IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

“What war? Are we the young ones . . .?” Cross had heard Ruth said,and she seemed annoyed. “I don’t know, I don’t know who’s right or wrong, but if you were told such a thing you should have told us sooner! It . . . if . . . you should have let us decide . . . this isn’t a time to worry about your feelings or our reactions as much as surviving and getting through it. “

“You’re a bloody idiot!” Cross just looked at her surprised. “Did you ever think if you didn’t hide so many things . . . that well people wouldn’t find you untrusting? You may not be the enemy . . . but you’re right about being useless if you keep going with that attitude.” She had continued. “In truth though you’re BOTH being idiots . . . we have people trying to KILL us and we’re already cracking and turning against each other under pressure.”She had then turned back to Talin and Cross just listened as he stared at the ground in front of him. “If this was a trap we would be attacked by now right?If you don’t trust him watch him carefully . . . but . . . if you’re mistaken . . . is it really a mistake we can afford to make? He said something about the meat locker? I can search it . . . a few can . . . we can have someone stand guard . . . it doesn’t hurt to look right? I’ll . . I’ll even send in a few monkeys if you wish, I’ll even be the first to go in afterwards.”

Cross had completely shut out anything Talin said,that is until he heard.“The rest of us will run a quick check of the meat locker . . . hopefully find our ‘salvation’ and a way out of this mess . . .” Which Talin got a very annoyed glare from Cross after,though his gaze trailed off again not long after. He didn't say another word and didn't plan on it,he now regretted coming here and saw that staying alone in that meadow was a lot better then even trying to communicate with others. But as he thought he then noticed Effy and the boy beside him,and his mind just cleared as a smile crossed his face.He turned back to the others and heard Talin state,“I’ll decide whether or not an apology is in order or not when we survive this,” he continued after a moment. “Ruth, Effy, and Cross . . . are you ready?” Cross just stared at him at first,but then simply nodded as his smile stayed.He stopped thinking about what Talin had said and now focused on the ones he actually cared for,the people he did like.
Eliana squirmed uncomfortable; Not because of Cross but because of all these weird emotions she had been encountering. She had dazed of after using her laptop to look after the surroundings. Nothing had showed up and soon enough she had used her two bows and let her hair down. The bows were tied to the computer and she now carried it around her neck. Effy was in and out of consciousness, her powers affecting her dramatically.

Soon enough they were in the kitchen, heading inside while Talin had explained and given what she guessed was orders. Feeling comfortable on Cross´s back she snuggled closer with a small smile. The big boy was not complaining and she wasn´t either; in her mind making it an okay. But not a few minutes later Talin seemed to get mad turning around. “What the hell? there is nothing here . . . but . . . come to think of it, there is something that I’ve missed so far . . . We found you just outside the room. You were listening? Or just preventing the monkeys from offering the help that they were supposed to be offering to the others? I didn’t really think about it at the time because you were our age . . . but the soldiers did appear to have intel on the school, right? Then . . . you tell us that you have the power to talk to inanimate things. It’s a useful ability if you want to feed a group of unsuspecting students a lot of false information to lead them however you please, huh? Tell me . . . what did you intend to have done to us at the meat locker, Cross?" Taking in his words Eliana ´woke up´rather fast staring at him while he spoke, his body shaking a bit and his words dripping of venom. Weren´t they supposed to stick together, not fight? She barely understood what was happening before Cross spoke back, feeling him tense a bit and she couldn´t help but tighten her grip around his neck; trying to tell him she was here. "I had no intentions...The fact that I never addressed what I said to you should show that. When I first met all of you I was just nervous....I hated people.....and wasn't going to turn down that feeling just to help strangers I didn't know,though you all seemed to be like me I wanted to give you a chance...The monkeys,as Ruth said,probably saw my behaviour as weird and saw me as a bad guy...course it seems there not the only ones.." She felt his anger through his words and slightly glared ahead of her. She understood him; she didn´t necessarily hate people but she didn´t love them either. She had been lonely through out her life and this reminded her of bad memoires. They thought she never knew..."And my power is one that has absolutely no help or strength to it...As you said no one would ever know if I'm lying or not,so how would it ever be helpful?..." Eliana glared at Talin now, feeling the sadness emit from Cross. Her grip relaxed a bit before once again tightened it. She had let him continue before she felt the need to protect him. She didn´t know why but she knew that whatever Talin believed was wrong. It couldn´t be true, right? "And that's why I hate people...The way they just assume something....and then it suddenly becomes reality thanks to miscommunication....Then a rumour begins...it grows...and a whole village is taken down just because someone 'assumed' they were secretly working for an enemy..." Slowly Elianas sight became blurry. Was this what happened to him? Was this why he seemed so..lonely..

But then Ruth decided to butt in. Smiling softly at the fact that she called them both idiots but scowling at her ´nice´ words to Talin while speaking rather harshly to Cross. She may favour one but being rude doesn´t help.. Eliana was feeling pleased of Ruth's words for now but Talin had to open his mouth again. “I’ll decide whether or not an apology is in order or not when we survive this,” Feeling rather mad she whispered in Cross´s ear. "I know it isn´t much but I would like to apologize for..well EVERYTHING they said..." She awkwardly hugged him from behind before glaring at Talin. "I´m ready.." Venom was dripping from her words; She was enraged and couldn´t help but glance at Luke and Jason. "You guys...Don´t die on me, please?"
Luke had just watched as the situation infront of him unraveled, he didn't know these people so he wasn't going to get involved. It seemed pretty stupid to be fighting even though Talin seemed to be using some kind of logic to get to his conclusion of the boy in the mask being a traitor. Not that he had much time to think about who he would need to side with if it came to that because Talin told him to stay here, close the door and keep watch. Luke nodded and he'd barely even realized that Effy had said something to him, When they walked off he looked over to the door and closed his eyes before he heard a slam. He re-opened his eyes and smiled as the door was now closed. He looked at the daggers he was holding, would he really have to use these because he really didn't want to. He looked across at the boy next to him, what was his name. Luke didn't really want to ask, he didn't even want to talk right now. He hated it here and he didn't exactly like the people, he didn't even know where Sage was for all he knew she could be dead from how much she was bleeding when he saw her. But no, he was stuck with this lot that hated each other and were probably plotting to stab each other in their backs.
[The proximity alarms suddenly flare to life throughout the school, blaring loudly to alert the presence of an incoming enemy force]

[@HeartBrokenIceQueen The laptop in your possession shows a small contingent of forces using the schools fire extinguishers upon the wardrobe]

Dragon stood inside the garden staring up at the heavens, trying to shirk away the alien voices in her head. They beckoned her to chase after the students that escaped her, demanded that she extinguish each and every one of their lives. She trembled lightly among the large vibrant leaves around her, staggering forwards aimlessly.

“Get out of my head…” She growled out before falling backwards.

The sky was filled with clouds that seemed to race along it’s sea of vibrant blue and purple. Stars twinkled in it even still, reminder that they were all but a point among an unimaginable number of points. Her memories continued to flood past her at immense speed, causes her eyes to well with tears.

“Why do you stay still darling? I have just the thing for you to do.” Rang through her ears though no source for the sound existed. A voice so familiar, her body nearly rose to its call as if it were her own thoughts.

“No..” She muttered out loud, though the voice continued without skipping a beat.

