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Fantasy Invaded by the Opposite


Lady, running down to the riptide
Nymphs of all kinds live in a beautiful place they call home. Suddenly however, their sanctuary is invaded by all kinda of different things. Humans, demi/gods, elves, and more.

Some nymphs have fled to hide into their private homes or deeper into their sanctuary to avoid running into the invaders. Some have stayed to fight or study these invaders however, and sometimes they don't come back.

Invaders: You can be any kind of mythical creature, or even just a human. Most of the invaders are male.

Nymphs: You are all female, and there are many many MANY kinds of your species. Whatever your race is, that's where your home is.(I'll name a few races that would be the best in this rp, but there are even more on Wikipedia and other sites)

Land Nymphs

Alseides (glens, groves)

Leimakides or Leimonides (meadows)

Napaeae (mountain valleys, glens)

Oreads (mountains, grottoes)

Water Nymphs

Naiads or Naides (fresh water)

Pegaeae (springs)

Oceanids (any water, usually salty)


The area the Nymphs are in is a mix of everything it seems.

Cutting the area off from the rest of the world is very steep and thick mountains, and they seem to enclose the area, reaching out to the ocean that is around the peninsula(That's what kind of landform they are on).

One half of the area is woods, the other half is like a plain/meadow. There are quite a few creeks and springs throughout the peninsula as well.

On the opposite side of the mountains there is a ocean, and many large, sharp rocks just before the shore, in the shallows.


1. all Rpnation rules

2. Nymphs must have clothes. (Even if they are a water nymph)

3. keep swearing to a minimum
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Mythic was relaxing on the ocean's shore. The waves would come up to her chest, then retreat into the depth to only lunge back up at her.

It was a beautiful day, around noon. As usual, it was peaceful and all the other nymphs were quite calm, occasionally mingling with each other.

The oceanid sighed, letting her gaze wander to the sea again. She was tempted to rest right here, though another part of her wanted to stay awake, and possibly even walk on the shore.
Ignis knelt next to the ocean's edge. The flow of the water amazed him. He had never seen so much of it in one place, it stretched out farther than he could see, and it moved with a sort of inexorable force he never thought possible of water. It had always been a weak element to him, only existing in small pools or the sporadic rains of his homeland. But here, now he saw why so many revered it as a force of nature. He dug his obsidian hand into the damp sand and smiled as it smoldered beneath the surface. A lazy wave brushed against his forearm and a plume of steam rose in a ring where it touched his skin. He allowed the fire beneath his skin to flare up around his arm, boiling the water and creating another gout of steam, he smiled as the water particles cooled his face before rising up into the sky.
Mythic's gaze slowly wandered to the right and she noticed a figure further along the beach. Normally, she would have just looked away, thinking it was just another nymph, but no. This was obviously not a nymph. It was different colored and everything. And, it didn't even look like it could have been female, like all of the nymphs she knew.

So, she just kept watching him.
Ignis watched his reflection in the boiling water, his face danced in the bubbling liquid, then the wave was gone and his hand only held sand again. He withdrew his fist from the damp sand and blasted it with flame, turning the wet particles into a piece of smooth glass in a puff of steam and a wave of heat. He grinned and the flames on his head flared up. He picked up the glass and stood, turning it over in his hands. The sea breeze made the flame in his head flicker, and he turned to face it, catching sight of a figure along the coast, he paused and cast the glass aside. Transfixed by the woman in the distance he began to approach her slowly, steam rising from his footprints as he closed the distance .
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Mythic's eyes widened. What was that? A fire demon or something?

Suddenly the thing was approaching her, she could feel the eyes on her.

Slowly the woman stood up, the water was over ankle-depth, but the woman didn't seem to notice or care. She returned the creature's gaze but her's was harder, yet there was still a curious glint.
Ignis waded into the water, flinching as steam rose up around him. The cold was a strange sensation, something between stinging pain and cool relief. He held up his hands in front of him, trying his best to keep the flames contained under his skin. He spoke quietly, intrigued by the strange being before him. He smiled, amazed by the woman in the water.

