IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Jake sat up on his bed, he was somehow on the edge of sleep, when he realized he couldn't sleep due to the very loud noises outside his room. He then shook his head, looking around.

"Wha. . ?" He began, not knowing where he was, then he snapped back into focus, "You're in some mansion to become more powerful with your water stuff, and there are hundreds of kids out there screaming. How the bloody did you almost fall asleep?"

He stood up, and yawned, stretching, "Oh yeah, you sleep like the dead. Duh."

He went to his door, and opened it, taken aback by the wall of sound that got ten times louder.

"Wish I had a pair of head phones. . . Then I'd sleep."

He looked around, seeing all the people yelling, shouting, and trying to use their powers. He smiled. He liked his. They fit him well, breathing under water, rather suiting of a swimmer of his skills. But, maybe these other people's powers weren't so simple, maybe they didn't compliment them, like his did him. He began thinking, then it hit him. They weren't having fun and games. This was panic. No wonder he'd been snapped awake. But, he stood there, calm, and such. He then began to try to calm others down.
Ruth oddly enough was pretty calm . . . she had worked it out in her head. If it was the end she would go out fighting, if it wasn’t it was good experience. The girl pushing it off to be like one of the many shows and comics she was obsessed with. Since the main ignored her offering she merely pocketed back smiling some when he said to go with.

In fact Ruth was almost right behind Darrien when Talin seemed to pause some, and she stopped to stay by his side. After all it was the least she could do, and sometime told her if they didn’t watch after each other, use the buddy system they would be in trouble. “Are you trying to form another plan?” She asked him softly. Suddenly though as he snapped out of it she felt the chill of his hand. Only to be asked if she was still with him and she couldn’t help but smile and nod. “I think I decided that already . . . you seem to be the only one with sense around here.”

Then he would nickname her and she found her cheeks growing warm, and she wondered if it was just the difference due to his cold grip suddenly being gone. ‘Puppeteer’ she thought smiling some only to shake her head, she was thinking something like Toy Master but . . . if he went thought the effort of finding a name for her. Realizing she had distracted herself far too much and was losing her pace with them she ran to catch up again. Muttering in complaints about her shoes, willing to bend down and tie them next time they stopped.

“I don’t think its fair we leave this up to adults alone.” She started to speak, maybe it was just musing out loud to herself. “I mean . . . the kids easily out number . . . if we can only find a way to calm them. The whole safety in number factors may kick in. A buddy system as well . . . kind of like Talin already managed.” Yes it seemed she was thinking out-loud, at least it was a bit soft as she glanced back at what she was leaving behind.
Scanning the room with her eyes Chloe's vision stumbled upon the boy from before. Why she went to him she wasn't sure. Maybe because she didn't know anyone else and she was afraid, perhaps he could make sense of all this, after all he could be a genius for all she knew. Either way her short legs began to walk in his direction and without a word she grabbed onto his hand, looking up into his eyes as Zoey approached, not as keen to grab onto a stranger.

Sebastian watched as many ran around, there was displays of powers and kids practically trampling one another, he knew his spot had to be one of the safest. Watching, analyzing he almost didn't notice a body disappear before his eyes. What the f***? He blinked a few times as if he were seeing things, but all he saw was the panic, had he just imagined it? He wanted to believe so but Sebastian was starting to believe this wasn't all just some test, they were being attacked for some reason or another. His mouth went dry and he tried to swallow to get rid of the cotton mouth. A hand reached out in the near darkness and he quickly jerked back, but whoever had it had a firm hold. Once his gut reaction ran through Sebastian looked to the hand. It was small, almost frail. And clammy to boot. His eyes trailed up the arm and to the face of the one who assaulted his hand. It was the girl from before. Great did she want him to be her babysitter or something? This one had her watch lit up and he could see her face. She was terrified. What could he do, terrify her further? “Hey kid it's gonna be okay. Turn off your light would you? You don't want to stand out.”

He reached for the watch wrapped around her wrist and quickly shut the light off, then holding her hand, he moved her against the wall. A similar face, one that looked more at ease stood beside her, taking the girls free hand. Oh the twin, why hadn't he noticed her before? “Listen, stay against the wall here, it will keep you from being trampled” Not exactly sage advice, but he didn't know what was going on and he was in survivor mode. And someone thought it was funny enough to make him babysitter of not one but two little girls. Just his luck, like it wasn't hard enough looking out just for himself.

Chloe felt him pull away when she grabbed his arm, but this only made her hold on more tightly. It took him a moment but he finally made eye contact. There was a look of recollection there as he realized they had met not fifteen minutes prior. He called her kid once more and tried to comfort her with empty words. Well at least he tried. She was confused as to why her light was a bad thing, it helped them see after all, but she said nothing as he turned hers off. Zoey did the same from beside her. She allowed him to lead her to his spot as he moved so she could stand against the wall. See he was somewhat competent. Holding both the boy's hand and Zoey's Chloe felt somewhat at ease, weak but she was too in the moment to spur herself. “What's your name?” she asked the boy, feeling most odd calling someone much older than her boy in her head. He turned to her unexpectedly “Sebastian” he offered, thrown off guard by her simple question. He was definitely not a people person this one. “My name is Chloe and this here is Zoey. Do you... have a good power?” Chloe might be somewhat naive, but even she could add together two and two.

Sebastian smirked. “In this darkness I have home field advantage.”
Luke stop shaking me please…” She said after he asked her a second time if she was ok. His voice and touch were making Sage a bit more aware of herself, helping her grasp her mind and sanity. After a few more minutes “I just have ingenious disease. I had a small attack just now… I am ok now though. Come on, it’s no longer safe here.” She lied to Luke, snickering a bit inside her mind. She did not want to explain about her vision.

