IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Luke had only just looked up from his ball when he Saw Sage running away from someone, it appeared she was bleeding. He called for her to come back but it was too late, she'd gone running off down the hall. There was nothing he could do anyway. He looked up at the people trying to comfort him he gave a half hearted smile until he realized that there were men in here...with guns. He started crawling back until he was right up against the wall. They were fairly close. Until a shadow wall had came up, probably by the older boy. Atleast now they seemed to be safe. Luke let out a sigh of relief and then started to wonder if Sage would be okay... she seemed to be pretty hurt. He shook his head, shouldn't be thinking about that he should be thinking about how to deal with the current situation. "Stop being so stupid" He muttered to himself. He looked back up at the girls. Atleast there was someone here with him that didn't seem to be so aggressive. He gave a smile off before turning back to look at the shadow wall. (Sorry its so short)
Ruth smiled brightly when Talin spoke of having a plan. Even started to help him with the wardrobe, only to stop once hearing what he had to say, her smile fading fast. “That’s like telling them come up here and get us!” Her face paling more when it all came forward . . . he was going to get himself killed! “Can’t we just try to sneak kids into the room and out the window you managed to open?” They didn’t have time to really argue she knew this . . . but she didn’t want her new friend dying either.

It was that time that the tech girl started to speak and she soften looking to her worried. She seemed . . . slightly more pale? Ruth wondered if it was the light playing with her eyes. Slowly heading over to her she placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder trying to support her some. At the cough Ruth’s eyes widen that didn’t sound like a cold, colds didn’t come on this fast. Her eyes roamed over the cameras quickly trying to see where would be most safe, if she had to throw the girl out the window she would. She wanted to get her help either way though. Had her hope of a future ruined it with them?

Then there was suddenly blood and Ruth started to feel sick from the worry alone. This was no time to argue . . . she had no real better plan than to touch some statues and find a way into the dorms from the garden. The girl dropping there, she looked to Talin, before glancing over the computer wondering if it worked wirelessly if it could even be moved.

Of course he would stick to his plan and she just sighed not sure if she had it in her to fight it anymore. “So everyone going out the garden isn’t an option then?” She asked lightly even as she went back to helping Talin move so that he can do his plan. “My name is Ruth.” She said softly . . . not sure why it was important now for him to use it. Maybe if they didn’t see each other again in this life she would want him to know it. Maybe she wasn’t feeling so grand enough to have a hero name. Who knew the real reason?

“She got the cameras.” Ruth paused glancing to Talin some once more. “I don’t want you to stay with this stupid plan . . . set it up and come join us. Hells if we can push it towards the hall even do that and protect it there till you can fall back . . . but you’re not going to stay stupid. I don’t come up with many plans at all . . . we need you just to continue on past this point. You don’t just easily let a key player in a game go when you can keep them I know this.”

Taken a deep breath she looked worried at the girl before given Jason a weak smile. “Come on kid help me find something with wheels, a skate board anything that may help move her. We’re not leaving her but if we can find ANYWAY to transfer her faster it would be idea . . . I’m not really the strongest after all.” At that she tried to do another quick search of the office, only to sigh scared half to death either way. She didn’t want to go out there, she didn’t want to risk it, but she knew they couldn’t stay their either. One more glance towards the window before nodding to Talin she would do this one way or another even if she had to drag the girl’s limp body along the floor . . . hey that wasn’t that bad of an idea if the floors were marble cloth would slip easier on it.
Abigail was still tightly secured to Ms. Ritsa’s side when the woman seemed to acknowledge both her and the other girl. Her tone of voice makes the young girl step back, looking up at her with imploring eyes. Hesitancy was clearly visible on Abbie’s face, as the teacher had said it so strangely… the strangers behind her were certainly more welcoming then the scientist’s, but not by much. Then the woman was talking normally again, telling them that they had been captured and she would get them out.

The girl only manages a nod, trying her best to stay composed in the new environment…the new scary environment. Much like the girl besides her she hears the body drop behind them, and jumps slightly, whipping around to stare at the man still standing. “Did you do that!?” she asks, weary eyes on him, it seemed she was trapped in a room full of scary adults. Even Ms. Ritsa was acting strangely…

Becca speaks, and the redhead decides minutely that she is the safest…she isn’t dropping bodies or talking weird. Speaking of weird, Ms. Ritsa seemed to be going to coo-coo town and fast; a weird smile on her face as the scientists shoot themselves. A frown maars her own face, she wasn’t complaining but usually people would be shooting them… Maybe this was the drama-my-zation her mom was talking about. Still, Abbie knew it wasn’t supposed to be fun.

When the woman speaks again, it is insulting, but the girl is unsure who she is talking to until she turns the next insult toward her. …Obnoxious? “I’m not obnoxious!” Abbie defends herself, clearly wounded, the woman had asked her to scream but instead she folds her arms. “No!” she pouts, tears in her eyes as she wearily backs up a step. “I’m not screaming! And you can’t make me!” she makes sure to stay just below her normal yelling register, stubborn as always. As her final statement she sticks her tongue out and gives the older woman a raspberry, tucking herself safely behind Becca.
Still more soldiers flooded into the room led by a one Grey Carson. He pulled down the visor of his helm which immediately traced over the world in a dim green hue, outlining the students in the tangled web of light and dark. He didn’t expect his first job as a mercenary one involving something so…grisly. He didn’t exactly have a problem taking out threats to Triton, but it was always the children that sent feelings of unease crawling up his spine. With a small grimace he gave the proper commands to his helmet, which he knew would reach all those of his particular squad.

“Check your fields of fire” He thought to himself as his head swung on a swivel. Towards his left there was a single boy taking out an entire squad with what looked like an octopus of shadow. To his right was their asset, springing up from the floor and vanishing in a violent burst, shattering portions of the marble floor in the process.

“Just what the hell had I gotten myself into—” he started to think, interrupted by the garbled screams of terror before being slammed away by the hurled bodies of half his squad.

A loud sickening crack echoed with static through his helmet. It took him a moment in the daze to realize that he was buried under the bodies of his crew, the one’s he had talked into accepting this crap job in the first place.
“Damn it Valentine…” he thought to himself as he shoved his friend off of him unceremoniously, looking back to see his eye through his cracked visor staring up into eternity. “Damn it…”

Fire quickly licked around him, offering very little time to think. He turned to see a vibrantly glaring female child, fire spinning around her violently. He lunged forward, grabbing the rifle of one of his old dead drinking buddies while dodging a huge plume of flame that erupted underneath him.
“Don’t die, DON’T DIE” he shouted in his head as he landed hard on his shoulder. As quickly as he could manage, he set the rifle to overload, scrambled to his feet, and took off in a sprint.

“Your not gettin’ away that DAMN EASY!!!” Shouted the girl as she turned towards him with hands out stretched. The flaming tornado that seemed to surround her contorted into the appearance of a grand phoenix, threatening to over take him in his flight. On impulse alone, Carson dropped to the floor in a heavy slide on the smooth marble floor, just barely dipping below the claws as a brilliant purple explosion of light erupted from the rifle, sending the girl and nearby students to the ground shaking.

