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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

After a review, no changes to past decisions. Just spending accrued XP according to the wishlist and planned order I set awhile back. I remember back when I set the order to things I was expecting the group to wanna be more action focused, so I doubt Aredin's charms will look much like one would expect of an Eclipse for sometime.
How did you spend your XP for Aredin? How do you want to use said Charms? =)
How did you spend your XP for Aredin? How do you want to use said Charms? =)
Everything is outlined in his advancement tab for the foreseeable future (and beyond if I'm being honest), but based on what we've earned thus far, he's learned the melee charm One Weapon, Two Blows which will help his action economy and a couple of dots of Athletics to cap out at 5 as a special tool he'll need later for Leaping Tiger Attack if I recall correctly.

Up next are a few more melee charms and Ox-bodies before he starts leaning into Ride and Sail a little bit in Essence 2 for adventure utility and general rule of cool type stuff.
In reviewing Mercy, the only thing I adjusted for her was moved 1 point of Awareness to get one point of Linguistics. I made no sense for Mercy not being able to write and read languages.

I am reviewing options to spend her xp and solar xp...so we will see about that.
Everything is outlined in his advancement tab for the foreseeable future (and beyond if I'm being honest), but based on what we've earned thus far, he's learned the melee charm One Weapon, Two Blows which will help his action economy and a couple of dots of Athletics to cap out at 5 as a special tool he'll need later for Leaping Tiger Attack if I recall correctly.

Up next are a few more melee charms and Ox-bodies before he starts leaning into Ride and Sail a little bit in Essence 2 for adventure utility and general rule of cool type stuff.
Neat (I like Aredin's new pic too. Talk about laid back)! But all of this will take time to sort out, right? Psychie mentioned that every dot we've got above 3 takes 1 in-game week go up (like Da Chonk's Perception from 3 to 4). So going from 3 to 5 will take 2 in-game weeks? (Maybe this seems obvious, but I'm feeling lucky to understand what I know of my own character - I don't pretend to understand anyone else's! Hah!)

How do things change for us when we hit Essence 2 again? We receive more Motes and Charms and Evocations with Essence 2 unlock (maybe a good reason to stock up XP to open some up the moment they become available) if I understand correctly. What else changes?
Neat (I like Aredin's new pic too. Talk about laid back)! But all of this will take time to sort out, right? Psychie mentioned that every dot we've got above 3 takes 1 in-game week go up (like Da Chonk's Perception from 3 to 4). So going from 3 to 5 will take 2 in-game weeks? (Maybe this seems obvious, but I'm feeling lucky to understand what I know of my own character - I don't pretend to understand anyone else's! Hah!)

How do things change for us when we hit Essence 2 again? We receive more Motes and Charms and Evocations with Essence 2 unlock (maybe a good reason to stock up XP to open some up the moment they become available) if I understand correctly. What else changes?
So we unlock Essence 2 once we've spent enough baseline XP to reach a certain threshold. These are a little different for each Exalt type.

But yeah you're largely right, it gets us more motes and lets us reach the minimum requirements for more charms (including Evocations and Martial Arts).
In reviewing Mercy, the only thing I adjusted for her was moved 1 point of Awareness to get one point of Linguistics. I made no sense for Mercy not being able to write and read languages.

I am reviewing options to spend her xp and solar xp...so we will see about that.
Yeah, it would certainly puzzle O Mighty Fat Cat to learn Mercy could not read and write. If sorcery is Mercy's "shtick," and only she and Silent Glade can cast (forgive me if I'm missing someone there), can they combine their sorceries to do neater stuff?
So we unlock Essence 2 once we've spent enough baseline XP to reach a certain threshold. These are a little different for each Exalt type.

