IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Talin smiled slightly to himself as the technopath, again changing personality types on a dime, presented a plan which he found oddly acceptable. “Wait,” he murmured dizzily as he reached out and touched Ruth’s arm to stop her from leaving. “I need you to do something . . . rather than drag her in . . . she was light enough even poor Jason could manage that. . .”

The act of reaching out had caused him to once more be off-balanced and so he tipped quickly to one side. He sighed in annoyance yet was rather pleased that he had managed to keep from falling over entirely this time. “I noticed when we came in . . . the doors all open inward,” he continued as he closed his eyes against the spinning world that was making him nauseous. “Once they are done . . . try to slide the heavy metal island and anything else you can manage up against the door . . . perhaps the potatoes . . . The weight should effectively lock the door to the kitchen. . . buying us . . .”

His head swam as he tried to force himself to reason in spite of the dizziness. Damn this vertigo to hell! he thought ruefully as he forced himself to take a deep breath before continuing. “Buying us valuable time to get through the panel. I know you can do it, Ruth . . . We’ll get us through this . . .” he finished with a weak smile. Again, he tried pushing himself to his feet. This time he managed to make his knees before the world seemed to sway hard under him and sent him sprawling again.

“Damn it . . .” he muttered under his breath, smiling a bit at his own foolish clumsiness.
Cross was a bit surprised by Talin's actions and he now labeled him as a complete idiot,he was just about to get him but suddenly they were gone. Cross looked around for them to notice something being thrown into the room,from there everything went to fast for him to understand and Talin had appeared out of the blue again.Cross was completely confused since apparently he missed something,“I saw two soldiers . . . she . . . she killed them . . . she . . . I don’t know where she is anymore.” He heard and turned to Ruth,he slightly jogged over as he watched the way into the room making sure no other surprises would pop up. “You’re an Idiot!!! A bloody idiot!” She had started to yell at Talin, Cross now see the tears rolling down her face.“You . . . I thought you were killed! I told you not to do stuff like that! You don’t always have to be the hero!”Cross had kneeled to the ground after getting over to them and looked at Talin.

Talin didn't seem too well for one reason the fact he rammed his head hard into the freezer floor which Cross almost burst out laughing,but he was able to hold it in.“I do . . .” He heard Talin say and Cross watched him as he tried to get up somewhat.“Where is she?Where . . .?” Cross simply sighed very softly to himself,from what Ruth told them seemed she'd be out there maybe. "First we need Luke to try to use his powers to get Miss Horror to us....We got aprons...They could be used as a small carrying bed. Talin, Ruth and Cross, as fast as she has entered the kitchen area, please drag her in, do whatever to get her here! Miss Horror will need medical attention, Jason be ready for that. There are about.." He suddenly heard Effy say and continue, "Two to three mercenaries left. I need Luke to use the knives right when they noticed her body moving!" Cross listened."Please...trust me on this...I beg you, Ruth, Jason, Cross, Luke and Talin. Just please.." Cross smiled,out of all the others she was pretty much the only one he did trust,though this seemed to be helping Talin out he'd do it.He just nodded as he stood to his feet,turning to Effy only to hear Talin again.“Wait," He seemed to be addressing to Ruth,"I need you to do something . . . rather than drag her in . . . she was light enough even poor Jason could manage that. . .”

"I noticed when we came in . . . the doors all open inward,”Talin had closed his eyes once again not looking too good. “Once they are done . . . try to slide the heavy metal island and anything else you can manage up against the door . . . perhaps the potatoes . . . The weight should effectively lock the door to the kitchen. . . buying us . . . “Buying us valuable time to get through the panel. I know you can do it, Ruth . . . We’ll get us through this . . .”Cross just rolled his eyes and once again sighed as he watched Talin finally get to his knees,Though didn't seem like he'd stay up very long.Cross had supported him and kept him up sturdy and sighed before he spoke."Yea,we'll All get through it..."He said in slight sarcasm,it was still obvious he was mad at Talin."Even your little girl friend."He said as if teasing Talin,which of course he was."If she's that light I'll get her,since Ruth'll be busy with Talin's idea and Talin...well I doubt he can stand firm at the moment...."
“Are you all nuts!” Ruth watched them demand, rush about some. “She’s insane, and a killer . . . and we’re on the verge of some insane battle like war here and you wish to risk a lot just to find and save her?” She stood at that crossing her arms waiting for it to click. “IF she’s alive and not god knows where porting about . . . which we can check the camera’s to find . . .” She sighed shaken her head and stepping back.

Talin’s plan at least seemed sound, they were trapped anyways. “We can put pots on our heads and wrap pans about us for extra protection too.” She glanced to Effy and the child who obviously just a follower like one who followed their mother was thinking their mother could do no wrong.
“Are you all nuts! She’s insane, and a killer . . . and we’re on the verge of some insane battle like war here and you wish to risk a lot just to find and save her?” Cross looked at Ruth as she stood up and he couldn't help but smile.“IF she’s alive and not god knows where porting about . . . which we can check the camera’s to find . . .”Cross made sure Talin would be able to at least stay on his knees before letting him go and standing up as well still looking over to Ruth."Well for one,Talin seems alive so I wouldn't call her a killer...And I'm sure if she really does need help and if one of us were in her shoes,you'd most likely want to help them right? especially since it seems we got a pretty good chance at succeeding...I know I would want help if I was the one hurt...."He had crossing his arms like Ruth as he spoke,"Plus the fact that we don't know if she's insane or a killer or any of that....it could be another misunderstanding...she could have been in trouble and was just scared.Who knows..."He shrugged his shoulders.

He did have a off feeling about the girl before but he wasn't going to let it decide what he was going to do unless he knew it wasn't just a thought out of fright.
"If you don't like the plan where we save her and instead just hide,go ahead..."He had started walking to the exit of the Kitchen."But I'm going to at least try and help if she needs it whether alone or not...because now to me it sounds like she's in the same situation I am with you people...So if i was her right now I bet you'd be thinking the same thing you are now..." He had stopped at door,staying in the room he peeked out looking down the hall both ways to see what there was.He had no idea whether this was the right thing to do but he knew he'd regret it if he just forgot about that girl and just left.He peeked back at Ruth and the others before looking back down the hall.He sighed,"So do whatever you want...But don't think I'll follow people I can't rely on..."
Just as Benji leads the group back towards Malcolm, they are momentarily stalled by the appearance of robots. Cool and flashy robots that he is actually awed by until he realizes they might be a threat, a gun fires off behind him, but he hears the ting as it bounces off the wall. “Hold it!” he yells back, wearily steeping forward for the group and getting bathed in a red light before it focuses momentarily on the watch. Then it passed by, moving on to scan the next person “It’s only looking for your watch” he informs, holding up his wrists. The others move by, each getting scanned by the machines before they were able to continue.

Before he even makes it to the end of the hallway, he realizes that the situation has changed. There are soldier’s bodies now littering the floor and he finds Malcolm, climbing out of the tank. Benji’s feet slow down until he’s slowly steeping over the bodies, focused on them but not Malcolm. His face is devoid of emotion, and his brain only seemed to be repeating the same fact, they were dead. The light user pinched his nose, noticing his hand-lights had diminished almost automatically now.

