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Fandom Irregular Opening (Multifandom) Characters

Name: Mason "Dipper" Pines

Nicknames: Dipper, Pine Tree, Bro Bro, Sir Dippingsauce, Dipstick, Dipper the Destructor, Dip-Dip

Alignment: Lawful Good



Intelligent, compassionate, self-conscious and rational, and sometimes, overly judgemental, Dipper Pines can't wait to leave adolescence in the rear-view mirror. Born adventurer at heart, Dipper can't sit still and is always looking for the next riddle to solve. His scrupulous attention to detail comes in handy when he is off figuring out the mystery of the day, but sometimes his over-zealousness leaves others questioning his credibility. Dipper is shown to be extremely "genre savvy." Knowing that in most movies, nobody has a camera when they see the monster, or that the camera malfunctions, he brings along 17 cameras with him to take a photo of the Gobblewonker. He is very wise beyond his years, and his refusal to sit still when there are puzzles to be solved often leaves him restless in everyday situations. In "Carpet Diem," he has a habit of clicking his pen repeatedly when in deep thought. He also seems to get very irritated when people think he's cute or adorable, as he wants to be taken seriously like a grown-up from the others but at most times Dipper is most mature and wiser than others. When Dipper and Mabel (and Soos at times) are on their adventures Dipper is the one to act as the leader mostly because he is shown to be very brave and smart. He is somewhat protective of his sister,whenever she is in danger he is always there to help and will do anything to get her free.

Dipper was born on August 31, 1999, five minutes after Mabel. His family lives in Piedmont, California. From a young age, Dipper's mother would dress him up in a lamb costume and have him perform his signature song and dance, the "Lamby Lamby Dance." He and Mabel were raised unreligiously, but celebrate all holidays at her insistence.Since he was young, his favorite holiday has been Halloween, of which his favorite part is trick-or-treating with Mabel. He is also known to have been teased about his birthmark by other children until he started hiding it, which may be how he earned his nickname when he was no older than five. He attended Eggbert Elementary with his sister.

Mystery and puzzle solving
Monster hunting
Playing the sousaphone


He's just a kid with noodle arms
Name: Kreia
Nickname(s): Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal
Alignment: True Neutral
Fandom: Star Wars (Knights of the Old Republic)
As a person, Darth Traya was self-reliant, manipulative, and wary of the intentions of others. She used her skills at manipulation to maneuver herself into a position of power at the Trayus Academy, and later used these skills to control several of Surik's companions in order to further her own agenda. She often remonstrated Surik for taking on the challenges of others, arguing that compassion weakened the benefactors by depriving them of the mental and physical enrichment that life's challenges procure. Not only did Traya find compassion to be pathetic, to her it was also ironic since it weakened the very people it was intended to help, cheapening their experiences and leaving them more ill-prepared for dealing with difficulties on their own. As Surik's circle of companions grew, Traya came to see how their new-found allies could be used for her own ends, and sometimes ensured their loyalty by using methods of questionable morality. After probing Atton Rand's mind against his will and learning of his dark deeds, Traya used the knowledge of Atton's past to blackmail him into Surik's service. She also tempted Mandalore the Preserver with information of Revan's fate in order to ensure that he would not betray Surik.

Despite her cold and callous persona as Darth Traya, Kreia possessed a softer side to her personality that was more apparent when she was mentoring Surik. Traya favored Surik as a student to the point where she would have been willing to sacrifice the entire galaxy if it meant preserving Surik's life. During their time together as Master and Apprentice, Surik was the only person that Traya truly cared for; everyone else in their group was an expendable asset in her eyes. Though Traya was intelligent and powerful in her own right, she realized that her philosophies would be regarded as fanatical by both the Jedi and the Sith. Hence, she preferred to operate from within the shadows, often using her own power to shield her identity from other Force-sensitives who might have known her, and could have otherwise detected her. She was not outspoken about her convictions, but simply stated her opinions as the correct way of thinking while everything else was wrong and misguided.

Due to her disdain of others who were either weak in the Force or utterly blind to it, she often belittled Surik's allies by using derogatory names whenever addressing or referring to them. She would refer to Atton Rand as "the fool", Mical as a "tiny Jedi", Brianna the Handmaiden as the "servant of Atris", Visas Marr as "the blinded one" or "the seer", Mira as "the huntress", and Bao-Dur as "the alien". Traya also referred to the droids who traveled with Surik—T3-M4, HK-47, and G0-T0—as "machines". Before Atton Rand's Force-sensitivity was discovered by Surik, Traya possessed a small amount of respect for him. Although she regarded Atton as an idiotic fool, she was amused by the irony of how he could survive without the Force, whereas Jedi would be rendered almost helpless without their connection to the Force.

Aside from her contempt for Surik's friends, Traya felt nothing but hatred and disgust towards the Mandalorians. As she despised the Jedi Council for its hubris, she detested the Mandalorians for possessing the arrogance to believe that they could defeat those who command the Force. During Surik's alliance with Mandalore the Preserver, Traya took every opportunity to remind the Mandalorians of their inferiority against both Jedi and Sith. She saw them as simple-minded fools for constantly underestimating the Force. Ultimately, Traya perceived the Mandalorians as nothing more than common soldiers who could never triumph over the Jedi, for their military "tactics" were nothing in comparison to the power of the Force.

Traya also seemed to hold droids in low regard. Although she regarded Revan as "power itself" and one of her finest pupils, Traya could not understand Revan's fascination with "things dead to the Force" such as machines and technology. She believed that her former Padawan's interest in droids stemmed from his preference for followers who obeyed his orders without question. Hence, she felt that Revan would have loved nothing more than to have "human droids" like Surik in service to him - one who was dead to the Force, an empty shell that would carry out his orders without question. Due to her lack of trust in droids, Traya regarded T3-M4 with disdain and begrudging tolerance. Almost 4,000 years later, Darth Sidious succeeded in creating soldiers that possessed the mindless obedience of droids.

