Insanity And Fear

As the weapon lay in his hand, Collin admired it's craftsmanship. He weighed it in his hand, it felt just right, not too heavy to weight but enough to feel like you're actually holding something sturdy and would break if you weren't careful. Collin took it though a couple stances and a couple moves flowing from one into the next; they were techniques he was taught, more like they were inscribed in his brain, so that the moves where hardwired in their and would come easily in the heat of battle, and they taught strict and control movements for core building. Collin swung the spear before launching it over his shoulder and impaling a tree about twenty five feet away, it landed with a thud in the bark. Collin went to retrieve it.
"Hey, didn't I say not to go throwin' me like that," Sparrow joked, changing back into his human form to walk and meet his new meister halfway.

"Though we're gonna need to do something about that predictability. Just using a weapon by itself seems a little slow, right? Never know what we could come across here, so let's try to mix it up a bit," he went on with a grin before he changed back again.
Sparrow landed in Collin's hand. He had no idea what his weapon was talking about but just went with it and started wielding him again, moving through techniques that had been drilled into his head.
Jameson's attention shifted from Lord Death to the teacher. His face grew a bit sad. He now knows that he should listen better. Besides, this isn't a playground, this is serious. His attention then shifts to Lane. He smiles at what he said and replies back, "Sure, you take a stroll through the academy, or do you want to go get a bit more training in?" His sad expression immediently faded as he asked the question.
"Well you see,' Sparrow started to explain, shifting from spear form in mid lunge to deliver a sidekick at the empty space a few feet past where the tip of the spear had been.

"We can't be too rigid," he finished, sliding back a step, and morphing back to the spear, tip in the direction it had been, ready to be caught, and used again.
"Of course, I do." Elizabeth said, turned her body to face him, still walking. "There is a gun and amo just 16 blocks away, I go there a lot." She said with a smile, quickening her slow pace, she noticed how slow and dull her partner was walking. She wondered why the reason would be that he had the gutts to call the all powerfull Lord Death crazy, but could walk like he was quiet and didn't know what to do with himself, no cofendence what so ever. Realizing this she slowed down a bit, so she wouldn't get to much ahead.
Lane shook his head, not sure what he wanted. "I don't know....Do you want to just wander around Death City a bit? I am really immature - I hate being in school when I don't have to," he suggested, laughing at him self as he shook his hair. "What do you want to do?"
Jameson laughed and realized that he didn't really like school either. He then motions one hand to the door, and said in a cherry tone, "Sure, after you." He insisted.

(Crap-tacular post Dx Dont worry, it will get better soon!)
Jay didn't respond to his partner, taking in the information quietly. Oh, he always seemed to be quiet; shy, even. But that was blatantly false. He just didn't see the point in talking, and he found the protection the wall gave in one direction comforting. Let them think of him what they wanted. If it came to conflict, he could dispatch anyone with nothing more than a rock and his slingshot.

Of course, however, he was the very opposite of quiet when he was angry.

He looked around with concealed interest. In the school, he stared at all the finery; and outside was no different. The streets couldn't be more different than the streets of sleepy old Hillanburg. Paved roads. Busy sidewalks. Stores. Dang, there were stores. Through the windows, he saw books, and food, and paint, and toothbrushes, and doorknobs and lamps and bathroom cleaner and chicken and turkey and dressing and oil and refrigerators freezers televisions game consoles computer chips water bottles soda bottles chips crackers toilet paper plastic containers hubcaps electric saws screwdrivers-

Jay almost didn't notice when he stopped walking. It was so busy there, so ridiculously alive and rushing!

Catching sight of Elizabeth watching him curiously from under a shop's overhang, he was jolted out of his reverie and went to join her. Guns were on display everywhere- every kind, every size. Following Liz wordlessly, he entered the store. Looking all over at the amalgamation of firearms, Jay leaned against the wall by the doorway. Well, he thought. Well, dang.