Then his eyes shifted around the room, it was only Malcolm…the kid closes his eyes, trying to remember where exactly the soldiers ran off to. They had burst in…the students were pushed back and forced into the east hallway…had they followed? His memory was shuffled through, remembering the students that were helping the head master flee through the upstairs hall. No, they hadn’t followed…they were all here and dead. Opening his eyes, he turns to Malcolm, “Where should we go next?” he wonders, looking around for the headmaster. The man had been here before…


As the tanks kept approaching the group, Abbie knew she had to move; she had to get out of there before she was hurt severely. So trying to forget the bodies that lay on the floor, the girl ran after the boy with silver hair, dragging Becca with her. Ritsa told them to go to the east wing, and by some mysterious power that’s where the blind boy was leading them. Abbie was confused, but she had to stay focused…go to the east wing.

When they got there, Abbie was stunned momentarily by the blackened room; it looked as if someone meant to paint everything black. That included some of the people lying on the floor; she kneeled down and touched one of the people next to her. Their skin was probably paler than usual, and it was icy to her touch…they didn’t seem to be breathing. The boy next to her suggested someone helping them and she shook her head, understanding clicking into place.

With her new knowledge, tears pooled in her eyes as her lip tightened, twitching as she held back her sobs. Grinding her teeth, she forced herself to close her eyes and shakily breathe, ignoring the trails that the tears left. A voce startled her, her eyes shooting open and realizing that one of them was alive, just slightly worn down. She took a step towards him before he pointed his finger at her fri-…at her companion, and the finger ignited at the end.

She realized why the room was so black.

The man demanded they show him their watches and Abbie’s hand found her own before holding the arm that had it, up. The man said nothing, instead leaning sideways until he was on the ground, the fire going out on his finger. Abbie’s eyes widen, rushing forward with worry, immediately reminded that each body before this was dead. When she gets to him, she sees his watch and worriedly nudges him, shaking him. The body is still warm though, he is still breathing and she is relieved to find he is alive.

Now that she is closer she can see the faint outline of the door behind him, strong knocks coming from the other side. Abbie turns back to Becca and the silver haired boy “There’s somebody on the other side!” The man is slightly in the way, but she gets up and pounds back,“We’ll be right there!” she yells through the door before looking around and seeing something etched into the metal. It is covered slightly in soot, which she has to stand on her toes to wipe away. The diagram shows her watch movin g over the door, and she looks back at the door.

Swiping her wrist over the door, she hears it click and watches it slide back.
Becca just stared at Ritsa, not understanding any of what she was saying besides the part about them wanting to either kill or dissect her. Those things tended to stick with people. At least unstable-Ritsa didn't seem to want her dead. She looked to Abbie, listening to her ask if they would help them. Tears stung Becca's eyes and she tried to quickly blink them away before she noticed. Becca didn't have the heart to tell her about the other children. She just sadly shook her head and bit her lip, trying to keep the tears from her eyes. "We can't help them right now," she manages to say, keeping her voice as steady as possible. Becca began to follow Ritsa and the others, though her gaze never really left the small girl at her side.

Becca head shot up, her gaze ripped from Abbie as she heard Ritsa scream.
What in the world? Becca thought to herself. This woman seemed like she had something wrong with her. Her eyebrows knit together, Becca stared at Ritsa, her guard building again. What was the woman yelling about, anyway? That seemed especially odd. Of course, this whole day was especially odd. Becca took in her surroundings quickly, confused about where she was now. First it was that odd holding cell and now they were moving along the edge of some building. She frowned as she took in the environment.

Becca felt Abbie tugging her along. As much as she didn't like Ritsa, she didn't want to leave her behind but Becca couldn't leave Abbie. She had quickly grown attached to the girl. She knew it was a bad idea but she couldn't leave her. Not now, anyway.

She followed Abbie into the dark room, utterly confused. What was going on here? What was this place? She jumped, hearing someone's voice and seeing fire ignite in the room. She took a quick step backwards, not sure if this person was friendly. He had asked about a watch. Becca's confusion mounted. Watch? She noticed Abbie raise her wrist to show him before the light went out and the room was dark once more. She just stood, frozen, as Abbie ran to check on the boy. She then turns to Becca, announcing that there's someone behind the door. Becca wanders over to Abbie, watching her intently as she waves her wrist over the door and it slides open, nervousness rising in her stomach as she considered what might be waiting for them. Becca looked down at Abbie: there was no way that she could protect her. Becca's powers seemed absolutely futile in this place. She suddenly felt determined to do all she could for this girl. She knew her sudden instinct to protect this girl was irrational at best, probably brought on by this traumatizing situation.

Becca shook her head suddenly, focusing back on what lay behind the door. Becca had a terrible habit of getting lost in her thoughts.
Less’s attention went away from the ceiling as a rapping came from the other side of the door across the room, all of the individuals warranting a variety of reactions to such a thing. In Less’s case he didn’t show much if any interest in the possibility of it being the enemy, the possibility being very small. Before the door was open he made his way over, wanting to get out of the enclosed area, it being rather boring and uneventful. Oddly enough he wondered what would ensue if it would be the enemy, if nothing else the room would get substantially less boring if that would be the case.

As the door opened he noticed that they were people from around here, which was kind of a let down but the feeling was removed rather quickly in his mind. The fact that someone would attack means that they would most likely do it again, and next time would most likely be in a larger scale. His eyes went over them, it appearing to be three people in eye shot, two female and one male. The person in from was not as old as Less, she was maybe eleven to thirteen. Her hair was the first thing that he noticed, it was noticeable frizzy and was offset by her bright green eyes.

The girl behind her seemed to be rather shy, almost wanting the young girl to be the first line of defense if anything were to happen. That could have been misconstrued though, it is quite possible that the girl was simply following behind her. By how she looked she’d be somewhere along the mid point if her teenage life, that being an estimate if nothing else. Her hair compared to the girl before was rather tame, but this time it was a rendition of a bark color.

There was someone else with the two of them, this person further from the both of them. Less didn’t notice much from this person though, other than the white hair that was sported. The day was quite different that usual, which was apparent to anyone that was present in the haven today. Less wondered what he was going to do after the situation was handled, a nice cold cup of tea leaping to his mind rather quickly. It had been quite some time since he had a cup, the last time being a few days ago.

He spoke up when everyone else seemed to be thinking of what to say, “Would it be fine if I were to make some tea?” His question was rather odd, considering what had been going on but well he didn’t register fear like the others and his mind wasn’t exactaly mapable against the normal individuals. He simply awaited an answer as the people in the space with him stared blankly at him, confusion plastered all over their face.
Grav poked and prodded the maintenance door and tried to feel for any kind of metal he could even

minutely manipulate. The locking mechanism was made out of metal but it was made of too many

little components and whatever he did there wouldn't help with getting rid of the dead bolt keeping

the door locked in the first place. He idly ran his left hand through his hair and pondered what he

might have to do should things turn for the worst and he need a quick escape.
"Don't be such a coward

Calvar!!" He admonished himself.