Aside from droids, Traya seemed to possess mild intolerance towards non-Human species. Aside from Bao-Dur, she referred to the Exchange criminal syndicate boss Visquis as "the alien". She also regarded Zhar Lestin, a Twi'lek Jedi Master, as a fool. She also strongly believed that a person that committed so much evil was irredeemable after falling so far into the dark side. Thus, Traya disapproved of Revan's redemption of Ajunta Pall, believing it to be cowardly by turning away from one's own nature - a betrayal of the self. Rather than believe that redemption could belong to anyone who truly wanted it, Traya felt that redemption was a form of spiritual collapse, a fall that few recovered from.

At some point between Revan's fall to the dark side and encountering Surik, the one thing that fueled Traya's hatred and connection to the dark side the most was ironically the Force itself. She strongly believed in the will of the Force, viewing it as a conscious entity that controlled the destiny of all living beings. Thus, she came to believe that the Force was a cruel deity and actually sought to destroy it. The fact that Surik was virtually the exact opposite of Revan is what drew Traya to Surik in the first place. Whereas Revan was "the heart of the Force" in Traya's eyes, she viewed Surik as "the death of the Force."
Among Traya's allies were her Sith apprentices Darths Sion and Nihilus, and her final apprentice, Meetra Surik. Traya believed that neither the light or dark sides of the Force were truly superior to the other. When Sion and Nihilus grew weary of Traya's teachings, they betrayed her, stripped her of powers, and exiled her. Even during her years as a Jedi, Traya's views were perceived as unorthodox, and she often put forth questions that challenged and deconstructed the traditional interpretations of both the Jedi and the Force itself. While wandering the galaxy, Darth Traya would refine her beliefs, eventually coming to view the Force as being a sort of uncaring, insidious god that used the lives of sentients as pawns in a pernicious game of balance. This, she thought, was evidenced by the widespread occurrences of destruction and death that had persistently transpired throughout the galaxy to that point, many of which could be traced to a conflict between Force-sensitives. Yet, Traya blamed neither the Jedi nor the Sith, but rather, the very thing they had both come to draw and rely upon: the Force itself.

After being exiled from the Jedi Order when she was forced to shoulder the blame for Revan's corruption and again after she was exiled from Malachor V by Sion and Nihilus, Darth Traya had experienced betrayals from, and saw the flaws of, both the light and dark sides of the Force. These unique experiences disillusioned her, forcing her to refine her ways of thinking. When she heard about Meetra Surik, she saw proof that life could exist without the Force, which she saw as disproof of the traditional dogma of both the Sith and Jedi that the Force and life itself were inseparable by nature. This renewed Traya's confidence in her personal beliefs, and fueled her desire to learn more of the Exile's personal motivations. By the end of her adventures with Surik, during which time she went by the name of Kreia, Traya had discovered that certain tragedies could leave wounds in the Force, which sometimes made it difficult to hear and be used. These "echoes," as Traya called them, provided an avenue through which it was possible to attack the Force and even destroy it. Her discovery was due in no small part to Surik, as her experience at Malachor V, where she cut herself off from the Force, created an echo large enough that Traya was able to connect the tragedy to the wound created in the Force. In Surik's disconnection, she saw an opportunity to liberate the galaxy from the Force's control over the fates of all living things, and thus an opportunity to permit the existence of true free will. According to Traya, those who had chosen death, or the Jedi who chose the dark side, over a life devoid of the Force were not strong enough to deserve life. Her desire to prevent death in the future was the motivation that cultivated her hatred for the Force.

Despite her loathing of the Force, she still used it; she explained it by comparing herself to one who uses poison. Just as such a person would strive to understand the lethality behind poison, so she strived to understand the particularities of the Force, thereby enabling her to destroy it; however, she admitted it was possible that that may have really been just an excuse for her having to come to depend on something she hated. Traya envisioned a galaxy that would choose not to acquiesce to the will of the Force. She thought she could achieve this by showing how one could willingly abnegate the Force and eventually become stronger for it, and it was Meetra Surik who was a living testament to this. In her teachings with Surik, she emphasized how dependent the Jedi and Sith were on the Force, and how they had become flawed for it. By making Surik her protégé, she hoped her message would resonate with future Force-sensitives so they would choose to use the Force without necessarily bending to either extreme, and certainly not to the point where they would choose death over life without the Force. Ultimately, though, she dreamed of a galaxy lacking of the Force altogether, as it was her belief that the galaxy would be better off that way.
Darth Traya (pronounced /ˈtɹeɪə/), known in her later years as Kreia /ˈkɹeɪə/, was a Human female Sith Lord during the Dark Wars and Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate, ruling over the remnants of the Sith forces after their defeat in the Jedi Civil War. Prior to the Mandalorian Wars, Kreia was a Jedi Master and Jedi historian, who was exiled by the Jedi High Council because her students followed the Jedi Knight Revan, her former Padawan, into battle against the invading Mandalorians. After Kreia withdrew from the Jedi Order, she retraced Revan's footsteps to the Sith world Malachor V, being drawn to its Force echoes. There, she discovered the Trayus Academy and turned to the dark side, becoming a Sith Lord. In the years following the Jedi Civil War, Traya searched for other Force-wounds, and discovered two men who became her Sith apprentices, Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. With them she formed and became Dark Lord of a Sith Triumvirate, intent on destroying the Jedi.

Eventually, Traya was overthrown by Sion and Nihilus, who stripped their Master of her connection to the Force. After having been exiled by both the Jedi and Sith, she held an abhorrence of how both Orders were used by the Force to its own ends, and began to consider how she might rid the galaxy of its influence forever. Going under the guise of "Kreia" once more, Traya located a former Jedi General that served in the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. Traya saw Surik as having the potential to bring her purpose to fruition, and took it upon herself to "rescue" Surik and retrain her in her own views. Even as Traya orchestrated a Jedi purge, she continued in her attempts to mold Surik—and those she traveled with aboard the light freighter Ebon Hawk—into her own image.

