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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

I can answer some of your questions, but others will have to be coveted by Psychie.

1. How does one gain more Motes?
1a. Are there Charms or Merits that help make Motes more efficient (or reduce Mote costs)?
The best way to up your mote pool is to gain permanent Essence, and that happens automatically as we gain xp. We go to E2 once we hit 50 regular xp, and 33 is at 125 IIRC.

I remember some charms that help with getting more motes, but off the top of my head I don't remember their names. Let me get home from work and I can do some hunting.
2. Given how I have been playing O Mighty Fat Cat, are there any Attributes/Abilities/Charms/Merits etc. you would recommend?
2a. Note: I am seriously considering putting points into Archery because that is what his magical pistol uses.
2b. Note: I am also seriously considering buffing his Dexterity up to 5 though it will take him a week to get it, but that's not mostly out of necessity but instead out of the lessened cost for Caste/Favored Attributes (his other Caste/Favored Attributes are 5).
Dexterity is always a good thing to boost. It gives you so much benefit, there are few times that I haven't gone for that high Dex.

You are putting some good posts up, but a higher Charisma would aid your dice pools to sway crowds.

Getting points in Archery is a good thing to spend your Lunar xp on.

3. I take it this is like most White Wolf games where you really can't go wrong buffing Attributes. Can Attributes be buffed to 6 or higher?
3a. If yes, do you think it is generally worth it?
There are very few ways to boost stats above five in 3e. There are a few Charms that will let you temporarily get extra dots, like the Solar Increasing Strength Exercise, but I'd have to do some reading of the Lunar book to see what they have that you can get.

Not knowing a great deal about how rare or powerful soulsteel is, is there something we should be doing with this item? If memory serves, Crafting is rather borked in this game or I would recommend somehow melting it down and reshaping it into something some of us might make use of.

4. Is crafting worth investing into or should it be left alone?
IIRC the five magical materials are generally considered to be unbreakable without charms or artifacts to aid you.

I don't know Craft in 3e well enough to say, but it has always been a xp sinkhole in 2e.

I have more to say, but time is fleeing and I need to go for the moment.
The best way to up your mote pool is to gain permanent Essence, and that happens automatically as we gain xp. We go to E2 once we hit 50 regular xp, and 33 is at 125 IIRC.
That's right! I'd forgotten that.

Sherwood Sherwood Thanks for your thoughts, Bud! Hope the rest of your shift is good!

Hmm. What to do with a cauldron made of soulsteel? Might Mercy or Silent Glade be able to make some spell-like use out of it?

Hmm again. I hadn't thought to make O Mighty Fat Cat a dedicated crowd-charmer (I feel that's totally Aredin's forte and penchant). I thought Charisma of 4 would be plenty for a guy like him. More later. I'm bushed! Night everyone! =)
Getting points in Archery is a good thing to spend your Lunar xp on.
The only difference between regular XP and lunar or solar XP is that regular XP cannot be used to purchase charms, correct? Is that the only difference?

I also remember that the powers of many magical items - artifacts I think they're called - must be purchased with XP like an in-game Charm. But if you lose the item then the XP is effectively lost with it. This makes me hesitant to purchase item powers when I can instead enjoy permanent upgrades like Attributes and Merits.

Ultimately, I want to spend my XP on things that I will use. XP spent on something unused is XP effectively wasted in my book. But for someone like O Mighty Fat Cat, I don't know if I should be shoring up his weaknesses, or focusing on a strengths, or a combination of both!

Buying that Dexterity point from 4 to 5 sounds like a really good move (he is a Deliverer a.k.a. Transporter after all)!

As always, any advice is appreciated!
I also remember that the powers of many magical items - artifacts I think they're called - must be purchased with XP like an in-game Charm.
Not all the artifacts powers are bought by XP, some of them, like Mercy's Black Wind are activated when certain things happen.
The only difference between regular XP and lunar or solar XP is that regular XP cannot be used to purchase charms, correct? Is that the only difference?

I also remember that the powers of many magical items - artifacts I think they're called - must be purchased with XP like an in-game Charm. But if you lose the item then the XP is effectively lost with it. This makes me hesitant to purchase item powers when I can instead enjoy permanent upgrades like Attributes and Merits.

Ultimately, I want to spend my XP on things that I will use. XP spent on something unused is XP effectively wasted in my book. But for someone like O Mighty Fat Cat, I don't know if I should be shoring up his weaknesses, or focusing on a strengths, or a combination of both!

