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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Psychie Psychie Is that how it works in your game? Brawl for all Lunar forms, but Martial Arts for human and DBT forms?

And what's the base damage for Brawl? Isn't it just Strength or maybe Strength +1? And a Brawl artifact weapon would do something like +10 in every one of his forms?

Re: Emerald Wasp. Thanks, Bud! =)
Psychie Psychie Is that how it works in your game? Brawl for all Lunar forms, but Martial Arts for human and DBT forms?

And what's the base damage for Brawl? Isn't it just Strength or maybe Strength +1? And a Brawl artifact weapon would do something like +10 in every one of his forms?

Re: Emerald Wasp. Thanks, Bud! =)
Unarmed Attacks use the same damage scale as light mortal weapons.

Light +4 to hit, +7 damage, +0 Defense, 1 Overwhelming
If you wish to, you could use Martial Arts for your HtH attacks.
Hand to Hand attacks in human or DBT form or all forms?

Unarmed Attacks use the same damage scale as light mortal weapons.

Light +4 to hit, +7 damage, +0 Defense, 1 Overwhelming
Ohh! O.K.! So an Exalted with a Strength of 2, upon a successful hit, does 9 dice of potential damage?
I will say that with the expense of getting the 4 dot merit for your Martial Arts, you can use it for all of your HTH attacks, no matter what form.
Associated Abilities: Pressure points are medical
in nature, typically. High Medicine is a boon to the
Emerald Wasp stylist. Socialize is also useful for understanding
potential victims before striking.
Hmm. Neat martial system! Love the jungle background! However, Da Chonk has nothing in Medicine and the form also relies on Manipulation (which he has but a 2 in).

Weapons: Emerald Wasp stylists usually practice
unarmed, with piercing and prodding strikes. It is
compatible with the handle needle and knives.
Armor: Emerald Wasp Style is compatible with light
Yeah. Plus he's using Unison (medium armor) and a special version of Unison that I would rather not lose (as Psychie was nice enough to provide it the ability to transform into a howdah at one additional Merit point!). Emerald Wasp and Unison are incompatible.
Hmmm. Most Martial Art styles are not going to be compatible with anything other than light armor. There are a few, I'll take a look.
I will say that with the expense of getting the 4 dot merit for your Martial Arts, you can use it for all of your HTH attacks, no matter what form.
Whoa! Really? Now that's a game-changer! O Mighty Fat Cat might have been a Martial Artist from the start with a call like that! 8D

That would mean he could choose a Martial Art system. But... most of them seem to use Light or no Armor. Only a few use even Medium Armor. Da Chonk needs that Howdah ability or he's super-nerfed as a Deliverer. Hmm.
Hmmm. Most Martial Art styles are not going to be compatible with anything other than light armor. There are a few, I'll take a look.
There was one in the main book you turned me onto that took care of small fries and simple troops by the bushel. White.... something? It uses scythes, spears, and in non-lethal combat, staves.

What uses chains and medium or better armor? I've always had my eye on that chain weapon artifact... (looks it up). Yeah! Hundred Rings of Hadam-Ul (Core, p. 321).
That would work.
How would that work? Do you mean you would let me keep its Howdah effect at the cost of 1 Merit? If so, does the idea of converting non-Moonsilver weapons also apply to armor? Because if so, there has got to be a light armor out there that O Mighty Fat Cat can use!

The Hundred Rings are in the Lunar Book, not the core.
Whoops! My mistake! Too many tabs open! =)
There is a MA style that uses chain weapons - Ebon Shadow Style - but it is incompatible with armor. The only way around that would be Silken Armor, which is an artifact that specifically says it works with all MA styles. The other alternative is to not use armor at all, and instead focus on Charms and DV to avoid damage.
The other alternative is to not use armor at all, and instead focus on Charms and DV to avoid damage.
I need the Howdah or O Mighty Fat Cat is probably no longer the Circle's deliverer. Can you imagine the past two journeys without that howdah? =)
I need the Howdah or O Mighty Fat Cat is probably no longer the Circle's deliverer. Can you imagine the past two journeys without that howdah? =)
If you go with moonsilver Silken Armor, for the extra dot cost you could still have the howdah and a set of armor that works with your shapeshifting.
If you go with moonsilver Silken Armor, for the extra dot cost you could still have the howdah and a set of armor that works with your shapeshifting.
Super-sweet! Silken Armor has the Stealth attribute (which sounds great) plus it would make his Catbus form the classiest ride ever! But I don't see any artifact Silken Armor and the Core book says it starts off at least 4 dots of Artifact (Merit)? Where can Silken Armor Artifacts be found and thus purchased?

