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Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

Hiatus said:
Name: Hickory
Age: Lost count long ago


Species: Skeleton/Undead



As he is but a skeleton in armor, he weighs around 30-40 lbs, making him terrifying dexterous, though easy to sent flying when struck by a powerful attack. He's only about 6'1, having been 6'2 back when he had skin and flesh.

Faction: Devoted Colonist, though rejects the notion of a woman leading them. He considers himself the true leader. He also has a deep hatred for the mystical creatures taunting them with his magical immunity. Even worse though is his hatred for pirates, which he will, with no exceptions kill on sight.

Personality: Schizoid, Cold, Resentful. He's brash and quick to attack anyone who challenges him, though he puts the colony above all else. While it's not entirely rare to see him socialize, he tries to avoid it, and as a result doesn't speak english very well. In a conversation he only really wants to talk about combat and self improvement. A nice side is about as common as an eclipse on a blue moon.

Normal Skills: Spent all his life and unlife swinging around a sword. He's damn well good at it, but lacks any real knowledge at most other things due to his warlord nature. Likely the dumbest man on the island.

Magical Skills: Hickory has no magical powers of his own, but he wears a powerful warding necklace that cancels out magic within 10 ft, friend or foe. (Such as incoming fireballs, or disenchanting any magically enhanced creature who his zone can reach, etc.) Does not ward off alchemy.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Hickory was one of the initial voyages where he died within the battle against the native mystical creatures.

Backstory: Fought, Died, Resurrected, Fought, Looted. That's all he knows about it.

Other: Similar to Captain George Vos, Hickory has the resilience of an undead. However, as he is a skeleton, he relies much more on quickly re-attaching his bones after having been bashed around enough for them to disconnect, instead of using rotten skin as armor. He also skips basic human necessities, such as eating or sleeping.

Ezekiel Valor

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Werebear(If it is not acceptable then i'll change it, also weakness is silver)




Faction: Creature of the Night



-He doesn't enjoy to talk to most people rather keeping to himself. He isn't the best at conversations which doesn't help when he needs to share a conversation.


-This is more in his other form but when he's mad he does show it. It is easy to make him angry and this could be over something small like someone stealing his meal.


-He's very antisocial when it comes to human contact with others. The only person he at least chats with and shows signs of joy with is Avery besides that he stutters and is very twitchy when with others.

Normal Skills: Able to fish, knows how to survive in the wild, and able to track and hunt people/prey.

Magical Skills (if any):

Ezekiel can turn into a werebear.

How did they end up on the Isle?:

Was shipped wrecked and floated on a raft, it guided him to the Isle where he vanished with someone into the forest.


Ezekiel was poor child who lived in the forest of a small island where he learned to survive on his own. One night while he was scavenging he was attacked by a giant bear like creature, he fainted and when he awoke the creature was dead and he had a giant bite mark on his side. He went into town to seek help which he did get, they first thought it to be a wolf bite but it was too big to be a wolf. They kept him in an orphanage under watch in case something like rabies happened to him. On his first night he changed and became the giant bear like creature, his primal side kicked in as he started tearing through people before running into the forest. The sun was soon showed, and so he wouldn't get charged for murder he decided to hide in a ship ready to sail off. While this was happening he caught his breath and went to sleep. When he awoke he was in the bottom deck hiding behind some barrels, that wasn't the only thing there. He found what he believed a small girl but was actually a vampire, starvation hit her so she attacked. They kept fighting until the a stormed happened and it capsized the ship. The two worked together as they swam out and floated on a raft which lead them to the Isle of the Mist. When they got to the island they decided to work together to survive, Avery would hunt or kill fast prey while Ezekiel would be protection and would kill larger predators/prey.

Other: He can transform at will but it only works once a day, when he does in weakens him in his human form and it only last for a few minutes. His form is nightly.



Avery Heart

Age: (minimum 14):









Creature of the Night



Avery's not very emotionless and even if she does feel some emotion she's good at hiding it. Faking emotions is not hard for her as it has made it easier to catch humans.


Avery isn't someone you can make angry easily. She's talks in a clear and calm manor, never loosing her cool.


Never trust this little vampire child. She is always doing something behind someones back, the only person she trust and follows is a giant bear creature that gets her food.

Normal Skills:

Great actress, agile, and good hunter against small prey.

