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Fandom Irregular Opening (Multifandom)

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Morgana, everyone's Cat( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"I...Didn't tell her." Akura sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "I know I made her worry, but...It's the only way to keep them safe." He crosses his fingers as he explained, letting out a nod.
Morgana sighed, "Either way, we better get some rest"

Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
While the others are taking care of the 5 remaining Arcana Shadows, Ryoji, now Nyx stares down Minako, swinging down his blade as she dodges once more. From one of the statues, she took out a bone-like Naginata, thinking that it would probably be enough to end Ryoji. After a brief flash, Minako knew what to do; she didn't have to seal him away again; the real Nyx is probably still sealed. This Ryoji must be conjured up by the Mistress Death in order to be her general...But if he truly is a different entity then...The power of the Universe must be used in order to separate the two...Yet, it is quite risky.

It requires a person's life force; their entire being just to conjure a miracle of preventing death...But if it's only the means of separating a Living from the Dead...Would that really cost such a price?...Her answer to life has remained unanswered through this second chance, yet she still possesses Messiah's power; Even a small bit of hope should be enough to create a miracle; To free Ryoji from being the 'Prince'.

Taking out her Evoker once more, Minako summoned Thanatos, letting out a fierce roar as it charged towards Ryoji; slashes parried, beams were fired; the fight of the Personifactions of Death shall be taken up at the skies, where they would trade blows and slashes. Since the last time those two had faced one another, Thanatos has gotten much stronger than it should've, his blade matching that of Nyx's gigantic sword. The two titans clashed at the void's heavens as the Shadow Operatives finished up the remaining Arcana Shadows, and soon headed behind Minako

"Please, assist Star!" Minako turned back to the Shadow Operatives with a request, their weapons drawn along with their Evokers. "I'll go handle Nyx, like old times!"

"Like old times...?!" Ken muttered, "How did you know about Nyx?"

"Long Story, Ken-kun." Minako cracked a smile, looking back at Nyx's clash with Thanatos. "I'll tell you all later. Now go!"

"You heard the chick, let's take care of the big bad and ugly!" Junpei said, charging headfirst towards Thanos, who was busy clashing with Star's beam. He leaped behind him, smacking him from behind with his baseball bat...

"In case you guys don't know..." Marco tightened his karate belt, "I'm a red belt!" Marco then attacked one of the shadows with a rather weak chop, "Huh..."
Rocket then shoved Marco aside, "Armature... Let me show you how a Guardian of the Galaxy does things!" Rocket then fired a barrage of missiles at the shadows.

Meanwhile Cap and Iron Man dealt with Ludo's Monsters.

Star stared down the Mad Titan, Thanos...
Star waved her wand as she recited a spell, "Returnius Peoplerenum!"
And in a flash the lives that Thanos extinguished returned, much to the annoyance of the Mad Titan.
Thanos retaliated with but a snap of his fingers, he still had possession of a portion of the wand's power, and the lives that Star saved vanished once more.
Star responded with the same spell, and thus Thanos returned in kind...
The Two countered each other's spells with no sign of a clear victor.
"I will not be bested by some child!" Thanos cursed.
"Yeah? Well I'm not letting some purple freak destroy my dimension!" Star countered.
"Enough of this, game..." Thanos said as he fired a cosmic laser form his eyes.
Star used her wand to fire back at Thanos' laser.
'The Princess had a lot of power deep in her perhaps more than my own brother..." Eros thought as he observed the exchange.
It appeared as if the Princess of Mewni was winning the exchange much to the shock of Thanos, "You toyed with these powers... Yet I used them to their full potential!"
"Oh, so just because you made a super cool evil lair doesn't mean you're going to win!" Star shouted, "Even if you win, there's always someone who's going to stand up and fight you!"
Thanos then appeared to be losing the struggle as Star's own might pushed his cosmic beam back at him, "You can't defy me! I am Thanos!"
"Yeah, but to me you're just some creep!" Star said as she summoned all her magical abilities to push the Mad Titan way, "Whoa..."
Death looked on at the battle with amusement.
Eros looked at Death and saw that she seemed to be enjoying the battle, 'She's up to something... Why else would she bring her own entourage?'

As the child tore into the hand, Jolie's attention turned towards her. The plan had worked, at least for now. While the hand would only keep the girl fed for so long, at the very least she wasn't tearing out of cop's throat. Jolie quickly rushed to his side, seeing that he was unharmed.

"Are you okay?" She asked, genuine concern in her voice
"What the hell's going on here!?" The Officer barked "What have you done to that poor girl!?" He reached for his sidearm and pointed it at Jolie's head.
"You saw what happened earlier, right?" She asked with a sigh, she turned to face Ghoul "You want to talk to this guy?" She asked "You know this city better than I do."
Everything that transpired behind Ghoul had left him a bit confused, but intrigued. He approached the cop "This is Ultra business. If we find out anything, we'll hand the lady over. Fair deal?"

"Naruto, you're not helping." Jolie said sternly with gritted teeth. She stepped in front of the officer
"Please..." She said "Let me explain."
"Alright. You did take a bullet for me." The officer said, lowering his firearm

Jolie sighed heavily and turned around before turning back to face the Officer. Her eyes were pitch black, and she showed her full fangs while letting out a hiss.
"Holy crap!" The officer shouted, jumping back
"The girl relies on blood and, possibly flesh to survive. She was...Trying to eat you." Jolie explained
"Did you turn her..."
"No. I just got here." Jolie said calmly
"What about that guy?" The officer said, pointing at Naruto
"He has a spirit inside of him."

She'd already broken the Masquerade, but considering that Officer was familiar with a being like Ghoul...Vampires were probably just another Tuesday for him. He also didn't appear to be affected by Naruto's magic, meaning that either the Officer wasn't a regular human like his aura pointed out or Naurto wasn't a Mage as she had suspected.

"Well that's an interesting turn of events!" He was a bit upset that the conversation went on without him. "Not completely new and foreign, but interesting."

