[Interest Check] Crafting Madness

Feantari: The PoH rewrite should be fine. If it breaks down in play we might have to modify it, but I'm not seeing anything too significant at the onset.

Reaver: Regarding the lightning on a chain: First of all, the artifact needs a repair rating, so say 2. Secondly, you annotated that it needs repair every 6 turns. If you mean ticks, that means it's a fire and forget weapon, but I'm not sure that's where you were going. If you do want a f-a-f weapon, I'd recommend you change attunement to something trivial, 1m, and have a per use cost of 3m(per action, not per attack). Gives you a +5L damage strike, rate 4, that's unblockable without the use of charms. Magitech being magical, they wouldn't completely short out on a single hit. But if each time it hits a magical device it causes one increment of use, then you wind up with an ablative magitech killer. But it isn't terribly effective as a weapon, due to that f-a-f problem. That puts it on the two dot level. (Pro: Unblockable, grinds apart magitech, damage and rate on par with a Reaper Diaklave, less attunement cost, con: one flurry and you're done.)

Or did you mean 6 scenes of use requires repair? Then it becomes a thoroughly competent combat weapon, pushing the rating up to 3. That also falls in line with the suggested attunement cost and artifact level. The Magitech killing ability would remain as above.

Regarding AICA: What mechanical effects do you want her to have? In general, if she has human sentience and attributes, she's a base artifact level 2 with superior durability, magical material construction, and loyalty counterbalancing the increased repair rating. Beyond that, if you want her to have the effects of a Charm, Say Craftsman Needs No Tools, she gets bumped to level three, and possibly level four depending on what charms, how many of them, and what her essence requirements are. For artifact level five, she could have the passive effects of CNNT, Words as Workshop Method, and count as two supernatural aids, giving a bonus of an automatic success but counting against maxima. However she would require a Level 2 hearthstone of which no other effect is given and 1 mote per day, OR twenty motes per day. That would also giver her stats on par with an Exalt, and a repair rating of four. You'd also need to know those charms, so it makes a difference when you're picking what you learn.

Now as to fitting her into the game, that is absolutely no problem. In general I like PC allies and encourage you to put her to work doing the things you aren't going to want to roleplay yourself. (If you guys want to do some B&E, put her on watch or something similar, as well as her intended function as a crafting aid.)

gather818: The sheet looked fine, but it's gone now. Do technomancy and make it live again.

Other people: For those of you who expressed interest but have posted no characters, please do. There's still plenty of room.
I really ought not answer for other people, but I read Reaver's artifact as six actions of use before he needs to maintain it, with it suffering penalties at 12, 18, 24 actions etc. So basically, if he attacks with it 6 or fewer times in a fight, it just needs maintenance, past that it needs repair. I sometimes call my actions turns as well, so I know where he's coming from. Lots of short-duration effects get measured in actions rather than ticks anyway.

Yeah, that website's not the greatest for hosting sheets. I think I set to stay up for a month, but maybe I accidentally clicked a week. Once we get our forum (again, assuming I make the cut) I'll make it a forum thread, but I'll see about getting it back up there in the meantime so you can see it.
Miashara said:
Other people: For those of you who expressed interest but have posted no characters, please do. There's still plenty of room.
Having a hard time coming up with a concept I want to play that doesn't heavily involve Allies or Followers or Manses :P
MrSerious said:
Miashara said:
Other people: For those of you who expressed interest but have posted no characters, please do. There's still plenty of room.
Having a hard time coming up with a concept I want to play that doesn't heavily involve Allies or Followers or Manses :P
I need to go find the time to go look up the thuntarmagery rules..
So character sheet, will likely be poking it a bit until game truly starts.

Name: Kenchiro Amilar

Caste: Twilight

Str: 3

Dex: 4

Sta: 3

Cha: 3

Man: 2

App: 2

Per: 3

Int: 5

Wits: 3


Archery 2 Integrity 1 *Craft 5

Martial Arts 2 Performance 1 *Investigation

*Melee 5 *Presence 1 *Lore 3 (5xp)

Thrown *Resistance 2 *Medicine

*War 2 Survival *Occult 3

Athletics 1 *Bureaucracy

Awareness Linguistics 3

Dodge Ride 1

Larceny Sail

Stealth 1 Socialize


Craft: Magitech 3

Melee: Air Dragon's Whisker 2

Essence 3 (16xp)

Willpower 8


Valor 3 Compassion 2

Conviction 3 Temperance 3


The Air Dragon's Whisker – Artifact 3

Orichulum Lamelar armor – Artifact 2

Orichulum Thunderbolt Shield – Artifact 2

AICA – Artifact 5 (6xp)

Ranging Dragonfly Eye Level1 (Essence sight) – Artifact 2 (6xp)

Level 3 Manse (Winds Hands Gemstone) – Manse 3 (9xp)

Health Levels

0 - 1

1 - 4

2 - 8

4 - 1

Incap - 1

Dying -


2 X Ox Body – 2 X 1-1 2 X 2 -2

2nd Craft Excelency

1st Melee Excelency

Dipping Swallow Defense

Bulwark Stance

Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana

Essence Gathering Temper

Body Mending Meditation

Summoning the Loyal Steel

Craftmen Needs No Tools (8 xp)

For a Flaw I was hoping for a custom one.

