon from conquering Earth, she joined the Teen Titans and became a pivotal member of the team.

Special Abilities:

• Empathy and Emotion Manipulation: Raven can sense and manipulate the emotions of others, using this ability to calm allies or weaken enemies.

• Soul-Self/Astral Projection: She can project her soul-self as a giant raven or shadowy form, allowing her to teleport, fight, or scout from a distance.

• Dark Magic: Wielding potent magical abilities, she can create shields, fire energy blasts, and even travel between dimensions.

• Healing: Raven can heal injuries in herself and others, although at the cost of her own energy.

• Demonic Power: Her lineage grants her immense potential power, but it also threatens to corrupt her if left unchecked.

Name: Rex Salazar

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality: Rex is overconfident, impulsive, and rebellious. He is quite headstrong, has a quick wit and is constantly making jokes, even in the direst of situations, often falling into sarcasm. However, when Rex needs to defend himself, he does not hold back. Aggressive and reckless, Rex prefers to smash anything that gets in his way. Rex has also shown a selfless side to his personality, often helping those without asking for anything in return. He has also shown an empathetic side to his personality as he takes pride in curing many EVOs (Exponentially Variegated Organism) at his own risk. He has also shown an empathetic side to his personality, for instance, he understands that many of the EVOs he encounters were previously conscious people who still have loved ones concerned about them, and never resorts to execution no matter the species. Like any teen, Rex also faces tough and conflicting feelings about his situations, like his position at Providence. While he is loyal to the organization, sometimes the pressure of being the only person like him, it becomes too much for him to handle. Consequently, he sometimes breaks out of the base to go on "road trips", as he calls them, to blow off steam. However, he always returns, perhaps out of a sense of duty, purpose, and caring for his team. He also tends to be sympathetic towards others in similar situations. Rex has also been shown to be clever coming from a family of scientists. Another trait that goes hand in hand with Rex's cleverness and wit is Rex's ability to manipulate his enemies.

Biography: Rex comes from a world where every living being has nanites within their body. These nanites have been known to react violently in some cases causing those who become infected to develop strange abilities and more often monsters. However, there is one who has the power to revert this change, Rex Salazar. When he was young his parents injected him with the Omega 1 nanite to save him from a fatal accident. Later on, the event known as “The Nanite Event” spread the nanites to the rest of the world. During this time, Rex lost his parents, memories, and for a while, his brother. Rex would travel the world for some time, meeting others but also loosing his memories until one day he was picked up by Providence, a world organization meant to fight EVO’s, people who lost control. They helped Rex stabilize and learn about himself, discover his past, and even reunite with his brother.

Special Abilities: Due to the nanites in him, he has gained various abilities including: Enhanced durability and slight accelerated healing, the ability to communicate and control certain technology through touch, cure those affected by nanite alteration. He is also able to change his body in different weapon types though they tend to be overly large and focus more on power and esthetic rather than efficiency and function.
Smack Hands- can make his smack hands spin and use it like a drill

Boogie Pack

Slam Cannon- note the cannon doesn't have ammo a maw on the back end of the slam cannon can extend into the ground and reload solid material for ammunition

Rex Ride

Punk Busters

B.F.S. (Big fat sword)- Using a lever on the side of his big fat sword, the top half of the sword will split apart and begin to rotate at a high velocity

Google Docs because my character sheet would be a pain to scroll through here.
aaaaaAAAAAAAA i hope this is okay ;w;


Name: Nanashi No Gonbei "Doe"

Alignment: Neutral Good

Doe is a very friendly individual, he is always very warm and welcoming to anyone who talks to him. He's very polite and is viewed as a very genuine and honest man. He is very empathetic and will always go out of his way to help others in need, though his kindness is easy to take advantage of. Doe can be a bit of a pushover as he hates the idea of disappointing the people around him. This perfectionist mindset also causes him to overthink small details and stress himself out way more than necessary. It also leads to a lot of overexertion as he will neglect his own needs as to not burden others. He is also somewhat socially awkward, his nervous nature often makes it difficult for him to communicate his thoughts with others. Though he means well, his social ineptness leads to him being somewhat of a loner.
Doe also tends to be a bit of a neat freak. He cant stand messes and combined with his workaholic tendencies, he borders on OCD with how excessively he cleans himself and his house.