Interaction: Koichi Hirose(@GinkyGotBack )
"Morioh, huh?" Goro let out a smile as Koichi told them about his home. "I think I might go there when I have my summer vaction." Goro contemplated aloud, soon asking him about where he lived; and something about living in a gritty city...Well, he is right about the crime ridden part; the Phantom Thieves are still on the rise along with them 'exposing' other criminals, most of which have big names in society. "Guess you've been reading quite a lot of Manga, Hirose-kun." Goro let out a chuckle as he crossed his legs. "I mean, I only live in Tokyo!...Particularly an apartment at Aoyama District." He said, leaning to his side. "Things have been busy as of late, though...Especially since there's that 'Phantom Thieves' case I had to handle." He sighed, saying things with some degree of truth.

"Geez, Pump. If you were gonna stick me in this fancy building, you shoulda sprung for a cell-phone." A miniature mafioso sat a few rooms away from the other visitors. His vision was locked on some kind of crystal ball, kept in place by a vine.

(Good pictures of this guy are hard to find)
"Why'd you send me to LA, anyways?" The lad spoke. "Didn't ya have anyone else to send?"

"All will be revealed in due time, Young Pistol." A dark, posh voice echoed from the ball. "In the mean time, I've sent a watcher to look over you and the guests of honor. If something is amiss, you know what to do."

From the roof neighboring building watched a strange contraption, no bigger than a regular spider.
Megaman ZX Black Gospel
Interaction: A Giant Mechaniloid/Blitzwing( ManyFaces ManyFaces )


"Hurry, I think it went there!" A woman called out to her group of hunters; men clad in a black skinsuit and orange gear and helmets. Their visors are mostly red and blue tinted, yet they are necessarily the same thing. "I can smell that great stench of the Booty right over there!"

"I heard he's the last of Albert's Reploids that went missing for a while." One of the Hunters that followed the woman, his gun drawn. "I wonder how much are we gonna get? 2 Million E-Crystals?"

"I bet on 10 Million." Another replied, chuckling.

"No, maybe 100 Million!" Another counter, as the woman soon stopped to a halt.

"Shh! Keep it down, I'm hearing something!" The woman said as she heard footsteps in the distace...Abnormally big ones, at that. Soon enough, a large tree branch came flying in front of them, as if discarded.

"W-w-what the?!" One of the Hunters gulped, "Where did that come from?!"

"That's gotta be an even better bounty...!" The woman gleamed, soon following the sound of the footsteps as fast as she could. The other Hunters merely sighed as they followed their leader. They saw signs of a gigantic mechaniloid, leading them to nearby cliff which overlooks the entirety of Cinq City; a gigantic, humanoid looking Mechaniloid, staring off into the city.

"Woah....Check out that Mechaniloid...!" The woman whispered with excitement, as if seeing some sort of fascinating wild boar.

"Um...Ashe, I really don't think we should disturb..." A Hunter gulped as he glanced at the giant mechaniloid. "Whatever that is."
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
With a nod, Akira stood up, changing his clothes and sat on his bed. Just as he sat down though, he thought he should write something; a short journal about the events this christmas eve; Yaldabaoth, the Holy Grail...Haru...Letting out a sigh, he finished writing, placing the journal on a shelf beside his bed.

With a yawn, he laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as it soon took him away to the land of dreams...

Akira stirred awake as he hears the soothing tone of the piano. Rising up, he notices that he isn't in his usual prison attire, and instead, he is in his black shirt and brown slacks...This must be how things are supposed to be in the Velvet Room.

"Welcome, to the Velvet Room." A familiar old voice welcomes, as if it was his first time. The old man was clad in a black suit, he had short, white hair yet his prominent feature appears to be his surprisingly long nose."My name is Igor, I am delighted to make your acquaintance." he said with an eerie looking grin, which soon erupted to a chuckle.

Akira let out a confused look; he had been in the Velvet Room for quite some time...Why is he welcoming here as if he just got here?

"Ah...It appears I have summoned a previous guest..." Igor mentions, glancing at Akira, then back at another cell. "It appears the two of you are bound to the same fate." He chuckled, resting his chin on the back of his hands.
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
With a nod, Akira stood up, changing his clothes and sat on his bed. Just as he sat down though, he thought he should write something; a short journal about the events this christmas eve; Yaldabaoth, the Holy Grail...Haru...Letting out a sigh, he finished writing, placing the journal on a shelf beside his bed.

With a yawn, he laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as it soon took him away to the land of dreams...

Akira stirred awake as he hears the soothing tone of the piano. Rising up, he notices that he isn't in his usual prison attire, and instead, he is in his black shirt and brown slacks...This must be how things are supposed to be in the Velvet Room.

"Welcome, to the Velvet Room." A familiar old voice welcomes, as if it was his first time. The old man was clad in a black suit, he had short, white hair yet his prominent feature appears to be his surprisingly long nose."My name is Igor, I am delighted to make your acquaintance." he said with an eerie looking grin, which soon erupted to a chuckle.

Akira let out a confused look; he had been in the Velvet Room for quite some time...Why is he welcoming here as if he just got here?

"Ah...It appears I have summoned a previous guest..." Igor mentions, glancing at Akira, then back at another cell. "It appears the two of you are bound to the same fate." He chuckled, resting his chin on the back of his hands.

A young boy with a blue hat sat on a chair next to Akira. The young boy then waved his hand at Akira, "Uh... Hi, My name's Dipper Pines and I have no idea how I got here."
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Nyx and Thanatos continued clashing their blades, trading blows which caused large gusts of wind to blow all throughout the skies with each strike. Nyx thrusted his blade, causing Thanatos to discard his blade, landing somewhere near Star. Yet that didn't stop Thanatos for he lunged at Nyx and began bombarding him with punches on his chest; and from gap in his mask, a beam of Eigaon fired off to Nyx's face as they crashed onto the Shrine grounds.

Minako took off, dashing towards where Nyx is as the Shadow Operatives were busy fending off Ludo's Monsters and some lesser Mayas. Dodging the stray magic which pushed Thanos away. She passed by Death, herself, who appears to be enjoying the fight. Minako glanced at her for a bit while Thantos and Nyx were struggling. As Thanatos prepared to fire off another Eigaon beam, Nyx swingsher blade once more, cracking through Thanatos' mask as Minako soon jumped, twirling her bone spear.

Thanos soon shattered into blue mist, with the visage of Minako quickly coming down upon him; gasping as he knew this familiar sensation. With a loud war cry, Minako pierced through Nyx's head with the spear; ultimately cracking his face...