“I can see you are tired darling, but there is a boy I wish you to play with.” Mother said to her sweetly as images of a young boy in a mask filled her mind; Images her mind told her did not belong to her, but were there just the same. “He desires to hurt me…to hurt all of your brothers and sisters…”

With that her body shot upwards, the movement only partially resisted by the frantic calling of her own mind. The kick up towards her feet lacked it’s usual grace, but was completed just the same.

“Kill him for me darling? Erase him from our mise—”

Dragon cried out as pain as she grabbed at the burn along her wrist with all the strength she could muster. Immediately the words faded away into nothing but muted whispers; still there but unable to guide her actions any further.

“Never again Mother. she said meekly through the pain before stumbling forward.


‘Intruder Detected’ Announced a small automated rover like machine, and the mercenary Grey Carson didn’t like the sound of it one bit. His dislike of this tiny mechanism only increased when it’s front opened up and reveal six independently targeting turrets, all of which were pointed at him.

He had originally thought himself the luckiest man in the world. After surviving some freakish cultist magician tossing him at least forty feet through the air before himself JUMPING that same distance, who wouldn’t right? Well, it looked to him like the lady luck was calling in her debt right here, right now; a fact that was only emphasized when another of those tiny rovers started to roll up, followed by a small armada of them.

“Shit” was all he managed to let out before diving away a hail of bullets headed for him, into a conjoined hallway. The wall behind where he had just been standing quickly shattered away under the barrage of rounds, reminding him of his desperate need to get back on his feet and take off. His ribs groaned at the effort, but he was willing to bet that they’d dislike it more if they were attached to a dead body instead.

His foot falls echoed loudly through the hall as his visor continued to fritz out. His eyes darted back and forth, looking for anything and everything he could use to push his tab with lady luck a bit further. The droid fleet quickly rounded the corner, forcing Grey to jump towards his right into what he originally believed to be an open door.

The room looked to be some sort of nurses office, though it seemed one hell of a grenade had gone off inside it or something. The rear wall and doorway had been devastated, but more over…it looked almost as if the room had been mangled by some massive animal. He couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was seeing, other than an escape route into the garden…something he was more than happy for.

As he rushed through the window sill, he could swear he saw his visor flash the position of one of the assets. He turned on it’s position only to find nothing but empty garden…

“Damn it, what good are ya ya piece of junk!” he shouted as he removed the helmet and took off towards the rear of the school.


The muted sound of a spraying nozzle echoed gently through the second floor’s right hallway, greeting Luke’s ears with a promise of future conflict. Peering around the edge you could see a small contingent of four soldiers with bright red fire extinguishers spraying out fluffy white streams of fire retardant. It wouldn’t be long now…and they would definitely be able to spot you if you stepped back into the hallway. And then of course, there were their rifles…

Hearing a light squeak of rubber, you notice what looks to be little more than a remote controlled car stopped in front of you. Its front quickly opens and a brilliant red light rushes up your form before stopping at the watch upon your wrist. Just as suddenly as it had started, the light faded and the car turned away to continue down the hall towards the soldiers.


A girl with long black hair and a far off gaze appears a small ways behind you in the room, looking around slowly. She is wielding a clean, although somewhat old appearing katana


It had been a long couple of minutes for Malcolm underneath the tank. He had not dared to pull himself from underneath, fearful of getting shot by the soldiers he could see waiting about in a wide perimeter for just that. The soldiers themselves refusing to bend down to peer at him for fear of being attacked by the child with unknown abilities…not after everything they’d seen.

And so they all sat at an uneasy stalemate. Finally, one of the men manned up enough to test the waters, dropping to one knee to see the boy beneath the tank staring back at him. He could tell with just a glance that he had nothing; he was stuck and soon to be dead. Pulling his rifle, he drew a bead leisurely upon Malcolm before smirking.

“This is for all my friends ya killed you little puke” He said before his finger tensed on the trigger, and a splattering of warm red exploded out onto Malcolm’s face.

A hail of bursts that sounded almost as a band of disorganized drum players all beating away bleated out into the foyer. One by one, the soldiers all fell away before a single droid among a sea of metal rolled up to face Malcolm. Instead of gunfire, a brief red light played across his form, ceasing at the watch. Seemingly satisfied, the droid rejoined the others, and continued its march through the school, headed towards the middle western hall.


Tentatively, Talin reached out for the door to the meat locker and started to pull. Much to his surprise however, the door all but opened itself thanks to its hydraulic systems. A thin frosty mist poured free of the thick metal doors, sending a chill down the nearby student’s spines.

Without entering, there eye’s played across the room, searching for any and everything that might be out of place. Nothing stood out under their intense scrutiny however. There were no red flags to be seen, just a flashing red light off towards the side.

The meat locker was in fact much larger than it originally appeared from its half frosted window, stretching off towards the sides for as far as their eyes could detect from their small way back of the door. The meat all appeared to be fresh, though the freezing made it difficult to place exactly how old they might have been. Several large slabs of cow hung from the locker’s roof, enough to feed the army of students for at least a week.

Despite how safe, albeit useless the room appeared to be…the sense of danger only increased when the door flew open. It was as if the mist carried upon it the promise of imminent violence to all those who dared enter. The feeling carried far enough back to even reach the boy standing guard with vomit all over his clothing.

[approaching point of no return until the end of chapter]

From thick horizontal bars, several thick meat hooks hang, their tips slightly stained red from frequent use. Just as the feeling that this was all just one big waste of time was about to present itself, the soldier in Talin’s hands began to point desperately.

Following the gaze of the tiny plastic man’s arm, a very faint line in the metal became obvious. Its size and shape suggested some form of hidden door well, perhaps opened by pressing in upon it. No sooner than it had been noticed, did the cat snarl from inside the the room…as if it had seen something you all had not. It runs quickly away, off to the side and out of sight in what seemed like panic

[inside the room, several dozen meat hooks are available, as well as a couple of meat cleavers and aprons. You cannot discern the blinking red object from here]
Malcolm was content with staying under the tank. Sure,he was the fastest human alive,and could cut up any of these fools,but that would mean putting himself in the line of fire. And no sooner had he cut the coolant,which quite literally put his right hand on the KIA list,he heard the tank crew shout and bail out,starting to form a perimeter. Malcolm spied at least a dozen pairs of boots. Reinforcements...No way this thing can hold twelve jarheads! Even more troops marched up. He lost count. He could hear their murmurs around him. They're scared! Malcolm suppressed a chuckle. He needed to look confident,but professional. When one of the grunts found his balls and peered under the tank,Malcolm simply glared at his enemy. The image of unshakable confidence and conviction. The grunt,however,was feeling more confident,and began to draw a bead while spouting vengeful bravado. Then,just as Malcolm saw the soldier's finger tense up,the front of the bastard's skull exploded,coating Malcolm's face with gray matter,blood,and bone fragments. Malcolm froze up,struggling to process what had happened. Did I get shot? If not,what shot him? Then,as if to answer his musings,a red light scanned his body,and focused on his Device. After a moment,the drone attached to the scanner gave a satisfied beep,and rolled off.