Doe was born in a village home to an isolated group of Monster Riders, Doe, like many kids his age, trained to become a rider and help protect his village and monster friends. Once he had completed the Rite of Riders, Doe hatched his own Monstie, a Paolumu named Rosie.
Years later, Doe’s village was contacted by the Monster Hunter Guild, though the village was wary of them due to their philosophy and view of monsters, the guild had come in hopes of bringing peace and working together with riders to help protect the world’s fragile ecosystem and the people who live in it.
As part of their newly formed peace agreement, Doe, along with 3 other riders were sent to the mainland to work with the Hunter’s Guild. Unfortunately, the group of hunters and riders were attacked on their travels by an Elder Dragon, who killed everyone in Doe’s travel party, all except him–at the cost of his memories.
Doe was found unconscious by a rogue Melynx named Albatross, who had been scavenging the massacre for valuables. The Melynx chose to take Doe in and nursed him back to health. Once Doe had recovered from his injuries, the two of them set off in search of civilization. Eventually they stumbled upon the Rampage moving rapidly towards Kamura and followed its path, in hopes of finding the village before the monster’s did. Though they didn’t reach Kamura before the Rampage, they made it just in time to help fight off the second wave of monsters.
With nowhere else to go, Doe and Albatross decided to stay in Kamura Village with Daisuke, who offered a room in his home to Doe as thanks for helping him and Kamura fight off the monsters.
Shortly after moving into Kamura Doe got a job with the Hunter's Guild as a wildlife rehabilitator, working under a woman named Alku, he put his efforts into researching the rampaging monsters and helping Daisuke stop the rampage once and for all. Eventually facing off against the two elder dragons Ibushi and Narwa alongside his friend--Now partner.
A few years later invasive species of monsters were discovered to be invading the habitats around Kamura disrupting the ecosystem and the peace Kamura only just started to settle into, with the help of a nearby kingdom, he and Daisuke traveled to an outpost across the seas to help manage the displaced monsters and calm the 3 Monster Lords who had displaced them after becoming highly aggressive for unknown reasons. They had only recently discovered the existence of Quiro, a flying leech like monster that may be connected to the Monster Lord's aggression before Daisuke mysteriously disappeared. Left alone in Elgado, Doe struggled to balance his duties as a researcher, assisting Elgado and conducting his own search for his missing partner, eventually finding his answer after he was taken out of his world and brought to Daisuke.

Special Abilities:
-Wyverians are typically not as strong as Monster Hunter humans, as humans were genetically modified to be the way they are, Doe however is somewhat of an exception to this. He exhibits stronger wyvern genes than most wyverians (this gets physically more noticable as he gets older) which slightly boosts his body's natural abilities, combined with his training and skills as a monster hunter he is on par with Daisuke, especially in terms of agility.
-He has blue 'freckles' which are actually small dragon scales, they're all over his body but gather more densely around his face, elbows, knees and heel and toes, the provide minor protection against scrapes and falls. These scales are also bio-luminescent and glow faintly at night.
-Not so much an ability but Doe is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to things from his world, Wyverians are known for their extensive knowledge and Doe is a prime example of this.
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Name: Theryx Montaero

Age: 29

: heroes

Personality: Theryx is an easy going, yet sad man. His calm determination has gotten him through many battles, and he tries to uphold a certain standard of kindness. If you are a child he WILL dad you, though respects boundaries too. He has severe depression from losing his wife and son, and sometimes uses alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Biography: originally he grew up in Harth, the sole town of the troverians. As he grew, he eventually chose to leave Harth to pursue a career as a hunter, and was assigned to protect a small village of Windrest.
He later settled down a bit and got married and adopted a child with his wife, but this was short lived.
He lost his family and entire village to a Kushala Daora, he had tried to save them, staying behind while they evacuated to face the kushala. Kushala, being an elder dragon, out matched Theryx in skill at the time. It is how he got that scar across his nose. He is the lone survivor of Windrest. Additionally, since his nose was clearly broken from that fight, he now snores more than the average person. Later he broke his jaw fighting a Barioth, after its tail whacked him in the face. That's where the other scars come from. His jaw is still misaligned from that. 5 years after losing his village to the kushala daora, he was assigned to the Avis Unit in the Forbidden Lands Research Commission, and obtained his Seikret whom he calls Seeker.

This all happens VERY FAR off in dai and doe's future

Special Abilities: has digitigrade legs
higher than average heat resistance on account of troverian heritage, stronger than the average wyverian/troverian, but not stronger than the superhuman hunters his world knows.
this last one is not so much an ability, but more of a severe debuff? As a troverian, he needs to stay active and work otherwise he will eventually get sick, and potentially die. (Yes I have head canons for troverians and I am using them and I am mega sad that they only have 1 town in the entire world and show up in only one game. So I'm filling in lore gaps with my own thoughts)

Name: Clamor Ventus

Age: Physically, he'll be in his 20s. How old is he chronologically? Around 27-30, time looping has made him unsure.

Gender: Male

Race: Half Elf

Alignment: Heroes but he ain't fighting so idk what difference it makes.

Personality: Clamor's pretty friendly, and relatively talkative toward Noah. It's not like he had anything more interesting to do as an Ego Weapon, considering he didn't even have hands. However, considering that's the only person he's really talked to in the two years since they were summoned, he's still trying to get used to talking to other people again. Blame Sephiroth, that's what Clamor's doing. He really likes technology and magic, but otherwise he's just a guy.

Biography: Really, there's not much of note in Clamor's history. Being a half elf, he experienced discrimination from humans as he grew up- Yet, due to having the same lifespan as a human instead of an elf, when the Elves migrated out of the human world, Clamor didn't go with them. He wanted to be around people who would live the same amount of time as him, instead of burdening his elf parent with his short lifespan. He became a scholar, and later he was murdered and turned into an Ego Weapon. Noah found him.

Special Abilities:

Magic- Wind magic primarily, with a lesser affinity for Full Moon. Granted, he's never fought a day in his life. Being a weapon didn't teach him how to fight at all. He has really good healing magic, protection magic, and other things you might expect from a medic. The elf side of his family did teach him archery, but it was only ever recreational, so despite being able to produce arrows from mana he probably couldn't even hunt.

Lying- It's not magic, it's from him needing to play along with Noah's delusions to keep him calm. It comes naturally to him at this point.

Inventing- Yeah, uh, he does that.

Connection to Noah- After so long of being Noah's Ego Weapon, Clamor can sense his emotions to an extent as long as they're close to each other. He also keeps his memories anytime Noah time loops.

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