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: The Velvet Room
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Akira looked to the side, seeing as how a young boy is there with him. All he knows that those who are destined to become Tricksters enter this room...Doesn't he look a bit too young to be one? Well, bet it's the same case as to why Igor's assistant is a young girl.

"I'm Akira Kurusu." Akira introduced, letting out a smile. "You're probably asleep on wherever you really are."

"Precisely...This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter..." Lavenza, a young blonde wearing a dress spoke beside Igor, "Only those who had signed the 'contract' should be able to enter this room...Which means, Sir Pines, you are now eligible to become the next Trickster."

"Now, before we officially go onto our business, I would like you to meet my assistant; Lavenza." Igor pointed at Lavenza, who in turn, gave a graceful bow. Lavenza appeared...Emotionless, at best. But the assistants Akira knew were far more relentless; they took the form of two wardens, who would show no respect for him until they reformed into Lavenza...
"Wait a sec, you mean like the ones people worship?" Peacock's ignorance was amusing.
Now it was Kotori'a turn to grow confuse, "Umm.. I don't think so." she replied with an awkward chuckle. An idea hit her and she pulled her phone from her pocket and showed Peacock a video of Muse performing Snow Halation, "Idols dance and sings a lot !"
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Nyx and Thanatos continued clashing their blades, trading blows which caused large gusts of wind to blow all throughout the skies with each strike. Nyx thrusted his blade, causing Thanatos to discard his blade, landing somewhere near Star. Yet that didn't stop Thanatos for he lunged at Nyx and began bombarding him with punches on his chest; and from gap in his mask, a beam of Eigaon fired off to Nyx's face as they crashed onto the Shrine grounds.

Minako took off, dashing towards where Nyx is as the Shadow Operatives were busy fending off Ludo's Monsters and some lesser Mayas. Dodging the stray magic which pushed Thanos away. She passed by Death, herself, who appears to be enjoying the fight. Minako glanced at her for a bit while Thantos and Nyx were struggling. As Thanatos prepared to fire off another Eigaon beam, Nyx swingsher blade once more, cracking through Thanatos' mask as Minako soon jumped, twirling her bone spear.

Thanos soon shattered into blue mist, with the visage of Minako quickly coming down upon him; gasping as he knew this familiar sensation. With a loud war cry, Minako pierced through Nyx's head with the spear; ultimately cracking his face...

Ludo sneaked through the battlefield and attempted to grab Thanos' piece of the wand, "The wand! It's finally mine!" Ludo giggled with delight as his claws were only inches away from the wand only to be halted by Adam Warlock!
"This conflict has ended!" Adam Warlock said as he grabbed Thanos' piece of the wand, "Star, set this reality back to what it once were!" Warlock said as he tossed the star gem back to Star.
Star grabbed it and placed it back in her wand, "Well, there's going to be some minor adjustments but..." Star waved her wand around which caused Mewni to return to normal and all of the lives lost returned in their normal positions.
Gone were Death and the shadows and Eros' mouth came back, which is nice for him.
"Uh what happened to ol' Thanos?" asked Iron Man.
"Oh let's just say he's going to be living the simple life..." Star said, "as a Corn farmer."
"That's... oddly specific," Iron Man replied.
Star's parents ran to her side and hugged her.
"Star, I can't believe you were able to do it!" Queen Butterfly said with tears in her eyes.

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: The Velvet Room
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Akira looked to the side, seeing as how a young boy is there with him. All he knows that those who are destined to become Tricksters enter this room...Doesn't he look a bit too young to be one? Well, bet it's the same case as to why Igor's assistant is a young girl.

"I'm Akira Kurusu." Akira introduced, letting out a smile. "You're probably asleep on wherever you really are."
"Precisely...This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter..." Lavenza, a young blonde wearing a dress spoke beside Igor, "Only those who had signed the 'contract' should be able to enter this room...Which means, Sir Pines, you are now eligible to become the next Trickster."

"Now, before we officially go onto our business, I would like you to meet my assistant; Lavenza." Igor pointed at Lavenza, who in turn, gave a graceful bow. Lavenza appeared...Emotionless, at best. But the assistants Akira knew were far more relentless; they took the form of two wardens, who would show no respect for him until they reformed into Lavenza...

Dipper waved at Lavenza nervously, "Hi..."
"I believe you've already said that," Lavenza said.
"Oh, I guess I did," Dipper smiled awkwardly.

Now it was Kotori'a turn to grow confuse, "Umm.. I don't think so." she replied with an awkward chuckle. An idea hit her and she pulled her phone from her pocket and showed Peacock a video of Muse performing Snow Halation, "Idols dance and sings a lot !"

With thanks to Peacock's constant replaying of the video it has gotten late.
"Jeez, looks like you gotta be headin' home, kid..." Peacock said to Kotori.

With Not-Spider-Man knocked down, Harleen stood over him, holding her mallet over his head
"Alright, tough guy." Harleen said "Your gonna tell us what we wanna know, capeesh? How do me, Mr Lemon, the drunk guy and his grandson get outta here?"
"H3H3 is my peasant!" Not-Spidey said as he jumped back up and used his dark magicks to summon his devilish ally...

Lemongrab noticed that his sound attack didn't work on the weird princess. "This is UNACCEPTABLE, UNACCEPTABLE!" He screamed, charging at the idiotic princess. He swung his fist at her stomach in attempt to wind her or simply crush her organs. He didn't want to get dirty from her gross blood, her stupidity could be contagious.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
The Blood of Frozen Elsa flowed on to the ground that made the audience cheer loudly.
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Velvet Room.
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Now, now...Let's take a look at your future, shall we?" Igor said as a deck iof blue cards appeared ontop of his desk. "Trll me, do you believe in fortunse telling? Each reading is done with the same cards, yet the result is always different." as he said this, the cards spread out into six, Igor soon flipped one of them, revealing a tower in the brink of destruction.

"The Tower, in the upright position...It represents the immediate future." Igor said as he looked at the card. "It appears that a terrible catastrophe is eminent...Beyond that is..." Upon saying so, he flipped another card, one depicting a Sword and a weighing scale. "The Justice in the upright position." Igor said, rubbing his chin. "It represents fairness, truth, and of course, unyielding Justice...Yes, interesting..." He let out a chuckle, facing the two boys once more.