Getting up, Sage brushed her hands across her lap and then her back side, dusting herself off. After she was done with that she took Luke’s hand again and held it tight. Moving through the crowd Sage felt everyone she passed by, fear, panic, anger pulsed around her. When an air of confidence and ease rushed through her, she whipped herself around and began to follow it.

“In this darkness I have home field advantage.”
Sage overheard while she moved closer to the source of emotion. Stopping in front of the general area that the voice had came from, she smiled up at the confident figure, “Funny me too. I can feel everyone around me. Example, I found you.” She said with a straight face, it was half a lie.

Hi my name is Sage, this is my new friend Luke. I think we should get to know each other. The darkness is always a great way to open up to each other and share warm fuzzy feelings.” Sage said, making an obvious joke to their current satiation. Although Sage was not usually this forceful with invading peoples personal space, this was an emergency situation.

Reached out, Sage felt they were now near a wall. Pushing Luke up against it, Sage moved herself in front of the boy and stood next to the ‘darkness-is-my-field-advantage-guy’, noticing that he had two little girls standing next to him, latching onto his hands. “Hello ladies.Sage said quietly, smiling down at both of them. "This is almost like an extreme game of hide and seek. I think after this, we should be the seekers, don't you think?" She asked them, chuckling a bit.
The noise being made was starting to hurt her ears. She stayed closed to the wall then thought of something. What if she could creat a dome or maybe a wall ina shape of a circle. She was little doubtful on the thought since she didn't use her ability much but if it was to save or at least help out the others she would try. She stepped of the wall then listend closely foor certain footsteps. It took her awhile to find them but she found the headmaster's steps. She gave a faint smile and began to swiftly walk toward them, dodgeing the other kids. She reaches the area above the balcanoy and waved her arms around trying to get his attention. "HEADMASTER!"
Funny me too. I can feel everyone around me. Example, I found you.” Sebastian looked up, then down to the one that had spoken up. At her words he wanted to figure out her ability, did she have one like his? He didn't know the rules or the how to when it came to ability assignment.. no he was getting distracted. He couldn’t allow such a thing when he was potentially in danger. As she offered her name Sebastian nodded. Her sarcasm wasn't much needed though, but he said nothing of it since Sebastian was the same way with his words at times, though not not, he had nothing to say to this girl and her companion. Still he gave his name. “The name is Sebastian. Aside from the lights do you guys know anything?” it was a throw in the dark, but he would try none the less. You didn't know until you tried after all. Though honestly Sebastian just wanted something to work with.

Chloe giggled when Sage talked about warm fuzzy feelings, her tone was far from serious and the girl could use a laugh. When she turned her attention on her she stopped and turned to examine the girl in the dim lighting. Hide and seek huh? “I think I'm turned off of hide and seek for awhile now.” she answered honestly, feeling a squeeze from Zoey's way. Wanting to say something helpful she stumbled on words. “I'd be up for.. uh, something outside in the sun though” she tried a smile, but it didn't feel right on her face. She felt much calmer now, even with her back pressed up against the wall, but there was still something going on and that scared her. Exchanging pleasantries was nice and all, but were they safe doing so?
Seth stayed at his wall waiting for something to happen. If nothing came to kill him waiting for it would. He kept hearing the screams of others as he waited. He couldn't do anything, panicked people don't listen to plans, well not from just another student. He wished he'd had someone with him though to talk him through this or just distract him. He couldn't see anyone and knew trying to go near the crowd would only be a bad idea so he decided to stay. If anyone walked passed him he would pull them in though as that way he could at least keep someone safe, he just hoped it wouldn't be whoever caused this whole mess.
Darian quickly covered the short distance to his office, holding the door’s open for his chosen students and a few others who happened to have been close enough. “Don’t mess this up Darian….Your taking a pretty large risk, and with the students no less” He thought to himself as he ushered a few more students into the ever dwindling space of his office.

The room was fairly expansive, taking up almost one eighth the space that made the main foyer. Though it could barely be seen just yet, it had been furnished as well as the Principle’s quarters of any ivy league school would have been. Lovely burgundy couches greatly complemented the almost exclusively wood and brass decor that ran the length of the room, stopping just around a large computer system that sat ten feet behind his desk.

Little cool blue lights flashed rapidly beneath the surface of the mostly cylindrical computer system which had been obviously created of the same material as the watches. Near it’s top rested a engraving about a quarter inch deep that read ‘Trans-communicative and Cognitive Amplification System’, glowing in faint red.

“Lisa you magnificent little… The school’s completely cut off from the grid, running on it’s own power…and you still wire this thing separately.” He thought to himself while smirking. “Perhaps something was finally going our way in this.”


The world seemed to be nothing but a void to Ritsa as she slowly regained consciousness. Her brow furrowed slightly as she tried to groan a bit and sit up, though she didn’t feel as if she had moved anywhere.

“What happened…?” She thought to herself as she opened her eyes, greeted with a sight very different from the main foyer she had been in before. “Where…?” she thought confusedly as she struggled to retrace her steps mentally.

“I was walking…wasn’t I? Yes! I was walking with that boy that reminded me of Peter….Malcolm? I had just been my typical socially clumsy self and said something I shouldn’t have, though he didn’t seem to catch it as he entered the great hall. I was resting along the hall’s wall…and then?” She reasoned before suddenly remembering the pain that still throbbed dully at the back of her head. “And then…one of the student’s knocked me out? But why…?”

The school had been completely replaced by what appeared to be a rather compact science lab. In front of the large gel filled tube she was in was barely a walkway, another set of tubes on the other side headed back towards the wall. Inside the tube just in front of her was the terrified face of a child. “A student? What is this?!”

