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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Thanks a whole bunch, Psychie Psychie ! If there is one thing I really love about both you and Sherwood, it is that you do everything you can within reason to let your Players play their dream characters! =)

With this armor taken care of, the next move is to work out the Martial Arts system, followed by an artifact weapon that best fits it, and finally (and maybe most daunting but I'm confident it is very possible) pay for it all! Ha ha ha!

Wow! O Mighty Fat Cat is a martial artist! Maybe the toughest part will be how to figure out how to work this into the story somehow. Why hasn't Da Chonk used his martial arts until now? Where did he learn it? Or does he offer up himself and his old armor and weapon to Luna and she (or some representative of hers) replaces them with the artifacts O Mighty Fat Cat will use from now on (along with martial knowledge) as some kind of reward?

Finding out is part of the beauty and fun of roleplaying! 8D

Season 3 Netflix GIF by Stranger Things
Okies. Here is where I am at the moment:

I love the idea of the silken armor (Brilliant Manifold) combined with the gloves (Primal Fury wthich has Avatar: The Last Airbender vibes that thrill me. =) Combine this with White Reaper Style (Core, p. 438) where one can use spears, scythes, staves, and (importantly here) unarmed attacks that mimic "crowd-pleasing Dynasty Warriors style" movements.

This is all only possible because after buying the 4-point Merit: Martial Arts, Psychie is allowing Martial Arts to be used in all of O Mighty Fat Cat's Lunar forms and Martial Arts counts as the "to-hit" Skill. Add in the Moonsilver Brilliant Manifold silken armor with Howdah and I think I have one very, very cool Fat Cat! That combination appears to be very effective to me but any other Player in here will know better than I will about that.

One alternative would be that I take an existing non-moonsilver artifact and adjust the Evocations to be resonant with moonsilver instead. I could take those Smashfists and replace the Evocations for Lunar compatible ones. However, there is another option that I found if you wish to stick with melee as your primary combat stat.
Primal Fury (Moonsilver gloves ***)
User: Jaylen Zabek
Smith: Nerissa Eshe
Early in Nerissaʼs apprenticeship, Zan challenged her to build a new artifact of her own design. To that point she had chiefly been reproducing constructions Zan or other Copper Spiders had
She went to speak with her Lunar mate, Jaylen Zabek. Zebek was much older than Nerissa, having exalted a hundred years before she was born. In addition to that he was originally paired with her prior incarnation. This had always made Nerissa uncomfortable around him. The two did not speak often so he was rather surprised when she came to his manse. Jaylen had just recently returned from an expedition into the Wyld. Sadly while there, his team had been ambushed by Fair Folk, many died. Jaylen had lost the majority of his artifact panoply in the attack.
Nerissa decided that she would forge Jaylen a new weapon, one that would work from his core philosophy of battlefield manipulation. She knew it would not -could not- replace the items he
formerly had. Yet, maybe in years he would treasure it as well.

Attunement: 5m
Type: Light (+5 ACC, +10 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 3)
or Medium (+3 ACC, +12 DMG, +1 DEF, OVW 4)
see below
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Worn, Concealable
Hearthstone slot(s): 1
Era: Eight Directions Era

Due to the elemental nature of Primal Furyʼs evocation Dragon-Blooded resonant with it as if it were jade.

Evocation of Primal Fury
This set of moonsilver gloves fits over a userʼs hands like a second skin. They are small and light but have elegantly etched and inlaid figures made of jade on both palms and backhands. Each image is of a noble wolf-man towering over his enemies. A user who attunes Primal Fury can chose to upgrade the damage category of her unarmed hand attacks from light weapons to medium weapons. The userʼs hands stay that category for the entire combat, gaining all the advantages and disadvantages. They must decide which their hands will qualify as at the start of any conflict.
Primal Fury costs 5 motes to attune.

Flowing Water
Cost:-; Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: None
Jaylen was an avid Martial Artist. Over his many decades he had mastered more than one style. Primal Fury is compatible with any Martial Arts style that allows for unarmed attacks. In addition while using a Form type charm a user reduces the cost of evocations of Primal Fury by 1 mote.