"What.. Are you?"
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An almost scared expression was on her facials when the creature seemed to have flames in his skin. Steam rose from his feet as he approached her, and she had trouble not backing further away. Slowly her fear grew to confusion that showed on her face. Who was she? Everyone knew her!

Who was this person -if even a person. "Who are you, is the question." She managed to reply in a surprisingly calm voice.
Ignis stepped back, surprised at the retort. He smiled, an orange glow creeping out of his mouth where ever his lips parted. There was a sort of sizzling crackle to his voice, like wood burning in a fireplace.

"Now there's a question, one I'm still workin out the answer to."

He studied her carefully with the red and black orbs of fire that substituted for eyes.

"But you can call me Ignis."

The water around his legs began to cool his skin too much, causing a stiff pain. He blasted a burst of flame out from his feet to boil the water and returned it to his comfort zone.

"I held up my end, now it's your turn. What are you?"
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The creature made her uneasy, and every now and then her nervousness was clear in some way; her eyes wide, her hands fidgeting at her sides, or even one of her feet slightly raising as if she wanted to step back.

"I am Mythic, oceanid nymph." She hesitantly replied.
Flames jetted out from his back, and an orange glow passed over his body like an ember. Steam rose up from his feet with a hiss. This creature was uneasy, he could see that now.

Something pulled at the back of his mind. She's afraid, she hates you, just like the others. He ignored the voice, instead offering a burning smile.

"A nymph, are you some sort of divergent human? You look like them." Maybe they burn the same.

A thin white film of salt began to accumulate above his ankles where the water was evaporating.
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She kept watching the flames pass over his body nervously. Suddenly she flinched as she heard a small hiss at his feet.

"W-why are you here? I have only ever seen nymphs..." She said, ignoring his question.
Ignis leaned towards her, his burning breath washed over her.

"Why is anyone here? Because this place is fantastic, just look at it."

He motioned out across the water and towards the land behind them , a trail of smoke followed his hand.

" Who wouldn't want to be here , there's so much to see."

He reeled back around and pointed at Mythic, a small flame puffed out of his finger.

"Even you, I've never seen anything quite like you before."
"This is the nymphs' home.... We have never seen any other creature besides ourselves." She stated. If one creature that didn't belong here thought their home was wonderful, wouldn't more be arriving? Mythic suddenly felt antsy, she needed to spread the word as soon as possible.

His breath and other movements toward her had made her want to flee. She dislikes fire and smoke. They were dangerous and unpeaceful.
Ignis felt a hot rage pull at his core, this nymph, Mythic, she wanted nothing more than to run. He had seen this a thousand times in his travels, her body language was the same as a human's and he had seen hundreds of them in the same position. It was infuriating. An orange glow began to pour out of the cracks in his black skin and the plume on his head became more intense but he smiled just the same, trying his best to contain himself.

"The nymph'a home. So that makes me your guest. I.... apologize for the intrusion."

He couldn't do it. The fire was rising inside him, he felt it clawing at the black glass, fighting to break free. Ignis wasn't able to contain it, a massive burst of flame erupted all around him, glassing the sand below his feet and creating a small circle of dry land around him that evaporated the water as it rushed in to fill the gap. His voice was like a blast furnace, deep and rumbling as fire and steam whirled around him in a chaotic storm.

"WHY?!? Why are you so afraid? I've done nothing to you! I've done nothing to your home, but you treat me like some kind of monster!"

His skin began to burn away, making deafening cracking sounds as the obsidian split and burned away under the oppressive heat.

"So be it! If you want a monster then I'll play the part."

Burning embers and fire began to form a new body amidst the conflagration, a horned head, it's face obscured by a featureless obsidian mask. Wide shoulders, thick arms and a large torso that disappeared into the flames that were once his legs. He spread his arms.

