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Fandom Irregular Opening (Multifandom) Characters

Name: Barry Allen

Nickname(s): The Streak, the Flash, the Scarlet Speedster

Alignment: Neutral Good



Fandom: CW/Arrowverse

Personality: When he first discovered his new-found powers, he wanted to help people. When he first tried to stop Clyde Mardon, someone unintentionally got killed because of his actions, and he lost his confidence. However, after getting advice from Oliver, he regained his confidence. As the series progresses, Barry becomes more and more confident.

Barry is very stubborn and apparently isn't likely to learn from his flaws until experiencing them firsthand, as shown during his training with Oliver. This prompted Oliver to show Barry a potential consequence of not surveying his surroundings before charging at an enemy by shooting him with two remote controlled crossbows. However, unlike Oliver, despite his pride, Barry is not about apologizing or admitting when he is wrong, even if he doesn't like to do it in the first place.

Despite his dislike of crime and meta-humans who use their new-found powers for evil intentions, killing and torturing his enemies is a line that Barry would never cross, as he criticized Oliver for torturing Klaus Markos to gain the location of Digger Harkness. He even stated that he does not use his bad experiences as an excuse to torture people in general who makes him angry.

Barry is shown to be selfless and honorable, like when he found out that Eddie was going to ask Iris to marry him, Barry did not try to stop this engagement, despite recently discovering future events; that Iris will become his wife, instead of Eddie's. Also, he pushed Patty away partly because he didn't want her to sacrifice her dream of being in CSI for him.

However, after Eddie sacrificed himself so that his descendant Eobard would have never been born and Ronnie had done the same so Central City could be saved, Barry's personality became slightly darker. He became more reclusive, distant and cold to his friends, he broke up Team Flash and went "the Lone Wolf". He also began to doubt himself as a superhero as he couldn't have saved Eddie and Ronnie and even considered not going to Central City's Flash Day, but after being motivated by Iris, he decided to go and reunite Team Flash. Even with this, he still remains somewhat guarded, especially after being brutally beaten by Zoom, he became even more so, even in his love life, as shown with Patty to point to let her go for her own safety and happiness.

Barry became less trustful of people, when Hunter Zolomon (posing as Jay Garrick) claimed that Earth One was in danger by another speedster called Zoom, Barry did not believe it, even though most of his friends did but this was mostly due to the fact that Jay reminded him of Eobard Thawne, he eventually overcame his suspicions and allowed Jay to train him to defeat Sand Demon.

Barry began to show less concern for his enemies' well-being as he lured Atom Smasher into a chamber that gave him an overload of nuclear energy, which killed him, and solidified Sand Demon which again kills him however Barry probably didn't expect it would kill them. His killing of Atom Smasher was due to his strong belief he would harm others. However, he did apologize to Atom Smasher before he died as he felt guilt, care and remorse, while he felt none for Sand Demon's death. This is likely because the latter villain was a homicidal maniac who did nothing to try to avoid the death of innocents. Finally, he was willing to kill a reanimated and mindless Tony Woodward, but felt it as a mercy killing and said that despite them being enemies, he still wanted Tony to be at rest, while Tony was also already dead and his corpse was simply reanimated, meaning that he was not actually killing him.

However, when faced with the notion of having to kill Solovar in an effort to prevent them from invading Earth One, Caitlin asked him if he was willing to take a life, meaning that he may have not truly viewed himself as having killed his enemies since he did not kill them directly. He was even tempted to try and kill Grodd due to the threat he constantly posed towards Central City and his allies, while Iris and Harry convinced him to not risk losing his humanity to achieve victory. While fighting Savitar, he threatened kill him after Wally West was trapped in the Speed Force and even attempted to kill him with a chokehold when he revealed himself as a future version of Barry. He was even tempted to kill himself to stop Savitar's creation, but relented when he was reminded of Eobard Thawne still being in existence despite the suicide of his past relative, Eddie Thawne. When stealing salvaged technology from the Dominators, he was prepared to kill King Shark, who was guarding it, using Leonard Snart's Cold Gun, until he was told that their was another way.

Barry is a forgiving individual, as after Eobard was erased from existence, it took him months before he finally forgave the latter for murdering his mother, and framing his father for his crime. He stated that no matter how much he hated Eobard, he couldn't bare hating him anymore. This hatred, however, was apparently rekindled when Eobard's time remnant appeared, enough that Barry came close to beating him to death. Barry showed great outrage and disgust at learning that their antagonistic relationship in the future and Eobard's own hatred of Barry was because Eobard was jealous of the Flash and wanted to become better than him. After being forced to release Eobard from captivity, they both stated that they hated each other, with Barry being bitter at having Eobard murder his mother in the past to restore the timeline.

Despite his honorable ways and proclivity for pacifism in the face of deadly and often ruthless and sociopathic enemies, Barry does harbor some very disturbing and homicidal feelings towards some of his enemies in particular. These two being Zoom and the Reverse-Flash, due to their parts in the deaths of his father and mother respectively. After the capture of Eobard Thawne in the particle accelerator on the first occasion, Barry expressed an unhinged and blood-thirsty desire to kill him, even spitting with rage when he voiced this overwhelming need of his. This is in almost direct opposition to his normally restrained and merciful attitude towards his enemies. His desire to kill Hunter Zolomon may even be greater, due to how thoroughly Hunter had betrayed Barry and his friends, and how Hunter tortured Barry by kidnapping his father and then stabbing him through the chest with a vibrating hand, all the while this death took place in the same room where, approximately 16 years prior, Barry's mother was murdered by Eobard. This replication of his mother's murder with his father profoundly affected Barry, and has awakened a need for cold-blooded vengeance in him that he has never felt before, having had the pain of losing both parents in the same way, each to a deranged speedster, compound one another, tearing him apart emotionally.

Because of all the tragedy Barry had suffered and being unable to cope with it, he made a trip back in time, saving his mother, reforming the current timeline. Despite him seemingly recovering, Barry seemed to be trying to kill the Rival after he impaled Wally West in the back, the only thing stopping him from doing so is his memories fading away.

Once Barry realized how big a mistake he made once seeing Wally injured, he attempted to correct the time, yet was only somewhat successful. When Jay Garrick intervened in his attempts to correct the damaged timeline, he taught Barry that time travel must not be abused, and he must learn to live with his mistakes, instead always trying to undo them.

Although he does have guilt and remorse for his actions, especially if they have unintentionally hurt the people he cares about, at the same time, arguably Barry's greatest fault is his guilt for actions he believes could have been stopped. Due to this, he has tried rectifying his mistakes by time travel, but has actually ended up causing even bigger problems than what he initially sought out to prevent. The most major example being the creation of Flashpoint, which drew in not only Savitar, but the Dominators as well.

Additionally, as said several times by Joe and seen many times throughout the series, once Barry makes up his mind about something, makes a decision, or sets his mind to something, it is impossible for anyone to talk him out of it, including Joe, Iris, and even Henry Allen.

Barry's heroic and peaceful nature hid a more complex and powerful set of emotions that he does not fully express but has always harbored on a subconscious level. While as both a civilian and the Flash or when pushed over the edge by enemies, Barry has been known to act on nearly 14 years of repressed anger and emotional stress. These emotions are obvious after being exposed to Roy Bivolo, voicing unfounded contempt for others unusual in Barry's usually calm nature and respectful attitude such as snapping at Joe for imprisoning and criminalising his father, speaking down at David Singh for his constant barking/disrespect and condescendingly voicing jealousy for the Arrow. Barry admits that after being cured that although it was Bivolo's doing, he did mean some of the things he said during his fight with Oliver.

Backstory: http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Barry_Allen



  • Speed Force connection/Meta-human physiology: Barry's powers come from his connection to the Speed Force, gained from being struck by dark matter lightning and exposed to various chemicals. This altered his DNA and supercharged his cells, augmenting his physiology into a lean-muscular frame well-beyond peak human condition. This lets him easily handle the rigors of his powers; he can resist high-level friction, inertia, air pressure, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact. After regaining his lost powers by entering the Speed Force itself, he became consciously aware of it to strengthen his connection, realizing much of his true potential. This gave him much greater instinctual efficiency, able to perform more advanced abilities and improved his natural performance for much longer durations unhindered. To which, by May of 2017, his continually growing power enabled him to defeat Savitar, the reputed fastest of all speedsters.
    • Accelerated healing factor: Barry has dramatically heightened healing capacities. His molecules move at accelerated rates, causing his metabolism to mend any damages much quicker and efficiently than regular humans. He needs only hours if not minutes to recover with no treatment or lingering signs of the injury. Even normally permanent damage, like paraplegia, will completely repair itself within days. He recovers from any illness or contaminant instantly if not completely immune to it. Being injected with 2,000 milligrams of horse tranquilizer only momentarily slowed down until his body burned through it. This also enhances his vitality, drastically reducing his aging process while extending his health and longevity.
    • Bodily vibration: Barry can vibrate different body parts for various effects. This can mask his form from being clearly perceived or distort his vocal cords to disguise his voice. He can vibrate to forcibly expel any toxins that do affect him. He can also generate great amounts of heat to recover and even be kept thermally insolated from extreme cold. Offensively, he can vibrate his limbs to seamlessly grind through highly solid targets. If he desires, he can use this skill to harm or kill a person, as he was tempted to do to Zoom.
      • Geokinesis: By vibrating at varying frequencies and with different levels of force, Barry can create small tremors to induce extreme amounts of jolt on any target he touches, even disrupt the inter-molecular bonds and cause it to shatter. He shook S.T.A.R. Labs when he passed Mach 2 for the first time. His vibrations can even shatter targets into fragments, as he did to Savitar's armor once inside it.
      • Phasing: By vibrating his molecules at the frequency of air, Barry can physically pass through solid objects. He could later do this with multiple targets, saving an entire moving train and hundreds of passengers. His efficiency can harmlessly pass through living individuals as he did to escape Atom Smasher's grasp. He can also pass through the highly complex carbine while in another universe that's vibrational frequencies differed from his own. Alternatively, he can use this as a weapon by passing his punch through a person's body, incapacitating them as he did against Solovar. During his final fight against Savitar, Barry's efficiency was able to simultaneously shift the time remnant out of its armor and encase himself in it.
    • Electrokinesis: While generating enough velocity, Barry can produce yellow electricity from his body, most commonly seen when moving at high speeds, and use it in many ways. He can focus the energy into specific part of his body to produce a strong static shock on contact with the target. Taught by Hunter Zolomon, Barry can harness this build-up of electricity, to which he can repeatedly hurl lightning to stun or repel enemies, and also electrify water.
      • Speed Force sharing: In addition to his Speed Force energy protecting him from extreme speeds, Barry can also expand it to protect others he carries while moving at such levels. After regaining his powers and obtaining greater understanding of them, Barry learned to use the Speed Force in more passive means. He can temporarily let others experience the energy, letting them heal as fast as himself, as shown when he made Jessie recover immediately from a coma by touching her. Later taught by Jay Garrick, Barry can siphon the speed from another speedster to bolster his own.
    • Enhanced mental process: Barry's speed enhances and extends to his mental capacities, making his system and thought processing able to take in and retain information just as fast and efficiently. Even while using his raw speed, he can clearly think, react to events, and perform actions long before normal humans can perceive them. This lets him learn in a small fraction of the normal time, able to familiarize himself with Earth-Two science within minutes.
      • Enhanced perceptions: Barry's speed extends to and enhances his senses. This allows Barry to perceive the world as if it is nearly frozen, as well as see and hear normally, even while moving at speeds faster than sound, where this would normally be impossible.
      • Superhuman reflexes: Barry's reaction time is augmented to superhuman levels, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than normal humans. When shot in the neck on his blindside, Barry caught the bullet and minimize the damage before it could fully penetrate his skin.
    • Enhanced strength: Barry's physical strength has been heightened to peak human capacities, greatly belying his slim built, allowing him to be able to carry multiple people at once while speeding away with them. When charging his momentum, he could smash through machinery with his bare hands or send opponents flying through the air without first running.
    • Superhuman agility: Barry has demonstrated flawless coordination, equilibrium and dexterity. He can change direction with immediate sharp turns without sliding or losing balance. He can jump and run along falling debris and launch himself tremendous distances with little build-up.
    • Superhuman durability: Barry possesses inhuman resilience to injury, taking attacks and exertion much easier than normal humans and surviving impacts that would easily harm or kill a normal person. While not invulnerable nor immune to pain, he withstood Weather Wizard's lightning, the concussive blasts of Deathstorm and Reverb, and Grodd's powerful strikes, only being momentarily stunned. After regaining his powers, his resilience increased as he could quickly rebound from the zombie Girder's attacks, who could seriously injure him during their last encounter. Barry could also withstand sonic blasts from Black Siren that are powerful enough to kill normal humans. He has repeatedly survived falls from great heights with little to no harm.
    • Superhuman speed: Barry can move at vast speeds, able to run across vertical structures and over large masses of water. Using this for his various daily activities, he can complete them all in seconds. According to Eobard Thawne, Barry's speed is potentially limitless. While reaching Mach 3.3 on his own and later Mach 13.2 from tachyons, since increasing connection to the Speed Force, Barry has continually grown faster. Even when weakened in the Flashpoint timeline, he was able to decisively beat Edward Clariss/The Rival. By the time Savitar escaped the Speed Force, Barry could outrun Time Wraiths and Hunter Zolomon (now an enhanced Speed Force enforcer). In his final fight against Savitar, in desperation to save his loved ones, Barry's speed exceeded Savitar's, able to reach him and knock him out of his armor before he could react.
      • Superhuman momentum: Barry can generate great amounts of physical force through kinetic energy, simulating superhuman strength, even in a stationary position. He can propel himself through the air to jump tremendous heights and distances. He can also create substantial frictional force with any object he touches, and exert enough force to send people flying through the air with his attacks. This seemingly negates the weight of his target, letting him propel targets several feet and manipulate their flight path. Barry can redirect a launched bullet with no lose of force and hurl one with enough force to penetrate a powerful barrier and still pierce clean through a person. He can completely removing the physical force from massive tidal waves, stabilize a giant singularity, or dispel F3 tornadoes by running around them. He can also snap his fingers to ignite flammable gas with the friction.
      • Aerokinesis: Barry can use his speed to generate air flows on various levels and for various effects. He can create vortexes to suffocate people or extinguish fires by forming it around them. He can create large and strong tornadoes, able to repel massive targets. Alternatively, he can use this skill to propel himself through the air as a pseudo-form of flying.
      • Interdimensional travel: Barry can move fast enough to break open portals between dimensions, allowing him to travel to different universes. If desired, Barry can also bring others with him as he did with Harry and Cisco to Earth Two. While originally he could not consciously control this, as his first solo use was done by accident and required assistance to return home, after greatly increasing his Speed Force connection, he can break open portals of his own accord and consciously chose his destination, even into the Speed Force itself.
      • Speed mirages: Barry can generate illusions of himself to make it appear as if he in many places at once, when in reality he is simply bouncing back and forth too fast for the human mind to perceive the difference. He can create dozens of after-images, allowing him to disorientate his enemies and then catch them off guard.
    • Time travel: Barry's speed can breach the temporal barriers, letting him enter different points in time. While originally only accessed by accident when under extreme stress, Barry learned to use it at will and arrive at a destination with pinpoint accuracy. He can do this in one of two ways; either enter timelines independent from himself and unaffected by his travels or perform a time do-over, wherein he "merges" with his temporal counterpart to be fully immerse in the timeline. Regardless of the changes he makes, Barry's powers can leave him unchanged to retain all memories of the previous timeline in addition to the new timeline and differentiate between the two.
      • Time remnant: Barry is able to "create" a time remnant by traveling back to moments before his current self time travels, hailing from a future that no longer exists. This allows Barry to be two places at once, enabling him to interact with the world for two separate actions simultaneously. If desired, Barry can create dozens of time remnants at once.
    • Superhuman stamina: Barry can handle the stresses of extreme racing without noticeable distress, letting him function much longer than normal humans unhindered. His enhanced stamina is due to his augmented physiology, which builds up little to no lactic acid or fatigue toxins. Even after running from coast to coast of the country to pick up a pizza, Barry remained unfazed from the prolonged running.