Northern Wind
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Flowing Water
Striking with the force of the Elemental Pole of Air, a target may be slowed or even stopped in their tracks.
The user performs a Gambit at difficulty 3. If successful ice forms around the target's legs and holds them in place for [success/2] round up actions. The target may make a Strength +
Athletics roll to break free. Every success reduces the number of actions they are immobile by 1. Resonant: When used by a resonant character, targets require two successes on their Strength + Athletics to reduce the number of action they are immobile.

Motivating Flames
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Having control of the a battlefield is a massive advantage--one that Jaylen always said was necessary for victory. When too many men decided to dog pile him, he would forcibly eject them.
The user may perform a Gambit at difficulty 4 to move another character in close range away. If the Gambit is successful the target is knocked back one Range band in a direction of their choosing.
For every two successes beyond that the target is blasted away one further Range band. The target suffers falling damage (p. 232) for every range band they are moved back. If they are knocked off a cliff or tall building the falling damage stacks.
Resonant: A character resonant with moonsilver may make a second Gambit at Difficulty 8 to knockback all targets within close range. If the Gambit is successful they knock directly back all

Drawing Vines
Cost: 4m; Min: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Motivating Flames
Jaylen would often strike the ground, sending vines out at a distant archer and pulling them closer to both himself and his allies. The user may perform a Gambit at difficulty 4 to pull another character closer to them. This has a maximum range of Long. For every two successes beyond the difficulty the target is pulled one Range band closer.
Resonant: A character who is resonant with moonsilver changes the type of this evocation to reflexive, explicitly allowing the user to pull back a target who successes at a Disengage (p. 198).

Grounded Earth
Cost: 5m, 1w; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple, Dissonant
Keyword: None
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite: Drawing Vines, Northern Wind
Each element granted Jaylen a different way to help control a fight. Nerissa wished not only to give Jaylen control of a battle, but also immunity to unforeseen outcomes. The user reaches down to touch the earth below their feet. As they stand back up their body is covered in a second rocky skin. This skin gives the user a number of temporary -0 health levels equal to their Essence.
In addition they may spend 3 motes to regenerate a temporary health level that was lost during the battle.
Dissonant: A character dissonant with moonsilver may not regenerate their temporary health levels.

This could come in handy for Fat Cat, since you are redoing your character a bit. If you were to pick up some Martial Art, these gloves would work with the style, giving you some bonuses in addition to the fact that it doesn't look like a weapon. Also, since the Gloves would be so good with Martial Arts as a whole, I'd let you use MA as your to-hit stat with them on if you wanted to pick up a style.

Provided by this link which was generously offered for gaming by this Storyteller (Asinus) in this thread.
Shifting Silks

Brilliant Manifold
(Orichalcum and Starmetal Shifting Silks, Artifact ●●●●) ✔✔

At first glance, any variety of Shifting Silks appears to be an outfit of simple, dull grey cloth, consisting of loose pants with a drawstring belt, a long-sleeve, casual shirt, gloves, and cloth shoes. The outfit, when first put on, seems to be far too large for anyone. However, closer scrutiny the outfit will reveal an inner lining of one or more of the five magical materials, which drastically changes the more powerful functions of the Shifting Silks. This armor, made using secret, long-lost techniques from the First Age is woven of a material more unyielding than white jade, yet softer than evening light. It is otherwise identical to Artifact Silken Armor (p. 600).

In the First Age, Shifting Silks were highly sought by those with great means. The means to craft them were incredibly esoteric, even by First Age standards, but a well-crafted Shifting Silk would sell for a thousand times its weight in gold. So it was that Heart of Singing Crowns, the Twilight Craftsman, endeavored to perfect the process. Weaving meticulously, fiber by fiber, year by year, she created hundreds of pieces, each a masterwork in its own right. But she sold or otherwise discarded every one, dissatisfied with the quality of her work. For generations these works passed down from family to family, their impermanence a constant reminder of her defect as an artisan.

After a century of crafting and styles changed, she had grown depressed, falling into a pit of despair. It was only then that her friend Black Song in Rain, Chosen of Secrets, interceded. He shared with her the knowledge of a great and powerful artifact with which she might be able to craft a Shifting Silk to satisfy her desire for perfection: the Loom of Fate.