Magical Skills (if any):

Besides increased human strength, speed etc. She can turn into a bat if that's anything. She's learned to also feed off fear, by this she likes to make people see and feel things that aren't there. Toying with there emotions for her own advantage.

How did they end up on the Isle?:

She came on raft with Ezekiel that guided them to the island

Backstory: Same as the top above, the rest will be revealed in the rp

Other: (Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?):

If she needs to vanish she can summon bats to swirl around her, giving her enough time to escape.

@Crystal Cali (If something needs to be changed let me know :) )
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Thanks! How may I start?)

Up to you. There is no big even going on, but for the most part characters are either in groups, or by themselves.

Paige Tempist


  • Age: 202 (appears around 19) Will live forever unless killed.

    Gender: Female

    Species: Vampire

    Faction: Creature of the Night

    Hair: Pale blonde

    Eyes: Icy blue

@Crystal Cali
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Lithia said:

Paige Tempist


  • Age: 202 (appears around 19) Will live forever unless killed.

    Gender: Female

    Species: Vampire

    Faction: Creature of the Night

    Hair: Pale blonde

    Eyes: Icy blue

@Crystal Cali
Name: teal evergood

Age: 14

Gender: female

Species: human/ demon



Faction: undecided




a tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a

she dimly remembers from her childhood


"when I set my mind to something, I follow through no

matter what gets in my way, nothing can shake my optimistic attitude, I get bored easily."

Normal Skills:

Handle Animal: Calm or otherwise persuade a beast


It’s never quite your time. You refuse to die.

teal can call upon the power of there determination to help them in battle

Magical Skills :

raise dead (ritual exclusive): raise a undead minion of one of four class's.

requires: 1 dead body, 1 stone engraved with a picture of the desired class, 5 drops of demon infused blood, any equipment you want it to have, 1 material for giving its rank

(with reference, though not exact pictures)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_0-2-39.jpeg.370efc550e2b708b91e242fd50a00c24.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_0-2-39.jpeg.370efc550e2b708b91e242fd50a00c24.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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demon form:


for a short amount of time teal can turn into a full demon making her stronger, faster, smarter and more magically inclined while it lasts.

How did they end up on the Isle?: see backstory.

Backstory: she was fighting the demon king diablo when he used a spell on her sending her back to square one in strength progress and put her in an unknown island

Other: love's spicy food, character



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tealevergood said:
Name: teal evergood
Age: 14

Gender: female

Species: human/ demon



Faction: undecided




a tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a

she dimly remembers from her childhood


"when I set my mind to something, I follow through no

matter what gets in my way, nothing can shake my optimistic attitude, I get bored easily."

Normal Skills:

Handle Animal: Calm or otherwise persuade a beast


It’s never quite your time. You refuse to die.

teal can call upon the power of there determination to help them in battle

Magical Skills :

raise dead (ritual exclusive): raise a undead minion of one of four class's.

requires: 1 dead body, 1 stone engraved with a picture of the desired class, 5 drops of demon infused blood, any equipment you want it to have, 1 material for giving its rank

(with reference, though not exact pictures)




View attachment 316233


View attachment 316236


View attachment 316240

demon form:


for a short amount of time teal can turn into a full demon making her stronger, faster, smarter and more magically inclined while it lasts.

How did they end up on the Isle?: see backstory.

Backstory: she was fighting the demon king diablo when he used a spell on her sending her back to square one in strength progress and put her in an unknown island

Other: love's spicy food, character
Approved, though, if she does not "follow" any of the isle's faction leaders, she would be considered a "Creature of the Night". She can switch factions if you choose to have her align with one of the leaders though.
what i meant was that when i first post she will have just gottin there and has no clue of any of the factions

True name - Jezebeth

Taken name - Magnolia "Maggie" Curtis

Age: a few centuries

Gender: Female

Species: Demon


Demon form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/659d4cf8ab31e617001f64b1f8f43b92.jpg.00cc0167ddf4e3f3661c99ae7721ad85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/659d4cf8ab31e617001f64b1f8f43b92.jpg.00cc0167ddf4e3f3661c99ae7721ad85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a14e4fa7fbae0fc2076efc53c43fd8a7.jpg.fc617614b520f9e7c626163685898a15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a14e4fa7fbae0fc2076efc53c43fd8a7.jpg.fc617614b520f9e7c626163685898a15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Creature of the Night but have an interest in the pirates

Personality: She enjoy mischief but not to the extend of harm (unless it is to someone that has annoyed enough), physically at least. She uses her powers and skills she gained over her life to get the men and women wrapped around her fingers, playing with them as puppets for her entertainment, she also gets bored rather quickly if there isn't something that might intrigue her or if there wasn't anything fun to do, which is why she likely be near the pirate, drinking, playing music and being mischievous around them.

