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Fandom Irregular Opening (Multifandom)

The Phantom Thieves returned to their normal lives, it was Christmas Eve after all...

The World returned to normal, as normal it can be after being merged with another universe's city.

Snow began to fall on the city.
( . D O V E . D O V E )
"Well, look who's right," Peacock said with a smug grin on her face.

Kotori jumped at the familiar voice. The girl turned around to see a familiar face, it was one other than Peacock.

Ever since she first met her, things were never the same. Of course the issue of the world ending came to an end but the world never really returned to normal. Well.. peaceful is different than normal. Things had changed and there were lots of unrggamiliar faces now...no kidding. Even to now, Kotori still has a hard time getting used to it.

"Peacock!" she peeked up and gave the other female a brief hug. She then pulled away, "We met again!!" she said in pure excitement.
"No! You idiot!" Rick called out to the crazy clown lady, "That's exactly what Mojo wants!"
Unfortunately it was too late and Harleen met with a horrifying sight...

"And today, is Let's kill Rick and his Friends Make Out Day!"
"Uh, I think this is bad," Morty muttered.

Harleen pressed her right fist into her left palm and glared at Chris.
"Listen, Chris." She said "Even if I'm not in my own dimension, Bats still said no killing. That don't mean I can't hurt you though."

She took a step towards him "So surrender, pretty please. With sugar on top." She said with a smile

Kotori jumped at the familiar voice. The girl turned around to see a familiar face, it was one other than Peacock.

Ever since she first met her, things were never the same. Of course the issue of the world ending came to an end but the world never really returned to normal. Well.. peaceful is different than normal. Things had changed and there were lots of unrggamiliar faces now...no kidding. Even to now, Kotori still has a hard time getting used to it.

"Peacock!" she peeked up and gave the other female a brief hug. She then pulled away, "We met again!!" she said in pure excitement.
"Huh, I guess it's another Christmas Miracle," Peacock said to herself it was good that Kotori was able to meet her friend, if only Peacock could say the same for herself.

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Christmas Eve with Okumura Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"It's no problem, Haru-chan. I just got here, too." Akira let out a smile, putting his phone back to his pocket. Soon enough, Haru greeted him a Merry Christmas. Akira took Haru's hand and kissed it like that of a queen's. "Merry Christmas, my Dearest." He said, continuing to hold her hand. He wants to make this night as memorable as possible; considering that it could be their last night together...
Haru smiled at Akira, "Well, shall we be off then?"
Bloody Marry

Mary yawned as she sat up right, scratching her hair before stopping. A small smirk curled across her upper lip as she stood to her feet, poking her head around before laughing to herself. The air felt different, tasted different, even looked different. It may have been an extremely slight difference, but it was there none the less. "This...this is great." She began, hopping into a window, a little boy seeing her do this and gasping at the sudden shock. "No big bad wolf hunting me down...no crooked man telling me what to do...a shame really, I have no income now."

Her eyes narrowed as she approached a dim light in her mirror universe. She walked towards it, nearing the light. On the other side of the light as two small girls doing each other's make up, smiling, giggling and enjoying themselves as they sat in front of a bathroom mirror. It made her want to be sick. "Pssst." She whispered, placing her head against the mirror. "I was just wondering...do you have any idea who I am?" The fable pushed her head out, sticking it between the girls. They screamed. the loud, high pitch blasting into her ear. "Oh, so you do. This is my favorite type of fear...I love it"

The girls dropped their makeup and ran for the door as Mary jumped out of the mirror. "Awww, don't run away! I haven't killed anyone in so long."

Danny Rand

"I should try and find Doctor Strange..." Daniel mumbled to himself as he looked down upon the street, the wind blowing the tails of his mask behind him. "Because this is not my universe." He let out a groan, hating these sort of adventures. He jumped off of the building, landing on one nearby and rolling to decrease the impact force. He then climbed onto the fire escape, sliding down the ladder and landing the in the streets. "Everything seems so...normal though. This could be the work of Mephisto...or Nightmare. Maybe Dormmamu. Perhaps this is all in my head."