Black Song in Rain took Heart of Singing Crowns to Yu-Shan, and there he revealed to her the Loom of Fate and the threads of Heart of Singing Crowns. The grandeur and intricate power of the greatest of Artifacts seared itself into her memory forever, giving her the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Heart of Singing Crowns set to work, weaving together a Shifting Silk inlaid with an intricate maze of Orichalcum and Starmetal. When she was nearly finished, she turned to Black Song in Rain and asked him one final favor, “In all my centuries, I have never created perfection, and now I know that I never will. All metals are alloys, just as we are all invariably interconnected to one another. I have spent more than my fair time in Creation and I have grown old. Help me weave my own threads of Fate into my work so that when my Spark returns to Creation, my work will always return to me. Black Song in Rain could see that she was resolved and though he was willing, he professed that he was not a great craftsman like her. She answered, “Over the last few weeks of labor, I have been gently awakening your mind, subtly teaching you the techniques you will need to complete my work and giving you the resolve necessary to do it. I am sorry my friend.”

And so it was that when Heart of Singing Crowns died and her Spark left her body, Black Song in Rain continued her work and wove her threads from the Loom of Fate into Brilliant Manifold. But, clever as he was, Black Song in Rain took also a single thread of his own Fate and wove it in with hers so that when her Spark returned to Creation, he would be able to find Heart of Singing Crowns again.

Brilliant Manifold focuses its wearer’s mind, spirit, and body into pursuing a single purpose, even when that purpose requires a thousand detours. Brilliant Manifold possesses a single hearthstone socket and doesn’t count as armor for the purpose of martial arts styles which cannot be practiced in armor.

Evocations of Brilliant Manifold​

A Solar or Sidereal Exalt who attunes to Brilliant Manifold gains Shifting Wardrobe at no cost. Once attuned, the outfit shifts like water to fit the wearer like a glove. The outfits will always fit as well as the wearer desires. Brilliant Manifold will emulate any jewelry the wearer desires, as well as perfume, and keeps the wearer in a constant state of cleanliness, keeping away dust, dirt, and blood. The wearer receives one non-charm bonus die to all appearance-based Social rolls while wearing the Brilliant Manifold because of this ability to keep herself presentable.

Once attuned, the Exalt must specify an objective-based Purpose. This Purpose must be a possible, concluding goal: “Defeat all evil” is not suitable, but “Defeat the Death Lord who is plaguing my city” is. Upon choosing this purpose, the Exalt immediately makes that purpose a defining intimacy which cannot lessen until the purpose is changed. Her purpose may not be changed, unless the purpose is completed or otherwise becomes impossible or irrelevant. Brilliant Manifold will do everything in its power to help the wearer complete this purpose.

Shifting Wardrobe ✔✔✔​

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

For one mote of Essence and a moment of concentration, the Shifting Silks will change their form into any clothing the wearer can imagine and will remain so changed until uncommitted. This outfit can change radically, from little more than a series of overlapping scarves to full robes, or full Dynast plate armor. The "Silks" mentioned in the name is misleading, as the Shifting Silks can mimic leather, metal, and hemp just as easily as they mimic silk. The clothes appear real in every manner (sight, touch, sound, etc.), but their true nature may be revealed using certain charms which identify the presence of ongoing sorceries (e.g. All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight) or strip away magical disguises (e.g. Eye of the Unconquered Sun).

Furthermore, the artifact has the ability to emulate the surroundings of the wearer, dampen sounds, and neutralize scents, making her difficult to detect if she wishes, giving her a +2 bonus to all stealth related rolls and making her nearly imperceptible to mundane senses when fully at rest. To shift the form of the Shifting Silks in any way, whether color, jewelry, camouflage, or scent, costs one mote of essence.

Ubiquitous Truth Understanding ✔✔✔​

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The mind is the key to the body and spirit, so it is that Brilliant Manifold protects the mind and ensures absolute resolution. When targeted by an attempt to influence her in a way that opposes one or more of her Intimacies that is related to her purpose, she may spend two motes and may instead add a bonus to her Resolve based on the intensity of her purpose itself.

If she opposes that influence with her purpose directly, she may increase the bonuses added to her Resolve by an additional two.

