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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

well if you are already at Wits 5, there is no point in taking that one...I know there are a lot of other Lunar feats that improve Join Battle rolls too
O.K.. Are these Charms almost all in Perception? and Wits?

I remember reading gaming posts that talked about "Awareness Charms," but I can't find anything related to that in the books.
Are these Charms almost all in Perception? and Wits?

The one..."Unwavering Predator’s Eye" and the follow up which enables you to reroll 1s in Join Battle "Wolf Eye Advantage" are both Lunar Perception Charms...but there is a note for both of those charms that states "Archetype: Lunars with predatory spirit shapes may learn this as a Wits Charm." (These are on page 238 of the Lunar book)...there is a later Essence 3 charm that enables you to roll Join Battle twice and take the higher one.

yeah I have been a bit deep in Lunar character creation for the last few months...I am probably going to go with a Lunar Necromancer/Sorcerer type if anything than for the flavor. I am in the process of rebalancing the character I built for the Icy Wastes RP (which seemed to have died) for bonus points rather than the alternate rule 50 xp instead of bonus points of which I built this character with...

I am also wondering if I should focus on medicine like the previous version of this character was built for or switch the medicine focus to warfare (war) instead...
Whoa! Get a load of this!

Someone made a quick reference for Exalted third edition's martial arts! =)

Sherwood Sherwood I think Fat Cat should not get Tiger Claw because adding Strength to Fat Cat's Soak... isn't that too much?
Fat Cat has Sense-Sharpening Change (the base Charm needed to start this path).
Unwavering Predator’s Eye, Wolf-Eye Advantage, and Argent Goddess Eye.

(Lunars 238)
Unwavering Predator’s Eye
Cost: —(3m);
Mins: Perception 2, Essence
1Type: Permanent
Keywords: Archetype (Wits)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Reading subtle cues in her foes’ body language and scent, the Lunar is ready to act before they are. She may Join Battle with Perception instead of Wits. For three motes, she doubles 9s on a Join Battle roll.
Archetype: Lunars with predatory spirit shapes may learn this as a Wits Charm.

Wolf-Eye Advantage
Cost: 2m;
Mins: Perception 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Archetype (Wits)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change, Unwavering Predator’s Eye
Essence refines the Lunar’s senses in battle, eliminating flaws in her awareness. She rerolls 1s until they cease to appear on a Join Battle roll or a roll opposing Stealth in combat. While Sense-Sharpening Change is active, beating an enemy’s Stealth roll in combat awards the Lunar one Initiative.

Argent Goddess Eye
Cost: —;
Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change
Seeing the world around her with utter clarity, the Lunar draws power from the perfection of her senses. When she succeeds on a Perception roll to detect a concealed enemy or hidden danger, she gains motes equal to the 9s and 10s on her roll. This can’t exceed the number of motes spent enhancing the roll. If the Lunar knows Understanding the Prey (p. 242), this Charm also benefits read intentions and profile character rolls.
The one..."Unwavering Predator’s Eye" and the follow up which enables you to reroll 1s in Join Battle "Wolf Eye Advantage" are both Lunar Perception Charms...
Yeah! I was sharing those Charms in my post above! =)

That's why all of this sounds familiar! Derp!
You know what I think I was thinking about Sidereal charms when I was thinking of Join Battle charms...because I know there are several different Sidereal Charms that enable use of a different attribute rather than Wits for Join Battle.

The Sidereal Charm set is pretty wild. I am kind of bummed that all the Sidereals were wiped out here as I was considering a Sidereal Battle Maiden War Master...BUT the Lunar Necromancer will be just as fun.
...BUT the Lunar Necromancer will be just as fun.
It's Psychie in charge here - I am living proof that she wants you to play what you want to play.

I feel if she didn't want PC Sidereals in the game, Sherwood wouldn't be playing one. I say go with what lights your fire!
It's Psychie in charge here - I am living proof that she wants you to play what you want to play.