He snapped his head up, looking over at a bank across the street. A black van pulled up besides the entrance, and a full team of men wearing black masks ran inside wielding different types of fire arms. Danny rolled his eyes. He wouldn't get paid for this but he couldn't just let them steal money that he could get. "One time thing, Danny. First job is free." He ran in after them, seeing the people pointing guns around at everyone, threatening to shoot if anyone tried anything. "Hey!" Daniel shouted, spreading his legs and bending his knees as he raised his hands, ready to fight. "Can we not just talk this out? You don't have to do this."


Daniel jumped back, flipping in the air before landing behind a desk. He turned around to find one of the thieves, and kicked a nearby swivel chair towards him, causing him to drop his gun and fall onto the ground. Daniel then rolled forward, sweeping his legs around in a circle, tripping two more men over before jumping up, kicking two nearby men in the face, one on either side. When he landed, he raised his legs and thew a kick out behind him, twisting his waist as his foot pushed into another person's gut.

Standing up right, he clenched his fist as he felt a pistol being pushed against his head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Put the gun down, and we can end this here."

The thief pushed the gun against his head. "Shut your mouth and get on your knees!"

Daniel rolled his eyes and slowly got to his knees. He suddenly wrapped his legs around his and flipped him forward, breaking his leg as he done so. The man dropped to the ground in pain as Danny stood up, moving his head inches to the side to avoid a bullet from the first man that had attacked Danny. "Last warning before I take you down...set your weapon down."

The man's eyes widened with fear as the gun dropped from his hand, landing on the floor as his jaw dropped. "W-who are you...?"

Danny turned to face him, a straight face as he stared into the man's eyes. "I am The Immortal Iron Fist, slayer of and chosen by the dragon Shou-Lao, hero for hire."
Interactions: Goro [ Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ]​

Diego gave Goro a cold stare all the while he was speaking. Koichi nervously chuckled along with the detective, "Come on Goro-kun that's not fair to say, Diego-san was nice enough to offer us a trip back to Japan. You should be a little more thankful." Meanwhile, Diego had still been glaring at Goro before breaking into a smile. "No, that's alright Koichi. It's only natural to be suspicious in this situation. Besides, he is right about me having ulterior motives."

Koichi looked at the jockey confused, "What do you mean, Diego-san?" What ulterior motives could he have possibly had? Diego-san didn't seem like the type to take advantage of people, he seemed kind and generous to Koichi. "Well you see, I was actually planning on asking a favor of you both when we got to the hotel." That Goro kid was smarter than he had thought, Diego would have to think of something to pull the wool over his eyes. "You see, my wife is very sick and even with the money I make from racing it's just not enough to pay for her treatments." Diego turned away from the boys, shaking his body slightly to make them think he was truly suffering. "I can't bear to see her in pain any longer, so I've decided to do something about it. Something that if anyone were to find out, could have me banned from horse racing permanently.." Diego turned back with crocodile tears in his eyes, "In order to pay for my wife's treatments, I need the two of you to bet on me in the next race!"
Earth - 616 (Classic verse)
Wakanda - Jungle Action


Out of the frying pan and into the fryer it seemed. T'challa had never been pushed this far by anyone so far, not Wolverine, not Rogers, not even The Fantastic Four. Somehow he managed to survive his encounter with the prehistoric "tyrant" only to be meet with an even more fearsome predator in the guise of man. A Wakandan like himself. Although very different in constitution.