The Spark of Genius – Temperance Flaw

It is through insanity that enlightenment comes. When the limit is reached the cursed looses all self control when it comes to her purposes. No matter how strange or impossible in the cold dawn they are. It is this flaw that some of the worst atrocities of the first age came about. For when this is triggered there is no common sense stopping the Lawbringer from wondering what would happen if he made a tyrant lizard that could fly and shoot lasers from it's eyes.

Partial Control: They can be talked out of the craziest of experiments with patience and logic. However his allies had better keep a careful eye on him as his mind will always wander back to the experiment or test.

Duration: One full day.

Limit Break Condition: Seeing incompetence towards knowledge or experimentation.

Either that or I could go with Red Rage of Compassion.
I like the flaw, but a one day limit break isn't really going to matter since the time scale of artifact creation and such is generally weeks to months. The idea is awesome, though. See if you can work something out.

Also, who wouldn't want a tyrant lizard that flies and shoots eye lazers? I see nothing wrong with this plan.

The character sheet itself looks fine. I'm looking for a few more than we have so far, but at this point you're all in consideration.

A note for everybody, after looking back through the characters, we seem to be long on Intelligence based characters, but short on high perception or Wits. There are some good, quick thinking nutbags in fiction. The guy who always has a plan or the lady who notices key vulnerabilities could be the character idea. Mr Serious, don't think you can't take allies, followers, or manses. Just think of means to transport them. Like making all your followers flying demons. Clearly, nothing can go wrong with that. As a bonus, if you lose a few you can always just resummon them.
I think some of the others are waiting for you to open a forum up before posting characters. A lot of people have concepts and I know Thorn was thinking an investigator.

We could change the length to a month, while that's a lot longer then most of the other flaws they give it'd make sense. On the other hand a day can be crucial. Just changing one aspect to make it more appropriate. A perfect example of the flaw would be the mad scientist from Titan A.E. You modify something or okay something that with any common sense would of been a no to doing.

Now for the AI I will write up what I'm thinking. The reason why it's a 5 is because the thing will be able to learn and adapt as time goes on. She's going to be able to channel essence to be able to craft and repair artifacts. In time she will likely be able to learn other tricks. He made her while in limit break so I'm sure we can have some features that I the player won't know of till they are used. I was going to start her with a per 5/Int 5/Wits 2/Dex 5/Str 3/Sta 4/ Cha 4/Man 1/App 4.

Skills would start lowish but like I said she learns and likely learns faster then a mortal or even an exalt. Thinking Craft 3 with a magitech 1 specialty, Lore 2, Occult 2, Bur 2, Linguistics 3, Investigation 2, Pressence 1, Integrity 3. Make her starting essence 3, Willpower 8, Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

She would start with an equivalent to Craftsman needs no Tools, All Encompassing Sorcerer Sight, and Five fold resonance sense. Or a better way to put it, she can make any tools she needs at will, can see essence and can sense magical materials around her.
Just a suggestion for that virtue flaw - you might either hold the Limit Break in reserve until a dramatic time to unleash it (making the day really count - instead of burning it off during a day of downtime in item creation, don't have it trigger until the next time the character walks past, say, a Dragonblooded jadesmith showing off his skills) or you could make its duration "One Dramatic Action (creating an Artifact)" and have it last until you finish an ill-advised item or add a feature you really shouldn't have to an artifact you were already making. "Haha, I love putting secrets into my artifacts that only I know about. Why don't I expose the PSV core to anyone that manages to fly their Kireeka-class fighter through this heavily defended trench and hit that exhaust port with an Essence torpedo? .....wait, what do you mean that's already been done? What is a "Death Star", I'm making an "Orbital Obliteration Orb", this is nothing like a "Death Star" and I don't fear anyone named Luke."
The reason I haven't created a forum is that I want to see if there's consistent interest enough to run the game. People may be interested but not enough to build a character or regularly update. I'm ready to start going whenever, but before starting things I'd like to know that the PCs won't lose interest after two posts.
oh if I can come up with a concept I'm happy with, you wont lose me after two posts. I just take alot of time to think of my character :P
I've never been fortunate enough to suffer from disappearing player syndrome. In my case it's always been the ST who wanders off into the ether somewhere between the preludes and the second scene...
+1 to this. I'm in two games, one is still on hiatus with the ST going through some RL issues (not having a home) and the other has also slowed down due to the ST having significant RL commitments (but still manages to post to keep it going)
Odd. With me it seems to be the other way around. Anyway, whatever. I'm looking for at least five or six PCs, but there's no hurry.
The idea of an all-Twilight group is definitely interesting to me. Would it be possible to get a summary of what the game's setting/chargen will be?
Miashara said:
The Emissary if Nexus's Calibration Feast ran into a little bit of a problem. The sky caught fire. In spite of this, the maitre de did his best to soldier on.
"And as we serve the salad, please refrain from panicking as the constellation of the Mast engulfs itself in flames. Really, the salad is delicious."