Edit: I have the Core book, Lunars, and Arms. I don't see any Silken Armor artifact unless I am missing something (these are huge books!)?
This is the one listing of Silken Armor in the Core book:

Silken Armor
Woven using secret, long-lost First Age techniques, silken
armor is woven of a material with the weight and texture
of silk, but the resilience of tempered steel. Silken armor
is usually beautifully tailored and decorated, wellsuited
for formal occasions. It doesn’t count as armor for
the purpose of martial arts styles which cannot be
practiced in armor, and consequently is always at least
Artifact ••••.
Tags: Silent, Special
This is the one listing of Silken Armor in the Core book:

Silken Armor
Woven using secret, long-lost First Age techniques, silken
armor is woven of a material with the weight and texture
of silk, but the resilience of tempered steel. Silken armor
is usually beautifully tailored and decorated, wellsuited
for formal occasions. It doesn’t count as armor for
the purpose of martial arts styles which cannot be
practiced in armor, and consequently is always at least
Artifact ••••.
Tags: Silent, Special
Yeah! That's it! (Note: Silent, not Stealth tag.) Doesn't this come in Artifact form like nearly every other item class in the game?
It is artifact armor. But there are others:

Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket (Exotic Silken Armor ****) User: Javan Dewitt
Smith: Javan Dewitt
Javan Dewiit never originally intended to create
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket. He was a Lunar
savant who experimented with the amazing
variety of Heartʼs Blood he had collected over the
years tried to find new and interesting
combinations. As a user of both human and
animal Heartʼs Blood specimens, Javan
meticulously bottled the samples in vials for use
in his experimentations.
Impressed with the creation of simhatas, he
wondered what else could be dreamed up in the
laboratories of the exalted. As Javen was midexperiment,
an assistant who happened to be
carrying caged wyld carelessly tripped and fell into
the countless array of vials. In a devastating crash
of broken glass and fallen equipment, Hearthʼs
Blood samples spread all over the lab. Worse yet
the caged wyld broke free corrupting everything it
Sadly the assistant could not survive exposure to
that much wyld while Javan faire much better.
Remorseful at the death of his assistant, Javan
thought it best to clean up the lab himself. As he
did he noticed the assistantʼs jacket was stained
red. On further inspection he marveled at the
jackets new strength.
Javan decided that the experiment was not a
complete loss and began to work with the new
cloth. Eventually he was able to recreate the
accidental conditions under
which this jacket was made. Incidentally, every
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket that has ever been
created required the sacrifice of a mortal.
Attunement: 4
Type: Light (Soak +5, Hardness 4, Mobility Penalty
Tags: Silent, Special
Hearthstone slot(s): 0
Era: Dreams of the First Age
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket is not made of any
magical material but rather First Age composites.
However, any character resonant with moonsilver
is resonant with Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket.
Evocations of Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket
When attuned and worn Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket increases the Parry or Evasion of the user by
1 against blooded (lethally wounded) enemies. If
the user was the one that wounded the enemy
increase the userʼs Parry or Evasion by 2.
Life Tap
Cost: 1lhl Min: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Sorcerers have known for generations that blood
holds power. The crimson liquid animates all life
in Creation. Willing sacrifice of it can bolster many
magical effects, if not is required for them in the
first place. The user of Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket may give blood for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain two
motes + two motes per success. They may only
gain [Essence + Stamina] motes per turn in
combat, but will continue gaining motes each turn
until the entire amount has been given to them.
Should they botch the roll they lose the Health,
gain no motes, and cannot use Life Tap again for
the rest of the scene. The Health lost may not be
healed until the end of the scene.
Blood Aegis
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Resonant
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Pulling the user's blood from their pores, the
jacket coats every fold and crease of itself in their
essence. It seeps into the chest, arms, and back,
parrying blade, bolt, and
Essence fueled martial art all the same.
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacketʼs armor changes to
Medium armor but does not gain the Mobility
Resonant: A Character resonant with moonsilver
may repurchase this evocation at Essence 3 to give
the benefits of Heavy Armor while still imposing
no Mobility Penalty.
Sorcery Tap
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Just as blood can fuel normal charms and
evocations, it is exceptionally adept at fueling
sorcery. Much like itʼs prerequisite, Sorcery Tap
allows the user to trade life for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain four
sorcerous motes + an additional two sorcerous
motes per success. They may only gain [Essence +
Stamina] sorcerous motes per turn in combat, but
will continue gaining motes each turn until the
entire amount has been given to them. Should
they botch the roll, they lose the Health, gain no
motes, and cannot use Sorcery Tap again for the
rest of the scene. Any sorcerous motes left over at
the end of scene are lost.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with moonsilver
increase the cost of this evocation to 2lhl.
Stolen Life
Cost: 10m, 1w; Min: Essence 4
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive, Resonant, Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Sorcery Tap, Blood Aegis
Blood calls to blood. As the user strikes their foe,
small tendrils of blood leap from Crimson Heartʼs
Blood Jacket and briefly affix themselves to the
victim. The armor then drinks its fill of the
enemyʼs life force and returns a small portion to
the user.
When the user makes a decisive attack they may
supplement it with this evocation. For every three
Health the target loses, the user gains one Health
back. This evocation cannot heal aggravated
Resonant: This Evocation may heal damage
caused by
which this jacket was made. Incidentally, every
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket that has ever been
created required the sacrifice of a mortal.
Attunement: 4
Type: Light (Soak +5, Hardness 4, Mobility Penalty
Tags: Silent, Special
Hearthstone slot(s): 0
Era: Dreams of the First Age
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket is not made of any
magical material but rather First Age composites.
However, any character resonant with moonsilver
is resonant with Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket.
Evocations of Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket
