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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

I am thinking of adding the next Charm of my sword martial arts style to Amara, along with Fivefold Bulwark Stance. That leaves me with nine xp left and I'm debating on what to do with those points. Maybe Soaring Crane Leap, or another dot of Willpower.
I will post when Real Life allows (I am not out of the woods yet; my fever broke this morning. I can chat; I just can't get any but a handful of my own characters in my head and none of them are in this game, I'm afraid).

Psychie Psychie I have some Exalted questions for you. What are ALL of the benefits of having PCs promote from Essence 1 to Essence 2? Is there more to this than the xp-wall for better, er, everything or is there something else to it?

For example, do our Avatars change (if I'm using that word right)?
The two big benefits to having a higher Essence is:

1. There is an increase in your Essence pools.

2. All Charms with a prerequisite of E2 is now available to purchase.
Gaining Essence is like levelling up in D&D in a way, it grants all sorts of various things usually written in the ability, like for example Mercy can now summon and 'pokemon' another demon like she has with her Demon Wasp, basically enabling her to summon another demon out of thin air to do her bidding. I may go with one of the Demon Ape things (open to ideas..)...but unfortunately there is very little time at the moment for her set up such a ritual ;-)

There are a lot of written charms and sorcery, and abilities even in artifacts that take in account for Essence.

Unfortunately for Mercy, she has to wait for Essence 3 (and probably some sort of side quest...) to get to Celestial Sorcery
Gaining Essence is like levelling up in D&D in a way, it grants all sorts of various things usually written in the ability, like for example Mercy can now summon and 'pokemon' another demon like she has with her Demon Wasp, basically enabling her to summon another demon out of thin air to do her bidding. I may go with one of the Demon Ape things (open to ideas..)...but unfortunately there is very little time at the moment for her set up such a ritual ;-)

There are a lot of written charms and sorcery, and abilities even in artifacts that take in account for Essence.

Unfortunately for Mercy, she has to wait for Essence 3 (and probably some sort of side quest...) to get to Celestial Sorcery
Mercy is to become a demon-summoning Celestial sorceress? What a combination! =)

Why is Celestial Sorcery fun? =)

Do all Exalted enjoy the same rough benefits for rising in Essence or is it different from, say, Solars to Lunars?
Mercy is to become a demon-summoning Celestial sorceress? What a combination! =)

Why is Celestial Sorcery fun? =)

Do all Exalted enjoy the same rough benefits for rising in Essence or is it different from, say, Solars to Lunars?
Spells of the Celestial Circle are an order of magnitude more powerful than Terrestrial Circle ones, and the spells of the Solar Circle are even nastier than that. Some spells of that third circle can be used to attack entire cities and lay waste to them. I have never seen Solar level spells in use before, but what little reading I've done helps me to understand just how the First Age Solars kept themselves in power for so long.

To answer you other question, yes, the different kinds of Exalt get the same kind of benefit to raising their Essence.

Solars have one ability known as their Supernal ability that is chosen at character creation. The Charms in this one ability treat your permanent Essence as if it were five dots. Using my character as an example, her Supernal ability is Martial Arts, which let me purchase Charms with a prerequisite of two and three at Essence One, such as the Form Charm of Amara's Style that gives her an extra initiative track for her sword. If I didn't have Martial Arts as my one special skill I would have had to wait to be able to purchase it.
If I didn't have Martial Arts as my one special skill I would have had to wait to be able to purchase it.
And, from what you have described, what a long wait that would be (if ever)!

Yours is a delightful explanation, Bud! I'm not surprised because it's you, I'm just feeling wiser having read it. =)
The physical Exalted 3.0 Sidereal book is still in the works. Psychie Psychie Will folks be allowed to change characters to play something from this book? (May as well ask now before it goes live.)
The physical Exalted 3.0 Sidereal book is still in the works. Psychie Psychie Will folks be allowed to change characters to play something from this book? (May as well ask now before it goes live.)
Hmm. I don't see why you couldn't switch your character about, especially now that you have had a taste of Exalted 3rd Edition.

Sidereal Exalted have a few special perks to them that make the class unique. I wouldn't be against the idea of a Sidereal in the party. We'd just need to get you a PDF of the manuscript.
Hmm. I don't see why you couldn't switch your character about, especially now that you have had a taste of Exalted 3rd Edition.
Psychie Psychie Thank you. To be clear, this is only a curiosity on my part, asked in part in case any of the more experienced Exalted players here might be curious too.

I have no intention to change from playing my delightful O Mighty Fat Cat. In my view, he has become a more valuable part of the circle than I initially imagined, and a character I dearly enjoy playing. =)

Sidereal Exalted have a few special perks to them that make the class unique. I wouldn't be against the idea of a Sidereal in the party. We'd just need to get you a PDF of the manuscript.
I am part of the Sidereals: Charting Fate's Course Kickstarter.

Said manuscript is still in its "beta" stage if you will. It is not for public view (not that you were asking for it).

They've come a long way and, while I am often too deep in my own games to spend all but a cursory amount of time in Sidereals, I feel this kickstarter is really good. I am so glad to be a part of it even if I don't understand the game that well! Ha ha!

I can't wait until it all goes public and the book is in all of our hands. =)
Hey guys, not to be pushy, but right now Amara is a bit clueless as to how to open the gate since she was busy with the standoff against Filial Wisdom. Can someone that has IC knowledge of how to do this chime in? Thank you!
Yeah, sure, that's Mercy and Glade's job. Had quite a lot of Life this month (nothing traumatic, just car purchases and some family birthday trips eating spare time) - I'll try to post and maybe even spend XP in the next few days.
Real Life always comes first. I just don't want to have this game fizzle out. I am really enjoying it so far.
Real Life always comes first. I just don't want to have this game fizzle out. I am really enjoying it so far.
Thank you. I have had fun running this game so far, and I just hope that the chapters after you get the artifact are just as enjoyable for everyone.
maybe even spend XP in the next few days.

Curses to the rule about using Supplemental charms only on their matching Ability!

I can reach Awakening Eye in the Awareness tree. If only I could use it... Glade already rolls JB with 10 dice (Dex + Stealth), can reroll that keeping 10s for 1m, and enters Stealth if (as is quite likely) that beats the opposing JB rolls. Awakening Eye costs a pretty steep 5m, 1wp; but it adds a free full Per+Awa excellency (another 9 dice); and makes every 10 rolled reroll a non-success (cascading - if those are in turn 10s, they themselves prompt a reroll), and each such non-success that converts to a success grants a free success to later detect hidden combatants.

Back to the drawing board, I guess!
Chowlett Chowlett I am understanding, at best, half of this shop talk ("JB?" "10s?" etc.), but I hope you find an alternate path to get what you want if you can't get this? Best of luck? =)

Psychie Psychie I am certain that my math on my character sheet is wrong. I don't know how much Essence I have available.

I would like O Mighty Fat Cat to spend all but two available Essence into opening the gate? Is that feasible?
Sorry jaydude jaydude - maths error. We need to give 1/5 of our Peripheral pool (8 each) so that 7*8 is 56. Was plainly asleep this morning.

Of course, if Fat Cat spends all but 2 motes, then that will be much more than we need, but I don't know if Glade can know that.

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