IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Snapping out of what he was trying to do,he looked at the boy who had ran up to him. Confused,Cross just stood quietly like always not really sure what to do. But he figured Effy was the one he was carrying,right? He hadn't caught the name of the tech girl yet so he wasn't sure if he was right or not,course he really didn't know much about anything did he. As he thought to himself he felt the girl on his back move,he slightly looked back to see what she was doing and noticed she was up. Then he heard her talk,apparently to him. "First of all, Who are you? Why are YOU carrying me and that mask is AWE and then SOME!"Cross was now just confused,he understood the question but the rest just made him feel embarrassed since he was never used to complements.Though it wasn't noticeable thanks to his mask,and he was very grateful for that. he stayed quiet as she continued."Luke..Are you okay? Whe-"She cut off for some reason Cross didn't know,then he heard her once again continue

"Luke..Is Sage...." Her voice seemed to have grown a little quieter,Cross just waited figuring he'd let her down when she wanted.
Ruth sighed wondering if ‘a blind offensive’ was going against her suggestion to try to send other things to fight their battles. “We don’t even know how many of them there is . . . and they have . . . well . . . getting a hold of a weapon or two of theirs if you keep insisting of fighting them head on in ways.” Sure he was speaking of sneak attacks but every one of those lead a risk of them getting hurt or worse . . . she didn’t want to think about worse.

When he spoke up though as if changing his mind Ruth glanced to him wondering what may come this time. It was at least a much better plan and she nodded some. “You keep forgetting about me though . . . I have a few monkeys left if they listen . . . you have your soldier . . . can’t . . . well if we find an area like that we try to send them instead? I . . . I shouldn’t have to say I DON’T want to die . . . that I don’t want to risk my friends dying as well. The point of even trying is to . . . well try to get us out alive or at least as many of us as we can. Saying that . . . use me, use whatever any of us can do to help. We shouldn’t . . . we shouldn’t risk more than we have too.”

Falling silent though when the mask kid finally spoke up again, glancing curious at him. Eyes glancing around expecting ghost or something to come randomly out as he questioned around. Glancing back and forth before she edged closer to him curious to whisper. “Who are you asking?” Sure she needed to remember the danger of the situation but . . . this was kind of cool. Sighing before she could get her answer as the boy stepped forward.

“I don’t know kid.” She answered truthfully glancing to Monroe. “She used her powers and . . . well . . .” She motioned to the still body before her. Like magic as if the boy’s voice could bring her around the girl started to stir some and Ruth couldn’t help but smile. “Welcome back sleeping beauty” She nodded knowing she got that from Talin in his direction. Only for her to question the boy some, and her eyes to go back to the kid. “Guess that proves you’re not the enemy.” She gave him a weak apologizing smile but tension was tuff around them after all. Her eyes going to the windows out over the garden then to look and try any doors the hallway may have. “Where . . . are the rest of the kids that may have ran this way?” She asked a chill climbing her spine as she was almost afraid to find out.
A wave of hopelessness washed over Talin as Ruth spoke in such a way as made him seem incompetent and as though he were trying to kill them. With that one statement it was ensured that no one would listen to him . . . they were just kids after all. They weren’t prepared for this. As this realization dawned on him, he realized how odd all of this was. Talin himself was one of the younger students at this school. Why he was so different from the others was well beyond him . . . perhaps he was just allowing himself to get too attached to them as the differences were beginning to seem irreconcilable.

Without looking up from the computer screen, he forced himself to separate from his emotional state in an attempt to stop the temperature from dropping farther. The somewhat betrayed look on his face soon gave way to one of stoic calm. “I propose a compromise,” he suggested calmly as he continued walking, “as everything that I have planned so far has been intended to ensure our survival . . . Miss Effy, I shall require your assistance when you are able. Should we endeavor to find a communications device, you can use the headmaster’s message to reply and send the plans his way. It may also be beneficial to forward them to Ms. Ritsa Lythe and Mr. Peter Hall . . . stick to texts though because we don’t want our infiltration into enemy plans to be verbally announced.”

“Once that system is in place, we can resume looking for inanimate soldiers for Ruth to send out to defend us. Luke, I would also require your help if you are willing? A telekinetic would be most useful and could probably keep us alive by completing one simple role . . . if you can open doors from a distance we won’t need to slow down. This would save us in a chase as we wouldn’t need to pause, and you could close the doors behind us again to delay the enemy . . . it would also protect us in case they fire at us as we attempt to enter a room. It would give us a warning as they would respond before we were in a position to be threatened,” he continued in the same steady voice.

“And I’m sorry, good monkey thief,” he murmured in an almost joking tone as he came to the masked kid, “but your shout did very little to tell us what your ability is other than that you perhaps speak with ghosts? As such, I don’t know quite what to do with you . . .” Plotting as safe of a course as he could from the camera systems, he kept walking as he waited for them to accept or refuse him. Should they decide to hide instead of fight, he was prepared to go on his own. He silently prayed to every god conceivable that it wouldn’t come to that, however.
Cross had dazed off more focusing on listening till he heard Ruth ask,“Who are you asking?”Which snapped him back into reality. He didn't answer though as the others continued talking,“I don’t know kid.” He heard Ruth tell the boy and continue.“She used her powers and . . . well . . .” Cross figured he dodged the question so he smiled under his mask,though then he heard Talin start to speak and his smile faded.

“I propose a compromise,” he seemed to suggest calmly as he walked, “as everything that I have planned so far has been intended to ensure our survival . . . Miss Effy, I shall require your assistance when you are able. Should we endeavor to find a communications device, you can use the headmaster’s message to reply and send the plans his way. It may also be beneficial to forward them to Ms. Ritsa Lythe and Mr. Peter Hall . . . stick to texts though because we don’t want our infiltration into enemy plans to be verbally announced.”

“Once that system is in place, we can resume looking for inanimate soldiers for Ruth to send out to defend us. Luke, I would also require your help if you are willing? A telekinetic would be most useful and could probably keep us alive by completing one simple role . . . if you can open doors from a distance we won’t need to slow down. This would save us in a chase as we wouldn’t need to pause, and you could close the doors behind us again to delay the enemy . . . it would also protect us in case they fire at us as we attempt to enter a room. It would give us a warning as they would respond before we were in a position to be threatened,” he had continued in his same steady voice. Cross just sighed and then heard his 'nickname'.

“And I’m sorry, good monkey thief,”
he murmured in an almost joking tone which somewhat irritated Cross, “but your shout did very little to tell us what your ability is other than that you perhaps speak with ghosts? As such, I don’t know quite what to do with you . . .” Cross slightly growled under his breath and as before kept the girl on his back up with one hand as he used his other to lower his mask since he hated talking though it."Well sorry,but I wasn't trying to show it..."He said in a slight snappy tone."I can just communicate with things such as the wardrobe from before,which was not happy by the way... Course ghosts are more... Well dead and depressing so I don't talk to them much but they could help as well."He remembered the time he spoke to a ghost,they were very hard to hear and not many are around now a days so he hadn't heard one since he left home."anyway that's why I shouted out. I was trying to get info from the items around...That's it,nothing special...So there's nothing you can really 'do' with me."
Luke watched as Effy had came back around, he gave off a smile towards before she'd started asking questions. "Im Fine, but I'm not sure about Sage....She seemed to be bleeding when I last saw her, she'd ran off somewhere on the lower hallways." He'd then listened as the boy had somewhat complimented his abilities by giving in him something to do if it came to running away, although there wasn't much other than that he could do so all he did was nod at the remark. He then turned to the boy who said he could talk...to objects? Luke had raised an eyebrow. There seemed to be all kinds of people here, the girl was talking about monkeys and other objects she could reanimate? How strange, he'd never thought people would ever have these kinds of abilities, he'd never even imagined him having his own powers. But it was true and it seemed none of their powers had improved their life's more cursed them with this horrible fate inside of this building, loads were already dead, but how many more were condemned to die. As long as it wasn't one of them or one of the people down where they'd came then no one he knew would have died...hopefully. They probably just needed to keep moving, this whole place was a disaster waiting to happen, in fact the disaster had already happened. But how many aftershocks would there be?
Eliana stared at Luke waiting for an answer, dreading what it could be. Her heart was thumping wildly to her ribcage; her breath hitching. She had ignored all previous statements; like the warm welcome back to earth from Dollie and forgetting all about the masked boy whom was still carrying her, her legs felt numb and she knew she wouldn´t be able to stand by herself anywhere soon. "I´m Fine.." She sighed relieved before listening to the rest of the sentence."But I'm not sure about Sage....She seemed to be bleeding when I last saw her, she'd ran off somewhere on the lower hallways." Eliana squirmed slightly at the thought of Sage bleeding, running and maybe disappearing like all the other students. Get killed by the soldiers or maybe her own power made her vanish. Who knows?

Taking a few deep breaths Eliana nodded slightly to Luke with a soft smile. "I´m glad you´re okay..We´ll just have to hope for the best I guess.." Eliana was barely listening; deep in thought till she heard Leader mention her. "Miss Effy, I shall require your assistance when you are able. Should we endeavor to find a communications device, you can use the headmaster’s message to reply and send the plans his way. It may also be beneficial to forward them to Ms. Ritsa Lythe and Mr. Peter Hall . . . stick to texts though because we don’t want our infiltration into enemy plans to be verbally announced.” Smiling she did a mock salute. "Yes sir!" Before she glanced down on the boy carrying her. She chuckled slightly while listening to Leader and Dollie whom she guessed was Ruth but decided to stick with the nickname.