Ritsa struggled to move, a task made significantly harder by the gel. Leaning forward, she could see the rows continued on for what seemed like forever. In many of the little view finders on their tubes she could see student’s pounding away furiously, all the while scientists made their way up and down the tiny walkway pressing buttons and writing on clipboards.

“How did they get them all… Where was Darian and Peter... Were they captured also…?” She thought remorsefully “Why aren’t we just dead…what did the government want with us NOW. After everything we went through, wasn’t it supposed to get better…?”

One of the scientists suddenly walked out in front of her tube, pressing a few of it’s buttons with a look of cold indifference on his face. Worse than the look to Ritsa was the emotion he exuded, or rather the lack of one. An empty and cold void where there should have been at least a mild sense. “A Sociopath?”

“Terminate this hag, she’s too old for our purposes.” Yolav demanded as he turned away. “Set Dragon to kill and have her finish off the rest inside while you’re at it, we’ve more than enough at this point.”

“Kill…?” Ritsa thought as her mind flashed with images of the children she had met today, and of the child she was to bring into the world in the future. “No…I wont let you!”

With immense effort Ritsa pushed past her self imposed mental seals as small drops of blood escaped her nose, floating free in the thick gel. The world seemed to become a much clearer place to her as her mind flooded with the myriad of thoughts and emotions those around her were giving off. She focused her mind upon that of a meek looking young scientist who looked back towards her with fear.

“Please…no…stop it—” she started to think before her mind had been temporarily flattened away, allowing Ritsa access to her deeper thoughts and memories. An almost uncomfortable sensation of pleasure washed over Ritsa as she forced her to enter in only a few short strokes into the panel in front of her.

‘Opening Confinement Capsules’ played across a set of unseen speakers as the fronts hissed open, spewing out the gel as well as the people contained within.


“You…um, Monroe was it? Think you can activate that thing?” said the Headmaster as he pointed to the TCAS computer behind his desk. “It’s absolutely imperative you manage it. Matthews, that thing pumps out a ton of heat, try and keep it down?”

“HEADMASTER!” cried out a young teenager from behind him as he spoke.

“This one is…Raven? The earth manipulator.” He thought to himself as he place his hands gently on her shoulder.

“Ms Strife. When these two manage to turn on that device, I want you to keep a watch out for approaching people. You’ll probably find it a lot easier to manage once it’s running.” He said, slowly rising back into his proud stand.

“We’re done defending, it’s about time we fight back.”


‘Dragon, switch from capture to termination. Order code TX14P’ played faintly through a tiny ear piece lodged in the ear of a girl with a far off gaze.

“Affirmative, order code accepted.” she said blankly into a tiny microphone attached to the sailor shirt she wore. “Switching to termination mode”
She gave him a smile as she cleched her fist. She was happy she could help out and knew she need to focus more than ever now. " Will be glad to sir." Her ears twitched a bit as she listend to everyone's vibrations. She was keeping track of the students that were present. From before they entered there was more but the numbers decreased little by little. Every movement the kids had made she had caught. She had now completly tracked all the students steps and was ready for action. If need she would bend for them, but only if the headmaster asked her to for now she just kept watch.
The boy nodded his compliance to the headmaster as he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and tried to force it away from his eyes. His expression was one of stoic determination. This device was their chance at surviving an enemy that had just been confirmed as very real, but its purpose was to fight for them and not to defend them. Talin understood better than most people that sometimes offense was far more effective of a protector than defense, but this was not what he had been expecting at all. Their future was contingent upon this oddly named hunk of computerized garble?

Noting with interest the fact that the slight flashes of light pulsing within it suggested that it still had a power flow, he let his eyes flit back to the headmaster. “Sir, how is this thing still functioning?” he asked in a genuinely surprised voice. Had their enemy overlooked this? “And by the name, I’m assuming that this isn’t the giant light switch . . .”

Without waiting for a reply, the boy ran his free hand over the device and caressed it gingerly. He was trying to find the local of the heat displacement unit for this system. Locating what he could only assume to be the right area despite his lack of technological knowhow, he rested his hand lightly over the spot and waited for the laptop girl to power it up. Closing his eyes in concentration, he began to attempt to acclimate himself to the heat conduction properties of this particular material.

“Miss Monroe, was it?” he muttered with a boyish grin, although he still didn’t open his eyes. “I’m quite curious as to how this hunk of hardware is going to fight for us . . . Ready when you are!” Finally opening his eyes for a moment, he glanced over at Ruth and gave her a rather mischievous smile. “And you, Miss Puppeteer . . . think you're ready to give your barrel of monkeys another try? Perhaps see if they would be willing to help booby-trap the door?”
Luke followed as Sage dragged him along, he heard her mention she had a heart condition, which didn't make many things better if she had something like this would it happen often, he dare not ask. He was then pushed up against a wall by her, he noticed 3 other students, a boy and two girls. He listened when Sage commented something on the boy, he didn't quite catch it. He rubbed his eyes, was this all a dream, No it couldn't be...Why was this happening? He was fine at home not that happy but still fine, now here he was probably going to die. He could feel the urge to panic rising up in his throat, either that or he needed to be sick. He doubled over and watched as the sick flew out of his mouth splattering the floor. His face started to turn pale and he thought he was going to be sick again, he held it back for now. He brushed his hands through his hair and looked around again, he didn't know what was going on anymore and his head had started to spin. He closed his eyes and slumped down onto the ground, Grasping around his knees he rolled up into a ball shape and tried to close out the world around him like it wasn't there anymore, he didn't want to be here...
Ruth watched everyone in curiosity, listened as the headmaster gave off commands. As she thought she was useless. In the meanwhile she glanced about the room for stuff to help, anything her eyes could catch. She didn’t want to seem weird to the headmaster after all by shuffling through his stuff. If they were going to fight though they may as well be equipped. A simple letter opener could work as a knife, and she realized this wasn’t her job though and may be in the way so instead sat down again.

