IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

As she stood there her head turnning towards directoins of their steps. She catches onto a new one. As she thought, she knew she counted the ones in the room but three showed up instantly. She followed there footsteps as they swiftly approached the groups of scared children. She turned her head back toward the headmaster and spoke in a more alert tone. " There's three..three unknowns approaching." Before she turned around she stopped herself then hesitated before asking. " Headmaster..is there any chance that the flooring can turn into earth." She thought the question was weird and the question came out better in her head. She thought with all the tech maybe they had something like a hidden floor. If so she would be able to help out more, probably by creating a barrier infront of the enemy so they could take it out
As Thane's head began to clear he started to notice the total panic around him in the lab room. Kids were screaming as people in lab coats rushed around the room getting ready to do something not so friendly he presumed. "You guys were the ones who stuffed me in that tube..." He said through gritted teeth as his hands glowed with electricity. He ran the electricity through the metal cabals he had wrapped around his hand so that they uncoiled and turned into deadly metal whips that sparked with electricity. He lashed his whips at three people in lab coats that were running towards a locker in the wall. The metal cables whipped around them and tightened as Thane controlled the electricity inside the cables giving him a slight edge over the cables as he flicked them through the air. The cables wrapped around the three around the waist just barely tight enough so they couldn't move move and Thane sent a large bolt of electricity through the cables into the three scientists. The scientists screamed out as the electricity coursed through their bodies and knocked them unconscious as a small amount of smoke came from the areas that the metal cables had wrapped around their bodies.

Thane called back his whips using the electricity in them and also a talented flick of the wrist and had them neatly and quickly wrap around his wrists again so they just looked like metal bracelets. Thane notice a scientist with a gun like thing walk up behind a girl who was trying to get the attion of some older lady and the scientist pointed the gun at the girls head. Thane quickly yet quietly walked to the side of the scientist then getting between him and the girl he put his right hand on the side of the gun."Tisk tisk tisk" He said as he sent a shock of electricity through the gun and into the man's body. The man cried out dropping the gun and recoiled backwards holding his hands. Thane quickly snapped forward and firmly placed his right hand on the man's throat. He then squeezed hard and let an enormous amount of electricity into the man's body. The man's eyes rolled backwards with his eyes still open and in a spasm coughed roughly then stopped. " Maybe I went a little to far..." Thane said without emotion as he dropped the limp body to the ground. There were burn marks on the man's neck where Thane's hand had been...
((OoC: I've decided to take Lucy's advice because no one seems to notice the goddamn 12-year old with highbeams for hands. All power-usage will now be COLOR CODED and maybe italicized))

The crowd was moving, slowly, and Benji wish he had his sister there next to him, able to project much louder than him. There was panic ebbing in him, and he felt that his twin was in trouble, but right now…it seemed everyone was in trouble. People had been disappearing before his eyes, and it seemed the headmaster had all but bailed on them, taking only a select few off. There was also something off in the room full of darkness, and he practically jumped when someone materialized in front of him.

There was a moment when Benji’s light flashed bright, almost as if reacting to his fear, and forcing him to close his eyes
. It was probably the man’s voice that calmed him, realizing that he was indeed on the boy’s side. Quickly he activated the microphone, almost missing the man’s words next to his ear, and his lips tightened. He felt like punching someone else, but the spindles on his spine made him keep his anger in check. Whoever the hell was attacking them would get a nice punch to the face.

When his voice called through the microphone, it was louder than he expected, “Hey!” a momentary frown. “Everyone stick close to the wall! Keep on the defence” he notes, then as an afterthought adds, “I’ll throw light as much as I can” and as the bodies are moving, listening to his voice, he does what he said he would, averting his eyes as the powers seem to light up his hands, making the digits indiscernible in the charge of light. Heat comes with the light, making his hands feel warmer than usual, but now there is a light source, and he hopes it will flush out whatever was in here.
Humming slightly Eliana let her fingers slide everywhere on the keyboard. Not noticing her surroundings; not caring if anyone left or not.

The system was tougher then she thought and she couldn´t help but frown once and then. After all; The one who created this beautiful and magnificent piece of art is her new Idol. Getting her mind back to earth she worked through a few layers until she felt a bit of sweat on her forehead. This was getting harder and harder; the codes was complicated, annoying and a bit, just a bit to hard for Effy.

Using her left hand she hurried to swipe the sweat of her forehead. Her fingers were starting to hurt and the system was just getting more and more complicated. Eliana started to breath hard; Just a few more layers before she´d feel that satisfaction. That feeling of being needed and succeeding.

There was at least three firewalls left before she could try to do anything and if possible she would try to get to the core. Keyword: Try. Slowly feeling her fingers heat up, like a magnet searching for the right keys to press. Letting the cloud of knowledge flow through her mind. Her datakinesis was kicking in and personally she was loving it. After all it was all she was; a kid to smart for her own good. Eliana came to the last layer, sweating and barely breathing while slightly smiling. She was close; REALLY close. Then she did it; she cracked the final activation defense. She was laughing inside. Overjoyed! But she wasn´t done just yet.

Eliana turned around slowly with a smirk but it faltered a bit when she saw the headmaster had left. Where was he? "Ok so..We did it. And thought I did most of the work..well almost all of it! I think mister special hands did he´s job well. Now I can only hack into four systems and I have thought a bit about it. We´re going with the cameras!" She said rapidly before accessing her TCI and quickly chose to activate the camera system. Not caring if the others had objections; Cross wasn´t here and none probably knew nothing about the systems. She knew that the defense system would be a rather more appropriate choice but it seemed to have more firewalls and difficulty wasn´t something she was up for the moment.

