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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

The group seems to be in agreement with an approach under tactful caution. So I think we will indeed go for the approach from the east to immediately make landing in the district containing the tombs.

Edit: As for XP, I see no reason to revise Aredin's progression plan just yet. So looks like next up is Call the Blade.
Psychie Psychie Question! O Mighty Fat Cat's awesome Silken Armor, Brilliant Manifold, has a power, Shifting Wardrobe, that transforms it and more. Does this power, if purchased, include the power to change the howdah?

Shifting Wardrobe ✔✔✔​

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

For one mote of Essence and a moment of concentration, the Shifting Silks will change their form into any clothing the wearer can imagine and will remain so changed until uncommitted. This outfit can change radically, from little more than a series of overlapping scarves to full robes, or full Dynast plate armor. The "Silks" mentioned in the name is misleading, as the Shifting Silks can mimic leather, metal, and hemp just as easily as they mimic silk. The clothes appear real in every manner (sight, touch, sound, etc.), but their true nature may be revealed using certain charms which identify the presence of ongoing sorceries (e.g. All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight) or strip away magical disguises (e.g. Eye of the Unconquered Sun).

Furthermore, the artifact has the ability to emulate the surroundings of the wearer, dampen sounds, and neutralize scents, making her difficult to detect if she wishes, giving her a +2 bonus to all stealth related rolls and making her nearly imperceptible to mundane senses when fully at rest. To shift the form of the Shifting Silks in any way, whether color, jewelry, camouflage, or scent, costs one mote of essence.
O Mighty Fat Cat be like:
corvette dubs GIF
I saw in another game of ours that Purr Purr is down with a migraine. I was originally planning on seeing how he wanted to approach the city, be it by air or on foot, before posting the approach to Rathess.

I have not forgotten about the game, just so everyone knows.
I saw in another game of ours that Purr Purr is down with a migraine. I was originally planning on seeing how he wanted to approach the city, be it by air or on foot, before posting the approach to Rathess.

I have not forgotten about the game, just so everyone knows.
Psychie Psychie Definitely by air. I am thinking of a high altitude approach, say, a couple thousand feet above the ground here. High enough to keep us out of enemy fire like bows, arbalests, etc. but low enough not to impede anyone's ability to breathe well. If O Mighty Fat Cat's bird-eyes are able to spot the tombs we need, could we fly well above Rathess, then, once almost directly above the tombs, we could start a slow and leisurely spiral-style descent? Come down until we can find a good defensible vantage point?

I would like not to land (because Da Chonk's Roc form is utterly humongous), but to drop the Circle off and then transform into another smaller form to quickly rejoin the Circle? I don't want O Mighty Fat Roc's wingbeats to disturb the tombs (perhaps if he could come in with a slow glide?). Most of all, I'm looking for safe, defensible, silent, and convenient for all involved? I'm going for silent because I think the less things that hear us inside the tombs below, the better.

What are your thoughts?
I can work with this. I'll have an IC post up in a bit, now that i know what you want to do.
Thanks for your patience! The past 5 days have been a roller coaster but it makes me feel good to be alive! =)
I'd be O.K. (or better off) if they didn't last a minimum of 72 hours... Heh! =)
I had forgotten that you were training up your Awareness, too. Yes, the new total is in effect now.

Go ahead and take on two new Specialties for HAM.
Thanks - I've added specialties for The First Age and Mortal settlements (bearing in mind my Lore is scoped to "Shamanistic knowledge of the eastern forests" overall).

Slowly adding in my charm texts to the character sheet so I don't have to keep referring to The Book! Maybe then I'll know what to spend XP on - I found "Mists of Eventide", which sounded useful.
Psychie Psychie

I am getting back on track and up to date, and going to post soon, and spent some more of Mercy's xp, raising her Awareness from 1 to 2, and then from 2 to 3, and also adding the Occult Charm Ghost Eating Technique.

For Awareness I figure she would learn from the others from her circle the proper techniques of noticing things during their journey. For the charm, I figured after spending time in the library of the manse, she may have figured out how Solars from the past could damage and destroy spirits.

Per book learning these takes about eight days total (2 days for Awareness from 1 to 2, 3 days for Awareness 2 to 3, and 3 days for the charm) , that seemed to be about right in terms of their travel time to Rathless. We can assume she had started training a bit before they stopped in the town too.

If any of these are out of order or if they will not work, please let me know and I can remove them no problem.
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Psychie Psychie Having examined Rathess from above and now having landed, O Mighty Fat Cat would like to use his big peepers, nose, and ears to tell him what they will of Rathess? Did he or does he spot anything which is unusual (well, more than unusual)?

Using Enhanced Sense (Sight), Keen Nose and Hearing, and his Charm, Ever-Wary Fox Technique. O Mighty Fat Cat has Perception (4), Awareness (3).

Enhanced Sense - Sight
One of the character’s senses becomes preternaturally acute, like that of a wild animal. The character adds two dice to all Perception rolls related to that sense.

Drawback: This Merit is physically obvious in unusual eye color or shape, large ears, an elongated nose, or some other similar mutation.

* * *​

Keen Nose and Hearing: Great cats apply the double 9s rule on Perception-based rolls made using scent or hearing.

* * *​

Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars)
Cost: 3m; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar faces many foes and perils, cultivating a keen instinct for danger. She adds a non-Charm success on a roll opposing Stealth or to detect a hidden peril such as a trap, poisoned drink, or approaching storm. She may use this Charm to make such Perception rolls while asleep or incapacitated, removing any penalty she might suffer from such states, including that of Bear Sleep Technique. She may awaken instantly upon successfully detecting a threat, or even revive herself from unconsciousness if incapacitated, though she still suffers the effects of incapacitation.

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