This Evocation can only be used once per scene, but may be reset by failing a resolve check against an attempt to influence her.

Ardent Excellence Approach ✔✔✔​

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

In the face of opposition, she is steadfast and undaunted. In any ability roll relevant to completing her purpose in which she does not have an excellency, she may call upon her purpose or an auxiliary, related intimacy and spend two motes, as if she had an excellency in the relevant ability, to gain an additional die on her roll. She may stack this Evocation a number of times equal to the strength of that intimacy.

In any ability roll relevant to completing her purpose in which she has an excellency, she may call upon her purpose or an auxiliary, related intimacy and spend two motes to reroll an unsuccessful die. She may stack this Evocation a number of times equal to the strength of that intimacy.

She may only call on each intimacy this way once per story.

Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny ✔✔✔​

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ubiquitous Truth Understanding

Brilliant Manifold slowly, but surely, interweaves the Threads of Fate of those around the wearer with her own. Upon spending one week around the wearer, characters form a Minor intimacy of “Aid (the Wearer) in her Purpose.” The more time spent around the wearer, the stronger the intimacy becomes. After one month, the intimacy is strengthen to Major, and after one year, it becomes a Defining intimacy. This intimacy lasts until the purpose is accomplished, after which, a new intimacy begins to form. A Sidereal’s Arcane Fate prevents tangles in the loom as ties are instantly severed, however other heroes may find their ways to avoid divine censure.

The speed at which intimacies are formed is affected by the wearer’s other intimacies. If a target has a minor or major intimacy directly opposed to the wearer’s purpose, that intimacy must be erased first. This can be done actively through social interaction, or Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny will degrade a major intimacy to a minor intimacy after two months in the wearer’s presence, and a minor intimacy will be erased after two weeks in the wearer’s presence. Defining intimacies are impossible for Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny to degrade.

Once per story, when aiding the wearer in accomplishing her purpose in some way, characters may take a bonus on one roll equal to the strength of their intimacy. If the strength of their intimacy increases during a story in which a character has already used this effect, he may use it again at the new rating.

Maiden’s Excellence Approach✔✔​

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Evocations: Ardent Excellence Approach

When pursuing her Purpose, the wearer can call upon one of her intimacies in order to reduce the target number of an action at a cost of one willpower. The target number is reduced by the strength of the intimacy minus one (for example if a Solar is channeling a Major Intimacy in line with their Purpose their target number would be 5-9 for one success, or 0 for two successes).

Maiden’s Excellence Approach grants the wearer permanent immunity to Astrology effects save by the Maiden’s themselves.

Using this Evocation more than once per story may invoke Divine Censure.

Illustrious Sphere of Certain Destiny ✔​

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny and Maiden’s Excellence Approach

All purposes are mere cogs of the machinery of the grand design. The completion of one purpose resonates forwards in time and throughout the world, setting forth in motion helpful events to aid her in her the completion of her next purpose.

The Storyteller is encouraged to tie the completion of one purpose into aiding the wearer of Brilliant Manifold in completing her next purpose. Furthermore, the Storyteller should weigh the intensity and scope of the help given against the magnitude of the purpose completed and the new purpose. For instance, completing the purpose “Arrive in Whitewall safely” might not contribute much help to the purpose “Discover how the Jade Prison broke.” Whereas, completing the latter purpose might grant a large amount of aid towards “found a sovereign kingdom in the Wyld.”

The effects of Illustrious Sphere of Certain Destiny do not cause harm or chaos, but instead tend to affirm order and good in Creation.

EDIT: The Exalted Player who wrote this up is incredible!
I now find myself highly curious as to when we will gain XP next, because it might be best to have all of this happen then and not now depending on what's best for Psychie's story. EDIT: I just realized; some neurotypical folks play this game where they disguise a request with something like "I now find myself curious...". I am not trying to ask Psychie when we will get XP next - that is up to her! Heh! =)

Story-wise, I am quite open to suggestions on how O Mighty Fat Cat makes these changes. I am willing to go along with the notions that I gave earlier, but the sky is the limit. Perhaps a martial arts master appears "late to the party" here in the village and makes it happen. What sounds most practical for everyone?

