• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

Yappi said:
Name: AJ (also known as master mirror
Age: (minimum 14) 32

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearence: (Face claim, or description. Doesn't matter.)

Brown, eyes and standard leggings and coat with a chain necklace. A bandana and boots

Faction: (Colonist / Pirate / Woodland Fae / Creature of the Night .... descriptions are under the Overview tab.)

Creature of the night

Personality: (Try to think of at least 3 traits to define your character. Feel free to add more.)

Clever,grants wishes but that's the danger... exactly what you wish for, keeps his word to the letter, jokester

Normal Skills: (For colonists: Do they have a trade? For Pirates: What skill do they make use of the most for stealing, sailing, exc.? For Mythicals: Do they hunt, farm, craft, exc? These are just suggestions to get you started, feel free to come up with more skills outside these guidelines. Get creative with what they can do, but don't get OP, and keep it reasonable for the faction they are in.)

He goes around doing his own thing, he grants wishes so to speak. But that's the problem. He mostly lives in his home that has food and water at it.

Magical Skills (if any): (Any race can do magic, but a full-blooded human cannot do it naturally, and would have to resort to alchemy or enchantments performed by a Mythical.)

Can teleport to people who call his name or wish for something

Grants wishes with adnormal power but CANNOT grant his own wishes


Can teleport away as well

How did they end up on the Isle?: (Were they on one of the initial voyages, or did they shipwreck here after the war? Or were they one of the Mythicals that are native to the Isle? Or did they get here using some sort of magical transportation?)

He goes around this island as he was banished to it for pissing off a certain Demon in hell (lucifer)

Backstory: (Optional. If you want to RP it out, that's fine.)

Not much, will be said in RP

Other: (Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)

Can be beat at his own game, and when this happens he will reverse what he has done. He is a man of his word but is clever with his words.
Approved, just remember, you can't grant wishes that would involve auto-killing of auto-killing another character.
Tetro said:
Name: Mawlock
Age: Uknown

Gender: None

Species: Construct



Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Curious, Calm, Loving, Nurturing, Quiet, Mild

Normal Skills: Crafting, Farming, Hunting, Gardening, Building, Fighting, Cooking

Magical Skills (if any): Healing, Curing, Nature magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Shape Shifting (Only humanoid beings, and no additional powers are obtained)

How did they end up on the Isle?: Mawlock simply crawled up out of the soil

Backstory: TBR


- Mawlock's magic is strong only when used in defense and becomes weak when used offensively.

- Because Mawlock is a construct it cannot get tired, charmed, slowed, hypnotized, stunned, dazed, cursed, poisoned, etc. and any human functions it might perform are purely for cosmetic or aesthetic purposes.

- Socially, it's about four years old due to severe amnesia

- It carries around a white hard covered book that is magically sealed with odd symbols on the front

- Mawlock changes genders at random times, it's reasoning - "It's cool"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Approved, just remember, you can't grant wishes that would involve auto-killing of auto-killing another character.

(Don't worry, he would turn those down(


Age: (minimum 14)

26 Years Old







Faction: Pirate


  • Collected
  • Disciplined
  • Sarcastic
  • Split Persona

Normal Skills:

  • Building
  • Sailing
  • Surviving

Magical Skills:

  • He can literally build anything out of anything as long as it has constructive value
  • He can only enchant whatever only he builds with his own hands...
  • He is considered a genius in comparison to most of the modern society of the time and era being able to accomplish feats no man has ever been able too and things no man has ever seen.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He was in a shipwreck, all of his crew perished except him. In order to survive he took the scraps of his ship and build a junkyard looking robot to ride in.

Backstory: TRP


  • His Robot's name is Nami, It has a flame-thrower, a mace, electric harpoons, and hand-made rockets.
  • He carries two flintlock pistols and a cutlass on his body outside of Nami
Runakei said:

Age: (minimum 14)

26 Years Old







Faction: Pirate


  • Collected
  • Disciplined
  • Sarcastic
  • Split Persona

Normal Skills:

  • Building
  • Sailing
  • Surviving

Magical Skills:

  • He can literally build anything out of anything as long as it has constructive value
  • He can only enchant whatever only he builds with his own hands...
  • He is considered a genius in comparison to most of the modern society of the time and era being able to accomplish feats no man has ever been able too and things no man has ever seen.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He was in a shipwreck, all of his crew perished except him. In order to survive he took the scraps of his ship and build a junkyard looking robot to ride in.