Not moments later did his hands land tentatively on the the hinges to the door and a smile spread across

his face. The hinges were not cove
red in a plastic material that could hinder his powers and nor were they

entirely reinforced, it just so happened that they were your run of the mill, normal door hinges; free to be

manipulated by yours truly.Grav found four hinges and they all seemed easy to manipulate, but just as he

made his discovery the door behind him opened up, the shaft of light beaming on the wall nearby. Grav

turned around to notice a group of kids walk in, a little worse for wear and maybe a bit grim looking, he

noticed that some of their faces were familiar and assumed that they were originally part of the larger

group but had broken off some time ago only to make their way back again.

Grav ws curious, any sane person would have tried to run away from this place when they got even the

slightest chance, but then this place looked pretty secure. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly and waited

to see what these new arrivals were going to say or do next.
Luke had watched the situation in front of him unfold, he then watched as Talin had came back staggering about, Luke was about to ask if he was alright before Effy went into a plan about something but the only part Luke was concerned about was the fact that she told him to drag the Girl in here...great now he had to decide whether he was to save someone or not, he hated being in position such as this. He'd then listened to everyone else and there ideas aswell as the girl called Ruth stating that they shouldn't bring the girl back in here as she was insane and would probably kill them all,which he personally doubted the fact she was going to kill them all even if she did attack Talin. He then had to listen to the boy with the masks speech."Will you guys shutup, half of you are just repeating what someone else has already said!" He complained before mumbling Jesus christ to himself. If he did save the girl, it would cost them time and could attract unwanted attention causing for them all to possibly get shot, on the other hand she could be useful when she fully healed, if she didn't die or wasn't already dead and if she was dead they had just wasted valuable time attempting to get her dead body over here. "Right...heres how I see it, there are a couple possibilities that could happen, one she could already be dead which means we wasted time getting her dead body over and it might also attract unwanted attention resulting in the death of us all, but if she were to be alive, once fully healed she may be able to help us and maybe even fight along side us, after all she is another kid and I don't think I could bare to leave someone behind so..I think I should atleast try to save her, if she is dead we can bury her if we do manage to recover the body, everyone deserves a burial, no matter what they've done... " And with that Luke looked over to the girl and then closed his eyes, he tried to pull her over, he couldn't really see if it was working seeing as his eyes were closed he continued to try focus in on the girl try to imagine her body being dragged across the ground and towards them, towards safety. After a while he opened his eyes and saw the girl right in the middle of everyone, Luke let out a sigh of relief and leaned back to catch his breath.
Never had he imagined that Cross would help him after their heated exchange of words when he had voiced his suspicions about the older boy’s intentions. Yet, as the ground had risen quickly to meet him, he felt the other boy catch and support him. In fact, Cross went so far as to poke fun at him in what seemed an attempt to be lighthearted . . . “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” he protested vehemently as the word ‘girlfriend’ entered the jest. A brilliant shade of scarlet flushed over his cheeks in embarrassment, but the emotion was quelled quickly as Ruth voiced her doubts.

He knew that she was right about the girl’s rather fragile mental state, but he also knew that there was reason to believe that she didn’t want them dead. After all, in his recent adventure where she had introduced him to the concept of thinking with portals, she had shown herself strong enough to have killed the entirety of the group before they had even noticed her. With her power, they could have all been falling to their deaths . . . rather, going by just observed facts and leaving assumptions for a later time, three of them could have been falling to their deaths.

This reasoning, he knew already, wouldn’t comfort the strange puppeteer who had adopted him as a friend so easily. She had told him that she wanted to survive. At first he had been quite confused by this statement as everything that he suggested was done in a way that would help them and others survive. Now, however, the meaning behind the words was starting to sink in. She wanted safety; a concept that should have been hers by right at her age . . . that much he couldn’t give her right now . . .

Musing to himself, he missed much of Cross’s speech, noticing that he was talking only because the older boy had forgotten Talin’s momentary inability to stand by himself. Clumsily Talin had corrected this by staggering to the wall for support and surprising himself by staying upright. No sooner had Cross finished talking than their meek telekinetic burst out in an exclamation that seemed quite out of character for him. Seconds later, the girl slid haphazardly across the floor and into the room.

Launching himself into what was quite possibly the best impression he had ever done of a drunken stumble, Talin forced his body to fall moreso than run across the room to the door as he slammed it shut. “Now, Ruth!” he shouted quickly, not wanting to risk an attack by the soldiers before the door was jammed. As he waited for the door to be blockaded, he tried to force himself to stay on his feet long enough to manage one more simple task. No longer quite able to stay standing as he was, the boy sat down and started to fumble with the lighter that he still had with him. Even in this chaos as his head swam dangerous, he had managed to come up with a play to make against the advancing soldiers . . . all he required to complete his trap was the placement of the blockade and the protection of the three foot thick walls of the meat locker in the room . . .

The soldiers were not going to be allowed to survive long enough to harm them, he swore silently to himself. He had promised Ruth, Jason, and now this nameless girl that he would get them safely through this. In order to accomplish that he knew what was required here . . .
As Malcolm finished rolling the capacitors to a point far away from the tank,he heard voices coming from behind him. They sound young...Allies! Malcolm wheeled around and saw a group of students,led by the lumaturge from before. And many of them were armed to the teeth. Malcolm noticed that the drones were wheeling past the group,scanning their devices. So that's how the determine friend and foe... Malcolm approached the crowd quickly,andwas immediately given the leadership position. Malcolm raised his right hand. It was shriveled,and raw looking,almost like poorly made jerky. "I need a medic." At that moment,Malcolm recalled the incident under the tank,and shuddered visibly. "And maybe a psychiatrist." Malcolm surveyed the area,and saw something he was surprised he missed before. A younger female student,half dragging,half carrying the Headmaster across the floor. "And so do they." He turned to the assembled students. "If you're armed or have a combat power,stand sentry in cover! Stay away from the tank! It probably has a remote destruct or some such nonsense! People with tools or abilities that can help in first aid,come with me! Everyone else...Try and be inconspicuous. Light boy,I need your name and for you to come with me."