The look upon her face was sickening; like looking at a tortured animal.
“What does this make me…? The butcher…?” he thought to himself somberly as he pulled free his ARC 879 pistol prototype and advanced forward. His gut told him he had a larger role to play in this whole thing, just what that was he didn’t know… but he trusted his instincts. They’d seem him through more combat than he cared to recount, and that was enough for him.

~~~ Ember Bare

“Are you crazy!? You go after them and your fun’ll be over for sure!” whispered the ginormous flesh ape thing in a thunderous tone. The three monkey’s looked at one another from his palms before looking back up at him in agreement, a mischievous smile plastered along all of their faces.

“How do we stop the enemy creepy smelly flesh ape guy?” responded the small troop’s leader.


Before you could even venture to answer, pained cries rang through the air from behind you. Looking back you could see the faintest of flickers beneath the door blocking off the headmasters room.

“BURN ONE OF YOURSELVES YOU DAMN’D ARSONIST CHILDREN!!! AARRGGH!?!” cried out the wardrobe in protest, though its words had fallen upon deaf ears.

“Sounds…? Arsonist’s? IS SOMEBODY UP THERE? Please…HELP ME!”


Dragon spun to her feet deftly, feeling a deep rage and blood lust that often accompanied her upon her missions; not that she ever thought of such things. The mission was her life, her very existence; it was her bread and butter, and water…nothing else mattered. Right?

“Why am--?” She thought to herself before feeling a deep wracking pain course through her body. Her arms swung wide violently before rushing to her head as she screamed out in a blood curling tone, easily surpassing the diminished volume of the foyer.

Her erratic motions lasted only for a moment before her mind returned to its typical calculating and rage-full self.
“Kill the witness!” rang through her head with tremendous force as she did a partially calculated teleport. The world trembled violently as a loud burst emitted from her location, stealing away some of the surrounding material and sending a small shockwave through the devastated marble.


Abagail looked out at the students that sat around trembling with an odd combination of depression and disgust. They were huddled into small clusters, staring back at her with looks of deepening fear plastered along their faces. It was the end of the world to them, they were perfectly content sitting around waiting to die.

“Was this how big kid’s were supposed to be…?” Abagail started weakly, glancing down at her brother. “Is this it then?! Your all just gonna sit there like dog’s with your tails between your legs?!”

Her voice rose to an almost deafening crescendo, as she gripped her fists together tightly.
“Alex would never just back down like this, YOUR ALL JUST A WASTE OF FLESH!” she let out, gasping lightly. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YO—” she started, interrupted by a heavy rattling of the doorknob.

The color all but ran from her face as she watched it shake and rattle. Almost immediately the world was filled with a heavy whirring noise deeply reminiscent of hundreds of people moaning in unison.
“A…G-ghost?!” Abagail stammered out, the majority of her bluster lost in mere moments.

“Someone, open the door please…” came a voice frantically from the other side of the door, with a heavy knocking. “I am bleeding out quickly… Help…”

Without even thinking, Abagail started towards the door before suddenly being thrown across the room by an invisible hand.

“Are you crazy?! It’s a trick!” shouted one of the frightful children as she crashed into a rack of medical trays in a loud racket. “Your gonna get us all killed…” continued the kid shakily as he looked around the room.

Several pieces of specialized medical equipment was sent skittering across the floor in all directions. There was everything from simple tongue depressors, to wickedly sharp scalpels. With all the vibration from the crash, the blinds concealing the outside world was sent flying from it’s perch along the wall.

Abagail looked up dizzily to see the gleaming silver of one such scalpel looming just before her. With wide eyes Abagail turned to the one she presumed had thrown her, even if she couldn't fully understand how.
“What are you…?” she let out meekly.

“Your ruining EVERYTHING! You should just DIE!” He shouted as he threw his hands down to force the scalpel to move forward telekinetically.

Abagail quickly dropped in the fetal position as intense fear wracked over her, followed almost immediately by an intense warmth. Slowly she peaked over her knees not understanding how it was that she hadn’t perished yet to see the molten remains of some thing small oozing slowly in front of her.

She turned quickly to look up to her big brother who was pushing himself tenuously out of bed, looks of murder on adorning his face. It was then that he noticed the knocking at the door for which his sister rushed back to her feet.

With one swift motion Abagail unlocked the door and swung it open, a look of pride quickly changing to confusion and finally horror as Ruth looked upon her.


Dragon appeared mid way down the hallway in a rain of marble, witnessing her quarry banging frantically upon a door for shelter.

“Kill her, kill her, kill her, KILL HER” Screeched through her head in a voice that for the first time ever she realized was not her own. “Who are—” she started to think before floundering heavily on the wall beside her, again screaming out in agony and alerting her prey to her presence.

With a loud almost animalistic growl, Dragon teleported once more, stealing away enough of the wall to expose portions of the near by rooms, appearing behind Sage in mid air, swinging furiously quickly.

Just as the satisfying feeling of severing her twig like neck would have been rewarded to her, the door swung open and her prey fell in.

“YOU!” she roared out at the young girl who looked at her in horror. With all of the grace of a fish on land, the girl rushed forward and slammed the door shut before screaming “ALEX!!”


Panting heavily, the headmaster moved to secure the bottom halls. He had exerted himself heavily in that last display of strength, but he knew he couldn’t just stop here, not after calling them all here in the first place.
“Come on guys…” he thought to himself as he lurched forward.

Several soldiers laid motionless on the floor before the eastern hall due to his herculean throw.
“Small potatoes…” he thought to himself, recognizing these few were just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Spotting a young girl shaking heavily on the ground, Darian ran with all the speed he could muster. He pulled up her head and held her convulsing form in his arms.
“Dont—” he started, though the rest of the sentence would have been wasted as she suddenly became very still.

Darian felt almost as if his heart were trapped in a vice that was trying to pull it free of his chest. He barely noticed as a single purple pulse blasted through air, crashing hard into the side of his head and again sending the world screaming to white.


Grey trudged on, his breath very faintly fogging up the bottom of his visor. He suddenly turned sharply towards his left on instinct and squeezing the trigger of his pistol. The pulse connected solidly in the core of some kid who had lunged after him with bone-like daggers in his hands. The boy spazzed to the ground hard, sliding out his feet from underneath him and sending him crashing face first into the floor.

Once the stars had subsided, Grey looked out through his now malfunction helmet. The voices and cries of his compatriots cut in and out in his ears as the screen flickered on and off.

“This wasn’t a goddamn suppression mission… This was a ******* war!” Grey yelled internally as he pushed himself up yet again and picking up his pistol. “Where the hell is the target!”

He suddenly turned towards his left almost as if he felt some hidden compulsion; the guidance of a god he didn’t believe in perhaps? Finally there was a bit of hope, a faint glimmer that he could get the his ass out of here and survive yet another encounter by the skin of his teeth. He was just siting there, mourning the loss of the kids he had brainwashed.
“That bastard!” he thought as he quickly brandished his pistol and fired, landing a shot right upon the head. The target fell to the ground hard shaking quite a bit before his motion seemed to cease.

“Finally” Grey said exasperated as the foyer started to empty, poor kids filtering away down the halls for safety.

“So this is the cult leader huh? Burn in hell.” he spit out in his direction before raising his hand to his helmet. “Mission command…target’s down, I repeat targets down; recommend immediate evac?”

‘Alpha……OH GOD!…Can’t…RUN’ screeched over his speakers before a loud explosion erupted, seemingly shaking the entire mansion itself. What’s worse is something told him that came from inside the building.

“These guy’s using grenades in closed quarters?!” He shouted as he turned, before feeling a deep sensation of danger.

Grey lunged to side hard as a statue exploded into fine dust, right in front of where he’d been standing before. Remembering his training, Grey quickly turned and leveled his pistol in the same smooth action, witnessing in horror as the cult leader pulled a lazarus and rose from the ground slowly. The look of rage upon his face told him all he needed to know, this guy was out for blood; HIS blood.

He squeezed at the pistol sending two quick pulses of purple forward that somehow banked hard in the air and crashed into a rather prominent looking painting. “What the—” he started to say.

His instincts kicked in a moment too late, and the next thing he knew he was sent hurtling back and through the air. He sailed the distance towards the stairs before crashing right next to a huge set of doors and some kid talking with his toys. He coughed up blood lightly, feeling as if the world was fading away from him.

“Don’t die!” he shouted to himself in his head, despite feeling as if he’d just been hit by a truck that had been packed full of tanks. “Don’t die” he muttered, this time aloud as he shirked away the pain to return to his feet. “I’m not dying here!”


“ALEX!!” Gabbie cried out as she fell backwards away from the door under the…girl/guy’s weight. “HELP!” she shouted again, which was more than enough for Alex to push aside his dizziness.

“Get back” He shouted to the two of them as he jumped off the medical bed and to his feet, flames flaring blue at his hands. He didn’t know how he could do what he did to that scalpel; how he could do what he was doing now…but none of that mattered right now. He was going to fail his last promise to mom, his lasting promise to dad.

With a loud roar, he swing his right arm up towards the door as his sister rolled herself and the girl she had just allowed in out of the way. With tremendous force, the door blasted free of it’s hinges and intense fire swelled into the hallway, incinerating everything in it’s path. The window over looking a beautiful garden blasted out with the sudden drastic change in heat, sending huge shards of thick glass our, and strong gusts of wind in.

The winds seemed to only increase the potency of the flame, torching right through the marble wall opposite the infirmary door and into the storage room behind it.

With a light pant, Alex finally allowed himself to cool down and lower his arm.
“With that…she should be—” he thought, looking towards his sister before feeling an intense pain at his chest.

The world seemed to shake and sink away as he looked down at the gleaming silver katana blade, slightly orange from the heat. He looked up again to the person holding it, a feeling of dread only rising inside him.

“Not a scratch… There’s not even a tiny scratch on her” he thought to himself before looking out at every one else, and then his sister.

“Run…Gabbie…” he stammered out as the flames seemed to engulf him. It was just like that time with the Lucky Sevens…it was coming and he knew he couldn’t control it. “Run…”