Normal Skills: Is a very skilled archer, she has the gift of the silver tongue for talking her way out of/into situations, she also has a head for business, she is able to hide out of sight even in her human form rather well, she can also sing, dance and play the guitar, which she usually does to distract people while she does something in the background. She can drink like a fish, never getting drunk unless she wants to be drunk since she doesn't actually need to eat, drink, sleep or breath (she does do these thing just to make her look human so no one would suspect what she was). She also has a poker face that never cracks and a mentally reinforced mind, which she learn to have over the time she has lived.

Magical Skills:Human form: she can create and dismiss a magic bow with never ending arrows, she can create and dismiss her guitar as well, she can create minor illusions that are tangible to her and those that believe or doesn't know that the illusions are only illusion. As well as being able to shift between forms at will, even in the most stressful conditions.

Demon form: she can do all of the above with stronger effects, she is able to create quasi-real entities that do her bidding and can be used to give illusion more realism, making it harder to perceive as false, she can also shift into an ethereal state where neither herself or other can interact with each other (this does take some concentration to do so she can't hold this state while having illusions that move and interact with others but she can still keep up static illusions like walls or images of things) while ethereal she can pass through objects that aren't too thick or dense, she can also meld into shadows and can travel through them, while in her demon form wounds from her human form slowly heal and vise versa in human form wounds from her demon form heal slowly.

Weakness: In either form, she can fall as any other person can, she just can endure more than most.

How did they end up on the Isle?: She was on one of the ships in the initial voyage, doing as she does, causing issues for all the sailors, not major issues but issues nevertheless to then get bored after finding herself stuck there as everyone else was and decided to take a nap that lasted a few years.

Backstory: She is a demon that thrives on causing mischief, on an entertainment manner rather than a food source, tormenting the port folk that were the people that took to the sails for the new land that found the isles, she followed mainly to see what they might find, to torment them more and she was bored.



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SinningSloth said:
True name - Jezebeth

Taken name - Magnolia "Maggie" Curtis

Age: a few centuries

Gender: Female

Species: Demon


Demon form:

View attachment 318221

Human form:

View attachment 318222

Faction: Creature of the Night but have an interest in the pirates

Personality: She enjoy mischief but not to the extend of harm (unless it is to someone that has annoyed enough), physically at least. She uses her powers and skills she gained over her life to get the men and women wrapped around her fingers, playing with them as puppets for her entertainment, she also gets bored rather quickly if there isn't something that might intrigue her or if there wasn't anything fun to do, which is why she likely be near the pirate, drinking, playing music and being mischievous around them.

Normal Skills: Is a very skilled archer, she has the gift of the silver tongue for talking her way out of/into situations, she also has a head for business, she is able to hide out of sight even in her human form rather well, she can also sing, dance and play the guitar, which she usually does to distract people while she does something in the background. She can drink like a fish, never getting drunk unless she wants to be drunk since she doesn't actually need to eat, drink, sleep or breath (she does do these thing just to make her look human so no one would suspect what she was). She also has a poker face that never cracks and a mentally reinforced mind, which she learn to have over the time she has lived.

Magical Skills:Human form: she can create and dismiss a magic bow with never ending arrows, she can create and dismiss her guitar as well, she can create minor illusions that are tangible to her and those that believe or doesn't know that the illusions are only illusion. As well as being able to shift between forms at will, even in the most stressful conditions.

Demon form: she can do all of the above with stronger effects, she is able to create quasi-real entities that do her bidding and can be used to give illusion more realism, making it harder to perceive as false, she can also shift into an ethereal state where neither herself or other can interact with each other (this does take some concentration to do so she can't hold this state while having illusions that move and interact with others but she can still keep up static illusions like walls or images of things) while ethereal she can pass through objects that aren't too thick or dense, she can also meld into shadows and can travel through them, while in her demon form wounds from her human form slowly heal and vise versa in human form wounds from her demon form heal slowly.

Weakness: In either form, she can fall as any other person can, she just can endure more than most.

