[Interest Check] Crafting Madness

Miashara said:
Hope I had to run this game is fading.

Ideas for snagging peeps? Let some non-twilight types in as defender types or facilitators? Twilight equivalents of other exalt types? Run a smaller group with higher NPC interactions to balance power level? Dunno if any of that is at all of interest to you, but it sounds like an awesome game to me.
You think opening things would make a difference? I'd like to keep the idea as is, all Solar Twilights, but I'd be willing to consider it if the alternative was scrapping the game entirely.
Maybe.. dunno. I could be wrong but I was guessing it was people trying to come up with a cool idea that wasn't really close to someone else's, but maybe it was just general lack of ideas. :-/
I think some of it is that people don't want to do to much early work until they are sure that they are playing. Kinda a not wanting to waste the creative juices or just not wanting the frustration of making a fun character and then not being able to play it.
Sketch of an idea, freely available for taking, modifying, etc for the game at hand:

Concept: Wordsmith and calligrapher

- carries the exaltation of Silur

Language is the structure of it all. Learn the language and you hold the keys to all creation.


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—



Martial Arts

â—Melee â—â—â—â—



â—Integrity â—â—

â—Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—

Resistance â—


â—Craft â— (Air)

â—Investigation â—â—

â—Lore â—â—â—


â—Occult â—â—â—â—â—

Athletics â—

â—Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—




â—Linguistics â—â—â—â—â— (Native: , Learned: Old Realm, )



Socialize â—â—


Calligraphy (Craft (Air)) â—â—

Spell Research (Occult) â—â—


Artifact â—â— Orichalcum Daiklave

Artifact â— Silver Brush

Manse â—â—â— (Gem of Sorcery)

Resources â—â—



1st Melee Ex

Dipping Swallow Defense

Hungry Tiger Technique


Essence Gathering Temper


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Celestial Circle Sorcery


2nd Linguistics Excellency

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Letter Within a Letter Technique

Twisted Words Technique

Discerning Savant's Eye


Written upon the Water (1 free terr)

Hound of the Five Winds

Song of the Waves (or maybe Summon Elemental... they are handy)

Incomparable Body Arsenal (1 free cles)

Shadows of the Ancient Past

Sapphire Circle Banishment

Essence â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—

WP â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—

BP 18/18

XP 49/50
Reaver said:
I think some of it is that people don't want to do to much early work until they are sure that they are playing. Kinda a not wanting to waste the creative juices or just not wanting the frustration of making a fun character and then not being able to play it.
Pretty much any idea suggested will be accepted.

EDIT: Scratched the last concept. I have a new concept, I'm going to keep it a secret save for his pseudonym - the Arbiter.
It's all Agatha Heterodyne's fault....

Uh, ok, this is just some IC presentation of the character, pre-exaltation.

This is a draft, she still needs a whole background.


My dream...

All little girls want to be princesses.

But my dream has always been to become a flautist.

Uh, well, that's what dad told me.

I study and study and study, but I never become good as I want!

I mean, in modern flutes the distance sequence of the holes are set apart according to the sequence of prime integers but the last, that in fact lets the air resonate with twice the frequency hightening the pitch, which is ridiculous if you think that at least until the late Shogunate there was a second hole, then Immaculate doctrine ordered first the removal of the second hole from all instruments of worship and then from all instruments and then, you know, the cultural hegemony of the Realm, which, I mean, the cultural level is excellent, but they don't let any heretic work to the folk, which in the long term is bad strategy if you want to develop everyone, which in turn is a good things because hey, we're not Empowered by the Gods or whatever, we're mortals, ok, I know we're just filthy mortals, but WE are Creation!

Uh.. sorry, I got distracted.

Yes, the hole... I made this thing here, you just put the wood cylinder here and you turn the handle and it carves the whole floute, you can make how many flutes you want, and with TWO holes!

At the beginning I had this trouble with the friction, then I decided to use this Cardan joint between the main cogs, usually a endless screw would be better, but the cogs are more reliable beyond 200 turns per second, with that shape you can handle so much better the heat and you have less problem with pitch-oil that I usually use and sometimes boils and explodes...

Uh, which by the way it is why I'm covered head to toes in oil, yeah, uhm... If you were wondering.

But it took me like three months to do this baby, working night and day!

Anyway, uh, as I was saying, I'm all about playing the flute, it is my passion, yes.

Name Ganya Alladinami

Concept Insane Prometheus

Motivation Discover the Truth about the World, the Universe and Everything, and give it to Man.

Caste Twilight

Flaw Heart of Flint

   Strength            oo
   Dexterity           oooo
   Stamina             ooo

   Charisma            oo
   Manipulation        oo
   Appearance          ooo

   Perception          ooooo
   Intelligence        ooooo
   Wits                o

ABILITIES                                       13 BPs  10 XPs
   Archery             o
   Martial Arts        
F   Thrown              oe
   War                 ooo

F   Integrity           oee

C   Craft               ooo oo          Magitech ooo Genesis ooo
C   Investigation       oee
C   Lore                ooo oo
C   Medicine            ooo oo
C   Occult              ooo oo

F   Athletics           ooo
   Awareness           oo
F   Dodge               ooo oo          Unarmed oo
F   Larceny             oe

