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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Psychie Psychie so we're looking for something in the Eastern forests, right? I'd like to see if Glade knows anything about that - location, if we need it (I, the player, am not familiar with Mt Metagalapa); otherwise any useful info on reaching it or ... that kinda thing. Glade's Lore covers the eastern forests via oral tradition, and specialises in First Age stuff; Harmonious Academic Method gives me two auto-successes.

5 successes total
Mount Metagalapa is a literal flying mountain that is located in the East. Early in the Second Age, during the Fae Invasion, there was a army that had taken refuge on the high ground of a mountain, surrounded by hordes of Fae, preparing to make their last stand in the face of so many Fae. Then, when the woman that would become the Empress used the Sword of Creation for the first time to scourge the Fae from Creation, the mountain ripped itself free from the earth, taking the army up into the air where they were trapped. Over the generations, they were able to thrive on the slope of the flying mountain, and they bred up a flock of giant hawks, large enough to ride, and used them as mounts to go out and raid nearby villages and towns. The Hawkriders of Mount Metagalapa are known across the East, and there have even been a few merchants that have used airships from Halasta to fly up to the mountain and trade with the residents.

But, long ago in the First Age, there were four massive fortresses built, called Titans, one for each direction of the compass. Each of these fortresses took hundreds of years to construct, and were intended to be a flying symbol of the power of the Deliberative, directing the influence of the Deliberative to the outskirts of Creation. The Titan is a mile tall from base to top, and five miles across at the base. Of the four fortresses, one was lost in the Wyld, one vanished into the oceans out west, and one was destroyed. The last one, Scattered Petals of the Thousand Toothed Blossom, went missing somewhere in the East, and was thought to also be destroyed.

These fortresses not only housed thousands of soldiers, but also carried on them fifty of the famed Thousand Forged Dragons as powerful automations to be used against the enemies of Creation. The Directional Titans were armed with dozens of airships and hundreds of guns, but the most powerful weapon on them was the Eye of Judgement, a energy beam capable of being directed down against the earth and wiping out entire cities, doing hundreds of levels of Aggrivated damage per shot.

Hey Eonivar Eonivar Just a quick question for you. Are you still thinking of swapping out characters? If so, what am I looking at for your replacement?
Wow! Talk about "ask and you shall receive!" Terrific description, Game Psychster!
Are you still thinking of swapping out characters? If so, what am I looking at for your replacement?
Yes I am swapping out characters. As to what I am still debating between a Lunar Necromancer or a Dawn Caste Solar General
O.K.. The problem - Luna wants O Mighty Fat Cat to use Spellbreaker against the Demon Queen. Sure! Except Fat Cat has no experience with chains nor does it work with his style of White Reaper. So... As a person with a lifelong serious interest in the martial arts, I must ask:

In Exalted, is there a way to either...

1. Change the weapon to fit the style? I.e. Have some "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" style technique where the long chains of Spellbreaker can be straightened into two or three solid rows forming a single staff-like weapon compatible with White Reaper?

2. Change the person to fit the weapon? Is there a way to abandon White Reaper and select another style that offers chain (and preferably unarmed so he could also use his Primal Fury moonsilver gloves)?
Also, could I ask you to share Spellbreaker's details again, please? Thinking it was a temporary item, I didn't record them on his character sheet. It seems prudent that I do so now.

Also, if anyone else in the game has other ideas, I'm open to hearing them. =)
Purr Purr
Spellbreaker is not meant to be used as a weapon, but it is more defensive in nature, able to shatter any spell that is running, like the spell Cirrus Skiff, or one that is directed at you, like Flight of the Brilliant Raptor. If you were to try and smack someone with it to do damage, it would be a very small amount of dice rolled.

Spellbreaker is capable of rending any spell cast of any level, sort of like a Sorcery Capturing Cord but this artifact doesn't store the spell, it simply disrupts it. Only sorcery or necromancy can be affected by this, and it doesn't work on something that has been summoned, like an elemental or demon, since that spell has already been discharged. But if you were to strike a sorcerer with the chain while they were casting it, it would wipe out the sorcerous motes gathered and that would make the sorcerer restart gathering power to cast the spell.

Finally, if you are looking for an opportunity to respec your character, here is your chance. You have done well with your character creation, especially since this is your first foray into Exalted. But if you want to change anything, you can do so now. If anyone has any suggestions for Purr, please step up and let us know what you think. Are there any Charms that might help out that you think Fat Cat needs?

jaydude jaydude Sherwood Sherwood Chowlett Chowlett Rykon Rykon Eonivar Eonivar
Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood
Spellbreaker is not meant to be used as a weapon, but it is more defensive in nature,
Oh! Hah! It looks like my martial arts knowledge has worked against me for once! I saw the word "chain" long ago and I thought "Oh! Like <insert chain weapons here>." Since both Da Chonk and I thought that we would be returning Spellbreaker, I never got into asking about it as a fighting weapon.