Traya aided Surik in locating the Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar and Kavar; Surik convinced them to reconvene at the Dantooine Jedi Enclave's ruins. When Surik met with the Masters, Traya betrayed Surik by revealing her true identity as a Sith Lord, and murdered the Masters in the Enclave's remains. Shortly after this, Traya traveled to the secret Jedi Academy on Telos IV and convinced Jedi Master Atris to turn to the dark side.
A Jedi Consular and Sith Lord of prodigious skill and power, Kreia used a wide variety of Force abilities, including Force horror, Force speed, Force Crush, Force cloak, energy resistance, Force scream, Force lightning, Force Choke and the mind trick. She also was capable of using the Force to control beasts, a power that she would teach Meetra Surik during her travels on Dxun. She was known to have used an advanced Force technique known as Force Channel. Traya was also a master of Dark Healing, which she used to kill dozens of Sith Assassins instantaneously and simultaneously on Malachor V. She obliterated the last three members of the reconvened Jedi Council, by showing them the Force "through the eyes of the Exile", consuming their connection to the Force in a way similar to that of Darth Nihilus, denying them the means to become one with the Force. Surik would later behold them as "worse than lifeless, like an absence in the Force".

Kreia also possessed the rare ability to perceive shatterpoints which she described as "fractures". Traya was also incredibly skilled at predicting the future and was able to foresee the death of Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett at the hands of Jedi Master Mace Windu approximately 4,000 years later, in a prophecy relating to the fate of the Mandalorians. She was also skilled in telepathy, being able to communicate with others over immensely large distances. She demonstrated this when she telepathically spoke to Meetra Surik on Korriban even though she was in the Ebon Hawk. She telepathically informed Atris of Brianna's betrayal despite her being several light years away from Telos, while she was on the Ebon Hawk.

Traya knew the ability of breath control, which made her immune to most gaseous poisons. She taught it to the Exile when she was in danger of dying from the toxic fumes of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr cantina during a meeting with local Exchange boss Visquis on Nar Shaddaa. Traya would also use her healing powers to revive the Wookiee Hanharr, after he was left for dead by Mira. On Onderon, she revived Colonel Tobin after he was killed by a drexl larva. Traya was rather proficient at using the Force to hide her presence from whomever she chose. Her skill with this ability was demonstrated on the Ebon Hawk as she whispered to Mical, making him believe he was hearing things. Traya also used a variation of this ability that enabled her to be seen but remain entirely unnoticed, to cloud the memory of others so they would forget her presence or even her existence. She was capable of modifying the memories of even Jedi; for instance, selectively modifying the memories of the Jedi Mical. When he discovered the true scale of Traya's plans, she altered his memory to make him forget her completely. She then modified his memory of what he had discovered; burying it so that he could remember what he had discovered about her plans at a time that suited her better. Her skill with this technique was such that she could render herself completely invisible to Jedi, even ones that were in close proximity to her. When Surik asked Traya why none of the Jedi Masters they encountered mentioned her, she lied to Surik, claiming that they perhaps did not remember or care. She described her ability as making herself "very small", a talent she claimed not to use on Surik, and that was even more effective on the worlds where they traveled, where sensing Force-users was difficult. On Dantooine, Jedi Master Vrook Lamar told Surik about the Sith threat, and told her of their ability to mask their presence, but he did not believe that mere Force-cloaking techniques alone would be sufficient to hide the one responsible for what had befallen the Jedi. Eventually, Surik would learn more about this; when Traya was revealed as one of the Lords of the Sith, Atris explained that much of the reason she succeeded in hiding her dark persona lay actually in the fact that the Force had been stripped from her. She had extreme power over the workings of the mind and while she was a naturally talented manipulator, she could use the Force to confuse others, or reach into their minds and find their darkest secrets.

Traya was skilled at telekinetic lightsaber combat, which allowed her to wield at least three lightsabers in combat, holding each of them aloft with the Force and having them fight with a will of their own.
She could use the Force to enter a hibernation trance that would slow down her biological functions and make her appear dead.

She was also skilled at physically wielding a lightsaber, using the combat forms Shii-Cho, Makashi, and Soresu. She was also known to have used a rare lightsaber technique known as Tràkata. When the Exile would ask Traya about each different form of lightsaber combat, the Dark Lord knew enough about each form to give Surik an accurate description.
Aside from her exceptional skills in manipulation, deception and betrayal were also notable talents that Traya possessed. She lied to Surik at the beginning of their quest, claiming that the Jedi Council had stripped her of the Force. She knew that the lie would lead Surik to seek out the surviving members of the Jedi Council, in hopes that she, or Surik, would prove them wrong on their teachings. On Onderon, Traya lied to Tobin about the existence of many Jedi in the Jedi Academy on Telos. She knew that Tobin secretly served Darth Nihilus, and thus she lied to him so that Nihilus would be tricked into assaulting Telos to replenish his power, successfully maneuvering her former apprentice into a vulnerable position against an assault from Surik and the Mandalorians.
Sith Robes, 4 lightsabers (1 with a red color blade and the other 3 with a violet color blade)
Despite her Force powers, she still has the same weaknesses as a human. She also misses her left hand.
Name: Kreia
Nickname(s): Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal
Alignment: True Neutral
Fandom: Star Wars (Knights of the Old Republic)
As a person, Darth Traya was self-reliant, manipulative, and wary of the intentions of others. She used her skills at manipulation to maneuver herself into a position of power at the Trayus Academy, and later used these skills to control several of Surik's companions in order to further her own agenda. She often remonstrated Surik for taking on the challenges of others, arguing that compassion weakened the benefactors by depriving them of the mental and physical enrichment that life's challenges procure. Not only did Traya find compassion to be pathetic, to her it was also ironic since it weakened the very people it was intended to help, cheapening their experiences and leaving them more ill-prepared for dealing with difficulties on their own. As Surik's circle of companions grew, Traya came to see how their new-found allies could be used for her own ends, and sometimes ensured their loyalty by using methods of questionable morality. After probing Atton Rand's mind against his will and learning of his dark deeds, Traya used the knowledge of Atton's past to blackmail him into Surik's service. She also tempted Mandalore the Preserver with information of Revan's fate in order to ensure that he would not betray Surik.