When attuned and worn Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket increases the Parry or Evasion of the user by
1 against blooded (lethally wounded) enemies. If
the user was the one that wounded the enemy
increase the userʼs Parry or Evasion by 2.
Life Tap
Cost: 1lhl Min: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Sorcerers have known for generations that blood
holds power. The crimson liquid animates all life
in Creation. Willing sacrifice of it can bolster many
magical effects, if not is required for them in the
first place. The user of Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket may give blood for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain two
motes + two motes per success. They may only
gain [Essence + Stamina] motes per turn in
combat, but will continue gaining motes each turn
until the entire amount has been given to them.
Should they botch the roll they lose the Health,
gain no motes, and cannot use Life Tap again for
the rest of the scene. The Health lost may not be
healed until the end of the scene.
Blood Aegis
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Resonant
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Pulling the user's blood from their pores, the
jacket coats every fold and crease of itself in their
essence. It seeps into the chest, arms, and back,
parrying blade, bolt, and
Essence fueled martial art all the same.
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacketʼs armor changes to
Medium armor but does not gain the Mobility
Resonant: A Character resonant with moonsilver
may repurchase this evocation at Essence 3 to give
the benefits of Heavy Armor while still imposing
no Mobility Penalty.
Sorcery Tap
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Just as blood can fuel normal charms and
evocations, it is exceptionally adept at fueling
sorcery. Much like itʼs prerequisite, Sorcery Tap
allows the user to trade life for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain four
sorcerous motes + an additional two sorcerous
motes per success. They may only gain [Essence +
Stamina] sorcerous motes per turn in combat, but
will continue gaining motes each turn until the
entire amount has been given to them. Should
they botch the roll, they lose the Health, gain no
motes, and cannot use Sorcery Tap again for the
rest of the scene. Any sorcerous motes left over at
the end of scene are lost.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with moonsilver
increase the cost of this evocation to 2lhl.
Stolen Life
Cost: 10m, 1w; Min: Essence 4
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive, Resonant, Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Sorcery Tap, Blood Aegis
Blood calls to blood. As the user strikes their foe,
small tendrils of blood leap from Crimson Heartʼs
Blood Jacket and briefly affix themselves to the
victim. The armor then drinks its fill of the
enemyʼs life force and returns a small portion to
the user.
When the user makes a decisive attack they may
supplement it with this evocation. For every three
Health the target loses, the user gains one Health
back. This evocation cannot heal aggravated
Resonant: This Evocation may heal damage
caused by
which this jacket was made. Incidentally, every
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket that has ever been
created required the sacrifice of a mortal.
Attunement: 4
Type: Light (Soak +5, Hardness 4, Mobility Penalty
Tags: Silent, Special
Hearthstone slot(s): 0
Era: Dreams of the First Age
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket is not made of any
magical material but rather First Age composites.
However, any character resonant with moonsilver
is resonant with Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket.
Evocations of Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacket
When attuned and worn Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket increases the Parry or Evasion of the user by
1 against blooded (lethally wounded) enemies. If
the user was the one that wounded the enemy
increase the userʼs Parry or Evasion by 2.
Life Tap
Cost: 1lhl Min: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Sorcerers have known for generations that blood
holds power. The crimson liquid animates all life
in Creation. Willing sacrifice of it can bolster many
magical effects, if not is required for them in the
first place. The user of Crimson Heartʼs Blood
Jacket may give blood for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain two
motes + two motes per success. They may only
gain [Essence + Stamina] motes per turn in
combat, but will continue gaining motes each turn
until the entire amount has been given to them.
Should they botch the roll they lose the Health,
gain no motes, and cannot use Life Tap again for
the rest of the scene. The Health lost may not be
healed until the end of the scene.
Blood Aegis
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Resonant
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Pulling the user's blood from their pores, the
jacket coats every fold and crease of itself in their
essence. It seeps into the chest, arms, and back,
parrying blade, bolt, and
Essence fueled martial art all the same.
Crimson Heartʼs Blood Jacketʼs armor changes to
Medium armor but does not gain the Mobility
Resonant: A Character resonant with moonsilver
may repurchase this evocation at Essence 3 to give
the benefits of Heavy Armor while still imposing
no Mobility Penalty.
Sorcery Tap
Cost: 1lhl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Life Tap
Just as blood can fuel normal charms and
evocations, it is exceptionally adept at fueling
sorcery. Much like itʼs prerequisite, Sorcery Tap
allows the user to trade life for power.
The user rolls [Essence + 3] dice. They gain four
sorcerous motes + an additional two sorcerous
motes per success. They may only gain [Essence +
Stamina] sorcerous motes per turn in combat, but
will continue gaining motes each turn until the
entire amount has been given to them. Should
they botch the roll, they lose the Health, gain no
motes, and cannot use Sorcery Tap again for the
rest of the scene. Any sorcerous motes left over at
the end of scene are lost.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with moonsilver
increase the cost of this evocation to 2lhl.
Stolen Life
Cost: 10m, 1w; Min: Essence 4
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive, Resonant, Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Sorcery Tap, Blood Aegis
Blood calls to blood. As the user strikes their foe,
small tendrils of blood leap from Crimson Heartʼs
Blood Jacket and briefly affix themselves to the
victim. The armor then drinks its fill of the
enemyʼs life force and returns a small portion to
the user.
When the user makes a decisive attack they may
supplement it with this evocation. For every three
Health the target loses, the user gains one Health
back. This evocation cannot heal aggravated
This Evocation may heal damage
caused by
Life Tap or Sorcery Tap. Once used this way the
Evocation may not to activated again for a full day.
Dissonant: Character dissonant with moonsilver
may only use this evocation out to Short Range.
Crimson Blood Jacket? Neeeeat so far! But what does "Cost: 1lhl" mean, please? Is that Health Level?