I feel if she didn't want PC Sidereals in the game, Sherwood wouldn't be playing one. I say go with what lights your fire!
Eonivar Eonivar If you are really wanting a Sidereal, we can go with that. You and Sherwood will just be two of the few survivors of the attack that wiped out the Order.
If you are really wanting a Sidereal, we can go with that. You and Sherwood will just be two of the few survivors of the attack that wiped out the Order.
Now you are tempting me....I will look over the Sidereal stuff again and let you know by first thing tomorrow morning (I am Eastern US time...)
Now you are tempting me....I will look over the Sidereal stuff again and let you know by first thing tomorrow morning (I am Eastern US time...)
I want everyone to enjoy themselves in this game. If that means a Sidereal, I can go with that. My only problem would be an Abyssal, because so many of the other characters would have an issue with them.
To be fair I did consider an Abyssal at one point...it would be interesting to have an Abyssal whose Deathlord had been destroyed by the Empress...technically free...but I will seriously consider a Sidereal
To everyone - just don't bring anybody in here even remotely evil and I'm fine. Ha ha! =)
Okies, I have more questions! =)

1. After reading the quick reference to Exalted martial arts I posted above, I am wondering if the dragon-blooded martial arts systems are available?

2. The Sidereal martial arts? I mean he's a Lunar using a Solar martial art that he'll never get full benefit from (meaning Mastery). I want a system that his being a Lunar doesn't nerf him.

3. If so, I think I'm leaning away from White Reaper style because it's meant to combat large groups. Well... Fat Cat scattered a group when he turned into O Mighty Dancing T-Rex! No martial arts were required! Thoughts?
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Psychie Psychie I will go with a Sidereal based on Odysseus (I have been playing WAY too much Hades 2).

I needed to put a deadline on a decision because of my ever present analysis paralysis. So there.


He will be named "Odysseus.." (with probably some Sidereal suitable name along with it) because in Hades 2, the main character in that game Melinoe, calls him "Od" which I love. He will be "The Last General" ...a very smart, charismatic, clever, and cunning man under the Maiden of Battles, possibly the last of his order. He will be a decent archer, and sailor for sure.

I will work on him this weekend.
Okies, I have more questions! =)

1. After reading the quick reference to Exalted martial arts I posted above, I am wondering if the dragon-blooded martial arts systems are available?

2. The Sidereal martial arts? I mean he's a Lunar using a Solar martial art that he'll never get full benefit from (meaning Mastery). I want a system that his being a Lunar doesn't nerf him.

3. If so, I think I'm leaning away from White Reaper style because it's meant to combat large groups. Well... Fat Cat scattered a group when he turned into O Mighty Dancing T-Rex! No martial arts were required! Thoughts?
1. The Dragon Blooded styles are usually reserved for members of the Immaculate Order, trained to hunt down wayward spirits and the various Anathema out there, so it is less likely Fat Cat would have access to those.

2. Sidereal Martial Arts typically start out at Essence 3, so you wouldn't be able to pick them up for a bit.

3. That sounds good to me. There are plenty of Charms that would be good for Fat Cat instead of that style, both other martial art styles and regular Lunar Charms.
1. The Dragon Blooded styles are usually reserved for members of the Immaculate Order, trained to hunt down wayward spirits and the various Anathema out there, so it is less likely Fat Cat would have access to those.
Psychie Psychie Ah! O.K.. I saw a system that seemed to be good against normal opponents but really good against darkness, spirits, and supernatural evil. But if that's from the Dragon-blooded point of view, "evil" could mean our characters!

Sidereal Martial Arts typically start out at Essence 3, so you wouldn't be able to pick them up for a bit.
o rly? I didn't know there was an Essence requirement for Sidereal martial arts! Whoa!

3. That sounds good to me. There are plenty of Charms that would be good for Fat Cat instead of that style, both other martial art styles and regular Lunar Charms.
Yeah. It seems to me that the only martial art systems that he qualifies for or is not nerfed in are those Lunar systems and there are only four of those to choose from.

I have read in Reddit posts that Falcon system is broken in the sense that it's overpowered. The other three don't seem to fit him.