Jason stared at her while she was staring at him. "Are we safe now?" He asked breathless with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Hope. Eliana smiled softly. "Maybe, we´ll just have to see.."
Ruth huffed feeling useless . . . all she could do was send out a few plastic monkeys and in away she felt they couldn’t do much. When the headmaster seemed to dash out on them she sighed . . . only to grin in realization afterwards. He said she could help herself to stuff in the office right? Her eyes filtered quickly about the room finding four busts and two midsection up statues. Yes . . . this was more defense right?

Excitement was feeling her although she knew she should be more fearful . . . but if she was going to die she may as well do everything in her power not too. Quickly going after the few she can reach she placed them on the floor by the door. “Talin, you guys, can you help me search the room and help me get down those statues up there? I need anything that has a face of sorts, anything that can be real in ways.”

She leaned over the few statues she managed to get already before gently touching each one with her hand shivering with joy as they took motion. “Okay, please listen carefully, to all you this school is your home right? You care about it and it’s family which is us the students and its staff. Well it’s family is in danger now . . . we need your help.” She spoke to the now living statues. “Please protect us, I beg you . . . and please if possible help me find more of those like you who I may bring back like I did you. As well as tell me anything in this room that may help us. Anything with a face really . . . you only have maybe an hour at most to move . . . if you come back I can give you a refresh on time. Get rid of those who don’t belong . . . or help those who can . . . please.”

Ruth knew that begging seemed wrong . . . that she probably was useless and she couldn’t help feel bad for some of the things she sent out to do this job for her. Her eyes lifted to the others as if hoping for encouragement or help of some kind. Before she started to rummage through the shelves and desk and any drawls she may find willing to empty them all onto the floor so they were easier to look through. Looking for anything that may help as weapons as well as anything she may bring back to life. “I only have 12 monkeys left.” She said softly to herself her barrel only coming with sixteen after all. “If I don’t find more things to help . . . I’ll be useless again . . . I don’t want to be useless.”
Becca frowned and tilted her head slightly. Something seemed off about the woman before her. She was so calm in the midst of all that was happening and Becca wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. How are we supposed to get out? she quietly wondered. Her eyes darted over to the multitude of people who, for some reason, had started to flee. Their fear had caught her attention. No, Becca. You can't sense what people are feeling, the voice in her head practically yelled. Becca shook her head and focused once again on the scene unfolding around her. Why were they frightened? Looking around, Becca saw only children and a few people her own age. There was no reason for these scientists to fear them. Confusion was obvious in Becca's eyes as she looked back to the woman. Becca nervously ran her fingers along her grandmother's locket, realizing how terribly pointless this whole thing was. There was no way they could escape, not with all those kidnappers running about. She looked closely at one of the fleeing figures. They seemed to be dressed as Becca would have imagined a scientist would be. Her brows furrowed as the figure escaped from view. What the hell was going on?

Becca studied the woman. She looked so familiar and it only took Becca a moment to discover why. In her mind's eye, she saw the table in the foyer of her home. It was a wooden table, a pale brown, and it was crowded with photos and other seemingly precious items. She remembered well the one photo she loved to look at. It was of her mother and father when they were young, fresh out of college. They were both so happy and carefree. This woman before her reminded her of her mother before she had known her. She felt a pang of sadness when she thought about her parents but pushed it to the back of her mind. She wasn't sure how she felt about the brown-haired woman, mostly because she had conflicting emotions about her mother that she was projecting onto her.

For the first time, Becca took notice of the small girl. She had called the woman Ritsa so she must have known her before. Where did they come from? She studied the girl, a warm smile playing at her lips. She was absolutely adorable. Becca had always had a soft spot for children. She supposed the girl wasn't necessarily a child but she was a few years younger than herself. Her face was covered in freckles and her eyes were a beautiful green. Her reddish brown hair made her even more adorable and Becca had the sudden urge to hug her. She managed to restrain herself, though, and tore her eyes away from the girl. Now really wasn't the time for this, she decided, turning around suddenly when she heard a dull thud.

She saw a boy about her age and a man on the floor. Her eyes widened as she stared at the boy, silently freaking out. Violence made her sick to her stomach and right now she was feeling especially uncomfortable. She didn't know what to think of this kid. What had he done to that man anyway? Was he really strong enough to take him out himself? She took a timid step back from him, shock and fear in her eyes. Why would he do that? She looked back to the woman, keeping the boy in her peripheral. She didn't feel so safe around him.

"So, what do we do, then?" she asked, her voice barely loud enough to be heard above the noise in the room.
Moderation post. Please hold off on posting until errors can be addressed.

[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION]; [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] ; @Lily of the Valley ; @Ember Bare ; [MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION] ; @Optimalgiraffe ; [MENTION=3723]Autumn[/MENTION] ; @ForgeKeeper

Sorry about the delay everyone (all those who have at least one post are mentioned above). Expect the revision of my Co-GM's post Found Here by 8 PM EST today. If it ISN'T up by that time, I will myself write a revision (which will be up sometime later; however long it takes me to actually write it, though i'll move as fast as possible) and you should disregard the events in post 105.

Btw, thanks for the glowing words of my RP in shoutbox and the high rating I have recieved. I hope you all continue to enjoy the story; Episode 1 of the novelization should be up shortly after (or at the same time) as the current school situation ends (as that's the end of the first chapter) *bows politely*
“Sir, how is this thing still functioning?” asked the boy; Talin Matthews.

“In truth, I don’t know. It must have it’s own built in power source, like the watches. I’m much more interested in how we can use it to our benefit.”

“…and Cross, who designed this beauty?” asked Eliana Monroe.

Darian raised an eyebrow reflexively at the casualness of this young girl before pushing it aside.
“The same mastermind behind the watches. Don’t break it or she might show you some of her other creations. I’m pretty sure that’s her current favorite” Darian said as he made his way to the door, opening it slightly.