It just seemed odd to be more concerned over one computer and forget the rest. Her eyes went to the one watching the door slowly only to jump some when she was spoken too. Her eyes going to Talin before pulling that barrel of monkeys out, uncertain and hesitant. “Well . . . I can’t promise they will pick a side . . . I’m not good at this. But . . . they do like to play pranks.” She smiled nodding. If anyone else asked her to risk it she probably would have protested more. Talin . . . some reason he seemed supportive of her childish play and powers. The least she could do was to try for him.

Biting her lower lip softly she pulled two blues and a yellow monkey from the barrel . . . figuring she could start with three see what trouble they made before risking it with more. Kneeling by the girl watching the door she smiled before bringing to life the three monkeys and watching them play on her fingers. Leaning in she would state softly. “There are bad people outside this door, they wish to stop all our fun and playing forever more . . . so we have to be serious for once.” She glanced back to Talin, then to the head mister a bit worried of what they may think. “You can’t prank anyone in this room . . . but anyone out there . . . that seems different . . . seems bad, have fun with! Also . . . we’re playing keep away from the rest . . . can you help us with our game? Can you set up some traps to help keep others out of this room please? If you three seem to be doing well, I may send out all your friends and family to play in the game. Good Luck.” With that she gently kissed both of the toys before opening the door slightly to push them outside.
Just as Becca was ready to give up on escaping, the front of the cylinder opened and the gel flowed out, taking her with it. She laid on the floor, face down, unmoving. Who had let her out? Surely it couldn't have been one of her captors. Hearing the voices of others, she rolled onto her back, looking down the row of tubes. There were others. Quite a few others actually. She suddenly remembered the breathing tube as she attempted to take a breath. Becca reached up and pulled it from her throat, suppressing her urge to vomit. She laid in the gel, trying to get her bearings. Her breathing was ragged and shallow and her throat felt raw. What was going on here? This obviously wasn't about her family if these other people had been taken as well. She shook as she slowly sat up, the world spinning momentarily. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to get the strands that were matted to her face off. She did her best to get any excess gel from her clothes. What should she do? She didn't know the people who had poured out of those pods. They were probably more friendly than the people who had put her in that tube. Most looked like they were around her age so she wasn't sure how much help they would be but she had no other choice.

She reached up and ran her fingers over her locket before standing carefully. Her legs shook and she had to grab the tube for support. She noticed herself shaking and wasn't sure if it was her temperature or fear that was causing it.

A wave of fear and confusion hit her but she recognized that it wasn't her own. Becca had tried to tell her parents about her ability to sense what people were feeling but they brushed it off, telling her it was impossible. She had started to believe them herself. She convinced herself the emotions she was feeling weren't really those of other people. Of course, she had never felt them so strongly before. Most of the time they were like whispers. Becca went to a small school and she hasn't been around more than twenty people in over a year. Truthfully, she actively avoided them, shying away from most social gatherings. Plus, no one got this frightened at school. There was no way she could ignore this. It made her want to get as far away from people as possible. Pressure was already forming in her temples.

Becca decided moving would be her best option right now. The people who put them in these pods would certainly know soon, if they didn't already, that their prisoners had somehow escaped. She walked carefully over the gel, her boots making a terrible squishing noise, looking between all the people who had poured out of the tubes. She caught sight of a woman who looked older than the others and she carefully made her way over, trying to keep her footing. She was notoriously clumsy and now really wasn't the time for that.

"Um... E-excuse me? Do you know, uh, what's going on?" Becca questioned, her voice hoarse, realizing she must be a mess right now. Who knows how long she had been in there. Plus, this was a high pressure situation and Becca was pretty much making small talk. Stupid, stupid, stupid, the voice in her head chimed. She tried to ignore the headache that was quickly growing in intensity and focus on the brown-eyed woman before her. She twisted her hair nervously, waiting for her to speak. What if she didn't know? How were they supposed to get out of here? Surely these people had weapons of some sort. Becca felt herself getting nervous and she took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. Just breathe, she told herself. There's no reason for you to be here. You'll be just fine. Even in her head, that sounded terribly unconvincing. All these emotions bouncing around made it almost impossible for her to think straight. She absolutely hated this ability of hers. Becca had never been in anything nearly as dangerous as this in her life. She led a quiet, calm life with her parents in their spacious townhouse. Becca had never wanted to be home as much as she did right this moment.
After walking into the office Eliana took a look around. She was nervous and had weird thoughts running through her mind before she saw IT. The dream of an hacker right infront of her eyes. Her eyes which were glowing with excitement. Effy wanted to touch the surface of the computer, feel it. She was itching to try it out and a smile graced her lips when she heard the headmaster. She was going to have fun. "Eliana. Eliana Monroe, Sir." She walked slowly against the the computer, touching it´s hard surface briefly before putting her small fingers on the keyboard. She chuckled , feeling her heart beat faster of the thrill. "I´ll have fun with this baby. And Cross, if I activate it, I´ll use it. Just so you know." A cocky voice sounded through the office from the small girl. She had become one with her powers, not caring the least of what they thought of her. "You..the guy with the magical hands...whatever your name is, keep the heat under control or the whole device may shut down; I won´t be able to hack in and we´ll be doomed. Got it? And Cross who designed this beauty?" Putting her hair in a bun while sitting down on the floor she started up her laptop and merely in seconds she was online. Chuckling slightly she felt a warm feeling enter her body. Her fingers went everywhere on the keyboard and with a content smile she ended her little rant. "This system is tough..I like a good challenge, bring it!"
Cross had quietly followed behind the headmaster guy and the other students quietly,but didn't go into the office. Instead he stayed crouched down near the entrance and waited,he didn't want to get caught up in any side of this situation. He rather stay out of it and wait it out,though he figured he'd fell bad if he didn't help the ones that are somehow vanishing. If only he could find a way to the rest of the school without getting caught,like a air vent.

