[Interest Check] Crafting Madness

Miashara said:
I had a big, long post but I deleted it. Tell you what. 2m per scene and you have to make a Charisma + Performance roll at the difficulty 3. Failure means you automatically burn a wp and still have to pay the cost per shot.
I'm not sure I like that much more than the original suggestion of 2m, 1wp... If you took away the cost for shot for failure, maybe, making it cost 2m and on failure of the difficulty 3 Cha + Per roll, an additional wp. But still... There are a whole bunch of other faults/flaws already built into the artifact that I thought would help balance it out (especially the whole negating stealth bit), and adding another check on top of it seems nearly too much. I actually think it would be very fitting thematically; I'm just worried about making the mechanics of it too clunky/time-consuming.

What were your thoughts in regards to those faults/flaws?

Regarding specialty ammo: The more I think about it, the more I like your suggestions. As you suggested, if you use frozen lightning or the souls of drowned babies, we'll go with my weird special effects.
How's that work for you?
The reason I gave little import to the stealth thing is it's a gun. Once you start firing, people are going to know where you are.

After research I changed my mind. We'll go with your writeup.
Miashara said:
The reason I gave little import to the stealth thing is it's a gun. Once you start firing, people are going to know where you are.
After research I changed my mind. We'll go with your writeup.
True... But really? If you're sure about it...
Are we actually waiting to stat a combat implement before we can start the game?
Hmm.... Dunno. He could be waiting for my full sheet, which I'm in the process of putting up as I type this. Before I do, though, I realized I needed to clarify one thing -

Is the Ink Monkeys Ultimate Collection in? I believe it's regarded as canon, but I want to make sure. There are so many awesome Charms in it...
I'm just waiting for sheets. The weapon writeup was something I thought Progress wanted settled before he did the writing. Anyway, much hemming, hawing, and comparing statblocks later, I'm satisfied. We might have to do something if it becomes game breaking later on.
Miashara said:
I'm just waiting for sheets. The weapon writeup was something I thought Progress wanted settled before he did the writing. Anyway, much hemming, hawing, and comparing statblocks later, I'm satisfied. We might have to do something if it becomes game breaking later on.
Cool. I'm not opposed to nerfing it later if it ends up needing it. When writing it up, I tried to balance it out with existing magitech artifacts and neutralize the effect of adding new ammunition sources. To me, the cost for shooting freely for the scene (without the Agg to CoD's) seeme uncontroversial at first, so it was a bit of a surprise. I'm glad we worked things out, and hopefully it works out well to those ends.

I ended up having to pause my backstory writing process due a Lab class. Now that that's over, I'm getting back to work on it (the backstory is the final piece of the puzzle; the sheet is all taken care of). I hope to have things all said and done within an hour or two.

By the by, with me in the running, do we have enough players for you to run this, Miashara? Or did you want another one or two?
Reaver said:
Well with 5 we've got a sixth of all twilights available in creation right now.
Assuming that the Deathlords stole exactly half the Twilight sparks... I like to think they got mostly Dawn and Night, and prize their few Twilights. ...And look to steal more Twilights to make more super-necromancer-artificers with. ^_^
If I submit a character after game start, will it still be considered? :P I have been lazy about getting into gear yea.
gatherer818 said:
Reaver said:
Well with 5 we've got a sixth of all twilights available in creation right now.
Assuming that the Deathlords stole exactly half the Twilight sparks... I like to think they got mostly Dawn and Night, and prize their few Twilights. ...And look to steal more Twilights to make more super-necromancer-artificers with. ^_^
I like to think that all the Twilights ran away to a valley in the Marukan highlands. There they work under the surviving First Age Solar Gon Galt until the world is ready for them again.
The thought of Twilights surviving the Usurpation disturbs me, since they're probably about 95% of the reason for the Usurpation to begin with. I mean, sure, the Dawns' anti-Fair-Folk testing that leveled wide swaths of Creation was a big deal, but that was fairly rare. The Twilights were doing experiments on a regular basis that involved stuff like making, I dunno, a prayer-fueled weapon that offended the little gods powering it and could shoot the souls of drowned children, as long as those souls had prayers to the Unconquered Sun carved into them....