Despite her cold and callous persona as Darth Traya, Kreia possessed a softer side to her personality that was more apparent when she was mentoring Surik. Traya favored Surik as a student to the point where she would have been willing to sacrifice the entire galaxy if it meant preserving Surik's life. During their time together as Master and Apprentice, Surik was the only person that Traya truly cared for; everyone else in their group was an expendable asset in her eyes. Though Traya was intelligent and powerful in her own right, she realized that her philosophies would be regarded as fanatical by both the Jedi and the Sith. Hence, she preferred to operate from within the shadows, often using her own power to shield her identity from other Force-sensitives who might have known her, and could have otherwise detected her. She was not outspoken about her convictions, but simply stated her opinions as the correct way of thinking while everything else was wrong and misguided.

Due to her disdain of others who were either weak in the Force or utterly blind to it, she often belittled Surik's allies by using derogatory names whenever addressing or referring to them. She would refer to Atton Rand as "the fool", Mical as a "tiny Jedi", Brianna the Handmaiden as the "servant of Atris", Visas Marr as "the blinded one" or "the seer", Mira as "the huntress", and Bao-Dur as "the alien". Traya also referred to the droids who traveled with Surik—T3-M4, HK-47, and G0-T0—as "machines". Before Atton Rand's Force-sensitivity was discovered by Surik, Traya possessed a small amount of respect for him. Although she regarded Atton as an idiotic fool, she was amused by the irony of how he could survive without the Force, whereas Jedi would be rendered almost helpless without their connection to the Force.

Aside from her contempt for Surik's friends, Traya felt nothing but hatred and disgust towards the Mandalorians. As she despised the Jedi Council for its hubris, she detested the Mandalorians for possessing the arrogance to believe that they could defeat those who command the Force. During Surik's alliance with Mandalore the Preserver, Traya took every opportunity to remind the Mandalorians of their inferiority against both Jedi and Sith. She saw them as simple-minded fools for constantly underestimating the Force. Ultimately, Traya perceived the Mandalorians as nothing more than common soldiers who could never triumph over the Jedi, for their military "tactics" were nothing in comparison to the power of the Force.

Traya also seemed to hold droids in low regard. Although she regarded Revan as "power itself" and one of her finest pupils, Traya could not understand Revan's fascination with "things dead to the Force" such as machines and technology. She believed that her former Padawan's interest in droids stemmed from his preference for followers who obeyed his orders without question. Hence, she felt that Revan would have loved nothing more than to have "human droids" like Surik in service to him - one who was dead to the Force, an empty shell that would carry out his orders without question. Due to her lack of trust in droids, Traya regarded T3-M4 with disdain and begrudging tolerance. Almost 4,000 years later, Darth Sidious succeeded in creating soldiers that possessed the mindless obedience of droids.

Aside from droids, Traya seemed to possess mild intolerance towards non-Human species. Aside from Bao-Dur, she referred to the Exchange criminal syndicate boss Visquis as "the alien". She also regarded Zhar Lestin, a Twi'lek Jedi Master, as a fool. She also strongly believed that a person that committed so much evil was irredeemable after falling so far into the dark side. Thus, Traya disapproved of Revan's redemption of Ajunta Pall, believing it to be cowardly by turning away from one's own nature - a betrayal of the self. Rather than believe that redemption could belong to anyone who truly wanted it, Traya felt that redemption was a form of spiritual collapse, a fall that few recovered from.

At some point between Revan's fall to the dark side and encountering Surik, the one thing that fueled Traya's hatred and connection to the dark side the most was ironically the Force itself. She strongly believed in the will of the Force, viewing it as a conscious entity that controlled the destiny of all living beings. Thus, she came to believe that the Force was a cruel deity and actually sought to destroy it. The fact that Surik was virtually the exact opposite of Revan is what drew Traya to Surik in the first place. Whereas Revan was "the heart of the Force" in Traya's eyes, she viewed Surik as "the death of the Force."
Among Traya's allies were her Sith apprentices Darths Sion and Nihilus, and her final apprentice, Meetra Surik. Traya believed that neither the light or dark sides of the Force were truly superior to the other. When Sion and Nihilus grew weary of Traya's teachings, they betrayed her, stripped her of powers, and exiled her. Even during her years as a Jedi, Traya's views were perceived as unorthodox, and she often put forth questions that challenged and deconstructed the traditional interpretations of both the Jedi and the Force itself. While wandering the galaxy, Darth Traya would refine her beliefs, eventually coming to view the Force as being a sort of uncaring, insidious god that used the lives of sentients as pawns in a pernicious game of balance. This, she thought, was evidenced by the widespread occurrences of destruction and death that had persistently transpired throughout the galaxy to that point, many of which could be traced to a conflict between Force-sensitives. Yet, Traya blamed neither the Jedi nor the Sith, but rather, the very thing they had both come to draw and rely upon: the Force itself.

After being exiled from the Jedi Order when she was forced to shoulder the blame for Revan's corruption and again after she was exiled from Malachor V by Sion and Nihilus, Darth Traya had experienced betrayals from, and saw the flaws of, both the light and dark sides of the Force. These unique experiences disillusioned her, forcing her to refine her ways of thinking. When she heard about Meetra Surik, she saw proof that life could exist without the Force, which she saw as disproof of the traditional dogma of both the Sith and Jedi that the Force and life itself were inseparable by nature. This renewed Traya's confidence in her personal beliefs, and fueled her desire to learn more of the Exile's personal motivations. By the end of her adventures with Surik, during which time she went by the name of Kreia, Traya had discovered that certain tragedies could leave wounds in the Force, which sometimes made it difficult to hear and be used. These "echoes," as Traya called them, provided an avenue through which it was possible to attack the Force and even destroy it. Her discovery was due in no small part to Surik, as her experience at Malachor V, where she cut herself off from the Force, created an echo large enough that Traya was able to connect the tragedy to the wound created in the Force. In Surik's disconnection, she saw an opportunity to liberate the galaxy from the Force's control over the fates of all living things, and thus an opportunity to permit the existence of true free will. According to Traya, those who had chosen death, or the Jedi who chose the dark side, over a life devoid of the Force were not strong enough to deserve life. Her desire to prevent death in the future was the motivation that cultivated her hatred for the Force.

