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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

What Charms am I looking for? Are you asking me to point out Lunar Charms to act as a foundation for a Marital Art Form Charm or something? Sorry if I'm being mud-headed here.
I was asking about what Martial Art Charms you were thinking of to make up the 'Fat Cat Style' so I can start working on the general description of the Form Charm for you.
I was asking about what Martial Art Charms you were thinking of to make up the 'Fat Cat Style' so I can start working on the general description of the Form Charm for you.
Psychie Psychie O.K.. I have to keep reminding myself that "form" in Exalted seems to mean "stance" in my world (the word "form" has many meanings in the martial art world).

I hope you'll allow me to come at this from a martial artist's perspective first? In order to show a broader picture of what I'm looking for, let me move to video games for a moment.

Meet Kilik, the staff-master of Soul Calibur 2, series! I would love for big ol' Fat Cat to be able to move like this. He can attack rapidly, long-range or short-range, he can put up a defensive barrier with his weapons. In other words, he's powerful and flexible.

EDIT: Sorry the link is only good for YouTube. The kata begins about the 0:25 mark.
"Soulcalibur II: Kilik Weapon Demonstration, 2160p60 4K UHD"

I would like for O Mighty Fat Cat to have a non-grappling, mobile system using unarmed attacks, short sticks, short swords, staves, spears, and knives. I imagine it uses light armor. If taken from real martial arts, think of it perhaps as a combination of Shaolin Kung Fu and Filipino Escrima stick fighting. I can develop a philosophy for it if you like?

I don't want the grappling; it just sounds like too much math and headache for me so smashing and bashing it is for this Fat Cat. But, Psychie, if you think it's worth it, let me know. I trust you. =)

Not being half as well-versed in Exalted, here are the Charms I think look cool. Serious Question: Are you looking only for Charms that don't have prerequisites? If so, I've chosen only those.

Falling Scythe Slash from White Reaper - Core, 438. This sole Charm was one of the reasons I chose White Reaper for Fat Cat and, boy, did it seem to serve him well during the Han Tha fight!

Crimson Leaping Cat from Tiger Claw - Core, 431. Closing the distance and stealing Initiative, even a little bit, seems like a good technique to have in this game?

Nothing But Shadows from Ebon Shadow - Core, 441. This seems like a good defensive Charm for hit and run tactics? Fat Cat is a jungle creature that hunts for a living.

Fluttering Cry of Warning from Crane Style - Core, 444. This seems like a great way to defend a person less-able and that fits into Fat Cat's sense of decency and goodness.

Chitinous Centipede Shell from Centipede Style - Lunar, 298. It's not enough to be able to give a hit in fight; you have to be able to take hits too or the fight might be over faster than you think... and not in your favor.

Is this the kind of "1st level" Charms you're looking for? If it's not, let me know what it is you're looking for and I'll make a new list. Hope you're having a good day!
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That is exactly what I was wanting. I’ll take a look and see what I can come up with for you regarding a Form Charm.
Psychie Psychie can I make a Starmetal Powerbow with the evocations and powers of the Orichalcum Direlance Zelator (page 78, Arms of the Chosen)?
That would be a four dot artifact with those powers instead of just three dots, but yes, I’ll let you do that.
Thats fine I had 5 dots of merits set aside for an artifact so that works
Psychie Psychie I forgot to mention - thank you for the Great Scene! I'm glad someone enjoyed what I wrote. =)
Hey Purr Purr I sent your list of Charms to Random Word to see what he’s able to come up with.
Psychie Psychie Oh! Random Word? You called in a pro!

Back when Sherwood was seriously ill, I went to his Exalted game to send the word that Sherwood was in the hospital. As I was there, I got to glance into the OOC channel and boy was I impressed! He not only understood the system well (putting the "master" in game master), but he was very open and sharing to those who played with him! I remain impressed!

Thank him for me? And thank you for approaching Random Word!
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Psychie Psychie Oh! Random Word? You called in a pro!

Back when Sherwood was seriously ill, I went to his Exalted game to send the word that Sherwood was in the hospital. As I was there, I got to glance into the OOC channel and boy was I impressed! He not only understood the system well (putting the "master" in game master), but he was very open and sharing to those who played with him! I remain impressed!

Thank him for me? And thank you for approaching Random Word!
Psychie Psychie A word from Random Word (random or otherwise - heh)?

In what seems to be the spirit of your kind offer, and if it doesn't blow my brain cells, I am going to try and Respec Fat Cat right now from the ground up and see what comes of it. =)
Update time! Psychie Psychie

Stop his bride, the Demon Queen, from breaking the prison doors open and freeing him.

Luna says, “Your adversary spends much of her time in the Imperial City on the Blessed Isle, solidifying her hold on the bureaucracy of the Empire. She also travels back and forth between Creation and Malfias, the demon realm, bringing more of her husband’s forces along with her. Be ready to face the hordes of Malfias, my brave Fat Cat. When you stand with your friends you will find the strength you need to be victorious.”