"Is this what you wanted?"
She eyed the orange pouring from his skin at first, and his first statement -an apology- seemed to relax her tense frame. She was about to respond, but suddenly he just exploded into anger, and she was terrified. She leaped back, the water now up to her knees, and stared helplessly.
The nymph reeled back, and Ignis saw what he had done. Mythic hadn't attacked him, or spoken Ill of him. A few charred, dead fish drifted in the whirlpool. At his feet and suddenly his fire began to dim. Those creatures had never seen fire, and Ignis showcased it's capability for death and destruction. As his rate wore thin his flame diminished, and without his obsidian body, so did he. The ecstasy of releasing his anger was quickly being drained by the remorse clutching at his core. In the confusing mix of emotions he didn't realize how quickly he was shrinking. By the time he managed to regain control he was nothing more than a fist sized ball of flame resting on the water. He quickly retreated to the shore, leaving a trail of steam behind him. When he reached the dry sand he was no bigger than a candle flame. Ignis took one look back at the Mythic, then flickered off into the forest.
She stared after the small flame and felt guilty. She could have tried to be nicer.

"Hey," She called, slowly following. When out of the water she quickened her pace to keep the small flame in sight.

Because her dress was made of a thin fabric, it was almost dry by the time she was in the forest.
Ignis slid through the woods doing his best to avoid any living plant life and consuming the occasional dried leaf or twig. In his weakened state he was unable to outrun the nymph, but he did his best to ignore her, he had given in to the fire, become exactly what she thought he was. Ignis jolted to the left quickly and entered a narrow cave, his home in this strange land. As he passed the threshold two burning x's appeared on either side of the passage. He moved through the stone tunnel quickly, emerging in a wide grotto hidden in the cave. A large, moss rimmed hole in the ceiling let I the sunlight, illuminating a clear pool of water surrounded by plants of all kinds taken from around the sanctuary and replanted in the fertile soil of the grotto. In the center of the tiny pond was an island, barely seven feet across. On the island there was a structure of stone filled with dried grass and long dead logs. Ignis skittered across the pool and leapt into the makeshift furnace, igniting it's contents.
She kept following and when coming to the pool and island, she was curious and gazed around. Because she belonged in the ocean she rarely came into the forest, let alone into caves. She waded into the pool then sat down, looking over at Ignis.

"I'm sorry." She said after a while of silence.
The fire revived Ignis, he felt himself losing control again in the heat of the moment, his place in the center of the pool kept him from spreading and bought him time to regain his faculties. He began to rebuild his body from the ash around him, then saw the nymph pass into the grotto. He wasn't sure how to respond. No one had ever followed him after an outburst, especially into his lair. Mythic sat down in the water and apologized. Her, the one he nearly incinerated. Ignis looked at her with his one formed eye and half a confused smile.

"You? You're sorry? For what? I almost killed you over nothing, why are you apologizing to me?"
"Because I wasn't very friendly." She said, looking over at the flaming creature on the little island.
He leaned back in the furnace, his left forearm finished rebuilding and he rested it on the stone wall next to him. He was genuinely interested in the creature now. Before, he believed that water could help him control himself, but he found it too calm, indecisive. This nymph though, she may not have been strong, but she followed him nonetheless. Ignis couldn't tell if it was bravery, stupidity or empathy. Another quarter of his face reformed.

"That's impressive."

The flames began to die down as his torso hardened into obsidian.

"Alright then. I forgive you I hope you can do the same."

He grinned.

"Welcome to my home."
"Impressive? What is?" She asked curiously. "And yes, of course I forgive you." She nodded with a friendly smile. The nymph then was curious how long he had been calling this cave his home, but figured as long as none of the nymph fought with him, and he didn't burn anything, he could probably live here for a much longer time period.
Ignis finished repairing his body and stepped out of the furnace, absorbing the flames and leaving a pile of half burnt wood.

"I don't know whether it's curiosity or bravery. Usually when I let myself go like that... The creatures that see it either run or try to kill me. You did neither, you followed me back to my lair, to the place I know best, and as far as I can tell your intentions aren't to drive me out."

He shrugged, leaning against the stone and allowing a quick wave of flame to pass over him.

"That's a new and exciting experience."

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