  • Artistic: Barry is shown to be an effective sketch artist as he redrew an image of Vandal Savage's face, which freaked out John Diggle.
  • Dancing: As shown in Music Meister's dream world, Barry is a talented dancer, particularly in tap and ballroom.
  • Expert computer skills: Barry is adept with computers, as he was the only one who could write an algorithm to find Livewire that monitored the electrical manipulations to the network that her powers cause.
  • Expert engineer: Barry has very advanced skill in technology. He was skilled enough to recreate from memory a variation of the earpieces used against Hartley Rathaway to help himself and Supergirl confront the sonic-powered Silver Banshee. He was also able to build a prison from which Reverse-Flash couldn't escape. In one possible future he creates Gideon, a very sophisticated artificial intelligence unit that's system was so complicated that even Cisco had no idea of how it works.
  • Expert scientist/Forensic expert: Barry is a highly skilled forensics examiner. From a single glance of the crime scene, he can quickly determine much of the events that transpired. Barry has repeatedly been able to quickly analyze any given data and quickly form accurate theories on the given situation. With the Arrow, Barry correctly determined the Arrow's training background from his green attire, and that the Arrow has at least one accomplice.
  • Genius-level intellect/Skilled tactician/Leader: A keen-minded individual, from a young age, Barry quickly showed a natural understanding and quick capacity to learn, making it hard for his foster-father Joe to help him with homework by age twelve. Additionally, something he learned from Oliver, Barry is able to analyze environments and predict every inch of it. Barry is also very well-read, greatly impressing the award-winning Professor Martin Stein. Barry is a capable tactician and leader. After Eobard Thawne was defeated, Barry was able to keep his team together and lead it well. Even more, Eobard (as Harrison Wells) made him the new CEO/Owner of S.T.A.R. Labs. He is also a quick study and sharp memory as after reading through the various Earth-Two advances in physics, he instantly began making effective use of it.
  • Physics/Chemistry expert: Barry's knowledge and skill in chemistry is very advanced, shown when he was terrified at how certain dangerous chemicals were stored at a lab at Queen Consolidated. He was also able to cure Oliver Queen using only a small amount of rat poison and consequently dosed with a blood coagulant. He also create a compressible micro-fabric green domino mask for Oliver to conceal his identity more effectively without affecting Oliver's sight and aim. Barry's knowledge on physics possibly ranks among the best on Earth One and Two as he was able to apply to apply a newfound science and figure out how to close the various breaches between worlds.
  • Singing: While not a fan of performing and being quite modest about this skill, Barry is shown to be a high quality singer. When being dragged into singing at a dive bar, it ultimately attracted the attention of Linda Park. He further demonstrated this skill in the dream world conjured by the Music Meister and even impressed Kara Danvers.
  • Skilled hand-to-hand combatant: Despite not having much training or experience in unarmed combat, Barry's superhuman speed and reflexes combined with his intelligence makes him a formidable opponent. He was able to fight Oliver as an equal, despite the latter being more experienced in unarmed combat than Barry. Through his various battles however, Barry continued to improve his prowess, becoming a highly proficient self-taught brawler as he decisively defeated three fellow speedsters, Hunter Zolomon and Eobard Thawne, along with the Flashpoint timeline speedster while being affected by memory altercations of Flashpoint, Edward Clariss. Barry was also able to hold his own against Savitar in a later encounter, landing a few effective blows as well as blocking and countering some of his attacks. He could also fend off Hunter Zolomon's new form as the Speed Force Enforcer for a time. He was skilled enough to take out 2 A.R.G.U.S. agents by himself with no powers.
  • Speed Force expert: After receiving the speed equation from Eobard, Barry gained great intelligence about the Speed Force and its usage. After regaining his connection to the Speed Force, Barry gained an even greater understanding of its nature. Furthermore, he knows how to nullify another speedster's power as he did to Eobard for three months, which he may have learned from Zoom's prison.

Earpieces: On his suit's cowl, Cisco installed two lightning-bolt shaped earpieces on Barry's suit to maintain a communication link, which he can manually turn off. The devices also include headset cameras to maintain video coverage.

  • Hidden camera: Cisco installed a mini-camera in the emblem on Barry's suit to give his team live video coverage in order to see where he is and better assist him.
  • The Flash suit: Barry wears a protective suit as the Flash, to hide his identity when fighting crime designed by Cisco Ramon. The suit is made out of a reinforced tri-polymer and is heat and abrasive resistant, organically designed to replace firefighter turnouts. It was re-purposed to help protect Barry from the vigor's of his speed and survive certain environments. It also includes built-in sensors to track Barry's vitals, location, power output, speed level, and to stay in contact with S.T.A.R. Labs.

▪ Cold temperatures: Because speed is produced by a build-up of heat in the target's atoms, Barry is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures. Under these conditions, Barry's speed will be greatly reduced. Also, direct exposure to such cold will temporarily stunt his healing capacities.

  • Electricity absorption: Barry's unique biology causes his body to produce massive amounts of electricity, which charges his molecules to allow for his accelerated movements. Should Barry be drained of this electrical energy, he will lose his powers. However, as this power is genetically coded to his DNA, he can potentially regain his speed by using more electricity to jump-start it.
  • Hyper-metabolism: While moving at accelerated speeds, Barry burns calories much faster than a normal person. While breaking down food far more efficiently, it requires him to consume large amounts of nutrients. Continued usage of his speed while deprived renders him disoriented and weak before ultimately passing out from low blood glucose. Also, because of his accelerated healing, he is unaffected by sedatives as he burns through them too quickly to have any effect. He also cannot experience a buzz from drunking as even a 500 proof alcohol only intoxicated for a few seconds. After naturally increasing his connection to the Speed Force, his performance noticeably increased, requiring noticeably less nourishment in-between his vigilante exploits.
  • Kinetic energy absorption: Because Barry's abilities are derived from movement, the removal of the kinetic energy he builds up will leave him in a state of temporary paralysis. However, if he can build back up enough kinetic energy within himself, the effect can be instantly negated.
  • Mortal wounds: Despite his enhanced healing, Barry can still potentially be killed by massive enough damage done to vital organs like his heart or brain.
  • Power-dampening tech: Like most meta-humans, Barry's powers can be weakened, even disrupted, by specially designed tech that effects his resonance field. Each time he was trapped in the particle accelerator's pipeline, he required someone to free him from outside. As shown by Cisco Ramon of 2024, this tech can also interfere with the more advanced powers of a speedsters without slowing them down, as Cisco prevented Barry from running back in time despite still having the necessary speed.
  • Time alterations: While Barry's speed can break through the temporal barrier, it is not without drawbacks. In addition to potentially causing unforeseeable, damaging changes to the timeline, such reckless actions can alert the Time Wraiths. These temporal guardians become instinctively drawn to the careless speedster, driven to capture him and draw the person into the Speed Force. Also, as shown in "Flashpoint", using his powers in a timeline he didn't actually acquire them will gradually deplete them and make him forget the original timeline.
Name: Oi, so now I get chosen to come back after all this time? Oh sure whatever, was it finally that my irresistible good looks got to you finally? Oh, come on! You've always said you hated your curly, messy hair! Yes... I know I said that before but... Wait why the hell are you here Deadpool? We have the same RPer here remember? My claim to the protagonist of protagonists must also never be tarnished! Well, for someone who is talking about appearances you honestly look like a ground zero patient for leprosy. ... Normally I would maybe get mad at that, but you are a cool guy so I'm proud of you for making that joke. Alright, now getting back to what I was now going to say... The name's Sakata Gintoki, or Gintoki Sakata if your Western.
Nickname(s): I was once known as the Shiroyasha, which translates to 'White Demon' for my actions in the Joui War, long story blah blah blah
Alignment: I fall more under Neutral Good.





Gintoki is extremely lazy, and can be quite snarky. He is often seen wearing an "extremely dumb" expression on his face, and spends his days lounging around reading Jump whilst imparting wise and sage-like advice to his younger employees, even though he doesn't actually know what he's talking about most of the time. Due to his poverty and unwillingness to do (mostly) anything, he is always behind on his rent and often runs away when Otose, his landlady, comes to collect the rent. He often blows all of his savings on Pachinko and other gambling games, which Shinpachi and Kagura often scold him for. However, even though he is lazy most of the time, Gintoki is quite dedicated to his jobs, and tries to help people to the best of his ability (albeit usually in very strange and twisted ways). He also has a quite dirty mind, which can be seen when he "mistakenly" insinuated Hinowa's statement in the Courtesan of a Nation Arc to mean that he, Tsukuyo, Hinowa, and Suzuran could have a foursome.

Gintoki's past continues to influence who he is and how he acts. He admitted to Umibozu in episode 42 that he believes that having a loving family is all someone really needs in life, due to his lack of a family during his childhood. He is very respectful of the memory of his teacher Yoshida Shouyou due to his kind actions (the arrest of his teacher is probably one of the main reasons he joined the Joui war). When Jiraia called himself Tsukuyo's teacher, yet harmed her both emotionally and physically, his ideal for what a teacher was supposed to be resulted in Gintoki becoming enraged and taking his anger out on Jiraia.

His inability to protect many of his friends in the Joui war still haunts him, especially the crushing guilt and regret that consumed him when the Tendoshuu (under order of Sada Sada), forced him to execute his own teacher in front of Takasugi and Katsura. As a result, he is very protective of his current friends, and holds very little value in his own life. This carelessness can be seen in how Gintoki can plow through armies without tiring, apathetic to the serious injuries he sustains whilst cutting down his enemies. He told Kawakami Bansai during the Shinsengumi Mutiny Arc that the only reason he fought in the Joui war was to protect his friends, not for his country or the samurai way.

The more comical stories depicts Gintoki as a coward, attempting to leave behind many of his friends to save his own life. However, he is willing to risk his life for anyone, and is shown to be extremely caring towards his friends, and has killed Naraku members, terrorists, and Amanto to protect them. He is extremely frightened of ghosts, but will usually deny their existence so that he doesn't look like a coward. His fear for the supernatural is shared by Hijikata Toushirou, and usually results in quite a few comedic interactions between the two.

He has many childish personality traits despite his age, and has even called himself a "child in a man's body." One such trait is his insatiable love for sweets, which has placed him at a risk of getting diabetes several times. His favorite food is the chocolate parfait, and he loves chugging down strawberry milk whenever he can get access to it.

He loves alcohol but his tolerance for sake is not high. At one point, his tendency to get completely smashed and act like a complete idiot while being completely smashed resulted in the major female characters: Otose, Otae, Kyuubei, Sarutobi Ayame and Tsukuyo deciding to teach him a lesson by playing a prank on him along with Zenzou during the Scandal arc.

Gintoki seems to dislike his curly perm hair, stating in Episode 5 that his lack of girlfriends is due to this hairstyle.

Though several female characters have shown an interest in Gintoki, such as Shimura Tae, Sarutobi Ayame, Tsukuyo , it is shown that most of their love is unrequited. However, he does have a huge crush on the weather girl, Ketsuno Ana, and once stated he wished to marry her (possibly because of the kind personality he sees on TV). While Gintoki does not seem to care for any of the women he knows, he still gets excited when he sees random beautiful women. This was proven during Episode 217, when he was spying on the women in the pool with binoculars and got super excited, until he found out the woman he had taken a liking to was Tsukuyo. After realizing this, he lost all interest, commenting on how she is a "drunk terminator." He also got excited when he saw a girl with "big jugs", not realizing the girl was actually Kyuubei.

According to Tama, Gintoki is quite the sadist, much like Okita Sougo. This may possibly explain why Sougo feels a certain attachment to him, as he addresses Gintoki as "Danna" (Boss).This can be showed as he always mistreat Sarutobi, Katsura and Hijjikata is various extreme ways and his tendencies on quiting easily on certain moments which can lead to a punishment and someone death in which he can handle easily and even enjoy it.He is actually have some knowledge on certain sadistic and abusive fore-play showed thoughout the series as he hires prostitutes for shinpachi(wearing BDSM outfit and bringing certain toys?) and sarutobi obsession on him.He also did mentioned that he has quite a sadist liking to see Ana (who he has a crush on) be abused and his tendencies to abuse everyone he is attached to.

Despite all of these traits (or perhaps due to these traits) Gintoki possesses an immense amount of charisma, and has amassed a quite large group of friends. When it is needed, he is able to impart words of wisdom, and can make those around him feel much more alive even with his inappropriate jokes and deadpan statements. This ability has given him very loyal allies, friends, and even former enemies. As Hinowa pointed out, he was able to affect Tsukuyo (who is usually a dead-serious and cold-blooded individual), and even made friends with the Shogun, despite the situation always turning out less-than-ideal whenever the latter would be around.


It is unknown where he was born, what happened to his parents nor what he was doing before becoming a child scavenger. It is also unknown how long he was doing this; he gained the nickname "corpse-eating demon" from the nearby villagers due to being commonly seen wandering in deserted battlefields searching corpses for food and weapons to survive. During one such search, Gintoki encounters Yoshida Shouyou, who had heard the rumors about the child and came to investigate. Taking a liking to Gintoki and seeing himself in the child, Shouyou gave Gintoki his sword and asked him to come. Gintoki becomes Shouyou's first student of his newly opened school, Shoka Sonjuku, where he learned basic swordsmanship and academics. After gathering more students, all mostly poor, the school earns the attention and scrutiny of the wealthier people in the village. They also gained the attention of two military academy students who have become disillusioned with the academy and the people attending it, Takasugi Shinsuke and Katsura Kotarou. The two were attracted by the school's goal for the children, striving to achieve your own ideal of a samurai while struggling against yourself. The two will later join officially after helping to fend off some officals from trying to arrest Shouyou. Gintoki himself will later earn a rival in Takasugi.

