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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

(Wow. Just got through reading about The Forgotten Blade out of curiosity - I don't want it; I just can't help but marvel at the imagination that went into putting that together! Somebody out there has some hardcore creativity!).

That kinda depends on what you want. A bow? Smashfists? Its kinda up in the air.
Ah... I am leaning towards bow but that is in part because I don't understand Brawl damage in Exalted 3.0.. A fist does Strength damage but an Artifact sword does +12 damage on top of that strength?

The idea of having a Moonsilver bow that O Mighty Fat Cat could hop around and shoot just puts delightful images into my head! Isn't there a Lunar Charm (something about "Needle") that allows a Lunar to basically make their own bow ammunition? Huh!
Yes, I know of the Charm you're referring to. I'm spacing on its exact name, but yes, you can literally use quills/spikes/pieces of bone as arrows.
I am reading through the Summer Thunder short powerbow in Arms, p 42. It aids riders on their mounts (steeds specifically)! Great! But I can't help but laugh - O Mighty Fat Cat is his own mount! =)
Man, I can't help but feel Lunars get a raw deal when it comes to artifact weapons. For a percentage of the weapons I'm seeing, if the weapon isn't Solar-related (buffing Solar Charms that Lunars of course can't get), then they're nightmarish or outright evil. Still, I can't help but marvel at the amount of creativity put into each. =)

As far as Smashfists are concerned, I don't know if those Heaven and Earth Smashfists can be beat! If those were some kind of bow, wow. As they are, talk about ouch! 8D

I'll find something but I should "close up shop" for now. Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Thanks for your help! If you come up with any ideas of convert-able items for short powerbows, powerbows, smashfists, or razor claws, do share, please? Sleep well when it's your turn!
Does anyone have any information on Anshur, the sister weapon of Sirrush in Arms of the Chosen? I can't find information on it anywhere.
Psychie Psychie Yeah, there are only 3 "canon" bows that I can find and none of them fit O Mighty Fat Cat (the "lover's bow? Really? Heartsong is cool but not in his hands). I guess Fatty Kitty is going Brawl (not a complaint). The razor claws are neat but don't fit him (he's a jungle guy in temperate zone and those artifacts are really meant for arctic use). So I guess bows are out.

The only other Brawl Weapon (Smashfists) I can find are the Heaven and Earth Gauntlets (Arms, p. 35). They're great as Orichalcum-to-Moonsilver items except they offer two Evocations are Solar-only (Mountain-Halting Might and Meteor-Fist Meditation). Are there Lunar equivalents?

The Exalted fire-rifle/flamethrower (Sekhem, Arms p. 62) also seems like a total trip (except it's Archery + Melee with its bayonet).

Is this why so many Exalted Players craft their own weapons? I'm seeing them all over the place on Google.
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Does anyone have any information on Anshur, the sister weapon of Sirrush in Arms of the Chosen? I can't find information on it anywhere.
I believe that Anshur is left ambiguous so that the Storyteller and players can create its Evocations themselves.
Psychie Psychie Yeah, there are only 3 "canon" bows that I can find and none of them fit O Mighty Fat Cat (the "lover's bow? Really? Heartsong is cool but not in his hands). I guess Fatty Kitty is going Brawl (not a complaint). The razor claws are neat but don't fit him (he's a jungle guy in temperate zone and those artifacts are really meant for arctic use). So I guess bows are out.

The only other Brawl Weapon (Smashfists) I can find are the Heaven and Earth Gauntlets (Arms, p. 35). They're great as Orichalcum-to-Moonsilver items except they offer two Evocations are Solar-only (Mountain-Halting Might and Meteor-Fist Meditation). Are there Lunar equivalents?

The Exalted fire-rifle/flamethrower (Sekhem, Arms p. 62) also seems like a total trip (except it's Archery + Melee with its bayonet).

