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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

A lot of it depends on what kind of focus you want for your character. You can spend your points to be an excellent generalist, with your fingers in a lot of pies and in a fight you can get along ok, but a combat focused character will come out ahead of you.

Also, in 3e, the old adage of 'the Solar is the very best at everything' is not as prominent as it was in second edition. Lunars have some Charms that can wipe the floor with a Solar if you put your effort into being the combat monster.
I'll gladly take your word on all that, Bud. I've put a lot of time and effort into O Mighty Fat Cat. I get the feeling that he's combat-capable (I'd be surprised if he wasn't at this point!). But as he stands, I don't want him weak nor do I want him nigh-unkillable if you follow my meaning. He's got the White Reaper Style and uses unarmed martial arts. Psychie has ruled that he uses Martial Arts in place of Brawl in all forms he's able to fight in.

You think that's enough? Or should I be on the hunt for a Scythe or Spear (White Reaper melee weapons)? Doing so means I'll have to invest in Melee too, won't it?
If he's already good enough in the combat department, then I'll spend my points in more fun things to do! =)
Or should I be on the hunt for a Scythe or Spear (White Reaper melee weapons)? Doing so means I'll have to invest in Melee too, won't it?
I haven't paid enough attention to Fat Cat's Stats to know whether you need a weapon; but the whole point of Martial Arts is that, if you're using that M-A style with a weapon designed for that M-A, then you roll Martial Arts because you're doing Martial Arts.

Correct in your game, Psychie Psychie ?
I apologize for not responding recently, my family and I have been under the weather and sick and then we had a trip out of town.
I apologize for not responding recently, my family and I have been under the weather and sick and then we had a trip out of town.
Eonivar Eonivar Yuck! I've been wondering where life has taken you. Thanks for checking in and posting! More importantly, I really hope you and your family recover and get your health back! Rest easy, eat well, and get lotsa sleep, good Eon! I want you to be healthy and happy again! =)
I'm hoping (yet again) for feedback on O Mighty Fat Cat. If he's good in the combat department, then I may go with the following XP expenditures:

35 XP available.

1. 10 XP - Brilliant Manifold armor Shifting Wardrobe Evocation (see Equipment if you're curious. Also, see the Charms tab/Future Charm Purchases? spoiler for descriptions).

2. 8 XP - Mountainous Spirit Expression (Lunars, p. 265) - What? A Legendary-sized O Mighty Fat Cat Catbus form?! That's a thing? And Da Chonk qualifies for it? TAKE MY XP! *throws XP at the computer screen* Wheeee!

3. 8 XP - Sinuous Striking Grace (p. 181, Lunar) - Initiative! The more I read about it, the more of it one wants to have and this will help.

4. 8 XP - Sense-Sharpening Change (Lunars, p. 236) - Perception is part of being a Deliverer (or Transporter if you prefer the term). So... it's either this or perhaps bumping Willpower up from 6 to 7 (as O Mighty Fat Cat really has done enough and done right by himself to get there). I'm not sure yet and will take advice as always.
Psychie Psychie I'm unclear what scope "Introducing a fact" can take.

Like, I'm pretty sure I can't introduce "Dunbar's key will allow free passage to the tomb" because that removes your agency as Storyteller (unless, of course, that's what it does).

But could I try to introduce "Dunbar's key provides warding such that, if its bearer tries to cross to the tomb, they will be able to retreat after suffering at most 1L damage"?
I haven't paid enough attention to Fat Cat's Stats to know whether you need a weapon; but the whole point of Martial Arts is that, if you're using that M-A style with a weapon designed for that M-A, then you roll Martial Arts because you're doing Martial Arts.

Correct in your game, Psychie Psychie ?
Psychie Psychie I remain interested in knowing the answer to this too. =)
That's how I read the combat rules, saying that you can use martial arts for that, but this isn't my game. The only reason that I wanted a high melee is to be able to afford the excellent defensive melee Charms. Otherwise Amara could simply stick to using her MA ability.
I read it the same way. Fat Cat shouldn't need melee since his attacks, both bare handed and with your artifact weapon, both use martial arts.
Psychie Psychie I'm unclear what scope "Introducing a fact" can take.

Like, I'm pretty sure I can't introduce "Dunbar's key will allow free passage to the tomb" because that removes your agency as Storyteller (unless, of course, that's what it does).

But could I try to introduce "Dunbar's key provides warding such that, if its bearer tries to cross to the tomb, they will be able to retreat after suffering at most 1L damage"?
You guys have not yet even tried to use the Key to get access to the door. For those that actually spoke to the ghost of Dunbar, he did say that the Key would get you into the tomb past the wards safely.
You guys have not yet even tried to use the Key to get access to the door. For those that actually spoke to the ghost of Dunbar, he did say that the Key would get you into the tomb past the wards safely.
Yeah, I remember. O Mighty Fat Cat didn't even meet Dunbar Kirk so I didn't want to use anything OOC in IC. =)
Aaand... I was unaware folks were posting in IC as I once again relied on Alerts.

