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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

This is the line of thinking that really gets my attention (this comes from a 2015 Onyx Path forums post I've been reading):

  1. Lunar Native Charms freely interact with any and all Martial Arts Charms (!!!) this is bonkers good and no other Exalt (so far) gets access to this. It means that a Martial Arts Lunar doesn’t have to choose. His Dex Charms can be used freely with Martial Arts effects. Since Martial Arts usually cap out at Ess 3, it’s a good deal for Lunars since they don’t have Supernal charm access."
I have seen this as long as we've been playing the game and it still isn't quite sticking in my head.
I cannot say with certainty that all Celestial martial arts top out at Essence three, but all the ones I know of do. The Sidereal ones start at E3 and go up from there.
This is the line of thinking that really gets my attention (this comes from a 2015 Onyx Path forums post I've been reading):

  1. Lunar Native Charms freely interact with any and all Martial Arts Charms (!!!) this is bonkers good and no other Exalt (so far) gets access to this. It means that a Martial Arts Lunar doesn’t have to choose. His Dex Charms can be used freely with Martial Arts effects. Since Martial Arts usually cap out at Ess 3, it’s a good deal for Lunars since they don’t have Supernal charm access."
I have seen this as long as we've been playing the game and it still isn't quite sticking in my head.
The one thing you need to keep in mind is that there are frequently limits to what Charms can be used together. For example, there is a Solar Athletics Charm that specifically states that it can be used with any Melee, Brawl, or Martial Art Charm to boost damage. The Lunar Charms don’t have that limitation.
I can do that. =)

Psychie Psychie
When I think about what I want to do with Fat Cat, two major thoughts come to my mind. One is, I don't want to get into grappling because it looks way too crunchy for me and because fat cats can change his shape I think he would get too good at it if you know what I mean.

Two is, I don't think I want to add any more to his ability to survive damage. He's got two Ox-body Techniques, a Gem of Incomparable Wellness, his Brilliant Manifold silken armor, and he adds Strength to his soak unless he's in human form. He has at least one Mutation that I haven't been adding. He has 5 Stamina.

That's lots!

Maybe I should drop one of the Ox-Body Techniques or Mutation or something?

Here's a third thought. Concerning martial arts, Bruce Lee did not believe in styles. Lee stressed "no limitation as limitation; no way as way." I think everyone knows how successful he was with that.

What if Fat Cat formed his own "fighting method?" Imagine the first Charm in Snake Style for the Evasion, another first Charm in Steel Devil for the Join Battle bonus, and then two Charms in Tiger Claw, and so forth.

Then add Lunar Charms. Do this until he is able to take the basics from several systems to slowly form what he wanted - his own fighting method? The Fat Cat Way of Fighting?
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I can do that. =)

Psychie Psychie
When I think about what I want to do with Fat Cat, two major thoughts come to my mind. One is, I don't want to get into grappling because it looks way too crunchy for me and because fat cats can change his shape I think he would get too good at it if you know what I mean.

Two is, I don't think I want to add any more to his ability to survive damage. He's got two Ox-body Techniques, a Gem of Incomparable Wellness, his Brilliant Manifold silken armor, and he adds Strength to his soak unless he's in human form. He has at least one Mutation that I haven't been adding. He has 5 Stamina.

That's lots!

Maybe I should drop one of the Ox-Body Techniques or Mutation or something?

Here's a third thought. Concerning martial arts, Bruce Lee did not believe in styles. Lee stressed "no limitation as limitation; no way as way." I think everyone knows how successful he was with that.

What if Fat Cat formed his own "fighting method?" Imagine the first Charm in Snake Style for the Evasion, another first Charm in Steel Devil for the Join Battle bonus, and then two Charms in Tiger Claw, and so forth.

Then add Lunar Charms. Do this until he is able to take the basics from several systems to slowly form what he wanted - his own fighting method? The Fat Cat Way of Fighting?
There is nothing that I am aware of that would keep you from taking one Charm from multiple MA styles, but it is the difference in being a generalist compared to a more focused fighter. Also, if you ever do decide to advance in your styles, you can only have one Form Charm active at any one time.

Regarding your Ox-Body Techniques, you can easily downgrade by one and get a different Charm in its place without crippling your character.