I was thinking of this sort of thing (the artist is using a whip but chains can be moved in similar fashions - plus... this guy is good so I want to share it!).

"Badass Shaolin Bullwhip Demonstration"

More in a moment.
There is an existing artifact called a Sorcery Capturing Cord that is designed to be able to capture a spell in it to be released later on. It is a rope about three feet long (if I remember correctly) that can hold one spell at a time, but can't do anything against spells that are already running. This seems to me to be a potent item its purview, but doesn't do much else beyond that. Not to say that this won't be useful; it sounds like any existing spell that's aimed at you will be shattered by the chain before it can affect you. Nice.
If you'd like, I can look over your sheet to see what might tweaked.
Be my guest! I'm writing up a post here, re: possible changes.

Not to say that this won't be useful; it sounds like any existing spell that's aimed at you will be shattered by the chain before it can affect you. Nice.
That's not how I read it, but you two know more than I. Psychie? Is this true?
But if you were to strike a sorcerer with the chain while they were casting it, it would wipe out the sorcerous motes gathered and that would make the sorcerer restart gathering power to cast the spell.
Psychie Psychie
Information like this is highly useful especially because I don't know a single Exalted reference you mentioned. Stuff like this tells what a rookie like me ought to know (not rookie in months having played Play-by-Post, but rather in total hours gamed which, of course, is much less than say, a tabletop game regularly enjoyed).
Finally, if you are looking for an opportunity to respec your character, here is your chance. You have done well with your character creation, especially since this is your first foray into Exalted. But if you want to change anything, you can do so now.
Super! I had an entire request line written up, but I forgot to Save it and now it's gone. My error! =) I remember this much:

Months ago, you gave me the option of swapping out a Charm I thought worked one way, but ended up working another (I thought it lasted for the combat, but you pointed out that it lasts for only a single round. Hence the Duration: "Instant." That's... not good enough for 10 whole xp!)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Time seems to slow as the Lunar acts on well-honed instinct. This Charm must be used at the start of the round. The Lunar adds (higher of Dexterity or Wits) to her Initiative to determine when she acts. If she uses her turn to attack an enemy who hasn’t acted that round, she adds a non-Charm die.

So I was thinking of another route. Forgive me if I forget who it was that turned me onto this idea, but the idea was, building Join Battle was the way to go. Lunars don't appear to have a lot of roads to meet that destination as far as my inexperienced eyes can tell, but... I did find one attractive path in Perception. =)

Fat Cat has Sense-Sharpening Change (the base Charm needed to start this path).
Unwavering Predator’s Eye, Wolf-Eye Advantage, and Argent Goddess Eye.

(Lunars 238)
Unwavering Predator’s Eye
Cost: —(3m);
Mins: Perception 2, Essence
1Type: Permanent
Keywords: Archetype (Wits)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Reading subtle cues in her foes’ body language and scent, the Lunar is ready to act before they are. She may Join Battle with Perception instead of Wits. For three motes, she doubles 9s on a Join Battle roll.
Archetype: Lunars with predatory spirit shapes may learn this as a Wits Charm.

Wolf-Eye Advantage
Cost: 2m;
Mins: Perception 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Archetype (Wits)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change, Unwavering Predator’s Eye
Essence refines the Lunar’s senses in battle, eliminating flaws in her awareness. She rerolls 1s until they cease to appear on a Join Battle roll or a roll opposing Stealth in combat. While Sense-Sharpening Change is active, beating an enemy’s Stealth roll in combat awards the Lunar one Initiative.

Argent Goddess Eye
Cost: —;
Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change
Seeing the world around her with utter clarity, the Lunar draws power from the perfection of her senses. When she succeeds on a Perception roll to detect a concealed enemy or hidden danger, she gains motes equal to the 9s and 10s on her roll. This can’t exceed the number of motes spent enhancing the roll. If the Lunar knows Understanding the Prey (p. 242), this Charm also benefits read intentions and profile character rolls.

Could I swap Sinuous Striking Grace for Unwavering Predator's Eye? Then perhaps spend xp to buy Wolf-Eye Advantage?

And which is it again? You can buy Charms only with Regular XP, not Lunar? (If true, that makes "backward" sense in my head.)
Purr Purr Why are you getting Charms in the White Reaper Style? I don't see that you are armed with a spear, which is the form weapon for the style. There is a martial art that deals with Firecasters called Righteous Devil Style that might be a better fit considering you have the artifact flame piece.
And which is it again? You can buy Charms only with Regular XP, not Lunar? (If true, that makes "backward" sense in my head.)
Yes, you can get everything with regular xp and with the Lunar xp you can buy everything else but Charms. It doesn't quite make sense, but that's how it works.
Purr Purr Sorcery is not powered by regular motes like your Charms. The sorcerer gathers power in the form of Sorcerous Motes, using Int + Occult rolls to gather SMs to be able to cast the spell. If the spell's cost is low enough, it can be cast in a single round, but if you don't roll enough SM to cast the spell, you bank the motes you earned in your last turn to try and get enough SM to cast the spell. Sorcerous Motes cannot be saved from battle to battle, and the SM fade away at the rate of 3m per round that you do not add to your SM pool.

