[Interest Check] Crafting Madness

Mad science. Whether mad science is in the form of


, or what have you, there will be madness afoot.
I'm looking for a mostly self directed group. There will be some problem you guys will have to deal with, and you'll be going after it. I'll drop the moon onto Nexus or reveal the Blessed Isle is actually a primordial doomsday device that just woke up. Something reasonable. There will be a fair bit of travel. If a group of Twilight's can't figure out a way to zip around Creation quickly, well you all just aren't being ambitious enough.
Sounds cool. Any ideas where the PC's would be starting out at initially? (Obviously, with twilights, who knows how long they will stay there. Just looking for some info to work into character concepts and such)
Well I have either a Soldier engineer or an evil doctor who plays the hero because it's for the best for creation.
Don't know yet. It depends on what I blow up.

At this point I'm still looking for interest, and people who are interested in a self-directed game.
Well then slate me down for Interested. Self-directed games are always fun. I look forward to hearing what you decide needs to blow up. :-P
I tried to convince my GM to allow me to work my way to be able to shoot Daiklaves with a bow as a beginning to doing that. He said no, it made me sad.
Actually, amusing fact. You can THROW daiklaves, it's a trick that Dragonblooded worked out.

And they can store throwing weapons elsewhere.

That's right... Dragonblooded are the ORIGINAL Gilgamesh, at least in 1e, they were.
Reaver said:
I tried to convince my GM to allow me to work my way to be able to shoot Daiklaves with a bow as a beginning to doing that. He said no, it made me sad.
This just in: GMs hate fun.
About that Twilight game ... okay I'm never gonna call it that again.

About that Solar game are you thinking starting characters or a little extra oomph?
Sparking Fairfolk that are nigh invincible and who sparkle in the sun due to mutations and charms are obviously awesome.
This recruitment thread took a turn somewhere that I'm not entirely comfortable with.

Anyway, as I said, I haven't put the plots mechanics together yet, nor know how I want characters to start. I'll let you know as soon as I've got specifics.
okay! I have a character from another failed game that I'm keen to try again, though at the moment she is tooled up for the South.
Color me interested as well. I'd probably want to see planned starting so I know what I have to work to build my character on before I get too much into a concept....
The Emissary if Nexus's Calibration Feast ran into a little bit of a problem. The sky caught fire. In spite of this, the maitre de did his best to soldier on.

"And as we serve the salad, please refrain from panicking as the constellation of the Mast engulfs itself in flames. Really, the salad is delicious."

It was, too. The chef knew how to make a salad.

It blasted up into the starless sky shortly after sunset. The ancient custom of gathering all sorcerers together for a feast during the five days of calibration had been reinstated two years after the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress. To make matters interesting, a great number of random people were also invited. A particular homeless bum had shown up to every event since it started, and was traditionally served in a place of honor. What cannot be understated, though, was that every sorcerer or potential sorcerer was invited too. The invitations were always courteous, and phrased, "Should you remain in Nexus during Calibration, your presence is humbly requested."

Declining was not suggested.

By the end of the five day event, there was no possibility that a great beacon was the cause. The Sun struggled through a baleful red cloud as it ascended, and stars were being shrouded. Most frighteningly, it became clear that smoke was pouring down from the flames and dripping to the horizon. It was clear someone was going to have to do something about that.


Looking for an indeterminate number of players. All will play Twilight Caste Solars. All concepts will be looked upon equally, but the difficulties I have in mind are geared for Twilight style solutions. That being said, I'm not looking for a Occult guy, a Craft guy, a Medicine guy, etc. If I was going to do that, I'd just mandate different castes. Feel free to overlap your skills as much as you want, and one of the challenges for the PCs in this game will be distinguishing themselves.

Character Creation will be under the new Errata-ed rules plus fifty xp. Each character needs a picture, and backstory as to why you're in Nexus. You got invited to the banquet even if you aren't a sorcerer though, so don't worry about that.

Some notes about the game. There will be a lot of travel. Manses and demesnes probably may have limited effect. Likewise be hesitant to get a pack of followers because you're going to have to lug them across Creation. Ditto for familiars. This is going to start in the East and move around a lot. Starting with some languages might be smart, but feel free to have a few slots open to pick up more. Artifacts created in play will be governed by the 'free' rules, and you can make them and lose them without xp being involved. Artifacts bought at Chargen will be somewhat more resilient, and probably won't get lost unless you throw it into a volcano or something.

House rules: Craft will be treated like linguistics. Craft * gets you a dot in any mundane craft, say Fire. Craft ** gets you a two dot ranking in two mundane crafts, say Water ** and Earth **. So on and so forth, which each dot giving you one additional Craft Ability. Weird crafts, Fate, Magitech, et al, are bought separately as per specialty rules (Effectively being worth one, three, or five dots respectively, but only as it applies to requirements). So you could have Craft ***** (All mundane) and two dots in Magitech. Thus your dicepool in Craft Magitech would be 7 (Craft 5 + 2 Specialties) but you'd only be able to meet the minimums for Craft: Magitech 3. I've run this before, and it seems to work pretty well at keeping the point costs down.

(Circle) Sorcery gets you a free spell of the appropriate level.

In general, you can have as many specialties as you want for any Ability, but may only benefit for three at a time.
Okay, so, my concept, in a nutshell is either super investigator/researcher, or invincible sword mage...which would you rather have?

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