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Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

Murlock Chief]is it everyone in general who's approved or what does this mean [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34231-crystal-cali/ said:
@Crystal Cali[/URL]
Oh I meant to tag you in that post. My bad. You're good to start rping.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Oh I meant to tag you in that post. My bad. You're good to start rping.

Thank you very much
Name: Will Whisperwind

Age: A few hundred years although looking about 19-21

Gender: Male

Species: Woodland Elf

Appearence: Brown hair, green eyes, tall slim but has a toned body. He is clad in a green cloak woth a leather shoulderguard that also reaches down about half his left side of his chest. He has a bow and quiver upon his back and a Arming sword on one hip and a shortsword on the other. Wearing leather boots and green pants and a green undershirt hidden by his cloak and leather armor (had an image but wont let me link it so...)

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: He is wise and cares for the fellow people of his realm and is very protective over those close to him. He is loyal to those above him and will die for them if the need arises. He would do anything to keep his comrades out of harms way and would sooner die than let them be harmed.

Normal Skills: Huntsman, Bow and sword combat, Woodland Knowledge (basically knows what most plants do and their risks and benafits), strategist.

Magical Skills (if any): N/A

How did they end up on the Isle?: He has lived and hunted there his entire life training in the art of the sword and the hunt.

Backstory: Thats for you to find out. All you get to know is that for reasons of his past he wont let anything happen to those he cares for.

Other: N/A

@Crystal Cali
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ThatOneLunatic said:
Name: Will Whisperwind
Age: A few hundred years although looking about 19-21

Gender: Male

Species: Elve

Appearence: Brown hair, green eyes, tall slim but has a toned body.

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: He is wise and cares for the fellow people of his realm and is very protective over those close to him. He is loyal to those above him and will die for them if the need arises. He would do anything to keep his comrades out of harms way and would sooner die than let them be harmed.

Normal Skills: Huntsman, Bow and sword combat, Woodland Knowledge (basically knows what most plants do and their risks and benafits), strategist.

Magical Skills (if any): N/A

How did they end up on the Isle?: He has lived and hunted there his entire life training in the art of the seord and the hunt.

Backstory: Thats for you to find out. All you get to know is that for reasons of his past he wont let anything happen to those he cares for.

Other: N/A

@Crystal Cali
Approved. Side-note: If he's lived on the isle his entire life, he would likely already know the forest queen Raina. (one of my characters).
Yes I figured that Since hes an Elf and Woodland Fae he would know her. All thats left is for me to figure out a way to inplament him into the rp xD Also I edited that description because the picture wont work.
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ThatOneLunatic said:
Yes I figured that Since hes an Elf and Woodland Fae he would know her. All thats left is for me to figure out a way to inplament him into the rp xD Also I edited that description because the picture wont work.
Cool. Just jump into rp however. The only major event right now is happening in the caves underground, so the surface is fairly peaceful.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Cool. Just jump into rp however. The only major event right now is happening in the caves underground, so the surface is fairly peaceful.

Yeah gonna wait a bit got some irl things to do then I'll find a way. Looking forward to the rp.
Name: Micheal Aldan

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Shifter


Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Micheal is very flirtatious and sweet. Well to those he thinks cute. He always picks on people and can be very over-protective. He always messes around and is a jokster. His eyes flash when he likes someone, but it takes a while to get him to like you. He has an attitude, not a really good thing per say though. His family was along with Khaleesi's, but they died of normal causes. Him and Khaleesi are amazing friends and he will hurt you if you try to touch her, but he can mess with her all he wants.

Normal Skills:

- Fighting

- Hunting

- Messing with Khaleesi

Magical Skills (if any): Shifting into animals

How did they end up on the Isle?: Born here

Backstory: Gonna Rp it out sometime...

Other: He's tall... 6'7

@Crystal Cali
Name: Sepentireon, Devourer of Dreams

Age: ~10,000

Gender: Not applicable

Species: Shoggoth of the Deep



A hideous amalgamation of tentacles, eyes and mouths in a constant state of nightmare. Whatever expression these features ever seem to convey is always one of terror and despair, as if mocking its prey.

Faction: Creature of the Night, Living Nightmare


-Brutally efficient, will kill anybody or anything if it slows him by even a second

-Mischevous, likes to play games with mortals and monsters that usually result in death

-Hungry, will chase after whatever it desires without relent, sometimes even harming itself in the process

Normal Skills:

Able to expand its mouths and limbs to fully devour prey, doesn't like to chew

Can generate eyes, mouths, and tentacles quickly and as needed

Able to scale any surface, though at a slow pace

Can swim much faster in water than it can crawl on land

Magical Skills (if any):

Sepentireon can devour the dreams of its prey. The prey doesn't have to be killed in order for this to happen, as it can steal dreams and memories by focusing its magical glare at a close distance (2 meters maximum). This usually has terrible side effects for the victim, including intense loss of personality and permanent brain damage. By doing this, Sepentireon sustains itself.

Sepentireon usually does not kill prey and leaves them in this comatose state

Can bend and morph its skin in order to mimic living things. He can mimic appearance and voice nearly perfectly, though the skin remains extremely sticky, and it is hard to maintain for longer periods of time.

How did they end up on the Isle?:

After spending hundreds of years searching the open seas for viable prey, Sepentireon finally found an island infested with powerful mythic beings. Knowing their power was strong, he decided to only attack in the night and devour the dreams of the sleeping in order to avoid detection.