I also (thanks to a forum) came across Freedom's Cadence (which acts much like Silken Armor) but that really isn't Da Chonk's vibe if you know what I mean.
Crimson Blood Jacket? Neeeeat so far! But what does "Cost: 1lhl" mean, please? Is that Health Level?

I also (thanks to a forum) came across Freedom's Cadence (which acts much like Silken Armor) but that really isn't Da Chonk's vibe if you know what I mean.
Yes, 1hl means it requires a level of damage.
It's a neat jacket to be sure, and while Da Chonk certainly has the health levels to spare, I don't know if this is his thing (it's also a drag that the Sorcerous part is wasted on him).

Psychie Psychie Would you consider this homebrewed Silken Armor? I can't grasp all that it does, but it has many benefits O Mighty Fat Cat would be happy to pay for (Silent, "glamoured" in the D&D sense, adds to Stealth if desired, and - the cat in him LOVES this part - he is clean like that artifact on his character sheet he is looking for). The Evocations are deep and kind of lost on me, but you like it in your campaign, this + the Howdah Effect and armor is... covered! (See what I did there, Sherwood?) 8D

If this thing is Moonsilver + Howdah (for the extra Merit point cost), then this fits O Mighty Fat Cat to a tee. But only if you want it in your game.

Provided by this link which was generously offered for gaming by this Storyteller (Asinus) in this thread.
Shifting Silks

Brilliant Manifold
(Orichalcum and Starmetal Shifting Silks, Artifact ●●●●) ✔✔

At first glance, any variety of Shifting Silks appears to be an outfit of simple, dull grey cloth, consisting of loose pants with a drawstring belt, a long-sleeve, casual shirt, gloves, and cloth shoes. The outfit, when first put on, seems to be far too large for anyone. However, closer scrutiny the outfit will reveal an inner lining of one or more of the five magical materials, which drastically changes the more powerful functions of the Shifting Silks. This armor, made using secret, long-lost techniques from the First Age is woven of a material more unyielding than white jade, yet softer than evening light. It is otherwise identical to Artifact Silken Armor (p. 600).