Hope everyone is staying safe and doing healthy things! =)
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Psychie Psychie The changes are paid for! The math came out perfectly down to his last XP! At least I think so. If I'm allowed to pay for it this way?

I had 6 total XP so I gave up Archery and that brings me to 9 total XP.

Note: Paid for Martial Arts Merit with all 9 XP for the first 2 dots (1st dot for 3 XP, 2nd dot for 6 XP). Then used the 2 Background Merit points (regained by changing Artifacts) for the last 2 dots totaling 4 dots. Done!

If I'm forced to use the Merit dots first (prior to using XP), then there's no way he has Martial Arts. He'll need 12 more XP (if the 2 Merits gained count as the first 2 dots. Then the 3rd dot can be paid for with the 9 XP that he has remaining. For the 4th dot, he would need 12 more XP).
Sounds good to me, Dann. It sounds like you are really excited for these changes for Fat Cat.

I'll have an IC post up later tonight.
Sounds good to me, Dann. It sounds like you are really excited for these changes for Fat Cat.

I'll have an IC post up later tonight.
I really am! You made some unexpected changes that really make O Mighty Fat Cat even more fun to play!
Come morning, you are all very refreshed, and the spirit of the city is very different. No longer under the dark cloud of death from the nightly ritual, the people seem to have more of a bounce in their step and a true sense of happiness can be felt.
Not being a zombie in a town full of soon-to-be-eaten-by-a-demon zombies and crazy cultists is good! 8D

Psychie Psychie How do you want to work the whole "O Mighty Fat Cat v1.1" respec here? Will something happen in game? Do we just all act like it's always been there? What's best for you and your game?

EDIT: I have a question about Brilliant Manifold (Silken Armor). Since this armor is now Moonsilver and O Mighty Fat Cat is a Lunar, does this apply to him? "A Solar or Sidereal Exalt who attunes to Brilliant Manifold gains Shifting Wardrobe at no cost." Shifting Wardrobe is the very first Evocation. (See Equipment, Spoiler #2).
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Waaaitaminute. I was stuck on White Reaper Style because I like the idea of mopping up lots of normal baddies single-handedly while The Circle takes on the real toughies! Plus, one can not kill them if one doesn't want to (with Withering damage only, I suppose?).

What I haven't done is looked into all of the Martial Art styles out there. Kinda dumb to choose one without browsing the entire aisle, right? It seems with his Primal Fury gloves and Brilliant Manifold Moonsilver Silken Armor, he can "pass the physical" for just about any Martial Art system. It is the methods, techniques, results, and "alignment" that matters more than any body count.

Any recommendations for a guy like O Mighty Fat Cat, anybody? Or should I just stick with White Reaper?

EDIT: Crud. Looks like Lunars can't benefit from Mastery. Mastery: "This keyword denotes Charms that have a greater effect when used by those Exalted who are masters of mortal Abilities: the Solar and Abyssal Exalted. The Sidereal Exalted, peerless masters of the martial arts, have their own esoteric methods for accessing these effects."
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Oh, heck with it. I'll stick with the White Reaper Style. At least I have a chance of understanding what I'm doing with it (about half of the others lose me mechanically). I did learn that weapons from a Martial Art system don't use Melee but Martial Arts (which I was hoping for).

I have two questions about White Reaper's first technique, though (Falling Scythe Flash - description in spoiler).

1. How does this technique work with a Lunar's Strength Excellency?

Falling Scythe Flash
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Dual
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
After taking a moment to icily judge the optimal point to apply force to an opponent, the White Reaper strikes without restraint. When used with a withering attack, Falling Scythe Slash doubles the martial artist’s Strength rating for calculating its raw damage. Alternatively, on a decisive attack against an enemy with lower Initiative, it adds the martial artist’s (Strength/2, round up) to raw damage.

2. Specialty - Martial Arts - Blunt-based techniques (unarmed, staff, not spear or scythe).

Is this a decent Specialty or am I nerfing O Mighty Fat Cat in some way? He prefers not to kill unless it is something irrevocably demonic. Or should it be "Non-lethal" attacks? I would think the first (blunt) adds to a lot more dice-wise but is it too much?
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Not being a zombie in a town full of soon-to-be-eaten-by-a-demon zombies and crazy cultists is good! 8D

Psychie Psychie How do you want to work the whole "O Mighty Fat Cat v1.1" respec here? Will something happen in game? Do we just all act like it's always been there? What's best for you and your game?