Backstory: TRP


  • His Robot's name is Nami, It has a flame-thrower, a mace, electric harpoons, and hand-made rockets.
  • He carries two flintlock pistols and a cutlass on his body outside of Nami
Runakei said:

Age: (minimum 14)

26 Years Old







Faction: Pirate


  • Collected
  • Disciplined
  • Sarcastic
  • Split Persona

Normal Skills:

  • Building
  • Sailing
  • Surviving

Magical Skills:

  • He can literally build anything out of anything as long as it has constructive value
  • He can only enchant whatever only he builds with his own hands...
  • He is considered a genius in comparison to most of the modern society of the time and era being able to accomplish feats no man has ever been able too and things no man has ever seen.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He was in a shipwreck, all of his crew perished except him. In order to survive he took the scraps of his ship and build a junkyard looking robot to ride in.

Backstory: TRP


  • His Robot's name is Nami, It has a flame-thrower, a mace, electric harpoons, and hand-made rockets.
  • He carries two flintlock pistols and a cutlass on his body outside of Nami
Huzzah for rumble!

Only other LoL character I've seen on here is Nidalee ;-;

Character Sign Up Sheet

Universe from: Wario Ware

Faction: Colonist

Alignment: neutral evil

Name: Ashley & Red (her staff)

Alias/nickname: Ashley the witch

Age: 15

City: Diamond City

Gender and sexuality: Female - Bisexual

Species/race: Human (red = Demon)



enraged or casting a spell:


Likes: monsters, vicious things, "cool" things

Dislikes: "Girly-girl" things

Personality:Ashley and Red are very different in personality: Ashley is a serious, easily angered person. Ashley also seems to have an large ego (as stated in her theme song), and is prone to bouts of laziness; on one of the WarioWare: Smooth Moves secret boards, Red is said to take care of his and Ashley's laundry, and she orders Red to write her blog entry for her on the Japanese Smooth Moves website, although it may be out of shyness. Ashley is portrayed as shy and distant; both Touched! and Game & Wario show her not dancing with the other WarioWare employees (including Red) at the end-of-game party and her response to comments made by her coworkers on her blog entry is simply "Everyone... I hate you.". Her resentment may be the result of her shyness and loneliness

Backstory : (She is a wario ware character ;- ;)

In her stage's opening cutscene, Ashley attempts to cook a potion, but fails. As she and Red leave the mansion, Orbulon, whose Oinkerhad crashed earlier due to a lighting storm, accidentally bumps into her. Ashley gets angry, and Orbulon runs off. Red asks her if she is fine, but she only replies that the alien is the last ingredient needed for the potion. Red volunteers to catch him, but fails and asks Ashley to forgive him; she does, only to decide she is going to use Red as the ingredient instead.

The duo returns in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, where their level is named "The Loquacious Spell Book". Ashley attempts to cast a spell on a potted plant using Red as her magic wand, but she fails: it only causes the sprout to become a daisy. Suddenly, Ashley is addressed by a sentient spell book with a skull on the front that states it can help. Once the level is complete, the player is shown Ashley trying the spell again after receiving help from the book, which causes another potted plant to grow into a gargantuan, monstrous venus flytrap which bursts through the roof. Red is visibly frightened by the development, but Ashley herself simply smiles.

Known enemies: none

Known rivals: none

Known allies/friends: Red

Known Family: none

Companion: Red

Weapons: her staff (Red)


Powers/abilities: As seen in the WarioWare games, Ashley can use various spells (stated to be "the darkest spells" in her theme song) and potions. When she is using magic or when she is angered, her hair turns white, and her eyes glow red. In addition to casting spells with a wand, she can shoot magic blasts from her hand as seen in Game & Wario. Despite her theme song's boasting, Ashley is reportedly a mediocre magician; her Game & Wario character card states she only successfuly cast spells "40% of the time". Red can levitate and transform into small objects to help Ashley, such as a broom or her wand


Weaknesses: Basic human weaknesses

Character quote: “Everyone loves me 'cause I've got a bewitching personality!”

Character’s theme song:[media]

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Trust said:

Character Sign Up Sheet

Universe from: Wario Ware

Alignment: neutral evil

Name: Ashley & Red (her staff)

Alias/nickname: Ashley the witch

Age: 15

City: Diamond City

Gender and sexuality: Female - Bisexual

Species/race: Human (red = Demon)



enraged or casting a spell:


Likes: monsters, vicious things, "cool" things

Dislikes: "Girly-girl" things

Personality:Ashley and Red are very different in personality: Ashley is a serious, easily angered person. Ashley also seems to have an large ego (as stated in her theme song), and is prone to bouts of laziness; on one of the WarioWare: Smooth Moves secret boards, Red is said to take care of his and Ashley's laundry, and she orders Red to write her blog entry for her on the Japanese Smooth Moves website, although it may be out of shyness. Ashley is portrayed as shy and distant; both Touched! and Game & Wario show her not dancing with the other WarioWare employees (including Red) at the end-of-game party and her response to comments made by her coworkers on her blog entry is simply "Everyone... I hate you.". Her resentment may be the result of her shyness and loneliness