Despite her loathing of the Force, she still used it; she explained it by comparing herself to one who uses poison. Just as such a person would strive to understand the lethality behind poison, so she strived to understand the particularities of the Force, thereby enabling her to destroy it; however, she admitted it was possible that that may have really been just an excuse for her having to come to depend on something she hated. Traya envisioned a galaxy that would choose not to acquiesce to the will of the Force. She thought she could achieve this by showing how one could willingly abnegate the Force and eventually become stronger for it, and it was Meetra Surik who was a living testament to this. In her teachings with Surik, she emphasized how dependent the Jedi and Sith were on the Force, and how they had become flawed for it. By making Surik her protégé, she hoped her message would resonate with future Force-sensitives so they would choose to use the Force without necessarily bending to either extreme, and certainly not to the point where they would choose death over life without the Force. Ultimately, though, she dreamed of a galaxy lacking of the Force altogether, as it was her belief that the galaxy would be better off that way.
Darth Traya (pronounced /ˈtɹeɪə/), known in her later years as Kreia /ˈkɹeɪə/, was a Human female Sith Lord during the Dark Wars and Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate, ruling over the remnants of the Sith forces after their defeat in the Jedi Civil War. Prior to the Mandalorian Wars, Kreia was a Jedi Master and Jedi historian, who was exiled by the Jedi High Council because her students followed the Jedi Knight Revan, her former Padawan, into battle against the invading Mandalorians. After Kreia withdrew from the Jedi Order, she retraced Revan's footsteps to the Sith world Malachor V, being drawn to its Force echoes. There, she discovered the Trayus Academy and turned to the dark side, becoming a Sith Lord. In the years following the Jedi Civil War, Traya searched for other Force-wounds, and discovered two men who became her Sith apprentices, Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. With them she formed and became Dark Lord of a Sith Triumvirate, intent on destroying the Jedi.

Eventually, Traya was overthrown by Sion and Nihilus, who stripped their Master of her connection to the Force. After having been exiled by both the Jedi and Sith, she held an abhorrence of how both Orders were used by the Force to its own ends, and began to consider how she might rid the galaxy of its influence forever. Going under the guise of "Kreia" once more, Traya located a former Jedi General that served in the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. Traya saw Surik as having the potential to bring her purpose to fruition, and took it upon herself to "rescue" Surik and retrain her in her own views. Even as Traya orchestrated a Jedi purge, she continued in her attempts to mold Surik—and those she traveled with aboard the light freighter Ebon Hawk—into her own image.

Traya aided Surik in locating the Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar and Kavar; Surik convinced them to reconvene at the Dantooine Jedi Enclave's ruins. When Surik met with the Masters, Traya betrayed Surik by revealing her true identity as a Sith Lord, and murdered the Masters in the Enclave's remains. Shortly after this, Traya traveled to the secret Jedi Academy on Telos IV and convinced Jedi Master Atris to turn to the dark side.
A Jedi Consular and Sith Lord of prodigious skill and power, Kreia used a wide variety of Force abilities, including Force horror, Force speed, Force Crush, Force cloak, energy resistance, Force scream, Force lightning, Force Choke and the mind trick. She also was capable of using the Force to control beasts, a power that she would teach Meetra Surik during her travels on Dxun. She was known to have used an advanced Force technique known as Force Channel. Traya was also a master of Dark Healing, which she used to kill dozens of Sith Assassins instantaneously and simultaneously on Malachor V. She obliterated the last three members of the reconvened Jedi Council, by showing them the Force "through the eyes of the Exile", consuming their connection to the Force in a way similar to that of Darth Nihilus, denying them the means to become one with the Force. Surik would later behold them as "worse than lifeless, like an absence in the Force".

Kreia also possessed the rare ability to perceive shatterpoints which she described as "fractures". Traya was also incredibly skilled at predicting the future and was able to foresee the death of Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett at the hands of Jedi Master Mace Windu approximately 4,000 years later, in a prophecy relating to the fate of the Mandalorians. She was also skilled in telepathy, being able to communicate with others over immensely large distances. She demonstrated this when she telepathically spoke to Meetra Surik on Korriban even though she was in the Ebon Hawk. She telepathically informed Atris of Brianna's betrayal despite her being several light years away from Telos, while she was on the Ebon Hawk.

Traya knew the ability of breath control, which made her immune to most gaseous poisons. She taught it to the Exile when she was in danger of dying from the toxic fumes of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr cantina during a meeting with local Exchange boss Visquis on Nar Shaddaa. Traya would also use her healing powers to revive the Wookiee Hanharr, after he was left for dead by Mira. On Onderon, she revived Colonel Tobin after he was killed by a drexl larva. Traya was rather proficient at using the Force to hide her presence from whomever she chose. Her skill with this ability was demonstrated on the Ebon Hawk as she whispered to Mical, making him believe he was hearing things. Traya also used a variation of this ability that enabled her to be seen but remain entirely unnoticed, to cloud the memory of others so they would forget her presence or even her existence. She was capable of modifying the memories of even Jedi; for instance, selectively modifying the memories of the Jedi Mical. When he discovered the true scale of Traya's plans, she altered his memory to make him forget her completely. She then modified his memory of what he had discovered; burying it so that he could remember what he had discovered about her plans at a time that suited her better. Her skill with this technique was such that she could render herself completely invisible to Jedi, even ones that were in close proximity to her. When Surik asked Traya why none of the Jedi Masters they encountered mentioned her, she lied to Surik, claiming that they perhaps did not remember or care. She described her ability as making herself "very small", a talent she claimed not to use on Surik, and that was even more effective on the worlds where they traveled, where sensing Force-users was difficult. On Dantooine, Jedi Master Vrook Lamar told Surik about the Sith threat, and told her of their ability to mask their presence, but he did not believe that mere Force-cloaking techniques alone would be sufficient to hide the one responsible for what had befallen the Jedi. Eventually, Surik would learn more about this; when Traya was revealed as one of the Lords of the Sith, Atris explained that much of the reason she succeeded in hiding her dark persona lay actually in the fact that the Force had been stripped from her. She had extreme power over the workings of the mind and while she was a naturally talented manipulator, she could use the Force to confuse others, or reach into their minds and find their darkest secrets.