This Erik Kilmonger was different than any other man or beast he previously been challenged, he had no answer to put down the usurper. For eight whole hours they two waged battle in the heart of the Wakandan jungle landscape, it was hard to think that such a man existed in this world. No, he'd been made acutely aware of his own mortality and hour or so in when the usurper began his brutish advance. Eventually, this bout would be his to lose, and his life forfeit. Though, he wouldn't make it easy for his contender.
The Irish Invasion Arc: Revenge or something like that

In a different universe than the one in turmoil from an invasion by the Orange Order, The Joker Jared Letto sat in a dumpster, picking through a racoon nest in search of more dead animals to send to people. He'd already recieved a restraining order from half of the cast of the movie, but that restraining order was against a man named Jared Letto.

He was the Joker. At the thought of that he let out a mad cackle, waking up a nearby bum who slapped him on the back of the head. Jared turned around, a crazed look on his face that would make Jef the Killer blush and looked directly into his eyes. The bum took one look at Jared and ran, holding one of his fingers.

Jared followed the homeless man to his own dumpster and smeared racoon feces on the outside.
"Yes! Yes! Ah-hahahahahahahahaha!" Jared cackled only for him to hear police sirens. Two cops walked into the alleyway, shining their flashlights at him.
"Hold it ri-." He paused, letting out a heavy sight "Mr L-...Mr The Joker, we've warned you about this before." He complained
"Who's Jared Letto!?" Jared cried "I'm the Clown Prince of Crime!"
"Yeah, yeah of course you are." The other officer sighed "Now come with us to the sta...I mean, Arkham Asylum."

"You'll never take me alive!" Jared screeched, throwing the remains of the racoon feces into one of the officer's eyes while keeing the other one in the groin.
"So in-character!" He cried, running off into the night.

The officer who had been kneed in the groin pulled his radio up to his face
"This is Officer Genericsurnameone. We have an eleven sixteen down here."
"Jared Letto again?" A voice on the other end asked
"Yup." Officer Genericsurnameone replied
"Fuck sake."

Jared continued running, cackiling as he made his way towards a Hot Topic building. He ran through the front doors and into the back of the store, knowing the cops were going to trigger the Bat-signal soon he had to hide in a place only Batman would find him.

Walking into the security office, which had a skeleton on the door Jared Letto rubbed the racoon feces he had left in the guard's eyes, causing him to run into a wall and knock himself unconcious. Letto cackled again and jumped behind the swivel chair. He saw a button on the keyboard labled "EXtreme security cameras." and pressed it. He figured it was something that he, The Joker would do.

The cameras changed, instead showing different Hot Topic stores from across nearby Universes. He examined them with curious eyes only to see that in the corner was footage of a Hot Topic being burned down by a group of what appeared to be man-sized Oranges wearing bowler hats and Seshes while having, arms legs and carrying various weapons.

A rage grew inside Letto. One he hadn't felt since they cut him out of Suicide Squad. They were destroying his merchandise! He focused all of his edginess into one simple move and with it, carved a papercut in reality itself, allowing him to travel to the universe where the Hot Topic had been burned down.

He figured that tearing through reaility with his sheer edginess was a one-time thing but to his horror discovered that he was on the other side of a large dome composed of Orange energy. He placed his hands on the side of his head and screamed, for those who had destroyed his merch were on the other side.

Time had passed and the barrier keeping The Joker Jared Leto out of Belfast and away from his revenge against those who had burned his merch had fallen. Following this, he'd wandered deeper into the city, coming across a Leprechaun who was hiding behind some wheelie bins.

"Oh, hello little man." Jared said with a grin
"Ah Jaysus, oh sweet Mary you gotta help ma!" The Leprechaun cried, shaking with fear "They're gonna eat me insides."
"How do your insides taste?" Jared grinned, kneeling down to the Leprechaun's height. He purred like a cat for some reason as he stared into the Leprechaun's eyes.

"What da ya want?" The Leprechaun asked, still shaking in his boots
"I want to show you my toys." Jared replied, squeezing the Leprechaun's cheeks. With Jared still glaring into his eyes, the Leprechaun winced in pain as multiple paper cuts appeared on his skin.