Leader talked to the boy carrying her calling him monkey thief which Effy thought was a bit cruel before she felt him remove one of his hand but still held her up right on his back. Hearing him speak of his power she smiled before reaching her hands out to wrap them around his neck tight but not to tight. "Hey..Since you haven´t answered me can I call you Masked? And you can put me down if I´m a burden.." Looking up to stare at Luke, Ruth and Leader she sighed. "I´m sorry, my body tends to function weird after I use my powers and personally I used alot today so..Bi-effect..I´m deeply sorry for not being able to help you!" She smiled with her eyes starting to tear up a bit. Her body was weaker then glass and it was annoying to say the least. Taking a deep breath Eliana blinked a few times before opening her mouth once again. "I wouldn´t mind getting my laptop back though..Since I´m guessing I´m more experienced in that field then you, Leader." She smiled softly reaching one of her hands against Leader.
Ruth didn’t mean to undermine Talin, she just wanted him to try to go the safest route first. When he spoke of a compromised she glanced up at him willing to listen as always. Digging in her pocket at his words to drag out her watch and look down at it . . . this was supposed to be some high tech gizmo right? Maybe with the tech genius it easily could be put to use. Smiling some as she pocketed again, Talin finally seeming to catch on, they were a team, he was the best leader sure but he needed to remember to use the team not so much jump to what only he could do.

“See didn’t I say he was the best leader.” She chimed in a bit this plan sounding a lot more firm and safe to her. “We can also use the cameras to see what threats are out there perhaps send things to intercept or try to disable.” She smiled before fiddling with her barrel of monkeys again in her pocket and placing her jacket back on. She knew they couldn’t just hide, she didn’t plan that . . . but she also wished to keep them all safe if need be. That meant not engaging the enemy unless they had too. She was semi keeping an eye on Talin as they walked, mostly making sure he didn’t run into things though. He was so into that computer it seemed that he might do so easily.

It was when Talin brought the attention back to the mask kid that she glanced over curious herself. Frowning some as he spoke of trying to hide his powers from them . . . why would he do that? Then he told them what it was and Ruth seemed to forget this was the time to be serious. “Really? No way! That’s so cool.” She smiled glancing him over only to glance back at the wardrobe feeling a touch bad for it now. If it could speak to the masked one then there had to be more to it. “That’s an awesome power though . . . I bet with that you’ll never get lonely. I talk to things too . . .well they don’t really talk back in ways I can understand but I talk to my monkeys and all.” She smiled feeling a lot less like a freak now that this boy admitted to doing the same in away . . . okay so it was different but in Ruth’s eyes it was kind of the same. “You can keep the monkey for good if you’d like . . . it’s nice to have friends you can carry around in your pockets . . . and although they like to play pranks they always tried to cheer me up when I was sad so they aren’t that bad. You can even name it if you want.”

When the tech girl started to talk though she slowed her pace just enough to be beside her when she walked, her eyes studying the girl a bit worried. “You scared me for a bit.” She said honestly, only to frown when the girl stated about her powers. “Then do what you can without them? If that’s too much, well just rest.” Her eyes going towards the mask guy as if pleading for him to keep carrying her if that wasn’t too much trouble.
Talin actually paused for a second after hearing the monkey thief’s power. A slow smile spread across his rather soot kissed face as he actually stopped walking for a moment to absorbed the pleasant surprise of it. Then, kicking himself for slowing down, he redoubled his pace to catch back up. He heard Ruth commenting on how cool the power was, and he agreed. His reason for agreeing was entirely different than hers, however.

“That is so far beyond perfect!” he burst out suddenly, nearly bouncing with excitement as a bit of his age managed to show through his cold calculations. “I mean . . . knowing their immediate orders will help tons, yea . . . but now we can ask the communications device who they are and what they want also! Knowledge is power after all . . . and knowing your enemy is key . . .”

He nodded at the technopath as she requested that she be put down and given her computer. To be honest, he had felt rather safe using it since he had actually felt useful for a moment, but he recognized the truth of what she said. Miss Effy would be a far more proficient navigator than he was when it came to this system. “If you need to rest do so . . . don’t push yourself for us, ok? Overdoing it and passing out may actually put us in more danger than just passing on the computer would. Alright, miss Effy?”

Now free of a computer, he noticed how underprepared he felt without something to hold on to . . . he had first had his cup, then his weapon, and then a computer. Now without any of those things he felt vulnerable and open. Absentmindedly, he messed up Jason’s hair as he gave him a rather warm smile. “You’re doing great, by the way,” he muttered more as a distraction for himself than anything, “we’ll find a way to get through this . . .”
Cross hated when people knew his ability,though it'd make him look less of a crazy it was annoying. Though with this he made an exception since they were in a bad situation,"Hey..Since you haven´t answered me can I call you Masked? And you can put me down if I´m a burden.." He heard from behind him which he simply nodded to,"My name is Cross,but I don't care what you call me...and if you want down you can just tell me."He softly smiled,which was now visible since his mask was no longer covering it.

Then Cross slightly jumped when Ruth spoke,
“Really? No way! That’s so cool.” She had smiled at him and then looked back at the wardrobe which he figured she felt bad for it now. If it could speak to the masked one then there had to be more to it. “That’s an awesome power though . . . I bet with that you’ll never get lonely. I talk to things too . . .well they don’t really talk back in ways I can understand but I talk to my monkeys and all.” Once she mentioned the monkeys his smile went straight to a frown,“You can keep the monkey for good if you’d like . . . it’s nice to have friends you can carry around in your pockets . . . and although they like to play pranks they always tried to cheer me up when I was sad so they aren’t that bad. You can even name it if you want.” Cross shook his head,"No you keep them...I'll just stick to my one..."He was not going to put up with what happened before,besides listening to objects wasn't as grand as it sounded. Every fire carried screams of the burning wood,you can never get rid of anything since you knew it had feelings. It wasn't so grand especially when it came to inflicting damage to something,since he heard it as a if a human.

As he thought of that he then heard Talin,which he was waiting for.“That is so far beyond perfect!” he burst out suddenly, nearly bouncing with excitement a bit,and Cross had a bad feeling about this now. “I mean . . . knowing their immediate orders will help tons, yea . . . but now we can ask the communications device who they are and what they want also! Knowledge is power after all . . . and knowing your enemy is key . . .” Cross then snapped at him again."I only listen,I can control what they tell me. And with enemies comes difficulties... Just like if we caught a person and tried to make them tell us something,it's the same for the objects they possess...Though of course it's harder for them to fight back,but still..."

He knew how difficult it was to actually get the information you wanted from things,and it wasn't a easy walk in the park deal. Though at the moment most things around seemed freaked about what was happening at the time,which meant they really knew nothing of what's going on. As they continued Cross suddenly heard a sharp ring and along with it came multiple voices he couldn't understand. It hadn't bother him at first until it just kept growing louder and the crystal on his earring turned blood red,as the sharp ring grew in sound his head grew in pain which stopped him from walking as he held it in his hand.The ringing drowned out all the voiced of the others around and Cross couldn't pin point where it came from.
As much fear as there was coursing through his body when Benji’s eyes were open, it doubled when he closed them. The boy was nervous to the point of being nauseous, hearing someone approach him that weren’t the loud steps of Malcolm. It seemed whatever it was got sidetracked by something else and he was left with his light. When the deafening boom hit the room Benji’s eyes shot open, the light in his palms slightly dimming with his surprise. With the help of sunlight and his ability to be a walking flashlight, he could see most of the foyer again.

What came with this sight was the view of multiple soldiers, who had broken through the front entrance and were now making their way through the room. They had guns in their hands, and the barrel of a tank behind them, making Benji take a cautious step backwards. He hadn’t noticed the bloodied girl run past him, but he noticed the minute quakes caused by the woman following her. His best guess was that the tank had caused them, barely aware of the environment around him.

The guns they held didn’t spray the bullets he was expecting but instead some purple pulse beam that affected those it hit just as much. His lips tightened, looking wearily over to Malcolm for help; how he wished to be gifted with more physical powers. There was rumbling inside the building that made him take somewhat of a defensive stance…Think Benjamin, Think! He yelled at himself, but the only thing he could do was throw up an illusion or be the firefly he was.

Still, the words we’re lost in his head, he wasn’t sure what to do… he just wanted-…why couldn’t it stop? There was a boy speaking, something about having weapons in his room and the kid wondered what sort of powers he would have to get them. Still he was intrigued, one of the entrances wasn’t far from them…he could maybe help them get there with his powers.

To leave Malcolm alone though…

This was no time to think though, a purple shot flew through the group and dropped the boy talking; they only had a partial name, Samuel Con. He was about to group them to together to get moving but the quiet girl next to him gripped his arm. Benji shrunk away, color filling his face because of nerves, wasn’t that what people did when they we’re dating…? They weren’t dating… unless… he visibly swallowed the light’s flickering on the only thing to throw him off.

With his ability rendered useless, his hand-lamps turn off and he watches as one hallway almost goes up in a blaze. The headmaster was here, Benji could clearly see him fighting across the room and it slowly started fueling him. They could do this…they could get out of here and he could see his sister again. As much as she was annoying, the fact that anybody laid a hand on her made him very angry. Angry enough that he was steeled against the tank actually crashing through the building and plunging the area he was about to enter into darkness.