But yeah you're largely right, it gets us more motes and lets us reach the minimum requirements for more charms (including Evocations and Martial Arts).
Cool! I'm largely thinking of this game as I do, say, a D&D game where everyone has their own special thing(s) they can do and things they can do to aid the Circle. I have just spent every last XP belonging to O Mighty Fat Cat (and the results are terrific!), but is there something my guy can be doing to aid the group more?
As far as traditional support nothing comes immediately to mind. Outside of contributing to action scenes like combat, is there anything you would find fun for Da Chonk to engage in like a profession or hobby?
As far as traditional support nothing comes immediately to mind. Outside of contributing to action scenes like combat, is there anything you would find fun for Da Chonk to engage in like a profession or hobby?
Ahh... That's where I'm kind of stuck! He is a deliverer (transporter) by trade and he loves to travel. I would love to throw more languages into him but at 3 XP a pop, I am left wondering if it would be better to find an Artifact out there that acted like a language translator. But I don't know of any!

More later - Real Life beckons! See you and stay safe everybody! =)
Ahh... That's where I'm kind of stuck! He is a deliverer (transporter) by trade and he loves to travel. I would love to throw more languages into him but at 3 XP a pop, I am left wondering if it would be better to find an Artifact out there that acted like a language translator. But I don't know of any!

More later - Real Life beckons! See you and stay safe everybody! =)
Some random shower thoughts type stuff before bed...

For delivery work, you could specialize a little more in the covert side of delivery/smuggling by investing in stealth and disguise. Best-paying delivery jobs are the ones that can pass through the blockades and barricades after all.
Sorry for not posting in-game with all of the Solar-chat going on. I'm still not quite certain how to have Da Chonk just show up without his old sword and armor and with his new gear and sudden martial arts knowledge.

Psychie Psychie Is it all right with you to say that O Mighty Fat Cat had it all happen last night? Say, Luna had him perform a prayer, and long story short, he returns to the village after having spent the night outdoors under the moon, perhaps celebrating with some of the villagers? I don't want to tie the game up with his changes.
Sorry for not posting in-game with all of the Solar-chat going on. I'm still not quite certain how to have Da Chonk just show up without his old sword and armor and with his new gear and sudden martial arts knowledge.

Psychie Psychie Is it all right with you to say that O Mighty Fat Cat had it all happen last night? Say, Luna had him perform a prayer, and long story short, he returns to the village after having spent the night outdoors under the moon, perhaps celebrating with some of the villagers? I don't want to tie the game up with his changes.
I'm good with that.
Sorry for not posting again - I do mean to. Real Life has gotten in the way this time (combination of migraines exacerbated by the chest-cold I caught - which makes every time I coughed painful on the left frontal lobe of my dear brain). I don't normally get ill but this time life came at me from multiple sides and well, here I am!).

Thankfully, I believe the worst has passed (I've been typing when I can) and I hope to post sometime today. Hope you guys and gals are in good health! =)
Poor guy. I hate it when I'm sick, so I can only guess how miserable your are with the migraine going on at the same time. Get better soon, then you can worry about posting.
I will be fine sooner rather than later. See, I know this Kaerri Kaerri and she knew I was down, see, and so she brought me home some Chinese food - vegetables and lean-cut meats! Yum yum! I am on vacation for about two weeks starting today. I am looking forward to this time away from work and being at home with Kaerri. =)

EDIT: But for now, I am just going to lie down again. Wheee. =)
Yeah, hope you feel better Purr Purr , these past couple weeks have just been busy for me.
Thanks, you guys! You make me feel good. The coughing up phlegm stage is finally gone (yellow only, no green! Hooray!). Now it's just a matter of lasting through what should be a 72-hour migraine (on average). Side note: Anybody who gets a headache and a migraine confused has never had a migraine. Headaches are annoying mildly-painful inconveniences; true migraines are Darth Vader's crushing hand, not around your throat, but around either the right or left-side of the frontal lobe of your brain. And he doesn't let up for 3 freaking days. Have medication; you'll need it.

But yeah! You guys make me feel good. Thanks for the love! =)

I Love You Heart GIF by Chibird

(Silly, but it gets the point across.) =)
Psychie Psychie Just caught up in-game. I was going to have O Mighty Fat Cat returning from a midnight jaunt in the woods, but if he comes back and sees a building on fire, his first reaction is to shapeshift to his fastest form and get out any survivors. What are your thoughts?