Years later during the Kansei Purge, despite Gintoki's best efforts to stop them, the Tenshouin Naraku arrested Shouyou and burned down the school. Before leaving, Shouyou asked Gintoki to protect his fellow students as a promise; Gintoki mentally agreed. After learning what happened, the students decided to join the ongoing Joui Wars on the Joui side to rescue their imprisoned teacher. They met Sakamoto Tatsuma during the fighting and Gintoki gains the nickname Shiroyasha "White Demon" due to his mostly white attire (and silver hair) and his ferocious fighting style. At one point, Takasugi asked Gintoki to protect Shouyou in his stead though Gintoki never truly agreed and instead asked Takasugi for a promise to stay alive. During a battle (but after Sakamoto was taken off the front lines because of an injury), everyone except Katsura, Takasugi, and Gintoki were killed while said trio were captured. Gintoki was forced to choose between killing Shouyou to save Katsura and Takasugi or do the opposite. He decides to keep his promise to Shouyou to protect his friends but in turn "broke" his promise to Takasugi. Shouyou gives him a final "thank you" before Gintoki beheaded him. After their enemies left, the trio buried their teacher's head and their comrades' corpses then went their separate ways, leaving the war. Sakamoto was only able to find Gintoki before he, too left.

Sometime later, a wandering Gintoki overheard a man trying to offer his daughter up to be executed in his place to a group of officials. The man was a Joui informant who had given up information on certain Joui and their families to these officials that belonged to a political faction in the government. Gintoki offered himself up in the daughter's place to protect her and both he and the informant were arrested. He was beaten then jailed where he unknowingly met the daughter, who was adopted by the executioner, the 16th Ikeda Yaemon and then the executioner himself. He saw Gintoki's deeds and after executing Asaemon's father, declared that he had no right to execute the person who was a good man then released him. Injured and starving, he wandered in the cold winter night to a graveyard to die until encountering Otose leaving food offerings to her husband's grave that he was leaning against. He asked her if he could have the manjuu offerings she set out, and she told him to ask her husband, who was receiving the offerings, instead of her. Gintoki then ate her husband's manjuu without asking him, saying that dead people did not talk. In return, he made a promise to her husband that he would protect Otose until she dies.

After this encounter, Gintoki became a tenant on the second floor of Snack Otose, and founded the Old Yorozuya with Kanemaru, Ikesawa and Furuhashi. Together, their business flourished and they became famous. Nevertheless, for many reasons, Gintoki threw his partners into a river, thus ending up working in the Yorozuya alone until the start of the series.


Gintoki's feats are very wide, being a veteran in the joui war. His powerful swordplay and range of abilities gave him the nickname "Shiroyasha" (meaning "white demon"). He is capable of turning the tide of any battle, being called the ace by Katsura and Takasugi. He defeated strong Amanto, killing many high ranking one even those who are in legendary status (like enma and ogre) he's also strong enough to defeat opponents considered the strongest in there respective class.

Immense Strength: From the Yorozuya trio, Gintoki's physical strength is not as high as Kagura's, given the fact that he is human, while Kagura is from the Yato Clan. However, Gintoki's physical strength is still nothing to scoff at, and he is probably the strongest human known so far, strong enough to even be recognized by Kamui, one of the strongest Yato in the series. He can destroy enormous pieces of machinery or drive his blunt bokuto through a man's skull with ease. When fighting Kawakami Bansai, Gintoki was able to break through his strings, which had stated to have been as strong as steel, with nothing but brute strength alone. He was also able to single-handedly pull down Bansai's helicopter with his power.

Tremendous Endurance: One of Gintoki's defining traits is his extreme level of physical endurance. Gintoki fights without consideration for his life a majority of the time and, while this gives him the ability to fight without limits, is also a testament to how little Gintoki values his own life. Coupled with his incredibly high pain tolerance, this makes him an incredibly fearsome fighter. A mere day after having his forearm impaled by Doromizu Jirochou, Gintoki fought evenly alongside him to defeat dozens of Shinra assassins, withstanding countless injuries in the process and losing very high amounts of blood.

Agility: Gintoki is incredibly nimble, capable of matching the agility of the renowned shinobi Hattori Zenzou. In addition, his reflexes (while often downplayed for comedic purposes) are great, and he is capable of dodging, deflecting, or in some instances, throwing back knives, arrows and similar projectiles.

When Gintoki is particularly enraged, his speed and reflexes reach absurd heights, allowing him to perform such feats as shattering a sword in mid-swing with his teeth or closing meters of distance between himself and his target in a fraction of a second.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Gintoki's swordsmanship is rough, but far from unrefined. He tends to wield even full-length katanas one-handed, with fairly wide but quick chops. His level of skill has been complimented by several esteemed swordmasters, such as Yagyuu Binbokusai, who noted that his style is something not taught, but developed by Gintoki himself.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: As part of his brawler-like fighting style, Gintoki regularly uses his fists and kicks in combat. As such, he is far less bothered by being caught unarmed than most other swordsmen in the series. While his bokuto is usually used to deliver the final blow against an opponent, many of his most consistent, damaging attacks are kicks delivered to the torso.

Combat Intuition: Gintoki is noticeably skilled in terms of battlefield tactics, likely due to his extensive experience. He is capable of developing adaptive strategies as he fights, often within seconds, and knows exactly what to look for in an opponent's fighting style to create openings for himself.

Weapon Expertise: While Gintoki vastly prefers to make use of his swordsmanship in combat, he is well-versed in the use of many types of weapons, from naginatas and kunai to senbon and explosives. Likely due to his training as a samurai and time spent on the battlefield, he is able to incorporate the use of almost anything he finds in a fight, and frequently catches his opponents off-guard by using his surroundings against them.

Spiritual Affinity: Gintoki can see and communicate with spirits, as shown during the Ghost Ryokan Arc. However, this ability has failed to manifest on a few occasions and likely simply applies to specific types of spirits.

Musical Talent: Gintoki is shown to be a passable singer and is capable of using the Shamisen.


Gintoki's Bokutō, also known as Toyako Bokutō is the main weapon used by Sakata Gintoki, and Gintoki regularly uses it as a substitute for a real sword due to the Bakufu's ban on swords.

It is a wooden sword with the words "Lake Toya" inscribed on it that Gin supposedly bought at Lake Toya during a class trip in his youth. In reality, the bokuto he wields is a Hoshikudaki (星砕, lit. star smasher), a bokuto created from a ten-thousand year old tree from another planet that cuts through almost anything.

But despite its great power, especially in the hands of its wielder, the sword is occasionally seen breaking during more intense fights and does not hold up as well against a sword wielded by an equal or stronger opponent. Whenever one breaks or is stolen, Gin replaces it by purchasing it through a TV shopping program, asking them to inscribe "Lake Toya" on it prior to delivery, therefore replacing his old sword without suspicion.

This "claim" of the sword's actual origin of it being a hoshikudaki is still vague, and perhaps slightly embellished by Gintoki, stating he may have made up the legend just for fun, which isn't unlikely due to his nature.

Using this sword, Gintoki is often seen cutting, smashing and basically destroying all kinds of strong objects such as a metal cannon or a stone wall, proving his skills are still quite polished through this sword, regardless of its unique nature.

The Bokutō was modified by Hiraga Gengai during the Fuyo Arc to dispense soy-sauce, which Gintoki only found out while they were on the run on Gengai's caterpillar-track vehicle from the robot maids.


His biggest weakness is his rage/anger where he was easily defeated by Oboro and Jirochou due to this when he found out they caused Shoyou to be taken, even though he easily defeated both in the second fight (also third in Oboro's case). He is also on the verge of diabetes, extremely lazy, and terrified of ghosts. Also his past does strike a nerve in him from time to time
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Name: Leonard Snart

Nickname(s): Captain Cold, Cold

Alignment: True Neutral



Fandom: CW/Arrowverse

Personality: Leonard is a ruthless man who has a calm, composed and level-headed demeanor, rarely ever losing his temper or giving into emotions. Although he never finished high school, he is intelligent and patient, staking out a job for months before making his move, emphasizing timing, precision, and minimizing possible leads on him and his activities by refusing to kill unless necessary. He was also clever enough to deduce that what stopped his job at the armored car was in fact a man, and that he would need a weapon to halt Barry, choosing the Cold Gun for this very reason. Leonard has, however, begun to revel in his new-found weapon's power, and his battles with the Flash have begun to alter his perceptions of how the job works, transforming from an armed robber into a "supervillain" that would directly challenge the Flash. The change in his demeanor is astounding, as Leonard can be seen acting much more ruthless before meeting the Flash: he killed the man who supplied him the Cold Gun for the sake of convenience, and before that tried to kill Sam Scudder and Rosa Dillon for going against his orders as a crime boss.

Despite his unapologetic criminal lifestyle, Leonard sees and declares himself as a man of his word. This is demonstrated further, when he promises to release Cisco if he tells him who the Flash is. Although he does torture Dante to get this information from him, he keeps his word afterwards and lets both Cisco and his brother go. However he doesn't always keep his word when he betrays his alliance with Barry by setting the meta humans free. Leonard simply defends his actions by claiming that he is a criminal that saw an opportunity and used it for his own benefit because that's who he is.

Regardless of Leonard's ruthless nature, one of the only things he does care about is his younger sister Lisa, who he has a close relationship with her, despite her immaturity. He severely despises his father Lewis, for what he did to him and his sister; for physically abusing them as children for no apparent reason, he became disgusted when Lewis planted a bomb inside Lisa's head in order to manipulate him into helping him with one of his heists, however, after Barry told him that the bomb was removed from Lisa, without hesitation he killed his father for what he did to his sister. He is also quite prideful; Barry deduced that Snart was going along with his father's plans because Lisa was being threatened because he concluded that Snart would have tried to dig the miniature bomb out of his own head if one was planted in him. A similar case happened in "Left Behind", as while Snart was handcuffed to a wall, he managed to reach his Cold Gun, and when he could not use it while he was restrained, he used his feet to fire the gun and intentionally turn his hand to ice and then proceeded to shatter it against the ground, despite the great pain of it. He still walked out without much grief over his injuries, focusing on escaping and the task of stopping the team from killing Chronos, who was actually Mick Rory.

Despite being enemies most of the time, Leonard and Barry seem to possess a mutual respect for each other; although he betrayed him, Leonard saved Barry from certain death at the hands of Jake Simmons. A few months afterwards, his liking of Barry increased to the point he felt genuine remorse after his father shot him. Barry also visited Leonard upon the latter's arrest. Leonard even refused to go along with Mark Mardon and James Jesse's plan to kill Barry and instead warned him of what they were up to before departing. Leonard deeply cares about his sister, going as far as working with a man he slightly hates (due to his more moral and honorable ways) in order to keep her safe. All of these qualities have led Barry to believe Leonard has good inside of him and that he'll eventually change his ways (although Leonard jokingly remarks that heroes don't get paid enough). Another instance is when Snart is broken out of prison, instead of going after Barry to kill him, he warns him. When Barry asks where the other two (Mark and Jesse) are, Snart says "Barry and his friends love to solve a good mystery" and goes to leave. Barry snorts at this and tells Snart that he's there because he (Barry and co) saved Lisa and Snart doesn't like owing him one and that's called honor. Snart is quiet for a brief moment before wishing Barry and Iris merry Christmas and leaves.

Leonard also possesses a code of honor when it comes to his teammates, shown when he becomes a full-fledged member of Rip Hunter's team after Carter Hall is murdered by Vandal Savage. When he deduces that Hunter wants Sara Lance to kill Martin Stein in order to prevent the devastation of the Cold War in the present time if Stein breaks and agrees to help the Soviets create their own Firestorm, Leonard is against the idea as he doesn't believe in turning on his own team members and manages to talk Sara out of shooting Stein, showing a profound understanding of her nature and drives and expertly employing reverse psychology. Proving himself not a hypocrite, Leonard also refused to kill Jax when he was mutated by Savage into a feral bird-creature, allowing his team to ultimately cure Jax. When he threatened Sara Lance at gunpoint, trying to force her to escape the Vanishing Point on the timeship while abandoning the rest of the team, she stood her ground without fear, knowing that for all his threats, Snart was no longer the cold-blood murderer, but a hero, who'd never kill his teammates. That proved to be true after Snart admitted his bluff and helped Sara with the rescue of their team members captured by the Time Masters. During the rescue they encountered Mick Rory, seemingly brainwashed into being Chronos once again. Snart refused to attack his friend, which was recognized by Rory, who turned on the Time Masers instead.

Leonard is incredibly charismatic, maintaining the image of a "lovable rogue", using his charms to get important information, obfuscate his thievery or convince people of his trustworthiness. This way, he gained the trust of Valentina Vostok and Cassandra Savage. Leonard himself was interested in Sara Lance, flirting with her on occasion, drinking and playing cards with her and even apologizing for being "a jerk". However, Sara declined his advances with a smile on her face, saying that he'd need to be a master thief to steal a kiss from her. Despite this, Sara and Leonard kissed at the Vanishing Point, when Leonard decided to sacrifice his life to destroy the Oculus device in Mick Rory's and Ray Palmer's stead.[19]

Being prone to controlling or playing others, Leonard absolutely detests the idea of being controlled or manipulated by anyone or anything. He values his free will and the ability to make his own choices and will do anything to hold on to that freedom. This is a trait that is so dominating in his personality that he destroyed the Oculus in the Vanishing Point not just out of compassion for his teammates, but because he wanted to make sure that no one else would be manipulated by the "Time Bastards" as he referred to them.

Backstory: http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Leonard_Snart

▪ High-level intellect/Master tactician:
Leonard's most noticeable and dangerous trait is high intellect, making him a threat even to metahumans like the Flash. Very calculating and methodical in every action he takes, Leonard is infamous for analyzing and preparing for events well in advance. He is able to plan for every plausible detail several steps ahead and even when new variables come into play, he can calmly change tactics to escape unscathed. Likewise, he is highly adept in misdirections and subtle manipulations of his targets/enemies to suit his plans. Despite dropping out of high school, Leonard has repeatedly shown an advanced knowledge of various subjects, including biology and engineering, able to at least understand the nature to which they operate. Leonard is very charming (when he wants to be), able to seduce Valentina Vostok. He is also shown to be very persuasive, able to sway the immensely loyal lieutenant, Cassandra Savage, to turn on her father, Vandal Savage, and aid the resistance.