~~~ Sebastian

“REGROUP!” shouted a soldier as their weapons were pulled free by one of these cultist wackos. A great many of them pulled free alternate weapons while still others fell back, sending pulse after pulse of purple forward


With as much haste as was manageable, you dropped your hold upon their rifles to set the tendril’s into a protective wall around you. Mere moments later you could feel blast after blast crash against it’s surface, a good many of them burning their way through as you take off towards your right with great agility towards the wall.

You slam against the wall, using the shadows to cushion the impact. The soldiers march into position as you look behind you, cursing your luck. The dome of shadow you had produced stood right behind you, and you knew the shadow wasn’t entirely impervious to the light of their weapons. Worse was the whirring noise in the background. There were mere moments before the light would return and banish away the majority of your strength…and then those kids…

You propel yourself forward in a full fledged sprint, tendrils of shadow crossing about in front of you. Though they all eventually whittle away to little more than toilet paper from the repeated impacts, you had succeeded in closing the distance.

With a deft spin, you pass just behind a soldier, using his body to absorb the fire of his friends before one last enormous burst of strength, sending a thick web of needle like shadows burrowing deep inside the bodies of the remaining five for just a moment.

(Strike 1 of 3)

You crash upon the wall hard, just narrowly avoiding the whizzing of purple light that almost ended it all. The soldiers march into position as you look behind you, cursing your luck. You had placed yourself square between those snot nosed brats and the god damned soldiers. Way to F***ing go!

It was right then that the whirring sound started, followed by loud clicks in succession. One by one in waves the lights were returning, stealing away more and more of your territory.


Darian held his hands out wards as the lights slowly returned to foyer. He felt great…as if some deep fountain of power had been unlocked in side him. With a loud crash the soldier that shot him smashed hard into the wall atop the stairs after only narrowly avoiding his first shot.

‘TCI System Activating | | 6% Output’ flashed off towards his side, drawing his attention.

“They did it after all.” He thought to himself as pride welled up within him. A single look around told him the other students were feeling it also…they might not have been as attuned to it as he was, the output wouldn’t be nearly as high, but it’d be more than enough…he’d make sure of it.

Only moments later the halogram’s face changed to read ‘You know, getting fondled by everything that movies isn’t exactly my idea of a good time right? Stick to chocolates please.’ Causing Darian to chuckle a bit before turning back to the matter at hand.

He watched as the soldier raised himself back up in an incredible display of indomitably. This was the second time that he had hit him with everything he hand, and yet still he rose. It was almost as if he was saying he absolutely refused to die.

Darian rushed towards the stair case, blasting the ground beneath him to send him flying up in a single bound. Turning upon the soldier, he loosed two quick bursts of gravitational force, watching as the soldier hurled himself back off the balcony to avoid them both.

“His reactions are so fast…” Darian thought as he hurled himself off the balcony as well, receiving two quick shots in the process from those infernal guns. The pain was no where near as significant as earlier…was that due to the ability amplification?

Crashing to the floor a little less gracefully than he had intended, he quickly reared and set the area the soldier was in to several times normal gravity. For a moment it appeared as if it was over, before a massive bolt of purple crashed into him from the side, freeing this soldier yet again and sending Darian slamming hard into the plaque listing the student room assignments.

The world was all but swimming to Darian as he turned to look towards the doors, seeing the muzzle of a giant gun pointing back at him.
“A tank…?” he thought, though it was only moment’s later that it fired yet again, blasting him through the wall entirely and shattering the plaque.


Several bolts of purple crashed through the wall of shadow, whizzing over students heads as they crouched on the floor.

“This is crazy…” said one of the teenagers, desperately trying to hold his calm. If those twins could do it so could he. “We need to move. We’re sitting ducks here. I say we head there, down the hallway towards to dorm rooms…i’ve got a few weapons in my room. Good thing too” he continued.

“You have WEAPONS and we’ve been cowering here!?” shouted back another of the teenagers angrily .

“Yeah…and what was I gonna do? Take on the ARMY knocking at the front door?! Gimme a break.” He retorted sharply.

“Quit the bickering… I-it’s not helping anybody…” said a timid looking girl who had decided to stand near the small boy giving off the light. “It HAD to be darkness of all things…I would have rather been in those tubes like the others…” she thought to herself.

“Where is it?” asked still another, much calmer than many of the others.

“We’ll find it in my room I said…the pretty door with the name Samuel Con—” he started to respond sarcastically as a single pulse of purple blasted through the shadow and grazed against the side of his face before whizzing out past Malcolm who jerks his head to the side quickly.

In mere moments he too was on the ground seizing before passing out…his breath heavily shallow.

“Oh god…” muttered the somewhat timid clairvoyant, squeezing tightly at benji’s arm unconsciously. One by one the lights started to turn on with a heavy click, eventually overtaking the wall of shadow.

It burned away, almost as a leaf might under a magnifying glass focusing the light of planet Burd’s blue star. With a loud crash, fire spitted free of one of the hallways near the back by the stairs, licking out into the foyer a bit before fizzling away.

“It’s like we’re in a battlefield….” Started the girl again, silently apologizing to the boy as she released him, blushing heavily.

“We ARE on a battlefield, and we’re unarmed…I say we find this kid’s room and put his cache to use!” said the calmer student again with the trace of a growl.

The front of the building cracked and splintered hard as the bottoms of what looked to be a large vehicle crashed through the walls. Much of the wing leading west towards the dormitories collapsed inward, severing their power lines and once again plunging that wing into darkness.

From the base of the tank, several more soldiers start to flood inward; their vision of the group of kids pressed against the foyer wall obscured by several of the statues that adorned the wall.

[roll2] (Success 30~100)

[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] I'm moving you to another section of the school so as to prevent inconsistencies. A couple of posts already mention your leaving. If you could contact me in shout-box so we can work out where you wish to have run to, I would greatly appreciate it.
With Ruth’s help, he managed to get the rather enormous piece of furniture on its side. Acting quickly, he doused the plywood panel in vodka before pressing the already super-heated metal rod and a few bundles of paper against it. Much to his surprise, the 200 degree Celsius temperature seemed more than enough to ignite the paper as it immediately began to cackle and smoke. Pressing it harder against the plywood backing, he focused and sent more heat coursing through it until a thin trail of smoke rose from the wood itself.

Having succeeded that much, he threw open the door and pushed the massive wardrobe out of the office before pausing for a second as he waited for the others to take cover behind it. Much to his surprise there was a boy out there as well, now partially in view because of the bulk of his firewood. More depressingly, however, this boy seemed to be conversing with the monkeys that Ruth had sent out to save the others. “You . . .” he hissed, already pushing the wall of wood forward to provide shelter for the unconscious girl and the others, “you friggen monkeynapper, I’m talking to you . . . we have to get out of here . . .”

Right now he couldn’t really manage a stronger argument than that. All of his concentration was set on making certain that the flames on the plywood stayed small and slow burning. As a bolt of purple light narrowly missed him, his concentration faltered for a second. This allowed the flames to leap dangerously out towards those he was trying to protect. Cursing softly, Talin paused for a second to regain his concentration. This act probably saved him as he didn’t take the fatal step forward into yet another beam of purple as it shot past his nose and harmlessly into the upper corner of the wardrobe.