With his blood in the water, two Orange-men walked around the corner. Like those outside of Dragonslayers HQ they had evolved, for they were part of the second wave.

"Look ovar there." One of them spoke, pointing to the wheelie bins
"Ah Jaysus." The Leprechaun muttered
"He's mine, get your own small Irishman." Jared said, letting out another purr for no reason.
"Listen mate, ye'd better stand aside or we'll have to do yer knees in."
"That's a Catholic thing!" The Leprechaun shouted
"Hey, do I know you?"
"I should hope so, I'm the Joker...Bitch!" Jared shouted with a grin, twirling on the spot
"He's...That's Jared Leto!" One of the Orange-men shouted, pointing at him

"Jared who?"
"Jared Leto. He's a musician."
"And ye know this how?" The other Orange-man asked
"My daughter's going through a phase right now." He shrugged.
"Oh? How is she, anyway?"

As the two Orange-men spoke, Jared began to twitch. It started in his left eye, then moved down his arm. Unfortunately, he wasn't having a stroke or anything. He screeched.
"Oh, he's gonna sing for us." The Orange-man with the kid said. A smile literally grew on his face "Mr Leto, is it okay if I record this? My daughter's a fan." He reached into his pocket to retrieve a phone only for Jared, now frothing at the mouth to charge towards the two men.

"Nice, a close-up shot." Was all the man was able to say before Jared bit his face off. He screamed in agony, citrus-y blood spraying over his fellow Orange-man
"Ah Jaysus." He muttered, reaching for a weapon only for Jared to throw a picture a fifteen year old girl had drawn of Jeff the Killer at him. The fanart was so edgy it sliced through the Orange-man's head, decapitating him.#

"I AM NOT JARED LETO!" He screamed, smearing his face in the citrus-y blood
"Buddy, ye can be whoever ya want." The Leprechaun said as he ran for it
"But I never got to show you my toys." Jared said with a grin
"I'll find 'em on Irish amazon." The Leprechaun called back, running out of the city
"Fair enough." Jared said with a shrug.

As he walked down the street he made eye-contact with a cat, giving it a nasty paper-cut and causing it to run out of the city. Jared began to laugh as he walked around a corner, seeing a group of Orange-men with mouths consuming the remains of a Leprechaun.

"Hello boys." Jared laughed "Can I have some?"
"No, piss off."
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Okumura's Christmas( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"We shall." Akira nodded in response, letting out a smile as they headed off onto the city. "Any places you'd like to visit?" He asked with genuine curiosity. He might have to take charge and lead her to somewhere fun...Like a amusement park or some sweets shop if that's the case.

Interaction: Diego and Koichi( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack )
One peculiar thing that Goro had noticed is a lack of a name. Usually, they would mention their 'wife' with a name, lest they wanted to be that secretive about it. But oddly enough, he knew that horse racing wouldn't earn that much profit if he weren't an expert racer; and if so, why would he travel abroad to pay for said treatments? Unless the races are to be taken place there...He'd have to look into that soon.

"How much does the treatments cost, exactly?" Goro asked, rubbing his chin. "Judging from what I know from Horse racing, you don't earn that much if you win unless there are quite a lot who had placed their bets on you...So judging by what you said, it must be very expensive..." He rambled, trying to think what is his wife's illness. One thing that comes to mind is Cancer, of course. Which is no laughing matter; it is quite the illness. "Nevertheless, it's the only way to repay your kindness. But try anything funny, and as a Detective, I could arrest you on the spot." He warned, pulling out his badge for a brief moment and then putting it back in his coat's pocket...
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Okumura's Christmas( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"We shall." Akira nodded in response, letting out a smile as they headed off onto the city. "Any places you'd like to visit?" He asked with genuine curiosity. He might have to take charge and lead her to somewhere fun...Like a amusement park or some sweets shop if that's the case.
"I'd like to visit the sweets shop near here, if you don't mind," Haru said with a smile.
The couple arrived at a sweets shop where they bump into Neptune who appeared to be window shopping.
"They gotta have custard pudding here," Neptune muttered to herself.
Interactions: Goro [ Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ]​