  • Eidetic memory: In his nature for preparation, Leonard has repeatedly displayed an unusually adept memory, being capable of memorizing the details of every job before mobilizing simply by analyzing the information. For more regular use, Leonard is able to memorize every last meticulous detail of the highly technologically advanced Cold Gun to personally perform regular maintenance and repairs without the need of instructions or schematics. He did this to have a better control and usage of his signature Cold Gun by learning all of its parts and inner workings after disassembling and reassembling his weapon.
  • Expert engineer: While not as skillful as Cisco Ramon or Ray Palmer, Leonard has adept skill in electrical engineering, obtaining this skill from growing up with his father, forced to regularly join and aid him in thefts. He is able to quickly understand a software setup and effectively deactivate it. Likewise, he was shown able to modify his Cold Gun for additional features.
  • Expert marksman/Firearms: While normally preferring to avoid killing when not necessary as to not sully his plans, Leonard is more than proficient with a gun. He is also proficient with regular weapons, such as the handgun he used before using his Cold Gun and the revolver he used in the Old West, as he could outdraw seasoned gunman who were used to using such weapons. He was shown to also be a skilled sharpshooter and sniper, as he used a rifle to shoot a gun from a man's hand from a window several buildings away.
    • Cold Gun proficiency: After making the cold gun his signature weapon, Leonard showed considerable aim and tactical usage of the gun, such as freezing the ground to make an opponent trip, freezing water from a fire hydrant to create a wall of ice. He is even able to use it against the Flash, able to hit his enemy, despite the former moving at superhuman speed. He can also use it in various ways, such as freezing someone to the point that they become a block of ice and can shatter or can create ice shards to pierce someone with.
  • Escapology: In addition to constantly evading capture, Leonard is shown a regular knack for escaping after any actual capture. As noted with Rory, the two have quite often escaped prisons together. He is also an excellent escape artist, able to seamlessly slip out of handcuffs.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Brawler: Despite his composed demeanor, Leonard is a very capable unarmed fighter. When seemingly taken captive by a mafia boss, he and Rory quickly broke free and killed the mafia boss and most of his men with ease while his hands were still bound. His abilities are somewhat inferior to Rory's, as during their brawl after Rory's betrayal, he quickly pummeled Leonard without taking much damage himself.
  • Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain: While selfish and ruthless by nature, Leonard is a man with great conviction in any action he takes. When handcuffed to the wall by "Chronos", with almost no hesitation Leonard used his Cold Gun as means to escape, freezing his right hand and shattering it to escape. After which, despite the immense pain, he quickly sought his allies.
  • Keen instincts: Leonard is able to sense incoming danger without relying on any of his natural five senses. Even while playing cards with Sara, he was able to sense danger incoming.
  • Master thief: Over the years of criminal experience, Leonard has mastered the art of thieving, from armored car heists, jewel theft and bank robbery, he displays the utmost skill.
Cold Gun: Generating a beam of absolute zero temperature, the weapon freezes whatever it touches and creating solid ice. It can also slow down the motion of fast moving molecules, specifically those of the Flash, retarding his accelerated healing and vastly reducing his speed. It also gives off bright white and blue flashes that the user protects their eyes from with goggles.

  • Goggles: Leonard also wears a pair of blue wraparound goggles, which are designed to protect his eyes from the flashes given off by his cold gun.
Weaknesses: Snart’s only real weaknesses, other than his mortality, are his sister and being outplayed. If someone uses his sister as leverage against him, as his father Luis did to get him to cooperate on a heist, he will be compliant in whatever is asked of him to keep his sister safe. Should he be outplayed and outplanned, which is a possibility, he’ll certainly be forced in a position to stand down.
Name: Mick Rory

Nickname(s): Heat Wave

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Fandom: CW/Arrowverse

Personality: Mick is obsessive, unstable, a pyromaniac, hot-headed and sometimes loses focus. He is highly impulsive, combative, and is somewhat hyperactive as he despises sitting around and doing nothing. He is certainly a man of action who prefers getting things done as opposed to analyzing them as thoroughly as his partner. He is also a self-admitted thief, who does not care about any rules, unless they are needed for his survival. He encouraged such carefree attitude towards laws and rules in others, such as Ray Palmer, whom he tried to mold into his partner in crime.

Despite his less than sophisticated demeanor, Mick is incredibly philosophical in his view of the nature of fire itself. He had poetically described it as being ever-changing, indefinable, and transformative. He views his burns as revealing the truth of who he really is, and as such, he has embraced this self-determined truth of who he is: A man who burns the world to reveal its own inner nature as it did to him. This is an unusual trait, but does show that he is much more than the image of the unstable pyromaniac that he projects himself as.

In spite of Mick's nature, he still has a code of honor, even though he initially claimed to Ray Palmer that his only loyalty is to Leonard Snart. During the rescue mission from the Russian gulag, Mick refused to abandon Ray, despite Leonard's insistence to leave him behind after Ray insulted the interrogator's mother and took a beating in order to keep Mick from being tortured further. However, it appears that any shred of loyalty and honor he has regarding Rip Hunter's team was gone when he learned that Rip only recruited him to the team to sway Leonard into joining and viewed him simply as a dumb psychopathic arsonist, causing Mick to betray Rip to the time pirates to give up the Waverider in exchange to be sent back to the present day.

As he was left in an unknown time, he became wild, eating raw animals until the Time Masters found him, brought him to the Vanishing Point. As he lost himself from being in an alien time for too long, they manipulated and trained him as a bounty hunter and assassin over what he described as "lifetimes" and "being reborn". He returned with extensive knowledge of temporal physics, Time Master protocols and futuristic weapons and technology, on par with that of Rip Hunter. However, despite his knowledge, he was still bent on avenging himself against the team and Snart. He threatened to kill Lisa Snart over and over by time traveling, as well as forcing Leonard to watch each time. However, he later returned to his old self while back on the Waverider and became a member of the team once more. He also became more emotionally reflective, forgiving himself for accidentally setting fire to his house and killing his family. He also seemed to forgive Snart and the team, becoming more friendly towards them. Also, after Snart sacrificed his life for Mick, it appeared to have a profound affect on him; while still committing thefts, he began going about it more cautiously and tried to avoid killing innocent bystanders. His respect for Snart was great enough for him to head back to 2013, where he told past Snart he considered him his personal hero.

Once he rejoined the Legends, Mick largely seemed more mature, but retained his snarky, gruff demeanor. He ironically seemed to listen to Rip more than the others, as he left his Heat Gun behind when ordered, so to avoid damaging the timeline. During his time travels, he's developed a bond with his team, willing to save them as they would return the favor for him, to the extent that he assisted Nate Heywood in retrieving the rest of the team from across history after being discovered in stasis in 2016 when he could have easily just taken the Waverider and gone off on his own. Even his threats towards his teammates became more playful and less violent and more comical, such as threatening to shave Ray Palmer's head if he told anyone about his compassionate side, which is a far cry from his former tendency of threatening to kill people even if they were his allies. This subtle change marks this profound evolution in his personality. While he still identifies himself as a criminal when talking to the Justice Society of America, the rest of the Legends all acted in his defence when he was accused of killing Hourman, and Rory was even the one to voice the other heroes' refusal to allow the Flash to turn himself over to the Dominators to save the world despite admitting that he disliked the other man.

He developed a profound hatred for the Time Masters for brainwashing him, quoting that he only survived it due to focusing on his hatred. The second time was due to focusing on his team.

After being infected and turned into a zombie, Mick begged and trusted Ray to cure him, showing a deepening sense of camaraderie between the two. In the aftermath of his zombification, Mick assuaged Ray's fears that without his suit that he might no longer have a place on the team. Mick reminded him that being an outsider isn't so bad, and gave Ray the Cold Gun, Mick's only memento of Leonard Snart, his best friend. This was given with the claim that Mick was looking for a new partner, and trusted Ray enough to give him that chance. When Stein continued babying Jax, Mick bluntly told him to treat Jax like a partner rather than as a child; Stein only has a so many years left of life, so it's best to teach Jax all he can. He later showed some interest in Amaya Jiwe.

Following Snart's self-sacrifice, Rory struggles to honour his dead friend. Initially he believed staying part of the Legends is what Snart would want but his own self-doubt as a part of the team, being both hero and criminal and how much his friends truly valued him manifested in a hallucination of Snart's criminal life. His loneliness was such that Rory even tried to replace Snart by giving Ray the cold gun and making him act more like his dead friend until he passively accepts that Leonard was gone and Ray should be himself. However, when the Legends went to steal Christ's Blood to destroy the Spear of Destiny, the Legion of Doom plucked a time remnant of Snart from before joining the Legends. Mick's survival attitude strongly leads him to believe that caring for the rest of the team will eventually cause his death the same way it did Snart (perhaps a reaction due to losing his only family at a young age) and Leonard taunts that the Legends consider him an unchanged criminal and lapdog rather than an equal team mate. This was cause enough for Mick to eventually hand over the Spear of Destiny to the Legion of Doom so they can rewrite reality. However, in the "Doomworld" Rory begins to realise his mistake as things became increasingly different with reality and Snart, insinuating he respected the man Leonard became because of his loyalty and heroism which was reciprocated in the other Legends rather than who he was. Furthermore, he realises his partner's hypocrisy that despite his previous claims about being a pet, Snart was similarly obedient to Thawne and Darhk and how he was treating Rory like a pet rather than a partner. Realising that the Snart he knew was long dead, Mick has gained closure over realising that the Legends made him and his friend a better person so he rejoins them.

At an unknown point in time, Mick developed a fear of giant toads, which he divulged to Martin Stein during the Legends' time in Hollywood.

Backstory: http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Mick_Rory

Powers/Abilities: ▪ Expert marksman: Mick has the skill to hit multiple police officers, and enemies at a time. He also could handle regular weapons such as revolvers, as he did in the Old West.

  • Indomitable will: While at times seen as deranged or barbaric, Mick is shown to have a remarkable fortitude, unyielding to seemingly any form of torture, at times even seeming to revel in it. Even the Time Masters admitting their brainwashing of Mick into Chronos the first time was only a partial success. During their second attempt, Mick was shown to be very deceptive, feign being successfully broken fully consumed by his Chronos persona long enough to leave him prime to turn on them. The intensity of his mind was shown even able to overwhelm the mind-control network the Legion was using, freeing all of its victims.
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant/Brawler: Despite his unstable and hot-headed demeanor, Mick is a very capable unarmed fighter. When seemingly taken captive by a mafia boss, he and Leonard quickly broke free and killed all of the mafia boss and most of his men with ease. He even proved to be at least on par with Sara Lance. After his training in the Vanishing Point and his "conversion" to Chronos, his fighting abilities appear to have improved significantly as he is able to take out an entire squad of ninjas in Feudal Japan and defeat a younger Vandal Savage in an unarmed combat, albeit it can be implied that he only did so after Savage was weakened after being exposed to the meteor.
  • Peak of human physical condition: Stemming from his violent nature, Mick is in top physical condition, shown to be very muscular. He is very resilient, as he was unyielding to most forms of torture. His strength was to the point where he could casually crush Time Master Declan's skull with a single stomp of his boot. He easily knocked out Rip Hunter when the latter was under the control of Legion of Doom. He was able to cash the shots of a Speedster without losing consciousness.
  • Skilled engineer: Like Cold, Rory has shown himself to be adept at mechanical engineering and repairs, as he regularly repairs his heat gun and has memorized the entirety of its design and functionality, being more than capable of repairing the secondary internal fuel chamber without assistance.
  • Temporal agent training: After left stranded in time, the Time Masters found Mick and forcibly trained him as one of their agents over a span of countless years. Operating under the alias of "Chronos", Mick became one of their most skilled assassins, well-versed in the various future tech proved by the Time Masters. Also from this, Mick obtained a greater clarity and understanding of the manipulation of time. Like Rip, Mick now has full understanding of the time-space continuum, able to immediately comprehend how any changes in time will effect the rest of the timestream. He has also grown accustomed to time jumps often not feeling any of the side effects (although, as Rip has demonstrated, the longer the time jump, the more likely side-effects could occur).
Equipment/Gear: ▪ Goggles: Mick also wears a pair of black wraparound goggles, which are designed to protect his eyes from the flashes given off by his heat gun. He has stopped using them, implying that the glare no longer bothers him.

  • Heat Gun: Can generate a beam of absolute hot temperature. When fired, the heat gun increases the temperature of the air dramatically, like some sort of "extreme heat wave". This wave achieves "absolute hot", or Klein temperature. When activated, certain lights on it turn red, in contrast to the Cold Gun's blue. The weapon's flame blast projects to any location and burns anything in its path. It appears to have been upgraded over Mick travels with the Legends, as it can knock someone down without any major burns to them.
Weaknesses: Rory is unstable, and an idiot. While he may have had some form of higher education from the Time Masters during his brief period as Chronos, he still has a very low IQ. He is also a mortal man.
( Pretty much click on everything cx The name, pictures, quotes. They will give you all the infos *^*)
[yun soo min]
♕ Queen ♕

Name: In Gyi Yoon
Alias: Queen, Fighting Queen
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Fandom: Girls of the Wild
Alignment: Unsure if she would be a Good Neutral or a True Neutral?
Height: 5'4
Weight: 124lbs
Eye Color: Lilac
Hair Color: Blonde


Attitude: When first meeting her, she is seen as being cold and harsh to those who upset her or meet her for the first time. She does not portray many emotions when surrounded by people, often keeping an emotionless face and keeps her emotions in check. However, behind closed doors Soo Min often shows her true personality which is someone who is nervous and unsure of her feelings and actions especially in front of those she likes.

She is shown to be blunt towards those who comment on her wealth, appearance and living life, often informing them of their discrepancies towards her and her family without losing her temper. Soo Min often keeps a calm demeanor and rarely shows her temper unless provoked, or those she cares about are targeted. She is shown to dislike her privacy being invaded or anything that hinders her brother’s future in terms of the YC Corporation.

    • To Friends: Even if they're in public, she will still still put on her emotionless act around her friends. Although, her friends still know the truth. Her close friends and brother are the only people she trusts. She's more real with them compared to anyone she has ever interacted with. Not only that but she tends to fuss and mother over them at times. This annoys them, but they prefer that over her beating their asses.
    • To Allies: Though she still seems standoffish and emotionless, she will give some evidence that she is still humane and kind. To her allies, she will give meaningful advice and help, usually in a cold or harsh way. At times, they may even find her buying a meal for them because they missed lunch, or helping them with homework. Soo Min only shows a small slice of how she truly is and not fully trusting of them.
    • To Foes: When in the ring, she respects whoever faces her. She shows the same disposition as everyone else but more business like and less chatter. If a foe in a ring does try to talk her down, they'll soon regret it. She can be merciless, whether on purpose or not. As long as they don't cause any trouble towards her or her friends, she has no problem with them and will be decent.
    • To Enemies: She acts even colder around them, reacting to them in a violent manner if they provoke her. Minimal words are said unless a threat. To become her enemy, you must have done something horrible in her eyes (mess with her friends, brother, etc)
  • Practicing/Fighting
  • Audio Books
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Determination

  • Being called Queenie
  • How her family tries to change her
  • Those who worship vanity/think its the most important thing
  • Idiots


"Queen is the first born child of the YK line, the third largest group in the financial world. As the heir, she was raised to be the leader of all fourteen company branches and to be better than any man in many fields, receiving a vast education. Queen was not only raised to be better than men but she was raised to be a man, only realizing she was a girl at the age of five.