Finally able to push forward again, he managed to get the heavy wooden structure to the hallway entrance which he had seen most of the students run down. He left it slightly angled for a few critical seconds as he slipped through and allowed a few straggling students to follow suit. There wasn’t much time for this, however, he noted anxiously. Already the soldiers had started their advance on the stairs. In another few seconds he was going to amplify the flame and close the slight opening. It was the only way he could think of to stop them for now . . .
@Ember Bare ((This post and Chao's the post above this one involves Cross, please read.))

Ruth had helped Talin with the moving of the wardrobe, only to go and drag the girl gently along the floor afterwards. The reason she was more willing to drag than carry was it kept the extra weight off her from leaning over and kept both their bodies low using the wood as cover. “Jason you carry the computer okay, keep low and keep it safe.” She said softly to him before glancing to Talin worried.

It was when he started to talk to someone else that she seemed to huff in protest. “Hey, HEY those are my monkeys! Stop picking on my monkeys!” She was about to dash over there and snatch them back only to watch a purple blast hit nearby bringing sense to her mind. “Come here! Quick before it’s too late, Talin needs help pushing that . . . or you can help with the tech girl and I’ll help him.” Her eyes glanced around for anything to help only to kick herself spotting the statues in the danger zone, guilt filling her some. “I think I’m a bad person Talin.” She said softly as she continued to move with him until they got to the hallway.

Once there she took the laptop gently from Jason and laid it on the girl’s stomach. “She helped save you right?” She asked the boy with a weak smile. “You have to save her now, I need you to drag her to the other students . . . find her help okay? Hide her if you have too . . .” She wasn’t about to leave Talin alone it seemed, and slowly she reached into her pocket for the barrel of monkeys. “We’re going to get that lighted and then you’re coming with us . . . you aren’t going to sit here and burn with it. Because I’m not going unless you come with me one way or another.”

Sure she knew this meant she was being stupid as well . . . but Ruth rarely made good honest friends. Here this idiot was willing to stay behind and maybe sacrifice himself for the others. No way was she going to lose a friend like this that easily. “Sides we have to hunt and catch up to Jason and Tech girl. You need to plan and help me find more things so we can send soldiers of our own back at them in ways.” She looked down at the barrel in her hand feeling bad that she didn’t decide to stand up more before now. “I could have helped more . . . I was just afraid. Well if you can be stupid brave so can I!”
Malcolm didn't want to abandon the students huddled up behind him. As far as he knew,he was the only one with a combat power. However,he knew that this would only succeed in killing them all. His greatest asset was his speed. Without it,he's just a guy with a masochistic set of knives. However,the lumaturge's wall kept Malcolm from being able to get some much needed tactical information. And,as if it were an answer to his frustrations,the lights began to come to life,banishing the wall of shadow. He was greeted with a scene straight out of Call to Arms: Modern Conflict II. Genocide. Student and faculty corpses were strewn about,with craters here and there. There were some soldier corpses,but they were in the vast minority. But then there were the tanks. All of this was processed in a moment. "Kid,take everyone you can to Mouthpiece's weapon cache!" As he said this,he jabbed his thumb to the student who mentioned the cache in the first place. "Everyone with a combat ability,team up! We have a war to fight! Keep eachother alive!" He paused for breath,then added "Take any fallen weapons you can."

He taken off at a sprint. His first target was the formation of troops between him and the West Wing,where the dorms were. He didn't need to kill them all. He just needed to hold their attention. He reached the formation at top speed,and jumped. He kicked his legs out in front of him,and was now flying through the air horizontally,leading with his steel-clad heels. Whoever he hits with this kick would be dead on impact...And the perfect attention getter. He observed the soldiers on his approach. Each had a knife,rifle,and handgun. No grenades. Nothing useful on a group all at once. Doesn't matter...They need an opening.

His heels connected with the formation's lead,square in the nose. The man's skull exploded,showering the surrounding area with blood,skull fragments,helmet bits,and gray matter. The grisly demonstration continued for six more soldiers. The display was intense enough to force the remaining members to scatter to avoid being turned into chunky salsa. This is going to hurt... Malcolm hit the ground on his side,and slid quite a distance. He bent his legs to use the forward momentum to spring to his feet without losing much speed,and began to take a serpentine route away from the remaining soldiers,who were attempting to draw a bead on him. Malcolm was making his way to the tank,which,thankfully,had it's rear to him. Using the tank for cover,he wheeled in front of it,and dropped supine after slowing down,taunting the crew in the process,allowing the vehicle to proceed forward. He allowed the hull to pass over him,and grabbed onto some of the vehicle's structure,pulling himself up from the floor. He examined the assembled pipes,hoses,and other such mechanical devices with little understanding. All he wanted to know was what he could cut with his bloodwires to disable the tank.
“How do we stop the enemy creepy smelly flesh ape guy?” the small troop’s leader responded and Cross could see the evil looking smiles they had on there faces,and he figured now he was the 'creepy smelly flesh ape guy'.

"Well...I would-"Cross began to say before hearing loud movement behind him,he turned around to see what looked to be a massive wardrobe being pushed out of the room the headmaster and those other students had gone in. “You . . .” Cross heard a voice say from the direction of the wardrobe,but since he was laid down on his stomach he couldn't see who said it. “you friggen monkeynapper, I’m talking to you . . . we have to get out of here . . .” He heard from the same voice,he got up on his knees keeping a grip on the monkeys and now saw a boy who he figured was the one who was talking to him.

He then heard another voice,a girl it sound like and he saw her too.
“Hey, HEY those are my monkeys! Stop picking on my monkeys!” She yelled which made Cross think twice about going over there,but then she said, “Come here! Quick before it’s too late, Talin needs help pushing that . . . or you can help with the tech girl and I’ll help him.”Hearing this he turned to the monkeys,"Guess we'll help them to stop the enemy,that way we can get to having fun faster with help."He said before jumping up to his feet and running over through the slight opening to the other side of the wardrobe where the ones that were calling him. He had carried the monkeys with him away from the creepy strangers so they didn't have any stupid ideas. Though when it comes to other people Cross goes silent, the one he felt sorry for at the moment was the wardrobe. The girl was speaking but Cross had figured it had nothing to do with him at the moment,he just waited to be told what to do since that was the kind of person he was.
Ruth was glad to see her monkey’s again, not so glad that a boy had snatched them but glad they were okay. “Here . . . keep her low and get her to safety, we’re going to block the hall . . . give us more of an escape route. It was all Talin’s idea to keep those who went down this way safer.” She smiled only to frown noticing he kept hold of HER toys. “Let them go! They have a job to do you know.” At that alone she seemed to get a marvelous ideas. “Monkeys you want to have fun right? See that big tank peaking in over there? Try to get inside it, not the tube part but the drive around part. There are SO many levers and fun buttons you can push if you do I bet! Imagine what fun that would be! You’re making me jealous since I know I could never make it or probably will never have that chance.”

At that she went to help Talin with the wardrobe more allowing the guy more of the safer task. “See, I think I can come up with smart ideas once in awhile too.” She told him proudly as the closed off the way into the hall. “We all need to get going through; we don’t know how long that will hold them.” She glanced to the mask kid before placing a hand on her hips as tempted to ask him about monkey stealing. Taken out one of her barrel monkeys instead to hand him animating it if he let the others go. “There you can have one of your own . . . just try not to steal all of them okay? They’re all I got.”
“TRIST!” Ritsa frantically screamed from within the confines of her own skull. “She’s not obnoxious! She’s a sweet little—”

“Sweet little snot nosed brat who just happens to be necessary at the moment, we can always—” Trist retorted mentally, interrupting Ritsa but being interrupted in turn. “Do it and when I am back in control of MY body I will put myself out of my own misery, THEN who would you have to leech off of!”

“I’m not obnoxious! NO! I’m not screaming!” Abbie bleated out with a stubborn pout as little tears fought to free themselves of her. “And you can’t make me!”