EDIT: I have a question about Brilliant Manifold (Silken Armor). Since this armor is now Moonsilver and O Mighty Fat Cat is a Lunar, does this apply to him? "A Solar or Sidereal Exalt who attunes to Brilliant Manifold gains Shifting Wardrobe at no cost." Shifting Wardrobe is the very first Evocation. (See Equipment, Spoiler #2).
Lots of questions! Let's start to address them.

It would be easier to simply make the changes to your character and say that this was the way it always was. The question comes up of what do we do with your old gear if we have you change mid game. Not that I'm against the idea; but how do you wish to handle this?

As far as your edit question goes, the item is clear that the shifting wardrobe Evocation is free only for Solars and Sidereal Exalted. To get that one unlocked, you'll have to pay for it.
Not that I'm against the idea; but how do you wish to handle this?
It seems wonky to say he's always had these things when he clearly hasn't.

It's an old AD&D trick, but it's never been a bad one - "God did it." Let's say Luna tells Fatty to pray and offer these items up to her. He does so freely and she transforms the items into what they are now along with blessing him with martial knowledge. It's quick, easy, and we don't have to sidetrack the game to make it happen.

One major additional benefit is that I imagine Fat Cat's morale will go through the roof having been personally blessed by Luna (or one of her representatives). Also, from an optional story perspective, Luna might be swapping items off between her Lunars and some other Lunar has Fat Cat's items now (and needs them far more than he does).

How does that work for you?

To get that one unlocked, you'll have to pay for it.
Sure! I know what he'll be spending his next 10 XP on! That saves me from having to figure it out. =)
Oh, heck with it. I'll stick with the White Reaper Style. At least I have a chance of understanding what I'm doing with it (about half of the others lose me mechanically). I did learn that weapons from a Martial Art system don't use Melee but Martial Arts (which I was hoping for).

I have two questions about White Reaper's first technique, though (Falling Scythe Flash - description in spoiler).

1. How does this technique work with a Lunar's Strength Excellency?

Falling Scythe Flash
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Dual
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
After taking a moment to icily judge the optimal point to apply force to an opponent, the White Reaper strikes without restraint. When used with a withering attack, Falling Scythe Slash doubles the martial artist’s Strength rating for calculating its raw damage. Alternatively, on a decisive attack against an enemy with lower Initiative, it adds the martial artist’s (Strength/2, round up) to raw damage.

2. Specialty - Martial Arts - Blunt-based techniques (unarmed, staff, not spear or scythe).

Is this a decent Specialty or am I nerfing O Mighty Fat Cat in some way? He prefers not to kill unless it is something irrevocably demonic. Or should it be "Non-lethal" attacks? I would think the first (blunt) adds to a lot more dice-wise but is it too much?
Each style has its own upside and downside, White Reaper included. The question comes down to this: does it work for you and your character? If it does, great! If not, go looking in a different direction. It doesn't cost you anything to investigate other styles.

1. I read this as being a awesome way to do some serious damage by adding in your Excellency to the Strength dice before you spooky tube Charms' effects. Remember that comment from earlier that Lunar exalted are awesome? This is a part of that.

2 that specialty is fine to me.
I read this as being a awesome way to do some serious damage by adding in your Excellency to the Strength dice before you spooky tube Charms' effects.
"Spooky tube?" I'm not familiar with what this means?

So the Excellency and the charm does stack?

If it does, great! If not, go looking in a different direction. It doesn't cost you anything to investigate other styles.
Oh, I did. Probably spent a couple hours on it. All of the styles are neat but I think White Reaper is the way to go. Since unarmed attacks are allowed in the system, and it seems to specialize in knocking around lots of "trivial" baddies, I can imagine that Fat Cat's Charm that lengthens his limbs might let him knock about lots of bad guys at once.