Farren tightly shook the hand that was being held out to her, and spoke very dully, "To answer your question, Farren." She wanted to know more about her partner. She pretty much had guessed his personality, and according to how Valour was acting now, she was correct. But what about his weapon form? She just hoped he wouldn't be some kind of fancy weapon. Not that she didn't like fancy weapons. Although, she preferred... basically tools. Tools that you would normally find as a household object.

Farren never really ever considered that the chance of her being paired up with a tool-like weapon was extremely low. She just hoped. Her father's weapon form was an electric chainsaw, which her mother rarely even turned on. She normally just gave one blow to the jaw, and it was over. Farren shook away her thoughts, but one just popped into her head.
Today I have had a lot of thoughts. She was beginning to become frustrated, and irritated. She asked Valour almost angrily, "Well, what are you waiting for? What is your weapon form?"

Collin caught the spear once more and smiled, "I've got to admit, I've never thought of doing that...or even think it would be possible," It was strange for him to be getting advice from his weapon, but in a good way. "Alright, let's try again," Collin moved back through his stances, getting used to using a spear once more. Valour laughed, "Yeah, just don't get too underwhelmed," he advised her with a smirk. His weapon form wasn't impressive, nor fancy. Valois always felt like he'd been cheated out of a decent chance, like his alternative form was picked at random out of a hat, or a puzzle piece that didnt fit exactly but someone was too lazy and just made it fit, not bothering to care whatsoever. Valour took a deep breath, his molecules shifted and his matter seemed to melt into the form of a shovel, landing in Farren's hand.
"Sure thing," the spear replied, being swung through the stances and strikes again.

"Now," he said during a swipe, changing to human form to deliver a backhanded strike, followed by a straight kick; morphing back without moving, just letting the spear drop to be caught for a readied lunge.
Lane walked with Jameson in to the hallway, his thumbs in his pockets. He looked around, then remembered that he was way too preoccupied with wondering what Professer Navara's freaking deal was to pay attention to where they were going. Why were the halls so twisted, any way? What could all those rooms possibly be for? "Dude....Do you know how to get out of here?"

"After about an hour of bonding with your partner, you may move on to your classes which you will find on your schedual. At the end of the day you may look at a list that is on my door telling which dorm you and your partner are going to be living in." Lord death boomed, you could hear throughout the school.

Elizabeth wondered around the store, admiring the handles of many pistoles. She felt like a kid in a candy store as she looked around. "So, what kind of bullets do you want to get?" she asked as she walked over to were Jay was, looking at the guns.
Jameson walking next to Lane with his hood still up and his hands in his hoodie pockets. He keeps his hair over his face. He looks over at Lane and gives him a confused expressoin. "Uhh... I think I do. It's this-" He begins to say when he is interrupted by Lord Death's announcement. "Anyways, I believe it's this way." He says to Lane pointing down a hallway next to them. What is up with this school? It seems like they can fit a small country in here! Nonetheless, they would have to learn to find their way around eventually.
"Hm?" asked Jay gruffly, turning. What, were there different type of bullets? He thought briefly about saying, "bullets for a pistol, idiot," or "It don't matter" or even "I think I'll let you choose," but he covered his indecision by grabbing the nearest pack of bullets- portraying a pistol that looked a bit like Elizabeth- and tossing it to his partner. Asking for the types of bullets or admitting he didn't know didn't cross his mind once; his mindset was one that deferred to no one but itself. Respect had to be won.

But one-upmanship was a risky game. Jay suddenly remembered that there was more than one type of pistol, and probably different ammo for each kind; and he had no idea if he had picked the right one. If he had thrown the wrong ammo at Liz, he would have looked like a huge idiot right there- and pinning all his hopes on that he had been lucky and chose the correct one didn't seem like a good idea right then. God, he would have looked so stupid; she'd know immediately he was faking, and that he didn't know anything, and even worse, he had tried to cover it up- and failed miserably!