“Look what you’ve done!” Ritsa shouted in her mind so loudly her voice actually manifested; her will causing her body to shout at the top of it’s lungs at some unseen offender. “All I wanted was…”

Realizing that she could actually hear herself again, much to the surprise plastered along her face by Trist, Ritsa stopped. Her face slowly became reddened with her embarrassment before Trist again spoke to the girl.

“No, of course your not obnoxious sweety” she said with all the sincerity of a scorpion. “You probably want to get out of this horrid place right, to go and draw or something? Do you like drawing? Well I didn’t see a single sheet of paper in here…and definitely no crayons…”

“What is WRONG with you!” Ritsa demanded in her own head “She’s at LEAST twelve! Stop being so condescending… She has a twin brother. The two seemed so very close, she must be worried sick about him.

“How can she have a TWIN brother…she’s a girl” Trist thought with an annoyed tone.

“Haven’t you ever heard of fraternal twins…?” Ritsa said back almost teasingly, finally feeling as if she’d win an argument.

“How the hell do you know all of this anyway? You didn’t stalk them or something did you. I’m sick and tired of waking up near some maternity ward” Trist retorted quickly…shutting Ritsa up for a bit.

“And that brother of yours…” Trist finally ventured to speak. “Wouldn’t you be sad if you couldn’t see him again…and color together?”

“How do we leave?” rang towards her side by a small boy with silvery-platinum hair with a somewhat innocent feel to him.

“We leave when your friend decides we leave of course…” Trist said gesturing towards Abagail, her insincere smile only widening. “Think of all the others stuck here with you. Do you really want to trap them here because of me? I am TRULY sorry
Talin paled a bit when Ruth threatened to stay with him. What the hell was she thinking? Was she insane? As she continued talking though, he realized that he could probably help them much more if he were with them. So far his plans had been a constantly flowing stream of changes and adaptations as the available resources and information kept fluctuating. Perhaps it would be one of his plans that kept them safe further down the line as well . . . even if Ruth thought that his ideas were foolish.

“Alright, Ruth,” he muttered, his voice soft and cautious as he still felt wounded about how she had rejected her nickname earlier. Had he really garnered so much of her displeasure in such a short period of time? “I’ll retreat with you . . .”

Once their resident monkey thief had made it safely through the door with them, she even went so far as to help him move it into place. This surprised him a bit. “Alright . . . just stand back some . . .” he muttered, giving her a few seconds before he tucked the collar of his sweatshirt into his mouth and extended his hand towards the slightly burning wardrobe.

Concentrating hard as he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, he willed the fire hotter and increased its consumption rate. The effect was nearly instantaneous. The flames climbed higher, licking around his hand as they began to crawl quickly over the wood. In spite of this he managed to stifle all but a small whimper of pain as they sent waves of it rolling up his entire arm.

Falling back as he cradled his burn against his chest while still trying to hold awkwardly at the pole, he offered Ruth a weak smile. Already a rich black smoke was curling up and off of the wood as the varnish bubbled and burned and the solid wood of the wardrobe began to catch fire. “We should get moving,” he mumbled as he started down the hallway, “as I very much doubt the smoke will do us any favors . . .”

Unlike his ability to manipulate the temperature within an object, controlling flame didn’t feel as natural to him. It belonged to him, yes, but it didn’t feel as if it were a part of him and was quite taxing to do. As such, he felt rather tired and had injured his hand. Sure, he had a heavy resistance to flame. His body seemed to be impervious with temperatures within the range that he could create, but wood fires burned at temperatures higher than that. Pushing forward, he ignored the fact that he felt drained and tried to put on a strong face for the others.
Cross had stayed quiet until the girl,which didn't seem very happy with him,told him to keep someone else safe. Though he thought he wasn't the best man for that job it was one he was given,then she yelled at him,“Let them go! They have a job to do you know.” With that Cross figured she meant the monkeys and he quickly let them go with a slight disappointing look on his face,thinking he had done something wrong.

Well as the girl continued to talk on Cross had helped the one he was suppose to onto his back,like he was told he had to keep her safe. She looked a lot younger then most of the students he'd seen here so far,Cross was just happy she was small so it'd be easier on him. Once he got the girl secured he heard the lady with the monkeys speak,
“We all need to get going through; we don’t know how long that will hold them.” And noticed her look over to him,he watched her with a curious look on his face as she took another one of those monkeys out of this barrel. then she spoke again,“There you can have one of your own . . . just try not to steal all of them okay? They’re all I got.” Since Cross' hands were full at the moment he just nodded,though after hearing that he knew he had been misunderstood and just wanted to clear things up. So he explained,"I am sorry,but I had no intention of stealing anything... They had attacked me and I just tried to stop them at first,they were actually quite a pain to deal with since they wouldn't listen to me... They kept saying I was the enemy for some reason..." He finished hoping he cleared that up. Though now it seems he was going to have his own monkey,which he wasn't sure of since the last three were pains in the butt.

Then he heard the boy say,
“We should get moving,” as he started down the hallway and Cross had followed, “as I very much doubt the smoke will do us any favors . . .” Now Cross on the other hand saw smoke as a good friend,before going too far Cross had turned back to the wardrobe and whispered loudly,"Sorry..." In a very sincere voice then turned back the way he was walking with a sad look on his face. Sometimes his ability to hear was more of a curse since now he knew everything,it all was like people to him so when one burned he felt very bad for it. That's why he watched after most things,But now he had others like him he had to watch after.
Skyler watched as he looked over at the circle formed by the scientists. "What are they doing" he questioned in his mind as they pulled some kind of object to each others head and pulled something as a loud blast rang through the small lab. Skyler gave a horrified expression and turned away swiftly as they all fell simultaneously. "I don't want to know" he assured himself as he looked back over to the older woman,Ritsa, he looked to for an answer when something weird had happened in the last few minuets that didn't show until just now. That same light that stood out earlier suddenly seemed a bit more . . . swirled. Another dark hue had made it's way around her around the same time she became both louder and grumpy at the same time. "I knew it" he whispered resting his head in between his legs. "All adults never just want to be nice" he commented silently.

Skyler looked back to Ritsa when she gave him an answer "We leave when your friend decides we leave of course…". "Friend" he repeated looking over towards the girl she was referring too. She looked small like some of the others, but her face was filled with more emotion than any other child in the room. She looked what you would consider upset. "I don't even know her" he commented messing with the edge of his hair in a slight swirling motion. He always did this when people put him into situations that made him feel weird. Of course being here was nowhere near comfortable, but he felt better now that he had established his own little part away from the main crowd.

Though those words stayed in Skyler's head "when your friend decides" repeating time after time until the curiosity given to him naturally by youth caved in his seemingly solid mindset. "What can she do?" he asked standing up again with help from the metal test tube. He wasn't into communicating, but if he wanted to leave this room it would only be with them. Skyler shyly inched his way near the others but refused to make any kind of eye contact. "It's fine you're not going to get hurt" he assured himself mentally as his uneasiness of the situation rose to a point where his trembling made itself known again. "You can really break out of this place" he stuttered out towards Abagail not trusting Ritsa as much anymore when it came to advice.
Luke looked around as the lights came off almost blinding him, There were bodies everywhere, he could barely let out a gasp instead he felt sick flowing up his throat but he managed to keep it down for the time being. He looked as one of the boys had darted off and made some of the soldiers heads explode, this time he was sick and lots of it. He looked up the stairs to see some of the students starting to barricade off the area. He looked around at the wildly spread out soldiers. He swallowed before looking around at the other kids. Did he leave them? Or should he try to get some of them to follow them. "Come on there's more people up there!" Was all he could mange to shout before he started sprinting away, Almost tripping over a body and being sick again he brought himself back up and started running for the stairs, he just hoped none of the soldiers noticed him, he didn't want to die and if it came to that he would have to try and fight even if he didn't fully understand how to use his power...Just keep running and you'll be fine was all he kept thinking, just keep running and you'll be fine. He just wanted to be at home again, Why couldn't he be at home...Maybe he is at home, that this is a dream. Maybe none of this ever happened and he'd imagined having these powers...Maybe, but it probably wasn't...Just keep running.
Becca frowned at this Ritsa person. Becca didn't like this woman already and she had just met her. She paused, thinking of what she had said. What did she mean by "when your friend decides?" she wondered. She frowned at Ritsa and then crouched down a bit to look at the young girl who had taken shelter behind her leg. "Hey," she said, smiling kindly at her. Becca realized just how much she had wanted a little sister. She thought she would be good as an older sister and it would've been nice to have someone to hang out with. She thought back to all those afternoons she had spent alone at home and how nice it would have been to have someone to keep her company. Becca had friends, yes, but she was always scared to bring them back to her house. Her parents weren't that friendly and they rarely approved of her friends.