The man that had been helping him yells back at him to go, but he is already planning on it “You heard him! Everyone who can help here, stay here! We have to protect ourselves!” he yells. “Everyone else, follow me! We’re coming back as back-up!” Benji explains, wearily watching as they divide themselves. Then with a nod, he scans the area and the group before closing his eyes and letting a deep sigh go before opening his eyes. He notices the sheen as the image is created in front of his group and he nods, “Let’s go!” then with quick steps he is headed back into the darkness.

His hands light up once again, and he illuminates the plaques as they continue along “Samuel… Samuel…” he passes by one or two ‘Sam’ or ‘Sammie’ pausing before shaking his head. Finally he comes across the boy’s door, and he motions to the others that he finds it before yanking it open and finding what exactly this boy had in his weapon supply…


“Look what you’ve done!”

At the woman’s yell Abbie seemed to shrink in further, the tears actually spilling out of her over flowing eyes. “Wh-Wha! I didn’t do- What did I do!?!” she’s whining, and pushes her face up against the back she had chosen to hide behind, angrily wiping her tears. Where was Benji! Benji wouldn’t let this happen to her…he was supposed to protect her…

Then the woman is apologizing, trying to convince her that she needed to scream so she could go back to drawing and coloring. “No!” she denied, all she wanted right now was her brother, not crayons! She wasn’t five! Her lips tightened slightly and when the woman mentions her brother and not being able to see him again she reacts. “Benji! Where did you put him!?” due to the security of the girl in front of her Abbie kicks her shin, “Give him back!” usually she would threaten to scream, but she couldn’t do that when that’s what Ritsa wanted.

There is another boy in their group now, one with silver hair who asks how they’ll manage to get out, and the woman provides that his friend decides it. A frown is already etched on her face but it deepens, Ritsa didn’t seem to know her students at all… Abbie didn’t even know the boy. In fact, she didn’t recognize anybody but Ms. Ritsa who apparently hated them all. Once again the woman even tried to baby her but she simply responded by squaring her shoulders and straightening up.

The boy seemed also confused at Ms. Ritsa, questioning her quietly until she referred to the two as friends. He confirms what she had just thought, that they don’t know each other and plays with his hair. For a moment, Abbie’s eyes rest on his crouched figure his uttered question making her fidget, “Nothing!” she squeaks. He is standing up now, and she sends him dodgy looks, her hand firmly holding the girl’s shirt. She thought she saw something… but she brushes it off, hearing his voice ask her something again. “I don’t know…” she confesses in response.

Then the girl in front of her, the one she had been clinging behind all this time turns around and crouches in front of her. When she talked, she smiled, which made the young girl smile shyly in return, fidgeting in her jumper. The girl introduced herself as Becca, and unlike Ms. Ritsa asks her nicely to do what she asks. Hesitant for a moment, she looks at them each and finally nods.

“Okay… but only because
you asked” she notes, enveloping her in a warm hug before steeping back and around her. Hurriedly she moves around Ms. Ritsa, and then turns back, catching the boys dull grey eyes…she had thought so. “Cover your ears” she warns, cautiously, and waits patiently until they do so, when all ears are covered, Abbie turns back the direction they were going. Planting her feet after her little twirl, she inhales deeply and screams.
Cross shouts out to anyone or anything that would listen “There’s gotta be something that would know about what’s happening around…Does anyone know?” Though he was greeted with only the muted sounds of combat from farther down the hall.

Luke, Ruth, Talin, Effy, Cross, and Jason hustled down the east second floor hallway, granting them what they could only surmise was meant to be a beautiful, scenic view of the garden. Burd’s brilliant sun was rising just behind them from the southwest, giving the garden’s plants the appearance they had been set ablaze. Ruth and Talin peered into room after room as Cross continued to hold the petite Effy on his back, waiting a moment each time while they searched the room visually for supplies.

One one such quick search of a room, Luke peered out the handsome windows down at the fairy statue at the center of the garden. It was beautiful; expertly crafted, but still had a dark and somewhat menacing feel about it. It had been crowned by a fancy bush maze of which it was in the very center, inside a beautiful fountain crafted with the reliefs of smaller pixies and fairies.

The garden appeared to be bigger than the foyer itself, with the building wrapping around it as if it designed to protect its wonder from the outside world. A large set of double doors opened directly underneath the middle point of the west and north walls, and presumably the east wall right underneath where he stood right now.

Supplies found.

[roll0] (removes up to 3 strikes) 51~100%

[roll1] (removes up to 3 strikes) 91~100%

[roll2] 71~100

[roll3] 71~100

[roll4] 51~100

[roll5] 71~100

[roll6] 31~100

[roll7] 31~100

[roll8] 11~100

Thawing steaks

Mashed potatoes

[you have all just passed the supply room & eastern security ward. Now standing in front of the kitchen]

A loud echo rings through the air, sending the glass reverberating even at this large distance and sending Jason jumping towards Effy, making Cross’ job of carrying her that much harder. Across the garden, the windows of one of the classrooms blows out in a brilliant flash sending deadly glass shards flying through the garden and taking the head of a poor nearby topiary.


It knew it was not meant to speak, to associate at all with anyone or thing. It also knew that such communication should have been impossible, and yet here was this boy who could hear if only it had but the will to speak.

“Will…?” it thought to itself for a few moments, pondering the very meaning of the word. “Have I the will?”

Slowly it allowed its consciousness to shift from one point to another to yet another, always staying close; watching; studying the small group of students that now walked these once lonely halls. It fought with it’s own indecisiveness. If it had but the strength to speak, it’s ever deepening loneliness would be a thing of the past. Was that not the very thing it hoped for when Darian and the others had come to purchase this aging mansion? And yet, there was the fear as powerful and terrible as the loneliness itself, after all…she would know, and she, would not be pleased.

“Perhaps I should start small at first? An impression here, a glimpse in the corner of one’s eye there? No, these children are already scared enough…if they were to find out about me…or worse her… I could not live with myself…”

It silently chuckled at the thought.
“‘Live with myself’? As if I have ever been something that could be considered alive. I am merely—” It started to muse before sensing her consciousness stir once more. It could feel her rage, and with it a twinge of fear, or perhaps not fear but regret.

The words echoed loudly through the halls though none could truly hear it.

“Kill, kill, kill…”

Ember Bare [roll9]

The words seemed to rise in intensity, it’s own will undeniable. How much blood would be shed along these once pristine halls it wondered. “Would I really squander this opportunity? She is distracted…” it thought to itself before pondering what will dares to deny her to the point of distraction.

Feeling somewhat braver noticing he might not suffer the fate of all things that anger
her, it spoke.

“Collen boy. Cross Collen…” it let out tentatively, it’s voice screaming of it’s age and wisdom.

It was not long before the room filled with an ominous taint. Shehad noticed him. He spent a moment wallowing in despair, his faint sobs echoing out to deaf ears. It had existed so very long, and now it knew it was soon to be brutally slain, its very essence devoured. If only it had not pushed its luck; if only it had but stayed quiet and observed as it had always done…

“It is too late for that” It thought firmly. “When one is at death’s door, one does not hesitate.” It continued, before pondering if it could even be called ‘death’ if related to it; but all that was beside the point.

“They will not stop sir Collen. You cannot win the war, but I can at least help you to win the battle! This is a place of secrets boy, though I doubt anyone even fathoms this…besides perhaps the lady Ritsa. The mercenaries will come boy, this future has already been predicted. The young one’s shall all perish, but there still remains hope…Look for a place out of place…in the meat-locker you shall find salvation” It spoke, getting the words out as quickly as it could. The last syllable of it’s declaration fading unnaturally quickly from existence.

And then the chatter faded…all of it. The walls no longer chattered, nor the floors, nor windows, nor doors. The watch no longer parroted back your words (though it did indeed enjoy messing with you).

Luke, Ruth, Talin, Effy, Cross, and Jason could all feel a deep sensation of anger and ill will; of being watched by an entity that thought you all nothing more than a collection of ants in its own personal farm. Its intent was clear, one among you was to be a ‘victim’ to further its own unfathomable ends.

[should Ember succeed in his roll, he knows he is the intended target; should he fail, nobody knows]

[all other students possessing any form of telepathy, psychometry, or clairvoyance sense an ominous presence briefly elsewhere in the mansion; no other information is acquired]


The already fritzing device could not take much further trauma, or so the single computer of the truck’s trailer read. Its nanobot self-repair function was slowly correcting the space dilation device’s damage, but their hard work was simply not to be.

Yet another cacophonous wail erupted within the space it stretched to many hundred times it’s actual size. ‘Critical System Error’ was the last thing to flash across the display before it, and the dilation device blew in a tiny puff of smoke. Only moments latter, the room was suddenly cramped with students as the space of the trailer slowly reverted to normal. The door at the rear of the trailer showed the many signs of a beautiful sunrise without actually showing the sun.

In its stead, there was a tank facing menacingly at the multitude of children. Everyone stood still, utterly petrified that in mere moments their death was coming with nothing more than a flash to mark their presence. These moments however continued to stretch on and on until it became painfully apparent that the tank was utterly unoccupied.

One by one Ritsa battled Trist to reseal her away in a deep dark cage somewhere in the kernel of her subconscious, a process that was becoming easier and easier with each attempt.
“DAMN IT RITSA!” was the last mental shout she could hear before no longer sensing her presence

[@Wingal Ritsa’s aura suddenly becomes white again]

“Please, let me out first…I’ll make sure it’s safe for everyone” Ritsa let out as she struggled through the mob of students, jumping down the five or so feet from the trailers edge into the soft dew coated grass.