"It seems that you will encounter a great misfortune, and in the coming days, the burden of bringing justice will be imposed on you..." He soon let out a nod. "Yet, how will you two be able to bring justice together when you two are miles apart?" He chuckled, rubbing his nose. "We shall see when the time comes..."

Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Minako smiled as she saw the dimension of Mewni return to normal; the lives that had been lost had returned to their rightful place. She glanced down at Ryoji, laying unconscious on the ground; glad that Star changed his role, too.

Ken and the Shadow Operatives nodded to themselves as they knew that the Shadows finally disappeared, some walking towards the King and Queen to give their regards while Yukari and Junpei approached Minako

"So...Mind if we ask you some questions, um..." Junpei began, resting his arms behind his head.

"It's Minako." Minako introduced with a smile. "Arisato Minako."
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Minako smiled as she saw the dimension of Mewni return to normal; the lives that had been lost had returned to their rightful place. She glanced down at Ryoji, laying unconscious on the ground; glad that Star changed his role, too.

Ken and the Shadow Operatives nodded to themselves as they knew that the Shadows finally disappeared, some walking towards the King and Queen to give their regards while Yukari and Junpei approached Minako

"So...Mind if we ask you some questions, um..." Junpei began, resting his arms behind his head.

"It's Minako." Minako introduced with a smile. "Arisato Minako."
"And she's my friend," Star added with a smile.

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Velvet Room.
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Now, now...Let's take a look at your future, shall we?" Igor said as a deck iof blue cards appeared ontop of his desk. "Trll me, do you believe in fortunse telling? Each reading is done with the same cards, yet the result is always different." as he said this, the cards spread out into six, Igor soon flipped one of them, revealing a tower in the brink of destruction.

"The Tower, in the upright position...It represents the immediate future." Igor said as he looked at the card. "It appears that a terrible catastrophe is eminent...Beyond that is..." Upon saying so, he flipped another card, one depicting a Sword and a weighing scale. "The Justice in the upright position." Igor said, rubbing his chin. "It represents fairness, truth, and of course, unyielding Justice...Yes, interesting..." He let out a chuckle, facing the two boys once more.

"It seems that you will encounter a great misfortune, and in the coming days, the burden of bringing justice will be imposed on you..." He soon let out a nod. "Yet, how will you two be able to bring justice together when you two are miles apart?" He chuckled, rubbing his nose. "We shall see when the time comes..."

"That... doesn't sound good," Dipper said when Igor mentioned the great misfortune, Dipper then looked at Akira and asked "So are we going to wake up now or..."
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Minako-chan, huh?" Junpei said, as if recalling someone else. "Strange...Felt like I've heard that surname before... Are you like, Makoto's relative or somethin'?"

"Y..You know my twin brother?!" Minako said in disbelief.

"Twin Bro--?! Man, I didn't know Makoto had a cute sister! Ha ha!" Junpei joked, but soon turning a bit serious. "...No seriously though, for real? You're Makoto's sister?"

"Yeah...I think I saw her name in Makoto's files..." Yukari rubbed her chin, soon recalling what she read about Makoto's parents. "I think she actually..." She soon realized what she's about to say, letting out a sigh, "I'm sorry Minako-chan...I don't know if the files were faked but...It said that you died in that car crash."

"N...No way." Minako's eyes widened, grabbing the MP3 player that was given to her by his brother. "I...I saw him die in front of me..."

"Sorry ma'am, but we actually kinda saw Makoto when we were in highschool." Junpei said, taking off his blue baseball cap. "I don't know if they made a mistake or anything, but...If it was, we know who to blame." He said, bringing up the possibility of someone faking the autopsy or the possibility of them being split when their parents died. "But still...It brings up a lot of questions though; like how you got that there Evoker." He pointed at the holstered gun at Minako's leg. "Pretty sure that only Makoto had an Evoker like that..."

"That is true..." Ken said, walking towards the group. "I've been wondering about that, actually. Especially since she can summon one of Makoto's Personas..."

"Thanatos..." Minako whispered, soon looking up to the group. Maybe...Maybe that's why they don't remember her; in the world she was reborn in, Makoto was the one who lived through the crash and sealed Nyx...But why, of all places, has she been revived here? "I...Can you tell me what my bro was like?" She asked, as Junpei and Yukari glanced at one another and back to her.

"You sure about that?" Junpei asked, knowing the whole story already. "I mean, we've only been together for a year and..."

"It's okay. I can take it." Minako smiled, wiping her tears with her right hand. "He probably wouldn't want me to be such a crybaby anyway..."

"Dude...That's SO like him."

Velvet Room
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Why, of course." Igor said, chuckling. "Time marches forth in your own worlds. I'll call upon you two once more along with 2 other guests whose fates you'll be intermingled with all in due time..."

"'Till we meet again." Both Lavenza and Igor soon bade their farewells, both Dipper and Akira's vision are darkened as they returned to their own worlds...
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Minako-chan, huh?" Junpei said, as if recalling someone else. "Strange...Felt like I've heard that surname before... Are you like, Makoto's relative or somethin'?"

"Y..You know my twin brother?!" Minako said in disbelief.

"Twin Bro--?! Man, I didn't know Makoto had a cute sister! Ha ha!" Junpei joked, but soon turning a bit serious. "...No seriously though, for real? You're Makoto's sister?"

"Yeah...I think I saw her name in Makoto's files..." Yukari rubbed her chin, soon recalling what she read about Makoto's parents. "I think she actually..." She soon realized what she's about to say, letting out a sigh, "I'm sorry Minako-chan...I don't know if the files were faked but...It said that you died in that car crash."

"N...No way." Minako's eyes widened, grabbing the MP3 player that was given to her by his brother. "I...I saw him die in front of me..."

"Sorry ma'am, but we actually kinda saw Makoto when we were in highschool." Junpei said, taking off his blue baseball cap. "I don't know if they made a mistake or anything, but...If it was, we know who to blame." He said, bringing up the possibility of someone faking the autopsy or the possibility of them being split when their parents died. "But still...It brings up a lot of questions though; like how you got that there Evoker." He pointed at the holstered gun at Minako's leg. "Pretty sure that only Makoto had an Evoker like that..."