Becca tried to focus on the present.
You're in danger, you idiot. Stop getting distracted, the voice in her head muttered. "My name is Becca. I really want us to get out of here. Do you think you can do what this woman wants so we can leave? Please?" she asked gently, trying to make it seem as simple a request as possible. She smiled at her again as she pushed her hair out of her own face. Could this girl have powers like she did? Why else would the woman want her help? She seemed young so there wasn't much she could do if she were normal. Don't be silly. That's ridiculous. There's no way she has powers, the voice piped up once more. The voice was sounding more and more like her mother's voice. Becca just tried to ignore it, focusing on his girl. Becca's whole world seemed to revolve around this young girl at the moment. For some reason, she suspected there was more to her. She was who they needed to get out of here.
The light’s of the facility came roaring back to life, purging away the darkness that had previously reigned supreme. “Damn it, they promised us the enemy wouldn’t be able to see” shouted a soldier into the intercom attached to his visor before catching a bright glint in the corner of his eye.

Turning quickly, he saw what appeared to be a tall thin boy running up to him at enormous speed in leg armor. He rushed to raise his rifle, letting out a loud grunt as he tried to alert his squad. As the boy jumped and flew at him as a massive human bullet, the soldier managed to get a quick glimpse of the brand name ‘O’Riely corp’ in bright and shiny embleming upon it’s heel.

“Shiny…” was the last thought that ran through his mind before he and the rest of his squad was reduced to little more than chunky salsa splattered for several long meters along the floor and walls.

[roll0] 1~20: Wounded rib & one strike; 21~50: one strike

[roll1] Success 31~100

[roll2] Success 71~100 unless S&A is successful, in which case 31~100

Hardened heired mercenaries, men who had seen dozens of tours of combat in the last colony battles, stood with jaws agape at this gruesome scene. Their friends, some of them long time compatriots were now reduced to bits they could easily shove into an average jam bottle.

Exploiting this momentary distraction, Malcolm slipped underneath the tank after making his way back with little return fire.

[roll3] 71~100 Success

Sliding back near the rear, you find a panel marked ‘maintenance’ and rip it open with haste, sending it’s metal panel skittering across the marble floor. Inside you see several hardened black hoses, some of which pulsating lightly.

Pulling free one of wires from your side, you savagely gash at them, eventually piercing into the thick hose’s interior. Thick white gas hisses free of the hose, scorching the white marble floors black right next to your head as you slide closer to the middle for your own safety until the stream comes to a stop…along with the tank itself.

Sliding back near the rear, you find a panel marked ‘maintenance’ and rip it open with haste, sending it’s metal panel skittering across the marble floor. Inside you see several hardened black hoses, some of which pulsating lightly.

Pulling free one of wires from your side, you savagely gash at them, eventually piercing into the thick hose’s interior. Thick white gas hisses free of the hose down into your hand, causing blindingly painful blisters to pop up almost immediately as the skin bubbles.

[roll4] 51 ~ 100 Success

You pull yourself along the bottom closer to the middle with your left hand for your own safety as your right hand screams to you in pain for a moment before going icy numb. Looking back you witness the hose continue to spew out steam for a few moments longer before coming to a stop…along with the tank itself.

You pull yourself along the bottom closer to the middle with your left hand for your own safety as your right hand screams to you in pain for a moment before going icy numb. Looking back you witness the hose continue to spew out steam, though at a greatly diminished rate. The tank itself seems inconvenienced, but far from incapacitated.

“That BASTARD!” shouted the soldiers as they reared their guns on the boy currently sliding across the foyer in a thin layer of their friend’s blood.

Shot after shot flew thew the air after the boy as he kicked up from his slide. Running in a serpentine pattern, he rushed back after the tank; only narrowly avoiding long streams of bright purple flares.

[roll5] 1 ~ 10 chance

With as great an agility as you could muster, you drop and slide yourself under the tank searching for any weak point you could find.

Sliding back near the rear, you find a panel marked ‘maintenance’ and rip it open with haste, sending it’s metal panel skittering across the marble floor. Inside you see several hardened black hoses, some of which pulsating lightly.

Pulling free one of wires from your side, you savagely gash at them, eventually piercing into the thick hose’s interior. Thick white gas hisses free of the hose, scorching the white marble floors black right next to your head as you slide closer to the middle for your own safety until the stream comes to a stop…along with the tank itself.

Sliding back near the rear, you find a panel marked ‘maintenance’ and rip it open with haste, sending it’s metal panel skittering across the marble floor. Inside you see several hardened black hoses, some of which pulsating lightly.

Pulling free one of wires from your side, you savagely gash at them, eventually piercing into the thick hose’s interior. Thick white gas hisses free of the hose down into your hand, causing blindingly painful blisters to pop up almost immediately as the skin bubbles.

[roll6] 51 ~ 100 Success

You pull yourself along the bottom closer to the middle with your left hand for your own safety as your right hand screams to you in pain for a moment before going icy numb. Looking back you witness the hose continue to spew out steam for a few moments longer before coming to a stop…along with the tank itself.