How did they end up on the Isle?: She was on one of the ships in the initial voyage, doing as she does, causing issues for all the sailors, not major issues but issues nevertheless to then get bored after finding herself stuck there as everyone else was and decided to take a nap that lasted a few years.

Backstory: She is a demon that thrives on causing mischief, on an entertainment manner rather than a food source, tormenting the port folk that were the people that took to the sails for the new land that found the isles, she followed mainly to see what they might find, to torment them more and she was bored.
Approved. :D

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

- Stephen Chbosky


Shafer --- The Nympho



Name: Shafer

Nickname: Any pet name at all

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Water Nymph

Faction: Woodland Fae

Normal Skills: Shafer can hunt? Sort of? He's killed a few big animals that have come to the water to drink with the spikes on his wrists.

He can fashion pretty clothing, which is what he killed those animals for.

He can sing and play the flute. He made one. It's crude but it works and looks pretty good if you're into that sort of mossy aesthetic.

Magical Skills: Shafer can transform his legs into a tail. But he never does it because it messes with his entire body and it's extremely uncomfortable and he hasn't totally figured out how to be pretty and graceful and it's just very unecessarily difficult. So he doesn't.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Shafer's a native.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark enough brown to just be considered black

Black and blue scales trail up his abdomen, across his sides, along his shoulders, and down the outsides of his arms. They make the spikes on his wrists and forearms look more natural. Regardless, he wears armbands made from animal hide so they're closed and pressed safely into his skin most of the time but if he gets startled or agitated, they flare open. Each point is tipped with an extremely painful venom that can be manageable in small amounts, but deadly when excessive.


Personality: Shafer is a brat. He's incredibly bratty, childish, pouty, manipulative, and gets just about anything he wants. No one has ever told him this is weird behaviour or wrong so it has all just come together to form the clusterfuck of arrogance and self-hatred that is Shafer. And even with speaking extremely broken English, he manages to get all this across to every human he encounters with excessive hand movements and pleased, annoyed, or whiny clicks and chirps.

Likes: Chaos, himself, impressing/enchanting people, scaring people, eliciting any sort of reaction from people at all, any sort of attention, loud noises, and music.

Dislikes: Untalented/lazy/pessimistic people, silence, fire, feeling vulnerable or exposed, merpeople most of the time, and his inability to speak the humans' language.​
Name: Lucius Luna

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Sorcerer


(Normal Form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_12-58-29.png.05278f2195c1612ef3f1ccf0e23359bd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_12-58-29.png.05278f2195c1612ef3f1ccf0e23359bd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Guard Form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_12-59-42.png.72d963caca36af2755fb1a8be7f8c623.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_12-59-42.png.72d963caca36af2755fb1a8be7f8c623.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: What ever he choses to join.

Personality: Lucius is some one who will jump into harms way in order to protect someone else. He is very loyal to his friends and very passionate about every thing he does.

Normal Skills: Lucius is capable of healing most creatures without the use of magic. He is also very talented with his staff, not only can he cast spells with it but he can fight with it in close range combat. When he is in his second form he also has a sword that he can use just as well as his staff.

Magical Skills: Lucius' powers revolve around the moon cycle, the closer the moon is to being a full moon the stronger his powers are. Even when the moon is at the beginning of it cycle he is a force to be messed with. He is capable of casting illusions that seem so real that they can even trick him if he didn't know that he had created them and he can make a barrier strong enough to with stand several powerful explosions. He can bend light and cast spells based on light. Finally in Lucius normal form he can bend light around himself and make himself invisible.

Guard Form: He can only go into his guard form at night when his powers are stronger. The armor he wears in his guard form are almost as strong as the barriers he cast and all of his abilities are increased greatly. His can cast his spells faster then in his normal form and his staff turns in to both a staff and a sword which can cut through even the strongest metals.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He used a power spell to open a dimensional rift to open a portal to the isle. Sadly for him he had help opening the portal and he doesn't have a way home.

Backstory: Lucius comes from a different world that is filled with wizards. His whole life he had been training to be one of the most powerful wizards that his world had ever seen before. To accomplish this he decided to travel to earth in order to increase his powers and skills. It was something that other wizards from his world had done before. One famous wizard from his world was Merlin and when he returned he became a legend. To get to earth he enlisted the help from three of his friends and they went down to some old ruins that had the inscription for the portal and with the combined power of all three wizards they were able to open the portal for Lucius.