Malcolm taken off at a jog to the girl with the Headmaster,and called out, ​"Hey! We're here to help!"
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Eliza waited for a few long moments, biting at her lip the way she always did when something felt wrong to her. No matter how she tried to reason this over in her head, that feeling of butterflies she got just before the everything went to hell just kept gnawing at her. Even with all that said, the worst of it was the very weight of the air itself. It was almost as if something was watching her, waiting to rip her to shreds the moment her guard dropped. “Talk to me Corwell.” She said in a hushed tone, her voice carrying to her first in command via his visor. “I think they have an injured, one of them seems to be carrying another.” He said as he signed to Frank to cover the other side of the door. “Gettin’ ready ta breach now” Frank let out in his thick accent. Eliza watched the both of them as they pressed flat against the wall, one holding the doornob while the other readied to throw in the flash. Their tactics were flawless, everything by the numbers; exactly the way their captain always demanded it… and yet every fiber of her being demanded she call them back. “Guys—” She started to say before the halls filled with a blinding light. Automatically, her visor blacked to protect her eyes…though it could do little about the sound. “The hell just happen…” she let out, her ears ringing over even her own voice. Almost as if answering her question, the vitals of half her crew went red. She staggered back a step, partially due to shock, and partially due to a slight loss of her equilibrium. “Mm… am… Ma’am!” shouted her last remaining troupe member, his voice barely rising above the now diminishing ring. “You’re orders ma’am?” Eliza slammed at the side of her helmet, commanding the visor to return to its normal display mode. Where there had once been two of her best friends in the world…there were now two mauled bodies; The crumpled form of one of their ‘assets’ sprawled along the floor next to her blood soaked sword. “She…” Eliza let out in shock for a moment before her heart once again returned to its normal ice. “Ignore em for now… just kill the bastards!” she shouted as she took off down the hall. One foot after the other she ran, her breath coating the very bottom of her visor in a thin film of fog. It faithfully showed her friend behind her before she suddenly felt a sharp pain at her temples and slowed a bit. “I'll go on ahead!” he announced over the visor as he over took her, though she merely shook it off before trying to pick up speed again. Another sharp throb and a ton of butterflies later, the world seemed to stretch out before her in a confusing jumble of golden threads. Each seemed to extend out directly from her, rushing out to numerous points along the hall. “The fu—” she started to gasp out before seeing hundreds of herself rushing forward in a brilliant golden glow, each of which seeming to suddenly be ripped to shreds as they made their way towards the door…all but one that is. “GARY STOP!” she shouted through the visor as the world snapped back into focus. Gary was rushing forward with rifle in hand as he tried to make it to the doors before they slammed shut. The turncoat asset suddenly lurched forward in a motion that could only be described as ‘the exorcist’, rushing into the room before the doors slammed shut. “Damn it!” shouted Gary’s voice over the visor as he continued to run forward. “Listen to me damn it! STOP!” Eliza shouted after him, her voice falling on deaf ears. Every step she took presented to her another faintly glowing thread, one of which continued to call to her, demanding she follow it and growing fainter every moment she chose not to. “Gary!” It she shouted out as she pulled to the side, instinctively feeling that if she didn’t turn now…she wouldn’t gain the opportunity later. Finally he paused, looking back at her questioningly from just beside the door… ~~~ Luke opened his eyes to witness the mangled form of the girl with far off eyes resting in front of him. Her arm was bent behind her back at a sickening angle, little stubs of bone protruding through the skin. Deep bruises littered her body and the entirety of her form was bleeding profusely, leaving a thick trail of blood behind her from where she had been dragged. With a loud bang, the door slammed shut, giving Cross his cue to push. With every ounce of strength he could manage, Cross hurled himself upon the slab of rock that made up the cooking island of the kitchen. [roll0] 91~100 success
Cross struggled with slab but barely managed to budge it an inch. Looking up for help, he caught Talin’s form just as it reared around to in what looked almost as if he were getting ready to dip under an invisible limbo stick. With renewed vigor the both of them pushed, Luke staring back and focusing on moving it with his mind as well. [roll1] 51~100 success Try as you all might, the island moves forward only another couple of feet before you all tire too much to try again before they arrive. With a light thud, the island smacks snuggly upon the door. With how difficult it was to move, everyone is all but certain it wont be budging any time soon, at least not soon enough for them to stop the plan.
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(sorry other groups, it grew too late for me to continue into your parts as I intended. Will post for you tomorrow)
The boy finished toying with the small cooking torch in relatively short order, rigging the device to go off should the door to the kitchen be opened even so much as a quarter inch. He was certain that the soldiers that Effy had mentioned seeing in the hallway would be headed this way now. Judging by the carnage he had seen near the entrance, they had just witnessed something horrendous and now knew that something that could threaten them all lurked in this room. They would attempt to neutralize the threat quickly. There was, of course, also the fact that they had shown such persistence in allowing the students no safe havens however temporary. Scarcely a few minutes after he had blockaded the hallway, they had already gotten through . . .

Checking once more to make absolutely certain that the small device was firmly in place and successfully set, Talin pushed himself to his feet uncertainly. It was true that he was still rather off-balanced, but the world seemed to be starting to stabilize a bit under him. Seeing Cross having so much hardship with the center island, he tried to rush over and help but found that it would not budge.

“Get her to the cooler,” he demanded sharply as he made his way awkwardly over to the few massive stoves that were in the large kitchen area. Turning them on full blast, he immediately utilized his powers to kill the flames so that the flammable gas would spew into the kitchen. Quickly, he checked to make certain that the vents over the stoves were closed and turned off before starting to stumble back towards the safety of the meat locker.

“The soldiers will almost certainly breech the door in very little time after the threat level displayed . . .” he continued to explain in carefully hushed tones as he hobbled his way back to the group, remembering to pick up the second lighter as he went. “They’ve followed us this far and won’t stop until we make them stop by finding whatever is in that meat locker that might save us . . . The walls of the thing are a good three feet thick so the explosion won’t reach us once we are safe in there . . . IF the meat locker really does offer a saving grace for the students of this school, we can’t let them access this room no matter what happens!”

As he spoke, he found his eyes trailing over to Ruth. If the soldiers did manage to somehow gain entrance to this area it would mean certain death for everyone here. Even so, the concept of this plan frightened him . . . her words were haunting him. “She’s insane, and a killer . . .” Those words had been spoken with such callousness. “She’s insane . . .” He couldn’t help but think that she would turn on him after this because he was a cold strategist “and a killer . . .” Ruth would almost undoubtedly hate him after this if that is how she already viewed the girl who had allegedly saved them from the soldiers.

He couldn’t let that matter to him right now. Talin had given her a promise that he would see her through this and back to safety. He had promised both her and the teleporter that he would protect them, and he’d be damned before he failed. “Hurry it up . . .” he hissed, a complicated and slightly pained look crossing over his young face as he readied to close the cooler door after the last person had entered. “I doubt we have any more than 30 seconds until they find a way into the room . . .”

‘Perhaps,’ he began musing to himself speculatively as he waited, ‘I should set the other lighter up by this door . . . the ignition and rapidly expanding gases on the other side should be enough to force it closed once the trap is tripped, right? And . . . if they somehow manage to bypass the first trap, I doubt they will think to check for a second one exactly the same as the first . . . not to mention . . . it would offer us an out if they should for some reason not manage to breech the first door . . .’ He was already setting up the secondary trap as he readied to slam their save haven’s door closed.
Ruth had never said the girl would kill them all. She had stated on the girl’s insanity and that she was a killer. She had stated that they didn’t even KNOW if she was alive or not and there was a huge risk to get the girl back that might not be worth it. Frowning as she herself glanced to the cameras though to locate exactly where the girl was and to fact find the girl down for the count. Something she didn’t expect since the girl was all well and fine when she left them.