He was just about to go look but then he noticed someone opening the door to the office,when it was just toys that came out he was confused. He stared at them,a bit curious on what they were trying to do with them but the toys were the only thing that seemed to be coming out."Weird...?" ​He whispered under his breath as he watched,maybe he could ask the toys what was going on that is if they even know in the first place.
Thane fell to his knees, knelled over and coughing up the strange gel and the pipe that had been shoved down his throat after falling out of the weird scientific tube. His clothes were soaked, his head spun and he had absolutely no idea where he was or how he had ended up in that weird tube. He finished coughing up the rest of the gel and stood up holding his right hand against his forehead as he was starting to get a headache from all of this. "I am going to electrocute who ever put me in that thing..." He muttered darkly to himself as his right hand that he had resting against his forehead buzzed and slightly glowed with electricity.

He looked around and noticed that there were other people in the room as well. They looked scared, frightened and unsure. He started to wonder why they were all here. He thought back..those stiffs who came up to me at the junkyard he thought angrily. Making him swallow that nasty gel stuff was reason enough for him to fill their ass's with electricity in his mind. He let his right hand drop to his still glowing as it made a soft humming sound from the electricity in it as he slowly walked/stumbled to the wall and rested his back against it, forgetting about the other people in the room.
The scene around Abigail had definitely changed in the flash that had taken her from the grand hall, suddenly forced into a small space. Some gel-like material surrounded her, and a tube had been uncomfortably moved down her throat, helping her breath. The only clue to where she was was a slight lookout in the tube surrounding her, creating a peep-hole or eye slate. What she saw made the panic ebb farther, and she struggled against the thick gel, trying to scream against the tube. It didn’t work, and Abbie cried, silently, as she worriedly glanced out…was Benji with her?

The tube fell open suddenly, the gel rushing out with her in it, the breathing apparatus unceremoniously pulled from her throat. The girl wailed the first sounds from her causing a reverberation in the room that reminded her of her powers. Immediately her cries mellowed, only whimpers now as she pushed herself up from the gross gel and pulled her hair out of her face. Green eyes darted around, but did not find Benji, and Abbie worriedly glanced around for anyone familiar, finding her a ways away.

At first, she didn’t recognize her, due to the gel sort of masking her features, but when she did, Abbie started running. “Ms. Ritsa!” she called eagerly, tears streaming once again as she all but barrelled into her leg, clinging close. “Where are we?” she wonders, her eyes dodging around again, the place scared her.


The realization that this wasn’t a joke, and his sister had actually gone missing had finally hit Benji. Here these idiots were, screaming, running around, all because of a little darkness!? There was obviously something wrong here, and they were going to be sitting ducks, or rather running ducks, when the time came. The boy’s fists clenched and as a result of his anger, the light got brighter and cast some shadows to the wall.

“Calm down!” he yells, over the noise and he isn’t sure that anybody is listening but he still tries. “Screaming and yelling isn’t helping! We need to prepare ourselves!” the yelling does prove to be useless, and grinding his teeth, he soon moves and actually hits one of the boys next to him. “JUST SHUT UP!!” he frowns, and looks around, noticing little change

“We all have powers, don’t we?” he ventures, almost defeated.
“No sorry. I would watch your back though.” Sage said as she watched and felt Luke brake down onto the floor, throwing up on the ground. Sage sighed as she shared Luke’s dread, “Luke… hush, everything is going to be ok. Just stay here ok? I am going to get some more students.” Sage quietly spoke as she leaned down to gently rubbing the boy’s back. She felt bad for him, but what could she do? Everyone was terrified. Looking back at the crowed, Sage could hear a boy yelling at people around him, his hands glowing brightly. “Calm down! Screaming and yelling isn't helping! We need to prepare ourselves!”

Looking at the two young girls, Sage smiled sadly, “Please look after my friend… He needs comforting.” Getting up, she turned, looking past Sebastian and taking a few unease steps forward, “I am going to round some students up and bring them here. I’ll be right back.

Moving forward with purpose, she quickly closed the distance between her and the boy. “We all have powers, don’t we?” Shea heard again, just before she reached out and touched his shoulder. “We do. Don’t give up just yet. Your light will help calm a lot of people down, so keep this up. We need to try our best to get people under control. Help me round up small children; get the old ones to take up some responsibility. Move them towards the wall… Tell people that staying in a group will keep them safer, the promise of safety should calm a few of them down.” She told the guy who was yelling moment ago, he was like a walking light bulb.”Use your light to get there attention, and try to be a bit calm, hitting people won't help… I am going to go further away and try and gather more students.”