Is this why so many Exalted Players craft their own weapons? I'm seeing them all over the place on Google.
One alternative would be that I take an existing non-moonsilver artifact and adjust the Evocations to be resonant with moonsilver instead. I could take those Smashfists and replace the Evocations for Lunar compatible ones. However, there is another option that I found if you wish to stick with melee as your primary combat stat.
Primal Fury (Moonsilver gloves ***)
User: Jaylen Zabek
Smith: Nerissa Eshe
Early in Nerissaʼs apprenticeship, Zan challenged her to build a new artifact of her own design. To that point she had chiefly been reproducing constructions Zan or other Copper Spiders had
She went to speak with her Lunar mate, Jaylen Zabek. Zebek was much older than Nerissa, having exalted a hundred years before she was born. In addition to that he was originally paired with her prior incarnation. This had always made Nerissa uncomfortable around him. The two did not speak often so he was rather surprised when she came to his manse. Jaylen had just recently returned from an expedition into the Wyld. Sadly while there, his team had been ambushed by Fair Folk, many died. Jaylen had lost the majority of his artifact panoply in the attack.
Nerissa decided that she would forge Jaylen a new weapon, one that would work from his core philosophy of battlefield manipulation. She knew it would not -could not- replace the items he
formerly had. Yet, maybe in years he would treasure it as well.

Attunement: 5m
Type: Light (+5 ACC, +10 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 3)
or Medium (+3 ACC, +12 DMG, +1 DEF, OVW 4)
see below
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Worn, Concealable
Hearthstone slot(s): 1
Era: Eight Directions Era

Due to the elemental nature of Primal Furyʼs evocation Dragon-Blooded resonant with it as if it were jade.

Evocation of Primal Fury
This set of moonsilver gloves fits over a userʼs hands like a second skin. They are small and light but have elegantly etched and inlaid figures made of jade on both palms and backhands. Each image is of a noble wolf-man towering over his enemies. A user who attunes Primal Fury can chose to upgrade the damage category of her unarmed hand attacks from light weapons to medium weapons. The userʼs hands stay that category for the entire combat, gaining all the advantages and disadvantages. They must decide which their hands will qualify as at the start of any conflict.
Primal Fury costs 5 motes to attune.

Flowing Water
Cost:-; Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: None
Jaylen was an avid Martial Artist. Over his many decades he had mastered more than one style. Primal Fury is compatible with any Martial Arts style that allows for unarmed attacks. In addition while using a Form type charm a user reduces the cost of evocations of Primal Fury by 1 mote.

Northern Wind
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Flowing Water
Striking with the force of the Elemental Pole of Air, a target may be slowed or even stopped in their tracks.
The user performs a Gambit at difficulty 3. If successful ice forms around the target's legs and holds them in place for [success/2] round up actions. The target may make a Strength +
Athletics roll to break free. Every success reduces the number of actions they are immobile by 1. Resonant: When used by a resonant character, targets require two successes on their Strength + Athletics to reduce the number of action they are immobile.

Motivating Flames
Cost: 3m; Min: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Having control of the a battlefield is a massive advantage--one that Jaylen always said was necessary for victory. When too many men decided to dog pile him, he would forcibly eject them.
The user may perform a Gambit at difficulty 4 to move another character in close range away. If the Gambit is successful the target is knocked back one Range band in a direction of their choosing.
For every two successes beyond that the target is blasted away one further Range band. The target suffers falling damage (p. 232) for every range band they are moved back. If they are knocked off a cliff or tall building the falling damage stacks.
Resonant: A character resonant with moonsilver may make a second Gambit at Difficulty 8 to knockback all targets within close range. If the Gambit is successful they knock directly back all

Drawing Vines
Cost: 4m; Min: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keyword: Decisive-only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Motivating Flames
Jaylen would often strike the ground, sending vines out at a distant archer and pulling them closer to both himself and his allies. The user may perform a Gambit at difficulty 4 to pull another character closer to them. This has a maximum range of Long. For every two successes beyond the difficulty the target is pulled one Range band closer.
Resonant: A character who is resonant with moonsilver changes the type of this evocation to reflexive, explicitly allowing the user to pull back a target who successes at a Disengage (p. 198).

Grounded Earth
Cost: 5m, 1w; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple, Dissonant
Keyword: None
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite: Drawing Vines, Northern Wind
Each element granted Jaylen a different way to help control a fight. Nerissa wished not only to give Jaylen control of a battle, but also immunity to unforeseen outcomes. The user reaches down to touch the earth below their feet. As they stand back up their body is covered in a second rocky skin. This skin gives the user a number of temporary -0 health levels equal to their Essence.
In addition they may spend 3 motes to regenerate a temporary health level that was lost during the battle.
Dissonant: A character dissonant with moonsilver may not regenerate their temporary health levels.