"That is true..." Ken said, walking towards the group. "I've been wondering about that, actually. Especially since she can summon one of Makoto's Personas..."

"Thanatos..." Minako whispered, soon looking up to the group. Maybe...Maybe that's why they don't remember her; in the world she was reborn in, Makoto was the one who lived through the crash and sealed Nyx...But why, of all places, has she been revived here? "I...Can you tell me what my bro was like?" She asked, as Junpei and Yukari glanced at one another and back to her.

"You sure about that?" Junpei asked, knowing the whole story already. "I mean, we've only been together for a year and..."

"It's okay. I can take it." Minako smiled, wiping her tears with her right hand. "He probably wouldn't want me to be such a crybaby anyway..."

"Dude...That's SO like him."
King Butterfly butted in their conversation, "Well, as for you how's about we reward you with uh... this?" he pulled out a cart of weapons that looked oddly similar to their Ultimate Weapons.
"No dear," Queen Butterfly shook her head.
"Aw," King Butterfly carted the weapons away.
"Is- is this what you people want mmmmm bloodshed and violence!" He screamed at the audience. He looked at the body of the false princess. "It didn't have to be this way... If that slug just took me home!" He muttered to himself. Lemongrab skirted around the false princess and nudged her with his foot to see if she was dead or not.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Is- is this what you people want mmmmm bloodshed and violence!" He screamed at the audience. He looked at the body of the false princess. "It didn't have to be this way... If that slug just took me home!" He muttered to himself. Lemongrab skirted around the false princess and nudged her with his foot to see if she was dead or not.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Out from the Blood of Frozen Elsa came forth a new horror.

Puppy Belle!!!
Blitzwing continued to stare down at the city. He heard voices in the woods, was he being watched? He took whatever was watching him as a threat, his Hothead personality switching over "Who's zere, come out now and I might not crush ju under my stabilizing servo's!" He turned towards the forest, his stance ready to fight whatever was watching him.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Naruto, you're not helping." Jolie said sternly with gritted teeth. She stepped in front of the officer
"Please..." She said "Let me explain."
"Alright. You did take a bullet for me." The officer said, lowering his firearm

Jolie sighed heavily and turned around before turning back to face the Officer. Her eyes were pitch black, and she showed her full fangs while letting out a hiss.
"Holy crap!" The officer shouted, jumping back
"The girl relies on blood and, possibly flesh to survive. She was...Trying to eat you." Jolie explained
"Did you turn her..."
"No. I just got here." Jolie said calmly
"What about that guy?" The officer said, pointing at Naruto
"He has a spirit inside of him."

She'd already broken the Masquerade, but considering that Officer was familiar with a being like Ghoul...Vampires were probably just another Tuesday for him. He also didn't appear to be affected by Naruto's magic, meaning that either the Officer wasn't a regular human like his aura pointed out or Naurto wasn't a Mage as she had suspected.
Naruto & Kurama

Naruto grumbled as he stood to the side. He looked on in surprise when Jolie revealed physically that she was a vampire. Kurama rolled his eyes when Jolie answered the officer's question. "Could you not tell everybody that I'm sealed within Naruto." Kurama said with a growl annoyanced. "So what do we do about her-dattebayo?" Naruto asked motioning to the girl that was currently devouring Jolie's severed hand.​
Megaman ZX Black Gospel
Interaction: A Giant Mechaniloid/Blitzwing( ManyFaces ManyFaces )


"Hurry, I think it went there!" A woman called out to her group of hunters; men clad in a black skinsuit and orange gear and helmets. Their visors are mostly red and blue tinted, yet they are necessarily the same thing. "I can smell that great stench of the Booty right over there!"

"I heard he's the last of Albert's Reploids that went missing for a while." One of the Hunters that followed the woman, his gun drawn. "I wonder how much are we gonna get? 2 Million E-Crystals?"

"I bet on 10 Million." Another replied, chuckling.

"No, maybe 100 Million!" Another counter, as the woman soon stopped to a halt.

"Shh! Keep it down, I'm hearing something!" The woman said as she heard footsteps in the distace...Abnormally big ones, at that. Soon enough, a large tree branch came flying in front of them, as if discarded.

"W-w-what the?!" One of the Hunters gulped, "Where did that come from?!"

"That's gotta be an even better bounty...!" The woman gleamed, soon following the sound of the footsteps as fast as she could. The other Hunters merely sighed as they followed their leader. They saw signs of a gigantic mechaniloid, leading them to nearby cliff which overlooks the entirety of Cinq City; a gigantic, humanoid looking Mechaniloid, staring off into the city.

"Woah....Check out that Mechaniloid...!" The woman whispered with excitement, as if seeing some sort of fascinating wild boar.

"Um...Ashe, I really don't think we should disturb..." A Hunter gulped as he glanced at the giant mechaniloid. "Whatever that is."

Golden Darkness

Golden Darkness took in her surroundings and came to one conclusion. She was nowhere near Sainan. Hell... It didn't look like she was on earth at all. She was in a forested area. But... "Normal trees don't have metal growing on them...." She muttered to herself. A pair of Angel like wings sprouted from her back and she took to the air. She looked around from the sky. It was then that she noticed a cliff overlooking a city. She landed near the cliff, the wings on her back disappearing and taking notice of the Giant Humanoid machine looking out at the city. She cautiously walked forward.
Crenando Crenando The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo ManyFaces ManyFaces Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Megaman ZX Black Gospel
Interaction: Blitzwing( ManyFaces ManyFaces )
"Eep! A-a-ashe, I-I-I think we should REALLY go!" One of the Hunters gulped, all of them shivering in fear...Well, except for Ashe, she was CLEARLY shivering in excitement.

"Don't worry guys, I got this!" Ashe let out a wide grin, walking out of the forest with her hands raised. "Okay, okay...Ya got me." She said mockingly. She noticed a blonde woman stepped forth on another side, cautious about this mechaniloid. 'Dammit! What's a human doing out here?!' she screamed internally, looking back at the Mechaniloid. "By the way, nice plating you got there!" Ashe pointed at the strange purple emblem it's chest. "Got it custom made?"
Last edited:
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"You wouldn't mind if I snap a few photos, right?" Yukari asked, readying her phone. This made Minako had a great idea.

"What if we all take a photo together?" Minako suggested, as the rest of the Shadow Operatives got together.