....Not to mention the whole Protoshinmaic Vortex thing. Whoever decided to make a compressed Wyld nuke and use it as a hearthstone needs to be slapped. I'm sure it was a Twilight.
I think that's Casteism. Everyone blames the twilights for all the mad scientist acts. No one goes after those wacky lunars and their breeding monsters.
....under orders from the Twilights. "I bet if I force my Lunar mate to go make ninja catgirls, I could replace half their limbs and their nervous system with biomagitech and make near-Sidereal-level mortal assassins!"

EDIT: I don't know how to embed an image so it can be hidden in a spoiler if it's located on my computer instead of on a website somewhere. If someone knows, please feel free to let me know.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_11/motivator3295084.jpg.3896b213539f5d894ed5e52a9d2a2870.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_11/motivator3295084.jpg.3896b213539f5d894ed5e52a9d2a2870.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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My bad, I fell asleep while I was finishing this up last night and forgot to post it after waking up...

Name: The Arbiter

Concept: Vigilante

Player: Progress

Motivation: Deliver justice for all in Creation who lack the means to do so for themselves

Intimacies: Innocents (+), Truth (+), Oathbreakers (-), Firewands (-)

Caste: Twilight

Anima: A floating scale, balancing an olive branch and a bloodied sword


Strength 3, Charisma 4, Perception 4

Dexterity 4, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 3

Stamina 3, Appearance 1, Wits 4


Archery 3, Martial Arts 1, Melee 2, Thrown 3

Integrity 2, Presence 2, Resistance 2, Survival 1

Craft (Air, Earth, Fire, Wood) 4 Investigation 3, Lore 3, Occult 2

Athletics 1, Awareness 5, Dodge 2

Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics (Native: Riverspeak; Others: Old Realm) 1, Ride 1,Socialize 2


Melee (Ambidexterous Fighting) 1

Archery (Ambidexterous Fighting) 1

Craft (Magitech 3) 2


Artifact (Orichalcum Prayer Piece, Mk. II) 3

Artifact (Orichalcum Gloves of Martial Readiness) 3

Artifact (Orichalcum Breastplate) 1

Manse (Memorial Iron) 1

Manse (Stone of the Emerald Rooster) 1

Resources (Staff, three Batons, five Knives) 2



Second Archery Excellency


Dipping Swallow Defense


Flashing Draw Mastery


Soul-Fire Resurgence


Second Craft Excellency

Craftsman Needs No Tools


Second Investigation Excellency

Judge's Ear Technique


Spirit-Detecting Glance


Surprise Anticipation Method


Mastery of Small Matters


Unblinking Sentinel's Response

First Archery Excellency

Surprise Anticipation Method

Dipping Swallow Defense

Tools of the Creator

Second Craft Excellency

Craftsman Needs No Tools

Virtues and Willpower

Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 3

Willpower 8

Limit: 0

Virtue flaw: Deliberate Cruelty


Permanent 3

Personal 17

Peripheral 23 (39)

Attuned 16

BP: 18/18

Willpower 5 → 8 (3)

Compassion 1 → 2 (1)

Resources 0 → 2 (2)

Combo – Unblinking Sentinel's Response (3)

Various Abilities (9)

XP: 50/50

Strength 2 → 3 (8)

Essence 2 → 3 (16)

Craftsman Needs No Tools (8)

Combo – Tools of the Creator (5)

Occult 1 → 2 (1)

Resistance 1 → 2 (1)

Integrity 1 → 2 (2)

Lore 2 → 3 (3)

Dodge 1 → 2 (2)

Presence 1 → 2 (1)

Artifact (Orichalcum Breastplate) 0 → 1 (3)
gatherer818 said:
....under orders from the Twilights. "I bet if I force my Lunar mate to go make ninja catgirls, I could replace half their limbs and their nervous system with biomagitech and make near-Sidereal-level mortal assassins!"
EDIT: I don't know how to embed an image so it can be hidden in a spoiler if it's located on my computer instead of on a website somewhere. If someone knows, please feel free to let me know.
Can't be done.... ^_^ ;

But thank you for referencing one of my old motivator posters thou ^_^
I found myself suddenly unable to see the forum for this game anymore... and I notice Progress left T_T is that too few again?

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