Insanity And Fear

Jameson lets out a sigh of relief, and greatfully take Lane's hand and shakes it. "Name's Jameson, obviously. Now tell me, what kind of weapon are you?" He asked in a now cheerful tone. Jameson's not really a shy guy, he justs hates to embarrass his self.

(Meh stupid short posts >.<)
Lane let a smirk creep on to his face. Maybe he wasn't so shy, then. "I'm a katana. Can you handle it, kid?" he said, answering Jameson's very straight-forward question. He could tell they would have some complications working togethor, but they would probably get along well. That really was the base of a good technician / weapon relationship. Tolerating each other.

(Bleh, tell me about it....)
Jameson lets out a hearty laugh, and gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Haha! Of course I can handle you!" He says in a bit overconfident tone. He smiles to his self and believes that they will get along just fine, but it will take some time. Out of everyone there, he is probably the most useless. Has a power and doesn't know how to use it. Well that's why his parents sent him to DWMA. He just hopes he can control it before it gets out of hand.

(I hope I did better this time x.x)
Jay knew he heard his name called. As everyone gathered into groups of two, he stayed in his chair and suspiciously examined where he had heard it come from. ​Why the crap did they need partners anyways? He could learn to fight alone. Well, of course, Death probably used the story about people turning into weapons as an excuse.

Suddenly self-concious, he stood and tucked his slingshot into his pocket. He'd ditch this Elizabeth as soon as possible, but for now, he might as well put on a good face.
Lane's smirk swelled in to a sly grin. "If you say so, James. Can I call you James? I'm going to call you James." He folded his arms over his chest. "Have you ever fought with a sword before? I'm going to be honest - I've only fought with a meister once, so I don't know how useful I'll be - at least for the first week, anyway," he said, stopping himself before his brief question-and-short-sory could be considered babbling. If James could already fight, that was great. If he had as much experiance with a weapon as Lane did with a meister, then that was even better.
Jameson smiles as he could tell that Lane was trying not to rant on and on. He answers his questions, "Well yeah, I can fight. My brother practiced Ninjistu so I picked a 'few' pointers from him. As for fighting with a sword, yeah I have a little. However a weapon such as yourself, no, I haven't. I have minimal knowledge about being a meister but," His smile grew wide and the excitement grew in his his tone. "I'll be the best I possibly could be!" He lets out a sigh, having gotten some of his excitement out.
(Momo you are denied, I do not appreciate you spamming the thread. You obviously did not read my rules, your character is 3 years older than the permisable age and you did not use the correct forms I put up. You ignored my PM, which really angers me. Your sloppy forms do not meet my low standards, and I do believe that a picture / slash realistic description is required. To top it all off, your character is a huge Gary-Lou.)
Talhar's eyes glanced from Death to Blair at the mention of their names. He had no idea whether or not she was skilled nor did he know if she was brave but he realized he didn't knew that of anyone in here so he'd just have to rely on Death's decision to pair them and whatever problems would occur, they'd work on it together, as a team.

" Hey Blair, I'm glad we're partners. I'm sure we'll be able to take on any and all obstacles together. Btw, want to try out how you handle my Weaponform? Don't worry if it won't go easy on the first try, I'm not the easiest weapon to use but once mastered you'll find me to prove valuable...I hope. " He added with a grin.
Lane smiled and clapped his excited new meister on the shoulder. "Alright, then. I'll try to keep up," he said, his lips curling in to a smirk. Jameson's energy, he could work with. The little threat of arrogance....Not so much. They would definately clash, but would get along more often than not. Of course, though, Lane was just guessing.

Blair's lips stretched in to a smile. "I'm glad we're partners, too, Talhar," she told him, tucking her thumbs into her shallow pockets. "We'll kick ass together. As for trying you out.....Sure. Ha-ha, absolutely." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and shifted her weight on to her right leg. "What kind of weapon do I have the privelage of working with, anyway?"

Riley bright blue eyes scanned the room as she looked around for this Megan girl, she frowned slightly, she would have preferred a boy partner. She wasn't so sure she could get along as well with girls. She was a bit more of a tom-boy herself. She spotted a smaller looking girl with fair skin, kind looking green eyes and brown hair in a ponytail. She shrugged -thinking she looked a bit like a Megan - and strided over to the girl, her confidence being an advantage in situations like this. She raised a questioning eyebrow and spoke, her eyes focused on Megan's green ones, she found eye contact rather important, it says a lot about a person. "Are you Megan?" She ignored the babble of all the others students around them and waited for the girl to answer.

(Sorry, Writer's block ^^')
Seeing Jay, she walked over. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth and you must be Jay!" She exclaimed, a bit to loud. She stuck out her hand and smiled, trying to make a good impressing. With her other hand she pushed her hair behind her ear, and then stuffed it into her posket.