It looked like the Tigershark rover from Mass Defect,but flatter,almost like a dinner plate,but the turret was a glossy black done,with barely perceptible hatches,and a red diode,probably the device that scanned him. Malcolm crawled out from under the tank,and wiped the gore from his face,and leaned against the tank's front end,and surveyed the carnage around him. "Where the Hell did they come from...?" Malcolm observed the tank,and thought, ​What can I scavenge...?
Skyler wasn't sure what was about to happen, but headed the girls advice as he moved his hands slowly up to cover his ears. He couldn't help himself to wince at the earsplitting volume the girl was producing, even with the sound blocked off. When the sound had stopped ringing in his ears he was fist startled by the fact he had involuntarily closed his eyes as a reaction "Like it matters" he thought nonchalantly before returning back to the big picture. The entire scene had suddenly changed from cylinder structures and test tubes into an ordinary trailer. He noticed Ms. Ritsa pushing her way through the mass of children around in an attempt to check out the situation outside. He didn't want to follow, but the bright light had came back pure like before. "It wouldn't hurt" he considered now squeezing in between spaces made by confused students just standing around.

What he saw initially confused him, as Skylar looked over the scene about a short amount of time after Ms. Ritsa. It seemed like many of the students and staff around were laying around the area. "T
his doesn't really feel like the time to take a nap" he commented to himself before turning his head to Ritsa again at the sound of her voice. "For anyone not outside" he repeated mentally, in his attempt to comprehend what that meant. "Probably has something to do with entering the building" he put together. He noticed Ms. Ritsa helping children off the side of the trailer, which revealed to him how much they actually were from the ground surface. Skyler nervously made his way to Ritsa allowing her to help him down from the trailer before backing away from the main clump of children once again in an attempt not to get trampled.

Now from the east" he thought looking in the direction before freezing in place in an odd mixture of relief of satisfaction and terror. That can't be right" he muttered out loud placing a hand on his head as if he was trying to help his mind process the building. It was as if the bright light was trying to be smothered out by something a lot darker the he had normally seen. Skyler was beginning to take a step back when he heard Ritsa respond to other students questioning her. An entire group of something too blurry to make out was heading their way at an alarming speed, but all Tristan took the time to notice was the eerie black light emitting from each of them , especially the biggest one in the middle. It took only about a second of comparing his choices before he made his way to the light which refused to be put out. "Don't look back" he repeated as started off trying to tread over the bodies littering the area, before finally finding a less crowded path and breaking into a run until he reached a large entry way. Skyler took a few minutes outside to catch his breath before tentatively peering around at even more students on the ground sleeping. "Somebody should really help them" he said walking in close to the wall, keeping a lookout for anything that might move.

Luke stood there on his own for a while until he'd started hearing the sound of gun fire. He'd peered around to see 4 soldiers. "Great" He whispered to himself. He turned back around to go warn the others seeing as if he did run he'd more than likely get shot. But he got even more of a shock when he turned round and almost tripped over after he noticed the girl. She didn't seem to be looking at him so he observed her, she had a katana, that much was obvious, she also had a burn on her rest and she appeared to be gazing off at something. Was she a threat or was she just like them and was confused and alone, but if she was, wouldn't she have made some kind of noise when she got in, but she'd managed to get in completely silently and she hadn't said anything. Where did she even get in from? Why did she have her weapon out and what was she looking at. There were too many questions to ask but the first he'd decided to ask was probably not the best of ideas. "Uhh...Hello? Are you...okay? He'd asked before slowly approaching the girl a little but not so he was in reach of the weapon of hers, it looked sharp and would probably kill him in one slice, he hoped if she did attack she wasn't skilled with that thing, if she was he still had the daggers "You better be careful, there's a group of soldiers outside with rifles."
Talin froze up as the cat seemed to see something and freak out hard before bolting from the freezer. As it passed, he found himself looking at Cross with a rather complicated expression on his young face. He wanted to ask the boy what had spooked the kitten but knew that he couldn't risk it with his current uncertainties. A moment later, he mentally berated himself for his moment of weakness and indecision.

That was all that it took to force himself back into the calculative focus of his current state as he immediately went back into motion. "Joe, I need intel on what is in the cooler," he whispered in what was barely louder than a breath. Moving quickly he caught grabbed a cutting board off of one of the shelves near the knife racks before carefully placing the small toy on a corner of it. Taking the other corner in his hands as he momentarily set down the cooking torch he had been holding the boy moved back to the door.

"Report your findings to cross . . ." he sighed uncertainly, "and then verify the accuracy of the report given with me . . ." This last part was added with a great deal of betrayal in his tone. He had done nothing beyond trying to protect the others so far, and yet the technopath turned on him so quickly for a boy whom they knew nothing about. In truth, he could handle that . . . just so long as they survived to continue hating him or reconcile afterward.

With that he extended the cutting board into the room, holding on to the corner farthest from the soldier so as to give the little man as much of a view into the room as possible. As he held it there, however, he heard their Telekinetic approaching someone and glanced at the frightened boy over his shoulder. "Careful, Luke..." He tried to caution. Did everyone ignore the fact that even students could be a danger to them in their current state of confusion? As this student didn't seem to blindly attack at first sight, however, he wasn't quite sure what to think.

"Luke?" he called again in the same calm voice that he had been fighting to maintain this whole time. "If you've found a student is he or she injured?" The warning that the other boy had given could only mean that this was a student. After all, you didn't much need to tell soldiers that there were soldiers.

Talin sighed. This whole situation was quite confusing for him. He knew better than to trust people, and yet there was a side to his personality that wouldn't allow him to abandon someone either . . . His expression grew more pensive and contemplative as he turned back to watching the soldier which had been extended into the cooler. When all was said and done he would go back to being the invisible quiet boy . . . In spite of his promise to Felcia, this situation was proving more and more that he would not make friends here. He was just to different from the rest of them.
Ruth felt the chill saw the cat’s reaction and subconsciously stepped back. Her breath catching in her throat unsure, only to hear what Talin was doing and add the three monkey’s she brought to life on the board as well. “The more eyes the better right?” She asked with a weak voice, the chill from the room was bad enough without the feeling of death due to all the hanging meat. “Funny . . .” She laughed lightly trying to kill off some of the bad vives she was getting. “ . . . but even after this I don’t think I could turn into a vegetarian.”

Jumping when she heard Luke suddenly speak glancing to him and the new girl who just stood there, not certain of what to do, she merely nodded when it came to Talin’s advice. “I was hoping this would be more like x-men, you know . . . Marvel or DC base when I joined the school. Not horror vile . . .” She couldn’t help but voice her opinion the overall silence just made the chill and such grow worse and a girl suddenly appearing with them was all adding to the haunted film monster base.

She slowly tried to peer into the meat locker more then back to the girl, given her a weak wave if she did manage to look their way. Her eyes slowly went to the tech girl and Cross as if silently asking their opinion in the situation over all. Talin was the leader in her eyes that much was for sure. He could learn more about team work but had the moxxi and brains to pull it off.