Letting go of him, Sage began to yell herself, “Children come over here, to the light. We are safe here. Adults, use your powers to protect yourselves and the children around you. Come over here to this gentleman, he will take you somewhere safe. We need to work together” Stopping to glance around, a few students started to gather around her and the boy, “I leave the rest to you. I am going further in.” She repeated to the boy, before running past the crowding students who grew a bit more with ease around the light.
Did he just? Yeah the kid named Luke just hurled. Making a face of disgust, who wouldn't, Sebastian made sure that they were far enough away to not step in it or smell it. Watching as Sage comforted him, or tried to at least his pale blues deadpanned when she told him she was getting more students. Did Sebastian have a big sign over his head or something he wasn't aware of? No fricking way. He was about to say something to that effect, with his usual harsh language when she asked his girls to comfort the other child. His girls? Oh shit no way in hell was he gonna get attached to anyone here, especially snot nosed brats that most likely weren't even potty trained yet. And just like that the girl left promising to bring more of them. “Shit” escaped his lips low enough that the kids wouldn't hear. It didn't matter now, someone had designated him babysitter, and he was stuck with the job.

Chloe started to giggle when the boy puked. It wasn't because it was funny, she was just nervous and felt the same way, but still she felt Zoey's hand over her mouth while she shook her little brunette head, the notion was enough to help her to stop. Instead she looked around the room best she could, she couldn't see much but random bodies still acting franticly. Why couldn't they get the lights back on? Feeling a nudge from Zoey she began to focus on the immediate area “...look after my friend… He needs comforting.” Chloe nodded and went to sit beside the boy, having not caught his name. “My name is Chloe” she whispered to him, offering a shy smile “You know once me and my family went camping and there was a stream...” she began to tell the story of when she got lost following it and how it took her forever to realize she needed to follow it back the other way to get found again. It wasn't much for a story, but if he paid attention it would be a good distracting technique, at her expense of course. Zoey slumped down and rested her elbows on her knees listening, this story was before she came around. She remembered it as she had all of Chloe's memories, but she still hadn't been there.

Sebastian watched the children he was now responsible for, he wanted to tell them to stand up so that if one of the panicers came their way they didn't get stepped on, but the kids looked somewhat cozy, so instead he focused on the darkness and put up a wall between them and their at odd peers. And to think the others were supposed to be on the same level, they couldn't even handle a bit of darkness and not knowing. Not that the not knowing part wasn't eating him up, but from what he could tell, no one knew what was going on, Sebastian only hoped that the adults had a handle of the situation, and that soon the lights would come back on.
Someone had touched Benji’s shoulder and he whirled around, the lights dimming as he notices it is a person behind him. Looking directly into any light wasn’t good for the eyes, and he knew that well enough that his hands seemed to do it automatically now. The person…he wasn’t quite sure if it was a girl or boy from the qualities they portray, but they were trying to calm him. They also seemed to have a piece of mind, as they quickly directed him into rounding up the small children and telling the adults to get a grip. (Or at least, that’s what he wanted to hear)

The only thing he can do is nod mutely, watching as the person seemed to do just as she asked of him and gather up some of the students around them. “F-Follow me!” he calls once the older stranger leaves, heading to the wall, and seeing some other kids around a shady figure. It seemed like this was where the boy…or girl…wanted him to bring them. “All those 13 and under, stay over by him” he notes, pointing at Sebastian.

“Everyone else, stick close together, and remain by the wall…its better if we stay together” he tells them, remembering the stranger’s words. Then he left them, his light still covering his hands, as he directs a few of the adults to help the baby sitter and round up people to keep themselves against the wall. Benji was quite young to be bossing people around, but the presence of his light seemed to calm them, just as that person had said it would. It seemed he was in his element.
“…Do you know, uh, what’s going on?”

“Ms. Ritsa!”

The two voices rang out simultaneously among hundreds of others in the room. Scientists rushed about, running away from the students to grab at pieces of equipment labeled ‘emergency suppression equipment’. All of them save for one that is.

Yolav Mizrahi walked as the others rushed around him. His work was simply too important to fail to the likes of these juvenile cretins. He had been told that they understand more of the world than the other ‘normal’ cretins, but to him the only observable difference was that a few could bend a spoon without touching it.

He scoffed as he arrived at the computer system, entering keystrokes at an impressive rate. He knew there was only a bit of time left before the imbeciles capitalize on their greater numbers and suppressed the efforts of his more intelligent charges.


“…So you know, uh, what’s going on?”

“Ms. Ritsa!”

Ritsa turned to look at the two who spoke to her, still feeling slight pangs of pleasure after brutally stamping down the young scientists mind.
“Do I know them?” she thought to herself as she continued to manifest her desires though the women. “YES! They’re my students!” Rang out in the back of her mind desperately, almost imploringly.

“Students?” She said with an almost predatory hint. “We’re teaching students now? We’re not suited for that Ritsa. Still, they’ll make good soldiers at the very least.” she finished in thought, smiling a bit as she looked down upon them. “You can’t…Please!”

Their internal debate was squashed quickly as the both of them noticed the observations of their stolen scientist. Turning with a small grin on her face, Ritsa mentally ordered the scientist to hold another attempting to seal them inside; an order which she followed instantly, throwing herself onto him with a blank expression on her face.

“What’s going on is that we’ve been captured” Ritsa said casually as she watched the scientist struggle free of the others grasp with a look of indigence. “And, I’ve apparently been tasked with getting you all out.”


Yolav finally managed to break free of his former assets worthless grip. Jumping up to his feet, he hit a single button… ‘enter’. Immediately, the screen lit up with code as it quickly compiled his order and ran the necessary BAT files. The female quickly lurched forward again, seemingly unconcerned of her own safety wrapping her arms around him in a large bear hug as the space around them shimmered.

In a flash, the vision before the chief scientist had changed from the cool, clean lab he maintained…to the back of a truck featuring a large space folding device. The girl growled angrily as she bit savagely into his arm and creating a large wound.

“Get off!” he shouted as he elbowed into her face, sending her flailing backwards to the floor.

Wasting not even the briefest of moments, he rushed forward and kicked hard her head. A sicking crack raced through the trucks storage carriage as she fell limp, her head contorted hideously.