Derp! Sorry for not posting. =)
You don't need to roll. With Exalted reflexes, you don't have much issue getting through the spinning metal weapons.
You don't need to roll. With Exalted reflexes, you don't have much issue getting through the spinning metal weapons.
Consider O Mighty Fat Cat patting Aredin on the shoulder then! =)
Amara looks up at the expanse of the murals in wonder, slowly walking around to observe the great deeds of this noble Exalt. She doesn't touch anything; to do so here would be akin to sacrilege.

Once she finishes her circle of the dome, she finally turns to the statue and the final resting place of Mor'du. She slowly lowers herself to a kneeling position with her head bowed low. Spending a mote of Essence to flare her caste mark, she looks up and says, "Holy Luna, I am Amara Kaji, Chosen of the Sun, and I humbly come here on a quest. We seek the artifact Spellbreaker that lies interred with the remains of the great Lunar Exalt known as Mor'du. We are in need of it to free an ancient spirit from a deadly curse. We promise that anything else sealed inside his tomb will not be disturbed, as we are not lowly grave robbers. We ask for your forgiveness as we work to open the tomb and recover the lost artifact."

Nice post except this is going to make a liar out of my character:

"Guardians, please forgive my naivety and lack of knowledge of de traditions of Rathess. My Solar friends and I have come to bring peace to anotha dead spirit and his blessed forest elemental guardian. Dey are troubled by a third who makes dem suffer wit his black heart and violent ways. For dem, we have come to seek de blessing of a child of Luna, Mor'du. It is said dat in his tomb lies a relic called Spellbreaker. Dis relic can remove de wicked man and bring peace to our dead Solar ally and his guardian. To dis end, I have promised wit Luna as me witness."

Glancing once more to his Circle with perhaps a touch of hope in his features, O Mighty Fat Cat asks the great lion guardians. "I ask of you. Would you please tell us de way to Mor'du's tomb dat we might disturb no otha in our search? Once dere, I wish to pray for Mor'du's spirit to show himself - for wit Luna, all tings are possible. I wish only to ask him if Mor'du will allow us to borrow Spellbreaker; I know nutting of sorcery, but I wish to do right by my fellow Lunar.

"My friends and I have risked our lives to come here; I will risk my life to return Spellbreaker to him. For de freedom of de restless dead an' de living, I beseech you." O Mighty Fat Cat opens his palms once more. His expression is filled with serious anticipation.

"What say you, guardians of de Lunar dead?"
(bold mine)

Oh well. The game goes on.
Just say what Fat Cat has to say.
That's the problem. Fat Cat still sees every Solar in his Circle as more experienced, more powerful, having higher knowledge, knowing better, etc. etc. than he does. These are Solars after all. Aredin alone has far more experience in adventuring than Da Chonk.

This is why I didn't have Da Chonk ask for Dunbar Kirk's key. I thought the key was all we needed; having never met Dunbar, O Mighty Fat Cat had no such knowledge and I had him act accordingly.

You may have noticed that Da Chonk defers to everyone but Mercy's Demon Wasp in the Circle? He honestly thinks they all know better. Here? He honestly believes Amara knows something he doesn't. So he's not about to challenge her about this, even as the only Lunar in this Lunar's tomb.
That's the problem. Fat Cat still sees every Solar in his Circle as more experienced, more powerful, having higher knowledge, knowing better, etc. etc. than he does. These are Solars after all. Aredin alone has far more experience in adventuring than Da Chonk.

This is why I didn't have Da Chonk ask for Dunbar Kirk's key. I thought the key was all we needed; having never met Dunbar, O Mighty Fat Cat had no such knowledge and I had him act accordingly.

You may have noticed that Da Chonk defers to everyone but Mercy's Demon Wasp in the Circle? He honestly thinks they all know better. Here? He honestly believes Amara knows something he doesn't. So he's not about to challenge her about this, even as the only Lunar in this Lunar's tomb.
Your roleplaying instincts are strong.

I'd suggest either Fat Cat just speaks in accordance with his beliefs that the Solars know best, and that causes him in character angst; or you allow yourself, in the presence of Luna, to find the confidence of your exaltation
Once again, I have made the bumbling error of relying on RP Nation's Alert program to tell me new posts are up in-game. Lucky I checked just now.

I will see precisely how O Mighty Fat Cat feels and post accordingly. =)

I can tell you one thing, though - he is jubilant at the evident presence of Mor'du himself! Woo! Excited! 8D

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