Buying that Dexterity point from 4 to 5 sounds like a really good move (he is a Deliverer a.k.a. Transporter after all)!

As always, any advice is appreciated!
Not quite. "Regular Xp" is good for everything; its the Lunar/Solar Xp that cannot be used on Charms.

You can combine your two pools of points to be able to afford the Attribute increase, you just can't combine them for Charms.
Not quite. "Regular Xp" is good for everything; its the Lunar/Solar Xp that cannot be used on Charms.

You can combine your two pools of points to be able to afford the Attribute increase, you just can't combine them for Charms.
Huh! That's just backwards in my head. I mean where else do you get Charms but from your Solar and Lunar heritage? I guess I would understand it better if you couldn't buy, say, Merits with them.

I'm glad they stack with non-Charms though. =)
I mean problem combat wise is, I think I'm being pulled in three different directions. Brawl, Melee, and Archery. Before I knew that (many) Artifacts required XP, I thought that Brawl and Melee would be enough.

Now I'm not so sure.

For a Lunar, Is it best to specialize in one and forgo (or just have a little bit in) the others?
There are arguments for and against specializing. Look at Amara, for example. When she's got her sword, she is a total bad ass. Burt if you disarm her, I have very few combat options since so many of my Charms are tied up in my martial art style. It is a fine line to walk; over specialize and you breed in weakness, but being a generalist against a person that has specialized is a losing fight.
There are arguments for and against specializing. Look at Amara, for example. When she's got her sword, she is a total bad ass. Burt if you disarm her, I have very few combat options since so many of my Charms are tied up in my martial art style. It is a fine line to walk; over specialize and you breed in weakness, but being a generalist against a person that has specialized is a losing fight.
I think I like the idea of going Archery for ranged attacks (especially with his new pistol), but going either Melee OR Brawl - not both.

What's your take on it, Bud? Melee vs. Brawl for Lunars? Both require XP (the former for artifacts, the latter to provide more techniques via Charms, etc.). I used to think that Melee had a clear advantage (with +12 to damage and such), but I've been checking out Ex3 (Exalted 3.0) builds online and some Lunar Players are doing that kind of damage without a melee weapon. I don't see how they're doing it.
The thing about Brawl that sets it apart, especially for a Lunar, is that it is useable in any of your forms. Turn into a stampeding elephant and you are still using brawl for a horn gore. Same for roc doing a swooping claw strike.

With a strength Excellency active, and the Charm Deadly Beastform Transformation adding this:
She adds (Strength) to the raw damage of her withering attacks.
That, combined with the benefits of Towering Beast Form and your are dealing buckets of dice on Withering damage.
The thing about Brawl that sets it apart, especially for a Lunar, is that it is useable in any of your forms. Turn into a stampeding elephant and you are still using brawl for a horn gore. Same for roc doing a swooping claw strike.

With a strength Excellency active, and the Charm Deadly Beastform Transformation adding this:

That, combined with the benefits of Towering Beast Form and your are dealing buckets of dice on Withering damage.
That works pretty well given O Mighty Fat Cat's distaste for unnecessary killing! Plus, I do like the idea of being able to use Brawl in just about every form and going after, say, Charms instead of melee artifact-related powers. Charms stay.

I mean, I remember back at the start of the game, Psychie was considering making Moonsilver cat claws or something or O Mighty Fat Cat for use with his Brawl Ability? This is slowly becoming a case of "if I knew then what I know now." Heh! =)
That works pretty well given O Mighty Fat Cat's distaste for unnecessary killing! Plus, I do like the idea of being able to use Brawl in just about every form and going after, say, Charms instead of melee artifact-related powers. Charms stay.

I mean, I remember back at the start of the game, Psychie was considering making Moonsilver cat claws or something or O Mighty Fat Cat for use with his Brawl Ability? This is slowly becoming a case of "if I knew then what I know now." Heh! =)
That happens with every new game I come across
It's fun talking shop and learning all this. I find it exciting to explore and chat and share. =)

In the vanilla Exalted 3.0, do Artifacts you're attuned to still function when one is in a different form? Will O Mighty Fat Cat's sword be able to warn him with its sixth sense ability or is that only when he is in his human form?
It's fun talking shop and learning all this. I find it exciting to explore and chat and share. =)

In the vanilla Exalted 3.0, do Artifacts you're attuned to still function when one is in a different form? Will O Mighty Fat Cat's sword be able to warn him with its sixth sense ability or is that only when he is in his human form?
I have always been of the belief that the form that the Lunar is in is irrelevant to the powers that any artifacts or hearthstones provide you.
Psychie Psychie That's good to know! Would you be able to tackle these (previously-asked) questions, O Mighty Game Princess (especially if your answers differ from Sherwood's)?