Back to bed. =)
Hope you feel better soon! I know the evil of the migraine, and I feel for you.
Psychie Psychie Just caught up in-game. I was going to have O Mighty Fat Cat returning from a midnight jaunt in the woods, but if he comes back and sees a building on fire, his first reaction is to shapeshift to his fastest form and get out any survivors. What are your thoughts?

Back to bed. =)
The fire is not set until after dawn, so if you return in the night you wouldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Other than that, feel free to post for Fat Cat coming back to the inn after communing with Luna and your response to seeing the fire.
Very much above-the-table question, because I believe checking this kind of thing is important to a smooth-running game.

We're freakin' Solars; a house fire would inconvenience us but probably not lethally - especially not Grey Stone with his Resistance 4 - and I imagine some of the party would favour piling in and seeing what could be grabbed. However my Storyteller senses tell me that this might be Psychie Psychie letting us know that we've finished this little side-adventure, there's nothing to find, and we'd be running off the edge of the world if we tried. In which case, I'm happy to move on.
EDIT: Random thoughts from a hyperactive brain. Hope you are all having a good day!

Psychie Psychie I was going to have O Mighty Fat Cat return at dawn (hopefully fully rested? I don't know the game mechanics well enough to know).

Chowlett Chowlett I just love the way you think, man! Thank you for bringing this up. Side note: My mind is muddy and my body is still cruddy but I want to do something besides basically rest, eat, and rest again. I want to live and living means roleplaying (and having fun!).

I feel the way Psychie's in-game post is written is telling, but only if you know her style of Game Mastering. I think styles (which are largely preferences) matter a great deal and what is clear as a spring day for one GM is as murky as Mordor for another. I am reading, "If you want a shot at new Artifacts, get in there before they're gone. Your time in this village is coming to an end." Now again, I'm sick right now; there's a chance I am reading too much into this. But if I'm not, then my first reaction is to do what my Character would do in this situation.

With his new Artifacts, I don't know what his Resistance is (and my brain can't handle the math right now).

This is where tabletop gaming has an advantage - depending on the GM's style, they can either come out and say "You have a chance at finding something good if you think you can survive the risk" or "the damn place is roasting. Roll to see how many marshmallows you break out while you make S'mores with the villagers." Either way, the situation is figured out in moments.

As more people gather, there is a definite lack of concern over the burning building. People are instead seeming to be happy at the destruction, and you are able to quickly learn that the manor was the home of Lady Ramis and her now deceased husband. If there are any ancient texts on the house, they won't be there for much longer.
This is the paragraph that concerns me most. Having no knowledge of Lord Ramis, this makes me wonder if his death is a case of "mob rules" and therefore they murdered him or if his death was justified. "Rat bastard was in on the whole thing and here is proof." Either way, it was one thing for some of the villagers to want to kill Lady Ramis earlier; they clearly were not bluffing. I don't think this endangers our Circle at all - it just gives me a stronger idea of what kind of village this Aldertown is.

Oh. And I just have to say - I had an absolute blast playing O Mighty Fat Cat from the moment we faced the cultists! I got to do things I could not have seen coming (everybody do da Tyrant Leeezard dance! Preachin' an' speechin' to your very soul!). Pure fun! Padam Padam! (There is no Padam Padam GIF so you get this groovy GIF instead. This girl has flavor!) =)


EDIT: Tired again. Back to bed with a smile!
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This is the paragraph that concerns me most. Having no knowledge of Lord Ramis, this makes me wonder if his death is a case of "mob rules" and therefore they murdered him or if his death was justified. "Rat bastard was in on the whole thing and here is proof." Either way, it was one thing for some of the villagers to want to kill Lady Ramis earlier; they clearly were not bluffing. I don't think this endangers our Circle at all - it just gives me a stronger idea of what kind of village this Aldertown is.
I was under the impression that this Lord Ramis was one of the two cultists that were killed, but I could be wrong.
I was under the impression that this Lord Ramis was one of the two cultists that were killed, but I could be wrong.
That was my understanding also and for wgat it's worth I agree with Chowlett. I'm fine with a hasty search if we want, but I also think this might be a signal to move on.

Do we wanna montage this to a couple rolls then to satisfy the characters curiosity and keep things moving?

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