At the age of nine, Queen 's younger brother,
In Seung Yoon was born. As he became the heir, Queen was finally allowed to grow as a woman. Though she felt some guilt for her burden being transferred to her brother, she was delighted that she was finally allowed to grow out her hair and wear skirts.

Her happiness was short lived as some time after, she experienced her first taste of rejection from a boy whom she liked. Due to her status, she only attended public school ten days out of a month, this didn't stop her from liking the boy who sat next to her. On the day of his birthday, while he was inviting his friends to his party, Queen asked if she could join them.

The boy, Ja Ho Yoo, rejected her, stating that they did not really know each other well enough and asked why she was pretending to be a nice person. He went on to say that he was unaware that she was a girl. While laughing at her, he claimed that she looked funny wearing a skirt with such short hair and told her to wear pants like she did before her brother's birth.

Queen was heartbroken, it had been her first time wearing a skirt, she had even put a flower pin in her hair and bought Ja Ho Yoo a present. In tears, she poured her heart out to Driver Park, who tried to comfort her while driving her home.

A few years later, during her first year of middle school, after explaining to Driver Park that she was considering appealing to her father to stop making her go to public school, stating that they often bored her, she spotted Ja Ho Yoo, whose friend noted that she was pretty.

In his attempts to flirt with her, she explains who she was and how they had encountered each other previously. Shocked by the information about her status, he clarifies that he had heard a rumor that a daughter of the YK's Director went to the school not knowing it was her. Only after realizing that she is of the upper class, contrast to him being low class, Ja Ho Yoo asks for her number and invites her to his birthday party the following week. He apologizes for his actions in the past, telling her that he did have a crush on her back then which Queen realizes is a lie which sickens her. Angered by him she hits him in the face, which starts her belief that men can be cruel"
If you don't let go...
you won't be able to use this hand again.


She is the Wild Leagues champion for the past two years, famous nationwide for her skills in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Mixed Martial Arts, and Kickboxing

- She doesn't have powers compared to many of the characters on this thread / Human
- Her emotions
- Those close to her/Brother


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(tis a scroll box)​


• basics
name: farmstink buttlass jade harley
age: 17-21
screen name: gardenGnostic
alignment: neutral good
fandom: homosuck homestuck

five foot two
weight: one hundred and twenty pounds
hair: jet black locks that fall past her bum
eyes: green


• personality


• story


• relationships

• other
Name: Kirishima
Nickname(s): None
Alignment: Lawful neutral

Age: Unconfirmed. Seems to be around early 20's

Gender: Male

Species: Underworld escort/Demon

Fandom: Underworld capital incident

Personality: A calm and well disciplined entity. He never seems to show plenty of emotions since he lacks human emotions. Straight forward and bright minded. Kirishima never seems to show fear in anyway no matter how dangerous the situation is nor how surreal things get. He does not understand human emotions making him hard to talk to nor share a care or two towards others. He does show respect however. Judging by his personality he thinks before doing things.

Backstory: He came from the underworld where all spirits and demons alike go to. And as a Underworld escort his job is to escort deceased spirits from the surface world or earth and bring them to the underworld where they may rest in peace. One day a deceased disturbed spirit has been causing trouble in the surface world by causing paranormal events that could drive humans crazy. Kirishima and his fellow escorts must find this deceased one and bring them to the underworld.


+He has no super special magic that aids him through his job. But he is pretty smart having photo graphic memory.

+He seems to be pretty good with his katana fighting skills making him a formidable foe at sword fights.

+Has near infinite stamina in running

+Immortal aging


*His main weapon: A steel katana



-Despite his completely different species. He is somehow a very mortal entity as it shows that he can be physically/spiritually hurt.
Ser Dougan of the Boojum

Chaotic Good
He stands at 6ft 3 with purple, piercing eyes and long dark brown hair (manly, flows to the back of his neck). Being a Half-Elf he has somewhat pointed ears that he hides behind this hair, although they are pretty easy to notice.
He's Caucasian with a Gerald (Witcher) scar on the left side of his face. This scar and his eyes glows silver when he taps into his Chaotic GM abilities.

He wears Dragonslayers Legion armour: Black, resembles studded leather (but is really made of another material) and has a long, leather, tattered cape that reaches to Ser Dougan's waist. On his shoulder-blades and cape is a symbol:
(on a black background)
On his front of his armour however is a different crest, the symbol of the Boojum. A burrito wrapped in tin-foil with a fist holding it. The background surrounding it is similar to the "rising sun", the flag of Japan before WWII. He also wears goggles on his head (see gear).

The Order of GMs (OC)​
The Order of GMs, a not-so-secret order of Inter-dimensional peacekeepers who defend time and reality. An ancient gene lies dormant within a GM, only awakening when they turn 11 years old. This gene gives a GM access to reality-warping powers but the Order of GMs teaches it's members restraint above all else as reality "does not like to be tampered with".

They will their defenses and abilities they use to guard reality into existence through sheer willpower and the roll of a dice. The founder, Master Gygax leads the order in a crusade against darkness and GMs who have become corrupted by said darkness, using their gifts for evil.

He's kind of a knobhead, but a well-meaning one. While he does procrastinate quite a lot, when he puts his mind to it he can accomplish quite a lot, almost anything. He throws his procrastination aside when it comes to fighting the forces of darkness or if the people he cares about are in danger. He's quite proud of his Irish heritage and being a GM as well.
Although he has had some relationships in the past, his true "marriage" is to protecting reality from the forces of darkness. As such, he has never really settled down.

He is protective of the innocent, including cute mammals (espically dogs and endangered species) and will willingly risk his life for them.

His mother was a ginger, Irish, Elven Cleric and his father was secretly a follower of an Elder God. Dougan's powers awoke on his 11th birthday and was swiftly moved into the order of GMs. For the next six years he trained to harness his powers under the guidance of a mentor and use them for good, eventually joining the ranks of the Dragonslayers Legion, a group of GMs who defend Ireland from extra-dimensional threats.

His dog came with him too, also blessed with powers to assist Dougan in his defence of reality.

During his career as a GM Ser Dougan faced many threats, including an invasion of waffle people with big arms, someone commanding an army of Meeseeks to destroy the GMs (the Legion convinced the Meeseeks that GMs were really General Motors and they destroyed that instead before ceasing to exist) and an invasion of orange-men from space arriving to Earth on a giant, flying satsuma.

He tried to become a culinary chef while doing some undercover work, working with Gilgamesh. He wishes he could be here, but he got a disease from that fish that Dougan and Rod cooked.

After many successful battles, his Legion formed an alliance with a group of powerful Letsplayers as an ancient evil was returning. They spent over two years preparing where Dougan and one of these Youtubers, Ser Mark of the Make-a-wish, otherwise known as Markiplier grew close as friends, although Dougan wanted it to go further Mark had a girlfriend and Ser Dougan was also afraid of Mark getting a disease from that fish that Rod and Ser Dougan cooked.

Many of their forces were killed during a climatic battle with the ancient evil... Lilith: Cleaner of Woe and Torment as well as her army of demons. Lilith's army was destroyed and she was pushed back outside the walls of reality. Ser Dougan continues to protect reality with his dog at his side, having picked up the pieces from Lilith's invasion.

He can speak the language of demons, the undead, dogs, penguins, whales and Constructs (robots in Dungeons and Dragons) he can't command any of them though. He knows multiple fighting styles and is skilled in several types of weapons: swords, blunt weapons, regular hammers and warhammers.
He's also pretty neat at singing and surviving harsh enviroments.

  • Being a Half-Elf he does not need to sleep as long as the average human, he also ages slower and will not die of old age.
  • Has access to a pocket dimension where he stores weapons, armour and equitment he might need while out on a mission (see gear).
  • Enhanced reflexes, stamina, dexterity, agility and strength.
  • Strong bladder (was able to hold in a piss during the extended edition of Return of the King)
  • Can use his GM powers to summon shields. These are fueled by the roll of a twenty-sided dice and his Charisma.

  • Ser Dougan can cast Vicious Mockery (his insults form into giant letters that fly towards you, the harsher and more personal the insult, the more damage done), Witch Bolt (a chain-based lightning bolt), Guidance (can buff his allies), Chill Touch and Ray of Frost (ice-based magical attacks)
  • Three times a day he can summon a burrito from his pocket dimension that heals his wounds. If he's taken a lot of damage it will not bring him back to full health, however
  • A magical katana he can recall at will from his pocket dimension, should he lose it or should it break. It was enchanted by ice magic, dealing frost damage to enemies. It cannot freeze them, however.
  • A cricket bat that deals a random element in damage on every hit. These elements conist of fire, frost, acid, holy, necrotic, lightning, psychic, radiation, salsa or all of the above. This depends on the roll of his dice.
  • If the going gets tough, he can also summon a two-handed warhammer that summons powerful lightning storms and/or blizzards. He can only do this once every day though.
  • Goggles that help him see through walls and long distances.


Ser Dougan never goes anywhere without his best pal, Toffee. This powerful dogoo wears a set of armour similar to Ser Dougan's (cape and goggles included) and he is capable of the following:

  • Above-average intelligence (for a dog). Although as he can only speak/bork dog many people do not that that view of him. Using this he solved the riddle of who a good boy was. Turned out it was him all along.
  • Mad parkour skills, computer hacking (despite not having thumbs), swimming
  • Slow fall: Although he can't fly, he can bork the right way while falling and slow down his fall speed so he and his allies are not hurt.
  • Slowed aging process: Will not die of old age, for he was blessed by a Dog God for being a good boy
  • Bork: Can create shockwaves (think Black Canary) by barking really loudly
  • With a special kind of bork he can shoot a plasma beam from his mouth
  • His farts clear entire rooms
  • Can sneeze and wag his tail in Morse Code

    Despite being pretty powerful and a good boy, he does have some weaknesses:
  • Chocolate is a weakness
  • Addicted to cheese
  • Snores really loudly
  • Will get distracted if he sees a cat, mouse, spider, bird, vacum cleaner (espically those henry hoovers)
  • He can only bork for so long and needs to recharge his powers via belly rubs, however he can get carried away with these and end up still wanting belly rubs in the middle of a fight evem though his powers have recharged.

Very protecive of his dog and of the innocent, also most of his magical abilities require concentration and will fail if his attention is broken such as by a suprise attack or if you throw a cute animal at him. Although burritos restore some of his health, if he eats too many he gets the runs.

Furthermore, it is not out of the ordinary for him to roll 1s on his magic. Should that happen, they tend to blow up in his face. Literally. The fact that he lost many friends during the battle with Lilith can be exploited, making psycological warefare a weakness. Should an enemy press enough buttons he will charge in without thinking.

Theme of Ser Dougan and Toffee:
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1812 Overture
Action Panda, Protector of Pandas
Neutral Good
A mechanical, brass, Steampunk panda wearing a top-hat and a monacle with a dramatic, leather cape that blows in the wind even if there is no wind present. She is larger than the average Panda too, standing at around eight feet tall, has opposable thumbs and retractable, metal claws.
OC/Defenders of Tomorrow
A noble warrior, 1812 Overture stands for truth, justice, gay rights and saving her own species from extinction above all else. Even her own personal safety. While a big, friendly giant who enjoys cups of tea and bamboo 1812 Overture can go into the relentless mindset of a warrior if she is provoked. This only really happens when people threaten the survival of her species or the lives of members of the LGBT community.

She also enjoys yoga and reading, being quite a thoughtful warrior.​
In rural China in the 13th century, 1812 Overture was once a normal panda, however she accidentally bit into enchanted bamboo, giving the bear human levels of intelligence and thumbs. Unable to communicate with humans in the nearby farming villiage and rejected by her fellow pandas, 1812 Overture moved into the mountains to live as a hermit.

This decision saved her life as the following year, Mongolian raiders attacked the villiage, burning it to the ground. 1812 Overture was horrified by this display of violence, but became even more horrified when she noticed that the fires were spreading towards his fellow Pandas.

She begged for someone to help her, praying to every God she knew about and eventually an ancient Chinese dragon called Rainbow answered her prayers. In return for two centuries of service to the dragon, 1812 Overture would be imbued with the power she needed to carry the pandas to safety. She picked up ten Pandas at once and legged it, getting them to safety before returning to the mountains with the dragon.

During the next two centuries, 1812 Overture acted as the dragon's humble servant. She was a kind master to 1812 Overture and later on, 1812 would discover that what the dragon truly wanted was not a servant, but a friend. The dragon was dying and wanted someone to be with her in her final years. During this time, 1812 Overture learned a lot about the Universe, life and about herself. She focused her skills as a warrior, she focused on her skills as a healer and as a teacher for she was able to teach the dragon a thing or two.

When the dragon finally died, 1812 Overture burried her inside of a mountain, finally returning to the villiage. By then it was the 15th century, China was in the Ming dynasty and much of the world had changed. The villiage was no longer there, nor were there any traces of the pandas 1812 Overture had saved.
She was upset, but the spirit of the dragon spoke to her, telling her that the pandas were safe and where she could find them. It informed 1812 of evil forces at work, seeking to destroy or corrupt both pandas and mankind. She had taught 1812 all she knew before dying so that 1812 could pick up where the dragon left off.

For the next few centuries, well into the 17th century 1812 Overture travelled the globe, fighting evil in the form of demons, dragons, goblins, witches and vampires but she would come to know a greater enemy than all of them combined...Homophobia.

Upon discovering her sexual identity during a fight with a rather confused she-demon, 1812 Overture sought out to destroy homophobia, discovering that an almighty dragon-bear hybrid was spreading it in Russia. The two fought to the death and although 1812 was able to get a few good licks in, she fell and was slain by the dragon.

But that was not the end of 1812 Overture, for the year was 1856 and the child of light had just been born. The Rainbow dragon had spoken to 1812 about the Child of Light prophecy, of a child born during a lighting storm who would change the course of history. Through focusing what was left of her Chi, 1812 Overture was able to mannifest as a Panda spirit and eventually tracked the Child of Light down to London, England.

A city of cogs, clockwork and steam. She reached out to the Child of Light, now a man named Nikola Tesla and asked for his aid. Considering that supernatural crap happened to Tesla all the time, he kinda shrugged the whole Panda-spirit thing off and with the help of 1812's knowledge in magic and Tesla's brilliance, a cybernetic body was constructed for 1812 Overture.

Just in time for the labratory to be attacked by the forces of Homophobia who had formed an alliance with the Komulai. Just as it seemed like 1812 Overture would lose, the radio played the 1812 Overture and so 1812 found herself strenghtened, able to defeat the forces sent there to kill her(again) and Tesla. That is when she adopted the name 1812 Overture.