1. Should I just stick with White Reaper for the sake of keeping things simple?

After having reread this, I am seeing two major things - Luna wants O Mighty Fat Cat to "stop" (not necessarily kill) the Demon Queen and be ready for hordes from Malfias. Now... Google Chrome seems to think the word "Malfias" does not exist in either the Core book nor the Lunar book, so I have no idea what Malfias is. But "hordes?" I definitely know what that means - lots of baddies!

Maybe it's best if I keep it simple and stick with White Reaper Style? Unless you and Random Word have come up with something else?

* * *​

Just a statement here.

We haven't been using a great deal of Social skills in this game, but I see no reason to blow aside the idea. I think I'll be going all-Charisma for Da Chonk because he hasn't tried yet to Manipulate anyone and he's fine with having an Appearance 2.

But a Charisma of 5 (Favored)? I feel O Mighty Fat Cat has definitely used his Charisma in our adventures (the Cursed Village and Rathess come to mind!).

* * *​

2. Should I go for getting Excellencies in all of Fat Cat's Attributes? EDIT: I can in no way afford this XP-wise and I have no idea how beginning characters with no XP are pulling this off on the forums.

The more I read on forums, the more I see this "Lunars + their Attribute Excellencies = potentially super awesome!"

I don't even know if I've been using Excellencies as I'm still new to the concept even this far into the game. There is some way to get Excellencies with all Attributes - a bonus that evidently benefits Lunars a great deal. I might try this if it's worth it. But what do you think? It's your game after all.

I should also take a much closer look into the Lunar Attribute Charms to help with his overall capabilities.

* * *​

3. "Is Da Chonk affiliated with the Silver Pact?" I don't know. It's a question I would like to know if I should invest any time or energy into because I don't remember if it has ever come up in-game.

4. "What about Fat Cat's shahan-ya (mentor)?" Sure he had one, but that too has never come up. I'm willing to leave both questions to the unknown as I feel you as a Storyteller have enough on your plate with this game alone.

5. "Tells and spending Charms to hide them. At this stage in the game, there doesn't seem to be a point to it. Am I wrong on this?"
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After having reread this, I am seeing two major things - Luna wants O Mighty Fat Cat to "stop" (not necessarily kill) the Demon Queen and be ready for hordes from Malfias. Now... Google Chrome seems to think the word "Malfias" does not exist in either the Core book nor the Lunar book, so I have no idea what Malfias is. But "hordes?" I definitely know what that means - lots of baddies!
Malfias is the demon prison/realm where the defeated but not destroyed Primordials were locked up. Demons come in three classes: First Circle which are very numerous and at our level not too dangerous. Second Circle which are fewer in number but much more powerful, ranging in Essence level in the three point range. Third Circle are very rare and can only be summoned during Calibration, a week long celebration that happens once a year. A Third Circle demon could probably take on the whole Circle and win. Very nasty.

Then there are the imprisoned demon lords, the Primordials like the Ebon Dragon. If he were to come into Creation we’d be toast in a direct fight. It would take a lot of resources and us gaining Essence a lot to be able to stand against him.
Malfias is the demon prison/realm where the defeated but not destroyed Primordials were locked up. Demons come in three classes: First Circle which are very numerous and at our level not too dangerous. Second Circle which are fewer in number but much more powerful, ranging in Essence level in the three point range. Third Circle are very rare and can only be summoned during Calibration, a week long celebration that happens once a year. A Third Circle demon could probably take on the whole Circle and win. Very nasty.

Then there are the imprisoned demon lords, the Primordials like the Ebon Dragon. If he were to come into Creation we’d be toast in a direct fight. It would take a lot of resources and us gaining Essence a lot to be able to stand against him.
Thanks, Bud!

Is this common knowledge?
First off, I apologize for taking so long to post again IC. Been real busy. I’ll do my best to get back on the horse ASAP and get things moving again.
Thanks, Bud!

Is this common knowledge?
Most of this is. The specific details may be more rumor and ‘scare naughty children’ stories of the Solar Exalted/anathema; “Be good or the evil Solars will feed you to their demons!” kind of thing. Anyone with a couple of dots of Lore or Occult would know the difference between simple rumor and the truth.
First off, I apologize for taking so long to post again IC. Been real busy. I’ll do my best to get back on the horse ASAP and get things moving again.
Psychie Psychie That's all right. Real Life Always Comes First. =)

Anyone with a couple of dots of Lore or Occult would know the difference between simple rumor and the truth.
What about a character with no Lore or Occult like Da Chonk?

Update time! Psychie Psychie

1. Should I just stick with White Reaper for the sake of keeping things simple?

After having reread this, I am seeing two major things - Luna wants O Mighty Fat Cat to "stop" (not necessarily kill) the Demon Queen and be ready for hordes from Malfias. Now... Google Chrome seems to think the word "Malfias" does not exist in either the Core book nor the Lunar book, so I have no idea what Malfias is. But "hordes?" I definitely know what that means - lots of baddies!

Maybe it's best if I keep it simple and stick with White Reaper Style? Unless you and Random Word have come up with something else?

* * *​

Just a statement here.