"Is it okay, your highness?" Mitsuru asked the monarchs, seeing as they might not know what it is.
"We've been trying to reach the military, the central government, the police, MI5 and even the fire department, civil service and postal service but something's blocking us." One of Kenboni's soldiers explained, working on a piece of communication equipment
"William knew we were coming so he's trying to shut down all of London." 1812 Overture shook her head, clenching her fists "Damn him." She walked in front of the group, staring up at the streets of London above them.

"Ser Dougan's mother spoke about this world. There might be someone else we can contact for help. If all communications in London have really gone down, then I know where to find him."
"Who?" A soldier asked
"He's a wildcard, but an old friend of Dougan's mother. He'll help us." 1812 explained "We need every single soldier, police officer, hell even milkmen in London looking for William's face."
"But how?"
"Did William remember to take down Twitter?" 1812 asked, her paws resting on her hips as she struck a heroic pose
"No, why?" The soldier shrugged
"With one tweet, this man could have a large chunk of this city backing him."


William walked up to 10 Downing street, approaching a group of soldiers and bobbies who had gathered outside.
"Sorry sir, this area is off-limits." A soldier said, raising a hand "You're going to have to leave. If you're looking for shelter, head to the nearest community centre."
"Shelter? I'm a well dressed Godly man!" William snapped
"Shit, sorry sir. I didn't mean to imply you were homeless. I'm talking about the communications blackout and the fighting in Belfast."
"Ello, ello, ello." One of the bobbies said "You sound like you're from Belfast."
"Aye, indeed." William nodded "Was in London meeting some family when I heard about me city being overrun." He lied
"Then you and your family should seek shelter." The soldier commanded "Like I said, this area is off-limits."

William grinned and took another step, causing the soldier to raise his rifle.
"Oh, sonny Jim. Ye won't shoot me." William chuckled
"If I view you as a threat to the safety of the Prime Minister, I am authorised to open fire." The soldier replied sternly "Now, walk away."

William took another step, causing more of the soldiers to raise their guns.
"Wouldn't be the first time British soldiers raised guns at me." William sighed
"This is about the safety of the PM. It has nothing to do with the past." The soldier retorted
"Oh, but sonny Jim..." William said with a sinister grin, taking another step "It is, but not the past yer thinkin' of."

William raised his left hand, causing the ground under the soldier's feet to shake violently before multiple flag-poles emerged from the concrete path, impaling all of them aside from one bobby.

He raised his truncheon and screamed at William, charging towards him only for William to stab the bobby through the chest with a ceremonial sword.
"Sorry, sonny Jim. Ye were in my way." William muttered,

From the hole in the ground created by the flagpoles a group of Orange-men similar to the one Dougan had battled in the City Hall of Belfast emerged, carrying energy rifles. They broke down the door and ran inside the building, with William behind them.
From outside the sounds of gunfire could be heard, silenced quickly and followed by the sounds of screams as William tore his way through Number 10 Downing Street.


Walking towards a community centre with the group behind her, to say that 1812 got a few odd looks would be an understatement. She knocked on the door and an Obi Wan Kenobi/Alec Guinness look-alike emerged, not wearing a Jedi robe but rather a buttoned white shirt with the top button undone, a pair of light brown trousers and a dark brown suit jacket.

"Yes?" He asked, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of 1812 Overture
"I was a friend to Ms Dougan." 1812 spoke calmly and respectfully
"That makes sense." The Obi Wan Kenobi/Alec Guinness look-alike said with a slight nod of his head "What can I do for you?"
"We know who's caused his blackout, and we need your help to find him."
"Look, I'm alright at speeches, and once I pop with Pringles I am able to stop but...Finding a person like this?" He asked, taken aback
"It's simple, we use Twiiter of course." 1812 said with a grin

Donder172 Donder172

The Obi Wan Kenobi/Alec Guinness logged into his twitter account, seeing that the trending topic were mostly about the invasion of Belfast, the communication blackout in London and of course Kim Kardassian's talentless, overrated arse doing something or other. He skimmed through it, going onto his own account.

1812 handed him her monocle which connected to the phone via bluetooth, sending him a picture of William. Within moments, the tweet had been posted, alerting all of his 1.37Mish followers about William's presence.

Across the water, in the war-torn streets of Belfast Ser Dougna's phone let off an alert, seeing that #FindWilliamSmith was trending next to #KimKardassian'sbum with #IrishInvasion being the fourth most trending. He quickly saw that someone had posted a picture of William walking up to Number 10 Downing Street.


William, with his elite Orange-men in front of him walked slowly through Number 10 Downing Street, a grim look in his eyes. One of his elites was gunned down by one of the PM's bodyguards as he escorted a genderswapped Darth Sideous look-alike into a secure room.

William walked towards the door as it shut "I'm not here to kill ye." He said "I just need that amulet and I'll be on me way."
"You can't have it!" The genderswapped Darth Sideous look-alike cried
"Just tell me where it is." William sighed "Me men will break down 'dat dour."

He winched, clearing his throat and looked down at his left hand to see that it was starting to decay.
"I don't have all night, Prime Minister. Open up or we'll kill ya."
"Never!" She shouted, only to fall silent. The sound of machinery could be heard.

"Engaging Strong and Stable protocol." A computerised voice spoke. The heavy, metallic door was blown apart and standing on the other side was the PM, now with plasma cannons attached to her back. Her eyes were red and glowing.

"Oh my God the Prime Minister's a robot!" One of the Orange-men cried, opening fire on her only for the laser blasts to simply bounce off.
"Yeah, no shit Terry. We all figured that part out." Another Orange-man elite sighed heavily. If he had eyes, he would be rolling them.

The PM's left arm shifted into a metallic blade Terminator two style and she charged towards Terry, skewering him like a fruit kebab. Throwing his body through a window, she turned her attention to the remaining Orange-men as William ran for it.
Running towards 10 Downing Street, 1812, the Jedi, the Obi Wan look-alike and group of Kenboni's men they had brought with them found the pile of bodies outside. The Obi Wan look-alike knelt down, checking for a pulse on a bobby and shook his head. He then noticed another bobby who was chocking on his own blood. The look-alike ran towards him, putting pressure on the wound.