"Thank you, what you're doing for me is nowhere near as generous as what I've done for you. If I could I would simply bet on myself, but you can imagine how badly that would tarnish my career. It would be just as bad if anyone found out I told you to bet on me, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep it under wraps. Once we get to Britain I'll lend you some money to bet so that if- no, when I win I'd like to reward you with half of whatever you win." That should be more than enough to get them hooked. Even the boy detective wouldn't be able to resist all of that potential money. Now they'd just have to find a hotel, and that's when Diego would make his move.

Koichi was slightly put off by this conversation, he felt like he was stuck in the middle of some kind of battle between Goro-kun and Diego-san. In the end though, everything seemed to be alright. "Well, we'll do our best to help you Diego-san. You just focus on your race, and we'll handle the rest!" Diego smiled and stood up, putting his hand on Koichi's shoulder. "Thank you again, Koichi-kun. Thank you the both of you. Now, let's find ourselves a proper hotel, shall we?"
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Okumura & Neptune( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
Akira nodded, going along with Haru as they headed for a sweets shop in Shibuya. It was there that they found Neptune; Staring from the outside, looking at the products as if looking for something. Hearing her mutter something about a Pudding, he decided to greet her for a moment.

"Ah, Neptune." Akira greeted. "Merry Christmas...Fancy meeting you here."

Interaction: Hirose and Diego( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack )
Half of the reward, huh? To be frank, Goro couldn't care less about money. His sole interest is merely vengance; Vengance on that bastard of a father who turned against his Mother...And other than that; The truth. The Truth of why he is here in America of all places. There must be a reason to all this.

"It's appreciated, Diego-san, but I won't be accepting the reward." Goro said in response to the reward. "My sole interest is nothing but the Truth, after all..." He let out a smile a Diego soon suggested to head for the Hotel. "Yes. Before it gets even darker, too."

"I know you can hear me, spirit." Jolie replied, still using her mind rather than her mouth to speak. She spoke very clearly, and there was sternness in her voice. "Now, I want straight and simple answers. I don't have all night." She paused and rolled her eyes "Please. I've had a bit of a merde (shit) day."

She shot Naruto an awkward half-smile and raised her stump where her hand used to be. She could grow it back, of course but it would take time and obviously some blood. More than she could waste right now.

Crenando Crenando Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

Naruto & Kurama

Naruto couldn't help but wince at the stump. He gave her a sympathetic look knowing exactly what it's like to lose an arm, as his mind drifted back to the final clash of Rasengan vs chidori between him and his dear friend Sasuke. Kurama snorted. "Sorry to tell you brat. But how I came to be sealed within this blond idiot is classified information." Kurama replied back. Naruto sighed scratching the back of his head. 'Hate to say it... But Kurama's right-dattebayo. Sorry...' Naruto thought hoping the girl could hear him.​

Scarlet Equestria
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Main Gate

View attachment 327188
The Gatekeeper stood vigilantly in front the iron bars of the main gate. Her eyes remained glued to everything in her peripheral vision. This was her assigned mission—not a single foreign soul was to set foot beyond this point. Hong Meiling was not to back down, lest she bring shame to her mistress. She was ready to lay down her life if need be...

As Meiling noticed a pair of silhouettes approaching, she quietly called her reinforcements to take position.