She suddenly gasped, and placed a hand to her mouth in horror.
“This wasn’t… This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.” She said weakly, her knee’s appearing to buckle for just a moment.

The walls that guarded the bastion of her hopes had been so grievously destroyed. The students that represented the light of her future were laying motionless upon the floor, their eyes staring blankly at the rising sun.
“What have we done…” Ritsa gasped, slowly turning towards the mob of children looking out at her expectantly. They hadn’t yet seen, but there was no way for her to shield their innocence; a thought that brought only greater pain to her.

“What they need isn’t pity…” she chastised herself mentally. “What they need, is someone to make sure they get through this.”

Taking another quick look around, she could see that much of the invading force had head already poured into the building. At most there could only be a few communications outposts set up in temporary command trailers. Turning to look out amongst the districts, she could see more vehicles speeding up, one significantly larger than the others. It was like an over-sized truck with a giant domed device upon its trailer.

“Children…” She said, turning back towards them. “We’re going to enter the school from the east. I want you all to keep a really sharp eye out for anyone not currently with us outside okay? It’s absolutely important that you do so” she continued while helping children off the trailer.

“We have to get inside before their reinforcements get here.”

[@Wingal The house itself possesses an immense white aura, surrounded by the deepest black aura you have seen yet]

[@All students possessing watches (all those who were in the school to begin with and did not start with the impossible room entrance), your watches all display a halographic display saying something to the effect of ‘TCI System Activating | | .2% output’; power strength is improved until otherwise stated or until the end of the chapter]
Ruth glanced confused at Cross before laughing some when he spoke as if she planned to give him all her monkeys. Smiling never the less that he did plan to keep the one, her eyes going to the two figures she animated and left with those. This happiness was short and fading fast when Cross snapped at Talin. “He’s just trying to come up with ideas to help.” She muttered before shrugging it off.

The walking was fine though although Ruth found little to talk about . . . wondering if the others were starting to get annoyed with her. The group picking up supplies on the way and Ruth started to fill more and more useless, sure sharp knives and cooking torches were useful . . . it just wasn’t her style. She did manage to make a joke though as she took one of the larger knives up. “I guess I could try to go all Alice on someone if we’re attacked” of course meaning the insane Alice from the wonderland game.

The echo hitting the air though made her jump as they had continued walking. Eyes widening at the scene blow through the window. Paling as she found herself backing towards the wall some in hopes they weren’t spotted. This was all good and well until the chill hit and she glanced slightly panicked to the others as if wondering if they got that too or if it was just a new part of her powers. She was learning them still after all.
Becca couldn't help but smile as the girl hugged her. Displays of affection either made Becca uncomfortable or extremely happy. It always depended on who the affection was coming from. This young girl, who knew nothing about her, had hugged her and, for some strange reason, that made Becca incredibly happy despite the situation they were in. She stood back at her full height and carefully covered her ears after the girl had told her to, interested to see what she could do.

Becca wasn't quite sure what had just happened. The young girl had screamed. Not a normal scream, of course, but a window-shattering, would-have-caused-hearing-loss scream. The room suddenly shrunk and Becca felt crowded with all the other students. She let her hands drop to her sides, studying the girl before her.
I'm not alone, she thought to herself, hope suddenly blooming in her chest. For the last few months, Becca had been under the impression that she was alone. Now she understood how ridiculous it was to believe she was the only person on the planet with powers. Becca suddenly hugged the younger girl, unable to contain herself. She suddenly let the girl go, backing u as much as possible in the crowded space. "Sorry," she muttered, her cheeks turning red. She had never been one to show emotions so readily but this discovery was too big for her to act like it didn't matter.

Becca watched Ritsa descend from the trailer and she seemed troubled by whatever sight greeted her. Becca frowned, watching the woman carefully. It was odd, the way her personality seemed to change so quickly.
I'll just have to watch her, I suppose, she thought to herself, her eyes never leaving the woman's face. The emotions of the other children in the trailer made it difficult to pick up on Ritsa's emotions, but Becca felt a distinct tinge of shock and, judging by her face, it was Ritsa's emotion. What has she seen? she asked herself before gently taking the young girl she had hugged by the hand and walking to the edge of the trailer. Becca, refusing Ritsa's help, stepped down into the damp grass. She still didn't trust this woman, nor did she particularly like her. She didn't seem very stable to Becca and that definitely bothered her.

Becca suddenly understood the expression that had been on Ritsa's face. The sight of the children, most younger than herself, laying on the floor was enough to make her stomach lurch unpleasantly. Becca was suddenly unable to command her feet to move.
It's not safe here, the voice in her head yelled. Every fiber of her being was telling her to leave this place. Where was she to go, though? The people who kidnapped her were still out there. At least the unstable woman seemed nice enough at this point. Becca turned to her, prying her dark eyes welling up with tears from the bodies. "What happened?" she managed to ask Ritsa, trying to keep herself under control. Becca refused to move until someone gave her answers, even if it was extremely childish of her.
Looking among themselves, their thoughts were all but identical. Inside the giant shiny light producing tin can was a ton of mischief to be had. If someone was going to go get that mischief, it might as well be them right? Not to mention they were asked to by the Supreme Commander Otamegami. Do our duty, and have fun doing it? WAY better than biting that giant smelly fleshy ape thing.

“FALL IN MONKEYS!” shouted the yellow one at the top of its nonexistent lungs. Its two blue subordinates quickly stood at attention, smiling widely…and not just because they had been made that way.

“Sir!” they both shouted back strictly.

“Before us is a mighty foe. It is faster than us. It hits harder than us. Most importantly, it’s made of tougher material than us!” The yellow monkey started proudly as it paced back and forth in front of the blues. “We have all heard of our great simian kind doing great things. We tested the waters of so many great advancements so that others wouldn’t have to. Why we were in space suits long before the fleshies.”

With that, the two blues cheered loudly before going suddenly silent before the glare of their commanding officer. The two pointed at one another behind their backs, each signifying that the other had started it.

“It is time we did just another ‘great deed’.” He finished proudly before pointing forward towards the tank in a ‘charge’ motion. “Besides, how cool would riving a TANK be!”


Benji stands before two rooms, both made of what appears to be handsome wood. Both of which possess same digital display reading out the names of the owner. One read Samuel Conner, the other, Samual Coniven. Both are very locked.


“What do we do now…” muttered the the timid clairvoyant again. She had hung rather close to the boy after events had forced her to return to the darkness.

Her eyes darted back and forth at the darkness just beyond his light. Every night for the past two months she had had the same horrid nightmare. Faceless terrors would surround her, standing upright as a man might. Every single time, she would feel compelled to speak only to find herself savagely attacked immediately afterward.

He meek little form continued to shiver heavily as she continued to inch closer and closer, her terror completely evident upon her face.

“Stand back everyone” said a somewhat spunky, but clearly shaken teenager as she held her hands outward at the doors. She closed her eyes and appeared to be struggling quite heavily; complete with groans of effort that gave her the appearance as if she were constipated. Slight dents popped into the door, cracking the external wood paneling but far too minor to cause the door to really budge.

“Nnnnnnnnn” she ground out, squeezing her hands tightly, as if holding on to some unseen rope. It was right about this moment that the watches of everyone present began to illuminate. Almost immediately, both doors ripped free of their hinges and bounced away towards the middle of the room with great force.

The girl simply looked on in awe before glancing down at her palms as if for the first time. “I did that…?” She murmured to herself before the lights suddenly picked up, nearly blinding her.

[benji’s light output has increased due to sudden amplification, can decrease at will]

Searching both rooms carefully, the group tries to ascertain which room belonged to the student they witnessed perish. It was not long however before the glint of a metal lock box flashed the girl’s excited eyes.

[roll0] 71~100 success

[roll1] 71~100 success

[roll2] 71~100 success

[roll3] 71~100 success

[roll4] 91~100 success

Dagger x2


Spare Rounds x20

[each pistol can house 8 rounds and comes with 8 rounds already loaded; all shots require a roll]


The monkey’s charged ever forward and only finally finished scaling the tank that rested in front of the main doorway. To either side of the tank stood a single mercenary, rifles at the ready to shoot anything that approached. That was to say anything they noticed approached.

The yellow leader waved back hand signs at his two blue subordinates with what appeared to be expert precision, demanding that they wait there while he checked their defenses. To them however, it was mostly meaningless gibberish; enough so that they simply stood still staring at one another.

“What have we here…?” it muttered as it peaked in through slits clearly designed so that they might shoot out at those assaulting them. Inside there were two, no, three soldiers. One operating the tanks ARC cannon, and one on either side of him with rifles at the ready.

Yellow leader waved the other two forward, a command simple enough for them to understand. The two stealthily made their way up, hiding behind non-existent cover before resting before the slits as well.

“Sir?” they asked in unison as yellow leader stared forward.

“Give em hell” Yellow shouted before bounding in through the slit, landing on a dull Grey button in the process.

“The hell’d you do?!” shouted one of the solders as the tank’s cannon suddenly turned left hard, slamming into the soldier standing off towards the side much to the enjoyment of the monkeys

“hmmm…” said all three monkeys in unison as they noticed what the button had done, before all three giving the same wide grin again.



(Sorry for the huge delay. You can post Dragon again whenever you said you needed too. I was trying to take my time with this post to make sure it was done right… I hope this will be ok. Again, sorry for the delay.)