Tesla and other brilliant minds would continue to construct mechanical bodies for 1812 Overture to inhabit, allowing her to fight the forces of darkness. Eventually, Tesla passed on and 1812 Overture lived to fight in the Komulai war in the distant future of 2005.
  • Being able to focus her Chi to enhance her strength or coat her hands in fire, astral projection and she can shoot rainbows out of her mouth that can destroy or at the very least weaken irrational hatred, espically homophobia.
  • Expert martial artist, can speak seven languages (Russian, Chinese, English, Japanese, French and German)

1812's Panda Spirit inhabits a mechanical body that is equipped with the following:

  • Built into 1812's chest is a retractable double-barelled cannon that shots bamboo out at the speed of bullets.
  • Retractable claws on her paws capable of becoming imbued with 1812's Chi, allowing her to coat them in fire.
  • Built into her wrists, shoulders and waist are five retractable double-barelled cannons. Not as powerful as her chest cannon however, but they still pack a bunch with their bamboo shots.

  • EMPS will temporarily disable her mechanical body.
  • Good way to distract her is to endanger pandas or the LGBT community.
  • Held by a code of honour. She holds back and will not kill her enemies unless absolutley nessecary. This can be used to her disadvantage as a defeated enemy might return later with a strategy in mind to counter what move 1812 used the last time around in order to beat them.
  • She tends to see the best in people, so manipulating her isn't out of the ordinary espically if you are a non-hateful person or a member of the LGBT community who cares about the conservation pandas.
Theme songs

(close enough for this RP I guess, if you're going to force me to use a pic. )
It is pretty generic.
the description wasn't even detailed enough to warrant "Can't find a picture that looks like him."


(tis a scroll box)​


• basics
name: farmstink buttlass jade harley
age: 17-21
screen name: gardenGnostic
alignment: neutral good
fandom: homosuck homestuck

five foot two
weight: one hundred and twenty pounds
hair: jet black locks that fall past her bum
eyes: green


• personality


• story


• relationships

• other
Fancy! Tell me when it's done.
Name: Old Man Henderson
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Fandom: Call of Cthulu
Personality: Henderson is... a peculiar character, to put things very VERY lightly. He is a pretty chill guy, and some times is seen to genuinely care about a few people. However most of the time he's just completely off his shit. Insanity is the best-fitting word in my book. He tends to talk to certain inanimate objects and reminisce about things that never happened... even in some cases where he KNOWS they never happened. (If you havent noticed by now I really suck at this part, ill add more if I have to)

The full length of henderson's backstory will alas never be known. According to legend, it was 320 pages long and the creator ended up burning it. Some bullet points follow
  • Henderson will make frequent references to his time in Vietnam, and blames it for most of his misfortune.
  • Henderson never went to Vietnam
  • Henderson never takes off his aviator shades
  • Henderson's involvement with the elder gods began when he, one morning, realized that his collection of antique gnomes had been stolen. He deduced the Mormons down the street must be responsible for the theft and set out after them. Arriving at the building they were in, he pulled up his car, unknown that another group had already begun a stakeout of the building to catch a group of cultists in the act. Henderson wanted none of that "waiting around" stuff. He immediately kicked down the door. This is when he yelled at the cultists "MUCKLE DAMRED CULTI 'AIR EH NAMBLIES BE KEEPIN' ME WEE MEN!?!?" The chief cultist, in response, killed one of his comrades to spawn a Shaggoth, a daemon beast, and servent of the elder god. Reacting appropriately, Henderson opened fire, killing about 10 cultists, including someone who had gone undercover to see what the cult was about. This was the beginning of the story
  • In the end, Henderson and several compatriots staged an all out last stand against a horde of daemonspawn and undead. Henderson, as the cultists closed in for the kill, summoned the Elder God Hastur. As Hastur was in a weakened, killable summon state, he was able to be killed by Henderson when he blew the entire building to hell.
  • After this, he woke up (due to a deal he had made with the god) in a desert
I'd post the actual story in a spoiler but i'm pretty damn sure i'd get flagged for it on RPN.

Henderson probably maybe has no supernatural powers. He is however immensely lucky and can endure things on the mental level that no mere human can survive. Simply put, he's so crazy that he can talk to elder gods with his mind intact.
As for natural skills:
Fluently speaks Portugese
Memorized the Anarchist's Cookbook
Has a casual knowledge of physics
Can fly a helicopter
Master Tactician
Has a scottish accent that he only picks up when angry, drunk, or is feeling like it.
Dyslexic and minor schizophrenic

An "Israeli Made automatic combat shotgun"
An obscene amount of explosives that he keeps... somewhere
A 1992 buick century
He's only human.... probably, but even if he isnt he can be killed.
His extreme mental instability can be used against him
Name: Old Man Henderson
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Fandom: Call of Cthulu
Personality: Henderson is... a peculiar character, to put things very VERY lightly. He is a pretty chill guy, and some times is seen to genuinely care about a few people. However most of the time he's just completely off his shit. Insanity is the best-fitting word in my book. He tends to talk to certain inanimate objects and reminisce about things that never happened... even in some cases where he KNOWS they never happened. (If you havent noticed by now I really suck at this part, ill add more if I have to)

The full length of henderson's backstory will alas never be known. According to legend, it was 320 pages long and the creator ended up burning it. Some bullet points follow
  • Henderson will make frequent references to his time in Vietnam, and blames it for most of his misfortune.
  • Henderson never went to Vietnam
  • Henderson never takes off his aviator shades
  • Henderson's involvement with the elder gods began when he, one morning, realized that his collection of antique gnomes had been stolen. He deduced the Mormons down the street must be responsible for the theft and set out after them. Arriving at the building they were in, he pulled up his car, unknown that another group had already begun a stakeout of the building to catch a group of cultists in the act. Henderson wanted none of that "waiting around" stuff. He immediately kicked down the door. This is when he yelled at the cultists "MUCKLE DAMRED CULTI 'AIR EH NAMBLIES BE KEEPIN' ME WEE MEN!?!?" The chief cultist, in response, killed one of his comrades to spawn a Shaggoth, a daemon beast, and servent of the elder god. Reacting appropriately, Henderson opened fire, killing about 10 cultists, including someone who had gone undercover to see what the cult was about. This was the beginning of the story
  • In the end, Henderson and several compatriots staged an all out last stand against a horde of daemonspawn and undead. Henderson, as the cultists closed in for the kill, summoned the Elder God Hastur. As Hastur was in a weakened, killable summon state, he was able to be killed by Henderson when he blew the entire building to hell.
  • After this, he woke up (due to a deal he had made with the god) in a desert
I'd post the actual story in a spoiler but i'm pretty damn sure i'd get flagged for it on RPN.

Henderson probably maybe has no supernatural powers. He is however immensely lucky and can endure things on the mental level that no mere human can survive. Simply put, he's so crazy that he can talk to elder gods with his mind intact.
As for natural skills:
Fluently speaks Portugese
Memorized the Anarchist's Cookbook
Has a casual knowledge of physics
Can fly a helicopter
Master Tactician
Has a scottish accent that he only picks up when angry, drunk, or is feeling like it.
Dyslexic and minor schizophrenic

An "Israeli Made automatic combat shotgun"
An obscene amount of explosives that he keeps... somewhere
A 1992 buick century
He's only human.... probably, but even if he isnt he can be killed.
His extreme mental instability can be used against him
It turns out it was Trail of Cthulhu, but whatevs.
Peter Parker
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Spider-Guy on YouTube
Little Bastard in Red Tight

Outside of his Spider-Man alter ego, Parker lives the life of a normal 15-year-old high school student. He cares deeply for his Aunt May. He is a very intelligent science enthusiast, capable of inventing and building his own web-shooters. He gathers both science and comic books in his room, along with his Spider-Man costume, which he hides in a tiny hatch above the ceiling.

Parker is a friendly but shy and awkward individual; he is happy to talk but often stumbles on his own words in a conversation. As opposed to Iron Man or Captain America, Parker makes it a point to keep his identity secret since if such knowledge was made public his aunt would be worried sick and he would have major trouble with the law on the grounds of vigilantism. He even restrained Tony Stark with webbing when Stark implied to tell his aunt his identity.

Parker is also highly impressionable towards figures of authority, which is likely due to his young age and inexperience. An example of this was towards Captain America, when asked about why he was fighting, Parker stated that it was because Stark had said that Rogers was in the wrong, while he had no opinion of his own on the matter. Parker was also very excited to be in a fight with other superheroes, to the point where people on both Captain America's and Iron Man's teams were asking how old he is, due to his child-like behavior during the airport battle. As such, he was also the least experienced fighter at the airport battle.

A neophyte to being a superhero, Parker idolizes Iron Man and sees him as a role model, he even admires and has respect for Tony Stark, even when the latter contemplated telling Aunt May his identity which he was strongly against. Through his first official mission as Spider-Man, Parker showed a strong desire to impress the other superheroes and prove his worth, especially towards Iron Man. As Spider-Man, Parker is courageous and capable, being able to come up with clever strategies due to his scientific expertise. He frequently annoys his enemies with fast-talking humor and quipping, prompting members of both Captain America's faction and Iron Man's faction to ask how old he was during the Clash of the Avengers.
It's...uh...Spider-Man. Two movies covered this...

Long story short, got bit by a radioactive spider and now has powers
Spider Physiology: Peter Parker possesses the proportionate powers of a spider.
Wall-Crawling: Spider-Man can adhere to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces and had said that he does not use any adhesive gloves to do it.
Superhuman Strength: Parker has the proportional strength of a spider. Although he is relatively untrained, his strength alone is sufficient enough to catch a 3,000 pound car that is moving at 40 miles an hour when it was just inches away from hitting a bus. He is also able to casually overpower the Winter Soldier and his cybernetic arm, as well as support the weight of a jet bridge that weighs about 30 tons, though it visibly strained him to do so.
Superhuman Speed: Spider-Man can move faster than an ordinary human and is adept at dodging quickly. His speed has allowed him to casually catch the Winter Soldier's bionic arm before it could even punch him. During the Avengers Civil War, Spider-Man was also able to outrun Black Widow. He also successfully evaded attacks from Scarlet Witch.
Superhuman Durability: Spider-Man's body is physically resistant towards impact force, as he has taken a punch from Winter Soldier and a spinning air kick from Captain America, without any serious injuries. Additionally, Spider-Man easily endured a collision with Falcon's Redwing flying at full force and a strike from Captain America's Shield, as well as being backhanded across the airport from an enlarged Ant-Man, as he fall from several stories unharmed. He only sustained a black eye from the entire battle and was able to pass it off as a result of bullies at school while telling his Aunt May.
Superhuman Agility: Spider-Man is super-humanly agile, capable of swinging around on thin spider-webbing and jumping great distances without difficulty. His bones, muscles, and joints have more elastic strength and durability, allowing him to perform gymnastic & contortionist maneuvers without damaging his bone structure. He used his agility to beat Winter Soldier and Falcon. He also had little to no difficulty dodging the many cars that Scarlet Witch hurled at him with her telekinesis.
Enhanced Senses: His senses are greatly enhanced; he describes them as being "dialed to eleven". He is able to sense things that could be considered a danger. For example, an object is being thrown at him, even though it is from far away and he is facing the opposite direction.
Enhanced Vision: Spider-Man's sense of sight is superhuman to the point in which it forced him to wear dark goggles to prevent it from handicapping him in a battle.
Superhuman Reflexes: Spider-Man's brain responds to stimuli at an accelerated rate, alerting him to dangers around him. This allows him to effectively dodge and counter incoming attacks in combat. Peter was able to catch the small cartridge of web fluid tossed to him by Tony Stark, even though he was facing the away from him. This awareness functions on a subconscious level, thus alerts Spider-Man of dangers he cannot readily notice at first.
Gifted Intelligence: Peter Parker is an intelligent science enthusiast, with aptitudes in chemistry, physics, and engineering, developing a highly advanced chemical compound into a silk-like material and constructed his own web-shooters (the sophistication of it impressed Tony Stark). As Spider-Man, he can also come up with witty and incredibly annoying quips and references, much to his allies and enemies' irritation.
Tactician: Parker uses the laws of physics to his advantage in battle, when he told Iron Man and War Machine that he will tie up Ant-Man's legs together, after which they knocked the immobilized giant down.
Combatant: Ever since he fought crime for six months, his style of combat is somewhat instinctive and improvised. It emphasizes the use of his superhuman strength, speed, agility, and web-shooters. He uses quick, powerful attacks and agile movements while firing his spider-webs to immobilize his enemies. However, he is not skilled in martial arts and often gets distracted while in combat. Additionally, Spider-Man once asked Iron Man for instructions during the fight at the airport. Despite his inexperience, Spider-Man easily defeated both Falcon and Winter Soldier, who were trained fighters. Spider-Man was also able to temporarily hold his own against the more experienced Captain America.
Master Acrobat: Thanks to his superhuman agility, Spider-Man can perform acrobatic moves. Hence, he was able to accurately shoot a string of webbing at Captain America's Shield then catch it while jumping in the air and land over a vehicle.
Skilled Marksman: Spider-Man possesses extremely keen eyesight, and is able to accurately utilize his Web-Shooters to neutralize his targets during his crime-fighting. He was capable of ensnaring Captain America's hands and strip him of his shield, mid-air, executing it all at high speed.
Spider-Man Suit: Parker originally wore a handmade suit while operating on the streets of New York. Nothing more than red and blue spandex and a pair of goggles, this suit was created with the intention to help Parker to conceal his identity and keep his superhuman senses in check. Parker would later use an upgraded and more refined suit, which was designed by Tony Stark to focus his superhuman senses. This suit also includes moving eyepieces that resemble camera shutters.
Utility Belt: This belt, complete with extra pouches, was seen on the outside of the spider suit. It, most likely, contains spare web fluid cartridges or other useful equipment for Spider-Man.
Spider-Drone: The spider emblem on the front of Parker's suit can detach and act as a tracking device. It has a drone mode allowing it to fly onto a target.
GPS Tracking System: On his right forearm, Parker has a GPS tracking system with a holographic display, allowing him to follow his Spider-Drone.
Web-Shooters: A pair of wrist-mounted mechanical devices used by Spider-Man to project synthetic webbing. Parker invented the first pair while Tony Stark created a new and improved pair to go along with his new suit. Though, this new pair supplied by Stark merely involved technological improvements and a few new features while the webbing itself Stark did not attempt to replace. The upgraded web-shooters come with selective web types and a laser targeting system for accuracy.
Synthetic Webbing: Created by Peter Parker himself, this web-like substance is meant to emulate the silk created by the common spider. This synthetic spider silk is used by Parker to help swing around New York City, bind and tie up enemies, steal weapons, and make other useful applications. Spider-Man combines this synthetic web with agile movements to dodge enemy attacks and often targets the enemies' arms and legs to break their balance and immobilize them. The chemical compound was so durable that both Captain America and Winter Soldier had trouble breaking it, despite their enhanced strength.
Spider-Signal: A red light emitted from Spider-Man's web-shooters, which Tony Stark added much to Parker's surprise and delight.
Inexperience- Peter is still very much new to the hero business
Peter feels as if he is mistreated and needs more 'trust' and so will some time act through emotion.
He feels as if it must be his fault when something goes wrong.​

Name: James W. Gordon

Nickname(s): Jim, Mister Detective, Detective Gordon

Alignment: Lawful Good (although he is leaning towards Lawful Evil due to the fact he is already infected with the Alice Tetch virus)



Personality: Jim is the opposite of his colleagues in Gotham City being one of the few citizens with a position of power, though non-corrupt. Jim has a strong moral compass to do what is right, this being the driving force behind several of his action such as sparing Oswald Cobblepot's life, promising Bruce Wayne to find his parent's murderer, and his dedication to rid Gotham of crime and corruption.