Other: Lucius' staff increases his powers and without it he becomes very weak. It also allows him to fly.

(I am planning to have my first post be his arrival.)



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Acey said:

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

- Stephen Chbosky


Shafer --- The Nympho



Name: Shafer

Nickname: Any pet name at all

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Water Nymph

Faction: Woodland Fae

Normal Skills: Shafer can hunt? Sort of? He's killed a few big animals that have come to the water to drink with the spikes on his wrists.

He can fashion pretty clothing, which is what he killed those animals for.

He can sing and play the flute. He made one. It's crude but it works and looks pretty good if you're into that sort of mossy aesthetic.

Magical Skills: Shafer can transform his legs into a tail. But he never does it because it messes with his entire body and it's extremely uncomfortable and he hasn't totally figured out how to be pretty and graceful and it's just very unecessarily difficult. So he doesn't.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Shafer's a native.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark enough brown to just be considered black

Black and blue scales trail up his abdomen, across his sides, along his shoulders, and down the outsides of his arms. They make the spikes on his wrists and forearms look more natural. Regardless, he wears armbands made from animal hide so they're closed and pressed safely into his skin most of the time but if he gets startled or agitated, they flare open. Each point is tipped with an extremely painful venom that can be manageable in small amounts, but deadly when excessive.


Personality: Shafer is a brat. He's incredibly bratty, childish, pouty, manipulative, and gets just about anything he wants. No one has ever told him this is weird behaviour or wrong so it has all just come together to form the clusterfuck of arrogance and self-hatred that is Shafer. And even with speaking extremely broken English, he manages to get all this across to every human he encounters with excessive hand movements and pleased, annoyed, or whiny clicks and chirps.

Likes: Chaos, himself, impressing/enchanting people, scaring people, eliciting any sort of reaction from people at all, any sort of attention, loud noises, and music.

Dislikes: Untalented/lazy/pessimistic people, silence, fire, feeling vulnerable or exposed, merpeople most of the time, and his inability to speak the humans' language.​
ChoasMaker said:
Name: Lucius Luna
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Sorcerer


(Normal Form)

View attachment 318897

(Guard Form)

View attachment 318899

Faction: What ever he choses to join.

Personality: Lucius is some one who will jump into harms way in order to protect someone else. He is very loyal to his friends and very passionate about every thing he does.

Normal Skills: Lucius is capable of healing most creatures without the use of magic. He is also very talented with his staff, not only can he cast spells with it but he can fight with it in close range combat. When he is in his second form he also has a sword that he can use just as well as his staff.

Magical Skills: Lucius' powers revolve around the moon cycle, the closer the moon is to being a full moon the stronger his powers are. Even when the moon is at the beginning of it cycle he is a force to be messed with. He is capable of casting illusions that seem so real that they can even trick him if he didn't know that he had created them and he can make a barrier strong enough to with stand several powerful explosions. He can bend light and cast spells based on light. Finally in Lucius normal form he can bend light around himself and make himself invisible.

Guard Form: He can only go into his guard form at night when his powers are stronger. The armor he wears in his guard form are almost as strong as the barriers he cast and all of his abilities are increased greatly. His can cast his spells faster then in his normal form and his staff turns in to both a staff and a sword which can cut through even the strongest metals.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He used a power spell to open a dimensional rift to open a portal to the isle. Sadly for him he had help opening the portal and he doesn't have a way home.

Backstory: Lucius comes from a different world that is filled with wizards. His whole life he had been training to be one of the most powerful wizards that his world had ever seen before. To accomplish this he decided to travel to earth in order to increase his powers and skills. It was something that other wizards from his world had done before. One famous wizard from his world was Merlin and when he returned he became a legend. To get to earth he enlisted the help from three of his friends and they went down to some old ruins that had the inscription for the portal and with the combined power of all three wizards they were able to open the portal for Lucius.

Other: Lucius' staff increases his powers and without it he becomes very weak. It also allows him to fly.

(I am planning to have my first post be his arrival.)
Both approved.
Name:Edwin Maxson

Age: 16


Species:Magical human



Faction: Colonist

Personality:Cheerful and kind of a joker, also kind of a rebel and doesn't listen at times, but follows what he is told at other times. He loves to talk with friends, well, back home...he doesn't know if he'll make any here.

Normal Skills: (I'm guessing any type of skills...?)