Backstory : (She is a wario ware character ;- ;)

In her stage's opening cutscene, Ashley attempts to cook a potion, but fails. As she and Red leave the mansion, Orbulon, whose Oinkerhad crashed earlier due to a lighting storm, accidentally bumps into her. Ashley gets angry, and Orbulon runs off. Red asks her if she is fine, but she only replies that the alien is the last ingredient needed for the potion. Red volunteers to catch him, but fails and asks Ashley to forgive him; she does, only to decide she is going to use Red as the ingredient instead.

The duo returns in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, where their level is named "The Loquacious Spell Book". Ashley attempts to cast a spell on a potted plant using Red as her magic wand, but she fails: it only causes the sprout to become a daisy. Suddenly, Ashley is addressed by a sentient spell book with a skull on the front that states it can help. Once the level is complete, the player is shown Ashley trying the spell again after receiving help from the book, which causes another potted plant to grow into a gargantuan, monstrous venus flytrap which bursts through the roof. Red is visibly frightened by the development, but Ashley herself simply smiles.

Known enemies: none

Known rivals: none

Known allies/friends: Red

Known Family: none

Companion: Red

Weapons: her staff (Red)


Powers/abilities: As seen in the WarioWare games, Ashley can use various spells (stated to be "the darkest spells" in her theme song) and potions. When she is using magic or when she is angered, her hair turns white, and her eyes glow red. In addition to casting spells with a wand, she can shoot magic blasts from her hand as seen in Game & Wario. Despite her theme song's boasting, Ashley is reportedly a mediocre magician; her Game & Wario character card states she only successfuly cast spells "40% of the time". Red can levitate and transform into small objects to help Ashley, such as a broom or her wand


Weaknesses: Basic human weaknesses

Character quote: “Everyone loves me 'cause I've got a bewitching personality!”

Character’s theme song:[media]

@Crystal Cali
Trust said:

Character Sign Up Sheet

Universe from: Wario Ware

Alignment: neutral evil

Name: Ashley & Red (her staff)

Alias/nickname: Ashley the witch

Age: 15

City: Diamond City

Gender and sexuality: Female - Bisexual

Species/race: Human (red = Demon)



enraged or casting a spell:


Likes: monsters, vicious things, "cool" things

Dislikes: "Girly-girl" things

Personality:Ashley and Red are very different in personality: Ashley is a serious, easily angered person. Ashley also seems to have an large ego (as stated in her theme song), and is prone to bouts of laziness; on one of the WarioWare: Smooth Moves secret boards, Red is said to take care of his and Ashley's laundry, and she orders Red to write her blog entry for her on the Japanese Smooth Moves website, although it may be out of shyness. Ashley is portrayed as shy and distant; both Touched! and Game & Wario show her not dancing with the other WarioWare employees (including Red) at the end-of-game party and her response to comments made by her coworkers on her blog entry is simply "Everyone... I hate you.". Her resentment may be the result of her shyness and loneliness

Backstory : (She is a wario ware character ;- ;)

In her stage's opening cutscene, Ashley attempts to cook a potion, but fails. As she and Red leave the mansion, Orbulon, whose Oinkerhad crashed earlier due to a lighting storm, accidentally bumps into her. Ashley gets angry, and Orbulon runs off. Red asks her if she is fine, but she only replies that the alien is the last ingredient needed for the potion. Red volunteers to catch him, but fails and asks Ashley to forgive him; she does, only to decide she is going to use Red as the ingredient instead.

The duo returns in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, where their level is named "The Loquacious Spell Book". Ashley attempts to cast a spell on a potted plant using Red as her magic wand, but she fails: it only causes the sprout to become a daisy. Suddenly, Ashley is addressed by a sentient spell book with a skull on the front that states it can help. Once the level is complete, the player is shown Ashley trying the spell again after receiving help from the book, which causes another potted plant to grow into a gargantuan, monstrous venus flytrap which bursts through the roof. Red is visibly frightened by the development, but Ashley herself simply smiles.