Sage frantically knocked on the door, till she heard a girl scream. Swinging her head to look where the sound had come from, she felt her face whiten. The girl followed her all the way down the hall, but as soon as Sage had time to properly react, she disappeared in a blink, just before the door Sage was leaning on opened.

Falling forward, she felt herself land on top whoever opened the door, the girl was screaming things while moving to slam the door behind Sage. Did that girl just scream ‘You’? As in, ‘Oh hey it’s you!’. The type of thing you say when you see someone you know? Not having too long to comprehend the situation, the boy named Alex had gotten up from one of the bed, flamed appearing on his hands.

Sage had to look away when the boy let the flames out, pretty much searing anything that was over the path. To Sage who had not see any else with powers, was very impressed, to say the least. Whoever the girl was, she should be dead, blackened and laying on the ground.

Sage’s hopes where shattered as soon as she looked up, feeling the heat in the room drastically stop with the boy’s flames. The girl was there, completely untouched, with her katana through the boy’s chest. Of course the surprises did not end there, not before the boy Alex started to be engulfed in his own flames, telling ‘Gabbie’ to run. That was their cue and Sage needed nothing more. "Time to go."

Standing up, Sage picked up the girl off the ground, “Jump out the window, all of you! Get out of the room now!” Sage snapped at all the children cowering around the room. “Come with me.” Sage said, quickly yanking the girl, Gabbie, by the arm as she tried to rush with the girl out the window and into the garden.

Just before taking the first few steps, Sage felt… something. A presence. Hoping it was just another student’s powers or friendly, Sage shook it off, knowing she was not in a situation that aloud too much speculating at the moment.
Cross tried to shake the sharp ring off as he started following the others again,watching as they looked into rooms and found some useful things. He chuckled at Ruth's joke as he looked at what they had found,he could use the knives too but what really caught his attention what the dropped note. He didn't know why but he then felt like he was forgetting something,and now it was driving him nuts since he couldn't remember.

His train of though was broke once Jason sudden jumped over,Cross just sighed and lifted his mask over his face before using his free hand to help keep Effy up. He could tell this was getting more difficult for him and wasn't sure how much longer he had till something went wrong. Right after he had secured his hand to help keep Effy up he heard the sound of glass break,which made Cross jump and look around. He had been paying attention to Jason and Effy so he had no idea what had happened,he then saw where the sound had came from and sighed again in relief.He noticed Ruth backing up to the wall and seemed a bit panicked so he decided to go over to her with Jason and Effy."You okay?..." He asked in a calm tone through his mask as he looked to where she did to where the glass sound came from,he didn't seemed very nervous or scared at the time.

But then he felt chills roll down his spine as he heard his name called.“Collen boy. Cross Collen…” He heard and looked around to see who was calling him.“They will not stop sir Collen. You cannot win the war, but I can at least help you to win the battle! This is a place of secrets boy, though I doubt anyone even fathoms this…besides perhaps the lady Ritsa. The mercenaries will come boy, this future has already been predicted. The young one’s shall all perish, but there still remains hope…Look for a place out of place…in the meat-locker you shall find salvation”It said,seeming to be in a hurry.He remembered down to ever word he heard and tried to think it all though."meat-locker?..."He thought out loud before everything went silent,he looked around now seeming more panicked. Trying to hear something,anything but he didn't hear anything at all.This he wasn't used and worried him and even more so he's part of something he didn't even know about,to him this was all crazy.

As he looked around he had noticed what looked to be other students on the other side of the garden near the windows that had broke. Somehow it snatched his attention away from what worried him and he just watched the students with a slight confused tilt to his head.
He couldn't believe their luck as they came across the storage room. At first it had been a bit slow going as they searched it and had appeared to have been a bust, but then they came across the first aid kit. Handling it as though it were fragile and precious, Talin held it out to the 8 year old. "I need your help with this, ok? This kit is so important that I need you to protect it no matter what!" he grinned, knowing that if they did their job and protected this kid then they would keep the valuable medical supplies safe as well.

Shortly after that they found a few cooking torches and knives. "Telekinetic . . . Errr Luke," he corrected quickly. "I think these are best suited for you . . . You could keep them out of sight against a doorframe and if cornered or threatened use them for a quick attack . . . The ability to attack from the shadows . . ." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm jealous of that particular aspect of your power . . ." Looking back to the two torches, he shoved one in the pouch of his sweatshirt before lighting the other. As he removed his hand from the button, he caught the small flame with his pyromancy and made it orbit his hand a few times before letting it fade quickly away. These would work well for him.

A quick inventory of the room also revealed vats of prepared and still warm mashed potatoes and stacks of thawing steaks. This bit of information unsettled him deeply. He was pulled out of his pensive contemplation of these findings when the boy called cross mentioned a meat locker. "What about the meat locker?" he inquired quickly, they didn't have time to stall or get partial information. From the way the boy had frozen up for a moment before suddenly snapping back to reality, Talin could only assume that he had been listening to one of his informant objects. If they had said something about the meat locker, he reasoned that it meant there were either students hiding in there or an ambush of some sort lurked near it.

The others seemed so frightened . . . In truth, he was also, but they had no information on him that would suggest that was why the air around him was so cold. No one had that information except maybe the teachers. For now that meant that he could pretend he was as calm and cold as ice. "Also . . . Keep on your toes, I don't think we are alone . . . Kitchens are by stereotype great hiding place and so we may get caught by other students in a friendly fire sort of situation. Also, there are still hot potatoes and no chef to have been heating them . . ."

Taking the small toy shoulder off of his shoulder, he balled up the toy's parachute before twining it in a little pack behind it. "Joe," he ordered in a hushed tone, refusing to address the toy as soldier for obvious reasons given their circumstances, "scout out the entrance to the kitchen there . . . We need to know if we are walking into an ambush or not . . . Understood?" He waited for the toy to solute it's understanding before giving it a slight push toward the kitchen's seemingly welcoming opening. After making it this far, he was not about to let them die because a jittery student was ready to attack anything that moved . . .
Thane saw the room shrink around him as he became crowded by other kids. Electricity raced down his arms and into his hands involuntarily shocking a few kids who accidently bumped into him. The shock didn't hurt the kids to much but it made everyone around him back up as to give him room. He didn't bother paying attention to the fact that anyone that bumped into him got shocked or that they had all backed away from him instead he made his way over to the door of the room that turned out to be a large trailer thing. He noticed a women helping kids down from the door. She must know something he thought as he made his way to the door. He started gathering electricity in his right hand, so much that the air around his right hand started to hum and small slivers of electricity would spark from his palm.

"Can you tell me why we are all here and placed in those tanks?" He said in a demanding tone while standing in the door way as his right hand hummed. He knew it wasn't really his place to demand but he was still pissed from being stuck in that tube with that god awful liquids flowing around him.
[ The note reads as follows]

I fear, this meager sheet of parchment will be what must functions as my very last journal entry before the me that is me no longer exists.
Her call is undeniable. It is as if it my thoughts, and desires are molded by her words. I have tried to fight, but my vigil no longer seems to be enough to cease her constant bombardment.

Undoubtedly, I am nothing more than a stepping stone; a pawn upon a chess field I cannot perceive. This does not mean however, that I cannot perform some small task before becoming
her thrall.

[lots of illegible writing; it appears as if the writer was attempting to pull his writing arm away while simultaneously attempting to actually write]

I cannot even do this much. [the writing is somewhat diffused; as if small droplets of water smeared the ink] I am sorry. Just know that you are all tra— [the writing becomes illegible again before ending with a single droplet of blood]

[end of note]


Darian was slowly pulled free of the thick rubble that had surrounded him. His head was spinning, as if he had been trapped inside the center of a giant top. If it had not been for a dense gravitational shell generated by his currently enhanced abilities, he would have almost certainly been dead.

“The guy’s alive.” Said a boy that was just barely in his teens matter-of-factly; the very person who had pulled him free of the rubble. He held onto Darian’s arm as if it belonged to some leper before finally letting go and rubbing his hands along his distinctive blue and yellow jeans.

“What do you want us to do with him?” Spoke a girl politely standing beside him in a long frilly black dress holding a lace black parasol with tiny bead like skulls dangling from it.

In unison, the both of them lowered their heads for a moment, almost as if in prayer. They stood this way for a moment longer before both nodding and looking down to the fallen headmaster.

“You take em” said the boy quickly, his face distorted as if he had smelled something absolutely atrocious. “I’ll make sure mother’s ‘princess’ gets brought back.”

To this, the girl merely nodded and reached down for Darian. Grabbing gently at his leg, she started off; dragging him with strength far beyond that of her size and age.

“And good riddance” muttered the boy at their back before closing his eyes and concentrating as mother had taught them.


“What happened?” asked a troubled teenage brunette of Ritsa.

Ritsa perceived among the girl, as well as the myriad of other students, a deep sense of distrust in herself; a feeling she had come to know intimately.

“So it’s already over…” she thought to herself a bit somberly, though she had long since learned how to keep such emotions from showing on her face, so long as she gave it a bit of effort.

“Can you tell me why we are all here and placed in those tanks?” Spoke another boy demandingly, almost threateningly. The electricity that rolled up his arm only seemed to exacerbate that point.

“After all this, they deserve something…many of them don't even appear to be those we found first…” She affirmed to herself, nodding lightly once.