Weapons smith, if given the tools and things needed

Magical Skills (if any): Control/Summon fire, and can see in the dark, not like everyone thinks, he sees things in like, a full moon effect.

How did they end up on the Isle?: After the war, Ed was one of the young soldiers used from time to time to help with loading and scouting areas and helping with setting up camps and cutting trees down to start up the soldiers next few months on an island or main land.

Backstory:"I was on the Saint. James when we wrecked, sadly, I was the only one that mad it though, the rest of the crew died from drowning, or were caught in the bottom decks when the ship sunk. Thank God I didn't find out what sunk the ship, and I don't plan on finding out what it was, all I want to do now, is survive, and wait for rescue, and help anyone that needs it, always liked helping people, even though they were my enemy, at times, I'd sneak food for the captured pirates that weren't jerks to me."


He has killed at least 4 people, all within self defense and standards for his age.

And his eyes tend to glow in the dark, and when he's using his fire.
CERBERUS177 said:
Name:Edwin Maxson
Age: 16


Species:Magical human



Faction: Colonist

Personality:Cheerful and kind of a joker, also kind of a rebel and doesn't listen at times, but follows what he is told at other times. He loves to talk with friends, well, back home...he doesn't know if he'll make any here.

Normal Skills: (I'm guessing any type of skills...?)




Weapons smith, if given the tools and things needed

Magical Skills (if any): Control/Summon fire, and can see in the dark, not like everyone thinks, he sees things in like, a full moon effect.

How did they end up on the Isle?: After the war, Ed was one of the young soldiers used from time to time to help with loading and scouting areas and helping with setting up camps and cutting trees down to start up the soldiers next few months on an island or main land.

Backstory:"I was on the Saint. James when we wrecked, sadly, I was the only one that mad it though, the rest of the crew died from drowning, or were caught in the bottom decks when the ship sunk. Thank God I didn't find out what sunk the ship, and I don't plan on finding out what it was, all I want to do now, is survive, and wait for rescue, and help anyone that needs it, always liked helping people, even though they were my enemy, at times, I'd sneak food for the captured pirates that weren't jerks to me."


He has killed at least 4 people, all within self defense and standards for his age.

And his eyes tend to glow in the dark, and when he's using his fire.
Name: Ian Evergreen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: River Spirit

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-21_22-56-43.png.04eb65705b5729630375e38f437e0007.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-21_22-56-43.png.04eb65705b5729630375e38f437e0007.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Ian is very quiet although he doesn't have a choice, and he has a dilemma because he likes to be isolated and in the company of others. He can be seen hiding from be at times and others he clings to them.

Normal Skills: He is very handy with his hands and can craft amazing jewelry. He loves to use blues colors in anything he makes. He isn't very good at fighting so he tries to negotiate anything that needs it (it is a mystery how he does it).

Magical Skills (if any): Ian is a river and can control the currents of his river as well manipulate water or influence the weather.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Native

Other: Ian experienced an accident and lost his voice (And he doesn't know sign language).

@Crystal Cali



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ChoasMaker said:
Name: Ian Evergreen
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: River Spirit

Appearance: View attachment 320489

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Ian is very quiet although he doesn't have a choice, and he has a dilemma because he likes to be isolated and in the company of others. He can be seen hiding from be at times and others he clings to them.

Normal Skills: He is very handy with his hands and can craft amazing jewelry. He loves to use blues colors in anything he makes. He isn't very good at fighting so he tries to negotiate anything that needs it (it is a mystery how he does it).

Magical Skills (if any): Ian is a river and can control the currents of his river as well manipulate water or influence the weather.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Native

Other: Ian experienced an accident and lost his voice (And he doesn't know sign language).

@Crystal Cali
Name: Thannor

Age: A few hundred years.

Gender: Male

Species: Woodland Elf

Appearence: Very similar to Will. The only difference is his hair is a slick black and instead of Wills charming brown hair

Faction: Creature of the night

Personality: He was once a

Kind caring soul just like Will Who would die for those he loves but after his death he realized how foolish it was and his cruelty grew. He hates humans and all "invaders" of the isle and the Royal elven family

Normal Skills: Hunting,

Tracking, stealth, swordsmanship, archery, Woodland knowledge.

Magical Skills (if any):

Corrupted vines- Once beautiful elegant magic used during his time living that has now been corrupted into dark evil magic. He summons black Vines from the earth below him.