Something kept telling her beware though, and it seemed to be screaming it from all directions . . . beware the meat locker, something is coming sudden danger . . . beware the soldiers . . . well the last one was more of a given. She sighed starting to wonder if it was just her fears playing games on her. The others didn’t mention their worries, and all seem to neglect the few times she had spoke up of hers. This was depression, she was one of the oldest there if not the oldest and seemed to be the most useless.
Feeling a slight chill Eliana opened her laptop to see if anything or anyone was headed there way. Nothing. Absolutely nothing was there. She smiled softly. "Seems like we are danger free for now.." Even though the cameras indicated that nothing was wrong Effy couldn´t help but worry. There was something wrong with the meat locker...Something which made her body tense, her ears alert and goosebumps were all over her arms. Seeing the meat locker almost open by its self Eliana frowned. That was special..weird actually but oh well. Talin spoke to the toy then turned to Cross and his next words annoyed her to no end. "Can´t you just let it go already?!? I mean why kill himself in the process? I believe him and I hope you realize and apologize to him once you get that...People are just.." Sighing Effy stared ahead listening to Ruth's small nervous rant and giggled.“I was hoping this would be more like x-men, you know . . . Marvel or DC base when I joined the school. Not horror vile . . .” Feeling her gaze Eliana forgave the girl. She didn´t seem as bad as Mister grumpy everyone-is-against-us Talin."Well we weren´t expecting this...I was afraid thou...I thought it could be a experiment facility and I kind of tried to hack in before but these damned firewalls were stronger then I thought. Me trying to crack the TCU would prove that..." She grinned before thinking back at the cat she saw earlier. It wasn´t there any more and she couldn´t help but once again frown. What scared it away; them or did it also feel these weird chill. Like a warning to stay away or die without mercy. "It is cold in here isn´t it.." Shivering slightly Eliana hopped down from Cross and walked to Ruth's side with the laptop on hand. Letting her gaze fall she looked up to look down again. Was that..Oh no.. "Guys, You might want to check this out...Like right NOW!" Staring at the men her eyes darting from the screen to the others. "Soldiers..." And that is when she looked back to stare behind them. Luke. Luke was a few feet away from a horror-movie girl with a katana, Jason by his side. "Luke is out there with Jason...Get them inside or lets all leave I´d say.."


Jason stared at horror at the girl. She came out of nowhere and this Luke was practically asking to get killed. He felt a slight urge to just break down and cry at the spot. He didn´t want to come here. Just because of his damned potential apparently he was a must. His orphanage didn´t mind; one less mouth to feed. Sighing he closed his eyes while whispering a prayer to his dead mother to watch over him. To protect him from these fools. To protect Effy for her kindness.
“Uhh…Hello? Are you…okay?” Came a meek sounding voice from behind her, causing her to turn in surprise. She had no idea how she had managed to be here. Only a few moments prior, she had been standing in a lovely garden, looking up at a boy trying to peer out of a doorway at something or another. She had wanted to be anywhere but where she stood, and thus suddenly the world just…changed. Turning towards the source of the voice, her ever far off gaze came to rest on the very same boy she had seen from the garden.

“You better be careful, there’s a group of soldiers outside with rifles.” He continued while slowly approaching as if she were some kind of specter.

“The mercenaries…” she stated absentmindedly in a far off tone, as if she had just awaken from some dream. Her mind flashed over dossier after dossier as she backed away slowly. She had after all, picked out the very people he was warning her about. She looked about wildly for a moment, trying to find any means of escape she could but only managing to spot even more of the people she had burdened with her monstrous actions. “I…did this. It’s—It’s all my fault! I DID THIS!” she shouted frantically as the images continued to flash past for her; as the gravity of the situation finally crushed her fragile rationality.


“I DID THIS!” rang faintly through the halls, prompting the 9th breech squad’s captain Eliza Holley to look up sharply. She knew that voice; she would never forget it. That was the voice of the creepiest of the creepy children gallery. Though this time around it possessed much more emotion than before when it had questioned her on her combat prowess.

“Did you hear that captain?” asked her right hand man Corwell Myers as she pressed her fingers firmly to the side of her helmet/visor.

The display of her visor lit up again in a brilliant green outline, while a little ‘please wait’ prompt flashed in the lower right area of her field of vision. “Just what the hell did you get me into Grey” she growled inside her own head.

The display of her visor revealed several more outlines behind the surface of the walls, all children. This was state of the art mass detection hardware…the tip of the blade on the ‘cutting edge’, and it was being employed against a bunch of snot nosed brats. Nothing about this smelled right to her. If these kids were cultists, where were the creepy robes and fanatical geezers peddling punch?

“Yeah.” She responded curtly. “You and Frank go check it out on the double. Turn to channel 9 and for Christ’s sake watch for hostiles, there’s a ton of em”


Ritsa glanced back as the children finally seemed to follow her words and make their way towards the facility’s east entrance. Every fiber of her being told her this was pointless, she could do nothing to stop these tanks. Her rational mind demanded that she turn around and enter into the relative safety of the school…and yet all she managed to do was stretch her arms wide, as if her body would slow the coming wall of fire and metal. Every muscle in her body shook from fear. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be, but if her life would grant a few of their’s a longer stay on burd…then this must be the right thing, right?

“Your gonna get us both killed you idiot!” Trist roared with enough ferocity that the mental seals that kept her at bay faltered.

“You’re already dead! Your just some mental parasite latching onto MY body!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, though she meant only to think it.

“It is not as if I have not helped you in return. This is more of a…symbiosis, one that your about to get run over underneath the tread of half a dozen tanks!”

“A symbiotic relationship is beneficial to both parties, this one just satisfies your own desires. Your nothing better than a lich from the movies!”

“Yes well, a ‘lich’ as you put it goes to a hell of a lot to survive the worlds bull, and I’m not gonna let you just kill me off. So either get your ass in gear, or I’m jumping ship to the closest available telepath.” Trist announced back to Ritsa’s silence. “Just think of all the budding ‘potential’ you like to call it walkin’ around back there. Don’t THINK I wont go through puberty again to avoid death! And what about the little vitamin sucker your growing in that stomach of yours?! You think it’s ok to get it run over also just because your feeling noble today!”


The eastern wing had died down considerably. A few student bodies lay scattered about, but by far the mercenary number out weighed them. Their bodies rested in blackened out husks about the severely charred room. Tomas rested with his back to a wall that was actually a hidden doorway, drifting in and out of consciousness. He’d been pushed much harder than normal, beyond even his currently amplified limits and stamina. With the return of the power, he knew he only needed to hang in there for a little longer. Lisa’s mecha-critters will be here like the damned metallic cavalry and he’d go to sleep for a week or so to recover.

That was when he caught a glimpse of motion off toward his side. He immediately raised a gun shaped hand to point at the silver haired kid, fire flaring wickedly to life at his finger tip. “Show me you watch if you’ve got it kid, else I’m fryin’ ya on the spot.” He demanded as he put on a forceful front. Unfortunately, that was all he had left in him to do. The world grew darker and darker until finally he passed out on his side


[all new players accepted are behind the wall his body currently rests upon. The room consists of a simple set of racks with reinforced cloth armor. A single door rests upon the back wall that reads ‘maintenance only’ and is locked]

[toy soldier and monkeys report all clear. The monkey's add in a bit of butt wiggling for good measure]
From where he stood, Talin heard the girl that Luke had been speaking with suddenly freak out in a major way. “I…did this. It’s – It’s all my fault! I DID THIS!” she shouted before finally running into his line of vision. The first thing that the boy noted was the gleaming katana in her hand. He was smart enough to realize that no matter how strong any one of them was, they weren’t yet strong enough to handle someone with a weapon . . . at least not without seriously getting injured in the process. The second thing he noted was the burn on her wrist which clearly lacked a watch.