View attachment 327193

Hong Meiling
Chinese Girl

"Halt! This is private property," Meiling warned the two incoming strangers.
AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

Vivio & Fuka

Vivio and Fuka blinked when they heard a voice as they got closer. They saw a woman in Chinese garb. Fuka scratched the back of her head. "Sorry about that! We're kinda lost and looking for our friends. Also... Is the sky being blood red a normal occurrence around here?" She said bluntly while pointing to the sky, making Vivio sweatdrop.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Crenando Crenando Thawne Thawne Vsland Vsland
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Okumura & Neptune( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
Akira nodded, going along with Haru as they headed for a sweets shop in Shibuya. It was there that they found Neptune; Staring from the outside, looking at the products as if looking for something. Hearing her mutter something about a Pudding, he decided to greet her for a moment.

"Ah, Neptune." Akira greeted. "Merry Christmas...Fancy meeting you here."

"Oh, Merry Christmas!" Neptune greeted the couple before she returned to her business, "Pudding Pudding Pudding..."
"Are you looking for something, Nep-Chan?" Haru asked her teammate.
"Uh, Yeah... I heard that there's a place that has Christmas Pudding... I'm looking for that Christmas Pudding!" Neptune answered.
Haru turned to Akira, "If I remember correctly, Le Blanc does have some Christmas Pudding available for the season,"
Neptune jumped up with excitement, "Then I know where I'm heading! Thanks Fluffy head!" she said as she gave Haru a good pat on the head before she ran off to Le Blanc.
Haru giggled at the event that transpired.
"Huh, I guess it's another Christmas Miracle," Peacock said to herself it was good that Kotori was able to meet her friend, if only Peacock could say the same for herself.

Kotori's smile dropped when she noticed that Peacock wasn't as excited as she about meeting each other again, "What's wrong?" she questioned while tilting her head to the side curiously.

Kotori's smile dropped when she noticed that Peacock wasn't as excited as she about meeting each other again, "What's wrong?" she questioned while tilting her head to the side curiously.
"Oh, It's nothin'... I'm just thinkin' about an ol' friend," Peacock explained, "So who's your friend there?"
"Oh, It's nothin'... I'm just thinkin' about an ol' friend," Peacock explained, "So who's your friend there?"
Kotori put a hand on Peacock's shoulder, "I'm sure that friend of yours is thinking of you too." she said. Upon the topic of her own friends, Kotori flashed a soft and small smile, "Well...I have eight best friends." she started, "Two of them are my childhood friends, one is Umi-chan, she's pretty strong and reliable! The other one is Honoka-chan, she's a clumsy girl most of the time who loves bread but she's super amazing!" then she started countin all her friends and naming them, "There's also Rin-chan, Hanayo, Maki-chan, Nico-chan, Eli-senpai and Nozomi-senpai." then she started blabbing only to pause when she realized she's blabbing, "Oh, sorry, I got carried away."
Kotori put a hand on Peacock's shoulder, "I'm sure that friend of yours is thinking of you too." she said. Upon the topic of her own friends, Kotori flashed a soft and small smile, "Well...I have eight best friends." she started, "Two of them are my childhood friends, one is Umi-chan, she's pretty strong and reliable! The other one is Honoka-chan, she's a clumsy girl most of the time who loves bread but she's super amazing!" then she started countin all her friends and naming them, "There's also Rin-chan, Hanayo, Maki-chan, Nico-chan, Eli-senpai and Nozomi-senpai." then she started blabbing only to pause when she realized she's blabbing, "Oh, sorry, I got carried away."
"Huh, Guess those gals are like the dames whose faces I see all over Akihabara," Peacock said as she mispronounced Akihabara, "They're some band, right?"
"Huh, Guess those gals are like the dames whose faces I see all over Akihabara," Peacock said as she mispronounced Akihabara, "They're some band, right?"
Kotori chuckled softly, she wondered if Peacock is just feigning obliviousness. "It's Akihabara." she correctled her, "Yes, they are! Well..not exactly a band, It's an idol group!" she explained with a giggle.
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Okumura Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Let's hope Neptune doesn't get the boss out of stock." Akira commented as Neptune scurried off to Le Blanc. From what he'd heard from the customers, it's quite delectable. He should probably give her some, too. From the looks of Haru, he can tell she's having fun...He felt like he could learn a thing or two about Neptune's charm...