Backstory: (Optional. If you want to RP it out, that's fine.)

Millennia ago, Sepentireon was formed. Not from hell, nor a distant planet, but from the heart of man. Around 10,000 years ago, when monsters roamed the earth with man, an early human committed a terrible sin, and from his heart there came an even more horrendous beast. Together with the beast, this man wandered across the world and destroyed all he met. However, one day, Sepentireon mysteriously left and the human was cut down... The reason behind his departure still a mystery... It was not until around 5,000 years later that Sepentireon had re-emerged. Gorged on creatures of the deep, and with an insatiable list for dreams, he hunts again.

Other: (Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)

Prefers to leave prey alive, and usually only takes their dreams
Name: Asher Charhaul

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_6267.JPG.5f51f42b52dec929ea2a06e724458d2c.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_6267.JPG.5f51f42b52dec929ea2a06e724458d2c.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Asher has dark brown hair and green eyes. A scar on his lip and two more on his cheek.

Faction: Pirate

Personality: Asher is a boastful, headstrong, obnoxious, usually drunken mess of a man. Always cheerful and ready for a fight, though when he's sober he has the brains to hold back in most cases. Generally he's very laid back and doesn't meddle with other peoples business, unless he needs to steal said business.

Normal Skills: Asher is an excellent sailor and an even better thief, lock picking being his specialty. He's also very skilled with a sword or gun and usually has one or both on him at all times. He, surprisingly, is also good at singing and if you were to ask him he'd say one of his many skills is his ability to hold his liquor.

Magical Skills (if any): None except for a ring with a purple stone and an orange gem necklace he looted from some rich dead idiot who wandered into the wrong part of the woods. The necklace allows him to conjure and control fire while the ring allows him to completely change his appearance for up to 8 hours, although it can only be used once every 48 hours.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Asher was apart of the original Colonist ship.

Backstory: Formally Chase Allens, when he was young, he was known to steal, drink and cause general mayhem wherever he went. As he got older his parents fell ill and he decided to try and find an honest living to help pay for their medications. By some strange stroke of luck he came to be part of the crew of General Daniel Graves. Life on the ship wasn't boring, but it wasn't exactly the kind of life he'd seen himself living. When they ended up on the Isle, he knew things had to change, life here could become boring here if he let it. So, having no family or close friends to leave behind, he changed his name to Asher Charhaul and abandoned his life as a colonist to join the pirates. It was exactly what he was looking for.

Other: He enjoys spending his time on the beach or in a tavern. He likes to fish and loves music. He will flirt with literally anything that isn't clearly an animal. Anything. He isn't entirely sure if any of the colonists know he's a pirate or even still alive as he left without warning and hasn't been around any colonists unless he's in disguise.

@Crystal Cali



  • IMG_6267.JPG
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Name: AJ (also known as master mirror

Age: (minimum 14) 32

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearence: (Face claim, or description. Doesn't matter.)

Brown, eyes and standard leggings and coat with a chain necklace. A bandana and boots

Faction: (Colonist / Pirate / Woodland Fae / Creature of the Night .... descriptions are under the Overview tab.)

Creature of the night

Personality: (Try to think of at least 3 traits to define your character. Feel free to add more.)

Clever,grants wishes but that's the danger... exactly what you wish for, keeps his word to the letter, jokester

Normal Skills: (For colonists: Do they have a trade? For Pirates: What skill do they make use of the most for stealing, sailing, exc.? For Mythicals: Do they hunt, farm, craft, exc? These are just suggestions to get you started, feel free to come up with more skills outside these guidelines. Get creative with what they can do, but don't get OP, and keep it reasonable for the faction they are in.)

He goes around doing his own thing, he grants wishes so to speak. But that's the problem. He mostly lives in his home that has food and water at it.

Magical Skills (if any): (Any race can do magic, but a full-blooded human cannot do it naturally, and would have to resort to alchemy or enchantments performed by a Mythical.)

Can teleport to people who call his name or wish for something

Grants wishes with adnormal power but CANNOT grant his own wishes


Can teleport away as well

How did they end up on the Isle?: (Were they on one of the initial voyages, or did they shipwreck here after the war? Or were they one of the Mythicals that are native to the Isle? Or did they get here using some sort of magical transportation?)

He goes around this island as he was banished to it for pissing off a certain Demon in hell (lucifer)

Backstory: (Optional. If you want to RP it out, that's fine.)

Not much, will be said in RP

Other: (Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)

Can be beat at his own game, and when this happens he will reverse what he has done. He is a man of his word but is clever with his words.
Name: Mawlock

Age: Uknown

Gender: None

Species: Construct



Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Curious, Calm, Loving, Nurturing, Quiet, Mild

Normal Skills: Crafting, Farming, Hunting, Gardening, Building, Fighting, Cooking

Magical Skills (if any): Healing, Curing, Nature magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Shape Shifting (Only humanoid beings, and no additional powers are obtained)

How did they end up on the Isle?: Mawlock simply crawled up out of the soil

Backstory: TBR


- Mawlock's magic is strong only when used in defense and becomes weak when used offensively.

- Because Mawlock is a construct it cannot get tired, charmed, slowed, hypnotized, stunned, dazed, cursed, poisoned, etc. and any human functions it might perform are purely for cosmetic or aesthetic purposes.

- Socially, it's about four years old due to severe amnesia

- It carries around a white hard covered book that is magically sealed with odd symbols on the front

- Mawlock changes genders at random times, it's reasoning - "It's cool"
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