Does that help answer some of your questions?
the SM fade away at the rate of 3m per round that you do not add to your SM pool.
Do note that there is a really cool charm for Lunars called "Cloaked in Moonfire" where you do not lose SM every round. But I am sure there are charm exceptions for a lot of rules.
Purr Purr Why are you getting Charms in the White Reaper Style? I don't see that you are armed with a spear, which is the form weapon for the style. There is a martial art that deals with Firecasters called Righteous Devil Style that might be a better fit considering you have the artifact flame piece.
Because that first Charm hits really hard, plus the system seems ideal for taking out lots of minor baddies without killing them (like Filial Wisdom's cannibal tribe), leaving the rest of the Circle to take on the Big Bads.

White Reaper works with unarmed strikes and his Primal Fury Moonsilver gloves (Sirrush, the Firecaster is Jade and Fat Cat can't get full benefit because he's a Lunar).

EDIT: While that first White Reaper Charm is lovely, it's the rest of the Charms down its track that give me pause - I wonder if I'll ever use them and if they're all worth the large XP expenditure.

But I'm open to see what else is out there! I'll give Righteous Devil a look. =)
Last edited:
Purr Purr Sorcery is not powered by regular motes like your Charms. The sorcerer gathers power in the form of Sorcerous Motes, using Int + Occult rolls to gather SMs to be able to cast the spell. If the spell's cost is low enough, it can be cast in a single round, but if you don't roll enough SM to cast the spell, you bank the motes you earned in your last turn to try and get enough SM to cast the spell. Sorcerous Motes cannot be saved from battle to battle, and the SM fade away at the rate of 3m per round that you do not add to your SM pool.

Does that help answer some of your questions?
Oh, I didn't mean to imply that Fat Cat was getting into sorcery, but I appreciate the explanation. Fat Cat is plenty "Fat with options" as it is. I know now that if the bad guy is casting, try thwacking him with Spellbreaker. =)

I want to keep Fat Cat's "build" as a simple survivor and "Deliverer" (Transporter/The Lucky Fat Cat Express). He is a jungle creature, big cat, and thus a predator.

I was under the impression that having Wits as Favored would improve his Join Battle in terms of Charms, but it seems that I should have chosen Perception given the Charms are better for that?
If you are looking for a style that is good with bare hands (and in extension, gloves), both Tiger Style and Snake Style are bare hands capable, and you can wear light armor with them. I'm sure that there are other styles in the Lunar book that would be of interest that can be used bare handed.
Could I swap Sinuous Striking Grace for Unwavering Predator's Eye? Then perhaps spend xp to buy Wolf-Eye Advantage?
Yes, that is acceptable.
I was under the impression that having Wits as Favored would improve his Join Battle in terms of Charms, but it seems that I should have chosen Perception given the Charms are better for that?
If you want, you can change your Favored stat, that way future purchases with Perception are cheaper.
I was under the impression that having Wits as Favored would improve his Join Battle in terms of Charms, but it seems that I should have chosen Perception given the Charms are better for that?
There is a Lunar Charm for Perception called "Unwavering Predator’s Eye" which enables one to use your Perception to Join Battle rather than Wits.

And I thought there were some other charms for other attributes...but I do know of that one.
I'm sure that there are other styles in the Lunar book that would be of interest that can be used bare handed.
Thanks! Yeah, I read them all last year. I don't mind taking a second look at them though.

The Primal Fury gloves are great but I want to if there are potentially even cooler weapon-based systems out there that might fit him better. Exalted is huge!

Yes, that is acceptable.

If you want, you can change your Favored stat, that way future purchases with Perception are cheaper.
That's right! That does affect XP costs doesn't it? Thank you times two!

There is a Lunar Charm for Perception called "Unwavering Predator’s Eye" which enables one to use your Perception to Join Battle rather than Wits.
Yeah! I saw that one and I wasn't certain if it was worth the XP because his Perception (4) and Wits (5 Favored) are (now) within one point of each other.
Yeah! I saw that one and I wasn't certain if it was worth the XP because his Perception (4) and Wits (5 Favored) are (now) within one point of each other.
well if you are already at Wits 5, there is no point in taking that one...I know there are a lot of other Lunar charms that improve Join Battle rolls too

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