Cross on the other hand seemed to come across like an idiot to her, his words as if he heard or saw nothing of the girl’s actions before. “Except the solder’s that dropped out there and her confession about doing it all whatever it is and carrying around a dangerous weapon with skill. That makes her very much a killer in my eyes! We don’t know how safe she can be. If I was in her shoes and nuts and a possible danger to good people I think I wouldn’t want to risk killing more good people. You don’t know me, you don’t know her even past what you seen and hear and it seems like for someone’s whose power is listening you don’t do it well at all.” Then of course he crossed her by telling her to hide and Ruth had found the boy she had so willing to give a chance to before she was actually starting to hate. “Hiding is your job remember! That and making stupid mistakes to get us all kill without thinking through the situations fully.”

“The second fact is you’re” She glanced to Effy at this “are asking one of our younger members to just step forward and kill doesn’t help either. If you want to start killing you start making the blows yourself.” Seriously these two didn’t seem to be thinking about the rest of them and only seemed to have a one track mind. One person at a time even if it got the rest of them killed in the process. “And before you guys even ask me to kill someone thing again. If I had no other choice I might . . . but I don’t think I have it in me to make the blow myself. I also know that when push comes to shove in situations like this . . . we need to try to save the group as a whole. That if we can save everyone fine, but and I say this here and now, if you’re a risk, if there isn’t away to save you safely and we may all die trying. Then well . . . now you know where I stand.”

She knew they might all hate her then and there, hell may even abandon her, but in truth she was starting to feel ostracize as it was anyways. Here she was trying to do what was best by them all and they didn’t listen and one even seemed to drag her through the mud some. It was when Luke spoke up that she managed a smile, from the mouths of babes. He got it, he understood when no one else seemed to and it gave her at least a bit of hope. All she could do though after her speech of sorts was to give him a soft “Thank you.” If he appreciated it not.

When Talin told her to block the doors even she felt like crying. Almost expecting the others to step in and take her role, wondering how much lack of trust they all had in her now. She was slow though with her mind filled with so many things rolling about in it. Cussing as she tried to get the island a shove with them to no avail.

Luke’s plan was the best he did it without even asking them though. And she would do her best to get the insane girl wrapped in aprons and help drag her back with the best. Perhaps being tangled would help them if she came too to attack, but her main goal was to help cover up the trail of blood that OBVIOUSLY gave them away. Heading inside the cooler with the girl and whoever helped her she stayed by the door waiting for Talin to enter as well. There wasn’t much she could do but she could make sure everyone got in.

“Gun fire could set that off too, I think.”
She spoke just loud enough for Talin to hear or she hoped he could if enough gas filled it would be deadly and any spark could trigger it. Hopefully this ideal would be their saving grace. It covered all trails and left most the other soldiers little reason to think there was survivors . . . if they survived. "We should try to block this door some as well though . . . just in case. Also keep our voices low in case this is our get out of jail free card. If it goes off as plan, they may easily see us as dead . . . which means this place may very well be our safe haven." She wanted to add if the girl everyone wanted to save didn't have a screaming fit the kitchen alone may have been safe or they would have at least had more time.
Cross had left the door since it didn't seem like it wanted to budge and watched Talin slightly confused on what he was doing until he started explaining it.Starting to head to the cooler he heard Talin,“Get her to the cooler,”Cross had went into the cooler to see Ruth getting the girl which was strange.He then stop for a moment shuffling through his pockets,he turned back to the doors and run back out quickly.Talin was now messing with the stoves,He seemed to have trouble moving around still but at least he was better. As he went back over to the doors he listened to Talin,“The soldiers will almost certainly breech the door in very little time after the threat level displayed . . .” he continued to explain,“They’ve followed us this far and won’t stop until we make them stop by finding whatever is in that meat locker that might save us . . . The walls of the thing are a good three feet thick so the explosion won’t reach us once we are safe in there . . . IF the meat locker really does offer a saving grace for the students of this school, we can’t let them access this room no matter what happens!”Cross almost slide into the doors as he stopped,on his hands and feet he looked around where he had been standing as if looking for something.