"Any of you guys got a..." He began only for one of Kenboni's men to toss him a device.
"Should stop the bleeding, but it'll hurt like hell." He explained

"Wait outside. We will deal with William." 1812 commanded the look-alike and Jedi, clenching her fists and running inside with the rest of the group behind her. They watched as the robotic PM decapitated one of the Orange-man elites.

"The PM's a robot?!" One of Kenboni's men asked, taken aback
"Well, it was pretty obvious." Another soldier said with a shrug "Mrs Sideous, have you seen this man?" He asked, showing a holographic image of William
"St-st." She stammered, her head twitching "Str-. Stro-. Stron-. Strong and st-. Strong and stable." She repeated in a robotic voice before charging towards the group.

1812 noticed William looking for something in a back room and charged towards him, only for the sinister robotic Prime Minister to knock her back with eye-beams. 1812 used her form to shield the group from another charged up blast, raising her arms to defend her face.

In the back room, William began to furiously claw at the floor under the PM's desk, his hands continuing to rot away. He winced in pain.
"Noot yet, sonny Jim." He muttered. He looked around the room, seeing that one of his dead elites still held a plasma rifle in his cold, dead hands. William grabbed it, seeing that the group of heroes was distracted by the PM and began to fire into the ground, yelling as he did so.

A glowing, green light revealed itself from underneath the floors of Number 10.
"Yes, yes!" William cried, letting out a mighty chuckle
"Amulet is compromised, engaging austerity protocol." The robotic PM said. Her chest opened up, revealing a bomb that started to countdown from three minutes.

1812 glared at the device "My God..." She muttered
"What is it?"
"That's a thermonuclear bomb!" She yelled "With one this powerful, she's going to nuke all of London!"
"The amulet must be protected. We are committed to helping the British public." The robotic PM said "The amulet must be protected. We are committed to helping the British public."

1812 took one step back
"Ser Dougan, you wouldn't happen to know how to disable a thermonuclear bomb built into the chest of a robotic Prime Minister?" One of Kenboni's men asked over the radio
"Feck if I know...Wait, this isn't a hypothetical is it?"
"No. We have three minutes before all of London gets wiped out by something called the austerity protocol."
"Shite!" Dougan yelled

He turned to face the Overwatch agents, Kenboni and his best pal.
"Stay here, I'll be back." He said "Get me in contact with Winston."
"Where are you going?" Toffee barked
"In three minutes London is going to be a nuclear wasteland." Dougan explained grimly "I need to do something about that."
"Wouldn't the nuke cover the rest of the UK?" McCree asked
"Not with the austerity protocol. The blast is stopped by transferring it to a dead, lifeless universe." Dougan explained grimly
"How do you know so much about this?" Toffee asked

"Because my father was on the team that designed it."
Locus was lost.

Both literally and metaphorically.

After Chorus, he wasn't sure what his purpose was in life anymore. He had to make up for what he had done, but he wasn't sure how. What should he do right now?

Well, he should probably find out where he was, actually. This place seemed a bit.....strange to him. Everything was bright and colourful, and the whole place seemed to be....magical and friendly. It made Locus uncomfortable.

Very. Very. Uncomfortable.

He could see what looked like a village in the distant, but when he zoomed in with his sniper rifle....

"Are those....multicoloured horses?"
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"You wouldn't mind if I snap a few photos, right?" Yukari asked, readying her phone. This made Minako had a great idea.

"What if we all take a photo together?" Minako suggested, as the rest of the Shadow Operatives got together.

"Is it okay, your highness?" Mitsuru asked the monarchs, seeing as they might not know what it is.
"Sure, why not?" Queen Butterfly shrugged.
"Ooo, Can I join?" Star waved her hand excitedly.
"Hey, count me in," Marco said as he ran over for the photo op.
"We've been trying to reach the military, the central government, the police, MI5 and even the fire department, civil service and postal service but something's blocking us." One of Kenboni's soldiers explained, working on a piece of communication equipment
"William knew we were coming so he's trying to shut down all of London." 1812 Overture shook her head, clenching her fists "Damn him." She walked in front of the group, staring up at the streets of London above them.

"Ser Dougan's mother spoke about this world. There might be someone else we can contact for help. If all communications in London have really gone down, then I know where to find him."
"Who?" A soldier asked
"He's a wildcard, but an old friend of Dougan's mother. He'll help us." 1812 explained "We need every single soldier, police officer, hell even milkmen in London looking for William's face."
"But how?"
"Did William remember to take down Twitter?" 1812 asked, her paws resting on her hips as she struck a heroic pose
"No, why?" The soldier shrugged
"With one tweet, this man could have a large chunk of this city backing him."


William walked up to 10 Downing street, approaching a group of soldiers and bobbies who had gathered outside.
"Sorry sir, this area is off-limits." A soldier said, raising a hand "You're going to have to leave. If you're looking for shelter, head to the nearest community centre."
"Shelter? I'm a well dressed Godly man!" William snapped
"Shit, sorry sir. I didn't mean to imply you were homeless. I'm talking about the communications blackout and the fighting in Belfast."
"Ello, ello, ello." One of the bobbies said "You sound like you're from Belfast."
"Aye, indeed." William nodded "Was in London meeting some family when I heard about me city being overrun." He lied
"Then you and your family should seek shelter." The soldier commanded "Like I said, this area is off-limits."

William grinned and took another step, causing the soldier to raise his rifle.
"Oh, sonny Jim. Ye won't shoot me." William chuckled
"If I view you as a threat to the safety of the Prime Minister, I am authorised to open fire." The soldier replied sternly "Now, walk away."

William took another step, causing more of the soldiers to raise their guns.
"Wouldn't be the first time British soldiers raised guns at me." William sighed
"This is about the safety of the PM. It has nothing to do with the past." The soldier retorted
"Oh, but sonny Jim..." William said with a sinister grin, taking another step "It is, but not the past yer thinkin' of."

William raised his left hand, causing the ground under the soldier's feet to shake violently before multiple flag-poles emerged from the concrete path, impaling all of them aside from one bobby.