“I’m going to see if I can find another safe haven for the rest of the students. Maybe I’ll find out a bit more about what’s going on in the process.” Darian said as he opened the door to walk out. “Use whatever you can find as a weapon if you have to. Just don't harm the computer system.”

Headmaster, is there any chance that the flooring can turn into earth?” asked Raven gently.

“The floor is already earth; It’s marble, just covered with wooden planks. I think a pillar of the foundation rests beneath this room though, so do it only if you absolutely need to.” Darian answered, pausing a bit to look out at the students he had amassed here. There was still a bit of fear on many of their faces, but more and more their looks had changed to something closer to determination.

“Who ever decided to attack us made a critical mistake…” he thought to himself, smiling as a bit of their determination infected him as well. “…I, no WE wont allow ourselves to go down so easily”

“Just make sure you two get that system up and running as fast as you can. I’m trusting you guys”

With that, Darian stepped out and into the chaos outside of his room. Many of the students had already made their way up the stairs or were racing away down the many hallways attached to the Main Foyer. Almost like a salmon swimming up stream, Darian struggled his way through the crowd.

A deafening boom accompanied by a hail of splinters filled the middle of the Foyer as the doors were suddenly blown away. The light of the gently rising sun chasing away much of the darkness in front of the doorway, casting a somewhat broad band of dim redish light forward for a few dozen feet.

“Move out!” shouted a male in a deep black unmarked military garb, his sleek reflective visor pulled down on his helmet, obscuring his face. Immediately five others dressed the same way rushed into the room and fanned out with rifles drawn, all of which staying within the sunlight.


When Abagail Wright had been tucked into bed last night by her older brother in their tiny rundown home, she never would have imaged she’d would be spending the next morning in a mansion. Still, she had always thought that mansions were supposed to be a place of dreams and comfort, where people wanted for nothing. So why then was it like this…? Why was her brother laying unconscious in the grumpy doctor’s bed? Why were all these other kids and even teenagers so petrified.

It had only been a few minutes ago that they all came barging into the door, slamming it tight and locking it as they did. Abigail had tried to protest against them; she tried to tell them that the Doctor had gone out to get some medicine, but they hadn’t cared, or even so much as listened to her.

She quickly glanced up at the clock, its smooth green digits changing to ‘11:59’ almost as soon as she did. It had been almost twenty minutes since the doctor had somehow recovered her brother, promising that he’d be awake in just a minute or two. She walked over and gently placed her palm on his forehead, as if reading his temperature was somehow going to give her the insight she needed to help him.

“If I had just hid like you told me too, you wouldn’t have been here like this” she thought to herself, feeling that his temperature was considerably higher than hers, and he had the beginnings of a thin sweat. “I’m sorry ok? Please wake up soon?”

Abigail had a strong sense of unease, like something just wasn’t quite right. The muted shouting of the students outside did nothing to ease this feeling either. “Just what exactly is going on out there…?” She asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

While all of the other’s in the room looked upon her, none of them spoke to answer her. Instead they gestured for HER to keep quiet, as if someone was going to hear her over the noise from outside the room.
“Someone, just answer—” she started, her voice trailing away to nothingness when she saw the looks of deepening fear upon their faces.


It wasn’t long after the first five entered that at least a dozen more filtered in past them, walking with a smooth tactical glide as they took aim, the majority of them headed towards the mass of students collected along the back of the foyer. A couple broke off from the rest, instead heading off towards the side where still a few more students had gathered, forming a protective circle around some of the younger students along the walls. They looked ready for a fight, something Darian found himself thankful for.

A couple of the soldiers brandished their weapons upon a young child who had bravely stood up against them, using his ability to hurl what was barely more than snowballs at them. Darian scrambled to amass enough force as he concentrated on his ability, barely hurling the boy out of way of their gunfire, if you could call it that. Their weapons seemed to emit quick and vibrant purple bursts that had no effect on the smooth marble pillars they instead crashed into. A few of them quickly re-targeted against him while the majority of them disengaged, trying to head deeper into the mansion.

“No you don’t!” Darian shouted as he extended a hand towards them. He could feel his ability just starting to effect the gravity around them before the world suddenly flared white. It was almost as if mind were being viciously and repeatedly stabbed by wicked curved blades.

It was several long moments later before the world had filled in again for Darian who was now on his side upon the floor. The student that he had attempted to save was also on the ground, shaking violently as his muscles seemed to seize and spasm before finally drawing still. Darian laid there, staring at the boy in shock. He knew even without checking why the boy was so very still now; why his eyes seemed so very flat and dull.

High pitched wizzing cascaded though as the soldiers fired into the darkness, seemingly at random.
“They killed him. He was just a boy, barely twelve years old…and they gunned him down. This is too far, even for the W.G. These people…these monsters!” he thought as he the world around him seemed to cease pulling down on him. The world seemed to ripple and wave in an aura around him, his fedora floating freely away in the area of zero gravity.

“YOU BASTARDS!” Darian shouted as the world came down on the nearest three light a ton of bricks. Each fell to their knees hard, struggling to turn around and open fire upon the foe they thought they had already felled. “YOU KILLED HIM!” He continued, slamming an outstretched hand down hard as they fell face first to the ground. One had attempted to brace himself and instead found his arm brutally shattered and bent hideously under his body.

Two others turned to the aid of the pressed three, quickly trying to open fire. The Headmaster extended his other hand in their direction pushing quickly to deflect their guns and drawing off the shots, one of which flying right past a student who seemed to be glowing near the wall.

“Damn it” Darian thought to himself before suddenly swinging both hands to the side, hurling the first three at the other two and sending all five flying out through the blasted doorway and into the sunrise. Their number however was quickly replaced by twice as many more, and Darian could already feel the stress of exertion.