Instantly, he set down the tray that the toys had been on while still leaving it so that they were in a position to look around the room. Then he turned back towards the girl with the sword and took a step forward. “Miss?” he asked, putting his hands up in a disarming fashion, “take a deep breath and calm down, ok?” Allowing an irrational person with a sword to freak out somehow didn’t seem like a good course of action.

“Now. . .” he continued in a steady voice, moving between Effy and the sword girl so that the currently fragile technopath was momentarily shielded. Behind his back he waved the others back into the cooler so that they would be somewhat more safe then they were facing the distraught woman with a sword. “Let’s calm down . . . I’m certain that this isn’t your fault . . . after all, you are our age, right? Are you a student here?”

Calmly he took a step forward, allowing nothing of his terror to enter his expression. “Also . . . you look injured . . . burned . . . let me check the wound for you? I can draw out some of the heat to minimize the overall damage. Don't worry, I'm not foolish enough to make a grab for the sword either . . . please, though . . . calm down and don’t do anything rash . . . we are just trying to find a way to get through this . . .” 'Keep talking' was the order that his mind was giving him: keep speaking and keep using a soothing tone.

An irrational individual with a weapon and possible proficiency with said weapon was not what he needed right now . . . perhaps he could even calm her down enough to enlist help? Even if she had started on the side of the . . . mercenaries, she had called them . . . she seemed genuinely troubled by her actions. Had she not been and had she been following through with their plans, she would have cut down the telekinetic by now. “My name is Talin by the way,” he added as an afterthought as he took another step forward. “Let me help you . . . settle down now and let us help you . . . we’ll get through this . . .”
Less was entombed in a manner of speaking with an assortment of other individuals, seeking shelter from the pandemonium that went on outside of the room they were currently sealed in. He didn’t really know what kind of outcome was going to present itself at the end of the attack, victory or defeat circled around in his mind as the apparent deaths were occurring outside of the room. This place was supposed to be a haven for those like himself, others seem to not really adhere to the haven part of the description sadly. The whole running for your life and ducking shots from people that you don’t even know would have struck fear in pretty much anyone, Less however isn’t just anyone.

At the moment he is situated in the corner of the room just down from the door with a maintenance entry only warning upon it, unbeknownst to him that the fighting was all but over thanks to sudden intervention from a known individual. In his mind he wonders why he was not allowed to stay behind and help in some way, he was not scared of the mercenaries. He actually found it rather odd that they would attack in this location, strategically it was a bad idea. He would be a good addition to any combat situation, even in his weak and untrained state.

The low hum of the overhanging lights were in the background as the people that were also in the room were shook-up and confiding in those near them, it being an obvious way to alleviate what had happened earlier. Fear seemed alien to Less in more ways than one, due to his power pain which relates to fear in ways is unknown to him and thus pointless. With the reminder of his inability to recognize fear as an acceptable response he started to become a bit restless, it being apparent by the sudden tapping of his foot on the floor. “The purple light was at least nice to look at, of course the whole dying thing would be a let down,” he sighed and looked up at the ceiling, suddenly drifting off in thought.
“Miss?” Came a voice towards her side.

Dragon turned towards the boy quickly in her shock, backing away into the corner of the room while shaking her head slowly back and forth.
“He—he’s here!” she thought frantically while staring past the boy. The boy from the images shesent into her mind was right before her, completely unaware of his danger.

“Take a deep breath and calm down, ok?” continued the boy disarmingly.

Mother did this…She made me come here so I would…” she thought as her skin turned paler than it already was. “…so I would kill him like the all the others”

“Is it so wrong for a mother to wish their child to explore their talents?”

“NO!” Dragon shouted mentally as she dropped into a ball, the sword falling to the floor besides her. “I WONT DO IT!”

“Also…you look injured…burned…let me check the wound for you? I can draw out some of the heat to minimize the overall damage. Don’t worry, I’m not foolish enough to make a grab for the sword either…please, though…calm down and don’t do anything rash…we are just trying to find a way to get through this…”

Her mind told her this was a technique, an effective one at that. Crisis managers, Psychiatrists, and Negotiators would use it frequently to help mellow out dangerous individuals.
“I’m dangerous…? Of course I am… I did this….” She thought somberly as she looked up towards the teen.

“Of course I am…” she repeated under her breath as he began to speak again.

“My name is Talin by the way…” he added disarmingly as several streams of text flitted past in her mind.

‘In a hostage situation, a Negotiator should always try to get the individual to identify with their captors. To try and make them see them as human. One of the most effective ways to go about this is to simply give them a name…’

“He thinks I’m here to kill him…?”

“Let me help you…settle down now and let us help you…we’ll get through this…”

“He thinks I’m here to kill him! I would nev—” she thought to herself, before her eyes suddenly welled with tears. “I am… That's exactly why i'm here. I’m here to kill you all!”

“That’s the daughter I know and love. My beautiful scarlet dragon. To your feet, you cant just dawdle here. There is a lot of work to be done, and I’m trusting you’ll take care of the mercenaries when this is over.”

NO!” she shouted suddenly, rising to her feet quickly and forcing her gaze to break away from the boy she knew to be Cross Collen, a seventeen year old passive type.

“I can’t… I’m not a dragon…THAT MONSTER ISN’T ME!” she shouted loudly before squeezing tightly at her wrist to banish her voice once more. “Just g— get out of my head!” she shouted once more, grabbing at her head in the process as large chunks of rock violently vanished in waves; almost as if they were being erased from existence entirely

[roll0] 1~50 earns a strike.

Malcolm Salvage rolls:

All rolls set to moderate difficulty





[roll5] ~Very Difficult

"I know it isn´t much but I would like to apologize for..well EVERYTHING they said..." Cross heard Effy say into his ear and he softly sighed as he just stood where he was,watching as Talin had opened the door to the meat locker. Cross looked over to Luke for a moment then back to the entrance of the meat locker as the door opened by it's self,the sense of danger had not bothered Cross. Though he was still nervous since he was doing what a random voice told him to do,and he had no idea if it was telling the truth or not.He was starting to feel better about this plan until the cat had suddenly freaked out over something he couldn't see it seemed,"NOOOOO! KEEP AWAY!!!" was all Cross heard from it. He was going to go ask what was wrong but then he noticed Talin looking over to him and Cross just glared back,knowing what Talin was thinking at the moment.

As Cross simply watched Talin and Ruth from where he was he had started growing weary and slightly wobbly,things had slightly gone blurry and the words spoke around him were unclear.His body had started acting up again but he quickly shook his head and tried to focus,he was thankful it helped somewhat but he knew it start acting up soon. When he was able to focus clearly again he saw Ruth now looking back that them,he just shrugged his shoulders.As he did that Effy had spoken up for some reason,
"Can´t you just let it go already?!? I mean why kill himself in the process? I believe him and I hope you realize and apologize to him once you get that...People are just.."hearing her sigh after he just chuckled."It's fine...." He slightly whispered back at her in a scratchy voice,couching softly after speaking it felt like his throat was dry and irritated.Though he kept it to himself since he knew what it was and it wasn't anything life threatening.He listened at Effy continued."Well we weren´t expecting this...I was afraid thou...I thought it could be a experiment facility and I kind of tried to hack in before but these damned firewalls were stronger then I thought. Me trying to crack the TCU would prove that..."she paused before stating,"It is cold in here isn´t it.." Cross hadn't noticed that because of his winter like clothes,though when Effy hopped off him he was surprised at first but relieved somewhat since now he was able to move better.As he stretched back,hearing a few pops from his back he heard Effy again,"Guys, You might want to check this out...Like right NOW!" He looked over to her."Soldiers...Luke is out there with Jason...Get them inside or lets all leave I´d say.."