Then he found the note from before,it must have fallen out of his pocket during all the commotion. He grabbed it,stuffing it back into his pocket and quickly stumbled on as he ran back to the cooler,hearing Talin tell them to hurry up.As he went on he grabbed a kitchen knife that laid on one of the tables he passed,just in case since he had nothing else.Heading back he smelled something very strange,it smelled like gas,then he realized that was what Talin was doing over by the stoves.Getting back to the cooler he stopped at the entrance,looking back to the doors out he tried to listen.Though Ruth was talking so it was hard,he hadn't been paying attention to anything she said and he hadn't said a word. He was tired of talking and hearing the others talk as well,it just seemed constant and there was no time to just listen to what was around. He wanted to hear the voices he always heard around again,still not knowing why it all went silence worried him,it was very uncommon.
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A large bump sent yellow leader crashing into the front display of the monkey’s newly acquired tank. While they had yet to figure out how to get the cockpit area to stop spinning in a dizzying circle, they did manage to at least rest control over the tanks direction. Stepping back and away from the screen, the leader continued to shout his orders back to his two blue subordinates in the form of simple ‘left’ and ‘right’ demands. With its top spinning almost comically, the tank rounded the damaged west wing and continued forward towards the incoming armada. ~~~ With a light hiss of its hydraulic systems, the door to the armor storage room in which may students had taken to for safety opened under Abbie’s command. Inside, several terrorized students looked back towards the girl…the bright lights of the east wing at her back. “Is it over…?” said one while another altogether different student asked “Would it be fine if I were to make some tea?” Overall, the emotion of the room was visible to everyone, regardless of if they had been an empath or not. There was a deep desperation in the vast majority that was almost palpable upon the air. All but one were scared to their wits end; every single one disliked the situation as it was. With a light pop, the hinges flew free of the door marked ‘maintenance only’, around the same time that Ritsa has come rushing into the eastern wing. ~~~ “Please, not now…” she thought to herself as a massive wave of nausea began to overtake her. She felt atrocious, and looked every bit of it as well. Even as her body seemed to demand she evacuate the contents of her stomach, it demanded she find herself a nice egg and banana shake to drink; perhaps even with a side of frosted bacon, drizzled in syrup. She tried to ignore the urges, hoping that they would pass quickly as she finally caught up with the large group of children. It wasn’t hard to tell that the majority of the children she and Trisha had freed weren’t even students of the school, and yet, thanks to the actions of the biri~biri boy, it was easy to tell that they must all be power users. “None of this makes any sense.” She thought to herself as she forced herself to stand upright and ignore her newfound desires for chocolate coated fish. “Most of them might not even know yet… how on earth did the W.G find them?” Clearing her throat, Ritsa spoke as clearly as she could manage to the group of students. “I wish I could say this under better circumst—” she said, stopping abruptly as she forced herself to hold off on vomiting. After a moderate pause, she continued calmly “Circumstances, but, welcome to the Institute for Advanced Powers and Development. I promise, I’ll get you all through this somehow…but we can’t stay here for too long. The alarms going off mean that the school’s security systems have activated. They’ll attack anything without a watch, and even though I’m a teacher… I cant shut them off…” She started to shuffle the new children into the room with the others as best she could manage, knowing it wouldn’t be long before the drones started sweeping the school, assuming they weren’t already. Once the majority of the crowd had ebbed into the room, the body of Tomas R. Lythe being checked upon by Abagail. The world seemed to sink around Ritsa as she watch her own twin laying there utterly motionless as his pulse was checked upon. He was hands down the strongest user in the school…it was impossible for him to be there like that… and yet despite all her prodding, he didn’t react. Tears began to well up in her eyes, but even a moment of grief was denied to her as she heard an armada of tiny squeaking tires. The drones were coming… ~~~ Panting heavily, Grey stopped to rest upon the fountain of a large statue of some Fey. He had rushed in here to avoid the certain death those little machines promised, but now seemed to have gotten hopelessly lost yet again. “Only cultists would build a god damned maze in the middle of their house.” He muttered in frustration. If he was honest about it all however, this maze had done far more good for him than anything else. It cut off line of sight between the enemy and himself…and probably bought him plenty of time to come up with a course of action. Even then, something just didn’t sit right with him. It was like he was being watched from the shadows by a predator that had decided he was food. Finally catching his breath, Grey rose quickly to his feet and looked around slowly. He was in a rather large square shaped clearing, surrounded on all sides by thick walls of shrubbery. A few elegant looking benches surrounded a statue roughly twice his size at the center of the entire space. Looking up at it sent a chill up his spine, and so he quickly dropped his eyes to his own reflection in it’s fountain. The bright gray eyes that had become his namesake looked right back up at him from the trembling surface of the water. He looked like hell with all the cuts and scrapes from his most recent close calls crowding his normally clear skin. He grinned lightly all the same as an idea came to him and he quickly removed the entirety of his armor so that he would be in nothing but plain clothes. He was done with all this…watching his buddies drop like flies; being ordered to assassinate confused children… No, he was done here, and not a single power in this world would convince him to stay. “What are you doing Grey…” Echoed a voice from nowhere as that feeling of being watched shot through the roof. On nothing but instinct alone, he turned towards the statue, his eyes scanning its surface carefully. “I— I know your there” he said confidently even though he was lying through his teeth. “My you ARE observant aren’t you. It would appear my little darlings eye is every bit as sharp as I thought…but, I believe you have promised to save these poor children…haven’t you?” Continued to echo the voice that Grey’s ears simply couldn’t locate. “Save kids... by killin’ em? I’ll pass” he said, turning about and picking up his rifle, readying to once again brave the maze. A strong urge demanded that he jump to the side, and seeing as the demands of these strong urges were probably the only reason he was still alive in the first place, he obeyed. The earth where he had been standing was suddenly crushed beneath the stark white foot of the Fey statue as he smiled wickedly down towards him. “Impossible!” he shouted, even as he rushed to his feet to take off towards the other side. One way or another…you WILL serve me…”
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Next post is for you two Riddle and Kagu :3 Didn't add it here due to post length and time constraints
Taking her time to take in the details Eliana rushed inside the meat locker, dragging Jason with her. "Get me the first aid kit!" She ordered while putting down her laptop carefully on the floor, staring at the half-dead girl. Jason was rushing to her side with the first aid kit, tears in his eyes and with a soft smile Eliana took it. "It will all be alright; you´ll see.." She soothed before staring at Ruth. "Could you calm Jason down; if he gets a traumatic break down...I won´t be quiet and our free jail card will go to waste...Um..Thanks..For..For everything.." She muttered the last words while opening the aid kit. Jason was barely there; mentally. Gazing at thin air while whispering unthinkable situation outcomes. "Maximum of..I think three uses of these nano-medic bots..."

Taking a medic-bot Eliana used two of them on the girl and closed the first aid kit before returning to her laptop. "DON´T use the last medic-bot, if she doesn´t recover with the two uses then we´ll just have to drag her along till all this...This war...WHEN this war is over..." Feeling a slight depression come over her, Eliana sighed and just stared at the screen before she returned to the girl waiting for an reaction. Any reaction.


Jason was freezing, his body shaking and eyes wide. Tears slipped; making a wet trail down his cheeks. The eight-year old wanted to fall down and just cry. Get killed, be reunited with his mother on the ´other side´. Taking a deep shaky breath he felt more tears fall. A strong, devastating, heart-shattering pain went through his chest and whispering the same words over and over again he stared at the silhouette of his mothers summer dress. "Mommy...Mommy...Mommy..."
He held the door long enough to ensure everyone in the group was inside before quickly closing it so as to set his secondary trap and prevent the gases from seeping in. Looking up, the boy stared in horror as their technopath used their incredibly precious medical supply kit on someone who looked to be both feet in the grave without so much as bothering to check for a pulse first . . . “Effy, what are you doing!?” he gasped in a horrified whisper as he crawled rapidly over to the horrendously broken body of the teleporter. “You didn’t even bother checking to make sure that she is alive before potentially wasting our supplies?”

Talin had wanted so badly to save this girl. That fact was undeniably true, but by the look of things she may well be dead already. With baited breath, the boy leaned forward and rested his ear against her chest. For a terrible moment he waited . . . and heard nothing. His throat constricted as a stricken look passed over his face. There was so much blood and the girl had bones protruding from her pale skin in numerous places. A series of dark bruises marked a lot of ruptured blood vessels still beneath the skin as well. Tears burned at his eyes and cheeks as they threatened their imminent escape. He had failed her . . . he was just a stupid child after all so of course he had failed . . .

Then, having made the minutest change to his position in an attempt to hide his emotion from the others, he heard it. The sound was so faint that he almost didn’t notice. Even when he did recognize it for what it was, he nearly discounted it to wishful thinking. After a second that seemed as though it would stretch on through eternity, however, he heard it again. Her heart, however weak it may sound right now, was still beating which meant that there was still hope. His body visibly relaxing, he looked up at his gathered team in disbelief. “She isn’t . . . dead . . .?” he muttered confusedly, more asking than announcing.

‘She most likely will be if you just sit here like a moron!’ chastised the small bit of rationality that hadn’t abandoned him yet. ‘Get your sorry ass moving before the soldiers get here . . . you know better than to think that one little explosion will bar them for long . . .'

“Right!” he exclaimed suddenly as he shot up before almost falling over again due to dizziness. He had nearly forgotten about that . . . grimacing at how unintentionally loud his exclamation had been, he glanced quickly around the room to take in his surroundings. “Anyway . . . Ruth and Cross, I’ll need your help with the panel. It looks like it can just be pushed in, but who knows what waits on the other side . . . perhaps a machine . . . perhaps a crawlspace . . . who knows. You two have abilities that complement each other quite well for recon work . . . meanwhile we’ll try to pick out a hiding place around the boxes . . . either way, I think we’ll need Luke the replace the panel when we are done . . . a telekinetic should have no issue fitting it right back where it belongs without pinching fingers . . . We just need to keep moving . . .”
Ruth glanced up to effy before nodding when she asked her to take care of the boy. At least they still came to her for something she figured. Moving to drape her arms around the young on if he allowed she pulled him close. “Shhhh, shhh now, we’re doing everything we can to keep you safe, to keep everyone safe.” She said softly. Taken a deep breath she moved to take off her jacket despite being cold as it is in the room and placed it about the youngest there. “You have to do me a favor okay? You have to look after that jacket for me.” She smiled softly before looking for the three animated monkeys they left in the locker earlier. “And those three pesky monkeys, we need you alright? Can you please do this?” She gathered her monkeys and watch from the jacket before allowing the child to b let go. Placing the watch finally on her wrist, even if she was wary of it, the monkey barrel she tried to stuff in her pants pockets the best she could.

