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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Folks, O Mighty Fat Cat's first thought is, "We are being jumped by hundreds of human-cooking natives (cannibals) and we are on their home ground out in the open where they have the advantage. O Mighty Fat Cat wants to gather the whole circle onto his Fat Cat back and, using Charms to cover his tracks, speedily get the heck out of here and toward, if not into, the tomb we are trying to get to.

I can only imagine that the sound of hundreds of people coming ought to be easily picked up by us, and like people fleeing from a crashing avalanche, we can surmise that where it is quiet is where there are less bad guys.

With that logic, do you guys mind if O Mighty Fat Cat begins throwing Circle members onto his howdah and at the very least moving to a better-defensive location? Preferably the tomb we're trying to find?
Even with the numbers we are looking at, it is most likely that we could take them in a fight, given our ability to dish out damage. But that would involve slaughtering a whole lot of them before the rest break and run. Given that we are here to get the artifact from the tomb and not to fight off hordes of cannibalistic savages, lets get to the tomb.

My only concern is that there might be wards or traps around the walls that might be sprung if we try to slip in through the holes in the wall. Does the All Encompassing Sorcerers Sight still pick up on the Essence flows of active magic that might still linger in the area? I bring this up because there is clearly something at work to discourage the onrushing hordes from going too close to the necropolis, or else there would be more tracks and signs of their encroachment into the area.
I concur with Sherwood. As a general rule, a horde of mortals (presumably) isn't much of a threat to us as a group. Whatever leads them on the other hand, that might be. We can't tell whether or not that is the case yet though. However, unless whatever leads them is a handful of supernatural combatants, we actually have the numbers advantage right now. So it's no sweat for us to go about our business for the time being. We just need to tread carefully and keep an eye out for traps, as normal for a treasure hunt.
I believe we are going to make our way to the tomb and not face the horde.
Been in a similar situation here and distracted with an upcoming job change that's taking awhile.
Rykon Rykon Good luck with the job change, man! =)

Chowlett Chowlett I laughed out loud when I read this!
I'd also like to see if I can guess whether the crumbling wall or the GLOWING ORICHALCUM GATE is the safer point of ingress, in terms of where wards were likely to be placed, for which I'm going to guess at Int+Occult. 5 successes
I don't recall you ever using all caps before! Must be important, this gate! Ha ha ha!
Heya Eon! Eonivar Eonivar

Mercy looked over at the gate which Glade had pointed to. Mercy leaned over close to Fat Cats large right ear, her cloak blowing back in the breeze. She leaned and spoke gently to Fat Cat slowly so he could hear her easily while flying in the breeze. She pointed so his eye could see her outstretched hand.

"Ok, Fat Cat, can you bring us down close to the gate there so we can get a close look at it?"

O Mighty Fat Cat transformed into his Fat Cat (animal) form upon arrival. Everyone is now on his howdah. So we're not flying. =)

O Mighty Fat Cat decides to focus on his Luna-given powers to transform from one of the mightiest birds upon Creation to certainly one of the most unusual cats of the day - his Fat Cat animal form!

studio ghibli GIF

"Urrr-r-r-owr!" he exclaims excitedly as he becomes a humongous furry cat.
O Mighty Fat Cat transformed into his Fat Cat (animal) form upon arrival. Everyone is now on his howdah. So we're not flying. =)
No worries, I have edited my post accordingly.
I don't recall you ever using all caps before! Must be important, this gate! Ha ha ha!
It's like a cinematic / cartoon moment - dramatic music, the camera pans along the wall, heavy drum beats marking each crumbled section that could provide entry; then the GLOWING ORICHALCUM GATE slides into view, accompanied by an angelic choir chanting in probably-Latin.
It's like a cinematic / cartoon moment - dramatic music, the camera pans along the wall, heavy drum beats marking each crumbled section that could provide entry; then the GLOWING ORICHALCUM GATE slides into view, accompanied by an angelic choir chanting in probably-Latin.
You are not wrong! Ha ha!
Flying up and out of the area is going to be the easiest way to get clear if things go badly. The next best way to make an escape will be to go either to the left or the right along the walls. Your final option is to charge into the growing horde of cannibals and trust in your Exalted nature to get through.

After a quick look at the gate, Fat Cat has a thought on the tip of the tongue that just won't slip out, something about the gate looks familiar but you just can't place it.
Psychie Psychie Is there something I could be rolling here to help Da Chonk better understand what he's looking at or has that roll already been made? I'll spend a Willpower point and take on any Exalted-style (I can't think of the word - writing that adds bonuses. Stunt?) to improve his odds.
Psychie Psychie Is there something I could be rolling here to help Da Chonk better understand what he's looking at or has that roll already been made? I'll spend a Willpower point and take on any Exalted-style (I can't think of the word - writing that adds bonuses. Stunt?) to improve his odds.
I did a roll for you and you missed the target number by one. If you want to have me roll again, it will increase your difficulty slightly, but the willpower point will cancel that out. Then any stunt, or to be more accurate, a good description of what you want to do, will net you more dice to your pool.
Well, if anyone can come up with a good description, it's my bud Dannigan!
I did a roll for you and you missed the target number by one. If you want to have me roll again, it will increase your difficulty slightly, but the willpower point will cancel that out. Then any stunt, or to be more accurate, a good description of what you want to do, will net you more dice to your pool.
O.K.. Except that I'm not entirely certain what the problem is. I see that O Mighty Fat Cat is looking at a glowing gate made of magical metal and something about it reminds him of something else. I'd like to try again.

Let's see what I can do with my brain today (it's been an odd day, but there has been fun in it!).

I believe it. I've long said he had the soul of a storyteller, and I don't just mean the kind that runs a good game.
It's true. I remember when you had joined us for Robotech: Broadsword. I had written a few posts concerning Toph and her introduction/prelude into the game. Not long afterward, you asked if I wrote professionally. Quite a compliment!

Thanks for the love, you two! Let's see what O Mighty Fat Cat and I do here with this currently-fuzzy brain of mine.
No rush, my friend. Write when you are feeling up to it.
Whew... That's all I've got tonight. I've erased the spent Willpower point. The rest is up to the fickleness of fate and the roll of the tumbling dice.
I am Filial Wisdom, Master of Rathess!
Psychie Psychie Does this name ring a bell to anyone in our Circle?

"Filial Wisdom?" Like... "son of wisdom?" Not with the way the guy is coming off! Maybe his idea of wisdom is all in his head? =)
Psychie Psychie Does this name ring a bell to anyone in our Circle?

"Filial Wisdom?" Like... "son of wisdom?" Not with the way the guy is coming off! Maybe his idea of wisdom is all in his head? =)
Yes, you have heard that name before. If he is the same man, he has been a thorn in the side of the Guild in the southwest for over fifty years, leading hordes of his followers (which number at least in the hundreds) for over fifty years. His base of operation has long been a mystery.
Fifty years is a long time, even for a Solar in this Age. If it is the same person (and we are not dealing with a 'Dread Pirate Roberts' situation), he will most likely possess a higher permanent Essence than us. I'm guessing a two or three, which puts him into the definite threat to all of us level.

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