Or that's how I'm imagining it; I don't know how battling groups works in Exalted 3.0. =)

Another question: So Lunars can never benefit from martial arts Mastery? Is this a game balance thing or... what is it? Is there a way to achieve Mastery? (I mean what martial artist doesn't want to be a master of their system?)
Another question: So Lunars can never benefit from martial arts Mastery? Is this a game balance thing or... what is it? Is there a way to achieve Mastery? (I mean what martial artist doesn't want to be a master of their system?)
Solars are the shining golden children of Exalted, and as such there are things reserved for them that no one else (besides the Abyssals as their dark mirrors) can get. To my knowledge, they're is no way to get the Mastery other than be a Solar.
It means I am typing from my phone and autocorrect struck, and I didn't notice. Lol
Aha ha ha! I thought that might be the case, but this is the game that I know the least! If there's going to be some crazy term like "spooky tube," it is going to be in this game!

Great. Now we have to come up with a homebrew Artifact called "Spooky Tube!" =)

To my knowledge, they're is no way to get the Mastery other than be a Solar.
Unless you are a Sidereal, right?

Dang. Every time I see the word Mastery, I'm going to think "exclusive racial club only." But, on the other hand, the developers did this for a reason. I can only imagine it's for game balance.

Which, of course, I am all for. If it will mess up the game, I don't want it.
Psychie Psychie Three new questions.

1. I just realized I don't know what the Brilliant Manifold's statistics are armor-wise. It is as resilient as "tempered steel?" So... what do I put for its statistics, please?

Silken Armor
Woven using secret, long-lost First Age techniques, silken armor is woven of a material with the weight and texture of silk, but the resilience of tempered steel. Silken armor is usually beautifully tailored and decorated, well suited for formal occasions. It doesn’t count as armor for the purpose of martial arts styles which cannot be practiced in armor, and consequently is always at least Artifact ••••.
Tags: Silent, Special

2. Purpose. Attuning to Brilliant Manifold requires a purpose. Cool! Except the only purpose I can think of off the top of my head is, "Keep The Circle from being captured by the Wyld Hunt." I can't think of anything O Mighty Fat Cat would want more for them. But does it fit your campaign? Is it suitable? Or would "Help keep Dunbar and Antonia safe" be better? I don't know how to specifically phrase our quest (I'm on my way to bed.)

Once attuned, the Exalt must specify an objective-based Purpose. This Purpose must be a possible, concluding goal: “Defeat all evil” is not suitable, but “Defeat the Death Lord who is plaguing my city” is. Upon choosing this purpose, the Exalt immediately makes that purpose a defining intimacy which cannot lessen until the purpose is changed. Her purpose may not be changed, unless the purpose is completed or otherwise becomes impossible or irrelevant. Brilliant Manifold will do everything in its power to help the wearer complete this purpose.

3. Did you want me to write up Da Chonk's next post as his prayer/exchange with Luna? I imagine he would be happiest performing this "rite" at night (before he went to bed) as the moon might be up in the sky for him to see to pray to. What do you think?

Also, per your rules, I have began tracking the number of days before his one-week waiting time for his Perception 4 purchase is up. =)
Silken Armor uses the stats for Light Artifact Armor, described at the beginning of the armor section. I'm away from my book at the moment, but I will check on the stats.
Silken Armor uses the stats for Light Artifact Armor, described at the beginning of the armor section. I'm away from my book at the moment, but I will check on the stats.
Thank you, Bud! =)
I have done searches for Light Artifact armor in all three of my books - I can't find any stats. Where are these found (and why wouldn't they be in Core book? If not there, where)?
Grey Stone would be the second of the Exalts to awaken, and he joined Amara in the common room once he had gotten himself dressed, carrying Faith's Pillar carefully under one arm so that it didn't bash into any of the building's walls.
Awfully thoughtful of my man, Grey Stone! I imagine that would leave quite a hole. =)
Light Armor has the following stats:
Defense +5, Hardness 4, Mobility -0, Attunement 4

The chart is on Page 600 of the book.
Light Armor has the following stats:
Defense +5, Hardness 4, Mobility -0, Attunement 4

The chart is on Page 600 of the book.
Thank you. I don't know how I missed it but I don't recognize that chart and I know I've seen that page number multiple times.

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