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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Yes. It is a common thing for Luna to appear at the moment of Exaltation of her Chosen, so you have literally met your patron before. It is her voice you hear now, and you can feel her divine presence.
Yes. It is a common thing for Luna to appear at the moment of Exaltation of her Chosen, so you have literally met your patron before. It is her voice you hear now, and you can feel her divine presence.
Oh! When next O Mighty Fat Cat is in my head (and not the Splicers character who is introducing himself to me hour by hour), I will find his thoughts and post them! =)
Thanks for all of the Well-writtens, friends! Hearts, Great Scenes, Likes - any of that stuff just makes me feel good! =)
Mercy had found herself wrapped up in taking in the Murals, focused on absorbing all of that new information, her mind forming many questions at the various scenes.

Until the statue's movement and Luna's appearance caused her to stop in her tracks and the small slight hooded woman turned to gaze upon the glory of the mighty spirit. She immediately fell to her knees before it and gazed in wonder speechless. Mercy was in shock as Luna addressed the mighty Fat Cat her child. She had so many questions. So many things she wanted to find out from the mighty mother of the moon. Yet she was overwhelmed by Luna presence, and remained silent while tears fell down upon Twilight Caste's face.

A very pink sheen formed on Mercy's face upon Fat Cat's mentioning of her to Luna.

Then Fat Cat performed his oath and Luna left their presence. Mercy stood up and wiped her face turning away in the shadows not to show anyone her emotions, before turning back to view the opening of the tomb behind her brothers and sister.
Eonivar Eonivar Hey! Just wanted to tell you - I really liked this post of yours. It shows a lot about Mercy. I'm glad you're still playing her, Eon! =)
Hey! Just wanted to tell you - I really liked this post of yours. It shows a lot about Mercy. I'm glad you're still playing her, Eon! =)
Aww thanks Dann...Mercy has kind of developed since we started playing and i have enjoyed writing her and I could not just stop doing so. Things are beginning to settle down here on my end thankfully so I can keep going with this wonderful adventure.
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Aww thanks Dann...Mercy has kind of developed since we started playing and i have enjoyed writing her and I could not just stop doing so. Things are beginning to settle down here on my end thankfully so I can keep going with this wonderful adventure.
That's terrific news! =)
(I don't mean to tease you Psychie; I just mean to have some fun!)

Carefully and with reverence, Far Cat
Ah! The Adventures of Far Cat! And his sidekick, Near Cat! And their irrepressible mascot, Meerkat!

Who is far more responsible than their previous mascot, Beer Cat!

Fun, fun, fun!

Honor and fun,
Far Dann! 8D
Careful, Dann! With all those cat puns, you might end up in . . . The DogHouse!
This may end up a “Cat-tastrophy” just by the puns alone ;-)
since you are in possession of Spellbreaker, do you wish to attune the artifact?
Ahh! Psychie Psychie That thought never sprang to my mind. I think I've been so focused on helping get Spellbreaker back to Dunbar that I never thought to ask. I've been under the impression that "Dunbar needs Spellbreaker to break the curse" not "someone in the party should use Spellbreaker to help Dunbar break the curse."

If I'm off here in my thinking, let me know?

Is there any reason that O Mighty Fat Cat knows from his Lunar background to say "yea" or "nay" to attuning?
Without stepping on storyteller toes, I can say that in order for the artifact to be used, it has to be attuned to a wielder. Psychie Psychie can we get a description of just what Spellbreaker can do?
Without stepping on storyteller toes, I can say that in order for the artifact to be used, it has to be attuned to a wielder. Psychie Psychie can we get a description of just what Spellbreaker can do?
Maybe that's why she's asking if Da Chonk wants to attune to it - so we can find out what it does in-character?

I see that there are Artifacts that are "Exalted-friendly" via their metals and makes, but are there artifacts that are only meant for certain Exalted... "species" for lack of better term? I mean, here's this Spellbreaker, in a Lunar's tomb, bequeathed by Luna herself. But we need it to solve a purely Solar problem (well, Wood Elemental if you add in Antonia too).

I just don't want O Mighty Fat Cat to attune to it only to find out that he's... somehow lessening their chances of freeing Dunbar or something?

Overactive imagination! Be curious all of the time! Wooo! 8D
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The description that Psy has given of Spellbreaker says it is made of a blend of various magical materials, so it doesn't sound like it is made to be just for one kind of Exalt.
The description that Psy has given of Spellbreaker says it is made of a blend of various magical materials, so it doesn't sound like it is made to be just for one kind of Exalt.
Yeah, I got that. Starmetal and Moonsilver.

Let me put the question another way - is there any reason Da Chonk shouldn't be attuning with this thing? =)
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Mechanically, I don't think so. There is, to my knowledge, no reason why you cannot.
Mechanically, I don't think so. There is, to my knowledge, no reason why you cannot.
Thanks. =) Sometimes a guy gets bit in the butt if he doesn't ask questions in games he's not "attuned to" if you catch my drift. =)
When Attuned with 5 motes, Spellbreaker is capable of not only disrupting spells that have just been cast of all three Circles of Sorcery, but it can also disrupt existing and fully active spells of all three Circles. Each time the chain 'breaks' a spell, it unleashes deleterious environmental effects dependent on the Circle of spell being disrupted. Terrestrial Circles create a bit of a bang and a flash of Essence capable of starting fires in nearby flammable materials, while spells of Sapphire and Adamant levels with exponentially increasing levels of collateral damage.

It cannot disrupt such spells as Summon Demon of any Circle, or the Summon Elemental spell except in the active casting phase of the spell and not after the demon/elemental have been summoned. At that point, the magic has already been cast and it is too late.
When Attuned with 5 motes, Spellbreaker is capable of not only disrupting spells that have just been cast of all three Circles of Sorcery, but it can also disrupt existing and fully active spells of all three Circles. Each time the chain 'breaks' a spell, it unleashes deleterious environmental effects dependent on the Circle of spell being disrupted. Terrestrial Circles create a bit of a bang and a flash of Essence capable of starting fires in nearby flammable materials, while spells of Sapphire and Adamant levels with exponentially increasing levels of collateral damage.

It cannot disrupt such spells as Summon Demon of any Circle, or the Summon Elemental spell except in the active casting phase of the spell and not after the demon/elemental have been summoned. At that point, the magic has already been cast and it is too late.
Psychie Psychie We do or do not know this in-character?

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