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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

I'm confused. At first, the Lunars book says: "Step 3: Attributes Choose two Attributes from the appropriate list as your Caste Attributes, unless your character is Casteless.• Full Moon: Dexterity, Stamina, Strength" (O Mighty Fat Cat is Full Moon).

Then it says what I quoted above:

"At least one of your Caste or Favored Attributes must be in the primary category, and at least one must be in the secondary category." (Lunars, p. 112).

I can't make sense of this right now so it's off to bed I go. Perhaps this will make sense after a good night's sleep? Stay safe and healthy, everybody! =)
Psychie Psychie I asked Kaerri to take a look at this (she's played Exalted, and briefly a Full Moon Caste like O Mighty Fat Cat). We both agree that this is poorly-written.

It seems to state that Full Moon Caste must place their Primary Attributes into Physical (Strength, Stamina, and Physical) and as best as I can tell, at least one Favored goes into Secondary (Mental in the case of O Mighty Fat Cat).

So... is that what I should do, Psychie? Put 2 Caste into Primary and then put 2 Favored into Secondary? For what it's worth, that would work out for him, but only if it's right by you.
Psychie Psychie I asked Kaerri to take a look at this (she's played Exalted, and briefly a Full Moon Caste like O Mighty Fat Cat). We both agree that this is poorly-written.

It seems to state that Full Moon Caste must place their Primary Attributes into Physical (Strength, Stamina, and Physical) and as best as I can tell, at least one Favored goes into Secondary (Mental in the case of O Mighty Fat Cat).

So... is that what I should do, Psychie? Put 2 Caste into Primary and then put 2 Favored into Secondary? For what it's worth, that would work out for him, but only if it's right by you.
Sorry for how long it has taken me to reply. Been up to my armpits in drama that is finally getting back to normal.

It looks to me that Kaerri has the explanation down for you correctly. That line up of Caste and Secondary attributes will give you some nice xp reductions.
Psychie Psychie - how's the surroundings looking from a hiding places / approaching under stealth point of view?
There is very little in the way of hiding places on the paths leafing through the various tombs. They are clear of obstruction and most kinds of cover. Once you go off the paths you get a variety of buildings that can be climbed out hid behind, but you run the risk of triggering the various wards that still exist.
Still alive, a little swamped with work at the moment. I'll try and post this evening.
*Tosses a boat in good ol' Rykon's way to help him with being swamped!* =)

Swamp People Boat GIF by DefyTV
Psychie Psychie For O Mighty Fat Cat trying to seek more clues as to Filial Wisdom's sudden change of heart, he's examining by way of eyes and ears. May I roll? If so, is this Perception + Alertness?
Psychie Psychie Perception (4) + Awareness (3) = 7.

I'd like to use Charmed Existence to nix a single One should any come up.
Do the Charms Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars) or Sense-Sharpening Change (Lunars, p. 236) apply here?
Psychie Psychie Perception (4) + Awareness (3) = 7.

I'd like to use Charmed Existence to nix a single One should any come up.
Do the Charms Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars) or Sense-Sharpening Change (Lunars, p. 236) apply here?
I'll have to double check, but I am pretty site that those Charms will help your roll here.
Okies! Something seems off with Filial Wisdom and I'm wondering if he's been possessed (perhaps by an item he's got or something) or what the deal is. These Celestial Guardians have been here for no short amount of time right? It makes zero sense both to me and O Mighty Fat Cat that Filial Wisdom suddenly chooses to go after them now.
Okies! Something seems off with Filial Wisdom and I'm wondering if he's been possessed (perhaps by an item he's got or something) or what the deal is. These Celestial Guardians have been here for no short amount of time right? It makes zero sense both to me and O Mighty Fat Cat that Filial Wisdom suddenly chooses to go after them now.
You may be right in that. He is talking like he's thousands of years old; either he can't tell time and is out of his mind, or they're is something else at work here.
Ha ha! Excellent! O Mighty Fat Cat is not the only one who can see something is clearly wrong here and is trying to do something about it in-game; Silent Glade is onboard too and look at that roll! Wow! 8D
Let's see if my lowly two dice can give Mer enough successes to know what we are dealing with.

Does one success do it?
Fat Cat can hear this, but he doesn't know the details of what Han Tha is (I rolled for you and didn't get any successes), and for Amara, Stone and Aredin need to make Int + Lore rolls to see if they know if this fiend.
Yes! I was right! That joker is possessed!

But how do we free Filial Wisdom from Han Tha?
I am wondering the same thing. I don't have any spirit-killing Charms, so if we are able to free Filial Wisdom from the spirit, I don't know how to stop it.
Grey Stone's Lore rating is based around the Immaculate Faith (it represents what he learned as a mortal sohei). I don't know if it would be applicable to Han Tha.

I don't have any spirit-killing Charms, so if we are able to free Filial Wisdom from the spirit, I don't know how to stop it.
Grey Stone's got Spirit-Cutting Attack, and he's also got a caste effect that allows him to command spirits to materialize. It would spare Han-Tha from having to expend Essence to do so though.

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