Dark elven speed- Just makes him faster in combat and such

Dark aura- An aura that was once like Wills beautiful and potrayed his emotions now is purely darkness and made of his hate and allows him to force people to see things

How did they end up on the Isle?: he was once one of the Elves who inhabited the Isle but he was killed in battle under the orders of Raina's father who at the time lead the elves

Backstory: Thannor was born about 20 years before Will (Delhinor) and they grew up and trained together. They were born into the same family and were brothers until one day Thannor was sent to battle and he sadly he was brought back injured but the wounds proved to be fatal and he later passed

Due to them. Will had cared for his brother dearly and when this happened Will was sent to a darl place for a while. Thannor was his brother. He use to hangout woth Will and Raina as if they were the elven version of the three musketeers until that day. It was a major blow to will and it took a long time for him to get out of that dark place.

Other: N/A

@Crystal Cali
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ThatOneLunatic said:
Name: Thannor
Age: A few hundred years.

Gender: Male

Species: Woodland Elf

Appearence: Very similar to Will. The only difference is his hair is a slick black and instead of Wills charming brown hair

Faction: Creature of the night

Personality: He was once a

Kind caring soul just like Will Who would die for those he loves but after his death he realized how foolish it was and his cruelty grew. He hates humans and all "invaders" of the isle and the Royal elven family

Normal Skills: Hunting,

Tracking, stealth, swordsmanship, archery, Woodland knowledge.

Magical Skills (if any):

Corrupted vines- Once beautiful elegant magic used during his time living that has now been corrupted into dark evil magic. He summons black Vines from the earth below him.

Dark elven speed- Just makes him faster in combat and such

Dark aura- An aura that was once like Wills beautiful and potrayed his emotions now is purely darkness and made of his hate and allows him to force people to see things

How did they end up on the Isle?: he was once one of the Elves who inhabited the Isle but he was killed in battle under the orders of Mays father who at the time lead the elves

Backstory: Thannor was born about 20 years before Will (Delhinor) and they grew up and trained together. They were born into the same family and were brothers until one day Thannor was sent to battle and he sadly he was brought back injured but the wounds proved to be fatal and he later passed

Due to them. Will had cared for his brother dearly and when this happened Will was sent to a darl place for a while. Thannor was his brother. He use to hangout woth Will and Raina as if they were the elven version of the three musketeers until that day. It was a major blow to will and it took a long time for him to get out of that dark place.

Other: N/A

@Crystal Cali
Approved (though I assume you meant to say "Raina's father" instead of "May's father" ;) )
Name: Sir. Christopher Blackmanor

Age: (minimum 14) 501

Gender: male (I'm sure this time)

Species: goliath

Appearence: (Face claim, or description. Doesn't matter.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-23_22-4-11.png.f95bd8bcdefefccfefba021d216e85a7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-23_22-4-11.png.f95bd8bcdefefccfefba021d216e85a7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: (Colonist / Pirate / Woodland Fae / Creature of the Night .... descriptions are under the Overview tab.) colonist

Personality: (Try to think of at least 3 traits to define your character. Feel free to add more.)

honor bound: I know pride once again my flesh what makes me a man has finally returned I will carve a better path this time

Friendly: Once more I have blood I will not allow it to run warm with rage or cold with hate

I'm still :I have lived for hundreds of years and enjoy talking or imparting my wisdom as I call it to people other than that I behave very fatherly and like to point people away for potential dangers.

Normal Skills: I know many languages, and know how to farm, along with a good knowledge of the sword marked by the bronze sword on my back its minor enchantments make it extremely hard

Magical Skills (if any): Necromancy I did not live to be hundreds of years old for no reason, also some basic fire and light spells, along with that

How did they end up on the Isle?: I came on a boat 452 years ago my journey was not a pleasant or purposeful one my boat was sinking and we had been blow wildly off coarse by a storm we crashed here I was the only survivor.


I was once a respected scribe and was invited on to an exploratory expedition a storm hit while we were at ship. The ship hit land in the isle of mist I was the last survivor. I learned to survive until age claimed me using a dark magic I learned for the creatures of the night here I became a skeleton. I after become one of the undead I learned that I could do magic and learned the art that allowed me to live along with a few others. I stay from civilized places up and tell now mostly know as a rumor of a large skeleton wondering around the forest.

Other: (Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?) ok I'm one of the older players I just made a new account god its weird coming back and reapplying this is @Theflamre I just made a new account after my old one got swampy



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