You pull yourself along the bottom closer to the middle with your left hand for your own safety as your right hand screams to you in pain for a moment before going icy numb. Looking back you witness the hose continue to spew out steam, though at a greatly diminished rate. The tank itself seems inconvenienced, but far from incapacitated.

~~~ Dino

Luke could only hope that the soldiers that seemed to flood in through the new massive hole in the main foyer’s wall wouldn’t notice him. Fortunately, they seemed to be much more concerned with the boy running around them as a bee might buzz around it’s target. Not as lucky was the soldiers marching in from the east wing towards his very target. The weakness his body started to feel after losing its breakfast twice didn’t help either.

Putting forward as much effort as he could manage, Luke took off into a flat sprint for the stairs leading towards the hall to the right of the headmaster’s office as the flames roared to life.

[roll7] 51~100 Success

Shrugging aside the the hunger pangs that threatened to cripple him, Luke rushed for the stairs. He cleared the halls as the soldiers fired backwards at a sudden charge of students, finding their shot deflected or outright blocked by a brilliant white field projected from a cocky looking teenager. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, he bounded up the stairs, tripping over his own feet.

Smarting a bit at the pain, he was urged forward by a brilliant shot that landed next to his face, created a slight scorch on the marble stairs. Scrambling up the remaining stairs on all fours, Luke paused for a moment at the top of the podium before deciding to take his chances with the fire rather than the soldiers.

[roll8] 31 ~ 100 Success; failure earns one strike.

Luke struggled forward even as the hunger pangs threatened to stop him in his tracks. Around the middle of his trip, soldiers entered backwards into the foyer, firing at a sudden charge of students.

The brief up swell of students was quickly quelled by the loss of their leader, a cocky looking teenager projecting a brilliant white field that finally fell to the constant barrage of shots. Turning on their heel’s, they were quick to spot the straggler as he practically limped through the halls.

Feeling a sudden burst of adrenalin as he realized he was likely dead, Luke forced himself to take off once again, much to the protests of his body.

[roll9] 1~70 earns a strike

He bounded up the stairs, tripping over his own feet at about midway.

Smarting a bit at the pain, he was urged forward by a brilliant shot that landed next to his face, created a slight scorch on the marble stairs. Scrambling up the remaining stairs on all fours, Luke paused for a moment at the top of the podium before deciding to take his chances with the fire rather than the soldiers.

[roll10] 71 ~ 100 Success; failure earns one strike.

Luke could only hope that the soldiers that seemed to flood in through the new massive hole in the main foyer’s wall wouldn’t noticed him. Unfortunately, a small contingent of them broke free to attack at him as he started his flight. Even worse were the soldiers marching in from the east wing towards his very target. The weakness his body started to feel after losing its breakfast twice didn’t help either.

Putting forward as much effort as he could manage, Luke took off into a flat sprint for the stairs leading towards the hall to the right of the headmaster’s office as the flames roared to life. Shot after shot rushed out to greet him, though they seemed to just barely miss their mark

[roll11] 1~50 earns a strike

[roll12] 51~100 Success

Shrugging aside the the hunger pangs that threated to cripple him, Luke rushed for the stairs. He cleared the halls as the soldiers fired backwards at a sudden charge of students, finding their shot deflected or outright blocked by a brilliant white field projected from a cocky looking teenager. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, he bounded up the stairs, tripping over his own feet.

Smarting a bit at the pain, he was urged forward by a brilliant shot that landed next to his face, created a slight scorch on the marble stairs. Scrambling up the remaining stairs on all fours, Luke paused for a moment at the top of the podium before deciding to take his chances with the fire rather than the soldiers.

[roll13] 31 ~ 100 Success; failure earns one strike.

Luke struggled forward even as the hunger pangs threatened to stop him in his tracks. Around the middle of his trip, soldiers entered backwards into the foyer, firing at a sudden charge of students.

The brief up swell of students was quickly quelled by the loss of their leader, a cocky looking teenager projecting a brilliant white field that finally fell to the constant barrage of shots. Turning on their heel’s, they were quick to spot the straggler as he practically limped through the halls.

Feeling a sudden burst of adrenalin as he realized he was likely dead, Luke forced himself to take off once again, much to the protests of his body.

[roll14] 1~70

He bounded up the stairs, tripping over his own feet at about midway.

Smarting a bit at the pain, he was urged forward by a brilliant shot that landed next to his face, created a slight scorch on the marble stairs. Scrambling up the remaining stairs on all fours, Luke paused for a moment at the top of the podium before deciding to take his chances with the fire rather than the soldiers.

[roll15] 71 ~ 100 Success; failure earns one strike.

This post was EASILY the most difficult post to write; enough so it's sending me back to see if there is another way I can write these things that would be less time consuming and cause fewer headaches. In either case Good Luck you two ~<3

[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] has opted to leave the story; Sad to lose you and good luck in future endeavours
Ruth seemed to relax and smile some even when Talin said she would go with her. She backed some, slowly pocketing the monkeys as she didn’t need to use them to help drag him along. Only to step forward worried as she could swear she heard him whimper and the flames were way to close to the boy in her eyes. Seeming unsure she moved to take her jacket off and hold it out to the boy in case he wished to wrap the pole in it. Maybe if he cooled it down some . . . she wasn’t sure how it would help but somehow it might. Her eyes went to the hand he seemed to cradle some. His words on the smoke just got her to nod as she waited for him to go a head . . . was this, his last ace? Was it up to her to pull with more of the work to keep them safe?

When cross spoke up she was grateful for the slight distraction. Blinking only to giggle some as he said they attacked him. “I told them to help against anyone who looked like a bad guy. Guess you hiding and wearing a mask made them think of you.” She paused looking him over before lifting her head in a huff and away. “Speaking of which . . . aren’t you the guy who ignored me earlier? If so in my eyes maybe they weren’t so right . . . you’re just . . . not the right type of mean guy they should have gone after so sorry.”

She moved to help with Monroe, the tech girl as she called it motioning with her head as if to ask Cross for help. “I’m Ruth by the way, he’s Talin. What do you want us to call you? Unless you want me to just continue to know you by the masked guy.” Before Cross had managed to speak though suddenly and amazingly a boy leaped over the fire and was behind them. Her face paling and that alone just made her want to run.

Instead she moved to step between the group and the kid motioning for the others to leave just in case. “What the hell are you?” The fear obvious in her voice as she wondered if he was dangerous and after them for some reason, after all if the kid had THIS much skill wouldn’t he be fighting or have ran long before?
Talin swung before he even so much as bothered to look at the person who had cleared the flames, already assuming the worst. Fortunately, his fatigue and the sudden protest of his hand as he tried to use the newly burned appendage sent his shot wide. Swearing loudly as he tried to regain his balance, probably looking like some drunken idiot in the process, he turned to swing again before pausing. The kid who had just cleared it looked pale and shaken. In fact, Talin was fairly certain that he was covered in no small amount of his own vomit.

“What the hell do you think you’re pulling!?” he shouted, holding the super-heated metal pole like a baseball bat and preparing himself for the inevitability of murder. He wasn’t entirely certain that he was capable just yet, but he wasn’t dwelling on that.

Whoever this kid was . . . he didn’t look like a fighter. Waving at Ruth to signal to her to watch his back, he quickly closed in. As fast as he could, he reached out and grabbed the boy’s shirt while balling his burned hand at the collar and staying ready. A small grimace betrayed his pain, but he ignored it and pushed on. “You heard her,” he growled dangerously, “who and what are you . . .?”

As he spoke, the small embers still clinging dangerously to the reckless idiot quickly cooled until the jumper and his clothing were returned to normal temperature. Silently the boy prayed that the others didn’t notice that he had just helped a potential enemy. In spite of his bravado, Talin was not cut out to be a killer. Even so, his good hand gripped the pole very firmly. If the boy so much as twitched in a threatening or aggressive manner he would force himself to strike . . .
Cross listened as the girl spoke, “I told them to help against anyone who looked like a bad guy. Guess you hiding and wearing a mask made them think of you.” She had paused and looked him over before lifting her head in a huff and away. “Speaking of which . . . aren’t you the guy who ignored me earlier? If so in my eyes maybe they weren’t so right . . . you’re just . . . not the right type of mean guy they should have gone after so sorry.” Cross slightly flinched when she asked,he hadn't noticed that she was the girl from before since he didn't pay attention before. He just didn't say anything about that and went to help when she motioned him to as she continued talking. “I’m Ruth by the way, he’s Talin. What do you want us to call you? Unless you want me to just continue to know you by the masked guy.”

So that was there names,before Cross said his name another boy sudden showed up by leaping over the fire. Cross didn't know what to do so he didn't do anything,“What the hell are you?” he heard Ruth say and then the one who Ruth said was named Talin also started talking,or more like yelling.“What the hell do you think you’re pulling!?” Cross watched as Talin walked over to the boy and grabbed his shirt while balling his burned hand at the collar,Cross couldn't see how any of this was necessary though."Umm...."He wanted to say something but didn't know what,so as always he just didn't get into it.