This could come in handy for Fat Cat, since you are redoing your character a bit. If you were to pick up some Martial Art, these gloves would work with the style, giving you some bonuses in addition to the fact that it doesn't look like a weapon. Also, since the Gloves would be so good with Martial Arts as a whole, I'd let you use MA as your to-hit stat with them on if you wanted to pick up a style.
I see a Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat ! Hiya Kaiju Cat! 8D
Dog Hello GIF by Puglie Pug
One alternative would be that I take an existing non-moonsilver artifact and adjust the Evocations to be resonant with moonsilver instead. I could take those Smashfists and replace the Evocations for Lunar compatible ones.
Psychie Psychie Yeah. You made that clear that you were willing to do that. But what's this option you're presenting?

This could come in handy for Fat Cat, since you are redoing your character a bit. If you were to pick up some Martial Art, these gloves would work with the style, giving you some bonuses in addition to the fact that it doesn't look like a weapon. Also, since the Gloves would be so good with Martial Arts as a whole, I'd let you use MA as your to-hit stat with them on if you wanted to pick up a style.
Wow! What a weapon! But what I don't understand is - if they are gloves, and both Razor Claws and Smashfists (which are gauntlets) use Brawl, why do gloves use Melee and not Brawl?
Honestly, I don't know how the author of the artifact came to that decision. If you had Martial Arts, it would work with that.
Martial Arts but not Brawl. Hmm!

I'll need 4 points for the Martial Arts (same as the Artifact Daiklave I chose) and 3 more points in Merits to get the Gloves. Plus... do the Martial Arts have their own cost? I think Sherwood said years ago that having the Martial Arts Merit unlocked the Ability for Exalted. If that is so, I could take the 3 dots Da Chonk has in Melee and shift them over to Martial Arts. Still, that doesn't make up the 3 dots of Merits I'd still need for these Gloves!

But can't we spend xp for new Merits? 3 XP per point = 9 XP and I could use Lunar or Regular XP. Huh!

Except that Martial Arts can't be used with shapeshifting, right? No Deadly Beastman Form, no Animal Shape. Only... yikes! Human shape? That's his weakest shape! Brawl could be used with any shape - which means any form including his human form! This makes my head spin!

Is that all true, Psychie? I don't know the game halfway as well as you.
The Deadly Beastman Form can use Martial Arts; at least, I have always played it that way. There are some styles that would be compatible with a Lunar's shapeshifting. I can think of Snake Style and Tiger Style, both in the core book, that would be good for you. I have a few other styles that are out there that might be good, too.
It would be three dots for the Artifact gloves, four dots for the Martial Art Merit, and then you can swap out some existing Charms to get some MA Charms. If you went with Tiger or Snake Style, it would only be three Charms to get up to the Form Charm of either style.

Sherwood Sherwood What other styles do you have? Any that I know of?
But the Deadly Beastman Form makes one Dissonant with all of Exalted metals except for Moonsilver which they become neutral. Unable to be Resonant with Moonsilver, Da Chonk couldn't use these very gloves to their utmost. Oof!

If you went with Tiger or Snake Style, it would only be three Charms to get up to the Form Charm of either style.
"Form Charm?" I saw that but it seemed to benefit Solars. Does the Form Charm provide any special benefit to a Lunar?

Is there a martial art system that is used for all of (or at least most) of a Lunar's shapeshifting forms? Kind of like Werewolf: The Apocalypse's Kailindo for Stargazers? Man, that is one hell a system! Kailindo was great!
There are styles in the Lunar book that work well for Lunars, along with Emerald Wasp Style. I bought that from Drivethru.com a while back.
But the Deadly Beastman Form makes one Dissonant with all of Exalted metals except for Moonsilver which they become neutral. Unable to be Resonant with Moonsilver, Da Chonk couldn't use these very gloves to their utmost. Oof!

"Form Charm?" I saw that but it seemed to benefit Solars. Does the Form Charm provide any special benefit to a Lunar?