“Come on you two…” Darian thought to himself, panting lightly as he glanced down at his watch in exhaustion. “You have to succeed…for all of us.”


“Ow! I’m not going to hurt you so stop please! Ow!” Shouted the strange gargantuan creeper. None of the three knew why exactly, but this just felt ‘right’ some how; almost as if they were getting revenge for some never performed slight. None of the three cared about that very much however, their primary concern was being able to continue having their fun.

“Darn right you wont!” shouted the yellow one as he made his way up Cross’ shirt, coming out by his collar. “We’re tougher than that! WE’VE GOT NERVES OF PLASTIC!”

With that he bit down hard into his ear, loosing a thin trickle of blood. It was right about then that the deafening roar of an explosion screeched through the halls, followed shortly by a sound almost like rain as the wooden shards finally hit the marble floors.

The monkey’s stopped their attack, gawking at the door as men in black military garb started their way in. With their visors pulled down to mask their faces, and the sleekness of their uniforms, they were definitely a sight to behold.

“Weird.” said the yellow monkey as he peered off of Cross’ shoulder, his ear still bleeding lightly.

“Definitely different.” Said the free blue one who had pushed up Cross’ shirt to see what had created to commotion.

“MWAPH MOW?!” said the other blue one, its words muffled beyond all recognition by the Cross' clenched fist.

Turning with all the sternness of his more human (and less plastic) counterparts the general levied a sharp look into Cross’ eyes stating in a low growl
“We’ll be back for you later!”

With that, the two free monkeys jumped free of Cross and started rushing off after the soldiers, their voices faintly carrying in the air
“Are we gonna let the weird ones take our fun!…”

Sorry about the delay in the thread; If you could all just allow time for @Alexina and @Chaotic to move their posts so that things are in their normal chronological order, I would be very grateful. *bows again politely*

To all of you who are in the captured party, I'll do your post as SOON as I wake up in the morning.
Ruth huffed feeling useless . . . all she could do was send out a few plastic monkeys and in away she felt they couldn’t do much. When the headmaster seemed to leave them she sighed . . . only to grin in realization afterwards. He said she could help herself to stuff in the office right? Her eyes filtered quickly about the room finding four busts and two midsection up statues. Yes . . . this was more defense right?

Excitement was feeling her although she knew she should be more fearful . . . but if she was going to die she may as well do everything in her power not too. Quickly going after the few she can reach she placed them on the floor by the door. “Talin, you guys, can you help me search the room and help me get down those statues up there? I need anything that has a face of sorts, anything that can be real in ways.”

She leaned over the few statues she managed to get already before gently touching each one with her hand shivering with joy as they took motion. “Okay, please listen carefully, to all you this school is your home right? You care about it and it’s family which is us the students and its staff. Well it’s family is in danger now . . . we need your help.” She spoke to the now living statues. “Please protect us, I beg you . . . and please if possible help me find more of those like you who I may bring back like I did you. As well as tell me anything in this room that may help us. Anything with a face really . . . you only have maybe an hour at most to move . . . if you come back I can give you a refresh on time. Get rid of those who don’t belong . . . or help those who can . . . please.”

Ruth knew that begging seemed wrong . . . that she probably was useless and she couldn’t help feel bad for some of the things she sent out to do this job for her. Her eyes lifted to the others as if hoping for encouragement or help of some kind. Before she started to rummage through the shelves and desk and any drawls she may find willing to empty them all onto the floor so they were easier to look through. Looking for anything that may help as weapons as well as anything she may bring back to life. “I only have 12 monkeys left.” She said softly to herself her barrel only coming with sixteen after all. “If I don’t find more things to help . . . I’ll be useless again . . . I don’t want to be useless.”
The temperature in the room leveled off some as the boy fought to keep the temperature of the device stable. It felt right to have something to do in the face of the chaos. After overseeing their work for a few short seconds, the head master dismissed himself and walked from the office to try to move the irrational masses outside. Talin felt somewhat relieved that he was actually trying to do something now. For a time he had feared that whatever they were working on may be some half-assed plan thought up by a lazy simpleton. It had seemed that the man had waited to be approached by students rather than searching out those who would be useful. The temperature dipped slightly at this thought. Perhaps, however, he had been wrong.

Not more than a few seconds later, Miss Monroe finished her hacking and set the boy free of his coolant duties. As he had worked, Ruth had asked them for help moving statues and finding things around the room. Trying to help, he shifted quickly through the desks and shelves. Most of what they sifted through was deposited messily upon the floor as there was no time for cleanliness. After perhaps a minute more, the boy pulled a chair over to the window in the room. The window itself was a bit odd, as it looked over a garden built into the center of the facility and not out into the world outside of it. Not having time to ponder this unique design, he pulled the curtain rod roughly from the wall.

As he was getting off of the chair, a deafening boom rattled the room and made him tumble rather ungracefully forward. “Damn it . . . damn it . . . damn it,” he hissed under his breath as he pushed himself quickly back to his feet. “What now!? Alright . . . Miss Monroe, find out who or what that is . . . also work on finding me the nearest body of students. Miss Raven, if you can make walls, I think we should use that to our advantage. We’ll make a shifting maze for our intruders; sealing of corridors near their origins and hopefully throwing them off some before they reach us and those we find. See if you can borrow stone from the walls of the rooms rather than the floor more often than not so that we don’t fall through though, alright? I’m going with you to try to keep whatever is out there off of you.”

The boy ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and sighed unsteadily. “Ruth, once we’re gone ask Miss Monroe to check the cameras for any sort of suit of armor decorations? Let’s see how well our intruders do against knights that won’t die when you kill them! And you,” he continued as he smiled brilliantly at the young boy, “imagine this to be a game of capture the flag . . . for now your friend Miss Monroe is the flag . . . do anything and everything you can to protect and hide her from the other team.”

