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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Let me put the question another way - is there any reason Da Chonk shouldn't be attuning with this thing? =)
Psychie Psychie O.K.. So, in-character, is there any reason by way of Lunar lore, O Mighty Fat Cat's own knowledge, or the like that makes his attuning to Spellbreaker a bad idea? Is there something he needs to roll to find out?

EDIT: I don't want to find out later, "Oh boy! Now that you're attuned, you can't become unattuned because it likes you so much! So... good luck with that promise there, O Foolish Flabtastic Feline!" =)

Da Chonk sez, "Oh oh!" =)
Psychie Psychie O.K.. So, in-character, is there any reason by way of Lunar lore, O Mighty Fat Cat's own knowledge, or the like that makes his attuning to Spellbreaker a bad idea? Is there something he needs to roll to find out?

EDIT: I don't want to find out later, "Oh boy! Now that you're attuned, you can't become unattuned because it likes you so much! So... good luck with that promise there, O Foolish Flabtastic Feline!"

Da Chonk sez, "Oh oh!"
The odds are very much against such a 'cursed' item. It takes a lot of work to forge an artifact, so deliberately designing into it some nasty trap that only affects the wielder is extremely rare. Only thing that you might be able to roll to identify is the slight chance to have a nugget of information about the item, and that would be Int + Lore with any First Age specialties added in.
The odds are very much against such a 'cursed' item. It takes a lot of work to forge an artifact, so deliberately designing into it some nasty trap that only affects the wielder is extremely rare. Only thing that you might be able to roll to identify is the slight chance to have a nugget of information about the item, and that would be Int + Lore with any First Age specialties added in.
Psychie Psychie Hah! There's a laugh. His total dice there are 2 (no specialties). He's built in other places. Still, anyone can get lucky! =)

I'm really not so much worried that it's trapped or anything like that (Da Chonk and I both imagine Luna would probably have warned him about something like that?). It's just that... at least to O Mighty Fat Cat, Spellbreaker is even more special than any he has ever laid his hands on. Not being careful at times like these might invite the possibility of Screwing Up Big Time. =)

Regardless of his roll, O Mighty Fat Cat will Attune with Spellbreaker. It seems like the right thing to do.
This is the point where I could be a very mean person and give you the 'Are you really sure?' line, but I'm a nice girl and I won't do that to you.
This is the point where I could be a very mean person and give you the 'Are you really sure?' line, but I'm a nice girl and I won't do that to you.
I hope not, because I trust the heck out of you and I'd believe you! 8D
Okies. I've made the changes on O Mighty Fat Cat's character sheet (on the Combat Stats tab). =)
Should I write a post to that effect? Or is that necessary? Exalted's rules on writing are not like most games I have time in. =)
Hmmm, yes. Go ahead and put up a post about you taking a few minutes to properly attune the chain and I'll move everyone forward soon.
Are these ten points able to be used before we start looking at the dead Celestial Lion?
Psychie Psychie I meant to write with Dreamy first, but the shock of the dead lion has gotten O Mighty Fat Cat's immediate attention in my head. I would like to use the following goodies:

1. Charmed Existence Merit.
2. Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars) (in case this is bait and we're about to be ambushed).
3. Enhanced Sense - Sight (•••) (p. 165, Core)
4. Keen Nose and Hearing: Great cats apply the double 9s rule on Perception-based rolls made using scent or hearing.
5. Is this a Wits + Survival roll? If so, he's got 5 dice plus any he might get from a Stunt.

Also... I realize after all of this, I haven't spent most of my XP. I do know this; I would like this Lunar Charm if it's all right?

Mountainous Spirit Expression (Lunars, p. 265)
Cost: —; Mins: Strength 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Archetype (Stamina)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Towering Beast Form
Suffusing her body with illimitable beast-power, the Lunar grows unto a gigantic monster of myth. She may activate Towering Beast Form to grant her current shape Legendary Size instead of changing into a different form. Clothing and moonsilver artifacts rescale with her for this Charm’s duration; equipment incompatible with her increased size vanishes Elsewhere.
That will be awesome to kick that Filial Wisdom's butt from one end of Rathess to the other! Woo!
That will be awesome to kick that Filial Wisdom's butt from one end of Rathess to the other! Woo!
Sorry, my ADHD, fatigue from this full day's events, and this full moon has me easily confused. Did I miss something important?

Da Chonk and I are only guessing that the celestial lion was killed by Filial Wisdom. Did Psychie confirm this and I'm just not seeing it somewhere? Otherwise, I don't get the "That will be..." part of this sentence. Please set me straight here? =)
Sorry to offer any confusion. I am of the opinion that Filial killed the Lion, and as such, we are probably going to be tangling it up with him in short order. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm thinking.
The comment I was making about the Charm is that being that big on your war form gives some serious advantages to you.
Sorry to offer any confusion. I am of the opinion that Filial killed the Lion, and as such, we are probably going to be tangling it up with him in short order. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm thinking.
Sherwood Sherwood Ah! O.K.. You are thinking it could be him too. Not a worry here - I'm lucky to be able to type coherently at the moment. Thanks for clarifying.

The comment I was making about the Charm is that being that big on your war form gives some serious advantages to you.
Yeah. Heh heh! I just... am charmed at the idea of a Godzilla-sized Fat Cat! Ha ha! The very idea of it just brings me joy! =) Of course, if Psychie says "no," well, she'll have her reasons and I don't need to know them to respect them because I respect her.

studio ghibli GIF
So many choices...I am a bit overwhelmed.

Can you all provide any suggestions or ideas for Mercy to use her XP on? I am still somewhat of a newbie for this system.

Psychie Psychie Can I raise her perception from 3 to 5 in this brief period of time or per your rules I need training time to do that?

There is one spell I am going to pick up so far, to fit with her flame theme and the rest of her fire spells:

1. Flight of the Brilliant Raptor

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