My search continues. =)
o rly? I didn't know there was an Essence requirement for Sidereal martial arts! Whoa!
Yes, even Sidereals have to have mastered a non-Sidereal Martial Arts (or in Od's case get enough Archery Charms to get Clay Maiden Enlightenment) and Essence 3 to start a Sidereal Martial Art.
Yes, even Sidereals have to have mastered a non-Sidereal Martial Arts (or in Od's case get enough Archery Charms to get Clay Maiden Enlightenment) and Essence 3 to start a Sidereal Martial Art.
"Mastered?" What does that mean?

When I think of mastery, I think of a character who has Level 5 Charms in their martial art. But doesn't that in most cases require Essence 5?

EDIT: And how do you buy two martial arts systems? I've been reading Reddit posts with players who seem to do this regularly. Do you have to pay for the Merit twice or something?
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No need to buy the Merit twice, you just buy the Charms of the second style. To get "mastery" of a art, you have to have all the Charms of that MA style. It makes getting any of the Charms of the Sidereal ones that much harder to get. Most of the Celestial Styles have a top Essence requirement of 3, or, if you have a Solar with Brawl/Martial Arts as the Supernal Ability, you can then learn the Sidereal Styles if you have a teacher.
1. Whoa! So what's to stop a person from, say, investing in 5 different styles at the cost of 50 XP?

It seems to me it would be a neat way to pick up all kinds of weapon proficiencies.

To get "mastery" of a art, you have to have all the Charms of that MA style.
2. But don't you have to have Essence 5 in order to do that? (Or am I just getting them confused with Lunar Charm requirements?)

Most of the Celestial Styles have a top Essence requirement of 3, or, if you have a Solar with Brawl/Martial Arts as the Supernal Ability, you can then learn the Sidereal Styles if you have a teacher.
3. I take it Celestial styles are what Sidereals use? From the way you describe it, it seems only Solars and Sidereals win out here? Other Exalted need not apply?

If that's true and that balances the game, well, who am I to complain? =)
1. Whoa! So what's to stop a person from, say, investing in 5 different styles at the cost of 50 XP?

It seems to me it would be a neat way to pick up all kinds of weapon proficiencies.

2. But don't you have to have Essence 5 in order to do that? (Or am I just getting them confused with Lunar Charm requirements?)

3. I take it Celestial styles are what Sidereals use? From the way you describe it, it seems only Solars and Sidereals win out here? Other Exalted need not apply?

If that's true and that balances the game, well, who am I to complain? =)
1. Technically, there is nothing stopping someone from taking a single Charm from multiple Styles. It just lets you have a lot of low level abilities with none of the higher Charms of a single Style.

2. Most Celestial level Martial Arts that are listed have a top Charm in the style at Essence 3. Using my own style as an example, my last two Charms in it to achieve Mastery of it are both Essence 3.

3. A 'Celestial' style typically refers to one of the arts that Solars and their fellow Exalts can get starting out. Sidereal Charms are usually reserved for the Sidereal order itself. In the Second Edition, teaching someone that is not a Sidereal one of their higher arts is something to get you in trouble with the Bureau of Destiny.
On a side note, the Melee skill covers all hand to hand weapons that do not have the Tag of being a Martial Art Weapon, just like Archery covers Bows and ranged weapons of all kinds, including Powerbows, Crossbows, Flamepieces and any non-thrown ranged weapon.
On a side note, the Melee skill covers all hand to hand weapons that do not have the Tag of being a Martial Art Weapon, just like Archery covers Bows and ranged weapons of all kinds, including Powerbows, Crossbows, Flamepieces and any non-thrown ranged weapon.
Right! But let's say you only wanted a few certain weapons and the martial arts covered it? You could do it without investing a single point into Melee! That's neat!

Plus from a role-playing perspective, you might come away with different insights into how systems and philosophies, approaches to battle and living, worked (at least I would try for that).

(All of this is probably old news to you guys, but it's new to me!)

2. Most Celestial level Martial Arts that are listed have a top Charm in the style at Essence 3. Using my own style as an example, my last two Charms in it to achieve Mastery of it are both Essence
Ohhh. You and Psychie are saying Martial Art Charms have a maximum of Essence 3 requirement. "Top" used this way means "cap."
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