Finishing his little rant, the boy glanced down at his white knuckled grip on the pole he had salvaged from the wall. His lips twisted into a mildly sadistic grin as he sent a wave of warmth coursing through, creating a small area of warmth which was in stark contrast to the rest of the room. “Let’s unleash hell, guys,” he muttered coldly as he took a place next to the Raven girl and waited for the technopath to update them on the threat and the nearest body of salvageable students.
Sage fear increased as she walked further away from the group and Luke, knowing that boy was doing a good job, hearing a mic project his voice. Sage stopped to pick some children off the floor crying, telling them to run to the light.

Moving faster, Sage saw a young girl lying on the floor, she started to lean to pick her up when she noticed the blood flowing around her in, pooling up on the floor. Sage clasped her hands to her mouth, noticing that no emotion was flowing off her. “
Oh no…” She gasped.

Spinning around to look, there was another girl, one with a bloody katana in her hand. “
Who… are you?” Sage asked, completely wide eyed. Before anything or one answered her question, the door burst open with a ear piercing explosion. Sage looked away for a moment to watch several men run into the foyer with the new light. Sage also briefly saw the headmaster moved to meet the men, before she looked again at the girl with the katana.

(Sorry for it being so short...)

“Darn right you wont!” Shouted the yellow one which Cross figured was the leader of this thing,as it went up Cross' shirt he felt chills go down his spin till it came out by his collar“We’re tougher than that! WE’VE GOT NERVES OF PLASTIC!”

Cross just rolled his eyes,at least they had stopped bitting for the moment he thought.
"Whatever,just-"He was cut off when the yellow one bit his ear making Cross yelp in pain."Okay,okay!" He said about to grab the yellow monkey but was stopped by the exploding sound. Cross stared at the men who had come in,he felt more fear of them then the monkeys and he had a feeling they weren't a rescue team.

“Weird.” Cross had heard the yellow one say,“Definitely different.”the free blue one had said after.As the general turned with all the sternness of his more human counterparts the general levied a sharp look into Cross’ eyes stating in a low growl “We’ll be back for you later!” Cross just sighed. But when the two monkeys rushed off after the soldiers Cross tried to catch them. Getting the yellow one in his free hand and the other stopped by his arm since his other hand was occupied,after falling forward on his stomach trying to stop them he huffed."Are you crazy!? You go after them your fun'll be over for sure!"He whispered looked at the yellow monkey which he had pulled closer to his face.

Ruth paused only a moment from her searching and such when the bang outside was heard. Her eyes widen in fear and she frowned as one of them decided to rush towards danger. This SUCKED and Talin was talking about her going alone and him battling before that? They were going to get killed if not careful now “Don’t go yet.” She asked him as if pleading softly. “We have to have more of a plan . . . we lost your main ace.” She glanced to the computer girl as if looking for help or suggestions.

Standing from the busts that were just alive she pointed to three of them then glanced to Monroe. “Please try to protect her, from what it sounded like the headmaster things that computer may be what saves the day here.” Her eyes went to Talin as she was already trembling with fear. “I’ll go with you if you want . . . or you can come with me, but to just go out to fight them is stupid and foolish . . . When we can just as easily send well . . .” She eyes glanced down to the busts. “The rest of you go see what you can do out there to help.”

Her hand went to fiddle with the barrel of monkeys in her pocket again worried. Course even at a time like this she could get distracted as she noticed the temp change suddenly and her eyes went up to the boy before her. “You’re lava guy too?” She laughed at that rubbing the back of her head feeling utterly useless in comparison. “Maybe you can take them all on your own after all . . . I didn’t know you could do both frost AND lava. No wonder you make a good leader.”
Talin just stared at the door in horror as the one person who could have saved the bulk of the students just abandoned them in a show of reckless foolishness. He nodded somberly to Ruth as she begged him not to follow. Then, grabbing at straws, he walked over to the window overlooking the garden in the center of the building and worked to get it open. Gardens had statues. Statues could be used by their resident puppeteer. Perhaps the most advantageous point of the garden, however, was that he believed it would be a relatively untraveled and unexpected route of escape.

“This way,” he muttered softly, a great deal of conviction having faded from his voice. “We’ll use the garden to stay alive . . . perhaps find a better way to double back and direct the students free. Miss Monroe, if you could scope out the way it would be much appreciated. Ruth . . . well . . . most garden’s tend to have statues. Perhaps some stone angel can play our salvation . . .”

Finally getting the window open enough to allow the others to crawl through, he walked back to the door to check the hallway. Students were running away in total panic. There was no rhyme or reason to their movement other than the fact that they had given into the intellectual numbness of fear. “If only we could collapse the roof of the hallway . . .” he mused absentmindedly. “Changing the battlefield would have put them in the same boat we are in . . . utter confusion . . .”

Walking quickly back to the window, he held it open and waited for the others to move. “Miss Monroe, do you think that you could find us a way back behind this lot using the surveillance systems? . . . perhaps we can convince a stone guardian or two to free up the door. Other than that . . . I think we lack options. Perhaps the head master and the others can come up with a plan to come through this . . .”
Skyler's body attempted to shift slightly signaling his slow awake, but the thick gel that surrounded him stopped the weak motion in it's tracks."Where am I" he thought calmly at first before the situation really set in. It didn't help but it's body made his eyelids open immediately to signal his immediate alarm. Whatever he was surrounded in was something he had never felt before which succeeded in making the situation even more frightening. Skyler opened his mouth in an attempt to yell out when he felt something down his throat. "This isn't the orphanage where am I" passed through his thoughts again, when suddenly the gel was being removed and he quickly hit the floor with a small slide as his coughing fit began. Skyler took some attempts for breathing himself as he felt the tube become disengaged from his throat. Skyler's trembling was now clear without the gel as he felt the floor drastically something for something familiar "Nothing" he commented slowly as began to catch the sounds of terror coming from other children. Reluctantly Skyler knew what he needed to do to find his location as he activated the weird grey tint to try and assess the situation.