In the First Age, Shifting Silks were highly sought by those with great means. The means to craft them were incredibly esoteric, even by First Age standards, but a well-crafted Shifting Silk would sell for a thousand times its weight in gold. So it was that Heart of Singing Crowns, the Twilight Craftsman, endeavored to perfect the process. Weaving meticulously, fiber by fiber, year by year, she created hundreds of pieces, each a masterwork in its own right. But she sold or otherwise discarded every one, dissatisfied with the quality of her work. For generations these works passed down from family to family, their impermanence a constant reminder of her defect as an artisan.

After a century of crafting and styles changed, she had grown depressed, falling into a pit of despair. It was only then that her friend Black Song in Rain, Chosen of Secrets, interceded. He shared with her the knowledge of a great and powerful artifact with which she might be able to craft a Shifting Silk to satisfy her desire for perfection: the Loom of Fate.

Black Song in Rain took Heart of Singing Crowns to Yu-Shan, and there he revealed to her the Loom of Fate and the threads of Heart of Singing Crowns. The grandeur and intricate power of the greatest of Artifacts seared itself into her memory forever, giving her the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Heart of Singing Crowns set to work, weaving together a Shifting Silk inlaid with an intricate maze of Orichalcum and Starmetal. When she was nearly finished, she turned to Black Song in Rain and asked him one final favor, “In all my centuries, I have never created perfection, and now I know that I never will. All metals are alloys, just as we are all invariably interconnected to one another. I have spent more than my fair time in Creation and I have grown old. Help me weave my own threads of Fate into my work so that when my Spark returns to Creation, my work will always return to me. Black Song in Rain could see that she was resolved and though he was willing, he professed that he was not a great craftsman like her. She answered, “Over the last few weeks of labor, I have been gently awakening your mind, subtly teaching you the techniques you will need to complete my work and giving you the resolve necessary to do it. I am sorry my friend.”

And so it was that when Heart of Singing Crowns died and her Spark left her body, Black Song in Rain continued her work and wove her threads from the Loom of Fate into Brilliant Manifold. But, clever as he was, Black Song in Rain took also a single thread of his own Fate and wove it in with hers so that when her Spark returned to Creation, he would be able to find Heart of Singing Crowns again.

Brilliant Manifold focuses its wearer’s mind, spirit, and body into pursuing a single purpose, even when that purpose requires a thousand detours. Brilliant Manifold possesses a single hearthstone socket and doesn’t count as armor for the purpose of martial arts styles which cannot be practiced in armor.

Evocations of Brilliant Manifold​

A Solar or Sidereal Exalt who attunes to Brilliant Manifold gains Shifting Wardrobe at no cost. Once attuned, the outfit shifts like water to fit the wearer like a glove. The outfits will always fit as well as the wearer desires. Brilliant Manifold will emulate any jewelry the wearer desires, as well as perfume, and keeps the wearer in a constant state of cleanliness, keeping away dust, dirt, and blood. The wearer receives one non-charm bonus die to all appearance-based Social rolls while wearing the Brilliant Manifold because of this ability to keep herself presentable.

Once attuned, the Exalt must specify an objective-based Purpose. This Purpose must be a possible, concluding goal: “Defeat all evil” is not suitable, but “Defeat the Death Lord who is plaguing my city” is. Upon choosing this purpose, the Exalt immediately makes that purpose a defining intimacy which cannot lessen until the purpose is changed. Her purpose may not be changed, unless the purpose is completed or otherwise becomes impossible or irrelevant. Brilliant Manifold will do everything in its power to help the wearer complete this purpose.

Shifting Wardrobe ✔✔✔​

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

For one mote of Essence and a moment of concentration, the Shifting Silks will change their form into any clothing the wearer can imagine and will remain so changed until uncommitted. This outfit can change radically, from little more than a series of overlapping scarves to full robes, or full Dynast plate armor. The "Silks" mentioned in the name is misleading, as the Shifting Silks can mimic leather, metal, and hemp just as easily as they mimic silk. The clothes appear real in every manner (sight, touch, sound, etc.), but their true nature may be revealed using certain charms which identify the presence of ongoing sorceries (e.g. All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight) or strip away magical disguises (e.g. Eye of the Unconquered Sun).

