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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

1. I haven't heard from Random Word yet, so if you want to just stick with the White Reaper Style, that is fine with me. I don't wish to hold up the game on my account.

2. The Silver Pact is not something that has come up so far, but it might come up later on. You would have had to have some contact with another Lunar of the No Moon Caste to get your own Caste markings sometime in your past, but that doesn't necessarily mean joined the Pact.

3. Some of this is going to be up to you. Do you want a mentor that you have had good relations with in the past?

4. Your group hasn't had much of a need to hide your Tell so far. You haven't had much travel into and around cities. To be honest, you probably won't need it at this point of the game.

5. It takes a little bit of time to attune an artifact, so it is not something that can be done mid-combat. If you are not attuned, it cannot be used for several minutes, but if you know you are going to go into a situation where you'll need it, you can probably take a few minutes to attune.

6. I have to check, but I think that there is a Charm that you can buy to give you Mutation Points to be able to customize your form that will be what you are looking for.
Psychie Psychie 1. Sticking with White Reaper then! =)

2. O.K.. I think you mean "Full Moon" Caste as that's what Fat Cat is? As for the Pact, I like how things are. In re-building Fat Cat from the ground up, I've gone to the Character Creation rules and I'm trying to cover all the bases. =)

3. Ah, the way I see it? Fat Cat gets plenty of "stage-time" and spotlight as it is. Again, I'm covering bases. Adding a mentor would take away from other players' time since they're playing Solars and I want them to have fun too. =)

4. O.K.! I'll make a Tell for the sake of making one, and if it doesn't come into play, that's fine too! Our Circle definitely has bigger fish to fry! =)

5. Ah! All right! In past posts, I was given the impression it could be done in a combat round (because I think that took place once during one of our combat scenes). Hmm. I don't know if I should have Fat Cat attuned with Spellbreaker as its only power - as cool as it is! - is to break magic. I don't know if I'll need the Motes for other things? Wait. Yeah. I guess I'll keep it attuned in case we need it. =)

6. I think that's the last thing I need before I present my rough draft of Fat Cat 2.0 to you for your approval. Let me know? When it's convenient for you? =)
Oh, and is anyone else excited about us nearing 100 pages of O.O.C. chatting? That's the sign of a fun and long-lasting game! Woo! =)
4. O.K.! I'll make a Tell for the sake of making one, and if it doesn't come into play, that's fine too! Our Circle definitely has bigger fish to fry!
Psychie Psychie I think I know a cool Tell - his eyes shine yellow or red when light is directly shined into them? Just like a cat's!

6. I think that's the last thing I need before I present my rough draft of Fat Cat 2.0 to you for your approval. Let me know? When it's convenient for you? =)
Any news yet on that Wings mutation? =)
Psychie Psychie I think I know a cool Tell - his eyes shine yellow or red when light is directly shined into them? Just like a cat's!

Any news yet on that Wings mutation? =)
That Tell will be acceptable.

Regarding wings; in your human or hybrid form (basically Chrinos of we were playing Werewolf) unless you are some kind of bird totem, you stand a chance of becoming a chimera, losing yourself in a twisted conglomeration of animal forms.

Sherwood Sherwood jaydude jaydude Rykon Rykon Chowlett Chowlett Eonivar Eonivar and Purr Purr

I want to get everyone back together soon so we can continue the game. I’ve been bad and let myself get distracted but I’m trying to get back on the horse and keep going. Everyone still with me?
Regarding wings; in your human or hybrid form (basically Chrinos of we were playing Werewolf) unless you are some kind of bird totem, you stand a chance of becoming a chimera, losing yourself in a twisted conglomeration of animal forms.
Oh, no, no, no. Nothing so complex! =) I mean for the wings to be only in his Spirit Animal Fat Cat ("Cat Bus") form. Unless I've screwed this up again, I thought Mutations were only for a Lunar's animal forms?

I just like the image of O Mighty Fat Cat carrying everybody aloft on four big feathery wings on his magical howdah instead of him flying around as the biggest bird on Creation (Roc). =)
Oh and I'm still in! Of course! Ha ha!

Besides, I feel like I'm the one guilty of providing the distraction - the least I can do is hang around! =)
Oh, no, no, no. Nothing so complex! =) I mean for the wings to be only in his Spirit Animal Fat Cat ("Cat Bus") form. Unless I've screwed this up again, I thought Mutations were only for a Lunar's animal forms?

I just like the image of O Mighty Fat Cat carrying everybody aloft on four big feathery wings on his magical howdah instead of him flying around as the biggest bird on Creation (Roc). =)
There are Charms that allow you to take on mutation points that you can spend to buy changes to your spirit shape. I’ll have to see if you have bought all that are available for changing your form when I get back to my books.
There are Charms that allow you to take on mutation points that you can spend to buy changes to your spirit shape. I’ll have to see if you have bought all that are available for changing your form when I get back to my books.
Yes, I took as many of those Charms as I could find; I want to say that's... three?