She did her best to ignore all the attentions they gave the shattered form of the girl. She sighed before trying to look around for anything to help bar this door, to buy them more time. “What should we move in front of this one?” She asked although she was almost sure the others would barely acknowledge her now. It was when Talin muttered about the hurt one not being dead that she finally looked over to them a bit surprise.

Glancing away, a touch ashamed only to frown more, no she couldn’t afford to doubt herself now. Fiddling with the half dead girl was what drew attention to them earlier than they needed it to be. Now they just had dead weight as well if the condition of the girl seemed right and they may tech still be just carrying around a dead body. These thoughts she kept to herself though she didn’t want to disturb the younger one anymore than he had already been.

Shivering now even more without her jacket she nodded to Talin when he called her name. Given Cross just a slight glance before looking away and moving to work at the panel. She didn’t care if he helped; hell maybe expected him not too. That boy seemed only to do and hear what he wanted to after all. “Jason,” She smiled at the child warmly. “I beat you’re really good at hide and seek, while looking for the monkeys (bring them back to me if you find them btw) can you look for the kitty too. It’s in here somewhere and needs protecting as well right?” She smiled glancing softly to the boy. “Also point out any fun hiding spots alright?”
As soon as Luke had opened his eyes he'd immediately looked away from the mangled body before he was sick again.Then Effy started trying to act like she owned the place and started using up all of their supplies on the girl even though they didn't know if she was still alive. "God damnit Effy, stop acting like you know what you're doing because you don't know what you're doing, you don't have command over any of us and you certainly don't know how to manage supplies properly by wasting them on a most likely dead god damn person! Jesus Christ..." Once he was finished with his Out burst he returned to listen to Talin and another one of his plans, Luke was then distracted by a red light over in the far distance, was that there when the others where in here before, if so why hadn't they checked it out it could be pretty important after all."Seeing as im not needed as of right now, im going to use my brain and go investigate what in gods name that red light is" He gave one last glance to everyone and a frustrated stare towards Effy, before he started walking over to the area in which the red light appeared to be coming from, But jesus why the hell had Effy wasted their medpack, bloody idiot is what she is to him now, she was clearly a burden to have and wasn't all that important until a computer came into the blooming question.He continued walking his feet in a steady rhythm, what in gods name was this red light, he was sure he was about to find out at any rate anyway.
As the door was closed and Effy got to work Cross just sat down against the wall near the door,sighing as he simply watched and listened to the others.He had pulled his mask back over his face as he did,his gaze very dazed as things went on."Get me the first aid kit!" He heard Effy yell,Jason rushing to her side which Cross slightly chuckled to. He seemed very frightened now and Cross wondered if he'd be alright,with the others he was sure everything would be fine."It will all be alright; you´ll see.." Hearing that Cross couldn't help but wonder if it all really would be alright, "Could you calm Jason down; if he gets a traumatic break down...I won´t be quiet and our free jail card will go to waste...Um..Thanks..For..For everything.." He heard seeing Effy speaking to Ruth,Ruth had nodded and went to Jason to calm him down if possible. "Maximum of..I think three uses of these nano-medic bots..." He heard Effy's voice continue,seeing her use two medic-bots Cross also thought it was crazy since they hadn't checked if she was alive or not.

"DON´T use the last medic-bot, if she doesn´t recover with the two uses then we´ll just have to drag her along till all this...This war...WHEN this war is over..."She had said just before it seemed until he noticed Talin and knew what was coming. “Effy, what are you doing!?” He started getting on to her about the mistake she had made,“You didn’t even bother checking to make sure that she is alive before potentially wasting our supplies?” then he heard Luke also get onto her,"God damnit Effy, stop acting like you know what you're doing because you don't know what you're doing, you don't have command over any of us and you certainly don't know how to manage supplies properly by wasting them on a most likely dead god damn person! Jesus Christ..."Cross watched as Talin seemed to try to find a heart beat,at first it seemed like the girl was dead but then Talin spoke up.“She isn’t . . . dead . . .?” Sounding as if he was questioning it Cross wondered what he was thinking,then he snapped back to the old Talin.

“Right!” he said before jumping back up to his feet but it had looked as if he wouldn't be standing for long since he had almost falled over again,which Cross softly laughed at.

“Anyway . . . Ruth and Cross, I’ll need your help with the panel. It looks like it can just be pushed in, but who knows what waits on the other side . . . perhaps a machine . . . perhaps a crawlspace . . . who knows. You two have abilities that complement each other quite well for recon work . . . meanwhile we’ll try to pick out a hiding place around the boxes . . . either way, I think we’ll need Luke the replace the panel when we are done . . . a telekinetic should have no issue fitting it right back where it belongs without pinching fingers . . . We just need to keep moving . . .” And just like that Talin had thought of a plan in no time,it was actually pretty impressive.though hearing who was called with him did not make him happy,and Cross noticed Ruth's little glance and wondered if she felt the same.

Ether way he was given something to do,even though he might not like the one helping him.Getting up from where he was using the wall behind him he stopped and leaned back against the wall to stop him from falling back down as he quickly grabbed his left side in pain. His left side and chest started hurting majorly a of a sudden and it was obvious he was hurting,he knew what it was and took a moment before he continued getting up. Walking over still feeling his side he tried to block it out for now,he was really tired of these things having very bad timing. Getting to the panel which Ruth was already at he heard her speak to Jason.
“I beat you’re really good at hide and seek, while looking for the monkeys (bring them back to me if you find them btw) can you look for the kitty too. It’s in here somewhere and needs protecting as well right?” She was smiling as she spoke,“Also point out any fun hiding spots alright?”

Cross listened as he crossed his arms smiling,though his smile wasn't visible thanks to his mask. But his smile didn't last long as he got ready to work on the panel.

Children’s faces appear as the door slide open and Abbie pokes her head in, not noticing Ms. Ritsa had come up behind the group. Somebody in the back asked if it was over, and she felt her head nod despite not knowing exactly what ‘it’ was. The people in the room though…they all looked so scared, or tired…she just wanted them to feel better. “Would it be fine if I were to make some tea?” Abbie turns to look at the boy asking. Dark hair, dark eyes, the boy was much older than her…he wanted tea? She smiles, supressing her giggle with a twitch of her lip.

Ms. Ritsa started talking then and the little girl realizes that these people were very much gifted like her and they would go to school with her. The woman continues on to warn them that the security systems will be looking for watches, and Abbie feels safe wearing one. Becca had a bare wrist when she held her hand though… as they are rushed into the room, Abbie takes a hold of the girl’s hand again. The system wouldn’t attack her if someone with a watch was with her.