Eonivar Eonivar How is the work on your Siddie coming along? I want to try to keep this game running along, and I'd like to introduce you soon and have Fat Cat return to the glade to reunite with everyone.
How is the work on your Siddie coming along? I want to try to keep this game running along, and I'd like to introduce you soon and have Fat Cat return to the glade to reunite with everyone.
He is almost done. I have a question regarding Merits though. And maybe Sherwood Sherwood and the other can provide some input.

Can I or should I take the Merit "Command"? Implying he already has an army at his disposal. Or given the circumstances around the Sidereals currently is Command not viable here?

The only other thing I am stuck on at the moment is a bow for him, as there are no published starmetal bows for Sidereals. What is the cost in merit points for a basic powerbow? I am considering taking the "Orichulum Hunting Hawk" found in the Main Book.
He is almost done. I have a question regarding Merits though. And maybe Sherwood Sherwood and the other can provide some input.

Can I or should I take the Merit "Command"? Implying he already has an army at his disposal. Or given the circumstances around the Sidereals currently is Command not viable here?

The only other thing I am stuck on at the moment is a bow for him, as there are no published starmetal bows for Sidereals. What is the cost in merit points for a basic powerbow? I am considering taking the "Orichulum Hunting Hawk" found in the Main Book.
You can get the Command background, but it would make logistics a bit difficult. Do they stay in a particular spot until they are needed, then travel to where you want them? Or do they stick with you all the time?

A basic Starmetal bow would be a three dot Merit. Due to the lack of Starmetal bows, you can tweak the Evocations for another bow and use that for your bow.
Can I or should I take the Merit "Command"? Implying he already has an army at his disposal. Or given the circumstances around the Sidereals currently is Command not viable here?
Neat idea but... what happens to the army the next time The Lucky Fat Cat Express has to "Roc" his way with the Circle to travel far, far away?
Well the army could be waiting at a specific location.

Anyway, this leads to a question for Psychie Psychie , as to the focus of our story here going forward are we using the Battle Group system and units and stuff for armies? Should I be taking War charms or focus on other combat or social charms?
If you do go with the Command Merit, you could have your troops in Yu-Shan and use the Gateways for their travel needs. Just a thought.
Well the army could be waiting at a specific location.

Anyway, this leads to a question for Psychie Psychie , as to the focus of our story here going forward are we using the Battle Group system and units and stuff for armies? Should I be taking War charms or focus on other combat or social charms?
I was not planning on using the mass combat rules, instead when large bodies of troops fight I'll role-play it and let your characters engage other command elements. You don't need to invest in a lot of Charms into War unless you wish to.
How is your character coming along? I don't want to lose my train of thought on this game.
I have had to refocus and readjust charms...and it has caused me to start second guessing myself. So now I am seesawing between playing the Lunar Necromancer and the Sidereal...

Also I have been very busy...and I am going through a rash of sleeplessness (thus why I am posting during a time I am usually asleep)....

I will try and have something..somebody sent to you for approval in the next day or so.
I have had to refocus and readjust charms...and it has caused me to start second guessing myself. So now I am seesawing between playing the Lunar Necromancer and the Sidereal...

Also I have been very busy...and I am going through a rash of sleeplessness (thus why I am posting during a time I am usually asleep)....

I will try and have something..somebody sent to you for approval in the next day or so.
lol I understand. I will frequently change characters, sometimes drastically, over and over again before I submit my sheet for final review. Just make sure you pick a character you want to play that will be appealing to you.
Also I have been very busy...and I am going through a rash of sleeplessness (thus why I am posting during a time I am usually asleep)....
Eonivar Eonivar Boy, can I relate with you on that. Nothing can replace sleep - especially good sleep.

I have had to refocus and readjust charms...and it has caused me to start second guessing myself. So now I am seesawing between playing the Lunar Necromancer and the Sidereal...
If you don't mind my asking, which of the two character personalities do you like more? Who would you rather play in the long run? =)
lol I understand. I will frequently change characters, sometimes drastically, over and over again before I submit my sheet for final review. Just make sure you pick a character you want to play that will be appealing to you.
Huh! If you don't mind a different perspective, I go about a different manner.

When I submit a character, it's a rough draft. At that point it's a matter of the game master and I tweaking it as much as possible. We don't get to a final review until we've had lots of time to look over it together.