(NOOOOOOOO! I used all my muse on The Perfect Soldier!!!!)
Jay was ignored, standing by the wall- but he saw his choices lessening. More and more students paired off, and he saw one girl that looked like a likely Elizabeth. Hoping only to stall, he edged towards the door; he would be much more comfortable hiding in the hallways than meeting her. "I don't just get to be partnered off," he muttered, "I get to learn to fight with a girl."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Well, crap, Jay thought as she approached him. Betraying no emotion in his face, Jay responded, "That's me."
"Well, it's nice to meet you." Elizabeth said, putting her hand down akwardly. She stood there a moment, not quite shure what to talk about. She new he wasn't happying being her partner and didn't know what to say. It was strange meeting someone who would be partners with you for the next whatever years, even more so if he didn't even want to be there. Think Elizabeth!!! Say something, anything!! She thought to herself. "So...." She bagan with a bit of a stammer "I bet we will make a great team." she spoke.
Riley bright blue eyes scanned the room as she looked around for this Megan girl, she frowned slightly, she would have preferred a boy partner. She wasn't so sure she could get along as well with girls. She was a bit more of a tom-boy herself. She spotted a smaller looking girl with fair skin, kind looking green eyes and brown hair in a ponytail. She shrugged -thinking she looked a bit like a Megan - and strided over to the girl, her confidence being an advantage in situations like this. She raised a questioning eyebrow and spoke, her eyes focused on Megan's green ones, she found eye contact rather important, it says a lot about a person. "Are you Megan?" She ignored the babble of all the others students around them and waited for the girl to answer. (Sorry, Writer's block ^^')
"Sure," muttered Jay unconvincingly, avoiding looking Elizabeth in the eye. Well, wasn't that great; she was another one of those girls he would never had talked to beforehand. He could tell she wore heavy makeup out of the corner of his eyes and he had earlier caught sight of her "stylish" clothes. Him being a kid who couldn't tell someone what color he had been wearing the previous day, he wasn't having any misconceptions about making a good first impression at this point; he just wanted to be somewhere else. What were they supposed to do afterwards anyways? It wasn't as if they had been given a schedule.
", do you have good aim?" Liz asked, not realizing how stupid it sounded, untill she said it outloud. She could tell he was trying not to look her in the eye, which only made her more uncoftorable. She started to fiddle with her shirt, has she grew more silent.

(Stupid writer's block!!!)
Jay had been planning on sneaking out the office door to end the conversation, but her last question took him by surprise. "Yeah," he said, showing the first sign of interest in the conversation and even- slightly- looking up. "Pretty. How 'bout you?"
Collin waited patiently for other to pair up. He guessed from the name of the person he was to be partnered with, that it was a guy, there was only one other boy standing off by himself. Collin approached him, putting on a smile--no reason to blow first impressions--he said cooly, "Hey, I'm Collin, are you Sparrow?" Collin first noticed the boy's white hair, then his crimson irises, realizing the boy was albino--cool.

Valour looked around for his new partner, his eyebrow raised and a smirk crossed his lips as he realized his partner was a chic. He crossed the room over to him, "Hello there," he said with a goofy grin, "I'm guessing you're my partner?" Valour honestly hadn't really been listening to death, distracted by the lavish decor--essentially you could said he was being distracted by 'shiny' objects--and was caught off guard slightly when Death's voice in the background stopped and people started moving around. Following Collin's lead, he waited around too, though his reasons not so logical.
"Yeah, that'd be me," Sparrow replied, not really feeling upset that Collin hadn't heard him shout, there had been quite a ruckus after all.

"So, you ever use a spear before?" the albino asked, unsure of how to approach the first conversation with his newfound partner. So it looked like he wouldn't have any classmates quite like himself... ah well, he hadn't really expected any anyways.
Collin shrugged, "Give me something pointy and I'll find a way to use it," he cracked a small smile, "I'm proficient in mostly swords--well, mostly short and mid-ranged weapons. Its all about getting acquantied, is all,"
"I guess so," Sparrow replied, scratching at the back of his head, trying to hide his awkwardness in the moment.

"So what is it that we're supposed to do now?" he asked, addressing his question not only to his meister, but Lord Death as well.
Collin had no answer for him, "Uh, I was hoping you had a clue," he said cautiously then looked at Lord Death questioningly.

>>I know, I know, absolutely horrid post...<<
Elizabeth giggled a bit "Well, that's not really my jod, now is it? You aim me." She said with a smile, starting to loosen up a bit. Qickly glancing arounf the room, she saw almost everyone was chating among themselves.

(:,( I am so sick of writer's block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Jay, confused by her comment, processed what she had said, frowned- well, more than usual- turned it over, and then took the time as she glanced around to process it once more. When it still didn't make sense, his mind conjured up an image of him taking her arm and positioning it to shoot an arrow; but he shook that image away as soon as is came up. There was no way Jay was doing any act of mentoring in this school. "You aim me"? To him that made about as much sense as saying "You refrigerator me."

Eventually, he said, for lack of other things to say; "What?" It wasn't too articulate of a response, but what would you have done if you were asked to refrigerator someone?
Elizabeth giggled some more "I'm the weapon, your the meister. I am a pistol, you am me at what you wan to shoot." she explained, thinking about what he just said. She stopped playing with her shirt and put her hand on her hip, happy that she was startingt to relax. She could tell they would clash, but felt that if he didn't give up on her in one minute they would make a pretty kick-butt team. Liz hoped he would get more reaxed around her, they were partners, she wanted them to be friends so they work better together.

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