He also have a soft spot for children. He was the only cop that comfort Bruce Wayne after his parents death. Fiercely idealistic and tenacious, Jim possesses a desire for justice, to the point of utter naiveté. Being a police detective, Jim understands that some situations will require to get dirty at times, involving the occasional killing of suspects but he holds on to his idealism and belives that such action will not always be necessary and risks his own life to save criminals such as Penguin and the Balloonman.

Growing disgusted at how corrupted Gotham is, especially the GCPD, he began battling said corruption in more dubious manners such as working with Oswald Cobblepot and brutalising a suspect to get information on the Ogre. The few months he spent working within GCPD have also hardened his ideals, seasoning a once naive cop into a determined enforcer who now understands ideals, sometimes have to be forsaken for the sake of justice. When facing the injustice within the police and government systems, this tends brings out the darker aspect of personality more than anything. With battling corrupt GCPD such as Arnold Flass and Gillian Loeb, he acts more aggressive, somewhat unusual fitting the "Boy Scout" perspective people tend to think of Jim. Jim's ultimate shift in morality was when he killed Theo Galavan in cold blood.

His new jaded cynicism has caused friction between Jim and the new police captain, Nathaniel Barnes. Nathaniel's firm idealism was similar to what Jim was when he started at the GCPD and the darker actions that he committed allowed Nathaniel to believe that Jim truly did murder Carl Pinkney (although to be fair there was a substantial level of evidence towards him at the time). This, along with several other incidents, have also disturbed his opinions on joining the police as his new beliefs are that the law should bend to fit justice rather than the other way around. As the law was bound only by evidence and facts, which caused him to be unlawfully imprisoned when he was framed by Edward Nygma, Jim finally left the GCPD to achieve justice outside of legality by taking down Hugo Strange. Although sometimes dirty, as it is occasionally necessary, he has still not dropped to the level of the crime he is dedicated to defeating as he voices clear, guilt or remorse over his moral blips.

After he was infected by a drug known as the Red Queen, Jim was forced to face his fears, as he admitted to a hallucination of his late father Peter Gordon, that the reason why he gave up on his relationship with Leslie Thompkins and did not return to the GCPD, was because he was afraid of letting people down, after his hallucinations had ended, Jim finally overcame his fear, as he became a police detective again.

Jim is protective of the people he cares about, shown when he tried to warn Lee about her fiancé Mario Calvi being infected by Alice Tetch's blood, though she did not believe him and believed he was trying to sabotage her relationship with Mario out of jealousy. When he went to try and save Lee and bring Mario in alive, he was forced to kill Mario in self-defense when he tried to kill Leslie, but he still felt guilt and remorse for what he did to him, despite his dislike of Mario (due to the latter's arrogant, rude and disrespectful traits). This protectiveness of those he cares about was also shown when he found out that Barnes was infected with Alice's blood, and he tried to bring him in alive, and succeeded. The main difference between bringing Barnes in and his failed attempt to bring Mario in alive was that he had no choice but to kill Mario because he was about to kill Lee, whereas Barnes was in a standoff with Jim, and Jim outdrew and non-fatally shot him.

Jim has a certain level of tolerance when it comes to being blamed for situations that are not entirely his fault, this is evidenced by the fact that when Lee kept on berate and jab at him for her husband's death, he initially tolerated it, however, in "Light The Wick", Jim finally got tired of Lee blaming him for ruining her life; as he coldly and cruelly pointed out regarding how Mario tried to kill her, that he was forced to kill the latter in self-defense and he would do it again in a heartbeat, even points out that Lee can blame him for her husband's death, walk away and never come back, but it's not going to change the fact that her late husband would have killed her.

When Jim injected himself with the Alice Tetch virus, he finally shows his true self coming from his mind and he is craving for deep desires. As he is now infected with the virus, he will get angry when someone fully disagrees with him although he is still capable to control himself against the virus.


I'm gonna summarize the whole thing since his backstory is soooooooooo long.

Season 1: Gordon is introduced as a homicide detective and Iraq War veteran who has recently been transferred to Gotham City, where he lives with his fiancée, Barbara Kean. As his first case, Gordon and his partner, Detective Harvey Bullock are assigned the case of Thomas and Martha Wayne's murder. After arriving at the crime scene, he comforts the Waynes' son, Beuce, who had survived the ordeal, promising him that he would do everything in his power to find the murderer and bring him to justice.

During his investigation, Gordon runs afoul of gangster Fish Mooney, who takes him hostage. Bullock later goes searching for him, and is captured alongside him. The two are freed by Gotham's most powerful mob boss, Carmine Falcone, who was an old friend of Gordon's deceased father. In return, Falcone asks Gordon to kill Oswald "Penguin" Cobblepot, Mooney's underling who had informed on her to the GCPD. Gordon fakes Cobbelpot's death and orders him never to come back to Gotham.

After Gordon's gun is used to kill Dick Lovecraft, a corrupt billionaire, Mayor Aubrey James reassigns him to Arkham Asylum as a guard. He is later reinstated as a homicide detective by Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb after he captures a serial killer who had escaped from Arkham during a prison riot. Gordon then blackmails Loeb into naming him the President of the Gotham City Police Union. At the end of the series, he discovers that Barbara is in fact a murderer, and begins a relationship with Arkham physician Leslie "Lee" Thompkins. He is also present during a gang war between Mooney and mob boss Sal Maroni, during which Falcone retires and Penguin takes control of Gotham's criminal underworld.​

Season 2:
After the events of the first season, Gordon is demoted to patrol officer by a vengeful Loeb. He is later reinstated as a Detective after Penguin blackmails Loeb into retiring and appointing Captain Sarah Essen to replace him as Commissioner.

And then here is this man named Theo Galavan, a corrupt billionaire who freed six inmates from Arkham Asylum, notably Jerome Valeska and Barbara Kean who went insane and became Gordon's ex-fiancée. Theo Galavan would appoint Jerome Valeska as the shot caller of the Maniax, who terrorize Gotham City for months until James Gordon stopped it.

After Jerome Valeska was killed by Galavan and Kean escaped, Gordon, upon realizing that there is a strong possibility that corrupt billionaire Theo Galavan.will escape justice after terrorizing the city, takes him to an isolated place outside Gotham, where Penguin beats him mercilessly until Gordon stops him and shoots Galavan dead. In the same episode, he learns that Lee is pregnant with his child. He is later framed for the murder of Carl Pinkley by Edward Nygma, and he breaks his engagement to Lee. He is later break out by Carmine Falcone. He chooses to stay at Gotham. He exposes Nygma for the murder of both Pinkney and Kristin Kringle. He ends up becoming a bounty hunter after he declined his reinstatement as a detective.

Season 3:

Gordon works to hunt down a resurrected Fish Mooney in order to collect the Penguin's bounty, although this act puts others lives at risk. Meanwhile, Jerome Valeska was resurrected by a cult leader that worship Jerome. The cult would terrorize Gotham for a day but Gordon ended its motives which made Fish Mooney leaves Gotham, Gordon finds himself in a conflict with a psychopatic hypnotist named Jervis Tetch, who initially hires Gordon to find his sister Alice but then works to ruin him after she dies. This breaks up his relationship with Valerie Vale and puts him into more conflict with Lee. After the wedding with Lee and his husband Mario Calvi, who is the son of Carmine Falcone and secretly infected from the Alice Tetch virus. Gordon head to the penthouse to kill Mario Calvi to protect Lee which it was a success, Lee went to a meltdown and hated Gordon. Meanwhile, he discovers that his late father was a member of the Court of Owls, a secret society that has controlled crime in Gotham for centuries, and he joins it in order to bring it down from the inside. And when Lee injects herself with the Alice Tetch virus, she lured Jim Gordon to her house and kidnapped him. Lee would bury Gordon alive and Lee gave Gordon the instruction to how to escape. Either inject himself with the virus or die with the suffocation. GCPD captain Harvey Bullock and his men would track down Gordon's whereabouts which would be located in Jackson's park. Gordon said to Bullock that he'll not take the virus but instead Gordon take the virus since he started losing pair. He got out of the coffin using his superhuman strength and would head to the Gotham Train Station to stop the bomb that is a weaponized virus of Alice Tetch's although Gordon did make it and found the weaponized virus. The Talon who is guarding the bomb would aggressively attack and hit Gordon but Gordon didn't feel any pain because of the endurance coming from the virus. He would then knock out the Talon and would try to defuse the bomb however Lee stopped him by almost knocking him out which made Lee laugh and left the scene. The bomb would release the virus to the air which made Gordon got knocked out from the air. The Gotham City have finally face the judgement. Who detonated the bomb? Bruce Wayne, the leader of the Court of Owls.​

Powers coming from the Alice Tetch virus
  • Superhuman strength: After taking the Tetch virus, much like Mario and Nathaniel Barnes before him, Jim has gained a significant increase in strength.
  • Superhuman endurance: When Jim was unfazed when he was punched multiple times by a Talon. He was also able to punch a subway several times with his hands showing no sign of injury.
  • High-level intellect/Expert detective: Jim is very intelligent. Despite the fact that he has only been a member of Gotham City Police Department, for about a short amount of time Gordon had proven himself to be an excellent detective, very quickly rising through the GCPD's ranks and gaining a reputation.
  • Peak of human physical condition: As a former soldier and police detective, Jim is in top physical condition.
  • Military/Police training: Due to his time in the military, Jim is well adept in military protocol. Jim has also received training as all Gotham City Police Department members do.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Due to his time in the military, Jim is an expert in unarmed combat.
  • Expert marksman: As a former soldier, Jim is an expert in using firearms.
- GCPD Police badge
- Beretta pistol
- Handcuffs
- The Alice Tetch virus condition: Whenever he uses his new powers, Jim would become aggressive, angry, and other anger-related issues. Using his new powers often would make Jim going to be insane and very aggressive although he can control the condition since the virus is pretty much modified by Professtor Strange himself. He will try his best not to use his powers however he will use his powers if necessary.

Name: Jerome Valeska


The Great Rodolfo
Ginger Maniac
The Prophet (to his followers)
The Insane Shotcaller
Clown Prince of Crime

Chaotic Evil


Fandom: Gotham


Jerome is an utterly remorseless, unpredictable, ruthless, manipulative, and psychopathic boy with a deep enjoyment of wanton and needless acts of violence and chaos, committed by him and the Maniax or just in general. Unlike anything that Gotham had ever seen before, Jerome is an abnormal criminal in regards that he cares nothing about organized crime or profiteering but how he only relishes in the mindless agony of everything around him. Penguin even states how he went against how usual criminals behaved due to his chaotic, rampageous, and unreasonable methods; singlehandedly, Jerome introduced the city, and perhaps even the world, an altogether different class of criminal, one that personified complete sadism, madness, and pure, unadorned evil with no distinguishable objective or reasoning, beyond simply that he could or he enjoyed doing so. His presence (even after death) tipped the scales of the kind of maniac Gotham could produce. It is heavily implied that his schizophrenic views and his vile and iniquitous behavior, even by Gotham's standards, was the result of both his horrible childhood of being abused by his mother as well as Cicero, far from comforting Jerome on his ninth birthday, telling him that no one's going to care about him. However he did state that he killed his mother for simply nagging him.

A showman, Jerome had a theatricality to his insanity that Galavan described as being "boyishly charming". He enjoyed his time in the spotlight to the point where the rest of Gothan's criminals would operate within the shadows, he would televise his crimes for everyone to see. Whatever atrocities he would commit, one would always guarantee that there would be cameras nearby and he would do such act with a smile on his face. Cruel yet charismatic, Jerome desired to create a name for himself and a legacy that would never be forgotten, he brandished a smile when Paul Cicero claimed he would become a "curse upon Gotham". His plans were usually intricate and needlessly complex, sometimes finding the challenge of them becoming a fruition or a failure entertaining nonetheless if they succeeded or otherwise and usually showcased his cunning and ingenuity in his designs. In the mind of Jerome, sanity was only a prison that prevented everyone from seeing what they were: pointless cogs within a monogamous machine stuck between a never-ending loop. Jerome and the Maniax believed that they were free from this prison due to their different ways of thinking and acting in comparison to everyone else and encouraged others to behave like they did, although they only thought this way because they were all mentally troubled, delusional and borderline insane.

One of his most noticeable traits was his disturbed sense of humor which was accompanied with a never-ending, manic giggling and outright laughter towards everything which fit right within Jerome's own beliefs on what was funny. He was sadistic, merciless, and destructive, so he found immense joy in the idea of pain and death towards others, he smiled broadly when Richard Sionis was strangled to death and shot an injured police officer whom interrupted his broadcast from the GCPD, claiming he had "no manners". Jerome demonstrated a fondness for sarcasm, using it in a sick sense such as telling his father, who was blind "long time, no see" after breaking into his house. He enjoyed his own pain as well, making him suicidal as demonstrated while playing Russian Roulette, shot himself three times in a calm manner and how he found Commissioner Essen spitting at him and head butting him as "strangely pleasant" and laughing crazily, respectively. Even while being killed, he found enough humor within the situation to smile.

Jerome had a definable relationship with most members of the Maniax. He seemed to respect Galavan for believing in him and promising to make him a star, he also nicknamed him "Sensei" but was very shocked when the latter stabbed him in the neck. He was extremely sociable, gregarious, and communicative towards Richard Sionis and Barbara Kean within Arkham Asylum, as he appeared to be friends with him and speaking for him when trying to ask Barbara for a date, although he found him being brutally murdered funny enough to grin at. He and Barbara worked together at Gotham Charity Ball and he was the one who granted her a phone call to threaten her ex-boyfriend. The most frictional relationship would be with Robert Greenwood whom mocked him for his young age and prepared to fight him to lead the Maniax. Though they worked together to kill the officers with GCPD and were a part of the same team, Jerome shot him dead for stealing his line and mocked his corpse later on.

Regarding his parentage, Jerome absolutely hated his mother and father. Though he finally discovered that Paul Cicero was his birth father, Jerome initially seemed to have a low opinion of him, claiming he was "pathetic" and a "creep". Even after learning that Cicero was his birth father, Jerome merely stated "I'll be damned" in an easygoing and nonchalant manner, only shortly afterwards realizing the humor in the revelation. Cicero was also somewhat unsympathetic and insensitive towards his son and admits he was a bad father but loved him nevertheless and constantly gave him shelter and a home, even helping Jerome cover up his matricide for that reason alone. Whilst meeting with him after breaking into his house, Jerome mockingly called him "pops", "daddy", and "dad" all before killing him. His mother was his first ever victim. She was stated to be cold, abusive, defamatory, and vituperative to her son, and highly promiscuous and alcohol, but Jerome claims that the only reason he killed her was because she asked him to do the dishes while having sex with a clown, which pushed him over the edge once too far.