+1 Charm!

"Speaking of pudding, shall we go eat some?" Akira offered, walking towards the store door. "My treat."
Meanwhile, in Space...
A giant black ship cruises through the darkness of space, spotting a planet which looked both Mechanical and Organic at the same time.

On a spacious area filled with nothing but a glass furniture and a tea set. A lone woman clad in white drank alone, staring at the misty blue ceing littered with egite chains.


"My Governor." An old man's voice called out calmly, as the woman turned to the shirtless long haired old man, his torso had two black thorns running across his upper chest and across his face. The Old man soon knelt a few meters of the woman, acompanied by two very large machineries. "We have discovered a new planet, similar to one we've previously eradicated."

"And...?" The woman said in a bored tone, signalling the old man to continue as she simmered her tea.

"The planet houses both Organic and Mechanical life at the same time." The old man continued. "Their Technology has advanced farther than what we have seen. These machinations are sentient enough to exhibit emotion...In short, living Machines; capable of immortality."

"Oh, is that so?" The woman nodded, placing her tea cup in it's platter. "Living Machines...Perfect Whites..." She contemplated, letting out a chuckle. "Shall we invade them now, General Saha?" She proposed, as ZAHA shook his head.

"Let's not be hasty, my Governor." Zaha said, standing back up. "I suggest we do recon of the world, see what it has to offer before we...Have your way."


"And that, we shall!" The Governor exclaimed, rising from her seat. "Zaha, please equip some of our Arnaments with cameras. I'd like to see this planet for myself someday." She ordered, as Zaha nodded and left. With a wide smile on her face, she sat back down. "Now then..." She said as she drank her tea.

"Let's Start The Game."

Cinq Ville ~ Area C

This is where your story begins...

Megaman ZX Black Gospel

((Note: Your charrie would awaken on an alleyway. You could explore the city, encounter one another, but, as Arc Mod, I should be able to make you all involved if an Event is going down in the Arc.))​
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Okumura Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Let's hope Neptune doesn't get the boss out of stock." Akira commented as Neptune scurried off to Le Blanc. From what he'd heard from the customers, it's quite delectable. He should probably give her some, too. From the looks of Haru, he can tell she's having fun...He felt like he could learn a thing or two about Neptune's charm...

+1 Charm!

"Speaking of pudding, shall we go eat some?" Akira offered, walking towards the store door. "My treat."
"Well, considering the weather, I'd like some coffee," Haru said with a smile.
Interactions: Goro [ Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ]​
Diego raised an inquisitive eyebrow at this statement, what truth could he be searching for? The truth about Diego, how he got to America? In the end it wouldn't matter, Diego will have already gotten what he needed from them before the night's end.

Quaint was a word that could easily describe the hotel they found, old paintings and furniture decorated every room in the building giving it a very old timey feel. After sorting everything out with the clerk, Diego tossed Goro a key to their room. "You two will be in room 211 on the second floor. My room's right next door so I'll be in there if you need me. We'll meet in the dining hall for breakfast at 7:30 in the morning and we'll be leaving for the airport by taxi at around 8:00."

Koichi nodded with the same cheery smile on his face, "Sounds good! We'll see you tomorrow Diego-san!" When the boys got to their room they instantly knew they'd be spending the night in luxury.


It would appear that Diego had spared no expense when choosing where they'd be spending the night. The layout of the room was like if someone took a mansion and fit it all into one room. Koichi ran into the bathroom and was enthralled by the level of cleanliness that it had. In place of a shower was a hot tub big enough to fit four people and for some reason you could change the color of the bathroom lights to red with the flick of a switch. "Soooo cool! Goro-kun, this bathroom is amazing! It has a hot tub and everything!" Koichi came out of the bathroom and plopped onto the bed, the mattress felt like the softest thing in the world to him. This room would've been perfect if it weren't for one glaring problem. "So, Goro-kun.. Should one of us sleep on the couch or do we share the bed..?"
The younger police officer was taken by surprise and pinned down by Rumia. In his mind, she was a confused child and so he didn't do much to fight back as he was frightened of hurting her. She could take a bite out of the officer before he even knew what was going on.