Is there a martial art system that is used for all of (or at least most) of a Lunar's shapeshifting forms? Kind of like Werewolf: The Apocalypse's Kailindo for Stargazers? Man, that is one hell a system! Kailindo was great!
Each Martial Art has a Form Charm. It provides special benefits to the practitioner when using the Style. Using the gloves in DBT form would not disable them, since the Evocations are not specifically tied to the material bonus.
There are styles in the Lunar book that work well for Lunars, along with Emerald Wasp Style. I bought that from Drivethru.com a while back.
I bought the Lunars book - Google Chrome can't find any "Emerald Wasp Style" in my PDF.
Each Martial Art has a Form Charm. It provides special benefits to the practitioner when using the Style. Using the gloves in DBT form would not disable them, since the Evocations are not specifically tied to the material bonus.
Okay. But if he goes with the gloves, is it true that he's using Brawl for every one of his shapes beside human and DBT form?
Emerald Wasp is a separate release that I bought. I could share it with you if you'd like.
Emerald Wasp is a separate release that I bought. I could share it with you if you'd like.
Sure! Who am I to turn down excellent information from an excellent bunch like yourselves? =)
Sure! Who am I to turn down excellent information from an excellent bunch like yourselves? =)
Emerald Wasp Style
The Emerald Wasp is not, as many sages once hoped,
a demon from Malfeas. No. It is found in the southeast
and southwest, in the great jungles of the
world. There, with but a single sting, wasps render
other insects their docile serfs. Emerald Wasp stylists
know the power of a gentle, or pointed, touch in
affecting their opponents perceptions of the world,
and that mastery of the one hundred and eight apertures
of the body is mastery of the body.
Emerald Wasp stylists resemble other arts that focus
on pressure points, striking rapidly first to render
limbs limp or rigid, filling this one or that one with
pain. However, Emerald Wasp stylists are famed for
mastering the art of alternating the two, puppeting
their opponents. After all, limp and hardened, expand
and contracting, is the basic action of any muscle.
With the right motions, the right timing, the sting of
the wasp directs their victims motions even as they
start to lose control.
Emerald Wasp practitioners tend to be criminals or
manipulators at court. While the most overt uses of
this style are clearly visible, masters learn to mute
their motions and heighten their poisons. Rooting out
the wasp among the bees is often a challenge in it of
Associated Abilities: Pressure points are medical
in nature, typically. High Medicine is a boon to the
Emerald Wasp stylist. Socialize is also useful for understanding
potential victims before striking.
Weapons: Emerald Wasp stylists usually practice
unarmed, with piercing and prodding strikes. It is
compatible with the handle needle and knives.
Armor: Emerald Wasp Style is compatible with light