Frustration building, Jay turned, opened the door, walked out, and slammed the entryway behind him. He walked a short distance to the right, clenched hands smashed into his pockets along with his slingshot, before turning and kicking a yellow bench as hard as he could. "That was damned stupid!" he yelled, and kicked the bench again. Then he did it one more time for good measure, then slumped down on top of the metal bench and lowered his head onto his palms. "Damn it, Jay," he muttered darkly, ignoring the looks he was getting from passerby.

There was a sudden, near-indiscernible flutter from above, and a splotch of white splattered against the floor a few feet away. Jay, almost unthinkingly, scooped a stone off of the sidewalk, lifted his slingshot and shot the guilty bird before it even had the chance to spread its wings. It took about a second; and a second later, a white-feathered body fell to the ground with a slight thump.

Some passerby had stopped to watch him at this point. Jay looked up at them, still gripping his slingshot, and said, "Whaddya lookin' at? It's just a frickin' pigeon." When the strangers were hesitant to leave this strange boy out of their view, Jay leant over and picked up a few jagged rocks. They hurried away quickly enough after that.

He didn't know why he cared so much about how he looked to Liz. She was just another girl. But, he thought for the first time, she was a girl he'd be fighting with. She was a weapon. And he was probably going to have to stick with her for the whole school year.

Wish we fought with regular weapons, Jay thought. Be much easier.
(I'm posting again on rid's behalf; and yes I have permission.)

At lord death's action's Megan was astounded. Being the grim reaper left her with a much less... childish image of him.

"I take it you're Riley then?"
she asked in response, offering a hand in greeting, a small smile spread across her features, trying not to seem awkward.
((Um, perhaps we should move on with the plot?)) Collin grinned, the combinations were great for attack strategizing. They had spent a while outside, and maybe half as much trying to find their way out of the building. Collin was aware of the time limiting and checked his watch, "We should save this for another time or we'll be late for class," he said, "ai don't trust this school to have hallways with easy navigation, and we're getting short on time!"
Time had run short on their practice, but Sparrow didn't mind much; being swung around and suddenly shifting forms so much had made him feel a little nauseous.

"Yeah, sounds like a good plan," he said, taking a quick moment for a breather before he went to follow his meister.
Riley nodded twice, a quick yet smooth action as she seemingly ignored the smile, it was probably fake anyway. Stop acting like that Riley, not everyone is like him and them. She brushed away her conscience and took no time in speaking once more; Riley wasn't one for pleasantries or polite conversations. "So, what type of weapon are you?" Her voice was neither mean or kind, although she had no intention of becoming friends with this girl, not yet anyway. It would take time before she was able to trust anyone again. Trust could be a painful thing.

{Crap tastic post! I apologize!}

"Sorry," Farren muttered as she caught the shovel in her hand. She was surprised. Were her eyes playing tricks on her? She blinked. No. She was holding a shovel. A smile lit up her face, and she swung the shovel around.

"So, you're a shovel?" she asked, trying to seem casual about it. There was nothing fancy about a shovel. Nothing at all. Farren liked that.

Elizabeth cought the pack of bullets in her hands, she looked at them. As she opened her mouth to ask how he new what bulles are best for pistoles, he left the building. She sighed, walking over to the front desk and paying for the bullets, before opening he heavy door and going after him. She spotted him huntched over on a metal bench, looking frustrated with himself. "Hey," she said sofly, sitting down next to him and putting her hand on his shoulder. "What's wroung?" she asked. Taking her hand off his shoulder, she wondered why he had these tandrums and got uset and frustrated over nohing. Wondering how they would work together when her cared so much about what he said, she looked at him with soft eyes, waiting for him to say something.
"Okay...If you say so, I'm following you, man," Lane told him, turning the corner his partner had pointed out. "You could fit freaking Vermont in this school," he muttered, then realized he had said that out loud. WHat ever - he didn't really care. James would have to learn to live with his sarcasm and stupid jokes any way. Now was a good time to start.

(This sucks...How about a time skip? =))

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