He raised his truncheon and screamed at William, charging towards him only for William to stab the bobby through the chest with a ceremonial sword.
"Sorry, sonny Jim. Ye were in my way." William muttered,

From the hole in the ground created by the flagpoles a group of Orange-men similar to the one Dougan had battled in the City Hall of Belfast emerged, carrying energy rifles. They broke down the door and ran inside the building, with William behind them.
From outside the sounds of gunfire could be heard, silenced quickly and followed by the sounds of screams as William tore his way through Number 10 Downing Street.


Walking towards a community centre with the group behind her, to say that 1812 got a few odd looks would be an understatement. She knocked on the door and an Obi Wan Kenobi/Alec Guinness look-alike emerged, not wearing a Jedi robe but rather a buttoned white shirt with the top button undone, a pair of light brown trousers and a dark brown suit jacket.

"Yes?" He asked, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of 1812 Overture
"I was a friend to Ms Dougan." 1812 spoke calmly and respectfully
"That makes sense." The Obi Wan Kenobi/Alec Guinness look-alike said with a slight nod of his head "What can I do for you?"
"We know who's caused his blackout, and we need your help to find him."
"Look, I'm alright at speeches, and once I pop with Pringles I am able to stop but...Finding a person like this?" He asked, taken aback
"It's simple, we use Twiiter of course." 1812 said with a grin

Donder172 Donder172
"It could be because of our location that we can't contact people? Or maybe they are jamming us." Meetra said as she walks with the group. Raising a brown as they mention 'Twitter'.

As she walks towards a community, she notices the odd looks being thrown to the group. After 1812 knocked on the door, Meetra noticed a man looking similar to the Jedi Master she saw earlier. Yet he felt different. "What is Twitter?" Meetra finally asked after it had been mentioned multiple times.
Everything that transpired behind Ghoul had left him a bit confused, but intrigued. He approached the cop "This is Ultra business. If we find out anything, we'll hand the lady over. Fair deal?"

"Well that's an interesting turn of events!" He was a bit upset that the conversation went on without him. "Not completely new and foreign, but interesting."

Jolie folded her arms and glared at the cops
"I don't know how often you two deal with, let's say incidents like this but aside from shooting me in the head...By accident, you actually did alright if it was your first or second time."
"I dunno Miss, the police more often than not leave this kinda stuff to Ultras like him." The senior Officer gestured towards Ghoul "This world's a bit mad."
"Wait, most of the police force knows about stuff like this?" Jolies asked, trying to hide her shock
"Well, sort of. Yeah." The younger officer shrugged "The public too. We see it all the time on the news."

Jolie took one step back, her eyes widening and her skin turning even paler than usual. She started to curse in French and paced back and fourth "I've travelled to either another universe or another timeline." She looked at Ghoul "Look, in my world, people...Like us. We aren't known to the public. At least not on a scale like this. For God's sake, people died just to keep supernatural beings a secret from the rest of the world!" She snapped

She took another step away, resting her head in her hands for a moment. She began to breathe deeply
"Alright. Focus, focus." She muttered to herself "By all reasoning, a Mage or a True Fae sent you here. It'll take one or the other to send you back home. Chances are that they're still lurking around."

"Geez, Pump. If you were gonna stick me in this fancy building, you shoulda sprung for a cell-phone." A miniature mafioso sat a few rooms away from the other visitors. His vision was locked on some kind of crystal ball, kept in place by a vine.

(Good pictures of this guy are hard to find)
"Why'd you send me to LA, anyways?" The lad spoke. "Didn't ya have anyone else to send?"

"All will be revealed in due time, Young Pistol." A dark, posh voice echoed from the ball. "In the mean time, I've sent a watcher to look over you and the guests of honor. If something is amiss, you know what to do."

From the roof neighboring building watched a strange contraption, no bigger than a regular spider.
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Jolie, still trying to stop herself from panicking noticed something out of the corner of her eye with her heightened Vampire senses but paid it no attention. Right now, she had to focus on calming herself down. Everyone around her currently, Ghoul, the human with the spirit inside of him, the cops and that child could die if she frenzied.

Naruto & Kurama

Naruto grumbled as he stood to the side. He looked on in surprise when Jolie revealed physically that she was a vampire. Kurama rolled his eyes when Jolie answered the officer's question. "Could you not tell everybody that I'm sealed within Naruto." Kurama said with a growl annoyanced. "So what do we do about her-dattebayo?" Naruto asked motioning to the girl that was currently devouring Jolie's severed hand.
Crenando Crenando The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo ManyFaces ManyFaces Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

She continued to try and compose herself, shutting her eyes as she hummed a song to herself.

A small smile grew on the Vampire's face as in her mind she was dancing with an old friend.
"Ça fait longtemps (It's been a long time.)" She muttered.

She opened her eyes, focusing them on Naruto
"Shall we make a deal then?" She asked, speaking out loud rather than using her telepathy "Even if the Masquerade doesn't exist in this dimension, or timeline or whatever...No one should be blabbing about Vampires. It has other dangers." She explained in a serious tone, walking towards him
"If you keep your mouth shut about that to the other people we meet, I'll keep my lips sealed about you being inside of this boy. Sound good?" She asked, adding a slight half-smile for good measure.

Crenando Crenando Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
Out from the Blood of Frozen Elsa came forth a new horror.

Puppy Belle!!!

"Holy crap!" Harleen cried, jumping back from the horrible creature "It's a hybrid between an adorable puppy and something from the depths of Hades!"
She turned to Lemongrab, Rick and Morty "I went there once, long story." She said with a shrug before turning back to face the horror that lay in front of her.

"I'm tempted to either cuddle ya or smash ya with my mallet. Bats said no killin' though, but he seems to be okay with beating the crap outta someone so...I guess dropkicking ya would be alright."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts ManyFaces ManyFaces
"Holy crap!" Harleen cried, jumping back from the horrible creature "It's a hybrid between an adorable puppy and something from the depths of Hades!"
She turned to Lemongrab, Rick and Morty "I went there once, long story." She said with a shrug before turning back to face the horror that lay in front of her.

"I'm tempted to either cuddle ya or smash ya with my mallet. Bats said no killin' though, but he seems to be okay with beating the crap outta someone so...I guess dropkicking ya would be alright."

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts ManyFaces ManyFaces

Just before Harleen could react, the Not-Batman punched her!
The Not-Batman and Not-Spider-Man laughed and played with toys made for babies while the Belle Puppy barked at Lemongrab ( ManyFaces ManyFaces )

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