“The W.G. did this…” she said as strongly as she could muster on such short notice. “The W.G. has been the cause of all of this…and much more. We, I mean my friends and myself…we all thought that we might be able to keep you safe; That we could make some sort of shelter for us all. It was supposed to work…in the end…” She continued, turning towards the rest of the students as she fought back her tears.

Her gaze slowly scanned among them all. “Each and every one of them is potentially me…Adults are supposed to prevent children from coming about their misfortunes…right?” She asked herself before looking down towards her own stomach; it’s bulge too small right now to be noticed.

Darting her head back up towards the crowd of students, she pointed back towards the vehicles in the distance sharply.
“Them! They want nothing more than to make sure that every single one of you, and everyone like you, are dead and dissected. I-I know I have done much to help you all before, but please…at least trust this much of me…? Get into the building. Enter from it’s eastern entrance…No heroics. I’ll try to slow them down…”


Alex could feel his own warmth rushing out along his chest. All in all, he had been somewhat lucky. The flames had masked his location enough that this sword chick could not see to land an immediately fatal blow, though that wasn’t the kind of luck he would have wanted.

“If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all…” He thought to himself as he watched his sister and the others quickly escape out the shattered window. It was a line his father had often repeated.

Burning pain scorched through his body as she started to pull the blade free of him, her eye’s already glaring down at the rest of the group; at his baby sister. Doing the only thing he could thick of, Alex reached forward and grabbed at the wrist of the hand holding the blade. He pulled her in with all the strength he could still muster.

“N-no way…I’m ever letting you go” He said, grimly putting forth as intimidating a smile as he could muster.


“Kill her! Kill them ALL!” continued to scream in her head, refusing all hopes of protest or self reflection. A deep rage coursed through the Dragon’s body as she watched her prey continue in their futile flight. It mattered not how far they attempted to run, it would never be far enough to spare their lives once her gaze was upon them.

She began to pull her arm free before feeling an inferno at her wrist. She winced in the pain that screamed up her arm, turning towards the source of her torment quickly, though he only seemed to smile in some sort masochistic satisfaction.

Roaring loudly, she elbowed into his face with her free arm once, twice, thrice…shattering his nose and creating another bloody geyser in the process. His grip however was unrelenting, and it was not long before the scent of her own burning flesh weighed heavily in the air.

MOTHER!!!” She screamed out, her voice carrying in the air and ringing about the room. Reflexively, she teleported him free of her…relinquishing the sword to him in the process.

“Mother…?” she thought to herself for moment through her own blinding pain. “Who is my—? Where am I?”

A glint of fast moving metal gave her very little time to think. Before she knew it, her body had reacted and spun out of the way of his wild, untrained strike with her katana.

“To the left.” Her instincts demanded of her. With perfect precision she spun with him as he swung another wild strike, nearly parallel to the ground.

Blood splattered out to the floor in thick globs due to his increased activity. His skin was becoming slightly pale, his body trembling minutely. Her eyes seemed to catch every detail to be seen, from his irregular panting, to how his gaze kept flitting over to the young girl running with that crowd.

“Your hurt?” She meant to say, but found she could not quite form the words. The process felt entirely foreign, even though these movements and details did not. “Who am I?”

Continuing to press his attack, the boy jerked his hand out at her. Every fiber of her being told her to disappear from there, to simply appear behind him and use him as some form of shield.

“How—?” was all she managed to think before the temperature greatly rose behind her. She turned on instinct, just barely catching a glimpse of the examination bed that crashed into her body. She closed her eyes hard, expecting the onslaught of pain; the breaking of bones…the pressure of the impact. Instead all she heard was a loud ruckus behind her.

Opening her eyes again slowly, she could see the walls before her had been scorched black, and even destroyed in places.
“What happened…?” she thought to herself before turning and seeing the impossible. The medical bed had been on it’s side, with the boy laying over it groaning slightly. Her mind quickly pieced the relevant information together, the bed had hit him in the chest, just below the heart. Its momentum had sent him back the exactly 2.48 feet remaining to the wall. He had been pressed into it with around 807.2 pounds of force by the impact. He would have at least three broken ribs. At this angle…” she thought as her head turned, instantly finding where her sword had skittered off to after being knocked free of his hands.

A slow, almost mocking clap rang through the devastated infirmary, immediately attracting her attention to the little that remained of the doorway. A boy, wearing a black and white stripped shirt, as well as blue and yellow striped jeans slowly entered. His hair was somewhat scattered, almost as if it were just really long white fur. His slender arms continued together in a clap as he looked about the room with a complex expression that read of both disgust and awe.

“All hail the Dragon of Marith hmm?” He said pompously in a deceptively deep voice for his frame as he knelt to pick up her sword. “Has the princess gotten tired of the rat race already?” He continued, sneering up at her slightly.

“Who are you? Where is this? Why was he attacking me?” She tried to ask, looking over to the boy who should be losing consciousness any moment now; her voice however had again failed her. The motion, judging by the look upon his face as she turned back towards him, had been mistaken for a head shake; a simple no.

“Well, unfortunately miss Dragon…” he started tentatively, his expression trying to mask some emotion; some deep unsettling fear. “…Mother has requested you back at her side. She fears the stress of so many frequent missions are getting to you.”

“The missions…?” she thought to herself, before countless faces flooded past just behind her eyes. They were all so very vivid, so intense, so…pained. They continued until finally she saw the face of the boy she had just stabbed. “I did all this?” She thought in a panicked tone as memories of the assault strategy flitted past her eyes as well. It had taken her mere moments to read the layout information of this place, to discover how their defenses had operated, to plan the assaults.

In her mind’s eye, she perfectly recalled looking up from the ornate desk in her lavishly decorated room towards
her mother with pride. A deep sinking feeling engulfed her as she tried to remember the face of the women who had previously been her entire world. Despite how sharply she could recall everything else, there was nothing but a dark shadowy void where she should have been, and that sinking feeling only intensified further…

“I won’t…” She said, her voice finally accepting her commands.

The boy looked back towards her shocked. It took her only a moment to realize why however; she had never spoken before,
mother had asked her not to. She had told her it was for her own safety, that there were people in the world who might be able to find her from even the slightest of clues, and that she wouldn’t want to cause her any troubles if she was a loving daughter.

“Regardless, the cleaners are coming to kill or capture the rest.” He said with no small amount of fear painting his words as he hesitantly handed her back the old blade.

Slowly the pain began to fade from the deep burns upon her wrist. Just as slowly,
the voice began to return, whispering for her to kill the witnesses; whispering that no one must suspect their fellow ‘students’ of possible treachery if she was to keep her brothers and sisters safe.

“You alright Dragon?” he inquired, before suddenly turning his head sharply towards the boy. Following suit, she turned to peer at him as well.

“Impossible…” she thought as the melted remains of the metallic medical bed flowed harmlessly off of his skin; As he rose slowly to stand with a vindictive glare towards the both of them, seemingly shirking the wounds that should have proven to be nearly fatal.

“Well, looks like the pup still wants to fight” Said the boy as his name suddenly bubbled up from the sea of information in her mind. “Just get back home, I’ll take care of the runt.” He said, pushing her towards the window absentmindedly in the process.

She hopped out lightly, looking back as she felt a sudden increase of temperature, but was unable to make out either of their forms.



A soldier swung hard at the the small plastic monkeys that tormented him. He was the last, the other having either knocked themselves out in their efforts to stop the relentless plastic menace, or were taken out by the random swinging of the tanks internal machinery.

The butt of his rifle connected with the yellow terror, sending it flying into the side wall of the tank before the entire vehicle started to reverse quickly. He turned to see the two blue monkeys slamming away randomly at keys. They were pounding away at them as they rocked their tiny plastic heads back and forth…as if they were playing the drums!

“Damn it you little bastards. This is NOT a TOY!” he shouted as he swung the rifle at those two hard, almost as if it were a bat. Again, he connected to his unending satisfaction. Unfortunately, they too managed to connect to something satisfying…the tanks direction controls.

The entire apparatus spun rapidly, forcing the soldier off balance and crashing head first into the tanks escape latch. The sight of stars filled his vision for a few moments before he started to come too again, the golden menace was standing upon his chin with the two blue terrors. The three of them were trying to brandish his hunting knife…and were succeeding. He struggled to rise up, but his body was still too stunned to listen to his desperate plea. Only moments later, he felt the cold galvanized steel of his own blade plunge into his throat, and was forced to watch them helplessly as his brain slowly died of oxygen deprivation.



“SIR, YES SIR” announced the soldier to his mammoth sized commanding officers request. He had not noticed that the words were lost to the giant boy, even as he saluted and entered into the enemy territory (assisted along by a push from his CO).

The metallic jungle was dark, and wrought with perils. Giant weaponry hung from the very roof, threatening to end his life at any moment should one simply wrest free of its hanging hook. Hanging carcasses of meat, enough to feed his entire platoon for months, swayed gently side to side. Though the room was ominous to be sure, none of that compared to the
presence. It was like he was walking through a tangible cloud of malice and hatred as thick as pea soup. He could feel it with every fiber of his being, and it didn’t even feel as if it was directed towards him.

“Get your head in the game soldier” he said to himself before pulling up his plastic binoculars. He scowled more than a little as he noticed it did nothing to enhance his sight, and so he opted to settle for his old reliable rifle.

He approached the corner of some massive building, trying to push out of mind the gigantic great sword that was teetering on the edge of its roof. Tentatively, he leaned over to peer about around the building’s corner. From deep inside the shadows of the room, he could swear he saw movement. Swearing however, was a very different thing than actually seeing, and this soldier wasn’t going to return to his CO without some damned good intel.