It was, too. The chef knew how to make a salad.

It blasted up into the starless sky shortly after sunset. The ancient custom of gathering all sorcerers together for a feast during the five days of calibration had been reinstated two years after the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress. To make matters interesting, a great number of random people were also invited. A particular homeless bum had shown up to every event since it started, and was traditionally served in a place of honor. What cannot be understated, though, was that every sorcerer or potential sorcerer was invited too. The invitations were always courteous, and phrased, "Should you remain in Nexus during Calibration, your presence is humbly requested."

Declining was not suggested.

By the end of the five day event, there was no possibility that a great beacon was the cause. The Sun struggled through a baleful red cloud as it ascended, and stars were being shrouded. Most frighteningly, it became clear that smoke was pouring down from the flames and dripping to the horizon. It was clear someone was going to have to do something about that.


Looking for an indeterminate number of players. All will play Twilight Caste Solars. All concepts will be looked upon equally, but the difficulties I have in mind are geared for Twilight style solutions. That being said, I'm not looking for a Occult guy, a Craft guy, a Medicine guy, etc. If I was going to do that, I'd just mandate different castes. Feel free to overlap your skills as much as you want, and one of the challenges for the PCs in this game will be distinguishing themselves.

Character Creation will be under the new Errata-ed rules plus fifty xp. Each character needs a picture, and backstory as to why you're in Nexus. You got invited to the banquet even if you aren't a sorcerer though, so don't worry about that.

Some notes about the game. There will be a lot of travel. Manses and demesnes probably may have limited effect. Likewise be hesitant to get a pack of followers because you're going to have to lug them across Creation. Ditto for familiars. This is going to start in the East and move around a lot. Starting with some languages might be smart, but feel free to have a few slots open to pick up more. Artifacts created in play will be governed by the 'free' rules, and you can make them and lose them without xp being involved. Artifacts bought at Chargen will be somewhat more resilient, and probably won't get lost unless you throw it into a volcano or something.

House rules: Craft will be treated like linguistics. Craft * gets you a dot in any mundane craft, say Fire. Craft ** gets you a two dot ranking in two mundane crafts, say Water ** and Earth **. So on and so forth, which each dot giving you one additional Craft Ability. Weird crafts, Fate, Magitech, et al, are bought separately as per specialty rules (Effectively being worth one, three, or five dots respectively, but only as it applies to requirements). So you could have Craft ***** (All mundane) and two dots in Magitech. Thus your dicepool in Craft Magitech would be 7 (Craft 5 + 2 Specialties) but you'd only be able to meet the minimums for Craft: Magitech 3. I've run this before, and it seems to work pretty well at keeping the point costs down.

(Circle) Sorcery gets you a free spell of the appropriate level.

In general, you can have as many specialties as you want for any Ability, but may only benefit for three at a time.
Hmmm.... I think I have something in mind, but I don't want to bog this down.

Thanks for posting the description. I'll get back if I hammer down details, but I wouldn't count me in just yet.
I haven't lost interest in this; I'm just waiting to see if a full crop of PCs grow in for the harvest.
Three people posted characters, all of whom I liked. That isn't enough interest though. Any silent parties, or shall I table this for now?
There's been a lot of people say "This would be cool" but so far only three have made characters. We'd love to have you join, Feantari. Miashara's not going to roll until we get at least five, and I'd hate for this game to die like so many others. Plz 2 b mak kareacter kthx.
Yup, you're in.

Was the description too vague? There's a pretty definite reason the sky's on fire, and that's the problem that the PCs will have to solve. I didn't want to spill the beans in the initial post, but if people are hung up because they don't know much about where the game is going, I can.
I haven't forgotten about this game. Just.. nothing I've come up with seems to work when I go to write the history. Writers' block. :P
Hope I had to run this game is fading. In case anyone was curious, this was what was going on.

Someone set the Elemental Pole of Wood on fire. Magic fire (obviously) that burned indefinitely without being able to be extinguished until certain conditions were met. The EPoW kept right on growing though, and the smoke kept right on growing too. So the smoke caught fire, the smoke from the burning smoke caught fire, and since that smoke kept growing, pretty soon there was a serious problem of burning smoke rising into the firament and stifling the sky. The PCs were going to have to head up there and run around on the sky, a la that fan supplement about the Nocturnals. Ultimately great chunks of it were going to start breaking off and falling to Creation, destroying things like "the South." Meanwhile the PCs would have needed either Magitech or Sorcery to survive the airless environment of the sky and would have been fighting bad guys up there. Then they would have needed to think of some way to fix the sky before it shattered and the Wyld came pouring in. Only the Wyld would have been on fire, so magic wyld fire raining from the heavens.

This was step one in the bad guy's plan. Step two had to do with the EPoFire, and I think you can see where this is going.

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