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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

While I would like to have you follow the plot hook I have in mind, I don’t want to railroad you along. If you guys want to do some traveling, I can be flexible.
Ok, so I was relearning myself on Solars (I have been deep in Lunar character creation for the last two months)...and realized that Mercy has Occult has her Supernal ability. So question, does that mean she can learn Celestial and Solar level sorcery now without the Essence requirement?

If so...I was going to have Mercy go and seek out Raksi to learn Celestial Sorcery so she can prepare to fight the Scarlet Empress.

I am ok if she leaves for a period of time and comes back. Or if you want to write it out...

I am almost wondering if the Circle needs to part for a time to attend to their own affairs before reuniting again? With Delilah around now, it would be very easy for her to keep tabs on the whole circle.

The other option I have is that Mercy will probably stay at the Manse while Fat Cat and the others go back to Rathless and study the book Dunbar gave her as well as the other things in the library.
It only takes Fat Cat to return to Rathess to return Spellbreaker. That can be done in a single scene if folks want as not to hold up the game. Just a thought. Hope you're having a good one! =)
Ok, so I was relearning myself on Solars (I have been deep in Lunar character creation for the last two months)...and realized that Mercy has Occult has her Supernal ability. So question, does that mean she can learn Celestial and Solar level sorcery now without the Essence requirement?
Honestly, I don't know the rules on that. Let me look in the book and see if there is anything said anywhere that I can find.

Unless anyone knows the answer to this, I'll have to make my own ruling.
Honestly, I don't know the rules on that. Let me look in the book and see if there is anything said anywhere that I can find.

Unless anyone knows the answer to this, I'll have to make my own ruling.
*poof* I don't know why the forum decided to summon me here, but no, Occult Supernal expressly does not permit you to get higher tiers of Sorcery early. *poof*
(re: hooray XP!)
Yes indeed!
Yes! Except now I need to spend it again...

May I suggest, as regards Cadence's remains, we could cremate him now, then store the ashes with the intention of returning him to Sijan at some later stage? (I'd suggest it in character, but I don't think anyone's floated the Sijan trip, and it wouldn't occur to Glade that anyone might seriously consider it right now)
Yeah. Tbh, I'm more inclined towards a simple cremation right now, assuming that's not going to cause problems further down the line.
Sounds good to me - if that culture is into cremation?
The small Pattern Spider jumps up and waves out front legs, saying, “Cadence Raff was born in the city of Great Forks. The standard funeral involves burning the body, or for the wealthy of the city, sending the remains to Sijan for interment there. The simplest way to honor him that can be replicated here would be a funeral pyre.”
Cremation will serve us well enough.

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