Traya was skilled at telekinetic lightsaber combat, which allowed her to wield at least three lightsabers in combat, holding each of them aloft with the Force and having them fight with a will of their own.
She could use the Force to enter a hibernation trance that would slow down her biological functions and make her appear dead.

She was also skilled at physically wielding a lightsaber, using the combat forms Shii-Cho, Makashi, and Soresu. She was also known to have used a rare lightsaber technique known as Tràkata. When the Exile would ask Traya about each different form of lightsaber combat, the Dark Lord knew enough about each form to give Surik an accurate description.
Aside from her exceptional skills in manipulation, deception and betrayal were also notable talents that Traya possessed. She lied to Surik at the beginning of their quest, claiming that the Jedi Council had stripped her of the Force. She knew that the lie would lead Surik to seek out the surviving members of the Jedi Council, in hopes that she, or Surik, would prove them wrong on their teachings. On Onderon, Traya lied to Tobin about the existence of many Jedi in the Jedi Academy on Telos. She knew that Tobin secretly served Darth Nihilus, and thus she lied to him so that Nihilus would be tricked into assaulting Telos to replenish his power, successfully maneuvering her former apprentice into a vulnerable position against an assault from Surik and the Mandalorians.
Sith Robes, 4 lightsabers (1 with a red color blade and the other 3 with a violet color blade)
Despite her Force powers, she still has the same weaknesses as a human. She also misses her left hand.
has abilities that can easily be abused by the player.
weaknesses too vague.
That's not a character
But that is the ability one
Name: Koichi Hirose
Alignment: Lawful Good
View attachment 322005
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable


Koichi is an amiable but meek youth who undergoes an exceptional degree of character development during the course of Diamond is Unbreakable, becoming more assertive throughout many confrontations with evil Stand users. His greatest leaps are illustrated by the metamorphosis of his Stand, Echoes.

One of Koichi's constant trait is his friendliness. Koichi is a nice person, acting polite toward any stranger and acquaintance, and being happy to help. That friendliness is regularly exploited by Rohan Kishibe to have someone to hang out with. Having a gentle heart, Koichi usually doesn't seek to harm his opponents, notably having saved Yukako from death even though she wanted to kill him before and briefly fighting Giorno Giovanna without the strength to kill, which saved him. However Koichi's friendliness disappears on the rare occasions he is angered, and he becomes more abrasive, violent and vulgar. Koichi also possesses a rather cheerful personality. He finds wonder in the most various facts (his new bike, a famous mangaka living in town, finding an error in a map...), and has little trouble befriending people.

Another one of Koichi's primary characteristics is his courage and associated virtuousness. Heaven's Door exposes Koichi as a cowardly but courageous youth when push comes to shove. True to that assertion, Koichi is very prone to express anxiety, fear and despair at various setbacks, but still soldiers on and braves danger. He takes an active role in the hunt for evil Stand users in Morioh unlike Josuke, being concerned after his encounter with Tamami Kobayashi about what Stand users can do to his family and prioritizes chasing the enemy, which once backfired against Sheer Heart Attack. Initially weak-willed, acquiring a Stand and fighting others made him more confident in himself and assertive, going from being bullied by upperclassmen to facing down and taunting Yoshikage Kira while on the verge of death. By Vento Aureo, Koichi has grown into a totally confident youth.

The mix of these two traits make Koichi an extremely likeable individual, earning the friendship and respect of the vast majority of the cast including Josuke Higashikata, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Rohan Kishibe, Yukako Yamagushi, Aya Tsuji and Jotaro Kujo.

Koichi is a relatively perceptive individual, able to make quick and decisive moves in a fight, sometimes at the cost of being too imprudent. For the most part, Koichi tries to analyze his situation before acting, notably due to how weak his Stand is at the start of the series and the severe limitations of his powers, but regularly oversees a critical consequence of his actions.

After a difficult start in his relationship with Yukako, due to her kidnapping Koichi, he eventually fell in love with Yukako's tough and unforgiving personality. His love was such that he was willing to be blinded forever in case Yukako became ugly, so as to ease her pain.

Terunosuke states that when Koichi is scared he blinks twice. In addition, Koichi mentions during the Atom Heart Father arc that he has claustrophobia.

Koichi is a first year student in class 1-B of Budogaoka Highschool. He first meets Josuke whom is being bullied by a group of delinquents, but are soon defeated by Josuke and his Stand, Crazy Diamond. From that day on, Koichi and Josuke become friends, often hanging out before and after school. When Koichi is shot with The Bow and Arrow by Keicho Nijimura which causes him to gain a Stand after he is healed by Josuke's Stand, Crazy Diamond. Koichi's Stand, Echoes, evolves as Koichi becomes stronger, evolving three times by the end of Part 4. During the events of Part 4, Koichi becomes friends with many of his enemies including Okuyasu Nijimura, the con artist Tamami Kobayashi, fellow student and manga enthusiast Toshikazu Hazamada, the esteemed mangaka Rohan Kishibe and Yukako Yamagishi who later becomes his girlfriend.


Stand: An entity physically generated by its proprietor, generally referred to as a Stand User. It is viewed as a physical manifestation of the User's fighting spirit. A Stand generally presents itself as a figure hovering near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand User, can be wielded for good or for evil.
  • In general, a Stand is invisible to normal humans, yet can interact with normal objects. It allows the User to use their Stand unnoticed by a large majority of the population. The mundane use of a Stand has been likened to a poltergeist phenomenon by normal people. Even a Stand's power is invisible for ordinary humans; for instance, Magician's Red flames cannot be seen but their heat can be felt by people[17].
  • A Stand is also invulnerable to any harm except another Stand. It usually means that the only person capable of defeating a Stand User is another Stand user.
  • Stands possess intangibility. It is uncommon but not unheard of for Stand Users to channel their Stands inside their bodies to protect themselves, using the Stand's superhuman durability to their advantage. It is even more uncommon for Stands to phase through objects, but the possibility exists.
  • As psychic projections, Users can also communicate through their Stands. Barring rare exceptions, a Stand User shares their consciousness with their Stand and is able to see through its eyes. Moreover, a Stand User can also speak through their Stand, enabling a form of distant communication. However, the Stand must have a mouth do to so.
  • Users possess the ability to shrink their Stands to a microscopic level, but the one time it was done, Polnareff indicated that it was difficult to manipulate the Stand at such a subtle level, and that it was taxing to maintain the small size, making that property impractical in most cases.


