Type: Letter of Encouragement
Sender: Ceylan
Recipient: Ninelle SilverFeathers
Canon Status: Send in Character, a few days after Runaway Slaves Part 2.
Sender: Ceylan
Recipient: Ninelle SilverFeathers
Canon Status: Send in Character, a few days after Runaway Slaves Part 2.
Dear Ninelle,
Although our journey together has only just ended, I wished to write you, now that I've gone over everything your said in my mind.
First of all; please don't sell yourself short. You managed to bounce back from being critically injured, you fought for the safety of your friends and for the freedom of others. I may not understand the Fae all that well, but I know that's not something that anyone can do naturally. You're not just a homeless nature fairy, you're a hero in the truest sense. Someone capable of risking their own well-being for the sake of others.
As for being homeless, please know that you'll always have a home in the Holy City of Vegard. I'll admit that it'll be relatively easy to arrange something for someone of your stature, but even if you were a half-giant, I'm sure the people would've loved for you to join them. That said, I'm sure you'd be able to make a home anywhere, for as long as a single person pierces through any preconceived notions they might have about you. Stay strong and don't lose courage.
May be the gods be with you,