I want my characters to be right for the worlds that I'm playing them in and I want the world to be right for my character too.
There is nothing that I am aware of that would keep you from taking one Charm from multiple MA styles, but it is the difference in being a generalist compared to a more focused fighter. Also, if you ever do decide to advance in your styles, you can only have one Form Charm active at any one time.
Psychie Psychie Form Charms are those Charms that martial artists start getting into around Essence 3 or so?

If I read you correctly, I can't do what I'm trying to do make my own system out of many, so I guess I should just go with one. That would make it easier. Exalted is "crunchy" enough for me!

EDIT: If Reddit is to be believed, the idea of combining martial art Charms with Lunar Charms is a thing that Lunars do well. Perhaps I should focus on that?

What do you think (this is an open question to everyone)?
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Purr Purr The Charms that are referred to as Form ones are for the most part Essence 1 to 2 for the ones that are listed in the Core book. The Sidereal styles will have a Form Charm requirement of E3 or higher. In order to be counted as a Form Charm it has the 'Form' Keyword and it is usually listed as "Snake Form" or "Dreaming Pearl Form". They usually provide some benefit to the lower Charms of the tree.

As to the combining Lunar Charms with MA Charms, I say go for it. Each kind of Exalt has some kind of bonus to them that the other kinds do not; Solars and Abyssals have their Supernal Ability, the Sidereals can lower their target number to 6 or even 5, and the Lunars can mix their MA and Lunar Charms together. Go for it is what I'd say. It is also possible (assuming Psychie is open to it) to design a custom Form Charm to encapsulate a handful of lower MA Charms. I personally hate trying to design any custom Charms because I never know if it is a well-balanced Charm or not.
The Charms that are referred to as Form ones are for the most part Essence 1 to 2 for the ones that are listed in the Core book. The Sidereal styles will have a Form Charm requirement of E3 or higher. In order to be counted as a Form Charm it has the 'Form' Keyword and it is usually listed as "Snake Form" or "Dreaming Pearl Form". They usually provide some benefit to the lower Charms of the tree.
Ah! I see it now.

the Lunars can mix their MA and Lunar Charms together.
I can't wrap my head around this yet. What is meant by this? Do other Exalted not combine the effects of their Martial Art and Exalted Charms?

I personally hate trying to design any custom Charms because I never know if it is a well-balanced Charm or not.
Oh, forgive me if I find myself on the opposite side of that particular seesaw! =) The idea of designing Exalted Charms is beyond me, but with enough time and understanding, I could easily create something that had Real Life inspiration if not outright counterparts in technique! I could have fun with in that in most game systems I know. Heck... I have in Palladium! =)

For example, imagine a quick blinding attack or stun that acted like a setup for a body-shattering Tamashiwara (art of breaking) technique! Like jabbing the eyes with your left hand and following through with your right hand backed by the twisting of your body and full throttle of your intent and energy! POW! Ha ha!

Yeah, I could get into that. =)

EDIT: Not for Fat Cat, mind you. I was just making up a fun example. =)
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I've done it again; I've nearly given myself a headache trying to wrap my head around all of the dratted Exalted math by way of reading Lunar Physical Charms. I honestly can't fully understand even half of them. I'm going to stop reading now before this gets worse. Heh! I tried! =)

Hope you guys and gals are having a good one!
Sherwood's idea of making a custom Form Charm for Fat Cat Style is intriguing. I would need to know what Charms you would like to have in this style, with a minimum of two to three prerequisite Charms to it so I can try and come up with some benefit to the lower tier Charms from the Form one. This is doable, but I must preface this by saying that I've never made up a custom Charm either, so I would like to get some feedback from some other players regarding it.
Cost wise, I would say it should run about 8-10 motes to activate, and maybe even a point of Willpower, depending on how much bonus it gives.
I sent a PM to random word asking for his input on this idea, so hopefully we can brainstorm a Form Charm.

Purr Purr I’ll need to know exactly what Charms you are looking at for this so we can start to design the new Charm for you.
Good idea talking to Random Word. He’s really good at Exalted and should be able to provide some good feedback.
I’ll need to know exactly what Charms you are looking at for this so we can start to design the new Charm for you.
Psychie Psychie Forgive me but I feel way out of my element. To add to this, I've had a lopsided day all day today (my head has fluctuated between foggy and super-distracted to the point of messing up minor things I normally do well). I am blaming the full moon. =)

What Charms am I looking for? Are you asking me to point out Lunar Charms to act as a foundation for a Marital Art Form Charm or something? Sorry if I'm being mud-headed here.

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