Rare among Stands, Echoes takes three distinct forms called "ACT"s, which Koichi may call upon alternately.
  • Echoes ACT1:

    ACT1 is a longe range Stand. It is very weak, its punch failing to hurt Tamami, and also slow. However, it has the longest range of all ACTs, and can go up to about 50 meters from its user, making it useful as a scouting Stand.

    Sound Maker: Echoes ACT1 can write anything on any surface or person. If it is an onomatopoeia, typically in Katakana, a sound related to the onomatopoeia in question is produced. If it is a sentence written in Kanji, the words will influence their state of mind. For instance, Koichi could convince his mother, who was on the verge of suicide, to stop and trust him by using the sentence "Believe in me" on her. The sound and words are said to not really be heard but to be as if they came from inside the person. The volume of the sounds vary, but will increase the longer the sound is active and reverberates to a person more strongly if the sound is written directly on them.

    The effect can be broken with enough willpower, as Yukako dispels the writing that Koichi puts on her.

  • Echoes ACT2:

    Although ACT2 is still physically weak, it now possesses a stronger and more versatile power than its previous form, making it more suited to direct confrontation.

    Sound Maker, ACT2: Echoes' second form increases its sound abilities beyond its first form's capabilities. Echoes can write a sound effect on any surface. However, unlike ACT1, it is only able to shoot sound effects from its tail, limiting it to only one sound effect at a time. When the sound effect is touched, an effect related to the sound is produced, either affecting the person who touched it or the object which the words are inscribed on.
    • Hyooo (ヒョオオ) - A strong wind is produced.
    • Doguon (ドグオン) - The toucher is knocked back a great distance.
    • Byoyon (ボョヨオン) - The object becomes elastic and bouncy.
    • Jyū (ジュー) - The object radiates heat and will burn upon contact.
    Enhanced Speed: Foreshadowing the speed of ACT3, ACT2 gains a massive increase in speed - fast enough to give the impression of disappearing into air.

  • Echoes ACT3:

    Unlike Echoes' first two forms, ACT3 has a much shorter effective range. It is extremely fast and noted to be stronger but is still no match for even a Stand like Killer Queen.

    3 Freeze (3FREEZE(スリーフリーズ), Surī Furīzu?): ACT3 attributes a "freezing" or stopping effect by greatly increasing the weight of its target by punching it, typically adopting a fighting stance while joining the hands together while doing so and producing an aura. For example, Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack is forcibly sunk into the pavement by this ability, and, according to its user, the effects were as if there were 40-50 kilograms of weight on his left hand.

    The weight increases has several limitations. Firstly it can only affect one target at a time. Secondly this effect lasts only if the target remains within 5 meters of ACT3. The closer the target is to Echoes, the heavier it feels.

While one of Koichi's primary characteristics is his courage, he is usually seen as a coward as he scares very easily and would prefer to stay away from dangerous situations if possible.

Echoes ACT1 is the weakest of all his forms, having almost no physical power and it is also very slow. ACT1's effect can be broken when put on a person, assuming the person has enough willpower.

Echoes ACT2 is still physically weak although less so than with ACT1. Another difference between ACT1 is that ACT2 can only use one sound effectingat a time.

Echoes ACT3 is extremely fast, much faster than its ACT2 form, and is stronger than its other two forms, but it is still no match for most close-range, high powered stands. It's effective range is much shorter than ACT1 and ACT2, meaning Echoes can only move 5 to 10 feet away from Koichi. If ACT3 moves more than 5 feet away from whatever's targeted by 3 Freeze, the effect wears off.
Read the spoiler with the name 'general stand rules'
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Except a Stand is an ability used by a character, not a character. The Stand User on the other hand, is the character and they are in fact vunerable to many things. Not to mention the fact that what effects the user also effects the Stand somewhat. You chop off a Stand User's hand and the Stand will also lose a hand.
Except a Stand is an ability used by a character, not a character. The Stand User on the other hand, is the character and they are in fact vunerable to many things. Not to mention the fact that what effects the user also effects the Stand somewhat. You chop off a Stand User's hand and the Stand will also lose a hand.
and vise-versa.
Except a Stand is an ability used by a character, not a character. The Stand User on the other hand, is the character and they are in fact vunerable to many things. Not to mention the fact that what effects the user also effects the Stand somewhat. You chop off a Stand User's hand and the Stand will also lose a hand.
Still, you are basically fighting someone who as an ability in the form of something that you can't see or harm directly. How is that not easily exploitable by the user and the player?
Still, you are basically fighting someone who as an ability in the form of something that you can't see or harm directly. How is that not easily exploitable by the user and the player?

Aren't a lot of force powers something you can't see or harm directly unless you're also a force user?
Aren't a lot of force powers something you can't see or harm directly unless you're also a force user?
Not entirely, while most attacks happen rather fast. It's not impossible to not see them entirely, yet some are not visable. Some are made to make you invisable, but you are still vulnerable. If you know a Force user, you could avoid an attack. I do have to say, it's not something for example an average person can do. And you don't have to be a Force user to harm a Force user. In some ways, it's actually quite easy to fight one once you know how. It is one thing Kreia noticed. For example with Jedi, they rely on the Force more than they know themselves. If you find a way to take that advantage away from them, they have nothing else to throw at you.
Even then, a Force user can't protect against every single attack. One way to kill a Force user is to attack from as much different angles as possible. Explosives help as well, the better working ones against them are things like flashbangs. Something to distract them and prevent them from focussing. There are also weapons that can be lethal to Force users such as the 'concussion launcher'. It shoots a projectile unblockable by a lightsaber and really difficult to dodge. Still, it depends on the Force user. They all need a different way to attack.
For example, one who specializes in healing will probably be able to resist poison, so that's not a good idea while this might work on others.
There is also on specific animal that could neutralize the Force in an area around it, making it impossible to use the Force. Then there is also a specie that uses the Force to hunt, making it very dangerous for Force sensitives.