Skyler's fears were soon realized to be true as he let out a small gasp before pushing himself up against the nearest solid surface available. There were so many different people and objects going into different directions. Skyler was immediately ready to bunker down when he noticed a brighter light somehow form itself around one of the older people present in the room. It always did this from time to time with some people but he was surprised it could somehow happen with anyone here, considering he woke up in a tube. The light was surrounding the tallest of the people who seemed to be surrounded by what looked liked kids around the same height as the kids at the orphanage. "That must be close to my height" he thought curiously his mind only able to trail off for a second before returning to the situation at hand. Skyler took a deep intake of air as his trembling body began to make his way towards the woman possessing the warm and welcoming light, that he only trusted due to its similarity to the caretakers odd glow. He often would bump and stumble on his way on purpose to play on his disability but after a few minutes he had made his way to what sounds like a woman before looking up his blank eyes gazing aimlessly at her as she stated the situation clearly and quickly. "How do we leave" he asked realizing how close he was to the main clump of people and noise by being around her. Skyler soon decided to back up far enough to where he was not in the middle of the mass of moving bodies, but close enough to where he was able to observe the lady with the bright lighting as well as his mutation allowed him too which was to his surprise was still a crystal clear view.
Scientists rushed to the back walls to arm themselves in panic. The smell of ozone wafted gently with the trace oder of burning flesh. All in all it was a good day for Trist, even if she was still trapped in Ritsa’s mind.

Smiling with her borrowed face, Trist thought about some of the things she could do in this momentary reprieve from the depths of her enemy’s mind. She had so missed the pleasure of dominating others…and her earlier thrall had already perished. The fact that Ritsa hated the idea so much was just icing on the cake.

The scientists raised their guns and desperately attempted to fire. The expression of panic along their faces only deepened as they turned themselves into a circle, raising their gun to the back of the head in front of them. The room to Ritsa seemed to be deluged with their desperate mental please; their fear filling the room as a thick miasma.

“Please…” muttered one of them as they desperately tried to reign in their traitorous body. “…I have—”The room was filled with eight gunshots that sounded as one, followed immediately by a gruesome circle of bodies.

“Well that was unexpectedly easy…”
Trist said with some disappointment. The first one had resisted with so much more strength…these eight barely gave her a tingle.

“Worthless…” She thought as she took a look about the room. It wasn’t particularly wide, but it seemed to go on forever along it’s length. On the walls of the impossibly long room were the storage tubes, broken only for a short distance by the myriad of computer systems. There were no doors, no windows, no ventilation shafts; it simply didn’t make sense.

“Space folding technology…?” Trist thought to herself.

“Space folding…?” Ritsa almost immediately responded. “How do you fold space…?”

“For all that brain power you are reported to have, your such an idiot” Trist grumbled to herself before turning towards the students

“You there, the obnoxiously loud one. Shout again for me.” Trist demanded as she attempted to dominate her…failing immediately due to the heavy resistance offered by her mental partner. “Damn you. YOUR the one that tasked me with saving these dribbling idiots in the first place”


Dragon slowly surveyed the room before her gaze locked upon a child illuminating the area around him, banishing both darkness and fear; both of which had proven to be excellent weapons. She started over towards him, her blade leaving a small bloody trail as it dripped. It was then that she noticed the girl at the very edge of her sensory range.

Dragon turned to watch as the mostly androgynous girl bent down over her last kill before rising back in shock, her hands clasped around her mouth as she staggered back a step.

“Terminate witnesses” rang through her mind as the dragon stared at this girl, stalking closer silently.

Her head swung around to view her, then down towards her still dripping katana, and back up to towards her face.
“Who… are you?” she asked as her eyes widened.

With a loud explosion the door blasted open, drawing away her attention for just a moment; much more than dragon needed. With just an instant she was already before the girl, slicing down hard.


The ride had been as bumpy as could be, but nothing this little pink monkey couldn’t handle. It rode the wild bucking shoe as if it were some bull rider, a few
“HYAH’s” escaping it (though it could not be heard by anyone).

Recognizing it’s chance when the shoe finally halted it’s relentless, it hopped free of it’s perch among the crosses of her laces; using her aglet to repel down. With as much swiftness as it’s floppy body could muster, it lunged for the other shoe grabbing tightly to it’s side while pulling in at the aglet thinking
“mission accomplished”


The dragon started in a smooth deadly slice, right for the jugular and using gravity to increase it’s force. She started her foot forward into the proper stance, only it caught upon something, sending her lurching forward ungracefully.


Falling down towards her side dragon landed a glancing blow deep into the girls shoulder. The blow immediately began to bleed profusely as the arm fell limp.

Falling down towards her side, the dragon rushed out a quick slice that crashed hard into the diamond like structure of the watch upon her wrist with a dull twang.

Dragon herself crashed into the marble lightly, one hand bracing her firm as the girl started her flight. Looking down, Dragon could see a tiny pink plastic monkey smirking heavily as it tried to tie her shoes together.

“Kill!” flared in her mind in that exceedingly familiar voice.