Hearing this Cross worried about the two and looked over to where they had been,“I…did this. It’s—It’s all my fault! I DID THIS!” he hear before spotting a strange girl.Noticing she had a weapon Cross was about to run over,not taking any chances,but then Talin had stepped up and Cross stopped.He looked over to Talin as he spoke to the girl,“Now. . .” he said as he walked in between The girl and Effy,“Let’s calm down . . . I’m certain that this isn’t your fault . . . after all, you are our age, right? Are you a student here?” Cross had noticed Talin waving them to go into the cooler but Cross had stayed where he had been which somewhat off to the side a bit of the conflict,not really near the cooler.“Also . . . you look injured . . . burned . . . let me check the wound for you? I can draw out some of the heat to minimize the overall damage. Don't worry, I'm not foolish enough to make a grab for the sword either . . . please, though . . . calm down and don’t do anything rash . . . we are just trying to find a way to get through this . . .” Cross watched as Talin continued to step forward,he clenched his fists tight as they hung by his side. He didn't like this,something felt very off but Cross wasn't sure what it was.

Every slight movement the girl made Cross would get more un-eased and flinch,it was obvious he was unsettled about this girl and he kept his eyes on her constantly and Talin went on.
NO!” Cross suddenly jumped as the girl shouted,“I can’t… I’m not a dragon…THAT MONSTER ISN’T ME!” Cross had now started stepping away from the girl, “Just g— get out of my head!” large chunks of rock violently vanished in waves,almost as if they were being erased from existence entirely and Cross had no idea what was going on
Talin felt his heart begin to break for this girl as she seemed to come undone right in front of him. Even this, however, had not been allowed to deter him from his efforts to sooth her hysteria long enough for the others to retreat into the meat cooler. He found it logical to assume, after all, that Effy’s warning meant that it was the only path of escape they now had as her comments seem to indicate that the soldiers had breached the barricade. This would effectively have cut off their alternate escape route and thus allowe them no option but to press on to supposed salvation.

“NO!” came the sudden and rather random scream from the distraught girl. The vehement denial caused him to tense for a second while he tried to prepare for an attack as he could only assume it to be a response to his statements. No attack seemed to be presented as her distress and apparent insanity escalated quickly, causing her to grab at her injuries and cause herself undue pain. As this continued, it became apparent that the desperate denials hadn’t been directed at either him or his group.

Without warning, the floor and surrounding kitchen furnishings began to vanish in a violent and uncontained wave of destruction that seemed to emanate from the girl. “Luke . . . everyone . . . cooler!” he demanded sharply without raising his voice or looking away from her. “NOW!” He thought to wait a moment for them to retreat safely before choosing a course of action. Currently, however, he knew that a moment’s hesitation could be the self-inflicted death of this wretched and troubled girl. Something about the suffering that she was displaying froze him where he stood, and he found himself incapable of betraying her by allowing her to bring herself to harm . . .

Rushing forward suddenly, a look of worry piercing through his normally calm expression, Talin nearly face-planted as a good chunk of what he had intended to step on vanished without a trace. Just barely reacting in time, he caught himself quickly enough so that only his knee banged hard against the uneven floor. This minor bit of pain didn’t even give him a second’s pause as he pushed himself up and in front of the girl. Using the distraction that her breakdown was affording him, he wrapped her quickly in a tight embrace.

“Stop this,” he ordered in a tone that accepted no arguments. Now that he was so close to her, he was certain that she would be able to feel the quivering pangs of fear that were coursing through him. He found that fact currently inconsequential, however. “Stop this and come with me . . . the soldiers will have heard all of this and will be headed this way . . .”

“I’ll protect you,” he promised her in a whisper so airy that only she would be able to hear it. “Please . . .” Without waiting for an answer, he tried to take her good wrist to pull her with him. He quickly chastised himself for asking even this much of the poor girl in her current state, however. Instead, he tried to lift her slight frame entirely into his arms in an effort to help carry her off towards whatever salvation he prayed was awaiting them in the cooler . . .
Taking in the girl and frowning Effy watched as Talin stood before her. Of course, because she was the weakest. OF FREAKING COURSE! He started to speak to her, trying to calm her but Eliana couldn´t help but think it was useless. After all wouldn´t your worst enemy do that? Get you of guard to then take you out swiftly? Especially if you know that the person may be wielding a combat power which could put you in a critical situation. Sighing Eliana turned her gaze to the screen; seeing one soldier whom she guessed was the leader order two soldiers away. Their way. And as Talin was approaching the girl, Miss Horror screamed a heavy, strong no of resistance. Feeling her body tense and shake Eliana watched as the girl broke down screaming, her katana now on the floor.

Taking in the scene Eliana was feeling drastically worse; This couldn´t be happening. Things were disappearing, the horror-movie-girl was having a breakdown and she saw two soldiers heading their way. She was about to have a panic attack before she felt a slight calm get over her. Effy was determined to do this; mad at Talin or not she screamed for him. "Come on! Don´t go there!" But to no avail the boy was heading the poor girls way and fell. Damn! Though she felt rather mad. The girl was a threat to not only Cross but to all of them. She was capable of doing this mess, she should be able to survive it! Sucking in a ragged breath she turned to Luke, Ruth, Jason and Cross. "Get in, Listen to Talin! Now!" Her voice held nothing but authority and determined hope. She may not be a leader but Eliana knew when to take control and unfortunately this situation reminded her about the book she read about war strategy. Imagining everybody as a certain asset or quad of her own soldiers she began her orders. Hoping they would understand her. "Ruth, try using your monkeys to protect Cross as Talin seems to get Miss Horror over here. She may attack him and in this situation we don´t need it. Jason, stay with Luke." The young boy nodded while slowly walking inside the meat locker. He stared at Ruth and the rest. Waiting for them.

Eliana continued her sudden rant. "Luke, take the knifes with you and Jason don´t forget the first aid kit, we need it for both Miss Horror and Talin. Also Luke I need you to shut the door as fast as you can after we all enter since we got some nasty soldiers after us. That is using your powers..." Taking a deep breath Eliana stared at Talin. "HURRY UP!"

Watching the remaining soldiers on the screen, a small v building between her eyebrows; the small girl refused to enter the meat locker without making sure everyone else were there. Till they all were Safe.
He was doing it again. Ruth’s head whine to herself as she watched Talin play hero, doing her best not to whimper out loud. Jumping slightly actually stepping forward to grab the back of the boy’s shirt as if willing to try to snatch him back suddenly if the stranger made a sudden move. Dragon wounding herself wasn’t the move though, reaching for the weapon she dropped would be. Inside Ruth was kicking herself for not being brave enough to try to get close enough to at least attempt to kick it further from the girl figuring that much would keep them safer. She just couldn’t do it . . . all she could do was cling to a piece of fabric in hopes to save the child who risked it all if she was quick enough.