And it's not uncommon that Force users lose to non-Force users. The Mandalorians for example are rather good at fighting Jedi, especially the experienced and veterans. There is also a martial art in Star Wars specifically made to fight Force users.

The reason why many fail to harm a Jedi, is because they think just using a blaster at one will work. It doesn't.
Still, you are basically fighting someone who as an ability in the form of something that you can't see or harm directly. How is that not easily exploitable by the user and the player?
To non-Stand Users, it's kind of like watching someone do psychic acts, ya know, ESP?
Edit: And that's pretty much what Stands are actually, psychic powers in a physical form.
Not entirely, while most attacks happen rather fast. It's not impossible to not see them entirely, yet some are not visable. Some are made to make you invisable, but you are still vulnerable. If you know a Force user, you could avoid an attack. I do have to say, it's not something for example an average person can do. And you don't have to be a Force user to harm a Force user. In some ways, it's actually quite easy to fight one once you know how. It is one thing Kreia noticed. For example with Jedi, they rely on the Force more than they know themselves. If you find a way to take that advantage away from them, they have nothing else to throw at you.

Even then, a Force user can't protect against every single attack. One way to kill a Force user is to attack from as much different angles as possible. Explosives help as well, the better working ones against them are things like flashbangs. Something to distract them and prevent them from focussing. There are also weapons that can be lethal to Force users such as the 'concussion launcher'. It shoots a projectile unblockable by a lightsaber and really difficult to dodge. Still, it depends on the Force user. They all need a different way to attack.
For example, one who specializes in healing will probably be able to resist poison, so that's not a good idea while this might work on others.

And it's not uncommon that Force users lose to non-Force users. The Mandalorians for example are rather good at fighting Jedi, especially the experienced and veterans. There is also a martial art in Star Wars specifically made to fight Force users.

You could say pretty much the same stuff about Stand Users, just change some of the words around.
You could say pretty much the same stuff about Stand Users, just change some of the words around.
Except that a stand can't be harmed... which might for example just stand in front of your attack? That's not possible with the Force. The only ability coming close to that is Tutaminis, and that ability is a rare one and not everyone can learn it. Anyone who saw the trailer of SWTOR who saw a Jedi blocking a lightsaber blade? That is even rare among users of Tutaminis. As far as I know, one of the very few if not the only occasion anyone ever managed to do that.
You could say pretty much the same stuff about Stand Users, just change some of the words around.
Let's see if you're right!

Not entirely, while most attacks happen rather fast. It's not impossible to not see them entirely, yet some are not visable. Some are made to make you invisable, but you are still vulnerable. If you know a Stand user, you could avoid an attack. I do have to say, it's not something for example an average person can do. And you don't have to be a Stand user to harm a Stand user. In some ways, it's actually quite easy to fight one once you know how. It is one thing JoJo noticed. For example with Hol Horse, he relies on His Stand, Emperor, more than he know himself. If you find a way to take that advantage away from them, they have nothing else to throw at you.
Even then, a Stand user can't protect against every single attack. One way to kill a Stand user is to attack from as much different angles as possible. Explosives help as well, the better working ones against them are things like flashbangs. Something to distract them and prevent them from focussing. There are also weapons that can be lethal to Stand users such as the 'concussion launcher'. It shoots a projectile unblockable by Anubis and really difficult to dodge. Still, it depends on the Stand user. They all need a different way to attack.
For example, one who specializes in healing will probably be able to resist poison, so that's not a good idea while this might work on others.

And it's not uncommon that Stand users lose to non-Stand users. See any time Polnareff hits on a girl who's not in to him...
Except that a stand can't be harmed... which might for example just stand in front of your attack? That's not possible with the Force. The only ability coming close to that is Tutaminis, and that ability is a rare one and not everyone can learn it. Anyone who saw the trailer of SWTOR who saw a Jedi blocking a lightsaber blade? That is even rare among users of Tutaminis. As far as I know, one of the very few if not the only occasion anyone ever managed to do that.
You do know that not every universe has access to half of the shit you're saying
You do know that not every universe has access to half of the shit you're saying
Any universe that has something that comes close to fragmentation grenades, flashbangs, gas grenades or gas attacks, poison darts, something that could be used a flamethrower etc and common sense has a chance. Get close with a flamethrower and most have almost nothing to defend themselves with.
The only thing that can see or harm a stand directly is another stand... And if you can't see something, you can't know it is there. And with Force users, it can be as obvious as they allow it to be. Such as a cold feeling by Dark Siders which can be strong enough to be felt by and sometimes even corrupt (though these occassion are rare and require prolonged exposure) non-Force sensitives.
Any universe that has something that comes close to fragmentation grenades, flashbangs, gas grenades or gas attacks, poison darts, something that could be used a flamethrower etc and common sense has a chance. Get close with a flamethrower and most have almost nothing to defend themselves with.
The only thing that can see or harm a stand directly is another stand... And if you can't see something, you can't know it is there. And with Force users, it can be as obvious as they allow it to be. Such as a cold feeling by Dark Siders which can be strong enough to be felt by and sometimes even corrupt (though these occassion are rare and require prolonged exposure) non-Force sensitives.
As if every character's going to be carrying that shit in the RP
The only thing that can see or harm a stand directly is another stand... And if you can't see something, you can't know it is there. And with Force users, it can be as obvious as they allow it to be. Such as a cold feeling by Dark Siders which can be strong enough to be felt by and sometimes even corrupt non-Force sensitives.

You don't have to hurt the Stand to beat the Stand User. A jedi could just run up to Koichi and slice him down with his lightsaber or force choke him and he wouldn't be able to do much about it assuming the jedi is fast enough, and they all seem pretty fast to me. He's a 15 year old boy, not a jedi. He doesn't know what the force is or how to counteract it.

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