Obliging as always, dragon spared a moment of concentration to teleport it’s minuscule form up and away as far as she could manage, before looking after the girl who had just managed to disappear down one of the many halls of the institute

Rolls for the students searching the room:







Good luck ~<3

@GoddessOfGod I really wish you hadn't erased the post and just edited or something >_< there were already people who responded to your leaving. It's fine though, but what ish your character doing? Or are you dropping out?
Barely getting used to the now three kids in his care Sebastion is flauberguasted when more whiney brats are sent his way. Seriously someone out there had a sense of humor to them! Not knowing quite what to do he tries to get them all to sit together nicely, watching as the twins run about trying to comfort children most likely their own age. Yeah, he wasn't about to let any of them get their snot all over him, so just making sure they were all okay was more than enough in his book. To be honest he wanted to yell at the ones that were sending him all these preschoolers over his way anyway, since when did he sign up to host a daycare?! But of course they were long gone and Sebastian couldn't see much over his shadow wall to see what was going on.

Chloe patted Luke on the head, like her mom had done for her and went to another girl, of whom was crying. “It's okay we got Sebastian and all the other big kids protecting us!” She encouraged, trying to get the girl to wipe her tears and relax some. It seemed Zoey picked on the idea as well and they both went around consoling the others. Something about being strong for someone else made Chloe feel less scared for herself.

Watching over the brats Sebastian crossed his arms with a huff, glad that the crying was dying down. Come on these kids were well beyond the age that it was okay to cry, sure they were scared and didn't know what was going on but it wasn't like they were five or something. His internal rant would have continued to go on if he hadn't heard... gunshots. Shit this was most definitely not some test of sorts. This shit was happening, this shit was real, and they had ******* guns. Looking to the kids of which he could barely make out through the odd lighting Sebastian realized that if he stood here with them doing nothing they could all end up dying. He shouldn't be responsible for them in the first place, but hell if a bunch of kids dying on his conscious wouldn't weight him down, besides Sebastian didn't feel much like for sitting around like a duck in wait to be shot. “Chloe, Zoey, watch over these br-kids” he called out to the twins, as he walked away the shadow wall became more a gate as it blocked the kids off from sight. They were safe as long as they didn't make too much noise.

Men with guns men with guns. Disarm them. Messing around with his watch some Sebastian lit it up, he needed the light to be able to draw stronger shadows after all, even if it made him some sort of target. His eyes scanned the room but it was easy to spot the men attacking, hell gunfire and recoil tend to stick out. Using his own shadows and using whatever shadows he found on the way he threw shadow tendrils onto the guns that he could see. The tendril like shadows gripped down on the guns, destroying the weapons or in the least jamming them so that they were no longer of use. It was only a matter of time until he was spotted but hell if he wasn't going to disarm as many as he could and go down fighting.
((Post before this one has three of the bust protecting Monroe and sending the rest of them out to help see what they can do with the solders and students. Just posting this here in case you missed and/or can use.))

A bottle of booze and a toy, well it was small but at least something. Glancing to the army man she clung to as if it may be one of her last hopes to help. Her eyes lifted to Talin as he spoke of going to the garden. In truth she couldn’t protest that much it did seem to be the only exit. “Just . . . watch the skys if it’s closed off . . .” She said softly. Her eyes watching Talin as she felt even he was starting to lose all hope.

Exiting through the window she gave Monroe and James a weak smile. “Maybe we all can be friends in the future? After all this mess?” She spoke knowing that future may not come . . . who knows though . . . if one of them made plans . . . if one of them saw it or at least pretended to see it they all could.

Once outside Ruth tried to take Talin’s hand and if she did he could feel the army man between them. She was giving him to the boy. “Listen solider” She started as she brought life into the little plastic man. “This man here is your commanding officer, you serve, you protect, and you do everything that he says. He is our leader and may be our only hope.” At that Ruth pulled back her hand leaving the toy in Talin’s hand if allowed. “Let’s go find some more things to recruit to our army.” She tried to joke saying to Talin, to make it a game just to keep herself calm.

Her eyes searching the garden to rest on a fairy statue there only for her to give a cute pout afterwards. “I was really hoping to make a ‘don’t blink’ joke.” At that she motioned to it with her head before glancing up and around trying to figure the best way to get there without being spotted. Maybe they could just make a break for it and pray that the garden was still safe to do so in.
(You did not specify Right or Left shoulder, so I will choose Right shoulder since Dragon might be right handed…)

The moment Sage turned her attention back to the girl; she was already flying towards her with her sword held ready. When the metal sliced through Sage’s flesh, she felt a burst of sheering pain radiate through her whole body. Falling backwards, Sage felt her head hit the marble with she landed, the blood seep into the white button up shirt she was wearing.

She was not dead, she needed to get up, she needed to run. Sage thought to herself as she sat up, turning to push herself off the floor. She had a glimpse of the girl while getting up, she had also fallen, possibly tripped. Regardless, Sage run towards the hallway closest to her without dwelling to long on what had made the girl fall. Every movement made her feel like she was losing more blood, she felt waves of pain move up her body with every step, even though her shoulder was the part of her bleeding.

Running further down the hall, Sage gasped to catch her breath a bit, holding onto her shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding any way she can. Starting a run again down the hall, Sage saw many students cowering around the area, inside rooms or around the outside of the hall. She kept running, almost turning into a stumble. She was starting to feel dizzy and fuzzy minded. When she came across a door that said ‘Infirmary’, she reached for the handle and tried to yank it open. When the knob did not budge, Sage knocked on the door loudly. “Someone open the door please… I am bleeding out quickly… Help…” She yelled a bit frantically, knocking on the door louder.
Listening to the headmaster , she quickly turned her head to the sound of men barging through the door with guns. She was in a panic till she quickly gathered herself. The student was her top priority so she had to think of something. Using range attacks wouldn't help because she didn't want to hit the students. Shakeing them off their feet would only greaten the chance of them just shooting randomly. She figured it out and gave a confident smile. Instead of offense she would go for the defense and protect them by making a barrier or shield.
Talin set down the stoneware cup that was his prized possession in order to accept the small soldier. Positioning the small plastic man that Ruth had given to him on his shoulder, he felt his chest tighten with guilt and shame. He had failed them. That much was evident in Ruth’s weak smile and the way she talked about the future so wistfully. At least she was still trying to stay positive, chided his thoughts self-loathingly.