"What the heck are you doing, kid!?" He shouted "Get offa me."

Thinking quickly, Jolie drew her bastard sword
"I hope I don't regret this." She muttered

With a few swift strikes, she managed to slice off her left hand.The pain was unbearable, made even worse with the fact that it took more than one swing. The Vampire screamed in agony with each swing, the only thing that managed to get her through the ordeal was the hope that her plan would work.

With her left hand removed she threw it towards Rumia.

Using some of the blood in her system, she sealed the wound. It would take a lot more blood to grow her limb back, but that was a problem she would have to worry about later.

Jolie's severed hand knocked Rumia in the back of her head, painting some of the right side of her face with fresh blood. The hand landed on the chest of the pinned-down officer, sliding down to the sidewalk. Rumia's eyes were immediately fixed on the object. She momentarily let go of the officer, leaning over and reaching for the hand. As she grabbed hold of it, everyone began to witness Rumia (horrifyingly) biting into it like she hadn't been fed anything for days on end. Needless to say, there were going to be a lot of questions about this, and things were going to look a lot worse for Jolie, a potential kidnapper, after the initial disgust was over.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Crenando Crenando
Naruto & Kurama

Naruto couldn't help but wince at the stump. He gave her a sympathetic look knowing exactly what it's like to lose an arm, as his mind drifted back to the final clash of Rasengan vs chidori between him and his dear friend Sasuke. Kurama snorted. "Sorry to tell you brat. But how I came to be sealed within this blond idiot is classified information." Kurama replied back. Naruto sighed scratching the back of his head. 'Hate to say it... But Kurama's right-dattebayo. Sorry...' Naruto thought hoping the girl could hear him.
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Crenando Crenando Thawne Thawne

"At least tell me who you are, then."
Jolie replied in an annoyed tone "And if you have any idea where we are." She didn't want to give too much away, the man may have seemed like a decent person but the spirit inside of him seemed more suspicious. In her experience, even a spirit that had seemed trustworthy and innocent had actually wanted nothing more than war and bloodshed between two Werewolf clans.

"I mean both of you, by the way."
She added


Jolie's severed hand knocked Rumia in the back of her head, painting some of the right side of her face with fresh blood. The hand landed on the chest of the pinned-down officer, sliding down to the sidewalk. Rumia's eyes were immediately fixed on the object. She momentarily let go of the officer, leaning over and reaching for the hand. As she grabbed hold of it, everyone began to witness Rumia (horrifyingly) biting into it like she hadn't been fed anything for days on end. Needless to say, there were going to be a lot of questions about this, and things were going to look a lot worse for Jolie, a potential kidnapper, after the initial disgust was over.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Crenando Crenando

As the child tore into the hand, Jolie's attention turned towards her. The plan had worked, at least for now. While the hand would only keep the girl fed for so long, at the very least she wasn't tearing out of cop's throat. Jolie quickly rushed to his side, seeing that he was unharmed.

"Are you okay?" She asked, genuine concern in her voice
"What the hell's going on here!?" The Officer barked "What have you done to that poor girl!?" He reached for his sidearm and pointed it at Jolie's head.
"You saw what happened earlier, right?" She asked with a sigh, she turned to face Ghoul "You want to talk to this guy?" She asked "You know this city better than I do."
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction:Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Coffee...Want some of my quality coffee at Le Blanc's?" Akira's eye gleamed as he suggested that, twisting his hands for a bit. "I've been practicing just for this occassion." he let out a smug. If so, then they'll have to end their sightseeing for now...

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