Known enemies: none

Known rivals: none

Known allies/friends: Red

Known Family: none

Companion: Red

Weapons: her staff (Red)


Powers/abilities: As seen in the WarioWare games, Ashley can use various spells (stated to be "the darkest spells" in her theme song) and potions. When she is using magic or when she is angered, her hair turns white, and her eyes glow red. In addition to casting spells with a wand, she can shoot magic blasts from her hand as seen in Game & Wario. Despite her theme song's boasting, Ashley is reportedly a mediocre magician; her Game & Wario character card states she only successfuly cast spells "40% of the time". Red can levitate and transform into small objects to help Ashley, such as a broom or her wand


Weaknesses: Basic human weaknesses

Character quote: “Everyone loves me 'cause I've got a bewitching personality!”

Character’s theme song:[media]

What faction would she be in?
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]What faction would she be in?

Colonist (sorry, copy and pasta'd this because I'm super lazy)
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Lol. OK then. You're approved.





Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war,Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and set out on a adventure that's how he ended up on the Island.Confused of his powers and dosn't know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells.

Temmeh said:



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war,Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and set out on a adventure that's how he ended up on the Island.Confused of his powers and dosn't know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells.

What faction would he be in? How did he get to the Isle of Mist?
Name: Leigh Trewin

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearence: Red hair, green eyes, sword, white tunic with black vest, black pants, black boots, average height, slim (profile picture)

Faction: Pirate

Personality: Unloyal, untrustworthy, cranky, unfriendly, spiteful, rude, cunning, spoiled, selfish

Normal Skills: Stealing, above average swordswoman, seduction, trickery

Magical Skills (if any): No pls

How did they end up on the Isle?: Drifted to the beach on shattered wood from shipwreck

Backstory: At a young age joined a pirate crew only wanting riches. Trained and lived under such pirates, learned to steal from people and kill them in many different ways

Other: None

@Crystal Cali
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Rugggggy said:
Name: Leigh Trewin
Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearence: Red hair, green eyes, sword, white tunic with black vest, black pants, black boots, average height, slim (profile picture)

Faction: Pirate

Personality: Unloyal, untrustworthy, cranky, unfriendly, spiteful, rude, cunning, spoiled, selfish

Normal Skills: Stealing, above average swordswoman, seduction, trickery

Magical Skills (if any): No pls

How did they end up on the Isle?: Drifted to the beach on shattered wood from shipwreck

Backstory: At a young age joined a pirate crew only wanting riches. Trained and lived under such pirates, learned to steal from people and kill them in many different ways

Other: None

@Crystal Cali
Name Jerek Jones

Alies the man

I will post my apparence in another post

Species God


Evil Funny sarcastic insane

Powers can destroy a planet killed Zeus good at parkour ect.

Human powers really good at parkour

Wepon swords made of all elements a shapeshifting lightsaber etc
[QUOTE="The Man]Name Jerek Jones
Alies the man

I will post my apparence in another post

Species God


Evil Funny sarcastic insane

Powers can destroy a planet killed Zeus good at parkour ect.

Human powers really good at parkour

Wepon swords made of all elements a shapeshifting lightsaber etc

Parkour does not fit the time period of this RP. You cannot have god-like abilities (like destroying planets.) Lightsabers also do not fit the time period of this RP. If you are actually serious about this RP, please read the rules, the backstory, and fill out an application using the outline I have posted on the first page of the character sign up tab.
Name: Leah Ashwood

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Elf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/valkyrie_by_vtas-da3auwh.jpg.74ed9b740fbf3d3f0a47aa91ff718b44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/valkyrie_by_vtas-da3auwh.jpg.74ed9b740fbf3d3f0a47aa91ff718b44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Hardworking and loyal , Leah can often at first come off as aloof. She is witty and resilient and very open minded to other species.

Normal Skills: Farming

Magical Skills (if any): Control over water and able to communicate with animals

How did they end up on the Isle?: One of the Mythicals that are native to the Isle

Backstory: can I finish later ??

Other: Leah was born with tattoos of birds flying up one of her arms and the tattoo on her face



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Songbird500 said:
Name: Leah Ashwood
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Elf


View attachment 310273

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Hardworking and loyal , Leah can often at first come off as aloof. She is witty and resilient and very open minded to other species.

Normal Skills: Farming

Magical Skills (if any): Control over water and able to communicate with animals

How did they end up on the Isle?: One of the Mythicals that are native to the Isle

Backstory: can I finish later ??