It was now in this moment of complete despair as he gave up on his hopes of saving them or anyone that the world seemed to pause for a second. His mind, which had been running over their available assets time and again in a desperate attempt to find anything, had managed to formulate one last ditch strategy. A sadistic gleam overtaking his expression of hopelessness, he turned back into the room and threw his weight against the wardrobe as he tipped it forward after making sure that the other students wouldn’t be crushed.

A second later, his smile widened as he saw what he knew he would find behind it. All wooden furniture contained some sort of plywood backing for cost reasons. While it required no less heat to ignite this plywood, carpenters never wasted the time or resources necessary to varnish this unseen back panel. This lack of varnish meant that it would catch on fire more easily than the rest if exposed to flame.

Having made a quick note of this, he reached down into the pile of discarded papers and things they had cleared from the drawers. Not bothering to look at the documents that he grabbed, he balled them up before tossing them beside the gorgeous wardrobe. In his other hand he felt the comforting weight of the metal pole that he had been heating. Its temperature, he estimated, was reaching slightly above 200 degrees Celsius due to the time he had spent with it and the super conductive nature of the metal. It was a bit shy of the 249 degrees Celsius needed to ignite paper, but it was a brilliant start.

Finally he paused as he smiled boyishly at the others. “I have a plan,” he muttered sheepishly, stating the obvious. “Help me get this thing on its side so I can slide it through the door when I’m ready . . .” He started to strain against it without even waiting for them. The dimensions of this thing on its side would be about 5 feet tall, 8 feet wide, and 3 feet deep making it an effective road block if nothing else.

“Now . . . once we get it upright . . . I’ll need maybe 30 seconds to ignite the paper . . . I’ll use the vodka as an accelerant on the plywood surface . . . but . . . I’ll need to stay here,” he huffed as he kept trying to push the thing upright. “I can keep the fire from spreading that way, effectively cutting off our attackers from the majority of the student body. You’ll then have perhaps 5 or 10 minutes before I need to fall back due to the smoke that will come off of the old varnish . . . make that time count and try to get that fairy you saw to attack them while they are stuck back near the entrance hall. It’s just a matter of getting it to the entrance . . . but . . . I have to do SOMETHING . . . as it is . . . they will be hunted down and slaughtered . . . please . . .”
After hacking into the systems Eliana felt a slight headache starting and groaned silently. She felt dizzy and knew her body couldn´t handle anything more after the usage of her powers so much. Barely hearing the girl with dolls speak she felt a bit better but the strength of the headache increased. The boy she decided to call Leader told them to help him out with something. Elianas breathing became shallow and her heartbeat increased. "Guys...I don´t feel so...." She muttered before slightly cursing under her breath which was nearly gone. She was being weak, they were counting on her and her body decided it needed the hospital this freaking cursed day. With a sigh she opened the laptop to stare out in the distance dazed for a few minutes before smiling at Leader and Dollie as she decided to call the sweet girl whom had pointed out that Eliana needed some kind of protection. "I can access a few cameras around the school..See what is going on and try to find an escape route.." She whispered while walking against Dollie. "Um..Leader, I..I can´t actually car-" She coughed slightly and Effy´s eyes went up for a second as if she was high. Gasping for breath she coughed again to then feel that metallic, iron taste in her mouth. Swallowing fast, a small smile graced her lips. "Sorry, I think I´m catching a cold..Um..Jason stay here, hide and please..Be safe!" She said hugging him before hiding him under the desk. Stupid? Yes but she couldn´t find anyway for her to avoid this situation. She´d come back for him, after they found an escape route.

She was sweating while working on the cameras; a few were broken from panicked students. Feeling dizzy again and the headache slowly turn into a migraine, Eliana pinched her nose while staring at the screen before her. A tear escaped her as she saw students simple disappear and soldiers rushed in. How dare they? Sighing she divided the cameras up in the screen. Four were for the dormitories, one for the foyer and five different cameras for different hall ways. Eliana stared at the screen before feeling a coughing session coming up again. This time blood spilled all over the keyboard. Eliana broke out in cold shivers and felt a daze come over her. She was there but at the same time gone. Barely able to mutter a single word Eliana stared out in nothingness.

"Laptop..camera..rou-" A whisper which she was sure would be drowned out by all the screams was muttered through her mouth. Then it all went black.
Talin swore loudly as their resident technopath coughed up blood before collapsing. "Jason, you are going to need to help . . ." he noted rather despondently towards the boy under the desk. "Puppeteer . . . We are out of options now. If we leave her then we condemn her . . . This place is to close to ground zero . . . You need to help me get this thing up and then you and the boy are going to have to drag her down the hall."

His eyes softened as he gave a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his hair again. "You guys will take cover behind the wardrobe as I push it to block the hallway . . . Just stay clear of the flames . . . Once it is blocked you can find a hiding place further down the hall . . . I'll keep you guys safe," he promised with grim determination. "For now I need you to trust me . . . And guard her and the computer . . . At least tell me that she managed to get the cameras up before collapsing?"

Curse their luck to the darkest depths of hell!! The boy went back to straining to lift the wardrobe with or without help. At this point it didn't seem to matter to him what tole this all took on his body . . . Even if he were injured here, he was not going to let these bastards win without a fight. He was not going to run and abandon a small unconscious girl either. Muttering a continuous stream of curses under his breath in hopes that the small boy wouldn't hear, Talin swore to himself that he would get them through this. He wasn't entirely certain of how, but he was damned well going to find a way.

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