   Linguistics         o

VIRTUES, WILLPOWER, ESSENCE                     5 BPs 16 XP
Compassion     ooo
Convinction    oo
Temperance     ooo
Valor          o

Willpower      ooooo ooooo

Essence        ooo

Artifact        ooo    Builder Bugs     (WotLA117)
Artifact        oo     Windslave Disk   (WotLA58)
Resources       oo

CHARMS                          24 XP
Craft I
.Crack-Mending Technique
.Craftsman Needs No Tools

Inv I
.Crafty Observation Method

Med I
.Touch of Blissful Release

Spirit-Detecting Glance
.All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight

Flawless Pickpocketing Technique

Shadows Over Water
.Seven Shadows Evasion

Graceful Crane Stance

EDIT: changed Craft to comply, added background dots, reworked abilities to have more appreciable Awareness
We're using a system where advanced crafts are represented by specialty dots. 1,3,5 respectively for each dot.
Thanks, fixed. ^^

I put no though whatsoever in the mechanics of this char, I just slapped together all the things that allow me to do fun stuff...

My ideas about her context are still fuzzy, though.

I was considering her being at odds with the Perfect of Paragon, for a good start... :mrgreen:

"Uh... ehm... well, that's, you know, kinda, when I realized it was better for me to be on the other side of the world..."
's coo, your character and my character now need to have a side mission to steal something >.> <.<

edit: zomg builder bugs! ^_^
The Arbiter

The Arbiter


Backstory coming soon!
Xarvh: Builder bugs are insanely awesome. The character looks fine. Maxing out Int and Percep and leaving one dot in Wits was odd, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you're going to roleplay that. And are you intending to put the hive on your back and run around like the crazy bee guy from Ninja Scroll, only instead of bees, builder bugs? Because if not, you should.
Miashara said:
And are you intending to put the hive on your back and run around like the crazy bee guy from Ninja Scroll, only instead of bees, builder bugs? Because if not, you should.
Can I? =D

(The hive is like 50Kg, too much for a Str 1 girl, so I picked the Windslave disk to make it levitate 1m above the ground. AND, I have Graceful Crane Stance...)
Yeah, I thought that was the point of the windslave disk. The result puts it around zero. You'd still more dots in athletics if you wanted to do crazy acrobatics, but in terms of running around, you're good.
So, before I go any further, I realize that, given the current character applications, I have no idea what "style" of game this will be, per say. I've got a pretty solid concept so far, but I feel like I need to find a few things out.

Is it going to be serious material? Will it be more lighthearted? How "serious" should our characters be? How well developed, in terms of our ability spreads? Are you looking for something more 'realistic,' where characters may have a few incredibly strong abilities, but a lot more diverse of a spread? Or are you looking for characters with a stronger-defined focus, with a good-sized pool of incredibly strong abilities, but not much beyond that?
The tone should be on par with the Indiana Jones movies. It isn't intended to be terribly serious, though of course there will be problems and PCs can die. Typically my games involve a large variety of abilities, and groups tend to get bit by overfocusing. There's usually a bit more social combat than physical simply because it runs faster, and I'm not terribly forgiving on either one. Twilights are inherently fairly hard to kill but have little built-in social abilities. You may want to keep that in mind when dispersing your points.

I wouldn't worry too much about starting off with absolute kick-ass skills. You should probably build your starting character defensively. What seems to get people killed isn't of the nature of needing five dots in dodge instead of three, it's knowing how to swim at all. I would make sure you have at least a point in athletics, presence, socialize, resistance, integrity, and the abilities of that nature, and a couple of them with more. Once you've got that though, the rest you can dump into the fun stuff.

That answer your question?

You've basically hit the nail on the head as to what my personal style is, too. I have the tendency to put dots in pretty much anything that makes sense for my character, but too often that gets me too strung out to pick up the awesome charms that I feel like the character should have or would be most fitting. For instance, for a while with this character, I was trying to figure out a way for him to have Majestic Radiant Presence because it seemed like something that was very fitting for him. Fitting, yes - best for him to begin with?

Not really. Presence 4 and Essence 3 are expensive when you're trying to distribute points among about 20 abilities and Luckily, I've come to the determination that it's something he'll pick up later. Charms aren't cheap, especially when there's plenty of other things that would make sense for your character to have.

I was wondering if we could develop a variation on the Prayer Piece (in GotMH: US) - if you're cool with them in your setting, that is. It's very fitting thematically for my character, but as it is I don't like spending 1m per shot (an expensive proposition when you start adding in plenty of Charms) for what amounts to a Plasma Tongue Repeater with more range, no F tag, and the ability to deal Agg to COD's. Don't get me wrong, the last ability itself is definitely worth the 1m per shot. Personally, I would rather be able to fire normal bullets for free (perhaps at the expense of a slotted Hearthstone? 1-dot?) and pay a slightly-higher cost (2-3m, perhaps?) for COD-killing. A way to store motes (fueled either by the wielder, or perhaps a Solar hearthstone) would awesome as well, but I'll be happy alone if we work something out for mote-less bullets.
Consider an Essence Capacitor Jewel? (MEP:Abyssals, page 215-216) You have to recharge them with motes yourself, but they'll provide motes in the field. A 3-dot holds 15 motes, effectively giving you 3 full "clips" from a prayer piece you don't have to pay for.

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