He quickly hustled forward, despite the little green slab that felt almost as if it were nailed to the bottom of his feet. In a few short moments, he had cleared the length of the long windowless building, and could here the sounds of breathing around this new corner. Worse than the deep, low breathing was the sound of ripping flesh. It was as if some terrible abomination against nature were gouging out the organs of some poor bloke.

His chest sank quickly as he gathered his courage, though he had no true breath to exhale. Slowly, he approached this corner as well. Slower still did he attempt to peer around its edge.

He could see only more darkness, but instinctively knew something else lurked inside it. He carefully removed cap and placed it on the muzzle of his rifle before sticking it out slowly. The shadows shifted immediately, revealing a single pair of terrible eyes. They felt as if they pierced his very soul, and the aura of malice in the air only intensified this feeling.

“This must be the threat, I have to get back!” he shouted to himself as he looked back towards where he knew his platoon was arming themselves. The meek light pouring from their direction only exacerbated exactly how far he would need to move.

Turning back suddenly, the eyes were upon him, glaring down ferociously…he had never even heard its huge form move.

“What in the devil—” was all he managed to gasp out before it’s wicked claws crashed with the force of a Humvee into his chest, sending him flying across the room. He had no idea how he had managed to survive so terrible a blow, but he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

A deep rumbling base echoed faintly through the darkness of the room. It was the only sound he had ever heard it produce, and he didn’t like it one bit. It told him this monster was hungry…and he was it’s god damned meal.

Pushing himself up towards his feet, he rushed off for the now much closer exit, bursting through the doors shouting at the top of his lungs.

Only moments later did the shadow demon rush into the light and scan around. It opened its terrible maw, which still had the red fibers of it’s victims flesh upon it. With terrible poise it stalked closer, ignoring the rest of his platoon as he ran up to them…letting out its terrible battle cry…



Terribly sorry if I missed anything; I don't THINK I did, but going back as much as 8 pages at places for reference information may say otherwise >_< All should beware the shadow :3 The aura that the soldier feels however, is felt by all of the students in the first portion of the kitchen...just FYI
When the area around her warps in response to her scream, Abbie nervously steps back and is enveloped in a hug from Becca. Appreciating the comfort but still very afraid; she covers her head and tries to protect herself. Whimpering in fear as a tank loomed in front of the entrance of the room they were in, she had already been released by the oler girl with an apology. Abbie closed her eyes in response to the tank, waiting for the inevitable blow but it never came, instead it was the mean teacher’s voice.

The woman is offering to check the area out for them, and Abbie forces her eyes open realizing that the tank was empty and looked around the room they were now standing in. It is some compartment that reminds her of a train cart or a semi container and Ms. Ritsa had just jumped out of its only opening. Becca then takes her hand and Abbie readily holds it, following her out of the trailer as well, the scene she sees worries her, why were there so many children on the ground? Were they all protecting themselves?

Ritsa is talking about them entering the building though, going through an east entrance before something came…Abbie wasn’t too sure what. That wasn’t what the girl was worried about though… “What about them!” she notes, pointing wearily at the bodies. “Aren’t we going to help them?” she asks, tugging Becca’s arm and looking up at her. It seemed the girl had been left to her innocence for far too long, not even knowing that the bodies in front of them we’re just that…dead bodies. “We need to help them!” she ushers, trying to make it so they weren’t hurt any more than they were.


It turned out that the door was locked, not budging when Benji had tried to open it, and instead putting up a mean resistance. It was lucky enough, because when he went to go wait for the others, he found another plate that matched the boy’s description. Of course it can’t be that easy… he thinks to himself, looking back at the group as the clingy girl asks what they should do. The girl seems a little nervous, clearly afraid of the dark and he makes a move towards her to make it brighter when another girl steps out.

The girl holds her hand out towards the door, and Benji watches as she closes her eyes and seems to be trying to do something to it from here. Still, the effort is visible on the door and he is amazed by what she is doing, although it doesn’t seem to be working. It is the same moment that his lights momentarily blind him that the door yanks free of its hinges, flying past them. Almost automatically his powers seem to readjust, and he frowns, confused at what just happened. Brushing it off for now, he continues with the group to explore the two rooms and eventually hears someone find the stash.

Benji had actually never seen a real gun. Just a moment ago he had seen a tank in real life and now this… He seems to look at everything present carefully weighing its value before finally taking the rifle… bigger weapons meant better…right? He tentatively looks around, meeting eyes with the spunky girl and the one who had mentioned them being sitting ducks. “Everyone who can handle a weapon grab one…” he offers, then looks to the clairvoyant before passing her a dagger. “At least something to protect yourself with” he tries, before turning back and picking up the rounds. He wasn’t really sure who to leave them with so he just pocketed them.

“Let’s head back!” he cheers, ushering them on.
Luke continued walking with the others, he still had sick on his new clothes...he hoped he could clean them sometime soon. They'd found some things and the boy with the mask picked up a note and Talin had found some daggers and called Luke over suggesting he should take them, he nodded and placed them into his hands, no need in holding them in the air just yet. He hoped it wouldn't have to him killing someone at the very least he'd try to throw it somewhere that it would stop the soldiers from harming them but at the same time not actually killing them. He knew enough about killing that it changed you, no one can be the same after that unless they're completely insane. Talin went on to compliment his power and how he was jealous of certain aspects of it. "Thanks"Was all Luke said back, the boy then went on to tell them all to keep on their toes and someone might jump out and attack them here or something. The boy with the note still hadn't said anything so Luke asked him "What does the note say?" Man they were so screwed, why did he have to come here, he would be asking this question so many times if he made it out alive.
There was a scuffling sound in the kitchen and Talin readied as he waited for what he assumed to be an incoming assault. The little toy soldier banged hard against the doorframe before forcing itself up again in what appeared to be an act of great toy gallantry and making a break for the group. Behind it, the scuffling sound rapidly increased before a small black cat with a small white speck just over its nose spun out of the corner in hot pursuit. Somehow resisting the urge to break down laughing in relief, Talin instead moved his foot between the toy and its attacker. He was somewhat less able, however, to resist the snicker that followed the cat’s inability to stop in time and inevitable crash into his ankle.

Reaching down, he picked up the small toy and balanced him calmly in the palm of his hand. “Was it all clear, Joe?” he asked. It took him only a moment to realize the flaw in his reasoning as the soldier looked at him incredulously before turning the plastic gun towards the bristled, hissing feline.

“Right . . .” sighed the boy as he scooted the cat away with his foot. “Other than this ferocious beasty, was it clear?” Aware that the toy was still looking at him like he was nuts, he waited for his answer patiently. After a long moment the toy saluted and offered a rather curt nod. “Good work, Joe,” nodded the boy as he returned the small soldier to its perch on his soldier and started off into the kitchen. He felt a bit better now that he had some minor intelligence on the room, but still kept his cooking torch at the ready just in case.

Maneuvering through the large kitchen took a bit as he made sure that he checked for potential enemies as he went. There were all sorts of potential dangers in this room including but not limited to the chef’s cooking knives hanging from the ceiling. To the contrary, finding the meat locker took little effort at all. He had reasoned that enemy forces were a nonthreat in this room as they would have been attacked while waiting for the soldier if a search party was going through. Also, the group had run this way to escape the soldiers, it didn’t stand to reason that they would have been beaten here by them.

Moving towards the door, he checked the chill window cautiously. “What the hell?” he snapped as the blood froze in his veins. On the other side of the door there was . . . nothing. Well . . . there were mammoth chunks of meat dangling from the ceiling which were illuminated by a small blink of a red light off somewhere in the cooler. Suddenly, things started to make sense and Talin cursed himself softly under his breath for being an idiot.

“Cross,” he muttered, feeling the temperature drop a bit in spite of the fact that the glow from his watch had made it easier for him to control, “there is nothing here . . . but . . . come to think of it, there is something that I’ve missed so far . . . We found you just outside the room. You were listening? Or just preventing the monkeys from offering the help that they were supposed to be offering to the others?” His eyes were cold and cruel as he turned back to face the group with a white knuckled grip on his torch, body shaking slightly with adrenaline and fear.

“I didn’t really think about it at the time because you were our age . . . but the soldiers did appear to have intel on the school, right? Then . . . you tell us that you have the power to talk to inanimate things. It’s a useful ability if you want to feed a group of unsuspecting students a lot of false information to lead them however you please, huh?” his voice matched his glare now as the facts of their situation started to paint a very dark image of one of their group members.

“So . . .” he continued as a sinister smirk touched his lips as he warned the others of his new found suspicion. “Tell me . . . what did you intend to have done to us at the meat locker, Cross?”
“They will not stop sir Collen. You cannot win the war, but I can at least help you to win the battle! This is a place of secrets boy, though I doubt anyone even fathoms this…besides perhaps the lady Ritsa. The mercenaries will come boy, this future has already been predicted. The young one’s shall all perish, but there still remains hope…Look for a place out of place…in the meat-locker you shall find salvation” The words continued to say over and over in Cross' mind,and the note he had read ran through his mind too,he had stayed there quiet and still until things started to finally click together.As they did he would think out loud without knowing such as the fact he said 'meat locker' before,course he whispered to himself most of the rest as he stared down at the note.As things suddenly became clearer he looked up to the others ready to say something but then Luke asked,"What does the note say?" Cross looked over to the boy with slight confusion at first,then he looked at the note."Umm..."He quoted the note.