Sting Between Carapace
Needle’s Sting Bends Limbs
Cost: 3m Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Perilous, Withering Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Wasp strikes at the weak point between lines of
Essence and veins, stinging no matter the force behind
her blow, finding the points of pressure beneath
even the heaviest armor.
This charm subtracts (Medicine) from the target’s
natural soak. If this reduces their natural soak to
less than 1, the stylist adds a bonus die to damage for
every 1 over.
Mastery: Bonus die from reducing a targets soak to
less than 1 are automatic successes.
Cost: 4m Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The wasp aims for the joints and ligaments of the
prey, disorienting the prey and setting them off balance.
On a successful withering attack, the stylist may
forgo doing damage to the target to inflict a -1 penalty
to all rolled actions, for one turn for every 3 die of
damage sacrifice.
Emerald Wasp Form
Cost: 10m Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Needle’s Sting Bend Limbs,
Sting Between the Carapace
The greatest trick of the wasp is slipping a delerium
in its sting, deadening the brain and mind of its victim,
rendering them palatable to the purposes of the
insect. The martial artist can imitate this to a point.
While in Emerald Wasp Form, every attack with
using Emerald Wasp plants needles in a target, one
needle for every 3 die of damage rolled(to a minimum
of one, a maximum of Medicine). These immaterial
needles of silver essence are visible to those who can
see spirits, appearing a silver acupuncture needles,
with strings leading back to the stylist. After being
planted, the stylist may activate any needle for one
mote per needle as a reflexive action. Activating these
needles by default causes a spasm, inflicting a -1
penalty on the roll for every needle activated. Activating
a needle causes it to disappear, and needles can
be activated from Short Range. The stylist can plant
up to (Medicine) needles in a given target.
Mastery: Add Essence to the maxiumum number of
needles that can be planted in one target.
Wasp Among the Ants
Cost: 4m Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Once Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Emerald Wasp Form
The wasp must be cunning in its practice, or it might
be overcome. If it is seen with its sting, it runs the
risk of being undone.
This charm allows the stylist to disguise Emerald
Wasp Techniques as a more innocuous practice
(Typically acupuncture, massage, or the like). Determining
the stylists actual effects requires a Medicine
or Occult+Perception roll, against the stylists Medicine+
Mastery: The stylist’s roll benefits from double 9s.
Snap Roach’s Limbs Into Place
Cost: 3m, 1+ needle Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Emerald Wasp Form
By activating a well placed needle at the right time,
with a tug or a push, the stylist enrap or disable
limbs with surges of essence through their veins.
This charm allows the use of three special gambits.
Wasp Wrapped Limb (Difficulty 3): The artist
activates a needle on the shoulder or side, essence
sending the limb to slumber deep. If targeting an arm,
it becomes immobile for (Essence or 3, whichever is
higher) turns. Attacks with the limb are impossible,
and parrying taks a -3 penalty. If the stylist instead
targets the legs, the victim takes -3 to evasion and
movement actions instead.
Stung Lungs Scream (Difficulty 3): The martial artist
pulls needles free from the targets chest,seizing their
breath. The target takes a -3 to all Athletics actions
as they struggle to breath for (Essence or 3 turns,
whichever is higher).
Deaden the Mind (Difficulty 6): The artist strikes at
the opponent’s head and neck, leaving him in a haze.
On a successful gambit, the target suffers (Medicine)
penalty to actions using mental or social attributes
for (Essence or 3 turns, whichever is higher.
If the target has needles in them, the stylist may
expend the needles for 1m to increase the duration by
1 turn.
Cost: — Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Emerald Wasp Form
The Emerald Wasp is not content to allow its prey to
lay comatose. Instead, the wasp seizes on its victim’s
muscles, and pulls their will along like puppet
The stylist may now activate needles to compel
a target to move. This can only be done on the
stylists turn. The attempt requires a roll of (Martial
Arts+Number of Needles), against the targets resolve.
On a success, the stylist may move the target on range
band or knock them prone.
Roach Defends Eggs
Cost: — Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Emerald Wasp Form
The human body is the best shield against enemies,
and the best defense are those that have been stolen.
The wasp turns prey into protection.
The stylist may activate needles of targets within
close range to compel a defend other or attack action
on her turn. This attempt works in the same way as
Guiding by the Atenna.
The Larva Burrows Deep
Cost: 6m Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Roach Defends Eggs, Guiding
by the Atenna
Within the insides of the emerald wasps victims grow
eggs of a new generation of monsters, ready to betray
their home. Until then, they can’t be seen or felt. But
at the invisible command, they surface.
This charm can only be used to supplement an
attack against a target who currently has needles.
On a succssful decisive attack, the artist pushes the
needles in ward, burying them too deep to be seen
or used. This effectively stores (Essence) needles in
the target, that cannot be used by charms or percieved.
These needles do not count to the forms cap. By
expending 2m, the needles re-emerge. No more than
(Medicine) needles can be hidden at a time.
Sting the Mind
Cost: — Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Pysche
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Snap Roach’s Limbs Into Place
The instincts of survival vanish with the sting of a
needle in the soul. The mind becomes a haze, and all
is a drift in the intoxicating venom of the Emerald
This charm allows the stylist to activate needles for
2m instead of 1m. If they are activated in this way,
the needles interfere with the perception of reality
that the victim has—the victim is no longer capable
of percieving threats to their own livliehood for 1
turn for each needle expended, as their flight or fight
instinct vanishes. This reduces the difficulty of any
attempts to persuade to pursue dangerous activity by
1 step.
Spread the Stinging Sword
Cost: — (+2m) Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Permanent
Duration: None
Prerequisite Charms: Roach Defends Eggs
Those infected by the sting of the wasp are not safe to
approach, even by allies. For while they are harmless,
the wasp is always waiting in the wings.
This charm upgrades its prequisite. Whenever the
stylist activates a needle to compel the target to attack
another, the stylist may implant that target with
needles as if they were attacking.
Feast of the Wasp
Cost: 6m Mins: Martial Arts 5, Esssence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: The Larva Burrows Deep,
Snap Roach’s Limbs Into Place
The larva emerge from their host, hungry.
This charm pulls at all needles within short range of
the martial artist, suffusing them with violent hunger.
The stylist rolls (Martial Arts + Manipulation),
and compares the result to each targets Resolve.
Every opponent overcome by the roll is infected with
a poison known as Emerald Wasp Rot. The stylist
gains 1 initiative per opponent who succumbs to the
Opponents crashed by this poison do not take lethal
damage, but treat their resolve as zero for all effects
of Emerald Wasp Charms until the end of the scene.
This charm maybe used once per scene.
Emerald Wasp Rot: 3i/round, (Medicine + Essence),
Penalty: -2

There is the whole of Emerald Wasp Style

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