“Barely lasted a few second against a single telepath. Perhaps I should stress test my other employs as well.” He said as he fixed his lab coat and stepped out of the back of the truck to the view of a brilliant sunrise.


“Kill, kill, kill kill…” rang through the dragon’s mind as she looked around blankly. Information flooded into her mind, analyzing patterns, predicting movements. One of the multitude of student’s rushed up towards her, grabbing at her arm.

“We’ve gotta move” he cried out as he pulled her along. “It’s not safe here, people are fricken vanishi—”

The dragon deftly pulled free of his grasp, spinning agilely as she lunged her blade. It’s deadly point sliced right through his chest and out the front, dripping slightly. His head turned in shock to see his assailant, though she had long since moved on from him.

With a single flick of her wrist, Dragon hurled her katana in a gentle arch at a girl who’s greatest misfortune was witnessing her previous kill. The blade sank deep into her foot sending a wave of pain shooting through her body. Crying out in pain, the witness pulled the katana free of her leg and turned to brandish it against her assailant, her face quickly going pale when she noticed the girl with the blank eye’s had vanished.

“What…?” she said, her head turning wildly, just in time to see the roundhouse crash into her face. Following through with her momentum, the Dragon spun hard, recalling her katana to her hand with her teleportation and nestling it firmly in her chest as well.

As she pulled the blade free of the now limp body of her newest kill amongst countless others. Her eye’s surveyed the room for her next target. Her programming was explicit, witnesses were always first priority unless to objective itself was in danger.

Three little monkeys stepped out behind the door, looking at each other in agreement. Fun was fun, not having fun was not. Given the choice between the two alternatives, they’d take fun any day…and perhaps they’d have fun ensuring their fun at that.

The three plastic monkeys snickered at themselves as they waddled across the floor, looking for all those that might be a party pooper. Their faces elongating quickly as they noticed a single boy, standing off on his own.

“Weird.” Said the first, the yellow one leading the other two in a military like triangle.

“Definitely different” said the other two blue monkeys as they surveyed the crowd that apparently thought they were monkeys as well.

“Are we gonna let the weird one take our fun!” said the yellow again, looking back to the others and waddling along as if drilling soldiers.

“NO!” responded the other two diligently, their arms folding to reach down to their sides as if standing at attention…giving them a very odd contorted look.

“Than what are we gonna do about it?” said the first again, their natural smile widening even more as they turned upon the boy, hiding away at the door.

The three quickly rushed forward, rushing up their victim’s leg before they could respond.


‘Commencing Wide Area Scans’ flashed slowly on the massive view screen resting before Lance, and his assistant. Each of the lights of the large Waicom office had been dimmed to the point of barely being on at all.

“Work damn it…” Lance thought to himself as he bit at his lower lip. “Work!”

“Sir?” came his assistant’s voice gently from beside him in stark contrast to his own inner turmoil.

He glanced down at her, at the thick locks of her dyed purple hair; at the brilliance of her violet eyes even in the dim light cast off by the harsh display’s glow.

“Calm down…” she said as she reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly with the both of hers.

“You’ve heard the stories by now haven’t you?” He said back, trying to put a sharp tone in his voice but failing miserably. “Those that fail the W.G.’s big initiatives don’t generally live ‘happily ever afters’. I’ve got two kids waitin’ on me back at home…even if I just get fired, they’ve gotta eat.”

“It’ll be fine…I put this thing together myself ya know.” She said back smiling. “…besides, I’ve already taken a liking to ya old man. I think I’ll have you be the next star of one of my games.”

“Games…? I’m not playin’ games here Lisa! Gabbie needs me…this has to work!” He shouted back.

‘Wide Area Scans complete. Two Anomalies found.’ Played across the screen gently as the computer attempted to triangulate their positions, a large map of Triton slowly zooming in in the process.

“See.” Lisa Hall gloated casually. “You should know by now that everything I touch turns to gold.” She continued while pressing a small button along the screen, halting the triangulation.

“What the hell are you doin’! Didn’t you hear a word I said?” Lance shouted as he tried to get around her and start it up again.

“First…I need you to be honest with me sir. Tell me everything you know about what we’re searching for…it’s important.


The world had been dark and quiet for sometime before the amusing children entered in. It was a bit troubling that they all appeared so frantic as they poured into the room however, very troubling.

TCAS gently started up it’s more power intensive components, drawing from it’s own lithium battery and setting all of it’s systems online. If she was to be needed, she’d at least make certain that she was as accessible as possible.

There wasn’t much that she could do about the protections inputted into her by her creator, but she could at least slow a few cycles here and there when they inevitably attempted to access her more critical systems. To think that they would be under attack by the W.G so quickly though? This had far exceeded Lisa’s timeline.

“You…um, Monroe was it? Think you can activate this thing?”

“Monroe…?” Wondered the TCAS system, setting more of it’s cool blue lights flickering as she accessed her considerable memory banks. “Eliana Monroe; age 12; Data and Bibliokinetisist. Someone interesting it seems…? I wonder how much information on the outside I can get from her while she attempts to activate me…”

It wasn’t long after that the boy and girl advanced upon her. If TCAS has retained Lisa’s ability to grimace, she would have. The feel of the two running their hands along her chassis was absolutely embarrassing as she silently wished that she could slap the both of them. Only moments later her defensive systems activated themselves, feeling the intrusion of the Monroe girl.



Either roll failure results in the fail portion

TCAS could feel layer after layer of her defenses being laboriously punched through. While there was no threat of her getting to her core, the feeling was still rather uncomfortable.

“I wonder, is this what it’s like to have one’s mind read?” She thought as the girl arrived closer to the necessary protocols.