We haven't been using a great deal of Social skills in this game, but I see no reason to blow aside the idea. I think I'll be going all-Charisma for Da Chonk because he hasn't tried yet to Manipulate anyone and he's fine with having an Appearance 2.

But a Charisma of 5 (Favored)? I feel O Mighty Fat Cat has definitely used his Charisma in our adventures (the Cursed Village and Rathess come to mind!).

* * *​

2. Should I go for getting Excellencies in all of Fat Cat's Attributes? EDIT: I can in no way afford this XP-wise and I have no idea how beginning characters with no XP are pulling this off on the forums.

The more I read on forums, the more I see this "Lunars + their Attribute Excellencies = potentially super awesome!"

I don't even know if I've been using Excellencies as I'm still new to the concept even this far into the game. There is some way to get Excellencies with all Attributes - a bonus that evidently benefits Lunars a great deal. I might try this if it's worth it. But what do you think? It's your game after all.

I should also take a much closer look into the Lunar Attribute Charms to help with his overall capabilities.

* * *​

3. "Is Da Chonk affiliated with the Silver Pact?" I don't know. It's a question I would like to know if I should invest any time or energy into because I don't remember if it has ever come up in-game.

4. "What about Fat Cat's shahan-ya (mentor)?" Sure he had one, but that too has never come up. I'm willing to leave both questions to the unknown as I feel you as a Storyteller have enough on your plate with this game alone.

5. "Tells and spending Charms to hide them. At this stage in the game, there doesn't seem to be a point to it. Am I wrong on this?"
Do you have any thoughts on these (when time allows, of course)?
Hmm. Yes, it makes sense for Del to go to the Celestial City. She can then run into Od and bring him back with her to the rest of the party.
Psychie Psychie how do you want to do this? Should I have Del post that she’s leaving for a short time to set up the next post?
Psychie Psychie I am still working on respeccing/retraiting Fat Cat. I haven't forgotten! =)
I'm betting you're busy, Psychie Psychie ? I didn't receive answers to these so I'll try again. =)

1. Should I just stick with White Reaper for the sake of keeping things simple? (Any word from Random Word?)

2. Is Da Chonk affiliated with the Silver Pact? I don't remember if it has ever come up in-game.

3. What about Fat Cat's shahan-ya (mentor)? Sure he had one, but that too has never come up. I'm guessing I don't need to spend XP or whatnot for this? (Mentor was a background in Werewolf: the Apocalypse.)

4. Tells and spending Charms to hide them. At this stage in the game, there doesn't seem to be a point to it. Am I wrong on this?

(New question) 5. I have 5 motes to Attune Spellbreaker to O Mighty Fat Cat. But should he only be Attuned to it when he plans on using it? Not all of the time?

(New question) 6. Using the Subtlety Merit (p. 166), would it be all right if I added 4 retractable/hide-able wings to O Mighty Fat Cat's Spirit Animal Form? This way, he wouldn't have to transform into a Roc to get everyone around and he'd be that much harder to spot, etc. Also, he'd fly as fast as you'd allow.

6a. Would 18 Regular XP be enough to cover both Subtlety (6 XP) and these wings?
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1. Should I just stick with White Reaper for the sake of keeping things simple? (Any word from Random Word?)

2. Is Da Chonk affiliated with the Silver Pact? I don't remember if it has ever come up in-game.

3. What about Fat Cat's shahan-ya (mentor)? Sure he had one, but that too has never come up. I'm guessing I don't need to spend XP or whatnot for this? (Mentor was a background in Werewolf: the Apocalypse.)

4. Tells and spending Charms to hide them. At this stage in the game, there doesn't seem to be a point to it. Am I wrong on this?

(New question) 5. I have 5 motes to Attune Spellbreaker to O Mighty Fat Cat. But should he only be Attuned to it when he plans on using it? Not all of the time?

(New question) 6. Using the Subtlety Merit (p. 166), would it be all right if I added 4 retractable/hide-able wings to O Mighty Fat Cat's Spirit Animal Form? This way, he wouldn't have to transform into a Roc to get everyone around and he'd be that much harder to spot, etc. Also, he'd fly as fast as you'd allow.

6a. Would 18 Regular XP be enough to cover both Subtlety (6 XP) and these wings?

1. I haven't heard from Random Word yet, so if you want to just stick with the White Reaper Style, that is fine with me. I don't wish to hold up the game on my account.

2. The Silver Pact is not something that has come up so far, but it might come up later on. You would have had to have some contact with another Lunar of the No Moon Caste to get your own Caste markings sometime in your past, but that doesn't necessarily mean joined the Pact.

3. Some of this is going to be up to you. Do you want a mentor that you have had good relations with in the past?

4. Your group hasn't had much of a need to hide your Tell so far. You haven't had much travel into and around cities. To be honest, you probably won't need it at this point of the game.

5. It takes a little bit of time to attune an artifact, so it is not something that can be done mid-combat. If you are not attuned, it cannot be used for several minutes, but if you know you are going to go into a situation where you'll need it, you can probably take a few minutes to attune.

6. I have to check, but I think that there is a Charm that you can buy to give you Mutation Points to be able to customize your form that will be what you are looking for.

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