I've some questions, if you please? Note: While most of these questions are Storyteller-based, I am open to everyone's thoughts and advice here.

I have yet to spend any XP. I would be a touch surprised if we did not just gain more after our latest heroics!

1. How does one gain more Motes?
1a. Are there Charms or Merits that help make Motes more efficient (or reduce Mote costs)?

2. Given how I have been playing O Mighty Fat Cat, are there any Attributes/Abilities/Charms/Merits etc. you would recommend?
2a. Note: I am seriously considering putting points into Archery because that is what his magical pistol uses.
2b. Note: I am also seriously considering buffing his Dexterity up to 5 though it will take him a week to get it, but that's not mostly out of necessity but instead out of the lessened cost for Caste/Favored Attributes (his other Caste/Favored Attributes are 5).

3. I take it this is like most White Wolf games where you really can't go wrong buffing Attributes. Can Attributes be buffed to 6 or higher?
3a. If yes, do you think it is generally worth it?

Not knowing a great deal about how rare or powerful soulsteel is, is there something we should be doing with this item? If memory serves, Crafting is rather borked in this game or I would recommend somehow melting it down and reshaping it into something some of us might make use of.

4. Is crafting worth investing into or should it be left alone?

I'm in a bit of a jumble concerning what O Mighty Fat Cat's "battle math" looks like right now.

5. Did the past events restore Willpower?

6. Do we still need rest?
Let me address 5 and 6 first.

I'll have to double check, but I think that a level two stunt can regain a point of willpower, along with the one a day you get back from resting.

And no, while you are not totally refreshed, you no longer feel the deep need to sleep the way you did when you first arrived at the town. A short nap might be all you need to be at 100% again.

Sherwood addressed much of what you were asking about, and he's got a pretty good handle on the game system. I don't see anything that is glaringly wrong. I'll have to do some reading in the Lunar book to see what charms there are that might increase your mote pool.
Let me address 5 and 6 first.

I'll have to double check, but I think that a level two stunt can regain a point of willpower, along with the one a day you get back from resting.

And no, while you are not totally refreshed, you no longer feel the deep need to sleep the way you did when you first arrived at the town. A short nap might be all you need to be at 100% again.

Sherwood addressed much of what you were asking about, and he's got a pretty good handle on the game system. I don't see anything that is glaringly wrong. I'll have to do some reading in the Lunar book to see what charms there are that might increase your mote pool.
Psychie Psychie Thank you for your perspective and information, Psychie! I thought it was a level 3 Stunt that regained a Willpower, but out of everyone here, I as a Player have the fewest XP invested into Exalted 3.0 and I could definitely be wrong. =)

I realize now that I lost track of O Mighty Fat Cat's expenditures and I don't precisely know where he is now. I think he has 2 Willpower points and I keep thinking that we get all Motes back after combat (yes/no/maybe?).

As for where to take him XP-wise, part of me wants to wait until our next XP reward rolls around. It looks like I have him well-covered as a Deliverer (transporter); I just don't know if I should focus on making him more combat-able or not. We seem to have our acts together when it comes to combat. So... part of me is thinking, "Should I just put one Point into Archery and start that week-long Dexterity 4 to 5 journey?"

I keep reading these Exalted 3.0 builds where people have outrageous amounts of dice (including one deadly kitty with poison that has a 27-dice attack!). As the only Lunar in the game (and a young one at that), I think O Mighty Fat Cat can hold his own in combat, but... I don't know where to improve him and once you spend XP, they're gone (no do-overs). I'll keep thinking on it. =)
Psychie Psychie Should we hold off in XP-spending until the next time a reward rolls around? I'd like for us to chat about what we want for our characters together. That kind of talk improves teamwork if nothing else.
Psychie Psychie Should we hold off in XP-spending until the next time a reward rolls around? I'd like for us to chat about what we want for our characters together. That kind of talk improves teamwork if nothing else.
You can bank any or all of your points that you want.. Just make sure you're recording how many points you have so you don't miss out on some points.
Psychie Psychie I would like to spend 10 Regular XP for this charm. I would also like to spend 12 Lunar XP to take Perception 3 to 4 (which takes one week if memory serves) and 3 Lunar XP to receive Archery 1, please. Is that all right?