She let go just long enough to help usher the rest behind her and inside . . . the time not even that short. When she turned back around what she saw made her pale . . . Talin had moved forward and stupidly so. Watching him stumble and embrace the other that had admitted to being dangerous. “Talin! We need to go NOW, that includes you!” She wanted to add in that he was a stupid fool or worse, planning to give him a speech later about it . . . now though . . . if he died she didn’t want that to be her last words to him.

Her eyes went to the tech girl confused and glaring when she was told to protect Cross of all people. Why would cross need protecting? “They don’t listen to me.” Was all she could answer the three she had alive running around, four total if you counted the one on Cross’ shoulder, she only hoped would protect them all the best she could. Then again . . . what could a small monkey do? IF they did listen she would have them protect the young ones more and allow the older ones and more able to take care of themselves more. That fit her logic a lot better. She then gave the tech girl such a sad look, as if pleading with her to enter the locker, to leave her and Talin if the need arose to save the rest of the group.

Backing into the cooler after everyone else except Talin had moved, hesitating with fear to offer him and the dangerous one a hand. She had seen enough flicks and read enough comics to know when one was arguing with themselves in that way it wasn’t good or safe. If it was the only way to save one of her friends though . . . she could only hope she wasn’t dooming the rest of them by helping for now. Glad the girl’s katana was left behind and some of them still had weapon like items at least.
Malcolm clambered awkwardly into the tank,acutely aware of the possibility that the tank could have any number of destructive failsafes in place. However,he knew that denying the enemy the luxury of reusing resources was a victory,and an even greater one if he appropriated them for his side. Inside the tank,it seemed spacious for him. Of course,he was one person,and the tank had three seats,and four firing ports. "A crew of seven? Why not slap on a coaxial for an in close weapon? Reduces the profile and weight,providing a much more nimble vehicle." As he derided the engineering of the vehicle,Malcolm began his inspection. He very quickly found a set of four high yield capacitors under the primary control console. Reading the print between the two prongs,Malcolm whistled in admiration. "Two point eight terahertz? Damn,that's a lot of juice." Malcolm reached out to pick one up. It was about the size of two stacked fists. And weighed about fifty pounds. "Holy crap..." Malcolm wrapped his left hand around the capacitor's end,and dragged it into the crook of his right elbow. He then used the crew seats to get his head and shoulders out of the tank,and then he simply dumped the capacitor overboard. It rolled down the turret and hull,and hit the marble floor with a loud clang. Malcolm repeated the process three more times,and resumed his search of the vehicle. He spied several other valuable components,but he couldn't remove them easily,and decided to leave it to the pros if they could manage to disable the tank's safeguards.

Before leaving the tank,Malcolm examined the consoles. Much to his annoyance,Malcolm couldn't find any indicator of the tank's remote destructs and automated failsafes. Either they didn't exist,weren't active,or they were hidden. Not liking the odds,Malcolm bailed from the tank,and used his foot to roll the capacitors away from the disabled machine,hoping that they would be clear of the danger zone should the tank go off.
They had all been standing around in the room for some time now and no one except for some

weird guy standing in the corner had any ounce of curiosity, to be honest the room was an

anticlimactic end to a day that could have been tons of fun but no he had to end up he instead

of out there doing 'something' at the very least.

Grav had been wasting his time playing with a coin but it was quickly losing its appeal and he was getting

more and more anxious about being stuck there with little to no information except for a few chilling screams

and what sounded like a very large vehicle not to mention the fact that the lights were out and

the bell was ringing in his ears like some incessant mother who only ever nags and nags.

This is extremely scary." He announced to no one in particular

Fed up with just standing there twiddling his fingers Grav walked up to examine the out of place maintenance

door. He weaved his way carefully through the crowd making sure not to bump into anyone lest he start some

unnecessary trouble. The boy walked up to the portal and examined it, the most obvious parts were metal

but he wasn't too sure whether the rest of the door was too, so he tapped and knocked on it to see if he

could hear for the tell tale ring or echo of metal.

View attachment 11818
“You are really trying my patience sweetie.” rang through Dragon’s mind even as she squeezed ever more viciously at her burns. “I know, how about you just dispatch of the boy now, and then you can return for a nice, well deserved break? How does that sound to you?” A deep sinking feeling over came her as the violent teleportation ceased. Her mind reeled in a combination of fear, stress, and the calculatory burden of her excess use of quantum teleport. Though at the moment her body was still her own to command, she could already feel the slow return of the urges; an ever present lust for blood and carnage. She slowly turned towards Cross as the far off look she possessed slowly became more and more blank, devoid of the turbulent emotion that bubbled under the surface. “Kill him darling. Every moment he lives is an affront to everything we care about. Do this for me?” “I can’t…”She tried to say, but found her voice once again trapped within the confines of her skull. Her mind already tasked itself with the motions required to kill him as swiftly as possible, not a difficult calculation compared to those that came before. “You can, your quite good at it. Are you going to me say please?” “Stop this.” Suddenly rattled through the darkness that again began to eat away at her core. She looked up towards him eerily as she again tried to rally her will to action. “Stop this and come with me…the soldiers will have heard all this and will be headed this way…” “He’s…hugging me?” she thought to herself, only just realizing he ha approached at all. “Get away…”She tried to say during this brief reprieve from the ensuing eternity, but the words never reached her lips. “All of you…get away!” I’ll protect you. Please…” “You can’t… she’s too strong.”She thought as tears welled up in her eyes. She knew already how this story would end. She would kill them all, every single one of them. In a few years, if she ever managed to squeeze free of her again…she would see their faces flash before her in a long reel of death and destruction; a burning reminder of her plentiful sins. “KILL THEM!” Within the blink of an eye, the world changed for the boy who sought only to save her. He had gone from carrying her slender frame to a few hundred feet above the garden. She didn’t need to look to know that at this very moment, he was hurtling towards Burd with ever increasing speed; that in a short 3.5 seconds, he would be dead. She quickly extended her feet beneath her to catch her own fall as the doors suddenly exploded open. The two mercenaries throwing a small device into the room before dipping around the corner. It’s schematics quickly flooded through her mind at the sight of it; a flash bang. “You killed him!” She shouted in her head, feeling a deep rage rushing through her body. “No sweetie, you did. You killed him for your mother, and there is nothing more natural in the world…now for the Collen’s boy.” “No” she said in her head as the katana teleported across to her grasp. “No? We’ve been thro—” “No, he’s not dead yet!” she shot back, feeling a wave of determination replace all of her prior emotions. For the first time in the exceedingly short period of time she could call her life, she was truly in control…even if it would last for the few moments it took for her to redouble her efforts.“He wont be dead for another two seconds.” Her mind started its calculations even as she turned and ran. The flash bang disappearing just as she crossed its path, appearing instead before the feet of the mercenaries who armed it. Blood trickled from her nose as her body came speeding into the hallway, followed immediately by the brilliant flash of the grenade. Her mind grew ever more clouded as she approached her calculatory limit, crashing through the glass window in her temporary blindness and falling towards the garden. “One second” She thought as she reached her hands out in mid fall, blindly reaching for the body she hoped; no KNEW would be there. As soon as contact was made, she expended one of the teleports she had calculated, sending ever more blood pouring from her nose. She had sent him to the front of the school, reversing his direction so that his momentum would carry him upwards rather than pulverizing him upon the institutes’s steps. As her vision finally recovered, she could see herself only about ten feet above the ground surrounded by gleaming shards of glass. She pulled herself into a striking stance as quickly as she could manage, as if she intended to slice the planet itself. Her eyes burned as small tears of blood started to form in their corners. The wind roared in her ears until she was mere moments from death herself. With a loud bang, the world replaced itself with the hallway. Her fragile frame flying down it at over thirty kilometers per hour at the two barely recovering soldiers. With her immense speed, she cleaved through the both of them in an instant, feeling as if a dagger had lodged itself deeply in her forehead. She looked off to her side as Talin’s body finally cleared the roof, it’s momentum finally slowing. “Just one more!” she shouted inside her heavily throbbing head. As her ability activated, she could feel consciousness rushing away from her even faster than her body rushed down the hall. In some part of her mind, she knew she was likely dead. At this speed her body would be torn apart…but…she did it. This one life may not make up for the countless before it…but she had done it…of her own free will. [roll0] 1~30 fail-Failure results in death of Talin [roll1] 1~30 results in instant death; 31~90 results in slow death; 91~100 results in strike If Talin survives, the point he appears is just in front of Ruth, minor momentum sending them both tumbling to the floor.
View attachment 11822
​This be but a Temporary Bumper till I complete my concept
All Ruth knew was Talin was suddenly gone her eyes searching, willing to glare at the girl before her. Watching soldiers enter, die by the girl, here gone again and her mind couldn’t even begin to keep up with the order or what was even going on. Her worse fears sinking into her, Talin had to be dead, the fool had gambled and lost. Why was she killing them though instead of her and the rest of the group? A flash of some push and she was to the ground painful. What the hell was going on? Was this her death?