Furthermore, the artifact has the ability to emulate the surroundings of the wearer, dampen sounds, and neutralize scents, making her difficult to detect if she wishes, giving her a +2 bonus to all stealth related rolls and making her nearly imperceptible to mundane senses when fully at rest. To shift the form of the Shifting Silks in any way, whether color, jewelry, camouflage, or scent, costs one mote of essence.

Ubiquitous Truth Understanding ✔✔✔​

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The mind is the key to the body and spirit, so it is that Brilliant Manifold protects the mind and ensures absolute resolution. When targeted by an attempt to influence her in a way that opposes one or more of her Intimacies that is related to her purpose, she may spend two motes and may instead add a bonus to her Resolve based on the intensity of her purpose itself.

If she opposes that influence with her purpose directly, she may increase the bonuses added to her Resolve by an additional two.

This Evocation can only be used once per scene, but may be reset by failing a resolve check against an attempt to influence her.

Ardent Excellence Approach ✔✔✔​

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

In the face of opposition, she is steadfast and undaunted. In any ability roll relevant to completing her purpose in which she does not have an excellency, she may call upon her purpose or an auxiliary, related intimacy and spend two motes, as if she had an excellency in the relevant ability, to gain an additional die on her roll. She may stack this Evocation a number of times equal to the strength of that intimacy.

In any ability roll relevant to completing her purpose in which she has an excellency, she may call upon her purpose or an auxiliary, related intimacy and spend two motes to reroll an unsuccessful die. She may stack this Evocation a number of times equal to the strength of that intimacy.

She may only call on each intimacy this way once per story.

Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny ✔✔✔​

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ubiquitous Truth Understanding

Brilliant Manifold slowly, but surely, interweaves the Threads of Fate of those around the wearer with her own. Upon spending one week around the wearer, characters form a Minor intimacy of “Aid (the Wearer) in her Purpose.” The more time spent around the wearer, the stronger the intimacy becomes. After one month, the intimacy is strengthen to Major, and after one year, it becomes a Defining intimacy. This intimacy lasts until the purpose is accomplished, after which, a new intimacy begins to form. A Sidereal’s Arcane Fate prevents tangles in the loom as ties are instantly severed, however other heroes may find their ways to avoid divine censure.

The speed at which intimacies are formed is affected by the wearer’s other intimacies. If a target has a minor or major intimacy directly opposed to the wearer’s purpose, that intimacy must be erased first. This can be done actively through social interaction, or Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny will degrade a major intimacy to a minor intimacy after two months in the wearer’s presence, and a minor intimacy will be erased after two weeks in the wearer’s presence. Defining intimacies are impossible for Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny to degrade.

Once per story, when aiding the wearer in accomplishing her purpose in some way, characters may take a bonus on one roll equal to the strength of their intimacy. If the strength of their intimacy increases during a story in which a character has already used this effect, he may use it again at the new rating.

Maiden’s Excellence Approach✔✔​

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Evocations: Ardent Excellence Approach

When pursuing her Purpose, the wearer can call upon one of her intimacies in order to reduce the target number of an action at a cost of one willpower. The target number is reduced by the strength of the intimacy minus one (for example if a Solar is channeling a Major Intimacy in line with their Purpose their target number would be 5-9 for one success, or 0 for two successes).

Maiden’s Excellence Approach grants the wearer permanent immunity to Astrology effects save by the Maiden’s themselves.

Using this Evocation more than once per story may invoke Divine Censure.

Illustrious Sphere of Certain Destiny ✔​

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Vast Aura of Fabricating Destiny and Maiden’s Excellence Approach

All purposes are mere cogs of the machinery of the grand design. The completion of one purpose resonates forwards in time and throughout the world, setting forth in motion helpful events to aid her in her the completion of her next purpose.

The Storyteller is encouraged to tie the completion of one purpose into aiding the wearer of Brilliant Manifold in completing her next purpose. Furthermore, the Storyteller should weigh the intensity and scope of the help given against the magnitude of the purpose completed and the new purpose. For instance, completing the purpose “Arrive in Whitewall safely” might not contribute much help to the purpose “Discover how the Jade Prison broke.” Whereas, completing the latter purpose might grant a large amount of aid towards “found a sovereign kingdom in the Wyld.”

The effects of Illustrious Sphere of Certain Destiny do not cause harm or chaos, but instead tend to affirm order and good in Creation.

EDIT: The Exalted Player who wrote this up is incredible!

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