Luke had somehow managed to run past all of the men, He was panting until he made it to the fire, he jumped over and was only just able to stay on his feet. He looked around at who was up here, before he could do anything else he was asked What the hell he is... "Im not an it-" Was all he managed to say before one of the larger boys had grabbed his Shirt and was threatening him. He tried to make words come out of his mouth but he couldn't all he could do was feel the streams of tears beginning to flow down his face. "I just want to go home!" He screamed. He looked up at the boy, why did he want to kill him... it was obvious he was no harm. He wanted to throw up again but nothing came. The boy was still holding the bar up in the air ready to swoop down on him. "Please...I just want to find my friend...I don't want to die..." He looked around at the girl who'd asked him first he looked over at her to see if she would stop this boy from brutally murdering her. His tears continued to roll down his cheeks until they started to drop down to the ground. He looked over at another boy who seemed to be doing nothing. Why wouldn't he help him either? It was obvious he was harmless. How did this all happen in the first place...Why were they being hunted down and killed and why did this boy want to kill him...He'd done nothing wrong to deserve this...He didn't want to die. There were still so many things left to do in his life...So many things, too many things...Why wouldn't they just see he was here to hurt anybody...
Ruth thought the vomit may have been part of the kids power and she frowned annoyed as Talin stepped forward. She wanted them to keep moving in case the kid was dangerous, Talin was hurt after all. Gasping as her friend actually swung at the kid, fearful more for Talin then the child at first. Frowning as she got the signal to watch HIS back where he had so earlier ignored hers. Crossing her arms annoyed over all at this mess.

She watched the fool hurt himself more . . . all she was going to do was hold the boy off just in case he was dangerous and give the other time between them. Course if the child was dangerous at least to them she figured Talin wouldn’t still be standing. “Let him go Talin . . . let’s go.” She glanced to Luke then before motioning him ahead of her. At least one of them had to watch the child just in case her judgment was wrong and she was NOT about to let him be the last one in the group now. Her eyes glanced to Luke before she said firmly. “You better not throw up on any of us, ESPECIALLY if that’s your power.”

She was mad at Talin now for sure if he noticed it or not. She had followed him loyally for the most part, trust and listen to him. This was the first time she really asked something of him and he ignored it. Did he not respect or trust her in the same way. Moving a hand slightly up to her eye as she knew foolish emotions like being hurt, well this wasn’t the right time for them. Given a weak smile to Cross as she motioned them all to start moving again she started to check any and all door they passed by for it to be unlocked.

Hoping to find anything inside in which they could use to help. “I don’t know if we can just run to escape anymore . . . I think . . . I think I need to find things to . . . send . . . to help and maybe then maybe we’ll have a chance to win.” She said softly before glaring at Talin some. “And try not to kill ourselves in the process while we’re at it.”
Talin actually smiled in relief as the kid started freaking out hard, further proving himself a noncombatant. Something still didn’t sit quite right in that the boy had jumped a 5 foot tall flaming barricade, but it was in the realm of possibility that he had just been a coward and running like hell. This seemed unlikely though . . .

His musings and his grin were both slaughtered as Ruth resumed berating him yet again. She must think him some sort of idiot, he reasoned coldly as the rest of the group started moving. Gently nudging the new boy forward, he paused for a moment. Already there was a flaw in the ‘let’s keep moving’ strategy as the computer had been left on the ground after the monkey thief had picked up the unconscious girl. Talin sighed, knowing that the camera systems were far more important than his weapon. Rather begrudgingly he set down the pole and took the computer system before jogging to join the group.

“Right,” he mumbled as his foul mood started to steal a lot of his optimism, “So I’m Talin . . . the walking space heater that doubles as an AC unit . . . sleeping beauty over there is our technopath . . . I need to know your guys’ powers so I know what we have to work with . . .”

“Ruth is right about running . . . it’s useless and will get us killed, but a blind offensive will do the same thing a lot quicker . . .” he was already scanning the accessible cameras looking for open routes and small soldier groupings. “I think our best bet is to find a group of one or two of these bastards . . . If we plan it right and use the fact that we’ll know where they are before they know we’re coming, then we should be able to drop them. A unit of this size would need communication devices to coordinate, and so we will steal one or two . . . knowing their orders as they are given out will allow for a better orchestrated display of guerilla tactics as we can hit and fall back quickly.”

Every once in a while as he spoke, he glanced up to make sure that he wasn’t running into anyone but he stubbornly refused to actually look at any of them. How the hell did someone flip flop between ‘we need you’ to total reprimand mode in so short of a time frame? He was confused as hell as to what was going on . . . Why did girls need to be so damned confusing?

"Actually . . ." he continued without so much as remembering to pause for breath, "we should find someone that was already dropped . . . but that means that we will risk crossing into an area where they have already swept through . . . and we risk finding damaged equipment . . . it would probably be safest though." He was in full nerd mode now as he glared at the computer screen and frantically looked for something they could use. Ruth may be right about needing to send more soldiers, but their overall plan had so many more factors that should be considered. There were thousands of offensive and defensive options available in any combination of students . . .
Cross just sighed as he watched what was going on,this kid seemed more frightened then frightening and Cross saw him as no threat or problem. He also just watched as Ruth got into it all, “Let him go Talin . . . let’s go.” Cross heard her say,though didn't catch what she said to the boy after. As the rest went on Cross pulled out his watch thing,trying to keep the girl on his back sturdy as he tried to pull his sleeve up a bit so he could see it. Once he did as always it started going crazy with words it had heard and learned,"Shhhhh..."Cross said to the watch trying to make it stop."I need a map.Pull one up please."The watch did just that and pulled the map of the school up,Cross scanned over the map with his eyes as he found where they were and tried to see where they were heading.

He looked up every now and then to see what was going on and noticed Ruth motioning them to start going again,he did once he saw that though still worked with his watch.
"Don't you have like a setting to where we can see where everyone is? Like a security type map or something?"He asked the watch though just got a bunch of random words back,Cross sighed as he listened to the others.

he heard Talin say and he looked up once again to the others, “So I’m Talin . . . the walking space heater that doubles as an AC unit . . . sleeping beauty over there is our technopath . . . I need to know your guys’ powers so I know what we have to work with . . .” He had continued,Cross chuckled as he listened. “Ruth is right about running . . . it’s useless and will get us killed, but a blind offensive will do the same thing a lot quicker . . .” Cross agreed as well since it made perfect sense, “I think our best bet is to find a group of one or two of these bastards . . . If we plan it right and use the fact that we’ll know where they are before they know we’re coming, then we should be able to drop them. A unit of this size would need communication devices to coordinate, and so we will steal one or two . . . knowing their orders as they are given out will allow for a better orchestrated display of guerilla tactics as we can hit and fall back quickly.” Cross saw the plan as a good idea,though finding a small group before someone found them might be hard...Unless...

Cross started thinking and looking around,
"Be back in a sec..."He whispered to the watch before covering it with his sleeve again and now used both his arms to hold the tech girl on his back as he looked."There's gotta be something that would know about what's happening around..."He said somewhat forgetting the others were there as he yelled out to nothing it seemed."Does anyone know?"
Luke let out a sigh as the Boy Refereed to as Talin let him go. He wiped the rest of his tears from his eyes before the girls had told him to get in front of her, it was obvious they still didn't trust him even though it was obvious he was of no harm to them. The girl had then remarked about how was his power being sick, he looked down at himself to realize he had splatters of his own sick dotted around his, or should he say Sages clothes, speaking of Sage...where was she? Last time he saw him she seemed pretty hurt and had ran off somewhere else. He'd then started going on about how they were going to do things and how they needed to get weapons and some kind of communication device. He'd then gone on to ask about powers, Luke guessed there could be no more harm done to him by simply telling these people what he could do. "Well Im telepathic, I can lift things with my brain and flicks switches from a far, not very useful I know" Was his reply, but he never looked back at Talin as he talked to him, he was afraid if he did he'd pounce him again and this time would kill him, the thought sent a shiver down his spine. He rubbed the back of his neck and continued walking with the others. He heard another boy shout out and noticed he was carrying a girl. Luke looked more closely at the girl...He ran up to the boy. "Effy? What happened, What happened to her, is she alright?" First Sage, now Effy too? What the hell was going on here...
"Effy?..what..her..alright?" Straining her ears to hear the few words muttered by a familiar male voice Eliana flinched slightly. Her eyes felt heavy and she felt something hard against her chest; something defined and felt hands carrying her. She was on someone´s back. Someone whom could be anyone. Struggling to open her eyes; she trashed around barely before her eyelids finally decided to follow her train of thoughts.

Eliana wasn´t ready for the scene in front of her. First of all; Luke was there, vomit all over Sages clothes and the fact that some unknown stranger was carrying her didn´t make it better. In fact the only reason she was not thrashing around and screaming was because of all the familiar faces; Dollie, Leader, Jason and Luke. And the dude who was carrying her...

Not being able to get that out of her mind she stared at the back of his head, his black hair was standing out against the mask he seem to wear. Getting curious for why he had a mask on she couldn´t help herself but ask. "First of all, Who are you? Why are YOU carrying me and that mask is AWE and then SOME!" Taking a deep refreshing breath Eliana shifted her gaze to Luke. "Luke..Are you okay? Whe-" Eliana eyes widen before she felt a panic attack. No..She wouldn´t..Sage was.."Luke..Is Sage...." Her voice was a slight whisper; though she didn´t know them for barely a day she felt an attachment; They were her FIRST friends in her miserable 12 years. And she planned on keeping them.

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