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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Why, thank you, Psychie Psychie ! Is the XP expenditure all right too? I don't think I messed anything up.

If memory serves, during Character Creation, you mentioned the possible addition of some kind of "cat claws" or hand-weapons that O Mighty Fat Cat could use with Brawl instead of Melee? Do you recall what you had in mind? Were they made of Moonsilver?
Why, thank you, Psychie Psychie ! Is the XP expenditure all right too? I don't think I messed anything up.

If memory serves, during Character Creation, you mentioned the possible addition of some kind of "cat claws" or hand-weapons that O Mighty Fat Cat could use with Brawl instead of Melee? Do you recall what you had in mind? Were they made of Moonsilver?
I'll have to look back to see if it was a generic 3 dot artifact made of Moonsilver, or if it was a specific artifact. It's been a while. lol
I have seen a pair of Slayer Khatars called Getsuga Tenshou in one book, but they are Artifact 4. There is also a set of 3 dot Razor Claws in Arms of the Chosen called Frost-Thorn Knuckles. That is after a quick look in two books, but we have others out there that I can look at.
The blades in the Lunars book that you referenced from Sherwood's post is also a 4 dot set of Khatars, so you'd need to slip some dots around to pay for the Khatars.
I have seen a pair of Slayer Khatars called Getsuga Tenshou in one book, but they are Artifact 4. There is also a set of 3 dot Razor Claws in Arms of the Chosen called Frost-Thorn Knuckles. That is after a quick look in two books, but we have others out there that I can look at.
Yeah, I remember the Frost-Thorn Knuckles - they have icy powers and protect against chill and the like. I didn't think they suited a jungle-born Lunar. Do Razor Claws use Brawl instead of Melee?
The blades in the Lunars book that you referenced from Sherwood's post is also a 4 dot set of Khatars, so you'd need to slip some dots around to pay for the Khatars.
I could do that. Flying Silver Dream is a 4-dot Artifact. I could swap out another such Brawl-using item for it with your approval.
Yeah, I remember the Frost-Thorn Knuckles - they have icy powers and protect against chill and the like. I didn't think they suited a jungle-born Lunar. Do Razor Claws use Brawl instead of Melee?

Yes, they have the Brawl tag on them. I can copy/paste over the other items I've come across to see if they would be of interest.
Yes, they have the Brawl tag on them. I can copy/paste over the other items I've come across to see if they would be of interest.
Sure! Anything with Brawl on them, please (I just spotted that Brawl tag myself). I have Arms of the Chosen, the Exalted Main Book, and the main Lunar book.
I could do that. Flying Silver Dream is a 4-dot Artifact. I could swap out another such Brawl-using item for it with your approval.
I would want to look over the sword, because it probably uses melee as its primary attack stat if you ever wanted to use it without having it fly on its own.
I would want to look over the sword, because it probably uses melee as its primary attack stat if you ever wanted to use it without having it fly on its own.
Oh, sorry. That's the sword that I originally chose for O Mighty Fat Cat and the one I am looking to replace with a Brawl-item.
Here ya go:
Getsuga Tenshou (Moonsilver Katars ****) User: Xun Redtalon
Smith: Zan
Forged from the very Moonsilver of Silver Chair, Getsuga Tenshou was originally made for a great Lunar hero, named Xun Redtalon, for the Godʼs War. During the war, one of the enemies of the Gods, whose name was has been lost over the ages, gloated that he had made himself invincible and that nothing could harm him. Xun challenged his claim and asked for assistance
from both Nadejda, her Solar mate, and Luna. It was Luna who first answered her championʼs call for help and gave her a small rock from Silver Chair. Xun took the small rock to Nadejda to be forged the camp was ambushed. Everyone except her was killed by the soldiers loyal to the boastful enemy of the gods.
Xun lay prone close to death. The fragment of Silver Chair soaked in the blood of her dead Solar mate. A party was sent to investigate what had happened, and luckily their timely arrival saved Xunʼs life. She vowed that she would deliver the killing blow to the “invincible enemy” or die trying. At the camp she found a promising Twilight smith by the name of Zan. He said he could forge her a weapon capable of shattering the the forces who had killed her friends and family. But before he could, he needed one more item to forge it. Xun eagerly asked what she needed to get her revenge.
Zan told her the ore was bound to her solar mate who had paid the ultimate price protecting her. If he was to make a weapon for her, the ore needed to be bound to her as well. To do that, she, too, would need to provide a blood sacrifice as Nadejda had. The young Twilight assured her that she would not die, but to make what she asked would require a substantial offering. Xun cut her own wrists without hesitation or concern for her own well being.
It took Zan several weeks slaving over the lava driven forge to produce the final product, but he made good on his promise. A set of moonsilver slayer katars were presented to Xun.

Attunement: 5m
Type: Light (+5 ACC, +10 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 3)
Tags: Lethal, Brawl, Worn, Piecing
Hearthstone slot(s): 2
Era: War of the Gods

Evocations of Getsuga Tenshou
Getsuga Tenshou has two hearthstone sockets one on each hand gaurd of the slayer katars. When using Getsuga Tenshou to break an object such as a door, a wall, or a vehicle, the user gains double 9s to their Feat of Strength rolls. In addition each of Getusga Tenshouʼs evocations has a moon phase associated with it. When the evocation is performed during that moon phase, regardless if the moon is out or not, the evocation gains or modifies its ability. Each evocation will list its moon phase and modification.