Convinced of her logic, Abbie misses the sound of the screws popping out of the maintenance door. She wasn’t sure what they were supposed to be doing now, so she looked to Ms. Ritsa. That’s when she saw the man at the door, down on the ground by her and realized the same thing his twin had. She sees their similarities, but brushes them off as siblings. Still, she remembers Benji, and tears are brought to her own eyes, which she angrily swipes away. Benji was okay… he had to be! Although still weary of the teacher, she reaches out and pats her with a frown, remembering the man’s voice distinctly.

“It’s okay… Ritsa”


Malcolm approached them then, Benji remaining un-phased as a few more robots found their watches with their scanners. As he held up his hand and asked for a medic, he cringed and looked away, making a disgusted noise in the back of his throat. His joke about the psychiatrists was probably to lighten the mood but Benji was still visibly frowning. As he mentions another in the room, Benji looks at find the head master that he had been looking for being dragged by a girl.

Again, Malcolm led them, but Benji stepped forward and it seemed the cue was taken when the man told him to come with him. “Benji!” he notes in response to his query then follows along to where the girl is currently dragging away the head master. Instead of talking to her like Malcolm does, Benji cuts her off by standing a few feet in front of her. “What’re you doing to the headmaster?” he wonders.
Thane had no choice but to go along with the rest. He was rather confused about the watches and pretty much confused about everything else too. He just wanted to sit down and take a nap and hopefully wake up to find this was all a dream. This all seemed a bit to strange to be real. The people some kids said were sleeping...he knew they were dead. Something that hit him down deep in his core. It left him in almost a dreamlike state... is this really real? he started to wonder.

Just then he heard about the security systems and that woke him from his daydream. Maybe there is something I can do to help "Um excuse me Ms. Ritsa or whoever you are" Thane said walking up to the women. "Is there a control panel for the security somewhere around the school. If you can get me to it I can send a shock through the system which might temporarily shut down the security"
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“Hey! We’re here to help!” Came a voice behind Python as she dragged away her reeling target. “Not a threat…” played across her mind as a mere afterthought. All that mattered now was the delivery of her target to mother. She would be so pleased with her afterwords… maybe even allowing her sleep in the same bed; a position of honor. A very slight smile crept along her mostly emotionless face at the possibility, though it quickly faded to nothing when a child rushed in front of her. “What’re you doing to the headmaster?” Despite his presence Python continued to walk, trusting in the indomitably mother had helped endow her with to see her through whatever these peons might bring to bear. She would not be deterred; she would once again claim the title of ‘mother’s favorite’, and she would not allow anything at all to get in the way of it. [roll0] ~~~ A thin silvery sheen washed over Scarlet’s body, ebbing and flowing almost as if it were water. Over the course of the argument around her, the majority of the lighter wounds had already been corrected, and even the major ones were showing signs of improvement. Breaking off from the rest inside the meat locker, Luke went off towards the right…carefully wading his way through the walls of hanging meat. Upon arriving, he was presented with what appeared to be an ornate stone doorwell, complete with beautiful, if not a bit creepy, designs drawn all along it. It stood seemingly attached to the far wall, its gaping maw filled with the shimmering red light he could only catch flickers of earlier. [Luke is approx 80 feet from the rest of the group, vision of him is utterly obscured] ~~~ “It’s okay… Ritsa” came the voice of the girl Trist had wronged, though instead of the voice of a child, there was her brothers. She opened her mouth to speak, though no words were readily available. If he had died to save them all…that was even more of a reason for her to do so. “Um excuse me Ms. Ritsa or whoever you are…” began a teen towards he side, the same that had electrocuted the scientists earlier. “…Is there a control panel for the security somewhere around the school? If you can get me to it, I can send a shock through the system which might temporarily shut down the security.” “Would the TCAS system be vulnerable to something like that…?” She thought to herself for a short moment before finally answering. “Even if it is vulnerable to such attacks…we’d never make it there through the swarms of drones that should be there by now. They’re doing more good than harm though…without them, the W.G. soldiers would probably have already wiped us out. Our only hope is to go where they cant follow” she said quickly while pointing at the maintenance room that had just been opened. “Quickly…” ~~~ Pushing firmly at the loose panel, the group sends its thin metal crashing to the floor with an obscenely loud clang. Much to their surprise, they find not a way out, nor a ventilation or cooling system, nor even kitchen related material. Instead, hidden behind the panel is the decayed body of a child clutching tightly at a book and a blanket covered in stars and moons. Owing to the temperature of the freezer, there is little in the ways of stench coming off of it. It, for none are capable of determining the child’s gender, apparently died from the excessive cold. One message comes free of the sight rather quickly however…it died absolutely terrified of something. [inside the room is a corpse, a book, a blanket, a stuffed bear off towards the side, a small lighter, and a candle burned all the way down]
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My apologies at my absence...I had gotten rather ill and simply could not post (despite my best efforts I assure you). I only wish I had managed to provide a more extensive post on my return >_<
There was a loud clanging noise that tore through the otherwise mostly quiet meat locker. It managed to surprise him enough to draw his fascination away from the quickly healing girl and towards area that had opened. What he saw there made him catch his breath in surprise. The frozen corpse of a figure with a child’s size and build stared out at them from its forgotten resting place with a look of absolute horror on its now androgynous face. Making himself walk despite the horrendous shock of the sight and the fact that his equilibrium still left him fairly off-balance, he joined the others.

The youngest of the group, Jason, had been staring at this new and gruesome sight blankly since it had first been revealed. Resting a hand lightly on the boy’s frail shoulders caused the child to jump, but Talin did it nonetheless as he turned the little boy to face Ruth before nudging him into the girl. So far she had proven herself to be quite nurturing when it came to this one. With little more than a glance, he begged her to continue with this endeavor as he didn’t know how much more the child’s rapidly deteriorating psyche could handle.

“Cross, with . . . me?” he had started to issue the command, but found himself asking instead. Some small amount of respect had managed to weasel its way into Talin’s estimation of this one when he had offered him help earlier . . . even so soon after being accused. It wasn’t that he completely trusted his elder classmate yet – it was more that he had greatly appreciated the gesture and was somewhat more interested in knowing more before drawing farther conclusions. “The items might know something . . . right? . . . Something important in this ‘place of secrets’ as you were told it was earlier?”

Talin entered the room and approached the body with a slow and almost reverent mannerism. He glanced over the child slowly as he took inventory of what visible identifications the book might have and tried to judge the time period and style of the clothing. Dropping to a knee beside the small frame, Talin reached out and brushed his hand softly against the blanket which it had hid beneath in either fear or a desperate need of warmth. “I’m sorry you were left for the cold to claim . . .” he whispered in a genuinely apologetic tone. After all, it was for fear that something like this may happen that he had demanded he be with Ruth when she entered the meat locker. Warmth and consequently cold were things of his domain . . .

“Try asking the blanket . . . it was here when everything happened . . . even if it couldn’t help this one then, perhaps it will be willing to make certain that his or her reason for being here . . . the reason he or she died . . . won’t be forgotten?” he suggested somberly to the older boy. “When all this is done . . . we’ll rescue this one from its frozen prison . . .” The boy to himself at that statement. It didn’t do to abandon one to eternal oblivion in such an unexpected grave . . .

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