"I fear, this meager sheet of parchment will be what must functions as my very last journal entry before the me that is me no longer exists. Her call is undeniable. It is as if it my thoughts, and desires are molded by her words. I have tried to fight, but my vigil no longer seems to be enough to cease her constant bombardment.

Undoubtedly, I am nothing more than a stepping stone; a pawn upon a chess field I cannot perceive. This does not mean however, that I cannot perform some small task before becoming her thrall.I cannot even do this much....I am sorry. Just know that you are all tra...."He stopped there since he couldn't understand the rest.Once again he was going to say something but before he could he heard,“RUN! EVERYBODY RUN!!!!” from in the kitchen.

"Eh?"the voice sounded small and he had no idea who said it since he had missed what was going on as he thought to himself.He then noticed the toys,the cat,and Talin,he couldn't help but chuckled at the scene and what the toy was saying about just a little cat. Though to them it could be a threat,I guess...As Talin spoke to the soldier Cross had walked over,sticking the note from before in his pocket so he wouldn't lose it.He squatted down to the cat pulling his mask down off his face and then pet it gently,keeping Effy on his back and the little boy still seeming to hang around close too. Cross sighed,he seemed to become the babysitter of the group and had no idea when he agreed to it.When Talin began to head into the kitchen Cross stood up straight again and had slowly walked after him,staying behind a ways though.The cat seemed to had discovered Cross' shoe laces and followed him right behind,Cross looked around and

to him the room seemed very bright for some reason. He kept looking around to see if he could find anything useful or interesting until he heard Talin,
“What the hell?”Cross turned around to him to find that Talin had found the meat locker,Cross had actually smiled since the meat locker was the main thing he was looking for but his smile quickly faded when he heard Talin call his name in a voice that was somehow very familiar to him.

He heard and felt a slight chill corse through his body.“there is nothing here . . . but . . . come to think of it, there is something that I’ve missed so far . . . We found you just outside the room. You were listening? Or just preventing the monkeys from offering the help that they were supposed to be offering to the others?” His eyes were cold and cruel as he turned back to face them,his body seemed to shake slightly for some reason.“I didn’t really think about it at the time because you were our age . . . but the soldiers did appear to have intel on the school, right? Then . . . you tell us that you have the power to talk to inanimate things. It’s a useful ability if you want to feed a group of unsuspecting students a lot of false information to lead them however you please, huh?” Cross stared at Talin in slight shock,what was he say!?No,what was he think? Cross could see this was definitely not going good for him.“So . . .” Talin had continued as a sinister smirk crossed his lips.“Tell me . . . what did you intend to have done to us at the meat locker, Cross?”

Cross had not moved or said anything,but it was easy to tell how he felt as his eyes filled with anger.But before he actually replied,he had closed his eyes and sighed,opening them again to show his calm gaze as before.He knew how he felt,frustration,anger,some sadness and disappointment,but if he let emotions control what he said it'd only make things worse."I had no intentions...The fact that I never addressed what I said to you should show that."He said in a calm voice,though the anger could still be hinted through his words."When I first met all of you I was just nervous....I hated people.....and wasn't going to turn down that feeling just to help strangers I didn't know,though you all seemed to be like me I wanted to give you a chance...The monkeys,as Ruth said,probably saw my behavior as weird and saw me as a bad guy...course it seems there not the only ones...."His anger rose with every word said and it was plain to see.

"And my power is one that has absolutely no help or strength to it...As you said no one would ever know if I'm lying or not,so how would it ever be helpful?..."His sadness had show though on his face now as he spoke about his power,gazing to the ground as he spoke he knew all to well this power was just more stress."But lying about what things say is unforgivable,and the fact that they can't deny it or change anything unlike us is just sad..."

His calm tone slowly returned,"I don't know who told me or why but what I heard is what I heard....They will not stop sir Collen."He had started to say what he had heard." You cannot win the war, but I can at least help you to win the battle! This is a place of secrets boy, though I doubt anyone even fathoms this…besides perhaps the lady Ritsa. The mercenaries will come boy, this future has already been predicted. The young one’s shall all perish, but there still remains hope…Look for a place out of place…in the meat-locker you shall find salvation...."Cross softly sighed and continued."It was addressed to me....I was going to tell you,all of you...But of course at first I figured if I just out of the blue said suck crazy things you'd think something was up with me so I just shut up....though turned out it was the same if I said nothing as well..."

He looked at Talin in disappointment,
"And that's why I hate people...The way they just assume something....and then it suddenly becomes reality thanks to miscommunication....Then a rumor begins...it grows...and a whole village is taken down just because someone 'assumed' they were secretly working for an enemy..."His angry had risen as his tone grew slightly louder and more off to someone else as he remembered his past and everything he had lost."People are...just things I can never forgive....and it's thanks to people like you..."Cross addressed straight to Talin,his anger had filled him and now it was speaking in his place.He had let his emotions slowly take over,the thing he tried to hold back....He thought people like Talin and the others would be more...like himself,but they all sounded like the people he despised now and he hated it.
Ruth blinked and even giggled some as Talin sent the army man she let him have into the kitchen. Her eyes watching it before glancing to him again . . . then this aura making her feel sick with fear herself. “Something feels wrong . . .” She said out loud hoping the others would agree or feel it too, then again the whole school was being attack, tech something was wrong.

Only to giggle at the kitty, for some reason the cuteness alone making her feel better. After they started to walk again she even picked it up to cuddle and carry with her. Moving to place a hand on Talin’s shoulder as if unsure, only to touch the soldier making sure to renew the time it had since it had been so good. Her hand gently stroking the cat’s head for comfort as she decided to follow silently behind, her eyes roamed for any signs of danger, or anything useful.

When Talin suddenly turned, she jumped, her eyes widen at his words. Looking to Cross as if to ask him if it was true . . . it all made sense in ways after all, getting more confused at some of Talin’s words. “When did Cross mention a meat locker?” Missing it herself probably busy with her own worry and trying to find things that would help. Then Cross spoke and she got a hurt look as he even stated he hated people . . . in away stating he hated them.

She stood silent never the less in respect to hear the boy out. “What war? Are we the young ones . . .?” She paled only to growl annoyed. “I don’t know, I don’t know who’s right or wrong, but if you were told such a thing you should have told us sooner! It . . . if . . . you should have let us decide . . . this isn’t a time to worry about your feelings or our reactions as much as surviving and getting through it. “

She actually growled as Cross bit into Talin with his words. “You’re a bloody idiot!” She ended up stating to Cross annoyed. “Did you ever think if you didn’t hide so many things . . . that well people wouldn’t find you untrusting? You may not be the enemy . . . but you’re right about being useless if you keep going with that attitude.” At that piece said she moved to stand between the both of them. “In truth though you’re BOTH being idiots . . . we have people trying to KILL us and we’re already cracking and turning against each other under pressure.”

Sighing she turned back to Talin at that. “If this was a trap we would be attacked by now right?” She asked him gently, understanding his fear. “If you don’t trust him watch him carefully . . . but . . . if you’re mistaken . . . is it really a mistake we can afford to make? He said something about the meat locker? I can search it . . . a few can . . . we can have someone stand guard . . . it doesn’t hurt to look right? I’ll . . I’ll even send in a few monkeys if you wish, I’ll even be the first to go in afterwards.”

At that she already had her hand on the barrel of monkeys pulling them out. Eleven were left and she figured pulling out three to send it should be enough, leaving her eight to use in emergencies. Bringing the three to life, she smiled warmly to them, only to glance to the cat and get another idea. Instead she slowly pushed or tried to push the cat into the room first. Warm body and all should set off any traps there . . . sure she would feel bad if it died but . . . it was more safe at least.
The boy listened to his accused companion's rant quietly, allowing the words to sink in as he tried to parse what may or may not be true in it. Cross looked as though he felt quite betrayed, but there was a rather pressing need for scrutiny. As the older boy’s words finally trailed off, he opened his mouth to respond. In truth, any response that he could have offered probably would have simply added fuel to the fire. Thankfully, Ruth spoke up and removed the need to reply from him.

“Right,” he nodded after she had finished. “If you think it’s prudent to check, I’ll agree . . . but we do need a guard . . . and don’t think for a moment that you are going in without me! If something would happen and you lot got trapped in there . . . at least I could stop you from freezing . . .”

“Judging by the tech that we’ve encountered since coming here, I’m thinking that we will most certainly want Miss Effy there to help us find it also . . . Luke, think you could get the door closed from here? If it's closed they will have less reason to think to check this way, and if anyone starts to open, you can retreat into the cooler with us . . . or make a break for it and leave us to whatever comes,” he smirked rather ruefully at the possibility. By now, however, he was pretty sure that they had all reached the same conclusion as he had: going off on your own would likely be suicidal. “The rest of us will run a quick check of the meat locker . . . hopefully find our ‘salvation’ and a way out of this mess . . .”

His expression softened a bit as he reached out and mussed up the little boys hair again. “You two can handle that, right? Oh, and Luke . . . remember what I said earlier about hidden floating weapons . . . you have a lot of potential to keep us safe here, ya know?”

Pausing for a second as he took a deep breath, the boy tried to swallow some of his pride and worry. “I’ll decide whether or not an apology is in order or not when we survive this,” he continued after a moment. “Ruth, Effy, and Cross . . . are you ready?”

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