Other: Leah was born with tattoos of birds flying up one of her arms and the tattoo on her face
You're approved

zon dexan



Species:half human shadow being


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/don.jpeg.d135a9326d179ff50f8c02d3942b8d76.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/don.jpeg.d135a9326d179ff50f8c02d3942b8d76.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: creature of the night

Personality: zon has a solitary attitude and doesn't like to be bothered by others.He is lazy but when the time comes to act he will get the job done in the most ruthless way possible and he has an unexpected soft side for cute animals

Normal Skills: he is a moderately good swordsmen and an excellent persuasion-est

Magical Skills (if any): he can fade into and manipulate shadows using them as weapons or tools

How did they end up on the Isle?: his father was a sailor and his mother was a shadow being. they met on the island

Backstory: zon was born on the island and raised by his father. he never knew his mother. his father taught him the ways of swordsman ship. at the age of 15 while his father was on his death bed he told zon about his mother and the fact that she wasn't human. from then on zon decided to try embracing his mothers side and engrossed himself in the ways of the shadows he slowly taught him self how to manipulate and hide in the shadows and is still seeking to improve his abilities

Other: he has an odd love of mythical's probably because of all the bed time stories his father would tell him about his adventures on the island



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[QUOTE="Zon dexan]Name:
zon dexan



Species:half human shadow being


View attachment 312038

Faction: creature of the night

Personality: zon has a solitary attitude and doesn't like to be bothered by others.He is lazy but when the time comes to act he will get the job done in the most ruthless way possible and he has an unexpected soft side for cute animals

Normal Skills: he is a moderately good swordsmen and an excellent persuasion-est

Magical Skills (if any): he can fade into and manipulate shadows using them as weapons or tools

How did they end up on the Isle?: his father was a sailor and his mother was a shadow being. they met on the island

Backstory: zon was born on the island and raised by his father. he never knew his mother. his father taught him the ways of swordsman ship. at the age of 15 while his father was on his death bed he told zon about his mother and the fact that she wasn't human. from then on zon decided to try embracing his mothers side and engrossed himself in the ways of the shadows he slowly taught him self how to manipulate and hide in the shadows and is still seeking to improve his abilities

Other: he has an odd love of mythical's probably because of all the bed time stories his father would tell him about his adventures on the island

Name: Kiera

Age: (minimum 14)

Gender: female

Species: sliver shadow wolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb84481b3_images-2copy2.jpeg.a9d5ed8c3330d21e45df223c5510360f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb84481b3_images-2copy2.jpeg.a9d5ed8c3330d21e45df223c5510360f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: woodland fae

Personality: playful, energetic, curious

Normal Skills: night sight, smelling, tracking

Magical Skills (if any): shadow howl. at night if she howls all light goes out

How did they end up on the Isle?: born into wolf pack

Backstory: was born into a wolf pack but she was the runt. they were about to kill her but Evan saved her

Other: she is a runt



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FrostRaven said:
Name: Kiera
Age: (minimum 14)

Gender: female

Species: sliver shadow wolf


View attachment 312046

Faction: woodland fae

Personality: playful, energetic, curious

Normal Skills: night sight, smelling, tracking

Magical Skills (if any): shadow howl. at night if she howls all light goes out

How did they end up on the Isle?: born into wolf pack

Backstory: was born into a wolf pack but she was the runt. they were about to kill her but Evan saved her

Other: she is a runt
Name: Hickory

Age: Lost count long ago


Species: Skeleton/Undead



As he is but a skeleton in armor, he weighs around 30-40 lbs, making him terrifying dexterous, though easy to sent flying when struck by a powerful attack. He's only about 6'1, having been 6'2 back when he had skin and flesh.

Faction: Devoted Colonist, though rejects the notion of a woman leading them. He considers himself the true leader. He also has a deep hatred for the mystical creatures taunting them with his magical immunity. Even worse though is his hatred for pirates, which he will, with no exceptions kill on sight.

Personality: Schizoid, Cold, Resentful. He's brash and quick to attack anyone who challenges him, though he puts the colony above all else. While it's not entirely rare to see him socialize, he tries to avoid it, and as a result doesn't speak english very well. In a conversation he only really wants to talk about combat and self improvement. A nice side is about as common as an eclipse on a blue moon.

Normal Skills: Spent all his life and unlife swinging around a sword. He's damn well good at it, but lacks any real knowledge at most other things due to his warlord nature. Likely the dumbest man on the island.

Magical Skills: Hickory has no magical powers of his own, but he wears a powerful warding necklace that cancels out magic within 10 ft, friend or foe. (Such as incoming fireballs, or disenchanting any magically enhanced creature who his zone can reach, etc.) Does not ward off alchemy.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Hickory was one of the initial voyages where he died within the battle against the native mystical creatures.

Backstory: Fought, Died, Resurrected, Fought, Looted. That's all he knows about it.

Other: Similar to Captain George Vos, Hickory has the resilience of an undead. However, as he is a skeleton, he relies much more on quickly re-attaching his bones after having been bashed around enough for them to disconnect, instead of using rotten skin as armor. He also skips basic human necessities, such as eating or sleeping.
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