No Walls
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: none
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
No walls could stop Xun from striking her prey. She walked through them with the confidence that they would fall at her feet, then ensured that they did. When breaking an object which is a valid target of a Feat of Strength, the user gains an automatic success and rerolls 10s on their roll.
Gibbous Moon
If this evocation is performed during a Gibbous
Moon, add their Essence, minimum 3, successes.

False Skin Denied
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Withering-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Armored opponents wear false hides. Behind those hides are lies constructed of empty words. Xun would entertain none of them as she reached beyond to the truth of their flesh below.
A user may ignore four points of a targetʼs armor.
Half Moon
If this evocation is performed during the Half Moon it gains the Dual Keyword. When used as a Decisive attack the user Ignores 4 points of Hardness.
Resonant: A Character resonant with moonsilver adds the Stackable keyword increasing the mote cost by 2m for every activation after the 1st.

Splintered Spell
Cost: 5m; Min: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keyword: none
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: No Walls
Thousands of sorcerers were employed by the enemy of the gods in a vain attempt to keep their sovereign safe. Their sorcery proved powerless and each one was broken in turn. The user may parry a directed spell such as Death of Obsidian Butterflies. They may roll their Dexterity + Brawl (or Martial Arts) adding successes on the roll to their Parry.
New Moon
If it is a New Moon, Splintered Spell may be used offensively to enhance an attack directed at a Summoned creature. In such a case the Evocation gains the Withering-Only Keyword. When used as a Withering attack the user gains double 9s on their Dexterity + Brawl (or Martial Arts) roll.
Resonant: A Character resonant with moonsliver who successfully parries a spell gains their Essence, maximum 5, Initiative.

Living Object
Cost: 5m, 1w; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Essence actions
Prerequisite: Splinter Spell
What is a man, demon, god, fair folk or even enemy of the gods, but a combination of Essence and will? Without will, how are they any different from a table, or the tree it was made from? These were the questions that Xun pondered. Her conclusion was simple: a man is the tree before the table; if the tree maybe broken as the table, so might the man.
For the duration the user may treat living creatures as valid targets for No Walls, giving that evocation the Dual keyword. On a withering attack it functions as above. On a decisive attack the user gains double 10s to their damage roll.
Crescent Moon
If it is a Crescent Moon the user gains No Wallsʼ effect to both their attack roll as well as their damage roll for a withering attack. On a decisive attack the user gains double 9s and rerolls 10s.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with moonsilver measure the duration in attacks.

Shockwave Smash
Cost: 8m, 1w; Min: Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Withering-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: False Skin Denied, Splinter Spell
Xun often found herself surrounded on all fronts as the opposing minions descended on her. This did not frighten her. In fact, she welcomed the challenge. Her technique was to gather as many sycophants together as she could, then orchestrate a strike upon them all at once. Xun stroke a near by rock breaking it into a thousand piece which burst out as shrapnel tearing her
adversaries apart. The user rolls to destroy a mundane object. The successes on that roll are applied as an attack to everyone in close range. The size of the object destroyed determines the weapon damage. A chair, end table, or anything smaller would be the same as a light mundane weapon; a dinner table, cart, or full size bed would be the same as a medium mundane weapon; a building wall, caravan, couch, or full size beer brewing barrel would be the same as a heavy mundane weapon, if in question the Storyteller has the final say. This attack is considered to have overwhelming damage equal to the userʼs unmodified Strength. The attack deals Withering damage to all valid targets in Close range. The user gains half the damage as Initiative.
Full Moon
If it is a Full Moon Shockwave Smash gains the Dual tag. For this Decisive attack, the user may make the same attack as before, applying half their Initiative as damage against all valid targets.
This will reset the user to base initiative. Resonant: A character resonant with moonsilver may hit targets out to medium range with this evocation.
Man, there are some cool bows in the game, but none are Moonsilver. I get this vision of Da Chonk using a bow in his Lunar forms that have arms or paws (like his Cat-bus form). But the game doesn't have anything like that, do they? A ranged weapon that shifts with the shapeshifting Lunar?

Edit: Thanks for the list! Reading now!
On pg 323 of the Lunar book there is a moonsilver powerbow.
How does a Moonsilver powerbow work with shifting forms? Could O Mighty Fat Cat use it, say, in his Catbus form? Or forms that had paws and arms (sorry, Tyrant Lizard! Your arms iz too small!)?
How does a Moonsilver powerbow work with shifting forms? Could O Mighty Fat Cat use it, say, in his Catbus form? Or forms that had paws and arms (sorry, Tyrant Lizard! Your arms iz too small!)?
I would think that the protean nature of the metal would make it able to shift size to be usable in other forms assuming that they have some manipulative appendages that can use it.
I would think that the protean nature of the metal would make it able to shift size to be usable in other forms assuming that they have some manipulative appendages that can use it.
o rly?! =)

Oh Really GIF by Jim Gaffigan
Are there any other Moonsilver bows out there? (Da Chonk is no healer and I am told Craft is an xp sink.)
There are not a whole lot of moonsilver weapons out there; but I'm looking too.
There are not a whole lot of moonsilver weapons out there; but I'm looking too.
Thanks, Bud! As a Lunar Player, I say that's a crime! Hah!

Are conversions of items possible then? Say a named Soulsteel artifact made of Moonsilver instead? Perhaps given a different identity/history?
It can be done simply enough. The much of what the material give you are special effect that can be changed to another.
Huh! That changes things big time! Any convert-able weapons you would recommend for O Mighty Fat Cat?

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