But I couldn't find where the mutations for wings which I think is odd because you can get Mutations from spiders, cats, dogs, bats... but not feathered creatures?

It seems one can also purchase Mutations with XP which is how I would prefer to pay for it.
Wings are listed in the core book in the merits section.
Ah! It's a Merit in the core book! No wonder I missed it!

Psychie Psychie Would it be all right with you O Mighty Fat Cat had a retractabl/concealable wings only in Spirit Animal form if I paid for the Subtlety Mutation and the Wings Merit with XP?
With the pressure now gone, you find yourself alone in the burial chamber feeling a bit light headed but otherwise you are fine.
At the tomb of Mor’du, the goddess Luna makes sure that Fat Cat is ready to travel once more, charging him with the important duty of watching over the Solar Exalts that he is traveling with, saying that they show some promise, but they need the guidance of the Chosen of Luna to get the job done. She then bids you safe travels and disappears herself.
I thought Luna was gone already or is this another test? =)

You know that there are other artifacts interred with the body here; do you take any or leave them?
Ah, that's an option? How does that work?

Does O Mighty Fat Cat have permission to take or perhaps trade for some of his own artifacts? Because I'll be damned if he's grave robbing; that's not happening.
I thought Luna was gone already or is this another test? =)

Ah, that's an option? How does that work?

Does O Mighty Fat Cat have permission to take or perhaps trade for some of his own artifacts? Because I'll be damned if he's grave robbing; that's not happening.
I was trying to wrap things up and get everyone back together quickly, so I forgot to check my past post. Operator error. lol

Given your characters point of view, he would probably see this as grave robbing. I just wanted to make the offer; it is up to you if you take it.
I was trying to wrap things up and get everyone back together quickly, so I forgot to check my past post. Operator error. lol
LOL! I've done it too l, on rare occasion, but I've done it! Oops! =)

Given your characters point of view, he would probably see this as grave robbing. I just wanted to make the offer; it is up to you if you take it.
Yes! This is why I'm asking. If left to his own devices, he wouldn't touch it because it doesn't belong to him.

Do you remember that seven-section-staff you put into the game? Guess which style goes well with staves? White Reaper! As a player, I wanted it (because we're all the time we've been playing it's the first artifact staff I'd learned about). But having no honorable means to get it, it reamained with its dead owner.

If there's something in the Lunar way or you tell me that Fat Cat knows something that makes it O.K., then he would consider it but only if he's armed with that information.

For example, if you were to say that "Fat Cat knows that if he prays to Mor-du do and Mor'du or whomever appears and says, Go for it! It's yours!" That's a different story. Or if he instead says, "Trade you for one of yours!" That too is a different story. Or what-have-you.

That's what I'm asking. Is there anything that makes this O.K.?
Psychie Psychie
That's what I'm asking. Is there anything that makes this O.K.?
Re: above post. =)

Also, I'm second-guessing getting Wings (5 dot Merit) on O Mighty Fat Cat's Spirit Animal Form. It sounds cool to me, but... is it worth 15 XP or is just being able to transform into (an admittedly huge) Roc better? Isn't the party better-protected if they're flying around on Da Chonk's Spirit Animal form?
Rawr? It's been about a week and a half since Chowlett posted (IC) and I've posted (here).

So um... Rawr?
So what is our plan here? Build up forces? Gather allies? Head to this fortress within Mount Metagalapa?
I picture two different routes we can go with. First, the Flying Fortress. Go there and claim it and try to recruit the Hawk Riders to be the first part of the army we’ll need.

Second is to find Mnemon. She is arguably the next in line to the throne of the Blessed Isle, is the head of a major House, and she may be willing to stuff her mother in a sack and drop her in the ocean to get her hands on that power and title. She’s already proven that she has mommy issues by getting the information on where the Empress has been for the past five years to the Sidereal order, so she may be a valuable ally.
I picture two different routes we can go with. First, the Flying Fortress. Go there and claim it and try to recruit the Hawk Riders to be the first part of the army we’ll need.

Second is to find Mnemon. She is arguably the next in line to the throne of the Blessed Isle, is the head of a major House, and she may be willing to stuff her mother in a sack and drop her in the ocean to get her hands on that power and title. She’s already proven that she has mommy issues by getting the information on where the Empress has been for the past five years to the Sidereal order, so she may be a valuable ally.
I'd imagine Grey Stone would consider the Flying Fortress the safer option. But as long as the GM considers it a valid and workable choice, I'm fine with either one.
I am not going to railroad you in one direction over another, so if you can come to with a good idea, I can probably make it work. But either one of the ideas that Sherwood pitched would be a decent plan to work with.
I will try and post O Mighty Fat Cat 2.0's rough draft here later tonight. =)

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