As she cracked though the final activation defense, TCAS could feel herself loosing knowledge into her mind that she knew she shouldn’t have. She desperately grasped at the data…and while she knew she had kept the whole truth of it from escaping…she didn’t know exactly how much she had learned.

In either case, she could feel the amplification system quickly cycling up, carefully calculating data from each and every TCI.

[several systems are now accessible by you; you may access any ONE of the following]

1) Lighting systems (automatic success)

2) Automated Defense Systems (Difficult)

3) Camera systems (automatic success)

4) Telecommunications systems (Moderate)

TCAS desperately attempted to weaken her defenses further…to allow the girl some small semblance of a change. Sometimes, it was just unfortunate how brilliant her creator was. The girl had gotten so close but it was evidently not to be.

‘Activating automated defense systems’

The command went through from TCAS’s computerized equivalent of a conscience much faster than she could react to stop it.

“No…shut down damn it” she ordered as she felt the girl being ejected from her mainframe.

‘Please enter termination code’

“Termination code?! Why do I need to give MYSELF a termination code”

‘Incorrect termination code, commencing automated defense activation’


All throughout the facility, large switches flew up…restoring power to it’s systems. While the lights returned to the place, so too did the power two several sleek devices that were reminiscent of tanks the size of a large dog.

They quickly decided amongst themselves which of them would act as a central hub, and started their way towards the intruders…roughly five hundred sixty four humanoids in the main foyer
"Eh?Ah hey!"Cross yelled jumping up on his feet,"Get off!"he said trying to get the monkeys off. He had no idea what was going on,all he knew was that these things weren't going to help him at all.He was able to grab the yellow but the others he was still unable to catch,"What the heck are you doing!?"he asked the one he had caught still trying to deal with the other two. What was the deal with these things,they weren't the worst he's had to put up with but they were the first who used more physical action then words. And why were they attacking me? Did I do something wrong,was I suppose to go in that room?Cross had a lot of questions that had no answers and they just kept building,which was starting to annoy Cross since he felt like he never knew anything.
((([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] They went after you because your character does not appear panicked and is simply observing. The original wishes of the person who animated them was to go after those that dont look like they belong...and you were simply closest; also..the reason the speech is included...is because you can hear it)))

(((For future reference I'll be posting the weights of success here and the chances you get with them:

Very Easy 90% success

Easy 70% success

Moderate 50% success

Difficult 30% success

Very Difficult 10% success

More over, I meant to include a roll to see how successful Benji and Sage were at attracting the attention of the adult students and getting them to follow their commands. The weight was intended to be Easy, good luck :3

Success 31~100

[roll0] )))

"Monkey down!!" shouted the blue monkey captured by Cross, slightly muffled by his palm. "Don't bury me Sir!...I'd prefer to be melted and my plastic spread upon some beach!".

The other two continued their hurried scampering up his foot, eventually making their way inside the pants legs where they are relatively free of threats from the outside.

The first of the two, the yellow one, bit hard down on the bare leg for which it was currently visible shouting random bits of incomprehensible military garble in the process. The other one continued to run up it's leg eventually making it's way to the back of the knee where it also bit away...trying to fell their enormous foe.


The bite sends jolts akin to tiny needles rushing up your leg as your body reflexively tries to bend it away. The world quickly falls away from beneath you until you head crashes against the floor with a heavy thud.

You reach up to rub at the back of your pained head, only just realizing that you inadvertently released the little odd monkey you had captured and that all three are now fumbling away at your shoes mischievously

[Your laces are now knotted together and will take a bit of time to undo]

[if you don't fall you are free to act normally; either way your allowed to talk to them with your ability]
(I know all that,though Cross didn't know the purpose sooo xD )

"Ow!"Cross yelled as he whacked where he was getting bit on his legs,"I'm not going to hurt you so stop please!Ow!"He shook his legs trying to get the two monkeys out of his pants."This is ridiculous!" He held his grip tight on the one he caught as he still tried to get the others off him,but getting them out of his pants seemed impossible.

He tried grabbing the two out of his pants with his free hand but he couldn't get them,and the bitting was really painful. Who knew such little things could be so troublesome,"Get out,get out,get out!"He yelled over and over again.
Malcolm was leaning against the rear wall when the lights went out. For a moment,he was panicking. Then,he quickly composed himself. It's just sudden darkness...Nothing bad about it in and of itself,but... Then the realization set in. And it left a frozen knot in his gut. A professional raid. Malcolm pushed himself off the wall,and proceeded to where people were congregating. He saw their flashlights come to life,and looked around constantly,trying to find suspicious figures. He could barely hear his exoskeleton's clanking and creaking over the panicked shouting and screaming. Malcolm quickly tried to find an app that would help him on his watch,but all he found was an amplifier mic and a brightness setting on his watch. Worthless...No trackers. He heard a voice cut out in the crowd,barely perceptible,but there. Someone trying to take charge. It taken him minutes to find the source. Too long. But,oddly,nothing happened. He found the source,and approached from the front,and asked, "You trying to take charge here? Your watch has an amplifier mic in it! Use that to cut through the din!" He leaned in close to the young man's ear,and whispered, "This is a professional raid." He glanced around,trying in vain to find a suspicious figure,and continued, "Try and get people in a defensive position." He leaned out and focused on his hands. I'll need to defend myself... He hissed in pain as a length of razorwire erupted from the heels of his hands. He clamped his forefingers and thumbs around the flats of these wires,keeping four inches of wire ahead of his knuckles. He felt his blood trickle down from the exit wounds,but didn't care. If people were going to try anything,he wouldn't go quietly.

This is my new home. I'll kill to preserve it.

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