No, she wasn't wounded at least badly, she could move still it seemed. Her eyes widen though and she could feel the tears weld inside them. “Talin? Talin!” In a flash she moved as fast as she could to be beside him, he was breathing . . . he seemed fine and if she had to she would drag him into the icy room if she had too.

“I saw two soldiers . . . she . . . she killed them . . . she . . . I don’t know where she is anymore.” She did the best to inform the group through her fear that they could still be in danger, despite the tears trailing her face. “You’re an Idiot!!! A bloody idiot!” She started to yell at Talin, tears hurt in a cold room, or would after awhile. “You . . . I thought you were killed! I told you not to do stuff like that! You don’t always have to be the hero!”
For what felt like a long moment, the world spun away from him and he lay unresponsive on the cold surface of the cooler floor. Adrenaline surged in his body after his near brush with death. The taste of metal filled his mouth, his heart surged in his chest, and his body quivered hard. He could hear someone talking; berating him for his stupidity and reckless heroics. The words were barely able to pierce his senses, however.

He remembered. Oh dear god, he remembered everything. There had been a terrifying moment of confusion as his breath was stolen away and he plummeted towards certain death. In that moment he had known true despair because he had failed them all . . . but then she had returned. The boy hadn’t seen her, but somehow he knew that the faint touch he had felt had been from the girl that he had sworn to protect. Her touch, so confusing as he fell to the death she had planned for him, had moved him again. This time, however, he had been falling upwards. He had seen the sky stretch before him and had seen the curve of the horizon as the land reached out to meet it. There had been no touch as he fell towards the sky. Nonetheless, she had stolen him from that place as well and had given him back to his group.

The boy jerked in the direction that he thought would be upwards. Unfortunately, his recent and rather confusing introduction to teleporting had severely screwed with his equilibrium and he instead managed to ram his head hard into the freezer floor. A dizzying grey overtook his vision before allowing the world to eventually begin to fill back in slowly. “I do . . .” he muttered rather drunkenly in response to the bit of Ruth’s speech that he had heard.

As he spoke, Talin had pushed himself upwards on to his elbows. With his center of balance still extremely skewed, this resulted in him leaning haphazardly to the side in spite of his efforts to keep straight. This was a start, however. He used this angle to glance around the room quickly for the girl; the action making his head spin dangerously. “Where is she?” he asked meekly as worry crept into his face. He turned to the technopath for help, but his expression hardened a bit as he recalled her yelling at him to stop.

No . . . he doubted they would help him here. The technopath who could have helped him had already expressed her hatred of him. She had also tried to give a rebuke when he had run to try to help the girl in the first place. Ruth had already said that they had assumed him to be dead after what had happened. They wouldn’t understand . . . He doubted anyone could understand how close he felt to that poor tortured soul right now. “Where . . .?” he tried again confusedly.
Eliana rolled her eyes at Ruth´s glaring before remembering that she may have given them orders but they didn´t know why or how she came to the conclusions. About to speak her mind and simply tell them her strategy she noticed Miss Horror and a second later Talin disappeared. Her eyes wide Eliana watched in horror as two soldiers entered to then be killed by Miss Horror and made her wary. What? She....

Taking it all in Eliana turned around quickly and left her laptop with Jason whom put the first aid kit down to take it. His eyes were even wider and she could see tears building up. He was so young...And he already experienced such death within seconds. Giving him a soft smile and reassuring him everything would be alright Eliana turned around and walked to Ruth´s side.
"I don´t hav-" Getting caught of by seeing Talin on the floor and Ruth rushing to his side. Miss Horror was gone and Eliana felt worried. Even if she may have caused Talins sudden disappearance she may be in danger. And she did help them with the mercenaries. She was concentrating on that before seeing Miss Horror crash on to the floor. Gasping she ran back to Jason, took the first aid kit and left behind the laptop. She remembered the two other soldiers and ran to Luke, forcefully taking a knife and cut her palm slightly. Before entering the hall, a paragraph of ´Time for War´by Anthony Marthon rushed in her mind.

`There will be times when an utter emergency comes for a quad of soldiers. They may lose a man or carry an injured through the battlefield with nothing but hope. At these times panic will only destroy ones mind and the only solution to the problem is for thoughts. Thinking, planning andchoosing a path which will lead to other thoughts, plans and choices. This will be learned by the weakest in body but strongest in soul. The question is thou; Will they follow the basics or be another fish caught in the net?`

Remembering the answer she smiled softly while staring ahead; It´s always the basics, ALWAYS! And with a swift turn she headed back for the group, took her laptop and stared at the screen, her surroundings and her gaze intently on Luke. "First we need Luke to try to use his powers to get Miss Horror to us....We got aprons...They could be used as a small carrying bed. Talin, Ruth and Cross, as fast as she has entered the kitchen area, please drag her in, do whatever to get her here! Miss Horror will need medical attention, Jason be ready for that. There are about.."Checking the screen a few seconds before returning her gaze. "Two to three mercenaries left. I need Luke to use the knives right when they noticed her body moving! Staring at Ruth and the rest her eyes pleading."Please...trust me on this...I beg you, Ruth, Jason, Cross, Luke and Talin. Just please.." Her eyes were shifting to each one as she mentioned their names while pleading and begging for them to cooperate.

Jason was about to have a break down, Eliana running away before returning and spitting orders to everyone to then plead for their cooperation. He was eight. He had seen two people die and even if he was small he didn´t want to see another death. Another misfortune like his mother.
"I´ll do .. I´ll do it!" He said first of them all, showing them that a small kid could cooperate without problem should show them he thought.
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