I think the first two upgrades are nice to improve him as a Deliverer and hey, who wants a firearm they don't know how to use responsibly, right? Plus, archery is a jungle thing and that's the environment in which he was raised.

16. Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars)
Cost: 3m; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar faces many foes and perils, cultivating a keen instinct for danger. She adds a non-Charm success on a roll opposing Stealth or to detect a hidden peril such as a trap, poisoned drink, or approaching storm. She may use this Charm to make such Perception rolls while asleep or incapacitated, removing any penalty she might suffer from such states, including that of Bear Sleep Technique. She may awaken instantly upon successfully detecting a threat, or even revive herself from unconsciousness if incapacitated, though she still suffers the effects of incapacitation.

I also have a request - might there be some in-game way for us to mildly 'respec' our Characters? A quest to perform or something we could do? I don't think I'll be using the totally cool Moonsilver Daiklave he's got nor the 3 dots in Melee. I should have taken you up on the Moonsilver "cat claws" you offered to create back during Character Creation (and therefore use Brawl instead of Melee which is well-covered by everyone else in the game). In terms of RP, the longer I've played Da Chonk, the more I don't see him as a sword-swinger. He's a jungle guy; civilized people use swords (and he's definitely not a martial artist).

If the answer is 'no,' that's fine! No worries! =)

If allowed, what I think I'd rather do (and it's kind of nerfing him, but it's in-character) is give him the 3-point Merit Enhanced Sense (Vision) and Thermal Vision (p. 121 from Lunars). Instead of 3 dots of Melee, have 2 more dots in Dodge and 1 dot in Archery (bows are a jungle thing and would help him with his new pistol, Sirrush). Da Chonk would have 2 dots in Archery.

Of course, it's only fair that everyone in the party have the same opportunity, right? Perhaps there's a limit of moving a maximum of 10 dots (just tossing a number out there) for respeccing?
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Psychie Psychie I would like to spend 10 Regular XP for this charm. I would also like to spend 12 Lunar XP to take Perception 3 to 4 (which takes one week if memory serves) and 3 Lunar XP to receive Archery 1, please. Is that all right?

I think the first two upgrades are nice to improve him as a Deliverer and hey, who wants a firearm they don't know how to use responsibly, right? Plus, archery is a jungle thing and that's the environment in which he was raised.

16. Ever-Wary Fox Technique (p. 236, Lunars)
Cost: 3m; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunar faces many foes and perils, cultivating a keen instinct for danger. She adds a non-Charm success on a roll opposing Stealth or to detect a hidden peril such as a trap, poisoned drink, or approaching storm. She may use this Charm to make such Perception rolls while asleep or incapacitated, removing any penalty she might suffer from such states, including that of Bear Sleep Technique. She may awaken instantly upon successfully detecting a threat, or even revive herself from unconsciousness if incapacitated, though she still suffers the effects of incapacitation.

I also have a request - might there be some in-game way for us to mildly 'respec' our Characters? A quest to perform or something we could do? I don't think I'll be using the totally cool Moonsilver Daiklave he's got nor the 3 dots in Melee. I should have taken you up on the Moonsilver "cat claws" you offered to create back during Character Creation (and therefore use Brawl instead of Melee which is well-covered by everyone else in the game). In terms of RP, the longer I've played Da Chonk, the more I don't see him as a sword-swinger. He's a jungle guy; civilized people use swords (and he's definitely not a martial artist).

If the answer is 'no,' that's fine! No worries! =)

If allowed, what I think I'd rather do (and it's kind of nerfing him, but it's in-character) is give him the 3-point Merit Enhanced Sense (Vision) and Thermal Vision (p. 121 from Lunars). Instead of 3 dots of Melee, have 2 more dots in Dodge and 1 dot in Archery (bows are a jungle thing and would help him with his new pistol, Sirrush). Da Chonk would have 2 dots in Archery.

Of course, it's only fair that everyone in the party have the same opportunity, right? Perhaps there's a limit of moving a maximum of 10 dots (just tossing a number out there) for respeccing?
I am willing to let you make some changes to Fat Cat because he is your first attempt at an Exalted character. I had expected you to want to tweak him a bit as you got to know the system and see just what the various Charms can do for you.

Sherwood Sherwood Rykon Rykon Eonivar Eonivar Chowlett Chowlett jaydude jaydude

To be fair for everyone, you guys can also make a few adjustments to your characters now that you have had a chance to see the direction that this game is heading. Just let me know what you wish to change.

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