Jerome is a pure psychopath, exhibiting all classic traits, a complete lack of emotion, remorse, and fear. He has no empathy for his victims, and is easily angered, for example, shooting Greenwood just for stealing his line. He also has a very dark and sadistic sense of humor. Post revival, he is rumored to be a more certifiable and overall darker character who wants to see himself on a much larger stage.


The Beginning: Jerome Valeska's mother was the snake dancer at the carnival, she was known for having sex with any male that worked at the carnival and she was also a hateful and mean woman to everyone around her (although the only proof of this came from Jerome himself, so may not be true). Due to her life style and the way she treated him by always giving him orders, Jerome hated her and wanted to see her suffer. Jerome finally snapped and hacked her to death with a hatchet. He later faked lack of knowledge of what happened to his mother and faked sadness for her death, although he was eventually caught by James Gordon, also revealing that his birth father was Cicero the blind fortune teller. When Jerome was questioned by James Gordon on why he killed her, Jerome began to laugh as if it were all a big joke and told him she was a "nagging whore" that needed to die. He was later incarcerated at Arkham Asylum.

Maniax Killing Spree - Chapter 1
Escape from Arkham Asylum
Jerome, takes a quick interest in Barbara Kean, who was previously brainwashed to kill her parents by the now deceased Ogre. He attempts to befriend her, but is almost immediately shot down. When newcomer inmate Zaardon dramatically introduces himself to the prisoners, he chokes up knockout gas and inmates Jerome, Barbara, Richard Sionis, Robert Greenwood, Aaron Helzinger & Arnold Dobkins. are broken out of Arkham orchestrated by Tabitha Galavan. The bunch are tied up and meet Theo Galavan, who inspires them to be part of a team of elite criminals. Sionis refuses and is killed by Tabitha, much to Jerome's joy.

Maniax Killing Spree - Chapter 2
Leading the Maniax

The Maniax make their presence known by breaking into a shipyard and stealing a fully loaded refueling truck. They bring the seven hostages on the roof of the Gotham Gazette, write letters on each and throw them off the roof so that the corpses on the ground spell "MANIAX". When Dobkins asks what they do with the spare hostage, Jerome paints an exclamation mark on the man's chest and tells Helzinger to throw him down too.

While in their new headquarter Jerome finds a sword which Greenwood immeadiately takes from him. When Jerome asks him nicely to give it back, Greenwood tells Jerome to "make him", calling him a little brat. Jerome takes a chainsaw and the two of them prepare to fight but are disturbed by Theo Galavan who orders them to stop immediately. When Dobkins chides them because they are a team, Greenwood proclaims himself the team captain but Jerome immediately denies that, planning to become the leader himself. Sensing the tension between the two, Galavan states that this problem must be resolved immediately. He draws his gun and removes all but one bullet, asking them if they know this game. Greenwood takes the gun, aims at his head and shoots but nothing happens. When Jerome does this not once but three times Jerome is made the leader of their organization by Galavan's permission.

As the next part of their plan, the Maniax hold a cheerleader school bus hostage (apparently the decision was between it and a senior citizen bingo party, with the cheerleader school bus ultimately being decided) and plan to set it on fire with the fuel from the refueling truck they stole earlier. After spilling the fuel in the bus, Jerome realises that his lighter isn't working and, embarassed, asks the cheerleaders if any of them has fire. He is provided with a lighter by Dobkins, however the incident cost them enough time for the police to arrive. Jerome tells his Maniax to stand their ground because the policemen cannot risk to shoot at the bus. He tells Helzinger and Greenwood to get the truck and, after running out of ammunition for his revolver while firing at Gordon, orders Dobkins to light the bus up. The Maniax leave with Jerome continuing spilling fuel from the hose while they drive off but Dobkins is left behind. Their plan was ultimately foiled due to the quick thinking of Gordon after he accidentally set the fuel alight.

Maniax Killing Spree - Chapter 3
Attacking the GCPD HQ

When they find out that the police is searching for them, the Maniax (minus Helzinger and Barbara) enter the GCPD precinct disguised as policemen. Jerome tells an officer that he needs to speak with Commissioner Essen immediately and enters her bureau. When she recognized him he draws his gun to keep her quiet while his colleagues start shooting up the precinct. With Greenwood filming them, Jerome has a discussion with Essen after the massacre. Essen tells him that he will soon be dead and that the world will go on without him, but he replies that he and his Maniax will leave a mark on the city. When Greenwood interferes, saying something Jerome was about to say, Jerome shoots the cannibal for stealing his line.

When Gordon returns to the precinct, he finds most of his colleagues dead. Searching for his boss he finds Essen dying, having been mortally wounded by Jerome. While cleaning up the precinct, Gordon is told to look at the news. When he looks at the TV he sees a video message from Jerome, in which he reveals himself as the leader of the Maniax. He tells the viewers that he will be back soon and that they have seen nothing yet.

When Jim Gordon and the reinstated Harvey Bullock get a lead on Paul Cicero, who bailed on Jerome during their first interogation, Jerome and Tabitha confront him and stab him in the eye before escaping after Jim Gordon was knocking on the old man's door, although not before learning from Cicero that Jerome will ultimately spawn Gotham's worst curse. Before Jerome escaped, he hid knockout gas in Cicero's jacket, knocking Bullock unconscious. Jim attempted to fight Jerome, but was knocked out by Tabitha.

Maniax Killing Spree - Chapter 4
Attacking the Children's Hospital Gala

That following night at the Gotham Children's Hospital Gala, Jerome and Barbara disguise themselves as the magicians hired for the show.

Jerome, whilst ominously telling the audience (still disguised as a magician) that no one was getting out alive, reveals himself mid-way through the act by hurling a knife into Deputy Mayor Kane, killing him. Galavan's men then attack the audience, quickly convoluting into a hostage situation. Meanwhile, Jerome proceeds to subdue Leslie Thompkins and string her up to a wheel, as well as confiscate her cellphone to contact Jim Gordon for a ransom.

Via the cameras broadcasting the event, Jerome is able to broadcast his demands to Gotham: Either he gets $47 million in ransom money, a getaway helicopter, his dry cleaning (while sarcastically warning Gordon that the man in charge of the dry cleaners, Mr. Chang, was a crook) as well as a pony, and that he expects Gordon to get all these items in 10 minutes, or else he'll start killing the hostages, which he made clear will be demonstrated on live TV on every house across Gotham. There, Jerome goes terrorizing the attendees until their boss, Theo Galavan acts like he is the hero and stands up to the two until Barbara knocks him out with a hammer.

Jerome calls out for Bruce Wayne and holds his butler Alfred Pennyworth as the next victim until Bruce stands up to Jerome. He puts a knife on Bruce's throat and slowly starts to slit it until the GCPD arrive. Theo, having regained consciousness, stabs Jerome in the neck to better his appearance as a hero. While Jerome falls to the floor, Theo apologizes to him and acknowledges his talent, but reveals that he only used Jerome to boost his popularity. With his last words, Jerome tries to answer but dies with a blood-crafted smile on his face before he can finish his sentence.

Resurrection - Chapter 1
The Awakening
As part of their plan, Dwight and his followers storm the Wayne Enterprises warehouse where Jerome is held and steal his corpse. Back at his lab, Dwight attempts to revive Jerome but is seemingly unsuccessful. As he has promised his followers the return of Jerome, Dwight uses a scalpel to cut off Jerome's face and wears it as a mask. When the police, who have found Dwight's location, arrive at the lab, they only find Jerome's corpse with a bloody face. The body is delivered to the GCPD where Lee Thompkins is supposed to make an autopsy. However, Jerome is in truth alive and, once Lee is out of the room, kills the police officer guarding him.

When Lee returns, Jerome ambushes her with the officer's gun. He forces her to sit down and to explain him what has happened. He eventually recognizes her as Jim Gordon's girlfriend but Lee tells him that he killed her husband. During the entire conversation, Lee is neither impressed nor frightened by Jerome. When Jerome thinks back to his last moments, he remembers that he failed to kill Bruce Wayne and that Theo Galavan betrayed him. When he claims that he has to take revenge on Galavan, Leslie tells him that Galavan is dead and, furthermore, was resurrected as well. Eventually, Jerome asks Leslie where exactly his face is. After he sees the TV show Dwight and his followers are putting up at a news station, Jerome ties up Leslie, steals a police uniform and a police car and drives off, driving over a civilian on his way.

After Dwight and his men have been stopped by Gordon and the GCPD, Jerome intercepts the policeman bringing Dwight away. He murders the officer and kidnaps Dwight, whom he takes to an abandoned facility. After getting his face back and attaching it back on with a stapler, he turns to Dwight. Dwight asks whether Jerome is mad to which Jerome sarcastically replies by asking what he could possibly be mad about. However, he then attacks Dwight and ties him to a self-built bomb.

Jerome then takes a camera stolen from the news station and broadcasts live. He reveals himself to Gotham, telling that he is back from the dead. Jerome also adresses his followers, telling them to do what they want and to kill who they want. He then approaches Dwight and ignites the bomb. Claiming that he doesn't forgive Dwight for his face, Jerome then walks off while leaving the camera focused on Dwight. Gordon realizes that Jerome is at a power plant and tries to send men there but the bomb then goes off, killing Dwight and creating a city-wide power outage.

With the whole city without power, Jerome's followers wreak havoc in the streets of Gotham. Even ordinary citizens seem to have followed Jerome's demand and unleash their inner psychopaths. The maniacs also take over buildings like a cathedral and the zoo.

Resurrection - Chapter 2
The Theme Park

Meanwhile, Jerome and some of his followers storm Wayne Manor where they knock out Alfred and capture Bruce. After having successfully capturing him and Alfred, the cult starts tearing up the manor. They find the owl statue Bruce stole from the Court of Owls and Jerome smashes it immediately. Jerome also reveals that he has come to kill Bruce, it being the last thing he remembers.
Before Jerome can slice Bruce's throat, Bruce tricks him by claiming that he remembers that Jerome was quite the showman and that simply murdering Bruce in his own house would be underwhelming after everything Jerome has set up to get him. Jerome realizes the truth of this. Claiming that he is aware that Bruce just say this to buy time, Jerome adds that Bruce's point is still valid. Jerome states that he knows just the point to kill Bruce and tells his men to get moving. However, he leaves three men behind to kill Alfred.

Jerome brings Bruce to his sadistic version of a theme park, in which every single attraction was built to hurt or kill civillians. After Bruce can take a brief glimpse at the horror surrounding him, Jerome sarcastically offers to show him around before the main event can start. He tasks one of his followers to put clown makeup on Bruce's face but after the person is done, Jerome notices something missing. He rams his knife into the stomach of the make-up guy, drives his finger into the wound and uses the blood to draw a frowning face on Bruce's face.

On their way through the theme park, Jerome attempts to make Bruce see that Gotham has no heroes. When they come to an attraction where a ball must be thrown against a target in order to drop a person into a vat of piranhas, Bruce pushes Jerome so that he cannot kill the civillian. When Bruce, who has enough of Jerome's perverted theme park, urges him to go on if he wants to kill somebody, Jerome does not murder Bruce but merely pushes the target with his hand, dropping the civillian into the pool where he is devoured by the piranhas. At that moment, part of Jerome's face comes off again and Jerome is foced to fix it with a stapler. When Bruce angrily asks him whether this hurt, Jerome uses the stapler on Bruce. Although Bruce acts tough, he screams when Jerome does it again, causing Jerome to laugh in glee.

Jerome then starts off his main event by addressing his followers dressed as a circus director. He claims that the night was a success so far, causing an enormous uproar of consent in the masses. After shooting one particular annoying follower, Jerome claims that they brought the city to its knees and has Bruce, tied to a stake, rolled into the main room of the circus tent. Jerome's followers bring in a giant canon with which Bruce is supposed to be killed. However, while Jerome makes a big show out of loading the cannon, Gordon, Bullock and Alfred arrive with a GCPD task force. In the resulting chaos, Jerome manages to lit the fuse of the cannon but Bruce saves himself by using the pin Jerome drove into his arm with a stapler to cut off his ropes. After Bruce has escaped, Jerome follows him in order to finally murder him. Jerome follows Bruce into the mirror cabinet, unaware that Bruce wants Jerome to pursue him. Inside the cabinet, Jerome fires his gun at multiple reflections of Bruce but only hits mirrors every time. While he tries to shoot Bruce, Bruce claims that Jerome will pay for what he has done.

Resurrection - Chapter 3
Standoff with Bruce Wayne

Fed up with searching for Bruce, Jerome slides his gun in one corner, feigning to give Bruce a chance to prove that he's a hero by killing Jerome. However, Jerome draws a hidden knife. Having expected something like this, Bruce ambushes Jerome from behind. The two battle each other and eventually, Jerome succumbs to Bruce's punches and falls to the ground. Towering over Jerome, Bruce then beats him up severely. While he is beaten, Jerome only laughs maniacally and encourages Bruce to let everything out. Bruce eventually grabs a mirror shard to end Jerome but decides not to kill the maniac to not become like him.

Bruce leaves the mirror cabinet where he is rejoined by Alfred. Overjoyed that the other is alive, both hug and thus miss Jerome stumbling out of the cabinet with a mirror shard in his hand. Jerome stumbles towards Bruce, still determined to kill him, but is stopped by Gordon who severely hits him in the face. The strength of the blow causes the bolts holding Jerome's face to break, resulting in Jerome's face sliding off. Briefly stunned by what he is seeing, Gordon does not move, giving Jerome the chance to lunge at him with the shard. However, Gordon dodges the blow and hits Jerome again, completely beating off his face which lands in a nearby water puddle. Stunned from the pain, Jerome falls to the ground and passes out moments later. Jerome is sent to a hospital where his face is reattached and would later be scheduled to be sent back to Arkham.

  • Explosives knowledge: Jerome managed to create a bomb powerful enough to destroy the Gotham power plant.
  • High pain tolerance/Indomitable will: Having been abused as a child, Jerome has learned to withstand physical pain. Even when he staples his face back and Bruce kept punching him in his face, he smiled and stayed conscious.
  • Leadership: Jerome was able to lead hundreds of Gotham citizens into causing havoc and chaos in the city.
  • Master of Deception: Prior to revealing to true nature, he was able to trick others into thinking he was innocent of his mother's murder.
  • Skilled knife-thrower: Jerome is skilled at throwing knives, such as when he threw a knife into the Deputy Mayor's chest.
  • Skilled marksman: Jerome is skilled at using firearms.

- A shiv knife


Does the possible Joker really have a weakness? If there is one, he has an inability to kill Bruce Wayne.

And if he got punched several times in his face, he will get stunned from the pain (even though he doesn't feel it) due to the fact that his face is still "reattached" nor it's not yet healed.​
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